Augusta chronicle and Georgia advertiser. (Augusta, Ga.) 1822-1831, December 18, 1830, Image 1

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AUCt’US'TA CHRONICLE GEORGIA ADVERTISER. VO. iOVBBOiB-ST. AIGUSTA, CA. SATCRBAV. DEfBMBEB 18. PUBLISHED EVERT -WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY MORNING, BV A. 11. PEMBERTON. TEHiVIS. SEVIIWEHKI-V P APER, FIVE DOI.UARS pi!r annum, payable in iuleant e, or SI-V DOLLARS ill llic 'weekly PAPER, three DOLLARS per itfTium, payable in advance, or FOUR DOLLARS al llie %:!. CARRIERS of papers to City subscribers, are, rrirtly 10.-biJ to sell or give them away, under any cir nmmUDces i an' l any person, oilier lliaft a snhecriber, *ho shall purchase a paper from them, or rereiveone, in any way, without proper authority from Hie pnlilisliet or a anbacrilier, will be lieid liable for the amonni of one - M -i> subscription ; which shall be demanded, and if ne ceasary, sued fir, and paid to nny person who will give information of the fact. No paper will lie discontinued (except at the choice of publisher,) until all arrearages are paid. VOVERriSEMEVrSnre inserted temi-merkly jtiiJ l-’icenw per square, fi>r the first insertion, and 43 3-4 mis for each succeeding insertion—««Wiy. »t W l-S reals per sipiare (iir each insertion—and munlhjy(wtivn not exceeding one square) at #1 (hr each insertion.— None, however small, is charged less than one square, Tho-e intended to he. limited must have the number oi Insertions, semi-weekly or weekly, written on them, or will lie inserted semi-weekly till forbid, mid clmr (icd accordingly. The publisher takes upon himself Hie risk of all remit (nnccs of money made to him by Mail—tite person remit ting, lirst paying the postage, and obtaining from the I’ost laiisliT, a written or verbal ncknowlcdgement of the Hiiinunt, and its deposltc in his office., which shall be given Lillie publisher In case of miscarriage. I,BTTEKH (on business) must be post paid, nr they •ell pot lie taken out of the office. The LAWS OP THE EXITED STATES ye published In this paper. TV r.trrutnrs, Adminietratnrt, and Guardianr. S VLESofL AN Dor NEdKOES, by Adinlntsiralors, Lwi nlors, or Guardians, are required, by law, to lie held (in the lirst Tuesday in the month, I let ween the hours of t in in the Ibreiioou, and three in the afti-rnooiqitl tlie Coitn l,„llse ol'lhe county in whieluhc property is situate.—No litc oftiiese sales must la 1 given in a public gazette,SlXTY day- previous to the day of sale. Notice of Hie sale of per tonal properly, must be given pi like manner, FORTY days previous to the duy of stile. Notice to the debtors and creditors of tin estate, must lie published lor ft till 1 V days. Nonce that application will lie made to the Court nf(»r diiiari lor leave to sell LAND or NEGROES, must be published for FOUR MONTHS. •{J* We arc authorised t\> announce Mr. WILLIAM Mll'Ot , Sen’r. as a J Fiimlidatc lor tan oitice of Receiver of T.tx Returns, at the approaching election in January next. August 25 Li ft! i;/*\VV,tre a'tt- ', 1 •/'■.! t.i annuunee Mr M. P. BOISCLAIR, ns a Can dida'-* for I'e-eieckitm to tne ofliceofße triver of Tax Returns, at the approach in? Election, in January next. Sf|)tS 07 Dividend, No, 6. MERt HANTS’ & PLANTERS’ RANK, AUGUSTA, Dec. 7, 1830. fIMIE Board of Directors having do it eiiiretl u Dividend of 1 per cent, out ol'ilie profits of this Hank, lor the Inst six months, the same will he paid to the Sioflthilders on their order, on and after Thursday the Dili inst. J Ml. F. LLOYD. Carter. I)ecj3 It 10 40 Boxes Mnscatelle RAISINS. j new crop—for sale by C. PHILLIPS. Bee 3 1!