Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, April 19, 1806, Image 4

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THLjotliy celebrated Ibtfe, imported into Virginia about three years ago, tei’l Hand the cnfoipg fwlbft at rn? Planta tion, near Edgefjeld court.heufe, Sooth-, * Carolina, and be let to Marcs at Forty Hollars the f«a{pn ; —Unas much trouble, and many inconveniences in the col- Icflion td these kinds < t debts, and as the owner of Dragon- is desirous of bringing hnlioefs of this nature fOafpeedy clofr, the , fcafon may be difeharged by the punrtual payment of %hirty Delian in every case, at ajiy time before the fitft of January next. 'I he fnbfcrihcr holds himfdf at liberty to demand fecurtty in fuck cases as he may deem expedient, in order to infutc punrtual payment. Five hundered acres of hrd for paftwrage, . nndcr one fence, and one hundred acres under another, beth well etkiofed, (ihc latter for such Marcs asjiave fowls) are pro vid'd for Marct ; but such neutt remain at the rilk of the owners, Mares may be fed well once each day, for ten cents per day, and twice, for twenty.cents per day. DRAGON is of a dmkchefnut coulour, fix r cen and an half hands high ;is dtfeended from (lie heft rtmniug flock in England, and . is. a brother in blood to the famous horse D iomed, whole flock is so highly eftccmcd in Virginia, DRAGON was unquestionably the best , runner of his day. He won and received forfeit two and twenty rjfacs bcforc he en ded his filth year, apd in meft cases for the highest prizes in England ; —among this number was the Whip, (which is known to be the highest of competition ever eftabltfhfd by the Jockey Club) cf zoo Guineas each fuhferibcr, against two others, giving them both a year’s weight in riding, four miles; and the famous match against Clifdcn, four miles, carrying (225 }bs.) upon each, in which he nvat rode by the Duke \f Bedford, and Clfufn by Sir fahu Lade, « e DRAGON is a Aire foal getter, and all accounts concur in proving bis colts to be more promlfing than any in America. In point cf figure, hone, size and power, be is acknowledged to be fupertcr to any horfo, by ahr.oft every man who has seen him. His pedigree, at length, together with the ex traordinary performances of his colts as fubftamiated by the racing calander of Eng land, may befeen at hh (land. His fenfon will commence on the 151 b day of February, and end on the firft day of September.—One Dollar to the Groom must be paid in all cases at the ftablcdoor, ARTHUR vSIMKINS. Bear Edg< field Court.lhift, S. C, February j. .■, ' > Ten Dollars Reward . QTRAYED aw’.y frem O D*rtor Murray's Mills, , .jP* l * on Butler’* Creek a Black «l Horse, rising fix years old, about sixteen hands high with a f;n?ll flat and ftrio on hi" tarchead, and a white ring round the middle of his left car 5 whoever will deliver laid ho>f« to Dorter Murray in Augusta, cr the fobferiberat said Mills fball receive the above reward. JAMES CHRON. . April lj. (3O .Five Dollars Reward. Absconded, a negro woman, belonging to Mrs, Andcrfon, well known about Augusta, named Diana.— She i» a ta!l,ftout wemh, about 35 years of age; her drefi cannot be deferibed, as (he had removed all her cloths fomc time ago. It is believed that five is harboured by feme person in, or near town ; whoever will de liver her to me, or lodge her in the Jail of tf\is place, shall receive the aheve reward, JOHN CARMICHAEL. March jq. ( l 0 ALL persons indebted to the late firm of William H- Jack £5 Co. cr to the estate of Andrew, de ccafed, by bond or note, arc once mere cslled on for imnsetFatc fetdementj no further indulgence can be given.—Thcfc indebted to either of the above mentioned firm* on open account, are requeued to liquidate ths fame previous to the firft day of September next,—After that date, fulti will he commenced sgsyift delin* quents without clfcnminatjon, JAMES BKGGS, AdnW. I .Vv > 3- (/) N OTIC E. THE Copartncifbip of Tho’sßarritt and William M. Coiviks, under the firm of Thomas Barrett £5 Co. is dis solved this day by mutual consent. All rvrfons indebted thereto, are solicited to make payment, and those that have any demands against the concern, will render them in to Thomas Barrett, who is author!