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About Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1806)
f ; io live in a favourable climate : but he oeS t oa country vtbere there are no fwch things as tithes- bread or beer, 'I acre is no tranfiftion in America which does a man any discredit except he lojei mo. xity by ts • liicra are more mechanics leave England jV, -i) cf an y other class : and they are more ti.titffed ’han any other men, because there v novr/aStures in America to give them emplnvmenr. pM.r- in in E.iglifi farmevTro-n the neighborhood of London, living only three yr-iltN from Baltimore . he fays he is not worth one thilling, being {o much erabanaf. i'i d as ti <Jp'ij to congrejs for an aft of in foli'cncj • I cm compere the W<lfta emigrants to no thin,* but an old boric turned out on a com mon (j pine and starve to dea'h : as there are no poor ta-\«s in that country J nor pro for the old and indigent. In travelling through any part of Ameri ca, there is more difirefs met -with in a day, than its/ecu in England in forty years. As yoh ride along the road in very fevers wca her indeed, »ou wilt fee the greater part of the chi Illicit nearly naked ; and as toihocs or dockings f h*y ate very rare. ' • With rcfpAt to farmer’s horses in the ' waggons, all the accoutrements on four hor ies arc ntx wo;th live (hillings, T.hcy con flaatiy wotk without (hues. As <0 clothing, the American goes almoji •without, fur tht.e is a heavy tax cn it, and on every other article they buy. Gentcoi jh,op{c, as merchants from HA. land, arc much more extravag mt than any other fort tftner, ixctpt the Amcricars thcmfclvcs, who, I thick, exceed all na- As to America ail hough held up as a free country, there is more Jlavery endured there incur day, than there has bun in England for ages. Aineiica has many luxuries, but veryTcw ccaforis. 7 he beggars would frequently befo Impor tunate, that 1 have been obliged to get up, ■sod drive them from the door, and some times to take a itick and beat them. It a yd an be charitably it dined, there is greater icaCou to give alms in America, than in England ; as in the former country there is litnc-or no provision made for the poor. ■The Americans ** have little toboaft of at prefect. Laws, they have none; religion, none; produce on an acre, about one in five compared'with ours ; pne to three on all ne ctaries on the average ; but two kinds ‘of fruit worth men tinning, apples and peac!**. All the others are but trajh, and DtopcT only for hogs. M'. lons are •'emcirkahly fine. The produce of the foil will do little more than find clothes and food, tor the man who cultivates it, I knew a mafier builder in Baltimore, to be fa perplexed by his men, at the fall of the year, when he had raised a large building up a great height, as to be compelled to car. ry bricks and mortar up to the fcaff Ad him. felf. He generally had from 20 to 50 men at work* Th** land is already taxed higher than it is capable of .paying. I have heard fcveral rcfpeftable men fay that they do not make fufficicnt porSt cn their land to pay thr taxes. The negro rax is very heavy upon land’d property, aniasthe accumulated burdens xiicreafe daily, cultivation cannot, except by extender;, furnilh the means of payment. If I may be allowed to give my opinion, if the American citizens want any thing, as a nation, it is honour . There is hardly any example of a federal -Ift or an anti-federalift, cf a pTefbvtcria.a or of a church of England man, vifuing, much Ids permirrirg their families to intermarry. Generally fpeskmg, as a body of people, the Americans are bad ; though like all o h. er cuinmunitles, there arc individually fosne very good men amengft them.” C '‘ ‘ '-J • ' T; ' f »' * ' -Vy ‘ From the Kingdon ( Jam.) Royal