> 100 pieces prime Bagging, J <i hales Point and Dnflle Blankets. 2 <ll Bto 13 quarter Bose do 2 do red, green & white Flannels. I case mixed Sattinetts, 300 pieces line and low priced Prints. I(K> pieces Swiss, Jackonct, and Book (Muslins, For sale by C. PHILLIPS. mugst MB!)I€IfES, PAINTS, OILS. DYE-STI FI’S, Hatters' Materials, sc. fyc. tyc. TU2IPIM 3c D’AMTIGNAC, Hi Ml by recent arrivals, received i ) assortment ofthe above articles, w,ucq they >(!l>r, at prices and ♦m terms as favorable its they can be procured cn at any establishment in the State A>v -n'liT 27 3l»v 1(1 'i’gf K IM RIZIER tM. : LD invite Lie attention of tne » » public to give him it cull anil ox -01,,i |ie his stork of CLOTHE, fionsistnig oft he best of West of England fia sti, as be ‘topes that those who want (J'fid Goods, will examine for themselves. WM. KIBHP, ,07* Four to Six first rate Journey men I hi ? not be disappointed in calling, It they want work Do.-1 ' IB MaTarrs 'tn.vrrsD, jMP TUB X TSAIS- A I 1 Us-T rate negro woman for a Cook—a Girl for a nurse— ml a that is '.\ell acquainted in this city. , Ai plv at Tins Office. —dt 21 77 MIST * !he subscriber, i small RED MO mj» nor,! U OH./' i*ocrkt-«ook, i 11 S I'vjr f, CLA'<! com.timog n ln 800 and some papers of no value, it '** 'bopped in Broad street, tngtipia, T ; '''V' ( f| * *kat Dte Quaker Springs. subscriber's name is written on a »■; «r in said book with the age of three j* children. Whoever may find and V u, ‘ 11 with its contents with Air. James '.■nee, at the Quaker {Springe, shall be ‘•“Mtaomely rewarded ;C JOS PS.IWTIW3 EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE BOORS JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE BY THE PI'BSCRIBEI) AT AUCTION PRICES, a general assortment of valuable Boors, CONSISTING OF: Theological, Medical. Historical, Biogra phical anil MisceUaneoM BOOKS, ■NAj/BTSafSSSIfe. M? Prayer Books and Testaments, Watt’s Psalms and Hymns, Fox's Book of Martyrs, Calmef s Sacred Geography—plates, Kollin's Ancient History, Gregory’s Practice, Lilfe of Rolivnr, Aluekonzie's 5000 Receipts. Byrons Works, Goblsmith's do. Pope's poetical do. lAloore’s do. Hannah .Alore’s do. Barns’ tlo. Chalmers’ do. Hooper’s .Aledical Dictionary', (iil)bons' Rome, Spectator, 2 vol. Walker’s Dictionary and Key. do. Pocket do. Lady ol’lhe lAlnnor, Scott’s Poetical Works, Political Economy, Jackson Wreath, Western and Southern Songster, Indian Wars. Paley’s Philosophy, Arabian Nights, 1 vol. new edit, Form Book, do. do. Goldsmith's Animated Nature, Clarendon’s Rebellion. (»vol. Horn's Introduction, 4 vol. Milford's Greece, 8 vol. Wilkinson's Memoirs, 3 vol. Hume, Smollet and Bisset's England, Lingrmfs England, 10 vol. Plutarch's Lives, 4 vol. Hstndel ami lladyn's, Collection of Music, Church do. now edit. Roman Literature, Flint's Geography of W. States, 2 vol. Gillie’s Greece, Carpenter's Guide, Keith on the Globes, Memoirs of J. Eastburn. Confession of Faith, Lights & Shades. Shobert's Austria, Hungarian Brothers, Brown's Novels 0 vol. Alercer’s Cluster, English Bender, Murray's Grammar. CHAS. PIIILIiIPS. November 13 ts 12 New Oyster House. ESP‘JELIOAIT F AT - T COURT HOUSE SQI i SAV ANATaIH r |A|HE SUBSCRIBLII res, JL forms his friends an<i< that he has opened the