Augusta chronicle and Georgia advertiser. (Augusta, Ga.) 1822-1831, December 22, 1830, Image 1

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avovsta „ camomcxß Georgia inn'vie'i'tsiiie. 'imtEvimn.Bii.HiH.r. tticwrt. o t . '", i, l , i:,n„:i ] „„„, .... PUBLISHED EVERY , kvBDNESD.U AND SATURDAY MORNING, BY A. 11. I’EMBEBTOX. » ——lTt TERMS. KFIII-WEEK-f.Y PAPER, five noiXAHs payable in advance, or SIX DOLLARS at the ■ WKIRtKV PAPER, THREE DOLLARS per i'll It. payable in advance, or t OUU DOLLARS at the ml ..I iii«* tear. Via- (' VUK 11’ RN of papers to City subscribers, are ■Tiriiv ihroi lt» sell or give them away, muler any cir mnstaaees ; mid any ix-rson, other than a snliserilier, r li.i .iiiill pnr.-'iasea paperfro-a limn, or receive one in tu-w.iv,'.vilhout proper authority rrom tlie puhlisher or •iuliscriher, will lie. hehl liable (or the amount of one r , r ' H anlisrriptinu ; winch shall be. ilem.andeil, and if lie. rUai-y, sued (!>r, and paid to any person who will give Ill.rmaiinn of the (iict. , ...... V,. ini’ier will be discontinued (except at (tic choice ol nidislier.) until all arrearayes are paid. VDVEUTISKMKVTSare illiS ,. rl< . lt umi-uecbly tit' cents per square, lor the first insertion, and 41 d- l ■ms fur each succeeding insertion— meekly, at 114 1-4 mis per square for each insertion—and monfWy(when , i i, eediier one sipmrc) nt 81 lor each insertion.— however small, is charged less than one square. 'lnid* iniciided to lie, limited must have the number 01 Ind'i linns, semi-weekly or weekly, written on them, or ll„.y ..ill he inserted seiui-weekly till Tabid, and char , d accordingly. , , . , , ~ 1 The pnbli-her lakes upon Ininself the risk of all rcmil niice- of money made to him by Mail—the person remii first paying the postage, and obtaining from the Posl iui'ier a written or verbal acknowledgement ol the ' , Hl ,u„t, and its deposile in Ins ollice, WiiicU sliail be given ...(1,,, niiblisliet incase of miscarriage. I.UTTERB (on business) must be post paid, or tliey „ ii .mi be taken out of the nitice. The LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES grepublished iu lids paper. Tu Eeecuture, Administrators, and Guardians. S vIjESoI'LAND or NEGROES, by Administrators, pvectors, or Guardians, are required, by law, to lie held mi lie*, drst Tuesday in the month, between tin- hours of tenia the firi-noon, and three in die afieriiooii.ul the Cmirt c„,dc oflhe. ciimlv in Which the property ih silnati:.—No. [■■•c of these sales tnastbegiven in a public gazette,SlXTY ii.vs previous to tin- day of sale. Siotiee of the sale of perianal properly, must be given r ’ikc mnmier, KORTY days previous to the day of sale. Vatin-to die debtors and creditors of an estate, must be jili iA.e.l Ihr FORTY days. ‘ \.,ij.-e that application will he made to Vie Court ofOr •nrv (i.r leave to sell L AND or NEGROES, must be ■.lisiied for FOLK MONTHS. i‘ r* We are eith-a-ised to announce Mi/WIL LIAM MU'Oti, Won'r. as a (’ainliil ii.- lor me office ol* Receiver of Returns, at the approaching election in January next. \ qgust 25 <‘l bff j*'s*\Vfiare authorized to announce }li.. M. F. lIOISCLAIR, ns a can didate for re.