Augusta chronicle and Georgia advertiser. (Augusta, Ga.) 1822-1831, February 19, 1831, Image 1

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apopbta crnomeu ' RRORGIA**&nVERTISER. a»v»',i.'a^w;w..' l i„. l ,-, ~;tr=; .. ... ;r-—.: *_ OFFICE. VO. >207, BKO tl)-*T. AUGUSTA, (GA.; H ATH") t V . FEltitUAl< V I», t»»l. VOJ.UJME . 1 . 1 _____ PUBLISHED EVERY (VHB. •‘BAY AND S.V miDAV MORNING, dv ■ A. 11. PEUBJEUTOiV. tbhis. Ms if T- AV EKI4LY V WKR. five dollars yciannum, payable in «*i( Jur S»IX DOLLARS ulllit »f the year. WKFJiLY P\Pf ? . TIIRRE DOLLAUS per unpiiiii, payable in ad van- >i* FOLK lK)ld 4 Alirj ut llu* ’fcWl of lhe year. \ No paper will he disa * • Hied (except at the choice of publisher,) until all arreLr :es are paid. The C.\UIUIIHS o' mper* to City mibscrtbers,are strictly forni l to- ell or triie tucui away, under any «*ir c.i instances; uiuk any person, oilier than a subscriber, Wlu> >ii:tll purchase a paper from them, or receive one in any way, without proptrx authority from the publisher or h subscriber, will be licH liaMe for the amount of one years subscription ; wUic* shall be demanded, anil if ne cessary, sued U*r, ami paid to any person who will give information of the fact. A IIVKKT’MKME'TSI re insprlml ttmi-wrhjy f.t (12 I-a wills _ SIIIIIJ nml 43 -I « -nts racli silci'f-iMiiic in“i*rlion— ireekty, nl ti'i 1-2 wins per «(|ii!in* lie each insertion—ami mimthhj(\\l\vn not excec-liai; one square) ul $1 iia* ouch insertion.— None, however small, is charged less limn one square. •J'imse intended lo lie, limited must have the number m iuseriiaas, semi-weekly or weekly, written on them, or l hey will be inserted semi-weekly till lorbiu, and char ged accovdiugly. The publisher take. 5 upon himself the risk of all remit tances of money made to him by remii (ia*r first paying the postage, mid obtaining from the l*ost irnfsler,* a written or verbal acknowledgement of the jjuuount, and its deposile in bis office, which shall be given lathe publisher in case of miscarriage. iaWvTKIIS (on business) must be post paid, or llicy will not be in ken out of the office. The LAWS or TUB UNITED SI VILN arc published iu this paper. To TlxtCUturs, Administrators , find Guardians. 9 \L!]SofliANhor NKGIh U-:*,by Adininistraiors, I'AVCiVtofs,, <*• Guar«Hans, are required, by law, to be heal on the lirst I’m-.-day iu l a*, month, helweeii the hours of Ton iu the forenoon, smd three in the afternoon, at the Court hou<e oft he couiilv in which the properly is siinati'.--.No tice of these sales must hegi veil in a public gazette,&l a1 \ iliiv’s previous to the day of sale. Notiee of the sale of personal property, must be given hi like manner, KOKTV days previous to the day ul sale. Nome to the debtors and creditor* of an estate, must be published IbrFOUTN d»»ys. ~ r/ . Notice that application will hr made to t ie ot dinary lor leave to sell bA.NU or MS CKOhS, muwl be p i* i ‘ :cifor FOUII MONTHS. tut# NAVA &§ B M S. Jl ST Received. on Consignment, two Cases Black Yellow Wathii- I'u iorXAVAIIIXO HATS. For Suit* low. -'<• tuia,. Juivfiry 23 ffi ‘I TO mul£ FOSB A VIS \*i 9 A iVGCffiO WOMAV, 8&/3T i«0 is it good CO; *.v mill areas- W W toimvl to lloiisp work. BWSi'U'IIIS AT THIS OmCE. t>ro Ci> -o jI sals. fegsi u)linos. eouToaico P will ho Sold low lor i.aso, or apiirovoi! pnpor. c. eiHM.res. Oct'l'l'T I<> 't inTxio ! :: uo.mjv ::: X i abaadaaao in Marliot fTS’t O owhci-h in Ooltl mines, i’iiintit lions, nml ollu'r jiroperty. 