above incut, where the public can be dated with refreshments nt a,, mm>, the shortest notice. The proprietor will spare no expense in making his estab lishment equal, if not superior, to nny in this city—he anticipates n share of pub lic patronage. His BAR will be always supplied with Liquors of the lirst quality, and every exertion made to induce those who onec favor him with a call, to cad ii train. Families ran be supplied with Otstcbs, cooked or in the shell, nt all times, by n;> plying ns above. Orders from the Coun try for Ovstriis, Pickles, Picklf.o Oys ters, &c. &c., will be promptly attended to. P. U.VMSBOTTOM. \ov 27 wlm Id AAiorznsn supply or FRESH FRUITS* 1000 Cocoa Nuts. Sjf&F' 100 fine large Pine Apples, bids Plan -1 tuiiiM. bids Bannn -- B--WSSSirnas, Limes, I.e rnons, Oranges, Aiiiliiga Grapes, s' boxes Fresh Rai sins, do. do. Prunes. Figs. < ’ummts, En glish Walnuts, Filberts, soft shelled Al monds. West-Tndin Preserves, Guava Jelly, Capers,Olives,French Pickles, Ar AI.SO. Silva ami Rarrunco Cigars, Goshen Cheese, barrels Lunin Sugar, boxes white Havana !Bngar. smoked Beef, box es Herrings.loo,ooo FireCraekers.-SpeiTii anil Tallow Candles, Lorillurd's line < 'hewing Tobacco, and a lew bids prime Country Flour, eQWFRCVX QXtAMZ&St Ofuvery Jcbcriplion, kept c«ii«wnll;’ on linml, by MARTIN FREDERICK, Opposite the, llrnlrr ■ Bank Building, Doc 11 3t 20 PIANO FORTE. A NEW and splendidly made, fine toned V York PIA NO, by Nunn. Just opened and for sale on reasonable terms, by L. HULL Dec 11 go tiUSO (SEAA ABI>. STOLEN, |~A HO.AI the rtteam Boat Company's r Tow Boat, No. 13, 011 the uight ol the Dili instant, n Box containing tlie fol lowing articles, each marked “ A. P- P.” 12 pearl handled silver knives, 12 desert silver Forks, King's pattern 25 ozs. 12 tb» tlo Stoons, do do. 25ozs. 2 Custard tlo Spoons, do do 4 ozs. 2 Salt do do U The above Box was found on the mor ning of the 11tti inst. floating at the foot of the Dry Dock, opened and robbed of its contents. Twenty five Dollars Reward will be paid for any information which will lend to the recovery ofthe articles, and Twen ty-five Dollars extra, for the detection of the thief or thieves. W.A I. ROBERTSON, Jr. Hgt. s. n. c. Dcf-lp t£ 2V S\3ST RECEIVED, HY Richards Sc Ganahl, AT THEIR { Hook, Stationary, and Musical STORE, •A* 1. 2!),‘|. Broad-Street, ’> A LARGE SUPPLY OF TUE FOLLOW IMi WoRKS Mercers Cluster, Methodist Hymns, Zi ons Songster, laniily Billies, of all descriptions, Pocket tlo do Wyeth & Smith s, and Set tel's Music. AA ootlbridge s. Cumniing's, Smyley’s, Adams’, Morse's, and Willord's Geo graphy A. Atlas. Murray's Grainimw, Reader, Key, and Exercise, Smyley's A Hamley's Federal Calculu- i P'ke & DaiiaH’s Arithmetic, Walker's Dirtioiinry, With a full supply of all other School, Classical,Miscellaneous,Law A-.Aledical HOOKS. THEY HAVE O.V HA.YD ABOUT » 1,200 Reams of Foolscap, Letter and other Paper, 1 , 40.000 (Jnills. of various qualities,'* 21M) dozen Webster's Spelling Books. 50 Gross Almauaes, for 1S{1; And a large stork of BIjA.XK BOOKS, of every description Also, a good supply of Violins. Flutes. Clarionetts, Guitars, &. Files; and a good 1 assortment of Piano anil Guitar Music. ( Ami also, n large assortment of OAR. DE, V SEEDS, warranted fresh from 1 i the Shakers. tl?“ Country merchants are invited to rail and examine for themselves. They will find their stock complete and good, j and as cheap as they can be sold in the ; southern country. C?