Newspaper Page Text
To be Hired,
Two Negro Women,
Good Cooks, Washers and
Ironers—-rccctr mended for their ftcadir.efi,
honefiy and falriciy—they have no fami
lies. Enquire at this Office,
May 3, (ts.)
ON reasonable Terras, a valuable Wag
gon & Tsam, Fit for tko road ; the
fame may be fecn nearly every week at
Calls- Ware- House Augusta, where ih;
delivers Cotton. Thofc who wifli to pur
chase mav know the terras, by apnh inp to
bis. Jothus Debutts at Lid Ware House,
ortj the fubferiberin Wiilas County, near
N. 8. He ?;{% will fell that har.dfome &
well improved Plantation wherepn he now
live*, called Shady Greve, containing be!-
tween 7 and goo acres of Rich Laud, well
improved, with more. rhea ico acres under
ALL persons having any de
mands a&iinfl the dhue d the late. Win,
Tyler deceafid, of the county ut Columbia,
arc requeued to come forward, and render in
their accounts for payment ; those indebted
tofaideftate, are carndily requested to come
for waul and make payment.
Eenj, LEiGH, . *Adm’rt,
May 10, 1806. (jt.)
On Monday the day of June next, in
Columbia County, at the plantation of
the late lf r m. Tyler, at prefeut occupied
by If m. Serry ,
PART of the ptrfonal efiate of the late
Wm. Tyler, confiding of Negroes,
Totk d different kinds, H rafehold and Kit
chen Furniture. The fa’s to continue from
day to day until the whole is fold—Terms
of fait—Ctcdit ti.l the firft day of Decem
ber next, on the purchaser giving bond and
/comity, that mav be approved.
Wnt, BERRY, -J
Benj. LEIfSH, > Adm’rs.
May to. (3.)
Ten Dollars Reward .
q Will be given for ap-
Y prchctiding and fccuring i n
L'V-a country born negro
Llbw* oaraed JACK, He
from the pJxnta
ti3H of the Suhfcriber the
ji. April; is a tall lofly fellow, about
no years cf age, complexion not de> p blaik,
he is very flout made üb* ut the Ikouldexs,
and b:cafl. Hit cloatliing was a striped
hemefpun jacket, and overalls, cznaburg
(hid, and wool hft. lie was laie the pro
perty of Mr. Fnilie’s of Gokirabia county,
and it is ptubjble, that he is gone thsrc, or
towards Acgufta. Whoev. r'takc* hint up,
and ftcurcs him, Ihall receive from ir.c, the
cbsve re ward as soon as information there
of Is given to me, i t iVlaJup Boling Ccx,
at Collharn fed/ on the Oconee liver,
Grte*Jbor9H*h, May 3, (jj
Fifty Dollars Reward.
P AN-AWAY from the
jdfu Subfciibcr on or a' cut
December luff, a
n.-gro fellow nuund JACOB,
c o'* complexion, flint
gggjßjjijlwsLui' adc» about fix feet high Sc
b anoed ontnc cheek T G. which is quite
visible, also, what is somewhat remajkxblc,
he has blue eyes. -He was brought fre-nr
Maryland, and I expeft ferae vi hite perfbo
has perfaaded him £0 elope, A Reward of
Fifty Dollars will be paid on delivering the
said Negro >0 me in Greene county, or fc
curing him in any Jail in this flute ; and a
further Arm of Fifty, if such offender is
brought to con vision for inveigling him
away. He is by .rade a good B ! ac.hfbMi,
Gram c§urty, May ic. (jt)
. ■-—■ ■— M ■ —■ . I
Forty Dollars Reward.
ali? AN-AWAY cn the
5- h *of April lass,
SAM, ? flout HWely fell or,
about 25 yerr* of ?ge and
about 5 feet je inches high,
also hit wife ROSf ETTA,
a likely wench abeut the
fsme S£e, middle fi«d rather of a
complexion. It i» fuppvfed they will give
a wrong name to their ©M-ncr, 3rd very
likely, change the'r own names (the fellow
wasprefirnt when Speir and Bulls were mur
dered) both northward raised. Anv per-,
son securing Add negroes in any JgjJ ar-( j
giving information to the Subfcribcr, fliall
receive the abave rewatd.
W Columbia county. May 10. (^t)
Shefiff, titles. Bills of sale,
\ &c * *** to***
\ jr a
For Sale .