'S k<‘ MRisKiribiT boys loavo to inl'orin bis tri.'inls mi l tin? ptiblio. that ho is liniiy \ isilo.l Uy ivipilnlists, whoso inruls lire yro if, ami wlioaro ilosiroas anil mixioii of i>nro!msiny wholes or slmros ol pi’<>j>- eriies—improvi'il or uniiiiprovinl—"bo wish to bwoou? proprietors or partnois rs «.» il 1 miiiimf eoni;>iViiies —or woitlii lo ia ami invest in mey nl rensonnlile in terest satisfaotorily soemeil—wottbl in l ist mi l a-lvnnee - their money in «».v wiiy, pro? ideil they \v«*rc seeure.l mid satisfied of rcatiseitig a fair and roasona hi- interest for lliosain « —llierofore tiiose iv’i ) wis'n to sell, or mo lyne-e property : or ire I cash partners, will d > well to ap ply to tbo sab seriber per mail, forwnrd io >- every neeimsary inl-annatioi) and m f-truelioi) aeeompanied will) an advance retainin'; oiliee fee of 5 or cld —postnfr“ in every instance to be paid. w nvcaiTT, Heal 51-tale. Uroker’s, Attorney's and Ar-oiil. .\u.3J. SonCi-Fourtli si JViiliiiMplihi, I'li \. H.*—T’ip South and Morfii ( aroli jin and tleorjjin papers will eojiy (be a Iwive one nimitli, ami send in their bills. |.VVi irv 5. I’oC/j SAW J^OTiC 1 id* IjSil \I,I. lieroafier regularly alien tbo Superior Courts of llieiimon*' t '.unity. lily oiliee am! resitlenee are ie ».reensboroujrli. I‘ersons residing in A'i rasta. bavin# business to trnnsaef. re fpiirin# the services of a fai wyer, in the comities of (dreene, .Uor.grnn, Newton. Clarke, Oglethorpe, \V ilites, l.ineoln. Talliuferro, .Monroe, or liancoek, and who may choose toentinist ii to me. will have an opportunity of conferring willi me, personally, twice in a year, in rela tion to it. j itANC irf ii. t pee r, _ tl' I s 'mV • f7U)j;n months after date, npjdimtion 1 wdl be made to the honorable the Vo-n t j.f Ordinary of Richmond comity, f.r leave to sell a mulatto girl called Ju dy for (lie benefit of the heirs nml emli- ‘■"“■'‘wviou-oaii., Mm.initili’dliir of I). Clerk. Poe 32 ' :t " ““IjOST B\ (he subscriber, a small RhD .MO ROCCO GILT a* oc 1 ats r»isooii 9 with a SI'CCL CL.ISP, containing n hont wf.O and some papers of no \alne. Ii was dropped in Broad-street. Angnsta. or between that and the Hunker Springs. The subscriber's name is written mi a paper in said book will) tin- ago ..» three Ls liis ehildren. Whoever may hml and },-ave 11 with it- contents with Mr. Ji ms l.ynes, nt the Uualter Springs, shall be handsomely Dcrl ™ V DRI-^OOD^ i HItOCEUIES A I'IdI.MTHU;, AT Mj* HULL’S AUCTIO.\ STORK. s GOODS, Ijincns, Lawns, liin e S W en Cambric, Colton do. Birds Eye ( r and iinssia Diaper. Merino tlloths. Cali- , v eoes. (tisighams. Bleaelied ami Brown ,y Shirting A: Sheetings,’llontbnssettß, Silk , and Tliread Lace, Fancy Silk Gauze, , l . .Merino. Ibnssian. and Cotton Shawls, worsted, cotton, silk, thread, and lambs ” wool hose and half hose, assorted colors. 0 Nett and Webb suspenders, crapes, - mandarine robes, figured and plain— -1 brown, linens, osnabnrgs, London pins, •j Brazillian tuck and side eoirbs, spool / coll >n, lustring, pearl buttons, limey ii gauze scarts ami handkerchiefs, book , ~ muslin, worsted, kid, and horseskin gloves, tapes, didiil Blankets, carpeting, J r Bugs, &r. Ucc. , CiROCRRIES' i Santa ( roix, is Orleans and Musea- 1 * vailo sugars, eoifee, bagsring, repo, rice, J n Hoar, twine, sacks, letter paper, soap, candles, butler, shoe thread. A:e. 5 FI T IB.