* All orders will be punctually at- 1 • tended to. Augusta, Dee. 15, IS3O, 12t 21 The Washington News. Georgia Journal. Macon Messenger, mid Athe- I nian, will publish the above weekly 12 times, and orward their accounts FRESH AND AA'A It HAN TED % A, m P) W JUST RECEIVED, and For Sale by 1 ' i) ” ■ - •. ; t \ ' ’ '■' V,. 1 fgAHl'! public is respectfully cautioned 1 S. against spurious imitation of this ■ medicine—The preparation of which is 1 put up in bottles similarly fluted, and in ■ size, but the impression, hloirn in the glass. * very faint and indistinct. The taste ofthe 1 admixture is acrid and bitter, mid the ' only semblance it bears to the genuine ■ Siraim’s Panacea, is in color, mid n coin ponent part of sarsaparilla of no virtue. 1 When positive proof'!* obtained, ofthe source from whence tlie imposition ema • nates, it will be made known. In the j mean time, the public is informed that I I have established A. I’ALSONS. ol tßn vannali. my sole Agent for the {State of 1 Georgia, and from him liiy Genuine Pa nacea and Vermifuge can be obtained.— Respectable Druggists are particularly recommended to purchase from my A- . gent, as they will be supplied on as good terms ns from me. WAI SWAIAf. » Philadelphia, SVp*. K>(/t, 1830, 4tw 11 , GROUEIHEH, *.«. «.\ CONSIGNMENT. I’ijies Gin. > 3 Casks Claret, 20 boxes do. very snp’r. ' 5 Hhds good Sugar,Mogro. Wool lints 20 gross line Beaver Hats. Apply to L. HULL. { Dee 11 20 1 * HITTER. i •a 4 a j Keffj* nml Firkins very enpcMior 1 Butter, for sale low at I L. HULL'S i Auction and Commission Store. 1 ' Dee. 11 20 iIH MRY H. FIELD Cc Co. | HAVE received a large supply of j (STAPLE AND FANCY , > which they will sell by the piece on lih , erul terms. • A LSO. lOf) pieces COTTON BAGGING, and 1 bale SPUN COTTON . DecH 3tw lf> A I W ATHAM HULL tenders his most r ■ A sincere thanks to the public, for ■ their patronage to bis Auction Establish ment, and is determined to merit its con tinuation by bis future promptness and assiduity. They cun only add to the ob- r ligation, ho is already under to them, by t < i calling ns quickly after sales for their | goods as may be convenient. He has removed to bis .Vco> Store, two doors above.l. AS. Bones' Hardware Hfore—where he will attend to any com mands in his business. Pet 27 7- ? a writs, », nwiTj - ATTOBNinr AT XUAW. J WILL attend the Superior arid In* • ferior Courts of Richmond and 1 Columbia countitts—and the Court of * Common Picas of Augusta. He may be c found at the office of Robert 11. Reid, Esq. corner of Washington and Ellis-streets* July 24 If ttt jts *i AT TIIK Al T (;I’S«TA nOOK-STOKEj Church member's Guide, AJex»iJfhfr's llmlo Dictionary Forke's Pantheon, Goodrich's Geography, Playfair's Geometry, The Barony. The Denounced, Sonthennan. Lexicon of Useful Knowledge, Crnbb s Dictionary of General Know- | ledge. | The Mussel man. 1 Gait’s Lite of Byron, Bash's Life of Mohammed, Milmau's History of the Jews, Lockhart's History of Bonaparte, Memoirs of Legh Richmond, Perkins' Historical Sketches, Goodrich's United States. Conversations on Common Things, • English at Home, " ; The Oxonians, V Webster's Chemistry 1 , Brown's Novels, National Header, Introduction to the National Reader, Hawes’ Lectures, Blair's Lectures, Family Library, Li(V< of Alexander, Good's Book of Nature, Laconics. Stratton Hill, I National (Spelling Roolt, Parley's Geography, t Blanks Music Books, Ac. Ao. i Dec It 20 I mxm mmsi&o* 1 T 1111 S U » S € R I n 13 U f eommoncc Baking HYE * » " BREAD tins day, and continue I the same daily. i LPWIS LEON. Dec 11 20 BLANKETS, Ate. ( 60 Piir Rose Blankets, j I 10 pii'Ctt Salt I net, Just opened and for sale by . L. MULL. I Dec. 11 20 j IjKI/lUm’IJUE. c VI VERI description olTaraifiirc may r _J be Infl at the lowest prices, by up- c plying' to ( c L. HULL. Dec 1 ? 