Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, May 10, 1806, Image 2

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y -J* - ; / I % * (By Authority.) ' AN ACT To extend juri/dt/fhn in certain Cfl/ei M fintejudg es and fiat c courts. * Eit enabled by (he Senate and House cf J| ) Reprefentativcs of the Uni'ti Stciet of /Irrtt-r'fra, in rot’g rfi ajfembled t That the rclpcCtive county cour'.s within, or rext adjoining rb» Vevenae dvftrifts herein after nr-vLiutaL (hall be, and arc hereby au thoiifcd so take cogiizancc'ofall complaints and profectmons for fives penalties, -and forts. unite, ?ri(ieig undet the revenue laws of the U. S.-ia thcdtftrifts of Champlain, Sacket Harbor, GCn-eg-i, Gcncfee, Niagara and Bnifaloc Creek in the ftac of New- Yoi k, and in the i-iftrift of Prcfqw* I fie, in the tfaic of lAnnf'lv aaia, acd ctk diilrift attornies of Now Y »rk and Pennfyl/ania re. fpeftively, are he -by au‘hbrifcd and dirc red to appoint, by warrant an attorney as their (übftiMue nr to prnfeente for the United States in eaeh of the (aid county courts, who (hall be sworn or t-(firmed to the faithful ry-cutipnpf bisduty as prolocutor aforefaid : Provided that this authority (hnl) nor he extend ju • rifcl'ftion to the county courts aforefaid, over mv civil ctufe, which trry arise in ary of rhole revenue diftrifts, for the colltfticn of duties pavaNf to the IT. S. ; or of bonds or fectu ’’tie# given for u:e vcou.vity and pay. tnert of duties rd the U. States. Sec. r. And h» it further ertaßef, That the county courts aforefaid, or the firft judge "f each of Cnd courts, (hall be, and hereby are further au'horiftd to excrcifc all and every power in the cases of a criminal nature cognizable 1 Tare them by virtue of the firft feftlon of this aft, for the purpofc of obtaining a mitigation or rcmiHion of any fine, penalty, of forfeiture, ’ which may bo rrrrcifed by the judges of the dlftrift couit>, in cads depending before them by virtue of eh*- law r.f the U. Srafeo,- paC-d on Ifie ot March, one thou land fever. I urdred end ninety seven, intituled •* an Aft to pinvide I fer .witigating or remitting the forfeitures, penalties, and difybiiitics, s*-cruir»g in cer tain r fes 'herein rrentinvod," Ar.d in the ri;r<r ;f« of (he authority, by this ftfthn given to (aid county cour'.s, or to the firft judges thereof, th<»y (hail be governed in every refpeft by the regulations, reftriftions and provifi- ns of the law of the 11. States pa (Ted on the third of March, one rhouLnd 1 veu bundled and ninety.feven sforetnid ; with this diffeiencc only, that iuftead of notifying the diftrift aucrnics refpeftively, fsid eoumv coitws, or the firft judges ‘here of as the case may be, Avail before exercising fsid amhottrifs, cause rcafonable notice t* be given to the arrrnwy -who may have hern »r»pottrtcd «rtd fwtr»n «r affirmed to profecytc i fy the U. States in such court, th. t he may have an opportunity of (hewing cause againtt the'mitiyat*on or remission of fnch fine, penalty, ©rfotfcitnre, bee, j. And be it further eva&ed, That this aft lhsll remain in force during the term ot one year from.its paflage, and from thence to the end of the next feflion of thereafter, and no longer. NATHr. MACON, Speaker of the House of AeprefentoUvei. GKO: CLINTON,' Vice F rijid'ist of the Un;*ed ? tetter. and Fee fident oj the Senate. Approved, March 8. iSo6.- TH : JEFFERSON. ''AN AC" Dr'faring the tonne of Jet/tp, in the fiaie of Nvw frrfty, "to' he export of delivery • and for erecting a sight house on <wood / Ij7and, or t/efcher’s.neck, in the fiate . of Majfachufetts. Bib it enacted by the Senate and House if lieprtfe»tatin t of the United States of America vs Con erf ajj'emhiridy That the town or landing qlaceol Jctfcy, in the (fate of New.Jerfey, (hall be a port of dr livery, to be annexed to the dillrift of Perth Amboy, and (hall he fubjeft to the Time regulations and reftriftions as other ports of delivery in the United States, And there (hall he ap pointed a furveyof to leitde ?t the fiid port ot dei<very, who-lhsll he entitled to recci ve, in addition to the other emoluments allowed bv law, a Ptlary of one hundred dollars an. frothy. Sec. a. Anf)>e it further euafed, That the fccretaiy of the tretdhry (ball he, and ho is hereby- autKoriic.i a r d reonired, to cause a good and (’efficient light hoUfc to be erefted on Wood-Iftand, or on FletcherV- Iteck, in the diftrift of Main (feLftiny ei. ther phce-is the Pit.fident of rhcU. S.