That Valuable piece of Land,
WHEREON th« Subscriber now lives,
in Columbia County, containing 390 acres,
bounded by Thomas Gumming, Barnett
and Moore; for term* apply ro tic Editor,
cr the Subscriber on the premifet.
May 3. _____ (cO
THE Subscriber finding aa attention
paid by hi* debtors to his repeated
applications for pzymeat, informs them
tl at all his outftandirg debts will be put
into the hands of an Attorney at la w for
coikdUan next Court, unlcfi pievioifly
fettle L Wm. KENNEDY.
A’vguftat May jd, 1806. (3O
hTorl c e.
THOSE who arc indt bird to the E flats
of the late Edward Fears deceakd,
arc requeued to coire and make immediate
payment, eife their accoun.s will be put
ir?o an attorneys Lanes-.• -Ar.d those to
whom the Estate is indebted will plcafc t»
prefect their accounts attested cgtecably to
l '-y h fyl
On the Jirji Tuefday in June next, at Frank
lin Court House , between the fours ej tin
and three o'clock,
1 coo Acre? of Land, more or
lef?, being fait of a tra£i containing 35 cco
*c:e?> originally granted to Wm. Call, in
Franklin County, on the grove, and Hud
son rivers, and watcis thereof; levied cr. j
as the property of Geo. Sibbaki, to fatiafy |
Ahednigo Downing, and pointed out by
said Downing,
158-* Acres land in said county, *
on Freeman's creek, adjoining Henry Mol
com, end John Holccir. »
50 Acres, on the waters of Free
man's creek, adjoining the above on one
fide, and on an other fide by UtiahEchob.
One Mare; levied on to fatisfy
an Execution in favor of Wm. Caifun, v.*.
Wm. Kelley and Abraham Lcaiheu— ti e
an J pointed out by Kelley.
200 Acres of land in said coun
ty, On Gam leg ctetk, granted to John
Storecyphcr, adjoining Jof-plj Dunn, !ovj.
cd cn as the property of Win. Dunn, to fa
tisfy John Dukes—levy made and returned
to me by Wm. Hobgom!, Confiatlc,
231 Acres of land in said coun
ty, m the water* of Naii'a creak, adjoining
Thomas Jcncg, Richard Wjtkins and Wi
dow Ch ilian, taken by virtue of twoexe
cu-Ln* in fcvorof Jofsph Sewell agrilift
John P, Edjnger, pi in ted out by the plain
tiff, levied on by a Ccnftable and returned
t» or. ALSO,
One other Execution in favor
of Thomas Cat Mr, against the administra
tors of John Gorham.— Condiions, Ca/h,
H, TERRELL, $ her ft,
Mav 3d, 18 6. ( ? )
At Grcent Court- House, on the Jirji Tvjday
in June next f between the hours of ten
and three o'clock,
302 Acres of Land, more or
Uh, Jurg on the fonth feik o! L.ttle river,
adjoining Whitlock ard others, executed
as the property of Price Bird, at the in
ftancc ot Wm. & Felix Gilbert—this land
ha* been, advertised feverai times, but al
ways flopt by the plaintiff.
250 Acres more cr less, on the
waters of the Bcaverdam, adjoining Adam*
and other, executed as the property of
Robert Porter, at the ichance of Win.
230 Acres more or lc r s, on the
water* of ti c Appalatchee river, adjoining
Juhi f a and others, executed as the pro*-
perty of Fieids Ktnnsdy, to fatisfy two
executions, one from the Treasury, the
other in favor of this county.
1 57 Acres more or less, on the
waters of Green Brier creek, adjoining
Je -kens and others, executed as the proper
ty of Ephraim Jackson, at the inftaoce of Colly.
i 5 Acres more or less, on the
water* of the Oconee, adjoining Gresham,
having s diftiilery thereon, together wirh
the fiili, which woik* about sixty gallons,
?1! completely in repajr-alfa ene Hutfe j
Me v.ho'e cxfcntcd a* the property of Dans
cl Newnan, at the ir.fiance of David Borincr.
i wo head of horses, one a bay
marc, about three years old, the other a
grey filly, oue year old this Spring ; levied
on as the property of Enoch Lunsford, at
the inßance of Judith Harrcway, for the
ufcof Zachanah Robertson.— Cas» Sale,
N. G. MACON. D. S.
"** (51)
On thefirfi, Tuefday in June next, at Celum
bia Court- Hcufc, between the usual hturs ,
Will be Sold
500 Acres of land in Columbia
county 1 on the water* of Little lircr, join
ing land* at the time of the original sur
vey, belonging to James M’Farlsnd and
John Grafliam Efar.
