Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, May 17, 1806, Image 2
ACTS. Pttjid by iht lajl Ltfijlatntt of thejlate of Qeorgia. AN AC r To Incorporate a company /of the improrve . meat of the navigation of that part of the Oconee river , b'lnueeu the Big Shoals, at John harnctt't, and the town of Mil ierfl'evtlle. T T HERE AS the improvement of the, V V inland naviga'lon of every country, ji of priomy iaicojtance to iis inhabitants ; ; .id as fewcoumiies enjoy greater natural advantages than tins ftatc, for theex’ention of conrnerce, and it being conceived that the clearing out and removing throblffufti ns jn thu part of the Oconee river, fio.n ihe Shr».ds, at John JJarneu’s, to the town ot ivltliedgevtUe, would greatly conduce t * the convenience and filtered of the inhab itants, fettled in the ninth and fjulhv/eftern parts of this ftarc. B£ it tnateed by the Senate and Bnufe of RepuftHtatives of the jlaie of Geor. £7/7, tn Getter .1 A/fembly met , and by the «f the fame. That a company (hall be clfablilhed, the capital ttock whereof shall not exceed fifty thousand dollars, di. vided iatp two thousand ihar&s, each tharc being . e dollars ; a*«i that fuh. feriptions towardsconftitnting the find ftcck, (Ini', on the fuff Monday in January nex», he open at Hancock, Green, Clarke, Jack fan, and Franklin court.houfts, Walhing lon, in Wilkes, and Millfdgcvtlle, under the fuperlatendance of such perfonsl as the , corporanmi may apnoint tor that purpose; which fubfcripiions fliall continue open until the whole of the said tfock 'hall have been fubferibed. St. 2. And bf it further castled , That if Tinll he lawful for any perfoo, copartnrr- Ihip, or body politic, to fubferibe, as he, filter they lhall thiric fir, for such or so ma ny ffenres, not exceeding fifty ; and that the fuins refpeftively fubferibed, dull be paya in gold, lilvtror bank bills of the Uni. led States, to be paid at four fcveral pay ments, at the diiianee of twelve calendar month* from each other, Ae Sift wheieof lhall be paid at the time of fubferibing. Sec. 3, And be it further enabled, That all ihofc who lhall become fabler ihe rs to the laid company, their fuccdlbrs and afligns, (hall be, and are hereby created and made a corporation and b«dy poii ic, by the name awd llylc of (he oconeb navigation com panv, and by that name lhall be, and arc hereby made able and capable in law, to have, purchafc, receive, poll’cfs, enjoy and retain to them and their fucceffurs, lands, rents, tenements, hcredeta.'.ents, goods, chatties and eiT els, of what kind, nature or quality soever ; and the fame to fell, grant, demiie, alien, or difpofc as; to fee and be sued, plead! «i?d be impleaded, answer and be an fwe'red, defend uud be defended, in courts of rec ord or other place wliaifoever: and alio to make, have and i’fe a common fcal, and s he fame to break, alter and renew, at their plcafurc ; and also to ordain, pftablilh and put in execution, such bye-laws, ordi. nances and regulations, as (hall seem neces sary and emvitfient for the government cf the said corporation, not being contrary to the laws of this Hate, or to the conlHtutba thereof, (for which purpose general meetings of the fubferibers to the said flock lhall and may be called by thd directors, and in the manner herein after fpecified) & generally to do & execute a!l& lingular sfts, matters & things, which to them (ball appertain to do; fubjetl ncv.crtiiehTs, to the rules, regulations, refl fictions, limitations and p.oviliona here after preferibed and declared. Sec. 4. And be it further enatied, That for tha well ordering of the ulTtivs of ihe fiid borporatian, there fcall he ten directors, fa whom jluie lhall bo an election on the firlf tylond>y of January in each \ear, by the ftockholdors or proprietors »«f Itock in the I laid corporation, and by a plurality of votes, c ctu illy given, and thole who lhall be duly any election, Ih ill be caps I fie of forving asdireftors, b virtue of such choice, Until the end and expiration of the firtt M unlay of January nex f milling, the time or such eleftion and no longer, arid the said directors at their fir 1 ! meeting after such e. left} an, (hall choofc one of tftcir members as president,. Sec. 5. Provided alvenys, and be it fur tier enaded, That as fnon as the sum of two thoafand dollars lhall have boen aftual. \y received on account of fchfcriptions to said link, notice thereof lhail be giv.