°m->y deem nru'ft eligible) and to appoint a keeper, and other wife provide Hr fnch light house, at the exprnce of the U. S. Provided rha-t f'dßeient Imd for the accommodation of fnch bght House can be obtained at a reafona bie ptice, and the (eg-fixture of Me (fichu fetts (hall cede the jurifdtfticn oyer the fame to the U. S. And the fumoffive thousand dollars T? hereby appropriated for the erhftinn pf fajd light house, to be paid out of any ttomet in the treufury, not otherwise an. preprinted. ‘ 'NATHI. MACON, h Speaker of the House c f Rejsrtfextafives. GEO; CLINTON, ViceePrefsdent of the Unit'd States and Pit. fident of the Senate. Approved, March 8, 1806. TH: JEFFERSON. Blanks of all kinds executed at the ftiorteft notice, at tkis Office. ' t .... ay NINTH CONGRESS.- * The following mefljge vat received from the President of the United States; To the Senate and Hwfe of Repre/entatlves of the United Stater. Daring the idpckadc of Tripoli by the (qaadroa of the United States a fma'il crut zer, under the flag of Tunis, with two pri zrs, (ail of riffling value) attempted tc enter Tiip./ii, was turned back, warned, and attempted again to inter, was taken and detained, as prize by the squadron. Her restitution w;,« claimed by the Bey of Tu ni', with a threat of war in 'ernrs fof-rtous, tn-tt on withdrawing from th: block ide of Tripoli, the commanding' ofh er .of the fqnttdrpn thought it his duty to repair to ; T unis with his fquadror>, and to require a i categorical declaration whether peace cr war was intended. The B y preferred ex plaining h'mfelf by an ambaffudor to the U. Strttf?, who on his arrival, renewed the requett th..? the rcffel a d her prizes fliculd he refroren. It was deemed proper to give this proof of fi k-.ndfhip to the Scy, and th** amb ififador was informed, the velfcis would be rtitoicd. Afterwards he made a requi fuion or naval Hores to he Cent tn the Bey, in order to lecure a peace for the term of three year*, wiih a threat ol war, if icbifed. I. has uccn rctuicd, and the anihafiatldr is about to depart without receding from his i th —a* o: dcmmiri. Under the At oireumfl je./vs, arid c m ing that (he feveiai ymiflors < f h« aft ct March 2 5, *OO4, will etafe in coUtquence of the rat (Ration < f the treaty of peace with Trips*; * now ,od ? r cJ and coaA.n?ed to by the Senate, 1 have th night i; my duty to cans in nicarc tVfr in or >r that Copgrefs may cpnGdt r the expediency of con«i.<iii,ig die fame provifiens or a limited, or uaking others cqTjv.ii Tk : jF.h FRSON. April 14, l 806, ■Kobfad iq the commute* of* '■ ,Tr<l M^ans. THURSDAY, >.*m 17. j The commt'.tte% 'who wre appointed on the j of March, 1806, to into the j conduct oj Gifon Granger, I‘of Mu (ter General of the U.S, and report whether, in ‘heir opinion, the /aid Gideon Granger hath fn at.fed, tn Isis capacity as pofl-viaf. ter gene fit I, as to teqhire the injerpoftion ' of the conjVttitUonal powers’■fthlr lioufe j ffnut the fiUa'wlng REPORTI-- That the commit.‘ce, r.-Phou; left r.f time, engaged in the duties iffighed them, and have made fotnc pregrrfs tlyrerr. Tc was the ftneere defi-e of the committee that the enquiry fit quid he concluded during the prefirm f'-flion, as well as the a.ifit nf the post-master gerterfi! j bur trnrn toe diftarce and dtfperft-cl (it.>uthm of »'.u‘ wh neffes, whole tettimyny was deemc.