-election to the office of Re ceiver of Tux Hetnrns, at the approach jipr Clodion, in January next. Scats J7 ~>iiaw glenn, to open a SCHOOL, § mi the first Monday in Jnmrary, nt the residence of .Mr. J). .Me.Meitrny, in Elli-Street, fur the instruction of young I.q.lies in Reading, Writing, Grammar, tieugrapliy, Hewing. Ac. Miss Glenn, requests those Parents wlm -.visit to know more of her Hehoui. in r ajl on her at .Mr. .McMurphyV, in El lis Street. Dee 17 22 yl7uiit7>VlllTij At SCARLET Merino Mantles. AI.BO, MERI.VO ,IXD ’It’PET Sqi’.lßE SHAWLS, A complete assort mom i'o sale at A. RNOWhiOX'S r.l.ycv STORE, 21S Broad-St. Dee 15 JH 21 tin. Masthii's Omen, ) U. S. dlrscnal, war Augusta, (ko. > December loth. ISffU. ) Sealed Proposals ip* ‘R supplying the Troops at tlieU.S. * Arsenal, near Augusta, vi.-o. will) M 'it'i',l* r ill;- year l - '2i,wiil he received, b-uvi the fflst. ins!. The fuel to be far Ri -.i -d atdst he either While Oak, Hick ory, Biack Jack, or superior Black Oak, and of the best quality, nnd delivered at tltf Post til such lime:, and in such qttnn iitn *-.s the \ss t. (ip. Master shall direct. I*ouds (with two sceurities. which must be li'iiu -1 ip, the letter of Proposals) will i'"‘|iiired Ibr tin: faithful lujlilnient of the contract. 1 A.C. FOWLER. Lt. .x Aci’g, A-s’t. (Jr. Mr. Ree Ir It 22 ” Dir•ilcsi.-.1, Ka, ~s7~ MCRtHAN vi * PL VNTKIIM’ RANK, AUGUSTA, Uu. 7, ISM. »|IHE lioa . -it Unodois hut mg' o- - dared a Dividend of 1 per t < nt. oui fl the profits of this Hank, Tur the ittsi months, the same will In- paid to the on tiu-ir order, on and alter Tluirsduvthe ffth inst. J.N O. I*. LLOYD. Cashier, i Dee 8 tt ID Iloxes Muscatelle RAISIAH. crop—For sale by PiIIMMPH. IVeM |i> 1 pieces rim. li.igging, a hales Point an. 1 Duilie Ulnekols, " do ts to Iff quarter Hose do 2 do evd, green A. white Flannel'. f ease mixedh-auinelis, 2110 pieces fijje j ( ,\v priced Prints. 1(H) pieces Hwiss, Jaekonet. and Hook Mu iins, „ For side hy PIWI.UIV-. r Dee 8 If) ~~L.OS : s' B\ the subscnliee, a s:n ill RED JR > ROCCO DIET POCKET-BO()H« , <n a STEEL CL.‘2ST, ntfnuiiig a hnut s.f;() nn«l some papers . i',io t aim . !l Ur 's <liop|ved in Broad-street, Augusta, JL r between that and the CJuukt ;■ Spring-. I” he subscriber's name is written on a Pm'er in said book with the age d .three m bis r()ildrcn. Whoever may find arid “tve it with its contents with Air. James Dynes, at the (Junker Springs, ahull he Handsomely rewarded. - JAMES SPEED. I i>ho4 BOOKS, JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE BY THE SI HS( KIGEK AT AUCTION PRICES. A GENERAL .ISSOKTMINT Os VAM'AIiLE BOOKS. CO\SIST;\OOF: Theological, .Medical, Historical, lliogra phical and Miscellaneous PCOK^ AMONG THEM A HE; AMII.V and Pocket Bibles, Prayer Book 4 and Testaments, Watt's Psalms and Hymns, Fox's Book of .Martyrs, C'alinet's Sat-red Geogrtqdiy—plates, Boffin's Ancient History, Gregory's Practice, l.ile ofßolivar, .Mackenzie’s offflO Receipts, Byron’s Works. Goldsmith's do. Pope's poetical do. Moore’s do. Hannah More's do. Burns' do. Chalmers' do. Hooper s .Medical Dictionary. Gibbons' Romo, Spectator. 