20 « MMt A N D J'OTITOES. " 50 Bid*. Irish Potatoes, 1 1» hexes Codfish, Just received and for sale by - HULL. Dec 22 20 , CROCKERY. CHINA, j : T|Hil Subscribers having formed a ( connexion in the above business, ,| invite the patronage of Ibeir friends and the public. They are now receiving, and j intend constantly to keep on hand, an assortment for wholesale nml retail, in- t Hading Mantle, Pier, 'l'oilel, .Swing and Paney Looking-Glasses, Castors, Liquor - Stands, Ac. The business will be con ducted under the firm of VVI. HARRIS A J. IK. LUDLOW, At the former stand of W. Harris, N«* 2(I(», Kroad-nt.) in the Masonic Building. *" 'J'ho long experience of the parties, and the latter's being interested in un •' Establishment at Charleston, S. C. and j in New-York, ullonl the greatest fheili ties for importations A purchases, which 1 a splendid stock and tempting prices will testify. WILLI AM HARRIS, JNO. It. LUDLOW. 1 Augusta, Oct. 27. xv2m 7 mmcß. [ r|IHG Copartnership heretofore exist i ing under the firm of SMITH A | ROBBI NS, in Charleston, S. C. is dis solved by its own limitation. The bn- )■ silicas will be settled by G. W. Smith. „ G. W. SMITH, i, B. ROBBINS. „ The subscribers have formed a con- | ncetion under the firm of Smith, Harris, A Co. and will continue the Hardware business at the old establishmentofSmith A Robbins, Charleston, H. C. G. W.SMITH, WM. HARRIS, 1 B, F. SMITH. October fl vvJJm I ' — " ■ ■*" Si NOTICE. FOUR months after dale, application v will be made to the Court of Ordi- II nary of Columbia County, when sitting t: for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell J all the Real Estate of Holt Clanton, late t of said County, deceased. v TURNER CLANTON, ) r . i N. H. CLANTON, S Oct #ll ' win*,. f) 4: BALES Osnaburgs, 20 Do. negro Cottons, 10 Do. brown Sheetings A Shirtings. 00 Pieros white, red, & green Flannels, 50 Do. rich Cambric Prints, 50 Do. Callicoes (low price,) 200 Doz. Chintz,Verona, Imitation,Mad ras*, Muslipatnm, Berkley, and Britannia Handkerchiefs, 100 Pieces Choppn Rounds, I Case 4-4 Irish Linens, i 1 Do. 7-8 do. do. s(f Doz. Indies white cotton Hose, 100 Do. mens do. do. half do. 10!) Hoxes Spool Cotton, 200 Reams Wrapping Paper, Flic above is olß'rod for sale low, for ' Cash, or approved paper, tiy CHARLES PHILLIPS. Oet 1(1. ts 4 AT PE.ITATE SALE. - 10 HHDS. PORTO RICO ISfi . SWV&Mv r Which xvill be Solti low j lor Cash, or approved paper. C. PHILLIPS. f October 1(1 4' ~ffsa SALE. ; A NEGRO WOMAN, n good Cook, 1 Washer and Ironer, Enquire of C. PHILLIPS. . November 10 II • WATCH AIAKER, ,1 -VO. 117, BROAD-STREET, CUN HAS again began I g J-Ak- _ business, in the Brick * House, No. 147, Broad ( Awfu street, lately oeetipied * vC 1 JBB «s the CITY HOTEL: * (Sft&y.r B i where he will bestow *■ WXUdHInil his attention to re pairing WATCHES & CLOCKS, of every description, in the best possible maimer, and nt very reasonable prices.