\ITI'*SF. Side ItoariL. soliis. eliairs, bedsteads, , clocks, matresses, music stools, cut glass. , , f mounted castors, cordial stands, silver ) 'i mounted candlesticks. iVe. Ac. , : 3»1 ff.SC Kffi Ii A EOUS. | 1 Shotguns, innsquels, boots,shoes,hats, , n A:e. i e UEADY-MADH C LOT SUNG. i Coals. I’anlidoons and v ests. < f A SSOR TP. I) JR R K I. R Y. ] All the above articles will be sold on i-ea -onaMe terms at \o. tilo Broad street. ( dan 10 ol ! ■ m Boxes Alnseatelle RAISINS, ’ new crop—For sale by i * P. PHILLIPS. • I lee S ! AVJfe’V' AVXvAV\n\). ; i 1 ■ 8- lIALFiiS Osnabnrgs, i •JO f)o. negro Cottons, i lil Do. brawn fSbeelings & Shirtings, , (>0 I’ieees while, red, »V green Flannels, ; o() Do. rich Cambric Prints, oO Do. C.dlieoes (low price.) i JOIJ Day. Chintz,Verona,lmitation,Mad- i rass, Aliislipalain, Berkley, and Britannia Handkerchiefs, - 100 Pieces Choppa Bomals, 1 Cased-1 Irish Linens, i I S)o. 7-8 do. do. 50 Doz. ladies while cotton Hose, 100 Do. mens do. do. Imif do. 100 Boxes Spool Cotton, 200 Beams Wrapping Paper, , 'flic above is olfei'ed f. r sale low, for Cash, or approved paper, by , Cil.Adi LESS PHILLIPS. Oct If? If 1 ■®" ill'f,J< having nssoeinled 8. 11. J « 01/lA'Eti in his business—it will ' iie; I'aller be conducted in the name of la. HBTAa & C°- ’ 1 They will be thankful for such basi- 1 ness as may bo intrusted to them, and for | ! su h patronage as they may be found to • ••merit. (jCr 5 . Liberal advances will be made on 1 Goods placed "ill: them, lor sale, it l required, and prompt returns insult* foi Goods sold. _ _ 07 liOAF *ff T C« •c iDadbnS LOAF 81 ASAIi. _H_ .lost Beeeived on I’onsigtmuTil and For tfule liow, by L. in LL. Feb. 0 fb 07 j o niT AV VT< fl MAKER, ,vo. g nu<).\f)-sTj{Ei:T ; HAS again began • v business, in the Brick .House, No. 1 17, Broad \ street, lately occupied N as the CITY HOTEL: ' lf ‘ " ,K>,on ■\ all his alteiilion to re . pairing . WATCHES & CLOCHSj »fevery description, in the best possiide manner, and at very reasonable prices.— He solicits the patronage of bis friend ami former customers, and all "no xvisk 1 to have their AValehes made lo keej I gootl time at a moderate price. He wii! i -ell bis remaining JBTOCK. eoasisting of |Q mrtn tfil ® C rjj rnj nl tie 3 WATCHES AST) CROCKS, CASTORS, AC. AC. t for less than they cost, at Wholesale and ■ Beta'll. Thick Patent WATCH GLASSES, and all other descriptions of WATCH ML ASSES, constantly kept on hand. Augusta, April 28. IS>O. si» LAN D 1(111 S A LE. A CHS AT BARGAIN is now olli reil in the sale ol a tract. ot a.l of LAND, in Carroll county, which is - discovered to be rich in the Guhh n propi'C t„ The owner being on tlie eve of a long ionrney lo the North, will now sell it lew, ifa cjitic.U ap)»lieation is made. Indispu t-ible titles will bo delivered. . afplv at this office. ■Time Id J _* i "Administrator’s IKsoticc., •VVAOt'tC monlbs afier date, applieaimn I w ill be made to the Court of Ordi - miry of Columbia county, for leave lose i c ail the real estate of Bobcrt Craw lord, late of said county, deceased* BENJAMIN S. COV. .I*./*, t Feb. k*. ltm-> > A VALUABLE MEDICINE CCg 3 Rrcommrmlcd hi/ vnqmvlionoble and conclusive testimonials. THE proprietor confidently offers to the wlmt experience has pro veil to be one of the most