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' ■■ *j \ •
Vot. XX.] FREEDOM OF the PRESS anb TRIAL sr JURY shall eemain inviolate. [No. ioio
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AUGUSTA: (Georgia) Printed by D. DRISCOL, near th* market. SATURDAY April 19, 1806. [3 Dolls, per Ann.]
__ . * > V v?’ ■ .'[ \ * ' \ ‘ * *
By his Hxcetiency JOHN, MILLEDGF,,
Governor and Commander in Chief of the
Jrmy and Navy of tins State, and of the
' Mili'-ta thereof.
WHEREAS I have received rfficul
information of a mod wilful and
cfael murder, having been confuted on
the night of the 75th of Lift month, near
the plantation of fyUr. John in the
ef.-'a*)' of Effingham, in thi* flatc, on the
b“ iy of John London Kfq. Senator for
that county.
And whereas it has been represented to
we, that, from fcvcral affidavit*, which
have been taken, there can remain but lit
tle dohbt that the aforesaid murder was
psrpeirateu by one Lewis M'Gahagan,
who has abfeonded, and who is of middle
Mature, ha* light eyes, and hair inclining
to bo red, is fomewbat freckled in his face
and on hit hinds, and has a fmali piece out
of one of his ears.
In order therefore, that the laid Lewis
may be brought to exemplary
justice, I have fic to iffae this my
proclamation, offering a /cwaid of ONE
to any person or prrfous, who will appre
hend and lodge him in the jail of either of
the counties of Chatham, Richmond or
Wilkes—nnd Ido charge and
Jailorj of the respective jails above menti
oned, that, in the event ofhi* being placed
in the card of cither of them, he will be par
ticularly vigilant and attentive to hie fafe
keeping —and I do hereby also charge and
require, all officers, civil and military,, be
longing to this Gate,,to be aiding and affift
tog in apprehending 2nd feenring the laid
Lewis M'Gahngsn, fa that he may be
brought, by due cimrfe of law, to antwer to
the charge alledgtd against him.
Given under my hand, snd the Great
Meal of the said State, at the Statc-
Houfeia Louisviple, this 3d day of
April, in the year of our Lord, one
thoafaad eight hundred and fix, and of
the Independence of the United State*
of America, the thirtieth.
By the Gevetnor,
Hor: Marburv, Secretary of the State .
• (3 f -).
Postponement. •
WE, the Commissioners appointed by
the Legislature ro dispose of the
Fractional Surveys or Wilkinson, Baldwin,
and Wayne counties, have, (for several
1 talons) postponed the sale, until the r6th of
Tune next, at which time, we will com
Those of the lit diftrif't, 00 the 16th
day of June next, and continuing from day
today, between the l our,s of ten and three
Sundays cxceptcd,| until the 23d inclu-
of the 2d diftrifl, on the 24th day
of June, until the 27th inch)five.
Those of the 3d on the 281 b day
of June until the zd day of July inclusive.
Those of the 4th dillria, on the 3d day
of July, until the 7th inclusive.
Those of the jth diftrift on the Bth Jay
of July until the 1 ith inclusive.
. Those of iff dtftrift on the rzth day of
Jo!/,*until the i6th inclusive.
Those of the 2d diffried, on the 1.7 th day
of July , until the 24th inclusive.
Those of the 3d diftrifl, on toe 25th day
of July, until the 29th inclusive.
Those of the 4th diftrift, on the 30th
day of July, until the 4th day of August
inclusive. , , .
Those of the sth diftria, on the sth nay
of August, until the 12th inclusive.
Those cf the ift diftrift, on the 13th day
of August, until the 2 ill inclusive.
Those of the 2d diftrkf, on the 22d day
cf Aoeuft, until the z6ih inclusive,
Those cf the 3d diftrift, cn the 27th day
of August, until the 30th inemfivp.
OF the purchafsrs, bonds fer the amount
of the purchafc money will be required; at
four equal inftaltr.ents, to be paid m Gold
or Silver; the firff payment, twelve months
after date. In addition to which a Mort
gage on the premises will be required.
REDk. SIMMS, • a.
tV/iJhinyfon, Fehr»ary 17. t
Commission & Fadtorage.