— . lie solicits the patronage of his friends I and former customers, and all who wish | to have, their Watches made to keep 4 good time nt a moderate price. He will ( sell his remaining STOCK, consisting of » JBWSLH7, WATCHES AND CLOCKS, r tItCITORH. sirs. Art'. ( VALUABLE BUILDING LOT. 1 ON the first Tuesday in April next, (l will bo Sold at the lower Market- 1 House in the City of Augusta, 1 V\\g \ot a\u\ \b\\h’o\ ! emewift, ( , ntljoiniiigMrs. Mmelt's, bounded on the ( South and West side by Reynold mid Jackson streets, and known in the plan of said City by the No. 65 extending fi aho lit loot on Reynold mid——- feet ,1 on Jaclißoll-street, the same being part ofthe Estate of John Campbell, dee'd. Tenor. —One third cash, balance in 6,12 r and IW inontbs, with interest from date, | mid mortgage on the property. K. CAMPBELL, )Ex •eevtors JAMES FRASER, > of , JAMES HARPER, > J. C. Oet 30 mStMtd H f \iAW KVYViCVL I 1 SHALL hereafter regulnfly attend the Superior Courts of Richmond County. My oflice and residence lire in ' Greenshorougb. Persons residing in Augusta, having biisinej** to transact, re quiring the services of a Lawyer, In the J comities of Greene, Morgan, Newton, t Clarke, Oglethorpe, Wilkes, Lincoln, H Talliaferro, Monroe, or Hancock, anti t who may choose to entrust it to me, will < have an opportunity of conferring with I me, personally, twice in a year, in rela tion to it. FRANCIS H. CONE. Dec. 5 ts 18 LINCOLN SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL bo sold at Lincoln Court- ; House, on the first Tuesday in January next, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, viz : . One negro boy named Ben, 12 or 14 1 years of age, taken ns the property of John Vincent, to satisfy an Execution in favor of Peyton lluwes vs. said Vin cent, property pointed out by plaint ill'. 4 THOMAS LYON, d. s. i.. c. jjecl wtd 17 LINCOLN SHERIFF’S SALE. { WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday * in January’ next, the following t Negroes, between the usual hours of sale, (to wit:) Charles, John, Tom, Judith, Letfy, Philiebi, ley, Hannah, Big Maria, Mitch- " ell, Lucy, Little Marin, Henry, Little Ca rolina, Matilda, and Edward, all levied mi as the property oltlohn Burton, deed. !o siitify a Mortgage (i. fa. from Rich mond Superior Court, in favor ol'Wil- « limn Jones vs. the Executors of John Burton, deceased. Property pointed out r in suid mortgage. Terms Cush. p JOHN McDOWELL, Sh if. t. U. 0 Oct 30 wtd 8 r LINCOLN SHERIFF’S SALE. * WILL he sold nt Lincoln Court- House, on the first Tuesday hi lan nary next, between tlie usual hours of jttles 149 acres of Land, more or less, on the waters of Loyd’s creek, adjoining Travis h McKinny, Jeremiah Roberts, and others; h taken as the property of William (Ininn, tl Jr., to satisfy an execution from a Jtis- I liees, Court, in favor of Abner Welborn j vs. said Quinn, levied on by a constable i rind returned to me. 1 JOHN McDOWELL, Shf. Doc I 17 J NOTICE. rllß City Council having received information that a number of dogs supposed to be mad, have recently been killed in this City) rind that previous thereto, many others were bib It is therefore ordered by the Colinril Unit it may he the privilege of any citizen tint! it shall bo the duly of nil the City Officer* to kill every dog found running at large in the Streets, or within the corporate limits of Augusta, after Thursday thd 25th inst. A true extract from tho Minutes of Council passed the Kid day ofNoVemheF lti3o—and published by order. GEO. M. \VAEKEII, Clerk. \ov 27 1m Iti