efficacious compounds in (ho Materia Mediea. for the cure of that class of distressing, danger ous mnl inveterate Diseases produced by an impure stale of the blood, acrimony of the ha mot's iVtllt vitiated habit ofboily, and usually exhibiting themselves in the various forms of Scrofula. Salt Rheum. Lc pros;/. St. Anthony's Fire. Fever Sores. Il’hile Sivetiin/rs, Foul nml obstinate Vlccrs, Sure Legs ami Lyes, Scald I lead, Scurvy, and Ve nereal Taint, where Mercury has tailed. I>«. UELEE’B Botanical Drops!! have, in a multitude of cases, cured these inveterate and deep-rooted complaints in their worst and most hopeless stages.— The Drops are also given with success for violent eruptions aller the meet sirs ,‘ red blotches; festering eruptions, and pimples on the fare; and in connection with Dr. .I rain's Liniment, they remove while swellings of tlie joints. The Scrofula, in its early shapes of mere tumours behind (lie ears and under tlie chin, and swelling of tlie upper lip and nose, will not only quickly yield to this preparation, but scrofulous ul cers, w hich have spread lo such an extenl and depth, as lo corrode the earlileges, and affect the hones with caries, have been gradu ally and permanently healed, by the per severing administration of this powerful medicine; the sunken squullid counte nance restored lo its florid line, tbo vital energy re-established, and the whole sys tem purified and invigorated. They are also the best Spring and Autumnal Fhysic. From many oilier proofs of tlie superi or \ irtiies of Dr. Retfes Drops, the I’ro prietor selects the following INTERESTING CASES. O'? 3 A Lady, to whom ivlerenro can be made, w as for years aillieted with Ini moiirs on her neck, accompanied with frequent itching eruptions, and running sores. !Bbe had tried various remedies and bad taken the best medical advice, but could gel no permanent relief, «& her ease daily becoming worse, fears were entertained of a fatal termination of her complaint, when a friend pro? identiaily recommended the Botanical Drops, four bottles of w hieb elleeled a complete cure, to the surprise and joy of herself aud friends. A Child tifß years, had lost the use ot Lis arms, one leg was almost crippled, hip dropped out of place, thigh ami arms swollen iV broke open in several places, and many of the sores had penetraled down lo the hone. On taking these Drops lie re covered the use of his limbs, the sores healed up, and he was restored to health, although thought incurable. young .Man, near Boston, was reduced so low by eruptions and sores in various parts of his body, especially his neck and hands; weakness at the sto mach, loss of appetite, general debility, and gradual decline of the whole system, so us to threaten an approaching Con sumption. He was entirely cured, and restored to a line state of health, by five or six bottles of these Drops. .Married Lady w as for years af liieled w ith eruptions on the face, head, ears ami various parts of the body, at tended w ith violent itching, hiiriiing, Ac. innl tried many prescriptions w ithout ef fect : was confined to her room, anil de clined nil company. Hie was eared by taking four bottles of these Drops. tX/-’A I,ad belongingto tSaugus. whoso head w as covered all in er with sores and blotches, was wholly cured hy a few hol lies. aller every other remedy had failed. child five years old, laid her face