2 vol. Walker's Dictionary and Key. do. Pocket do. Daily of the Manor, •Scott’s Poetical Works, Political Economy, Jackson Wreath, Western and Southern Songster, Indian Wars, Paley’s Plnlosophy, Arabian Nights, I vol. new edit, Form Book, do. do. Goldsmiths Animated Nature, (’Uarendon's Rebellion. ((vol. Horn's Introduction. ] vol. Milford's Greece, 8 vol. Wilkinson’s .Memoirs, ff vol. Hume, Siuollet and Bisset's England, I.ingard's England, 10 vol. Plutarch's Lives, 4 vol. Handel and Hadyu’s, Collection of (Music, Church do, new edit. Roman Literature, Flint's Geography of W. States. 2 vol. Gillie's Greece. Carpenter's Guide, Keith on llie Globes, .Memoirs of ,f. Easthnrn, Confession of Faith, Lights A -Shades. Shoiiert’s Austria, Himgariiai Brothers, Brown's Novels 0 vol. Mercer's Cluster, English Reader, ."Murray's Grammar. CHAS. PIHLIJPH. Xovemlwr Iff ts 12 Now Oyster House. 21SPTJELIOA1T HALL, COUIIT HOUSE StIUAUE, SAVANNAH. f r|lli; SI BHt ttIIJER respectfully in ti. f irms his friends anil tin- public, 11 rat he lias opened the above establish ment, where the public call In- ueeompio dated with refreshments nt all times, at the shortest notice. The proprietor will spare no expense in making his estab lishment equal, if not superior, to any in fids city—lie anticipates a share of pub lic patronage. His BAR will be always supplied with Liquors of the first quality, and every exertion made to induce those who once favor him with u call, to call again. Families can Iu- supplied with Ovsrrns, cooked or in tin: shell, at all times, by ap plying as above. Orders from the Coun try for OvsTKits, Pa m.ks, Pieivi.r.n Ovs thus, Ac. Slc., w ill be promptly attended to, P. R VMSBOTTOM. Nov 27 wlm Iff PIANO FORTE. A NEW mu! splendidly made, fine toned .\. York PIANO, by Nunn. Just opened and for sale on reasonable terms, by L HULL Dee 11 __ 20 Hich?nond Academy- T Ui ' : t rustecs of the- Acatleiny o( ] ■ Ricliniond county will, on the last Saicrd w jx !)j:ckmi»kr next, proceed to : l-'lect the following 'l’eachers and Offi cers for the term, and space of twelve monllts, from the time of appointment, to w'it A Rector, with a snlary of Eight Hun dred Dollars, and half of the Tuition money. Aii English Teacher, with a salary of Five Hundred Dollars, and one hall ol the Tuition money. A Teacher for the Sand Hills, without salary, but with the-use of the House and Lot at the Sand Hills, the Teacher to re ceive the whole of the Tuition money. \ Teacher of Modern Languages, 1 with a -salary of Two Hundred and Fiffy Dollars, and the whole of the Tuition money—the price for Instruction to be Eight Dollars per quarter. A Clerk. Steward and Treasurer, with a Salary of Four Hundred Dollars. (£r* Written application will lie made to the undersigned. By oßDiai or tiif. Boarp, J AMES McLAWS, Clerk. Sept I nit ID—ldo -)b ViSOKIAVAKUT STOLEN. MT8110.41 the Steaui Boat Company’s Tow Boat, N’e. Iff, on the night of tin- Dili instant, a Box containing the fol lowing articles, each marked “ X. P. P.