-J ne-effirr,, and ilia approaching doff ts the feffian, it Is found impracticable. While the committee- 'regret the ft edition of a public officer laboring un der the fufjneious apprararce. of a ccnftrn, tional kruiny into his yet in ;t government like ours, where watthfulnefs of men in office is the fire* guarantee of tl»e preservation <>t the liberty of the people, the public funtti maries must yield their feelings so the benefit, and endure a touipor,ry incouvenienre as an honorable facriiioe to the Irerdom cl our inftifnticns. That j. iufiy and prcmauire r-Tuit is id* to be defin'd on »hs p«ri of an officer fcp. p.:rtcd by a ccnfcioufnefs of the integruy of hi* cofdu|f, than the Lfpcmion or aa in. j quiry that may in a refutation of charges, which, or. she part of the uccuL J, are a&rmcd without foundation, the com ihi J tie have no hesita tion in believing. v Jflttice ro the public as wRI as to the individual rcqVtrrs a thorough invc gar ion, which is found to he impossible before ihe final adj6ou.ljv. nt. The committee, therefore, recommend pJftpopvtprnt of the farther inquiry ua;iil the next session of C mgref-. Ordered to lie on the cable. MONDAY, Apr 1* 2 t. OaSati'.iday the benatp confide red the bill, sent from the House of re peclirg t.;e ac«* l<*j-iig du.ies oii fait, and cfritinuir.g in force, fer a farther tithe,' the fird feflion of the afl, entitled, ** an a«T further t o protect the commerce and feanicn of the U. S. againfi she Barbwrv powers-, ’* and struck cut the two firti fed inns which repeal (h atis lay ing dut ei on f|ii-Yeas 1 t-Nnyr 9.-: : CHARLESTON, April 2 S. Two dajs before Captain Say** left Havanna, a veffT arrived Iron Jamaica, the matter of which flared, that jjft i) C f>re ! he failed, a Bri ifb Pick'-*- -jrrtivcrf with accounts of the DEATH of GEORGE Hi. ' King of Great Britain. Sevenl letters re- ‘ ccivcd From hmifes at Havann*, mert, in n the fame intelligence. Captain Beckfbrd, am w ed at Saten. frqm t informs that the Knghflj forces afrer taking pofleffion as the Ca[>c of Good H-Jt'e, hid gone on an expedition ao-air'tt the llle of fiance. Tbe-ffiip Alexander, c »pt. Vote, arrived at N*.w-York from London, was boarded on the 7th of March, by a Britiih frigate, fire days oat from Plymouth, the con,man. derot which informed cap:. that on the zd March, he fpoice a cutter going itjto Plymouth, with accounts of an cr.garr. i(T1 cnt be,w. tn ,h, Butilh an,l French d£„, i„ -h'ch .he former c.;nuTOi M d ddlroyel nine fad of the Unt. * 1 I ■ , I' EAST-BAY STREET LOT .J TER'Y.V „ . TWENTY-SIXTH tJAr's DRAWING. Prize of zoo dollars—Nn, 2710, Prize of loodoilars—No. 221 j. Prizes of £0 dollars—-Nos. 6445 4803 2066 155:7 7122. Prizes of 43 dollars-—Nos. 2070 3004. Prizes ot 20 lollaxs --Nos. 2265 7943 35*7 8 53* 3n6- Prizes of 12 dollar*.—Nos. 8950 3196 6472 9603 9106 4882 2962 5766 3013 3447 4472 3635 7037 2883 8876 6304 8310 pzo I 862 4408' 3145 75 690 S 341 1544 4349 9862 6137 2685 2219 4359 6573 6579 9933 2047 69068409 6083 i 3863 5881 9857 6585 9869 6847 8446 j 5827 9748 6223 6020 8202 8919 8068 709627591720 4617 2125 70223228 45°3 3559 7477, 5479 4*99 9*59 27925191 5431 6946 868 5750 8220 8937 6387 595 1 9*3* X 292 9 2 6674 9973 3679 649 2340 6938 1458 8631 1386 . 5 T 93 9+9* ?973 *656 9 02 4 37=3 5 8 37 417 *971 844. ".j TWENTY-SEVENTH DAY’S DRAWING. Pp.’ze nf 100do)Pits -No, 6268. Prizes of 50 dollars— Nos. 1592 815 6549 6799. Prize of 40 dollars—>No. 6991. Prizes of 20 dollars---Nos. 4901 6768 6763 92. Prizes of it dollars - N s. 31.58 8695 2 5H6357 6 699 8 ‘5 2 ? 2 °y S lo s 3.5 11 3723 5203 4223 104565,55 722 358 5883 43229697 6593 7541 1302 9328 6150 20363349 43604361 90,00 6021 8563 81838335 239838214630 719; 7200 8989 6zoo 9276 8351 8039 r 3 !r 3839 664 423 4320 5126 4389 6792 262’ 7/35 2809 97/9 3067 234.8 30964282 *553 7793 93 1 4 *l4« 19688312 1809 6528 7972 7059 3781 9727 8477 *>30207189 16888633 4847 8967 7J34 2 7|7 3903 8866 6718 1543 450 6301 ; 44 8, TWENTY EIGHTH DAY *S DR A WINO. Frizes of 200 dollars—Nos. 4379 51. j Prize of 100 dollars—. No. 3594. Prizes of 50 dollars—Nos. 7810 7124 8:;8. Prizes of 40 dollars-.. Nos. 3693 1538. Prizes of 20 dollars—Nos. 7989 1)64 591 8072 421 j 685 1, Prizes of 12 dollars-—No*. 