covered w ith a scab, v atlons erup tions about the body, and was blind of both eyes. Bbe was cured by taking live hollies. A ('orrrespondeb! writes time: “'I have had Fleers on my legs so had that I ex pected to lose the of tin m. nod could only walk on crutches; two pieces ol none came fiom my right leg; when hearing of your Rdf 's Jtolnniei.l Drops. oiler trjing every tiling else linn i !nought would alloy my sufferings, on .icing three bodies, i found mysell nearly well ; the ulcers begun to heal up and cease running.'’ A gentleman writes, he had hern sore ly idilicted for ten years w ith Biles nil over his hotly, and h:i\ ing tried all kinds ■ ifremedies without success, hy the use •he Drops he was perfectly eared. Another Gentleman writes; "I have been seriously aillieted with the Salt Bheum on my head, <.V<*. and resorted to the use of many nieilii ines w ithout < Heeling a cure, or doing any essential good, until 1 obtained some of your Botanical Drops, which, on using a short time, entirely eared me. 1 therefore recommend il to every person aillieted with this com- \ plaint.' 1 {£/» -I was aillieted," writes a person. • for six years with intolerable burnings all over my body, a dreadful ulcer on ntj j left leg. uml i very other day a return ol head ache. After taking one Lottie I began to mend, and alter the third, was perfectly < nred : sixty two pieces ofhone I came from my leg. mostly very small, the largest was two inches long. ’ Fricevl. or(i bottles for 80. For sale by special appointment by I TI FFIN' A IVANTIGNAC. j Druggists, Augusta, Georg ill. *,* Observe (trot none are genuine w ith | out the w rilten signature ol'T. K 11)DEB. I on the outside printed w rapper. I Jan 22 ln» HOTICTI* ETIOFI! months alter dale, application j ' will he made, to (he Honorable tin [ Snlerior Court of Richmond County, sil j ting as a Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell all the Beal Estate of Dabney Berry. | dec. late of Richmond County. JOHN C. HOLCOMBE, Adm'r. j Jan 15 mini 50 I OHIO REFORMED WOtt Tl 11 €1 T< > * BV. and with the consent of the Re formed .Medical Society, ofthe I Hi •‘■d Hates, the new Befornied Medical Institution lias been located in Worth ington, an interesting and nourishing town on the Whetstone Biver, eight miles north ofColmnbus, on the N'ortliern I nrnpike. Tliis cite lias been chosen because it presents the greatest advan tages to facilitate the researches ofthe Botanical student—the country around it abounding with every variety of medi cal plants ; and the situation being the most healthy and delight'd in (ho Wes-1 i tern country—and because tlie oeenpan- i ey ofthe large College Edifice, together j with ground of every variety of soil for ( an extensive botantnlar garden, has been presented to ns by the board of trustees of Wortiiimrlon College. There will be attaehed to the institu tion, a Dispensary for analyzing and 1 preparing \ egiiahle .Medicines; and an j Inlirmary, where persons from theneigh boarhood, or a distance laboring antler 1 fevers, consumptions, dispepsia, liver ; complaints, gravel, ulcers, fistulas, can- ‘ cel’s, &c. tVe. will be successfully treat- ' ed, vviilioiit bleeding, mercury or the knife, ’ anil (rom which the student will acquire a correct know ledge of the nature, ope ration mid superior efficacy ol vegetable agents in removing disease. * I'lie necessity