“ 1-2 pearl handled silver knives, 12 desert silver Forks, King’s pattern 25 ozs. 12 Mo do Stoons, do do. Jo ozs, 2 Custard do Spoons, do do 1 ozs. 2 Walt do do J i OZFi - The above Box was found ou the mor ning of the i llh inst. floating nt the foot of the Dr if Doc!;, opened and rubbed ol its contents. Tccnttjfive Dollars Reward will be paid for any information which " iff lead to the recovery of the articles, and Twen ty-five Dollars extra, for the detection of the thief or ttneves. Wii. ROBERTSON, Jr. .Igt. S. It. C. Bn iXi ts -i COPARTNERSHIP. THE SUBSCRIBERS HA\ IXQ formed a commercial con nection. will carry on the 6’K.V- Eii.lL 11.1ß1Ln.1/tE BUSI.VESS. un der the firm of E. A C. iiOHUINS, No. King-street, Charleston, So. Ca. ELISHA ROBBINS. Charleston, S. C. CIIAU.NCEY ROBBINS. Birmingham, England. WHOLESALE HARD-WARE CTOKI], eil IRLKSTO.V, S. V. IRIIIE Subscribers are now opening a new ami splendid assortment of Hard-Ware, Cutlery, AND FAICY CiiOOD.^ Comprising all the. variety in the fine. 'l’heir stoek has been selected by Mr. Cliauncey Robbins, who liirscveruj years has been an extensive purchaser ol'llard ware Goods, in Birmingham, England, and from that fact think they can oiler in dncenienls to their customers and friends, equal if not superior, to any House in this city. They respectfully invite their friends who visit tin- Charleston market, to call and examine for themselves.—They are confident it w ill lie for their interest to do so, ns tlu-ir advantages place them on mi equality with the importers of the New- Vork and Philadelphia markets. E. A C. BOBBIN'S, •Vo. ffos, King-Street, Charleston. S. C. Dee IN lm 22 GROCEBJEsi A ON CONSIGNMENT, Pijies Gin. ff ((asks fff a ret, 20 boxes do. very sup'r. 5 Illulsgood SugaixHOgro. Wool Hats 20 gross line Beaver Hats. Apply to L. HULL. Dee 11 20 ISUTTEIC. Kegs e.-id Firkins very superior Butter, fur tale low at L. HIJLL 8 Auction and Commission Store. Dee 11 20 liAMUSD? /njrfClliM Iff do M useovudo fNugar, roiisAi.K nv &EBOBL C. PHILLIPS. Dee IS 'Ld ®* ATIIAM HULL tenders his most ' !3.J sincere thanks to the public, for their patronage to his .Lu.tion Establish ment, and is determined to merit its con tinuation hy his future promptness and assiduity. They can only add to the oh iigntion. he is already muler to them, by calling as quickly lilU-r sales for their goods ns may la- convenient. He, has removed to his ,\Vit> Store, two doors above J. A S. Hours' Hardware Store—where he will attend to any com mantis in Ids business. Oct 27 7 'JPV. ATTORNEY AT LAW. WILL attend the Superior nnd In ferior Courts of Ilielmiond mill Columbia counties—and the Court of Common Pleas of Angnstn. lie may In found at the office of Robert B. Reid, Esq. comer of Washington and ElJitt»strcels. July 24 If HI EXEC UTO ICS S A LE. BY order of the Honorable tin- Info rior court of the county of Rich mond, while silting for ordinary piirpos , es, will ho sold, to the highest bidder, nt the plantation of the lab- John Burton in the county of Lincoln, between the ti-im! hours of sale, on Wednesday the sth day i of January next, all (he Household nnd Kitchen i'uivdtnre, stock of Horses, '■ Mules, Cattle, Corn. Fodder nnd I'ai-tn- I ing Unteneils, and every otl«-r article lie ionging to the said estate—Sold for the I benefit of the heir* end creditors.