RETURNS hi* thank* to hi* friend* for
the liberal support he has received
«nceths commencement of the above buli
nefs, and informs them he continue* The
fame WARE-HOUSES and STORES, for
the reception of produce and merchan-
March xi, f 4 /*)
War Department, March r, 1806.
Notice is Hereby Given,
THAT fc par ate propofol* will be receiv
ed at the efficc of the Secretary for th* 5
Department of War, until it o’clock a*
noon of the firfl Wednesday in June next,
for the fuppiy of all rations that may be re
quired for the ofe of the United Sfatce, from
the iff day of Oftoher 1806, until the 30th
day of September 1807, both days inclu* s
five, at the following places, viz.
1 ft. At Niagara, Detroit, SVHchilbnaki
nac, Fort Wayne, Cbikago, and at any
place or place *, where troop* are or may lie
Rationed, rrarched, or recruited within the
Rate of Ohio, and territory of Michigan,
and at any place ot places within the Indi
ana territory north of the 41st degree of
north latitude.
id. At South-Weft Point, Telioo, Knox
ville, Nsfhviiic. and within the Cherokee
nation between Tewneflee a'id Georgia, and
on the Tcnneffis river, and on the mad be
tween said river and Nafhvilie, and at any
p’anc of pl*«<e» where troopa are or may be
Rationed, marched or recruited within the
Rates ofKcntocky and TenndTce,
3d. At the gatrifoo near Vincennes on
the river Wabash, at Fort MalTac, New
Madrid, ChickaUw Bluffs, Arkansas, Nat
chez, and Fort Adams, and at any place or
p'ace* where troops are or mav be Rationed,
marched or recruited in the terri
tory, except the county of Washington, and
at any place or places in the Indiana terri
tory fouth of the 41st decree of north lati
tude and fifty miles east of tbc Mississippi
4th. At St. Louis, St, Charles, Kaika
ku, Cahokia, and at any place or places,
where troops are or maybe fta toned, mar
ched hr recruited within the territory of
Louisiana north of New. Madrid, and at a
ny place or places in the Indiana territory
within fifty miles call: of the Mifiifiippi ri
ver, and fouth of the 41st decree of north
latitude, Fort Maffac excepted.
jth. At New-Orlcans, placquitntnca,
Pmnt-Coupcs, Oacheta, Natchitoches,
Appilaches, Attakapa, Fort Sioddert,
Fort St. Stephens. **»<»
cel where troops arc or may be nsrioneo,
marched or recruited within the territory of
Orleans, or in the county of Wafhingtao in
the Mississippi territory, and at any piaco
or places on the weft fide of the Miluuippi
river below Arkansas.
Separate proposals will slfo be received
at aforefaid for the fuppiy of all rations,
which may be required for the use of the
United States, from the iR day of January
,807, to the 31st day of December of the
fims year, both days wifhia the
feveraj Rases herein alter mentioned, viz.
6th. At Fort Wilkin fen, Cockfpurlfland,
and at any place or places where troops are
to ra?y be fta’ioncd, marched or recruited,
within the Rate of Georgia, and on the In.
dian boundary between Georgia and the
Creek nation,.
7 th. at Charlcsßon, Rocky Mount, on
the head waters of the Santee, and a r ary
place ar places where troops are or may be
Rationed, marched, cr recruited, within the
Rites of North and South Carolina, ,
ilk. At Norfolk, arid at any place ct
places where troops arc or may be Rationed,
marched, 01 rcciuited within the Rate ot
nth. At Fart M‘Hcory, and at 2ny p,ace
or place* where troops arc or may be dati
•, marched or recruited, within the Rate
of Maryland, and thedißridlof Columbia.
10th. At Fort Mifflin, CarlilU, and at
any place or places, where troops are or
may bs Rationed, marched, or recruited,
within the Rate of Fcnnfylvania, eaR of the
Mountain 1 !, and within the Rate ot New
Jcrfcy, and Delaware, J
nth- At Pittlburg, and at any piacc or
pheca where troops are cr may be Rationed,
marched or recruited, within the fta'c or
Pennfyivania. weft or the mountains.
izth. at Fort Jay, WeR-Point, Albany,
Sheneftady, and at any p’acc or place*,
where troop* are or may be Rationed, march
e d or recruited, within the Rate of New
York, Niagara and its dependencies cxccp
ted,‘3th. At Fort Trumbull, Fort Wolcott,
and at any place or places where troops are
or may be Rationed, snatched, or recruited,
wbhin the Rates of Connecticut, Rhcde
Iftiod and Vermont.