for an ia-1 Italian of this kind in the West, o lie under tin* direc tion of competent Professors is striking ly evident. It is an institution that is de signed to concentrate, and disseminate all tlie knowledge of Doctors of Medi cine and empyrics, sages and savages ; and that will demonstrate to the student and the sick Uml \ egetnbies alone afford tlie only rational, sale and ell'octuid means of removing diseases w ithout impairing the constitution, or endangering life or limh. The present system of practice which treats diseases of every form with nietalif minerals, the lancet or knife, is dangerous or inefficient, the lamentable facts which every day presents too fully illustrate. Nor is this truth more clearly exhibited, lima the tiiet that vegitable substances alone, are void of danger, and powerfully efficient when adminis tered ; a relercnee lo the success ol'onr New York infirmary, and the success of *. ignorant botanical physicians, proves , Mas fact. Tlie Gollegp and Infirmary will be opened the ii st week in December, w here students from all parts may enter and 1 complete their Medical Education, and ' vv’ie! e persons laboring under every species or tliscnsc siiaii eeceiv e prompt and faithful attention. The course ofsludy to be pursued, and which will he taught according to (he OLD and !• EI'DB M ED system by Lec tures, Recitations, Examinations mid suitable text books, is, Ist Anatomy and Fhisiology. 2d, Did and Befornied (Sur gery. Jhl. Theory and I’ruetiee of Med ieiue. dth. The old and improved sys tem of Midw ilery, with the disease.* of women nml ehildren. sth. Materia Me dica willi praetieai and gem Botany. <»IU. Medical and Botanical Chemistiy and Parmaey. 7. Mated Lectures on collateral {Science—.Moral and Mental Philosophy—Phrenology—Medical Ju risprudence—Comparative Amitomy Medical History, *Ve. By attending Ihls Lislilntion. the Mn deiu will aecpiirea correct knowledge of present practiced physicians—a ka >w ledge of the use and abase of minerals, I lie Lancet, < Historical Forceps and the Unite, and a knowledge of (he new and improved system, that supercedes their nsp, with tenfold more safety Mini success. Tit ere Will be no specified time to com ( Ifto a course of study; whenever the student is qualified he may graduate and receive a Diploma—some will j nss in one year, others w ill require more. R i q nisi I ion jo r Ad nils si on. 1. A eertifieate of good moral charac ter. 2. Good English education. 7'< ruis. —The price of qualifying a per son to practice, including a Diploma, and .KfTKS to all the adv antages of the Misti tit’ion, w ill be Bdstt in advmice, or 875 in advance, m.d 8|(i!l at the close of his sin dies. Every adv milage given, and s me; allowance made to those in the indigent eifetiinstnnees. board will be had at 8i per w cell, and books at the \> eslern < its prices. Every student on entering Worthing ton (Jollege will become an honorary | men her of the Befornied Medical Boei | ely of the t idled Stales, from Whom h< will receive a Diploma, an annual l»e --j port of tdl the doings and diseovi ries of ' its dili’ei ent memliers, and In' entitled to i all its constitutional privileges and bene 1 , ‘ ,s • i 'I hose wishing further inf rnnntion will i please address a letter (pest paid) to | Col. (I. H. Grisw eld. or tiie undersigned, and it shall receive prompt attention, j Students and others had belter beware ofthe slanders ofthe present physicians. : w ho know no more about oar institution | ;ban they do about Botanical medicine. J. J. STEELE. President. , Worthington. D. : Oct. !8’j(). Feb Id 39 I | FOlt SAIiE. I j "S’JIE Ent and Premises on Broad j j -4 street Known in the plan of tlie, j < ily. as No. 22, extending j and 7t! feet on Bey in Id si reef, and bound- [ ! !