Gazette. TO THE EDITORS. Gentlemen —l requett you will have the goodness to insert the following extraordi nary occurrence in the Royal Gazette ; it may pollibly lead to some important d Ico very. With great rdpeef, 1 remain, gen tlemen, your obedient servant, 7 W. W. Greennvlch Park, Sf*Anr, fan. 22, 1806. << A vew days ago it was mentioned to me, is the fil.’pe of a complaint, that there was a wild man resident in the woods of this pan!h, who h. J interrupted the negroes in working their provision ground See. Up- Cn enquiry, I found his residence in the woods had not been a fecrer, but some late outrages which he had committed, prompted the fuffers to complain. It appeared that he hadoccafionally molested the women, but alwavs ran from the men. Upon this infor mation I Cent out a party, with a guide who knew his haunt*. The party divided wi h S view of surrounding his hut ; and, in the deepest receffts cf the woods, they saw him fitting on the point of a rock. He" fled, but after a (hort pursuit was 0. vertaken, and brought hither. He was oa. ked, save the scanty remains of a doublet; his beard hud attained the utenoft extent of its growth, his fret and hands were callous as leather ; his (kin was difcoloured with filth; and, altogether, he exhibited the raoft humiliating cbjcft that monkill debasement could furnifh. When firft taken hs affefted dumbness, but afterwards I obtained from tim the following particulars ;—His namo is Charles Martin, is an Italian, bora at Florence, thinks be has been two or three years in the woods ; he entered them at Port Maria, (shirty miles frem this place:) in tlvu U'n?. nytr fa* a white fc*, notaho fjfj h iofta,l o<>; b*d enjoyed pctfeft health. Whn was alkcd why hs had abandoned focit, J r » nc rnninged hit-(hodden, ar.J 1«>- ed up his hands as it in the aft of adoration, when a cordial was given to him he was I Cautioned not to drink much, asexetfs would kill him j he replied, “ Death to me is 'wel come." *Je was clothed, fed, and encouraged ; and the writer of this retired to recommend h:m as a fit objeft for the h'. fpital. In a niinurc afterwards he Was told that the wild map had Heaped. It fa ms he had watched for an opportunity olbeingunobferved, when he r eizal b»s viftoals, and ran with amazing celerity towards the wepds. 'The dogs were alarmed and pursued Him ; as they approach ed, he threw pieces of meat to hay them : When he found his efforts to tfcape unavail, ing, he dopped Suddenly arc rah to his pur- / suers. When he was ex populated with, on wantcf confidence, after the kind treatment he had met with, he (hook his head (iglud deeply, and fa id, u Men is mj enemy ; lam afraid!" His intelleftsapj car to be found, alahougb he fpcaks with great reluftance . lie is well made has blue eyes, is in stature about five leer eight inches. His hut is ’ fafkioned much like an Indian wigman, and hehascontrived a fubte-rrane -us kitchen with great ingenuity ; His habitation was fur rotuukd with fprines to catch birds, me of which he hid prepared for Lis breakfaft. He had difpHyscl talent in fabric.ting divers sous olbafk'ts ; and what is ftrango, not. run, n it e.en a, was found in his pos session.” *==ss ’.rgyj^sriSTZ SSt rsSZSSZ AUGUSTA, 10. MEWS CONDENSED. Wp are without news frrna England since the 25; h or 27th February*—we may of coutfe t xpeft a large and frelh fttpply otfpiing intelligence—Our affairs ar home however are far from being uninterdbng.;—Congrefs which broke • p the. 2ld nit. it is believed, passed fomt Important bills—-we may now reafcmably indulge the hope that matters between Great.Sdfain and the U. States wiii Hon t-e amicably fettled, a treaty of commerce will probably be the result-.