14th. At Fort Independence, (Boßon
harbor) aad at any place or places where
troop* arc or may be Rationed, marched or
recruited, within the Rate of Maffachofert*,
the town of Springfield, and the dißnft of
Maine, excepted.
15th. At Portfinbuth, Portland, and at
r a y place or places where troops are or may
b~ Rationed, marched, or recruited, within
the Rate of New Hampflme and the diflrift
. of Maine. , . . ,
f j6ch. Proposals will aKo We received as
aforefaid, for the fuppiy of all rations which
may be reqoiicd by the United States, for
the troops which arc or may be Rationed,
marched, or recruited, within the town of
t v i
, Spring field, in the state of Maffachufett*,
I and for the armorers and other peifona em
j ployed in the United State*’ armory at that
place, from the ift day of January 1807 to
the 31st day of December in the fame year,
both day* inclusive,
A ration to consist of one pound and one
quarter of beef, or three quarter* ©f a pound
of pork, eighteen ounces of bread or flour,
one gill of run*, whifley or brandy, 4 and at
the rate of two quanta of fair, four quart! oj
vinegar, four pound* of fonp, and one pound
and a half of candle*, to every hundred ra
tions. The price* of the several compo
nent parr* of the ration shall be
but the United State* reserve the tight of
making such alterations in the price es the
component ports of the ration aforefaid, a*
&aSI ; make the. price of each past thereof
beat a jail proportion to the proposed price
o? the whole ration. The rations are to
be faroifhed in such qußDtitiw, that there
{hall at all time*, during the term of the
ptepofed contests, he fufficient for the con
fomption of the troop* at MithiJitaadtl
* ie, Detroit and Chkkago, for fix months
i>‘ advance 1 and at each of the c’-her pofti
cn the weftetn water*, (or at It aft three
month*in advance, of gobd and wholsfome
provident, if the fame (hall be required.
It is also to be' permitted to all and every
of the commandant* of fortified place* of
poftt, to call for, at seasons when the fame
can be transported, or at any time in case
of urgency, fuchfuppliei of like previsions
in ad vs wee, at in the diferetion of the com
mandant (hail be deemed proper.
It i« underflood that the contraftor is to
beat the expence and risk ofiffuirg the
fuppliea to the troop*, and that all loffe*
(hftained by the depredation* of an enemy,
dr by fcearsof'tbe troop* of the United
States, (hall be paid by the United States at
the price of the articles captnred or deStoy
tA a* aforefaid, on the depofltion of two or
mv-fe perfon* of creditable charaftcrs, and
/the certificate cf;s commifli< ned officer, fla
ts ig il;e cijrcnntftancet of tbelcfs, and the
amonnt of the articles for which compcnf*-
, strsfc;
fi ved to trie United State* , of-squiring that
nope or ths supplies, which may be fornilh
ed under any of the proposed contracts, (hall
be issued, until the fappliei which have
been or may be fuinilhed under contract
now in force, have been confutncd ; and
thit a supply in advance may be always re
quired at any of the fixed pofls cn the Tea
board, or Indian frontier, not exceeding
three month*. H. DEARBORN,
'Secretary of War,
s March 29. ($0
On thefrjl Tutfday in June next, agreeably
to an order of Ihe Honorable Inferior Court
of Burke county.
Will be Sold
at public auction.
At the court-hoafe, all the rcpl estate of
James Retd, deccafed,
Confijling of three Trails of Land ,
Situate in Burke county, on the north
fide of Brier creek, contiguou* to, and
adjoining each other, land containing in
the whole acres, more or left, bounded
wcflwardly hy Powell’* and, northwardly
by Price’*, eaftwardly and fouthwardly by
Tabb’s and Beall’*.
One traft, containing ryo acre*, more
or laf* formerly (aid to be Samuel Reid’s,
adjoining the aforefaid tradU, for the bene
fit of the heir* and creditor*.
Conditions made known on the day of
sale. ISAIAH CARTER, Adm’r.
April r 2. (3*o
Administrators Sale.