•<I on the East by lot beionglnglo James | (Johnson, and on the Wist by r John j Bones’s lot. j For Terms, apply to Jott.x Mooun, or I to ALEVA.VDEB MAFKV. Fehrnary 2. 57 , JOS’PRIITTIItO j NEATLY EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICI j I * Sltijjtijstii, <SSf.rjoT|jifn» —a THE NI KKt Kinilii. B(Lato Proprietor of Iho Globe TaVorn, and more recently of th* Xrt&nslon Houbo^ Id.B leave to announce lo his friends and the public, generally, that lie has lu- Ken t hat elegant nml commodious fire proof brick building «\x the corner of i;mau ami Jackson Btreots. and immediately adjoining the new Masonic Hall It js situated m the ..1061 central part of the City, nml is in (he very heart ofbusiness-. hemg ... the y.e.mly ofthe Augusta Bank, and the Brunei. Bat* ofthe Hale of I Ins nl known as ilio GLOBE MOTEL, and in its interior arrangement and general construction, unites In an eminent <rree, spaciousness, neatness, and eomliirl. To the man of family, the individual traveller, the daily boarder or the fashionable visitor, the GLOBE . aesenls lu-eom* modations inferior lo none in the .Southern States. Having conducted for a number of yeara, two among (be most popular Hotels 511 this City, be Hatters himself that Ids experience in business, added to the superior advantages of situation and the resources under Ids eontroul. will enable him t< give the most decided satisfaction to all who may honor him with their patronage. His S 1 ABLLS are spaehuv-. and well ventilated, mid amply supplied w ith lit*, best of provender, and attended hy experienced and steady ostlers—in addition to which, the sub eriber will bestow Ids own personal uni emitting attention, and in hi* charges, will not forget the pressure ofthe times. . (tT* The J’jlhertoa Huge departs ovi ey jvu.i , , . , • .. m.d ar rives every Friday evening at 0. The Pendleton .Stage dij arlseviiy 'l.:tsduy,ut l o clock in the morning, and arrives I‘very Monday at 2 oClork in the evening. 'I he .Milledgeville Stngi- arrives every day except Thursday, at 7 o’clock in the eve ning, and departs every day except Wednesday, at 2 o’clock in the morning. Too Savannah Stage arrives every .Monday, Wednesday Olid Friday, nt 1(1 o'clock in .ho morning, and departs every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, nt 2 o'clock in lh« morning. WILLIAM SHANNON AUGUSTA. September 9tli, 1829. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALK lIVTIIE SUIIHCRIIIIIR ATT A.VCTIO2I PDICEB. v nr.vj:u.v u .xssokt.viknt ok vai.i r ani.r. Books, CONSISTING OF: < Theological, Medical, Historical. Rio gra phical and Miscellaneous BO Q AMOhia TiIKOT ARE: and Foekel Bibles, j’rayer Books and Testaments, Wnil's Psalms and Hymns, Fox's Booh of Martyrs, < 'nlrnefs Sacred Geography—plates, Bolliu's Ancient History, Gregory's Practice, Idle of Bolivar, Mackenzie's 5t'(l() Bei'eipts, Byron's Works, Goldsmith's do. Pope's poetical do. Moore's do. Hannah More’s do. Burns’ do. Chalmers' do. Hooper's Medical Dictionary. Gibbons' Koine, Spectator, 2 vol. Walker's Dictionary and Key, do. Pocket do. Lady ofthe (Manor, Scott’s Poftieal Works, Political Economy, Jackson Wreath, Western aud Southern Songster, Indian Wurs, Puley’s Philosophy, Arabian Nights, I vol. new edit, Form Book, do. do. Goldsmith's A minuted Nature, ( 'lareinloii's Rebellion. (! v 01. Horn's Introduction. I vol. I Milford's Greece. 