40566461 2013592 2932 7290 2S3S 7;6*3 1655 7812 1623 1079 881 1051 8974 3919 2621 8559 9689 2456 7308 59988394 64133360 6570 425 46 1S 75216177 Cj!6g 563 4202 99H 2383 754 2M7 2798 874 S 8062 427 7789 3+94 5639 7544 37+6 8854 «121 89 3375 5934 3051 60.82 8572 1531 |OO6 2879 8980 593* 4733 «959 6746 113 4694 6488 941 1281 4755 461 8594 319 7549 ;<>7B 3077 216. n: rjmrsz. sir'grirr- ■ From the American DaVy Aivtriffer, 1 THERE is probably no department in the whole n ngc of literature, that is so la. trentabiy infcftedhy coxcombs and pretend ers, as that rs voyages end travel, There is no country in the waxld which has more just reason to complain on this fub than America, Wi.lun the last rv. cn ty ye-- rs, dearly as many foi-difant “ tra veller;," have roamed through ihc U.itcd States, and on thrir return to Europe have gulled ihcjr countrymen with (heir v* tours," and their “ travels," 2nd their “ voyages." | And with in aft of them it appears tc have been ' a conreft who Ihmuld raoft, vilify and defame this devoted nations foil, climate, produce, laws, government, religion, cnftmns, man tier*, all have been fertile themes of. abule. j. and Hander, But among the whole lift, the man who f has sot truth and probability mntt completely at defiance, whole llapidity, incapacity, and indict*, ait molt completely in alrnoft every page of his catch, penny per formance, is one Richard Parkinlbn, who has recently publiuml two volumes Byo., in London, which he (tiles “ A Tour in Ame rica, in 1798, 17-99, end 1800," v\hh.h’ is, widt.ut cxccpuoti, one ci tho icwdl and m:;ft contempt Pole Grub-(freet produftioTs that have appeared for half a ccnrurv, —This man, by dmt of the meft unlhifhl g efFromery, and with the aid of a few intro duftory letter*, inlinaaicd himfelflnto the friendlhip and partook of the hofnitality of fo;nc of the molLfcfpcffablc charadters in A. rrserica. Indeed he acknowledges in the njoft j explicit manner, the extraordinary kindntfs he experienced. “ I never," fays he, “ had half ihe cDntb.Crenfu.n thown me in ihe feme ti ne in England, by gentlemen of superior rank to myself; and solemnly affirm it was painful to me to leave such refpeftable ac. qjaintances." Yet in return for this treat ment, he has with base ingratitude vilified ■canny cf those whole bounty was extended > to him. OF the country, its foil, produce, inhabitants, manners, &c. &c. he has drawn the foulcft and most unfounded pi£)urr, that the. utimid dretch of hu nan nsiice could dilate, it mnf he fairly aliened, that there are more ahfolute lies in his perform ance, than in those of all his predecenors united, EXTRACTS. “ Thera is no Engllthuun who does not think hitnfell above ihe negro ; but when he comes ihere he will have ro eat, drink, and Jleep ninth the negro flames. * ’ The produce isfo small, and the cxpcnce ”• that / never fu-tu a*ij ItsvJ worth having in America. I know a gentleman of Baidmare, from Ireland, a man rs bufi. • ■ tic s ard good sense, who at knowledges -hat ' hy cultivating p.-ft of two eflate:?, fthe ore twotltoufand live kupdrcd acres, within ore mile and a "half'of (hat city, the o.btr a dllUace of fourteen milet} he if at the hj, ,f em thoufandpounds per annum.” I have been obliged toclctn mv own boots and Ihocs, when I have had four fervanti in the house. The cows even eat the dung of a horse, zs naturally as an Englilh cow does hay ; and are ull in the Jireets, robbing every man’s cart of theft blades a* they come tp be sou3 f or picking up any thing elfc they can ur,d. The thunder bolts nvillfpll: the trees in the woods in such a mennet was very furpri. zing to me, when I find fa.v it ; and ni- : c me believe the country was ordained hy the Almighty as a proper place for eon* sets, as it would make ir repent o‘ their fir.?. General Washington “f.iught 'he as the Indians had fought him when he in the British fervict— by what is termed husk-sighting. In America, there is *♦ na Spring and Au* tumtfy but all winter and fammer. The Engliihmm “at lail finds out that * the Americans are not a let of fools as he once thought : and as he mud have a name for the m, perhaps he calls them rogue* j which, if my lord Chedeifield was