On Monday the 1 zth of May next,
To the highe/i bidder at the dwelling h.oufe of
Alexander Steel late of this county dtctaftd
within the hours preferibed by law , and
tacontinue jr on day to day unlill all are
The following property be
longing *•> the EG ate offaid dcccaled. A
quantity of Dry Goods & Grocetie*, Skins,
Ear*, Raw-hide*, a quantity of Snake-root,
feed C*tt«n, a jjeed read Waggon, hoifes,
cattle and other flock of different kind*,
wkh the honfe hold and kitchen furniture.
Term* of sale—all foms under ten dollars
to be paid down, and *ll fora* of ten dollar*
and over, two bend* with approved fccu
tity, under a Magiflracea jurifdi&ion, will
be required# payable the fixfl day of Janu
ary next.
Fro tm.
Queue Count ft April 5, (30
For Sale,
On good terms ,
TWO Stories high, situated in Broad ft wet
and now occupied ai a
Dry goods & Grocery Store,
It is one of the meft advantagcoufly fit us*
ted in this place, for bufincfa, Poflfiioo
may be gived when required.
A New Waggon
Made to the Northward, in the
: completed order.
Foe particulars apply to the printer.
Abril ia. ft {}
The Subscriber being desirous of
Selling Off,
Now offers his Stock inTrade (conftft
ing of a choife s (Torment of
And a supply of GROCERIES) at Ctfi and
Charges , ami on liberal terms of payment
if application is made early.
Augvfta, March ij. (ts.)
Take the liberty of Informing
their friends and the Public, that they
have entered into Copartnerfliip, under the
firm of VASSKR fcf HICKS and arc now
receiving at the Hocfe, two doora ab ve
Ca?t. S. M. Smyth’s, near the Maiket,
an affortracut of Dry Coot’s and Groceries,
which they offjr for Sale at the most
April 12. * V . lit)
Passed by the last Legiftature of the fate of
For the limitation of aftions, andfor avoid
ing fults at law, and to repeal the aCt
pa fed on that fubjeft, thet6th oj March ,
1767, for the better and more effectually
quieting men’s poffejftons and est ate s and for
avoiding fails in law,
BE it enacted by the Senate and. House
of Repre/entatives of the state of Geor
gia, in General Assembly met, and by the
authority of the fame, That all aftions of e«
jeftmeot or any other suit or aftion whatfo
-1 ever, at any time hereafter, to be sued or
brought for the recovery «f any lands or ten
ements, by occasion or means of any title
which may hereafter defeend, happen or
fall, (hall be sued and taken within fcveii
years next after the title, and cause of aft ion
(hall or may defeend »r accrue to the sane,
and at no time after the said fevta years.
Provided nevertheless, that if any person or
persons that is or (hall be entitled to futh
suit or aftion, be, or (hall be at the time of
right or title firft defeended, accrued, come
or fallen within the age of years,
feme covert, non compos mentis . or imprisoned
that then fuel* person or persons (hall be at
liberty, not withstanding the said seven years
are expired, to bring such aftion or luit, so
as that the fame be brought within three years
after his, her or their coming to or being of
full age, difeovert or sane memory or at large
and at no time after the said three years.
Sec. 2. And be it further enabled by the
authority afoujaid, That all aftions of tref.
pass, detinue and trover, all aftions of debt,
whciher upon (pedal ty or simple contrast,
all aftions of assault, menace and battery,
wounding and imprisonment, or any of
them which (hall be sued or brought at
any time after the passing c# this aft,
(hall be commenced and sued within the
time and limitation hereinafter exprefied
and not afterwards—that is to .fay, the
said aftions of trcfpafs, assault,. battery,
wounding, imprisonment or any of them,
within one year next after the cause of such
aftion or suit hath accrued, and not after.
And the said aftions ofdctinue, trover, debt,
(other thanupon judgments) within four years
neit after the cause of such aftions cr finis
have accrued, and not afier. And the said
aftions of debt upon judgments, obtained in
courts other than the courts of this (late,
within five years next after the judgment ,
(haJihavcbc«tobtai’*ed, andnot after. And
the said aftions upon the case for words,
within one year next after the words spoken,
and not alter. Provided nevertheless, that
if any person er perfdns who is or (hail be en
titled to any such aftions of detinbe, trover,
debt, (other than upon judgments) be, cr
(hall be at the time of any such aftion givxa
r fi