8 vol. Wilkinson's Memoirs. 5 vol. Home, Smollet and Bissefs England, Lingard's England. 10 vol. Plutarch's Lives, -1 vol. Handel and Hadyn's, ('olleetioii of iMn-ie, Church do. new edit. | Boinan Li I era I nre, j Pliiil's (icogfai hy of W. Stales. 2 vol. j Gillie's Greece, Carpenter's Guide, Keith on the Globes, Memoirs of J. Eastburn. Confession of Fail!), Lights Shoberl's Austria, Hungarian Brothers, Bl ow n's Novels (I vol, Mercer's Cluster, F’.iglish Bender, Jlurrny's tirnimear. (HAS. PHILLIPS. November 15 If lli feccutors Sale. I YAU’.HIIiH DIILDINt; LOti ON the first Tuesday in April next, will be sold nt (he lower Murkel '■ Hoiise in the City of Angitfifa, i ' VVve \ol‘tMu\ \vn\>TOVCTC\ew\S, 1 adjoining Mrs. Smell's, bounded on tlie ' South and West side hy Reynold and • Jackson streets, and known in the plan i of said City hy the No. (>5 —extending j j "fault feet on Reynold ami—— I'rtt i | on Jackson street, tlie same being part ofthe Estate of John t 'mnpbell, dic’d. Terms, —One third cash, balance in (>, 12 and 18 months, with interest from date, ami mortgage on the properly. It. CAMPBELL, ) Executors JAMES FRASER, * of JAMES HAS!PER. ) J. C. Oct w i»s»Mta y < - -■ ■— -m i JV*T ion* u\ W. .1. 3808 Pi. V 9 AT TIIU AH;i STA ROOK-STOIC E, rgltii: New Map of the Sidle ol'4 ncor->> B pin, <lrmvn from i.cnml surveys.' y t mi lion Welhorn, lute ,*■ urveyor ( t in nil, imil O. Own, oh vvhiehin addition to other drlinentions. (In- respective districts ofthe Ramin drawn lor, in (lie vnrioiift Land Lotteries nrc neeiinitely number • '■l, nml llit* bonmiaries of the. eounties plainly marked out. The Maps to be bud on rollers, or Cor (In 1 poeket, .Inn t>‘J ;? 2 FOR SALK OR TO BETiIC a A House A». I,cl, pleasantly t^ilmill-tl in llmnburp, hnvinjs nil eon venienres for a family immediate possession would In' piven. l*o r Curt tier particulars, eii «Hiirt; of Mr. Tin w in lliirnburp. or of \Vm. J. Iloimv, Sen. in Augusta 1 tee -!> o r> vtiJWL A ,iuv "' V»wm,i,i\o. Lot, IWaP ‘V* A I.ARCE STOKE, • nr'-MBiL V ’ l ."ileululed for IJry-Coeds i " ~r. .i Croeerirs, opposite llio I store ol Tlmnuis, Csrj upper '(•'.r ’ 1 street—an «?xeelb nt f-lneil j ‘ H *’ .miness. l , o‘"isKimi willin' piven | * .. llie first ot October. I*or terms. w bieb f " ill be liberal, apply to Mr. Josi i n Cak ' niK, at the above place. garret Lawrence. .Tnly 31 > s,(( I' j a 'wbJ ~t an t 7 ATTORNEY AT LATV, I ILL attend the Superior (ttu L*’ V V ferior Courts of Riebmond {Columbia counties—hud tin' Court ‘'l Common Pleas of Aupustfi, lie mrtf be found at theottieeof UobeH R. Reid. Esq. corner of Washington and Ellin-stveels. July‘J I f ; ®T Minis. prime .TSupar, ! l’i do Museove l'*awi»iss roK sm.k nt.ijljll’S. ee I- i fl .no Bnptrinjr, H Duffle Rlanhefey <i bales i’oii;j quarter Befce do a do H,* preen Ac white Flnnnela. “ ‘b* .lived Sattinelte, , 1 ( "' Y‘S fine amt low prim! Prints. "'J 0 U’ees Swiv. Jwekonet, oi ‘I ,W IMllslillK ,Vr sale by (*- PHILU ■- Dee 6