*n by perfnns under whale fijper in tendance, the fim Or fil have been made, in one of the pcblic Gazelles 0; this date, ant! t he said per. sons lhall at the fame time, and in like man. tier, n m!y a time and place at the ditfmcc of thirty from the line of such noiiri cation, for proceeding to the cnnice of directors ; And ir lhall be Ira fnl for such r left ion to be (hen and there n nit*; and the jxrfons then and rhsre chofenihail be the hrd diteftofs, and liaall be capable of serving, | by virtue at inch choice, until the end ami •. expiration us the lirft Mundav in January next dnfutng, ihe time of making rhe fame, and lhall forwiih thersafter commence the operations of the said corporation. And provided That in case it Ihould at any «ime happen, that an eleftion for dirtc tors fhouid not be made upon any day when, I pursuant to this aA, it ought to' havo b-en made, th* said corporation lhall not for that cause be d.ffoived j but it lhall ba lawful on any other day to hold and make an eleftion of Qireftcrs, in such manner as (hall have been regulated by the laws and ordinances •» the laid corporation. L be continued.} 'V* -■ -• t . »v .. ji. « NINTH CONGRESS. The Prefldcnt of the United States has nominated! and the Senate unanimously ad. viCed and contented thereto, JAMES MUN ROE, naw Minister Plenipotentiary of the U. ’States at the court of London, and . WILLIAM PINKNEY, of Maryland, to' be CommilSontrs Plenipotentiary and Ex traordinary,, for fettling all matters of dif ference between the U. States and the united kingdoms of G. Britain and Ireland, rela tive to wrongs committed between the par ties on the high seas or other waters, and for efUblilhing the principles of navigation and coinmc*cc between them. The two Houfe* of O-ngrcfs brought their listings to a clofc on Monday night at about eleven o'clock, when an adjournment took place to the iirit Monday in December. The fitting of Monday was continued from ten o’clock in the morning until eleven in the evening with only the intcrmilCon of ore hour. Too much business was transac ted to enable us to give a detail of it in this paper, TU mud important mei.fuiCs.udop ttd were. The paflage of a bill for continuing until the end of,the nextfcflion, the Mediterran ean fund, d>fc*nnteied- from the repeal of the fait tax, the Senate having adhered to iheir dtlagreemrnt to the last orient of the bill. I'hs p..1»,.ge ot the naval peace cftaUiih ment oill. The pafTage of a bill for the temporary relict of Hdiuet Caraiualli, uUoAuig him 2,400 dollars. The pail" ge of the bill for the payment of tJI the witnclLs fummened ori the trial of Judg't Chafe—the Houle of Reprefenta- having receded from their amendment. ‘i he indefinite pnftponemem of the report of the committee jat enquiry on the clhciul conduft of Gideon Granger, Pull. Mailer General. But that business, which excited mod attention, mingled with, perhaps, becoming warmth, was the prtfenution by Mr. Quin cy of two memorial?!, one from Samuel G. Ogden, rh'' other from William Smith, of the city of Now Ymk. The, memorials are very long, and give a minute detail of the circumstances alledgcd to have attended the expedition of Miranda ; acknowledge the participation of the mc:nr rialifts in the enterprize ; and declare it to have heen their impteflion that the expedi. tion was countenanced by the implied sanc tion of the Prlfidcnt and Secretary cf flat;. The memorialifta further complin of the on just and illegal proceedings of the circuit court of New York. The memorials are couched in language uncommonly acrimo nious, and a (bribe to the public agents un worthy and impure motives. After the reading of tilde memorials an interesting debate ensued, vvtiofe