- fed to fettle the fame. THOMAS BARRETT. s WILLIAM M. COWLES. March 22. \tj) ' COPARTNERSHIP. William H. Spincer &?Jami» Platt Having enie red into coparintrjhip , under the firm of SPENCER ids PLATT, On the firft iriftant, they have taken the convenient wharf, dock and store of Mr. Ahrshxni Twigga, and mean to ttanfaft the bofinefa of LUMBER FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS ; & will thank their friend* and the public in gene* ral, fora snare of their favor* in that line. They arc pcrfcftly acquainted with the ad measurement and quality of all kind* of Lumber, and Iball make it their study to give dispatch, and a& with punctuality to their employer*. Vtffcl* loading at the whaif may go from it drawing bice feet water. WILLIAM H. SPENCER. JAMES PLATT. ' THE, subferiher having declined the Lum ber Buftrefs, recommends the above gentlemen to the Lumber Cutters as fit persons to tranj • aCI bufinefis in the above line . ABRAHAM TWIG&S. Savannah,'June xg. (t/^ ~ NOT! CE. y ' IPHE Subscriber full continue* the 1 FACTORAGE & COMMISSION BUSINESS, at hi* place, at the weft end of the city of Savannah, where be ha* con venient Store* for the reception ©f all kind* of produce, and will be thankful for any favor* in the aho»e line. ABRAHAM TWIGGS. June 29. \ (tj) ~ NOTICE ~ . TPIK copaitnerfhip of Cormick (3 Lube, being dlffolvcd by the death, ol the latter ; The bufmef* will be carried oa in future, by the fubferiber, to whom all persons Laving demand* againftthe firm, or individually, arc desired to apply, and these indet'ed, are requested to make im mediate payment, JG3EFH G. CORMICK. Augusta, Sept. 21. (if) .— —- - rL Dilfolution of Partncrlhip. IN consequence of the death of Thomas Kelly, the Partncrlhip of Scott Kelly, is diflUlved—a'l indebted to that concern, arc hereby notified that no indul gence will be given after the firft of Februa* ry next, when, ail bonds, notes and ac- I counts will indiforiminately be placed in a lawyer’s hands for recovery, in the mean time, produce will be received irt pay ment at the htghcft Market price. Those who may have demands againfl the late firm are requeued to present them for fetrlement. In future the business will be carried on by the fubferiber, who has cn hand, an exten sive and complete aflortment of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES, which will be disposed of on such terms as to make it an objcdl to Country Sfore-Kccpeis. WILLIAM SCOTT. November 30. (ts) Treasury Office, Loutfivtlle , March ‘jtb, 1806. THE Colitdqrs of who ate in ar rears, arc informed, that unless they come forward and males payment before the fiift day of May next, Execution* will on that day iffus against them -and they ate further informed, that agreeably to a rcfolntioa as the lall Legifluurc, their namti, together with the names of their fecuittic*, with ti e balance dee by each, will be.publi(hcd in June thereafter. EDWIN MOUNGER, Treasurer . ELEAZER EARLY, CotnpFr gen, March 15, {jt.y NOT ICE. An Election will be held at the Court-Houfc in Richmond county, on Monday the 21st of April next, for a Clerk of the Inferior Court of Did county, in the place of Jofcph Hutchmfon efq’r. rtfipned. JOHN WILLSON, JOHN CATLETT, JOHN TWIGGS, JuJlices of the Injtrior Court, March 29. (j.e.) Corn and , FOR SALE, ‘ By the Subferiher 1000 rJulhrlsof corn. 30 Barrel* prime up country Flour, * L. CANTELOU. Abrils;, , (,() j, —— ■■ *- " "■■■■ 1 ■>" . / NOTICE. TO the proprietor*, their agent* or trof* tcei, of the following trXft* of land, {boated in Ra:ke county, that unlef* they or either of their agent*, do come forward and fettle the taxes due cn Grid laad, with in fix month* fr»m this date will be fold by the Colleger of said county, for all taxc* due thereon, agreeably to law, via; } too acre* pine land, on the water* of tka Big