—Sale I to continue from day to day until all shall , be sold G. W. BUTLER, Acting Er’r. Dec 1 Id IN i:\ J.CI I I)K S SALE. ' order of the Hoiiornble tlie Infe rior Court of the comity of Rit h iiioud. while sitting for ordinary pnrpo 1 ses. will lie sold on the first Tuesday in January next, between the usual horns ‘ of side, at the Court-House in Lincoln Co. Gn. The Plantation of the late John Bar ton. in the county of Lincoln and lying on tlie waters of .Soap nnd Fishing . Creeks, containing si# hundred A eigh ty-onc tit-res, more or less, mid sold for the benefit ofthe heirs and creditors. G W. BUTLER, dieting Err. . Peel id IN 1 Savannah River Navigation eovxPA&jY:* THE nfliiirs of said Company, having been brought to n close, with the 1 exeeption of paying the (Stockholders, the undersigned gives notice to all eon eerned, Bint u lirml Dividend of One Dol lar and Forty-Hix Cents per Hlmre, (on all .Shares on which has been paid) . will be paid to the (Stockholders or their . legal representatives, accompanied i»y 51 the proper vouchers, on application at the first Ib-ick Buildixig West of the New i Market, Broad-street, Augusta, to ’ J. W. BRIDGES, j- Augusta, Oct. ffO. IHffO, wff H LAW BLANKS, 1 INSTRUCTIONS ro» COMMISSION EfiS, in ajQ approved at Tin; AUGUSTA BOOK-STOKE, Church member's Guide, Alexander s Bible Dictionary, Forke’s Patnlieon, Gootlrieh's Geograpliy, Playfair's Geometry, Tin- Barony, Tin* Denounced, Soulhennan. Lexicon of Useful Knowledge, Crabb's Dictionary of General Know ledge, The Mussclman, Galt's Life of Byron, Bush's Life of Malininmed, Milmnti's History ul'llie Jews, Loeklmrfs History of Bonaparte, Memoirs of L<‘gb Richmond, Perkins’ Historical Sketches, Gootlrieh's United Stales, Conversations on Common Things, English nt Home, The (Ixonians, Webster's (ffiemistry, Brow n's Novels, National Render, Introduction Ki the National Reader, Hawes' Lectures, Blair's Lectures, Family Library, j Life of Alexander, Good's Book of Nature, Laconics, Stratton Hilt. N ational Spelling Book, Parley’s Geography, Blanks .Music Books, Ac. Ac. Dee II 20 FURNITURE. I.N VERY description of Furniture may Jj fie had at the lowest prices, hy ap ply mg to L. HULL. Dee It 20_ llsilTv i» I*OI'ATOES. 50 Bills. Irish Potatoes, l » Ii -xt.-s Codfish, Just received and for sale by L. HULL. Dec II _ 20 trcntlcmcßis’ LATEST FASHION BEST Beaver Hats, JUST RECEIVED. At.SO, 4LL (Inaliliesof Castor, Itoram, nnd Wool HATS; Childrens’ Fancy, and Boysand Youths Ftishioiuihh- Do.; Boyi) mul < hildrcns Leather, (’loth, Silk, ami ('liiik-liiln CAPS. For Sale on iincoiiiinodiiling tcrqis, A most reduced prices, nt R. ALLENS Wholesale anil Retail Hal Store, .Vo. 2o w Broad Street, opposite the Jhignsln and Slate B.tnl;s. Nov. 17 lm Iff JUST RECEIVED AND FOR HALF. IIV .kiM’iiKiae •V©. 