length for bids its insertion in this days paper. We (hall only, at present, attempt a brief Sketch, reserving its full detail fora future paper. Mt. Lyon, reprpbjtted the (lyle and con tents of the petition, and moved that the petitioners (hould have leave to withdraw iheir petition, Mr. IVilliam , of New York, inveighed in terms of strong indignation, agaimt the nature and tendency of the attempt. He pronounced it unprecedented, while a prose cution was corn* jndtee, for the acenfed to come forward, and attempt to wieft their cauie from a legal tribunal j declared his total dubclief of the charges criminating the executive, and fpokc with the greatcll emuhalis of the cnofmbv of the effort of K # men thus ft touted to diflermm.te suspicion with regard to the motives ot the executive government, andYaid it was ridiculous to imagine tliat any legifUtiyc enquiry could be made on the very last day of the feftion. Mr. O^ri'in ev, rose to explain. M ,m , ‘fark/or, then robe, and pronounced ! the memorials’a tiflue of faltchoods and ca lumnies balc'y intended to defame the’gov ernment, and denied th t the executive had poflelfed the information stated by Mr, Quincy, Abcr a fe.v remarks from Mcffrs. Mum tord, Mailers, and Bldweli,. Mr. Early otrered the following refolnticn. Rifilved, 1 hat the charges ebutaioed in the memorials of S. G. Ogden and William Smith are, in the opinion us this House, uh- ; supported by any evidence which in the bast degree criminates the executive gov ernment of this country —that the said me. mortals appear to have been prefer) at a iim<f and under clicunrutanees irmdiouily calculated to excitf unjust suspicions in ihe minds of the good people of this nation against the exilling udrnimltruticn of the general government —and that it would be highly improper in this House to take any step which. might influence or prejudice a caufc now depending in a legal tribunal of the U. States, thcrcfw/c Rcfolved, that said memorials Is by the Clerk of this House * returned to thole from whom they cams. Mr. Clark required the previous questi on which was t lien by Yeas aud Nays, as follows : " (hall the main queftipn be now pa.”—Yeas 74 —Nays 15. The question was then taken by Yeas and Nays on the fcvcral members of the refla tion ss divided by dalhet— Ou agreeing to ihe ift member, the Yeas were 75—Nays 8. 2d Yeas 70 —Nays 13. 3d Yeas 84 —No Nays. Last -Yeas 71 —Nays 14. Wc (hall not refrain from exprefTing our fatisfaAion at the completely abortive issue of this miferahlo attempt, viewed either re latively to time or substance, to impair the confidence of the people in the parity of the motives ar.d the fannefs cf the cocduft of the executive, and particularly of the Prefi. dent and Secretary of State. The objeft was undoubtedly to saw fufpicionj to scat ter mtfreprefentations, to call a cloud over the fair fame of men whose names and Cervi ces have become identified with republican principles. But the pojfcn has been met by its antidote, and the-blow menaced at them has recoiled with double, with over whelming force on the heads of its authors. The attempt has extorted from the Rcpre. fentatives of the people a vote of confidence, almost unparalleled in the annals of legifla t?vc bodies —a vote of /twenty to thirteen. From the Richmond Enq^iri*. MILITIA of the UNITED STATES. We have received from a triend at Walbing ton, a '* Message from the Picfidcnt oi the United States, transmitting a State ment of the Militia of the United States according to the returns received from the (cveral States and Territories.”— <* April n, read and ordered to lie on the table.'