-The ceflion of the Floridas to America, may be confideted the next grand object, and a,grand cbjeft it will be to Georgia especially.—Mi randa is (aid to have landed at Barcelona in South America, with from 3 to 500 men, under proteftion of two Eiigl.;(h trigates, a force totally inadequate to the conqucft of that country, except Uie inhabitants be gen erally difpokd and organi zed to (hake off the Spanish yokej which is reported to be the case—We have-accounts by the way of Ha vanna, that-King George is no more, this account cannot be rtiicd on. Mr.-Strongis re-elefted governor in Maflachnferts, by a considerable majority of votes over Mr. Still jran—in Connecticut federal candidates are said to have fuccceded to every office at the late elcftior—On :he 15 h ult. Judge Ship- < pen, died in Penufylvania in the year of his age. The judge has confcmed that Mr. Ogden should put off his trial till the Iz-hd /of fuly next. VI . O. rcyrefents that he wants Mr. Madison (and puhaps Mr, JefFerfo.) to be present at his trial ! The F'emfi iquadror, which waa lately on the coad cf Abica, has (wept the entire coast and taken 22 guinearhen.- Robert SquU b the gafdner and .Botanifb, died late ly near Cl.-:k(Lor.—The Cambrian ' and Leander have returned once more to Sandy Hook (New-York,) where they viiit every veffei—John B. Coles and Nicholas Filh are the federal candidates in New-Yoik lot the next Cmgrers.—On Friday the 2d inst. a negro man was hanged in Columbia county for having wantonly and maltcioufly cut and destroyed a gentleman’s tiding chair—Two negroctf, who prevaricated on thisjnan’s tri al, have had their ears cut off. On Friday :ha 2d in:t. an unhappy man ofthenamc efGaulrrr, who lately came in the stage from Savannah, (hot himfilf near Doftor Pufcley *s, on B ier Creek. The man has been for lotne time deranged in his intellects. By gentleman from we have received a paper.of ifiat'ciiy of the j*h. inlt. there are accounts from England till the 121 I) March, but nothing idlest sting —the following is the rnoft pltafing and important wc find : Wcareaffimd, (fays the London Tra veller of the ioth ot March) that several conferences have taken place between Mr, Monroe, the American Atnbaffador, ard liis Majid)’* MiniCrerj, relative to tha matters in difputc between Great-Britain and the United States; and that, there is every profpeft rs a speedy Sc amicable adjust. ment cf al! differences. Thb fame paper also contains the following paragraph : “ The rroft conciliatory meafurc* are adopting by government, for ‘he adjufttrent of the differences wi*h the U7 S. On Sa turday, twenty-five American ftarritn were diftharged at Portsmouth, fr m La Ville ds Milan friga'e, Sir Robert L urie, h’ely returned from th" Hdifax ftarion, Orders have also been feat to tha other ports, to dbeharge ail American fearnen on board his Majcfty's (hips.” Mr, hlaoity in his speech on Mr. Grigg'» ujdutioniy concluded thus : I have dated that which appeared tome to be the bed plan to fecurc oor seamen from imprfflTnenf, but the man who (hall cftual ly produce the plan, which (hall have the wMI d<rel*.';thf gu'tltcdc cf thv fIJ- * tier-." TKSrCAK. Let ii be propped toGreat. Britain that all and ever;- of her ftanica in the king's and mcrchjnts fcivice Lc htar.dtd in fene (irked ard eonfjMcuoos part of the body (fay the torched or palm of the haudf with the letters G. }\. rhat i? ; George Rex, and we con ceive else pouit is fettled. Every man wear ing this badge or brand ra'hcr, may be juft lyand without difpuiy, claimed by the Bru tiih government and its 'officers, as their fubjcCtr, wherever found.