right in bis ob servation, pleases a man the best of the t vo. The flage driver “ joins in the conver fatiou with 'he pafforigers—and, generally fj caking if a man of the. great fi information in the coach. The driver of a stage coach confidr-s Mm. felf * qua! r o any one; and fcemingly it would he an ofF uce to ou'.r hi,a uua_y;. lie will drink, a g’afs with you art a companion —but in no other way. Every 'Eag'ilh guinea that is taken by Ameiicau in E.ig'arid, aud carried to A ne~ riei, is immediately worth twenty.three ftjillingfierling. . Nbr was Washington an/ mot® informed of what England is, than if he h..J never heard of it. When 1 was in America, T do not recol. left meeting with more than one man fiur.i the old country who liked it ; ami hew is an Irishman, driving a fbge coach betwixt Philadelphia 2nd Baltimore. It is customary to keep the hogs In the woods all the winter ; as there is-no thr th ing or fold yards ; and they /.null live cn the roots of tree*, or something of that for ; but they are poor beyond any creature ih >t I ever luw. 'That is pobably the rcafo.-i why the American pork is so fine. '1 he* lamb, which is called fat lamb, is ( rarely to he ken on the Humbles in England, rtur would die molt indignant person touch such pool lean meat ol any deferipticn. 1> America, you cannot command the comforts of lit.'*, were they more plcnttlni than they really are ; became from the great £J ucnt of country, they could hot he pro, cured in conVm’ent manner rienetd in tr.oft . w here ete ry old wont an y if she has the money, can have a pennyworth rfjhnmps; bur this ad. vantage it is not poilibls to enjoy in Amc. TT"" f m,m 11 11 ' ' ■— ■ 1 ‘' ' -■ ~inin| i l(t I he cl’aine is in rh« extreme—hot for 3 or nine months—and fruit during the re. maindet. There are great mmaVrs of filters fh«t have not a hav Me ; which fueprized ms at fir!> : hut that is not at all .liraige, as hundreds of themhave no hay. This ftaiemcnt will, shew how, under the moll favourable drcamlhncers, the Arrfti, c-m farmer lives : thefaftis, be barely ex. ifif. ■ ’ Land is not worth the cultivation—erd the produce is fold for left than it s ofis n 1 a-(irg. , Young negroes are reckoned to pay for their railing ; hut 1 cannot make that atvear. If a boy, he mull be eighteen years old he fire he can be fold, or wide to earn his li-vinp. Tile produce of the land is too f/riaU, end in cor.fequercc so pay too* little, to empv.v. er men in cthte to govern the country, a*! keep the people in proper fabordumion ; much fa that the judges rhemfclves receive infnlrs when ia open court. All men arc alike, except they fte:d, mar- ' dr r, or commit an aft of treason. There arc | no other things thought ofknfive to the,Tub- \ j ft’s light, ox worthy of pun'jhment; gcj \ even them the courts are tearful to ponifii, , or at lenil they Teem tube so, J i I hevc reason to think that a conjuror, | or fortune teller, has more irfluence over the people given tc vice in America, thaneilhff courts of justice, or places c 4 l woilhip, aid afts as a more powerful incentive to mor.d reftisude. lam persuaded that there are thcuFnJs of Americcns, who, frir want, of erferatkn and attending divine worship, thir.k that man a foul who pays any attention to fhd'fi dories, believing'that cunning is :he :mft rv- Ccir.try qualiiication for mankind to pefief'* It: :he yellow lever “ it is not at all ’V • ‘ common for four or five in a family to d'"-- and it is hiid there arc many buried alive. Upon the whole, America apperas to if 1 " a mod ptooer place for the use ro which :t was at firll appropriated, name]) , the uaf lion of covvu. s. In the cf men in America fre 0 England, 1 dp not know a fii.glt ii,ikrcc> l an Engldh farmcrliavingprcfft.nd : but th ’ 9 live generally in the troll nncoxfoital « manner, or wlta: would be called in Engl- -I ditttefs. I: is a comrrcn frying in Erglrnd, th * I cheating revet thrive*.; but in Arrer:-2 .« with herrff* trading you c-rnof faceted, « Thrrnar. from F.n«land ha* href acruPor. ■ cd :o eat wheat or rye bread, 1“-“* M