242, E lt Q A D-S,f R BIT, , AUGUSTA. GEORGIA, | A II- ,N I ISO MK A Nil K.XTKKSI VE ASSOHI ME NT OF j Fashionable Ready Made CSiOTiBaNG, HAT B, CAPS, HMMUrSASBaOES, All of wbiel: are oIH-rc ! at reduced pri ces for cash or Town acceptances. AT;*- Call and sec. 1 October 21) 5 _ i i\vvgv\»\d o\\n HUcvUVh Sv\\c. WILL lie sold, nt the market-house, in the city ofAugiistii, on tin- Ist ’ Tuesday in January next, between the ( usual hours; zV negro womnn named ."Myra, n/nl bi-r 1 three children, Tom, Henry A Iffizubelli; levied on as the property of Janies T. Dent,-to satisfy a li. fa. in favor <d 11 ;«* Ex‘r. mid Ex’rx. of AbU‘l .Cainpliehl vs. I James T. Dent. AI.SO, r 2 women, viz;. Viney and Ilnrriell; le it vied on ns the properly af’D. S. Roiimn, to satisfy fi. fas. in favor of Samuel H. Pet k vs. I>. S. Roman, and Boers, Booth - A St. John vs. I). S. Roman. , GEO. W. LA-MAK, Sli tT. e. a. ) Dec I hi 71 _ r IHSCOL W sil l RIl 'I ' S SAL E WILL be sold, at Lincoln Court litn»se,on the first Tuesday in Jan -1 nary next, between the usual side hours. 4(K) acres of land, wbiyeon Randolph Rautsey now lives,adjoining Bussey ami others; levied on us said Ramsey s pro perly. to satisfy a fi. fa. in fuver of John Yasser. TIIOS. LYON, u. «. i.« c. Dec* Vi JA3ST \VSOE.I\m ■4: HALES Oenaburgs, -0 I )o. negro Cottons, Do. brown Sheetings Shirtings, (j() Pieces white, red, .V green riumiels, *>‘J I);>. rich Cambric Prints, oi) Do. Cullicoes (low price,) -00 Doz. Chintz,Verona, imitation.Mad raes, Muslipulani, Herkley and Hritannia Handkerchiefs, I!K> Pieces Choppu Huinals, I Case I-1 Irish Linens, I Do. "i s do. do. •>!t Doz. ladies white cotton Hose, 100 Do, mens do. do. halt'do. 100 Hoxes Spool Cotton, -tH) Reams Wrapping Paper, 'l'lie above is ottered lor sale low, for Cash, or approved paper, hy CHARLES PHILLIPS. Oct 1(5 |f ,j AT MUTATE SALE. jS. s* HI lines.IMHM’OIHCO ■ £RmS SUGAR. will he Sold low j for Cush, or approved paper. C. PHILLIPS. October It* 1 POR s!le7 A NEGRO WOMAN, I good Cooli, 1 Mi tsher and Ironer. Enquire of C. PHILLIPS. \ovend*erl() II W ATCH IHAKKK, NO. 147, liJWA D-STREET, SQ . »vs tgain began business, in the Rriek House, No. I 17, Hroad street. lately occupied yr „s the CITY HOTEL: <*' 'it’SPr "kere ke " ill bestow V&itZQjggßtKtP all his attention to re pairing WATCHES \ C LOC KS, of every description, in the best possible niaiitier, and nl very reasonable prices.— He solicits the patronage of bis friends and former customers, and nil who wish to have their Watches made to keep good tiint* at a moderate price. He will sell his remaining STOCK, consisting of JE7HILE7, WJI T CII E H .‘I MR VLO CK S, ( AS'ronst, 4cc, ac. tor less than they cost, nl Wholesale and Retail. I Thick Patent WATCH GLASSES, ami all other descriptions of W ATCII (ill ASHMK, constantly kept uu ban.). Augusta. April 28, 18.10. ftll Executors Sale. VALUABLE IICILIHNCI LOT. ON the first Tuesday in April next, will ho sold nl the lower Market House in the City of Augusta, * 'VUc \oV mvd \m\'Vo\emn\\s, adjoining Mr*. Smell's, hounded on tJie South mill West side hy Reynold and I i Jackson streets, and known in (he plan * of said City hy the No. 115— extending ; about feet on Reynold and let t i on Jaekson-street, (tie same being part of (he Estate of Jolm-Ciimphell, dpe’d. Trum. —One