wivjL. v.v- mvA), *** ON THU PREMISES. AT* crofts® g&e®* ON MONDAY, the 20th December nexf AT 11 O'CLOCK? A. M. T\\c Subscriber a VVuulatiou* lb Columbia county, be- tween fury's Ferry and the Quaked Springs, containing Eight Hundred and sixty live Acres, half of it under cultiva tion—Eighty Acres of which has been recently cleared; tho balance is well tiirf. bered. —Ai.rm— Eleven \ egroes, one of whom is a goo'd Blacksmith. —aipO— Corn. Fodder, Oats, Males, Stock of all kinds, and Plantation and Blacksmith'* Tools. TERMS.“The Negroes will he sold for Cash, the Corn, Fodder* Oats, Mnl<X), Stock, Plantation & Blacksmith’s Tools, on a credit ofelevon months; The I .and forma third Cash, tho bnluhbe in one oh two annual payments with interest, so* cured by mortgage on the premises. JOHN NEILNON, Nov 2 t j» 9 ' woTioa. AVI EE Hi; SOLD, ON THURSDAY, With inst. rft III* Market House, in the town of Ham burg, S. C. Tlirec Negro Men, Thro* Women tea child. The said Negroes ur* from Louisiana, and are experienced irt the cultivation of the Hu gar Cane. They will be sold to close the Will bf the jut* ,\ at luumsi Hacou, dec. Terms oi sal* Cash. I i iii nary n«*a1 1 ii uic umicu iiuui* of sale, at the Market house* in the City of Augusta, A part of a Tract of Land, Coiiinihih# one handreil acres swamp land, being ill the county aforesaid, ad joining lands o t Carnes, Knight, and others. A I,SO, The Interest in 490 nern* of laud, adjoining lands of Phinizy ( Eve, Ln mar, ami others. AI.SO, Siimlry Negroes; among them are firal rate Boat I lands. House Servants, anil Field Heads. At.sri, Sundry articles of Household ami Kit* <•1)011 furniture. aforesaid, to be sold as Mu* properly of Wm. A. Btigg, deceased.ami sold for (lie heneiit oi'the heirs and credi tors oi’snid estate. LED. E, TWIGGS, fcx'r; Nov. 10 U iVAvnimalvalot ’h "^oWcc. IMHIU months after <lntc, application Hj will lie made to the honorable In* lerior Court of Franklin County, wlieu sitting for Ordinary purposes, for lenvt* to sell ail tho real Estate of Wm. York, deed, forjthe benefit of his heirs and ei edi tors. JOliN M. PAYtftJ, Adm r. t *~<epf 15 dtm 90 I Administrator's Notice.. >xOl It months after dale, application 1 will he made to the Honorable In ferior Court ofColumhia county, while sitting for Ordinary purposes, for Jeavd to sell all the real estate of Soi'iironia. .1 MAOKi mm, deceased, late of said county, for the benefit of the heirs and creditor)* ofsaid deceased. PETER KNOX, Adm’r. October 2ft 4lm (t <— F Guardian’s Notice.. . OUR months after date, application will he made to the. honorable In* lerior Court of Franklin County, when sitting fi»r Ordinary purposes, (or lenv* to sell the real Estate of Ann Pereel. IGNATIUS PEHCEL. Guardian. Sept 15 dfnl «» J—— < . tr l,n ill)* w went, MA large DWELLING, LOT, tee. and A LARGE STORE, well calculated for Ury-Goodd mill Groceries, opposite tb« »torc of Edward Thomas, Esq. upper md of Broad-street—an excellent sin ml i’or business. Possession will bo given in the first of October. For terms, which will he liberal, apply to Mr. Joseph Cak die, at the above place. GARRET LAWRENCE. July 31 m _ Land i oil 6aCE: Is now 6ft lot of LAND, id CniToll county, which I* discovered to be rich in the Goldenyrdper ~ ly. The owner being on the eve of a lonjf journey to the North, will how sell H tmr ( if n quick application is made. Indispu table titles will be delivered. apply A v TUlb OFM. - Jotfe W ty