—lt may rcafona *Ti!v he ur-fu.ned that all cobtroverfws on this liead will be speedily ataivend, as it is veiiS;,,believed that few or no American cit izens will conicfceiid to W£a» the nark cf tie be-Ji. Mr. Mapon will find that if the Britiih government accede to this fimpV regulation, there will be an end to tho impressment cf A. m~ric«n learner, and that of course the writer of this paragraph ytnVJftrve the gratitude of the nation. •<• V l l OnTuefday, the 15th inst. ’he Speaker laid before the House of Representatives, the following letter from the fccictary of the treasury Treasury Department Apri! ff, fBo6- Sir...ln anfvßef to the rpqueU contained in the tefoliuiOn of the House of Hepte fentatives of the 6th infr, I hive the honor to ftflte, that Mno applications ha"e been made to draw money from tl'.e trealury tor the purchase of the Ploiidas before an ap propriation made by law fur that pnrpolc/* The circuit*fiances, which may have pio duced an impirffico, that fueh. aii: applica tion had been being nneomuded with any imttcr pertaining to the duties of tbe office of fertethty of tbe trealury, are not ptofjired ii> come Within tbe feope of the information required Loin this dvpajtmcnt by the House. ) I.ha « the honor to be, with great re tir, your obedient servant. Albert Gallatin. , Some time ago, wc noticed a report which hac been < ircti’atcd in the upprr part of this fiat?, that fevefal gentlemen of the tuft re fpcAabi'iiv »n that quarter, had been con- with the ho'ptious Ct'bies, and cun. ceincd in a traffic of forged hills It would appear from a late publication by Gen, John Clark, that his name had been men ttontc! ; hut in this addr*fs to the public, he has, in our opinion, vindicated his honor ii chersftcr to the fatisfartion of every man in thn cvrimuritv—tbe great leng'h of t his pit Mi;■-./ion and the srd:f;'rnfibledntv of pub. iiftvng th- la ws of Cong»efs, ?nd this Hate, pit-cuts us tram giving it a place. C n Wfdn»rlay Tail, the Richmond M«1U X ti” ar-d Volunteer Corps were reviewed in this City by hi* Excellency the Governor. A MEL iNCHOLY CIRCUMSTANCE. Go Wtdnefday the 2d ult. in Wilkinlon County, Mr. Jerry Hatcher, ddeft Son of -Mij. JMin Hatcher, in a hunting party, had taken a Hand, when the drive was near. 1/ oorr; one of the company who was feme dillance off, observing him strike one of ihe dogs with the butt end of his gun, which fired at the fame inftanf, and, melancholy to relate, the load entered near his mouth and palled oat on the top of his head... He «y -•pi red about three houiis after, Mr, Hatcher was a young man much tefpc&edand esteemed bv thole who acts acquainted with him, and who .Sincerely regret the fated accident. From the course of the flict and the manner in which he (truck the deg, it is evident thejgun mult hive,been cocked. He has left a DifconfMate Va.Vw innate pi rents and connections to bemoan his un. timely end. Ytfterday Jeddcdiab Seymour, cor darned at tlwbft fuprrior court of this county, for house burning, received his Excerency the Governor's pardon, under the gallows. DIED, ,Ydie-day nrirn’ng at his plants, tkmnear this City, Capt. Samuel Bogg, A worthy citizen, an hufband and a very indulgent matter. The Pofl-OfEcs is removed to the House lately occuoicd by Mcffis Har ris y Lowe, ccpofre Lov’ct Mur^t’s. JOHN B. WILKINSON, P. M. An grist n, May to* I Bw6. j»Cj“ By order of the Board ofTrnftces, the Pews in st. haul’s Church will be rented this day, at xi o'clock, A. M. for three months. B. F. HARR!-;, 1 S. M. SMYTH, I Committee, ■ W. J. HOBBY, j OEJRGiA, iVatrrn Count', Notice Is Hereby Given. TH AT mn* months after date app'ica tion wi’-1 be made to the honoiablc, the Court of Ordinary, for fai l county, for leave to fell one Tnft of Lend, 00 Hs.h'i Ctcflc, contßring 370 acre*, tn-’re or ’ef«, adjot' ing Pe rfon’* »r,d other?, it being the real etfate of John Kelley dec. for the benefit of the heirs and creditor?. ELIZABETH KELLEY, Adm’rx. May to. . , (*) Ink powder. Os the very best kind, to be had on low terms (by whoiefale and re tail) at the Chronicle Office. I'ebruary 22, LOST, On the 22d of December last, a NOTE on Co'. J f;ph Phiilipa, in favor otJohn Hatchett, payable (he firft day of January, i £c6.