tilled cash, balance inf), IS' and IS mouths, with interest from dale, ami mortgage on the property. ‘ RCAMPHEI.L, )Ej rrnlor < .1A MES ER ASER, \ of JAMES HARPER, S JC. Oet lit) m*)t Mill h > Tlwv ISIIAEL hereafter regularly attend the Superior Courts of Rielimoial . County. My olHce and residence ure In < ireeiishorongh. Persons residing jn Augusta, having business to tnmsaet, tve • piiring the services ofu Lawyer, in the eorntieH of Greene, .Morgan, Newton, Clarke, Oglethorpe, Wilkes, Lincoln, Tallialerro, Monroe, or Hancock, amt w ho may choose to entrust it to me, will have an opportunity of eonlerring with me, personally, twice in a year, in rely - lion to it. CHAN ns II CONE. Dee. 5 If IS LINCOLN SI IERI EE’S SALE. WILL he sold, on the first Tuesday in January next, the following \egroer, between the nsjjul hours ofwple, Mo "it :) Charles, John, Tom, Judith, Letty, Pliilisia, ley, Hannah, Jtig Marin, Mitch ell, Lm'y, Lillie .Maria, Henry, Lillie Ca j 1 ruiimi. .Matilda, and Edward, all levied | mi as the property oltfolin Hnrton, dee'd. j to salify a Mortgage li. fy. from Rieli j mond Superior Conti, in favor ol'Wil ! liam Jones vs, (lie Executors of John Hnilon, deceased. Property pointed out . in said mortgage. Terms flash. JOHN JUeUOWELL.Sh ir. i.. c. OetUft "id H l< Co\vmv\mv *S\u'yvV\’h *r<v\c. WILL he sold, fit Columbia Court House, on the lirst Tuesday in i Japunry nexj, between tin' usual hours of sale, the fol'owing property, (to wit:) A negro fellow hy tin.' name of .'luroii. ‘ levied on to satisfy a li. fa. from Columbia Superior Court, Jolm Howard vs. Elle nor D. Appling. AJ.SO, ’ A negro woman named Ttihhtf. levied ' on to satisfy a li. fa. Irom Colniphin Sa 1 perior Court, Slorntio Gnrlrill vs. Miea jah Hoad, Ex'r. of John Iluttaway. RICH I). 11. JUNES, Sh ls. e. c. Dee i 1* i “ NOTICE fjVOUR months idler date, application j will lie made to tlie Court of Ordi h nary of Columbia Comity, "hen sitting d for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the Real Estate of Holt Clanton, late a of said County, deceased. TURNER CLANTON, f r > ra N. H. CLANTON, $ j Octlfll P'Aru 9 I - •* *:a rw m ROPE, BAGGING and OSNASVRG3* 1 00 Coils Hope, ot‘o pieces prime Hugging, •10 do Osnaburgs, for cash or city acceptances, by ii. hiee. Dec 11 __ 30 BLANKETS, Air. I’air HoselJlnnkets, 10 pieces Satlinet, Just opened <im| for sale by E. HULL. NOTICE*. TH HE City Council bavin" received information tbnt n number of dugg supposed to be mini, have recently been kill* d in this City, and that previous thereto, many others were bit. It la therefore ordered by Hie Council that it may be the privilege of any citizen and it shall be the duly of all the City Officers to bill every do" found running at largo in the (Streets, or within the corporate limits of Augusta, alter Thursday tbo 23;h hit!. A true extract from the iMipates of Council passed Ihc22d day of .