287- acres of land in Greene
county, adjeinig academy land at the time
of fatvey, executed at the property of Wm.
Stark, to futufy an execution in favor of the
adn.iniftrators ofT, Harthorn, and pointed
cut by the defendant.
550 acres of land whereon John
| Fetter now live;, adjoining Beall & Lamair,
and on the water*« f Michaels creek, in
Columbia county, Executed a* the property
fpf John Fefier to fcsti*fy an execution iu
avor of theadrainifhat’ix James Ray,
50 acres of land on the waters
of Savannah river, adjoining Jesse Sarideis
jlin'r, executed as the property of Chaika
Couiinit, lofatisfy Notley Whitcomb, re
turned to ms ty a conflable.
100 acres of land the property
of Janus Coufint, adjoining lands of jefle
Sanders jun’r, on the water* Savannah river
to fatisfy ,3 execution* in favour ofNotley
Witcomb -.nd John For, returned to me by
a ConfUbk, ALSO,
22~ acres of land in Columbia
county on the vatc * ol Uj tens Creek, join*
iag Holonron and Duvis, Executed »» the
piopfity of William Hamfs, to fathfy ta
execution in favour of John Lucklcey, rc
i turned to me by a Confiabie.
666 aciescf land in Columbia
county on the waters of the Kicka creek,
, and whereon Dexter Gibson new lives join
ing Wright & Brifcoe, executed -athe f rc
peity of said Gibson, to fatitfy an execution
in favor ts Edmund Bowdie,
Three Negroes (to wit) Naroe,
Tenour, and Hannah to fatisfy an execu
tion obtained pgair.ft James Wocd, iu fa
vor of the Executor Wiiliam Bitb,
416 acres cf land on the waters
of she big Kick a cro k, j init.g Lexer, bersy
and Goode, executed as the prt petty of
Benjaiain L-igh to fstisfy an execution in
favor ofJAtvhibald Feall,
350 acres of land with a good
Saw-Mill on it and mher valuable buildings
whereon Jan e* Moore formcr'y resided in
Columbia county, join eg lands of Charles
Porter tf.j, executed as the property cf laid
James Moore to fatisfy sundry executions
for witntT* attendance in a case C Juries
Forttr agaisft fame* Moore.
Wm. FLEMING, s. c. c.
May 3* [3*.]
On the ji'.Ji Tutfday in June next, at Jcuk-
in Scrivtn County, teiu-eeu
the fours of ten end three o\Lak.
2co Acres of Land in said coun
ty. on Hoefc creek, joining lands of John
200 Acres ditto in said county,
cn Hcrfe crctk, joining lands »f Petmk
340 Acres joining the above
land, taken as the piopcry of M.*jor Mu
ftek, at the fail of Mark Sapp and Zachc
r**»h Cowa.d, the ?a«n.j being puhj ouc*l ms
4th day of March left,
500 Acres in said county, on
Little Ogechec, joining lanes *f Rtchsrd
Rogers, taken at the property of Mscfijah
Godwin dcccsfcd, at the suit of John Bt li
ne!! junior, pointed cut by TJuopl.ias
Thcmas Administrator the fat.e being
pc*poned as above,
ico Acres of land in said coim
t", on Savannah river, joining jsr.c * cf
William C.hriftie, t;.ken 5s the property 0 »
T horas« Floyd, at rhe suit of ChaiJci Ng- \
Smith, rhe being poF pence. I
Terms—C ism.
May 3 .f, 1806 f-jj !