* This llatement is distributed into too many tables, and spun into too ' many ’details, to be either intereftingcr | indructive in its prefeut form. Wchave • therefore deemed it fnficient to throw these d'uTcrenr details into one general view. 7# the Senate and Hnnfe nf Repre/nt alive s of the United States, I now lay before Cov.grsfs a statement of the Militia cf the United States, according to the,ret urns last received from the several ftatrs :»nd territories. It will be perceived that some of these arc not of recent* dates ; and that from the dates of Maryland ar.d Delaware, no returns are dated. As far as appears from our records, rone were ever rendered from either cf these Hates. From the rcrritoiics of Orleans, Louisiana and Michigan, complete returns have not yet been received, TH : JEFFERSON. April it, rBc6. The GENERAL and FIELD STAFF includes the following ranks and numbers cf officers: 70 Major Generals; 183 Briga dier Generals ; 8 Quarter Matter Gnetais ; 15 Adjutant Gen<f«ls ; 114 Aid de Camps : 1 • tate Engineer ; 1 Commifl’ary General of Purchase; 1 Commifllary Gtn. of iflites ; 160 Brigade Majors ; 1 Pay MaSer Gen. I Phyfieian General; 1 Apothecary Gene ral ; 1 Deputy Adjuvant Genera!; t Deputy Quarter Mailer General ;.*i Waggon Maf tcr General; 1 Forage Mrmcr General ;22 Brigade rter Mailers.—The second lill, viz. of FIELD FFICERS AND REGI MENTAL S TAFF, comprehends the fol lowing ranks and numbers of officers; o Col >ntl ; 760 Lieutenant Colonels Com mander.v; 1509 Majors ; 432 Pay Masters ; 587 Surgeons ; 362 Surgeon’s Mates; 6tg Quarter M -flers ; 732 Adjutants, 'The return of the AR 1 1LLER.Y includes 14 Lieutenants Colonels; 45 M- jors ; 195 Captains; 251 -Full Lieutenants; j 59 Second Lieutenants; 17 Adjutants; 16 Qjtf’er Mailers; 733 Serpents; 91 Cor. po ais ; 359 Muiicians ; 148 gunners ; 62 Alannen ; 6553 MfltroiTes. 'I he lilt ot CAVALRY embraces 37 Lieutenant Colonels; 70 Majors; 431 Captains ; 778 Lieutenants ; 399 Owners ; 28 Adjutants ; 8 Pay Mailers; 25 Quarter Mallets ; 1366 Sergeants ; 433 iViuficians ; 27 Farriers ; joSaddlm ; 17675 Dragoons. A dittinCt lift is given es the GRENA DIERS ; but they are very few in number. Ir contains 3 C.vpraifis ; 3 Lieutenants; 2 Enfignti; 'lO Sergeants; 3 Corporals; 2 drums and and fifes; 127 Rank and File.— The number of the LIGHT INFANTRY also is very limited ; being>lo mere th;:n 7 Cap atns; 8 Lieutenants; 6 Ensigns ; 20 Corporals; 5 Sergeants ; 6 Mufirians ; 281 rank and ire.—The lift es RIFLEMEN includes 82 Captains ; 87 Lieutenants ; 7/ Knfigns ; 237 Sargeants ; 96 Corporals; 96 ivjoiictims ; 41 24 rank ana die, of which Pennsylvania a one furnifhcs 3352.— The litl 6t INFANTRY, which is placed last on these returns of Militia of the United States, comprehends, 7263 Captains ; 7093 Lieu tenants; 685'r Knfigns; 499 Sergeant Majoi* ;■ 275 Quarter-Maller-Seije,infs ; 452 drum majors ; 442 fife majors ; 24,569 Serjeants ; 2222 Corporals ; 10,579 Mult, many; 245 Pioneers; 471,563 P»ivatfs; bcfiJes (,0 Cuuoa Warti-Jis, iu Sotu-Caro lina, * », i is a table us the whole num ber of 'Privates, in the artillery, cavalry, and foot, belonging to the diffei-nt Hates and territories. Under the term “ foot” v,c nuean to include, Grenadiers, Light Infant ry* Rtflsmen and Infantry : Art. Cavalry, Fast. NewHampffiirc 46z lbz() 6q Mo ILcitu setts 2,09 2126’ 533,6 Rhode )• Conne.ucut +S? , 2 y Cra ,or,t 3H t > Nr*.York I 14, -6-7.1 Ne»-jntar. ,36 ' S J 2 ; JJ P-nnfjlv..j,u 319 ijSi 834,3 Delaware Maryland V |r gima 1050 3096 61962 Nonh-Carohna 2 -g --g-j South-Caiuiina 773 29185 S™*" 7* 590 16630 cnia fy 29356 lcnacffcc 636 14185 * The return fr,n Virgl nie it f tr j go; . OMo 46 50 8071) Diftrift of Columbia 81 43 XE93 Mississippi Territory 1623 Indiana Territory j 5 jy iCs Michigan Territory Orleans Tenitory ’ •Louisiana Territory In the U. State* 7,085 17,67$ 476,095 1 7*675 7*083 •Number liable to milita duty 30th jan, lad# 2,220 Number of Militia, exclusive - of officers, in thcfe Hates and territories, from w hich . 