\oveml>tp I'Sk)—and published by order. OEO. ill. WAEKEK. cin f:. Nov 27 In. }<! WVVAi *O\A), * ON Till; PHEMISKm, AT ZVVJiI® m&JkWk ON HI ON DA Y, the 2()tii Deceipber next) AT II O'CLOCK. A. HI. T V\\C vsV\\jfcm\lCYK V\un\‘AV\tm, SITUATE in Colninhia county, Ins. tween Fury’s Ferry and tj)c't(iiukec Springs, containing Eight Hundred mnj sixty live Acres, half of it inalcr iiillivtu fion—Eighty Acres of which has been recently cleared ; the balance Is well liin» bered. —also — Elei en Negroes, one of whom is a go<fs itlneksniith. ALSO— Corn, Fodder, Oats, IMnles, (Stock ofal) kinds, and Plantation and Hlaeksmitli'p Tools. TEKMS.—The Negroes >vill be for Cash, the Corn, Fodder, Oats, Mpjpfy (Stock, Plantation A Klaeksjpilh'b TmjJg * on a credit ofeleven months. Tla. 1 for one third Cush, the halaqcn inopppp two annual payments w ith interest, erv enref] by mortgage on the premises. JOHN NEIESON. Nov 2 tx, 0 rior Court of the Comity of I’irjjr niond, while sitting for ordinary pnrpi*- ses, will be sold, on (he liivd 'Jf; i.suav if, February next, between the psua) ffi'Hl't* of sale, id the Market lioqsc, in tla:» py of Augusta, A part of u Tract of I.and, containing one I > mired acres sw amp land, being iff tla* county aforesaid, ti<|j(iiiiing lundp of Carnes, hnighk and others,, Tla- mien's! in -t<*4) neica of swamp land, adjoining lands of Phiuizy,Eve, mar, and others. A I.HO, foundry Negroes; union" them lire firm rule limit Hands, House Servants, nngt Field Hands. ALSO, Sundry articles of Household find |iit» eljen Furniture, OTjf" The aforesaid, to he sold ns fb#> properly of Win. A l»ugg, deceased, mid sold for thcbcnelU of the lu-irs oml credi tors of said estate. CiEO. E. TWIHHB. fWr. _\ovJo II | A AuVvms\ y uUvv ’hK oi\ oc, IVVHIIt mojplis oner date, applieulieni ’ will he made to the honorable Iw ferior Court of l > 'i'nnhlin Comity, win'll sitting llir Ordinary purposes, for le««u I to sell all (lie real Estate of Win. York, I deed. I'ciAhe bemtit of his heirs and eredi , tor*). JOHN M, PAYNE, Adm'r. Sept 19 Jim Administrator’s Notice.. 1,101 It months iilUt dale, application . w ill be made to tlje Honorable ln ferior Court of Columbia county, w liild sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the real estate of Soi’ J Hlaijrt urn, deceased, bile of said county, ’ for the benefit of the heirs and of said deceased. PETEK KNOX, Adm’r. October 22 dim ij Guardian’s Notice. £AOI.K monthsutter dale, npph'VAiiotj ! will be made to the honoruldc In ferior Court of Franklin County, w iep silling for Ordinary purposes, for Jenv« to sell the real Estate of Ann Pcreef. ION ATI US PEKCEE. Guuriifan. Sept dim dd , 'vvTuv^v, AISJL A large DWEEEINQ, EOT, i< e. and A EAUCJE STOKE. j{|H3 well cab ulnted for Dry-Hoods tfiitUßl and Ciroeeries, «p|>osite lie store of Edward Thomas, Esq. uppe eml of Urond street—an excellent si an.' for business. Possession wilt be give, on the first of October. For terms, whir' will be liberal, apply to Mr. Josiaii Cal kik, at the above place. CJAKKET LA WHENCE. July 21 i EAND feu Slfii- A GREAT BARGAIN i' i* now oUci’chl in Ilie • 0 * a Cnu t, # lot of LAND, in Carroll county. wln<*h 1,-, discovered to be rich in the ftnldmjp-royey \ hi. The* owner hvjugfiP ,e wo J n . , journey to .the North, will now sell it to if a quick application is made. Indispl, JulTc W •