Skiff’s saxeT
A t Oglethorpe Court-Ilcu/e, the firji Tu>f.
d V »« 7«« next, at the u/ud fours.,
. 2 5.5 Acres cf I.and, more or lefi.
in kid ceunry. on the dry fork of L c J
Crerk, Jotnrg Jcfrah Jordan ra<i ct*-rf
taken as the property of AS.- m v r vt
fatisfy Jbhn Dickfonfcr if"
Hollingsworth frfd pV^, o^^ l
Execution. now in *>y B S* acJ <lih »
tions Cash, V Cotfui-
Mm ~ T * W ' «*>Vr, m
[? T *d
On the jifjt Tutjday in June next, u t i) t I
Market House in Augufs, , at th.v<uA i
Hours. ■
600 Acres of Pine Land, tree I
or lef», together with a well rt .,r-i I
plantation, and a geed Dwelling Heufe, & I
other convenient out Heufe*. I
An Elegant Saw-Mill, cn the I
waters cf Spirit Cieek, Levied cn a ( j e I
property of James M Menjjis, to fatis'y aa I
Execution in favor of Thor. vi’hitchcct' I
One Houle and lot in the City I
of Augulla, Lying on the Center tare. ( , I
Ferry fireet, about 33 jn front, «;cr» ... I
le 9, and running Weuu ardiy by ] I
lines one Hundred and Sixry-fj’c , I
more or left, being part of let No y ; -'j I
bounded on tie South fide ly NlcT* I
Ware Esq. Levied cn as the property \i I
J«hn Savage to fatisfy an execution in iavor I
of Edmund L. Collier. I
25 Acres of pine land, mfpe I
cr !cls, Lytsg and being in the C-urtv of I
R;ckiru nd, bounded on the North by [ohn I
Savage and otherr, South well by Samuel I
Pugg, on the £*{| by Holland M'Tyrc I
Ffq. Levie dcn aa the propetty cf Samuel I
Eugg, to fttisfy an execution in favor of I
£cctt and K-lly. I
Jx. HARRIS 3, ». s. kc. I
May 3- (;«) I
On the frfi Tvefdny in June next, at the I
Court House in Oglethorpe county, at ikt I
vfuc.l hours . I
One negro woman named Sarah, I
one boy Philip, and one etker boy hmb, I
levied cn at the properly of John M‘C»«y
to fstirfy fondly executions vi». one in l*.
vor of ferrrr.i. h Bcggffi, ore in favor of I
Wm, & Felix Gilbert, & two otheit in fav< f I
of RiCi'srd Lcpolscd.— Conditions 1
Hck. LUMPKIN, d. s."
M *y 3- [h.j
At G erne Court House, on the frf Tues
day in June nc..t, Uizoc.n the hours of
10 and 3 o’clock.
Seven Negroes (To mt) Pctigree, Mi;a
irc Pheobr, Einab- Haan»h Hcitha ar.d
David, levied on by virtue of an Exer s
tion i/Toed tn a Mortgage forec’ofcd ia
favor cf Burc’cll & Alien vs Wa. Melton.
Cks'i Sale.
N. G. MACON, d. s. (at)
ALL Ptrfops indebted to the late firm as
Cormjck y Lube, arc once more te
qu&llcd to come forward and difeharge the ; r
accounts. Orherwife deep will he placed in
the {tatids ol an Attomev for eollcdiirr,
May 3. Jr)
Hands for sale
The Subscriber offers forf ale
1000 acres lituated at the time
of Purvey, in Prince Widism'r Paiifh, Gran
ville County, Soutb'Carelina.
sco acres lituated at the time
of farvey on a brant h of the SaUcatche*,
called crofa '% strip, in Cnileton count/
South Carolina.
500 acres lituated at the tims
of Imvcy, in Colleton crjur y, Scatb Car
503 acres being an IHand litua
ted cm Sav?nniih River, oppofi'e Poerc Ro
bin’s Bluff Georgia.
500 acres, lituated at the time
of (otvey in Colleton county, Sou ih Caro
iOO aCres on Swallow Savan
nah, in the ihen Granville courty, Scoth-
lituated onYa^tcatch-
l n tie L^ea county,
*»=»Hia.L.aro ik r'3.
2500 acres in Ninety-fix Di-
Zf* so- fc of Ecorie and Tiger ri
vers, anu o n two creeks, cabled Cednr fhoH
a,d Ssmmyt creek South- Carolina,
One tMrd Ctfh and the balance in or«
:y/3 years, with security and csorgvgn
tm me fant;2~ Indifoacabiu tu’e* be
Warren ton, Georgia, p. it-sim,
That excellent work,
Pinkertoa’i Geography, Sc Kitts
Elemems "hthav-aWtyofX
Oav' bo ° kS ' arC for sale this..