503,073 returns were received, at different years, LONDON, February 20...26. Cotton ~ We are informed that in Jan. 1806, the flock of cotton in Great. Britain# exceeded chat of the fam: period in 1805, from zoto 30,000 bags. Our ir formant adds that the impoitaiion w ill not bekfs frcmOr leansthis year than from 50 to 60,000 bales, and the increaft from Catolina and Georgia) at kail one third more than in 1805, March 5' The aft for the fufpenficn of the Habeas Corpvs in Ireland expired yefterdr.y, and we can positively Hate, that it ia not the intention of the government to revive it. A Dublin paper of the 28th, contains the following article, which we have reason to believe truly discloses the system of poli cy which the new ministry mean to pursue with tefyeft to the country. ** Lord is brew {bury, the Primkr Earl of England, and in rank amorgft the Catholics of the Empire, with becoming prudence arid fpirif, took an early opporfu nity, after the new mlnifterul arrangements were completed, of desiring, for bimfelf ard Mr Scully .f another member cf the late de putation fiom Ireland} a conference with Mr. Secretary Fox upon the fubjeft of the Catholic claims. The minillcr readily com piled, and, in the ccurfe of a free conveifa lion, Hated To them vations confitkraticns, to itcoinmc'nd that the Catholic petitions should be deferred fur the prefenr, Ha red ed this recommendation chiefly upon the public prejudices which prevail in England, and which have been, of late, widely and actively dtffufed. He said, that though .the nuniftry have not any legislative relief in their immediate contemplation, the Cath olics of Ireland may be allured of a just and equitable fpirii in ti c new executive depart ment—the cxiliing Jaws in their favor {halt be faithfully executed in all refpefts, and cfpecially in the army—that the tone of public officers drai! be more liberal, and the adminiltraacn of justice fucf>, as to infare cqusj proteftion to all, without diftinfticn of Left or party—that the relief and improve ment of the lower ch.ffes particular ly attended to—and, finally, that the high and honorable persons, about to tffutac Ihe government of Ireland, are ftcdfirftly attach ed to this f> Item, and finctrely inclined to promote the general prosperity by the moil Cbncilitating and bcneitcicnt meafurCE. Ha repeated his cordial good wifircs toward# the Catholics, and trailed, that they would perceive the propriety* of dtffcrring their pe titions. “ Lord Shrcwfbury and Mr. Scnlly re plied, that they could not prefame to anti ci, a:e the determination ofShat grezt body ; thi nked him for the ex plicitncfs of his de claration, and retired. ** March 6. The preparations for increafingand fitting out the B mlugnc flotilla areinceil int ou eve ry part of the French coasts Humours of a dtfpuiitioa in one of tins royal brothers to place himfclf at rhe head of the intended oapofitbn, ate in circula tren ; we should oe difpokd to treat the i dea with entire contempt, but it comes from no light quarter, March 12. By the Hamburg M .il of the ;‘h infant which arrived this morning, we received ti e following communrcation from cur Coc refpondent in thar citv “ Hamburgh, March 5. “ In mv last I informed you of the cef fnn of Anipacn to Bavaria. It is strongly jumoin-ed that Blreulh is also placed at tha disposal of France, but whst JftSy '(,* l! p timaic destination is not yet k.towo, Pruf fta has further to cede to France 5. Switzerland .he territories of Neufchatel 8c Le V.iivngein, and to the Archduke Feici nand of Avflkla, the fortrefs of Wefel, and the part of the Dutchy of Ckves which.ha still retains on this. fi.Je or rh? Rhk.c, Theft reffions are the re'blt rs rk' tio.ns between Luchefinj, Haugwitz) and Talleyrand. What coun-cnfttijn has been f ipniatcd for them has not tranfplred ; bur the politicians on rhi» fide of the wgter think it no longer doubtful, thar a very conftde rable parr, if not the whole of rhe electorate of Hanover, will be transferred in full fc veitignty to his F/nffian Majesty. “ li is reported very confidently, tint p opofais /.avc been made to the defter of IKftr., to accept of for,-c petty di;: ,-Uis c:n -tiguouß to ms urritcr;, t» allume the tide of King of the Catti. ** The duke of Brunswick reached Sr. Petersburg on the joth ult. and met with a mod gracious The . Vftft of* his tr.Ußon w’s to endeavour to eftiblilk forae balls of uegocjauon between Russia and France. The Emperor Alexander, howe ver, his declared, that h ■ -vill ,t 3 c in » iH hU alliance with Great.B-itaia,