—All Pen'ons aie forwarn*. cd from taking (be said note, a* payment it ftoppeL A’ y reviou itturnirg the note with a POCKET-BOOK, and fomc pape*a luli with it, fh.4.1 be rewarded for their trouble, they can be of no use to any oriC s but the owner. SALLY HATCHETT, JUmir.i/hcttix fvr John Hatchett. eoun f r, May to. [3 ] Fifty Dollars Reward, g* V* AN. A WAY from the Subft ribs r on or about jnf the 25th of Deceinter left, a "* negro fellow nam«d JACOB, vc^ow complexion, Him ; xl.e, abi-ut fix feet high & branded on the cheek. T G. which is q .ite vtftble, also, whxti* forctwhat rcmaikublc, he has blue eyes.—He wrt brought frrra Ms.yhnd, and I cxptft Lme white perfen has persuaded him to elope. A Reward of Fifty D Hats will be paid on delivering the said Negro to me in Greene county, or f«- curhig him in any Jail iu this Hate ; and a furth-r fnm of Fifty, if fuck offV.ider ia brought to can vidLon for invelg'iug him away. He is by trade a good B ackf.ul.h* THOM-IS GRIMES. Greene ceuntr, Muy ic. fjtj Forty Dollars Rezcard• 13 AN AWAY on the «*> 'i -IV c;h of Apiil last, 8 * - SAM, a ftoutlikely fellow, if ’ * ■ I afc .ut jf yctra of ?g? and about c reet 1 cinches high, also hi* wile ROSETTA, a likely wench ibcut the fa me ape, middle fixed rathe r of a ycllowifh complexion. It i* lht > gIVC a wrong name to Weir owtocr, aadl very likely, change theircWn uame« (the fellow wasprefent when Speiraud Buvta wre ans. dered) both north ward raifed.—Acy per fjnfccurlng said oegtoea »n any JaU ard giving information to the oabfcribs?, fhi-1 receive the above reward, WILLIAM WILKINS. Columbia county , fday *©• (4') ~ ~NO r ICE. ALL persons having any de mands agiinft the estate of me lute Win. Tyler deceased, of the county ot Columbia, ar reqyffrd tocorre foiwaid, and tender iii th-ir accounts for J nd?b?cd earnctUy requeued to coma,--- idi waru and make payment. Wni. BERRY, Benj. LEIGH, \.W*u 1 A. CRAWFORD. J May to, t2c6. (s*'• ~ \ NOTICE. WILL BB SOLD, On Monday the lsd day of June next, in Columbia County, at t,he plantation of the late Wm. -Jj/er, at prfent occupied by Wm, Berry, PART of the pcrfonal estate of the late Wm. Tyler, confiding of Negroes, Kotk of different kinds, Houlthold and Kit chen Formuxe, The sale to continue Lorn day to day until the whole is fold—Terms \ of fate—Ciedit ml the fiift day of Decem ber next, on the purchaser giving bond and fecuriry, that may be approved. Wm. BERRY, 1 Bihj. LEIGH, J* AJi/t’rt, A. UcaWFOKD. J Mry JO. (30 Notice —the last time. HiViDT declined bufiaefi entirely in this pace, 1 have once more to re quell a lih f; » . arrears to come forward and pay, cf after tho 18th of the pie font month, acrtompti fhaU he placed in the hand* offomc person for colieiticn. JOHN ANDREWS. May 10, ( +) GEORGIA, IVurrtn County, WHEREAS Sarah Jones hath appK~ ed tom: for letters of admitijir alien on the goods and chatties, rights and ardit of Aqitilla Jones late ol this courty due fed. THESE are therefore to dm and emon. ijh all and Singular the kindred and oedi’prt of said dtexaftd, to be and appear before the Court of Onr nary for said county on the frji menday in July next, to jhew cause, if any they have, why said Letters jhould not be gran ted. Given under my hand and [cal at office this 6’h of May 1806. J r. PERSONS, o. c, newbooksT 'C3' That excellent work, Pinkerton’s Geography, & Kitts Elements, with a variety of ocher ufeful books, arc for sale at this Office. Sheriffs titles. Bills of sale, 1 Mortgages, &c. may be had a t 1 this Office,