Spring, cn Buckhead creek, grant ed in the name of Wa, Hooker, and Jo seph Atktnfon. Also too acre* pine land, on M« Bean creek, granted in the name of JohnOgg. Wm: BOWLING, a. r. r, Burke count?, Jar., (6m j • j. r* - MARSHALL SALES. On the fir ft Tue/day in May next, between the usual hours, at the Market hou/e in the town of Louisville. WILL BE SOLD 1150 acres of land in Jackson county, on the waters of Dovt creek ad* joining Horatio Matbury and James Jones, ALSQ, 1250 acres of land in Jeffcrfon county, on the waters of Ogcchec, granted to Robert Forfyth and John Meals, ad joining said Forfyth, and on all other sides vacant at the time of survey. ALSO, acres of land in Franklin county, at the time of survey, granted to John Stanford, adjoining Thomas Sr.cHons and William Motts land ; The above lands' levied nn as the property of John Forfyth to fatisfy an execution in favor of Thomas W. H. Cryon—pointed out by tkc defend ant, ALSO, 1150 acres of land in Franklin county, granted to John Appling, on Bea ver dam creek, vacant on all sides at the time of survey; levied on as the property as John Appling to fatisfy Chtifte Teafale &• CO.— pointed out by the defendant. ALSO, 200 acies of land in Wilkes comity, granted to David Cx< dwell on the waters of Dove creek, adjoining Words, & on all ether fide* by vacant lands, levied on as the property of David CreffweU, to fatisfy Isaiah Tcafda’e, pointed out by the defendant. ALSO, aoo acres of land in Columbia county, on the waters of little river, ad. joining Robert Davy & Bender, levied on at the property of the Executors of Oliver Bowen to fatisfy two executions, one in fa vor of John Roifton and the ether in fa vor ofJ, &. J. Hamilton,.,. ALSO. ico acres of land in Elbert county, cn the waters of the Savannah Ri vet, acd PowJerbag creek, adjoining Biackfccura and James Carfona lands. ALSO, 140 acres of land in the county of Elbert on Savannah River, bi unded on thceaft by said river, and Elijah Owens. ALSO, 140 acres of land in the county of Elbert on both sides of big Cedar creek, adjoining Josiah Dobbs and others, ALSO, 350 acres of land in the county of Libert, on the waters of cold water creek adjoining James Hucts and Daniel Whites land, levied on aa the property of Hugh M‘Dotfsld> to fatisfy Thomas Buckiy, pointed out by the defendant. ALSO, One half moiety ©f 265 acres of Lnd in Jackson county, on the waters of fiiver creek, adjoining Martins and Ha gens land. A LSO, One half moiety of 230 acres of land in Franklin county, on the waters of the Oconee River, boandedon all sides by vacant lands, at the time of survey. ALSO, 2871 acres of land in Franklin county, on rhe Oconee River, bound on N. E. by said River, and on all other sides vacant lands, levied on as the property of John Cobbs to fatisfy Thomas P, Johnston and Stephen Hollingsworth, painted out by the defendant, ALSO, 300 acres ofland in Burke coun ty, on the waters of sweet water creek, ad joining Howells land on ail sides, levied cn as the property of Jesse Gregory, to fatisfy William Willfon, painted out by the defen dant. Geo : W. MOORE d. m 0, c, fct.j SHERIFF’S SALE. On theJirji Tur/day in May next, at Cclum. bia Court. Hou/e, between the usual hours, WILL BE SOLD One bay horfc, executed as the property of c ßaiicy Wilkinson, to fatisfy an execution in favor of John Howard, and pointed out by the defendant, ALSO, One negro boy by the name of f ckfon, executed as. the property of John Tindcll, to fatiify an execution founded upon an attachment in favor of Thomas Carr. ALSO, 300 acres of land in Richmond county, on the waters of Spirit creek, ad joining Richmond Bath, executed as the porperty of Ignatius Gilphin, to fatisfy an execution in favor of John Howard, and feinted out by the defendant. 4LSO, 275 acres in Columbia county on the waters of Green Briar creek, joining lands of Murrell, Telfair and Jcnc», fold as the property of Charles G. Ellis, in which he has a right during the life of Mrs, EUts, his wife; the fame fold to fatis fy an execution Daniel Ellara vs Solomon and Charles G. EUi*. Ai..30, ioco acres of land in Columbia county, on the waters of the Uchec creek, adjoining lauds of Lucklin and Gardener, ALSO, Four negroes; viz. Davy, Sam, Daniel and Nancy. Executed as the prop erty of Harrefs Spiers, to fatisfy an rxecn tion m fiver of John Eerre*an<- Condi ■ ttwbcMH, Wm. FLEMING (WF. A P nl 5* [3O SHERIFF’S SALE, At Greene Cnat-Heufe, on the firfi Tuefday tn May next, between the Hours of i Q and 3 o'cleik. WILL BE SOLD, *6o Acre* of land, more or left, iyj ne on the water* of Town Creek, adjoining land* of Burford and others, it being that whereon John Pierce now live*, executed as the property of said Pierce, at the in, fiance of Wm. Bird. * ALSO, 50 Acre*, more or left, on the water* of Stewart* Creek, adjoining Gill and it being the place whereon Shad, tack Gatlin now lives, executed a* the property of faid.Gatlin, at the iaftaace of James Wooton. ALSO. 2871 Acres, mere or left, pn the Beaver dam Creek, adjoining Royfton, executed a* the property of Thoma* Wingfield, « the infiance of Jame* H, Nickelfon. ALSO, 250 Acre*, more or left, on the water* of hhouldcrbanc Creek, adjoining Grier add other*. Granted to Alford, It beftg the land whereon Thomas Davis now Mitt, and executed a* hi* property, at the in ftanee of the Adrainiftrator* of Charles Ivey. ALSO, A Waggon and four Horfe* with Geer* Ber. complete, levied on a* the property of famuel Reed, at the infiance of Cciey Huckbey <vs Samuel S 3 James Reed, Cash Sale. N. G. MACON d. s. April 5. ( 3 t) SHERIFF’S SALE. On the firfi Tuefday in May next, at (fie Court- Uoufe in Greene county, atthevfum al hours, WILL BE SOLD One Negro girl named Phebe; one Sorrel horse, one feather bed and fur niture, and fifty bcfhcl* of corn. Thea hove property levied on as the property cf Jufcph J* William?, to fatisfy an execution obtained against him and William Jcnkina by David M Intclh— Conditions Cash. J. STANDIFER o, s A P ril $• ___ SHERIFF’S SALE, At G*eene Court Uoufe , on the frji Tutf day in June next, between the hours of 10 a*d 3 o’clock. WILL BE SOLD, Seven Negroes [To wit) Pctigrcc, Mi. T ime Phcobc, Binth, Hannah Heitha acd David, levied on by virtue of an Execu tion iiTued on a Mortgage foreclofed in favor of Burdell S 3 Allen vs Wm. Melton. Cash Salk. N. 6. MACON, d. s. April (g;j SHERIFF’S SALE? On iheftrjt Tuefday in May next, at the Court • Uoufe in Oglethorpe county, between the usual hours, WILL BE SOLD One negro girl about fifteen years old, named Judy, now in the Poffrf fion of Jofiiua Stephen*, executed as the property ofWilHm Strother, attheinftancs of James Armstrong fen'r and the admin* iftrators of Benjamin Blake dec. ALSO, One Sorrel horse about five years old, executed a* the property of Green Manley, at the inftancc of the Executor* of Peter L. Van Allen dee. renditions Cash. Wm. M. STOKES p. s. April g. [ 3 t] SHERIFF’S SALE. On the fir ft, Tuefday in May next, at Frank lin Court-Uoufe between the usual hours of 1 o and 5 o’clock, * pyiL L BE 13 1 acres of land in Franklin county, on the waters of Nail* creek, nd joiair g Thomas Jonet, Richard Wilkin* a~.d widow ChtiSian, taken by vir uc of two executions in favor of Jofcph Scweil a?sir.ft John P, Edinger, pointed out by the plaintiff, levied on by a confhble zfd teturrei to rue. The file of the lands and Still levied on for sale on the firft Tuefday to March Isft, by virtue of an/ Execution in favor of Thoma* Carfcn jan’r. for the use of Joseph Scott, rgsinS the admiriftra tors of John Grcfhaifl, is p.oftponed until the firft Tuefday in juac next, at which time, between the usual houra, fidd proper ty will be txpofed to laic to fa-ii?y said execution. ALSO, One other Execution in favor of Thomas Carter, against the adminiftra tor* of John Gorham.—-Conditions Cash# H. TERRELL Sheriff. A-bri? f Jf] InkTpowderT Os the very bell kind, to be had on low terms (by wholcfale and re tail) at the Chronicle Oiiicc. February 22. Blanks of all kinds executed at the fliortefi: notice, at - this Office.