Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, June 07, 1806, Image 3

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EAST-BAY STREET LOT TERY. THIRTY-SIXTH DAT*S DRAWING, pill it eof 200 dollars—No, 111 o. Prize of 100 dollars.-No. 5481. • I Prize of 50 dollars—No. 3304. Prizes of 4* dollars—Nos. 1405 6918 7624 1889. Prizes of 20 dollars—Nos. 199 4522 4205 30 4124 26 1?. Prizes of 1 2 dollars—-Nos. 890-*877 9?74 6( ?7 9+?9 2818 5674 3887 6433 3600 2375 8400 4273 8522 6941 1556 17?9 230892*456221442 2574 4027 7321 5383 2748 9 8 93 *867 7.55 74014698 3 12 5118 9305 5561 3177 9418 863 7SO 391 53S 1706 269 2264 205027rj 7643 5597 561 6637 2464 6503 9045 2357 6951 9280 4598 4688 1904 9668 77*»0 4388 5791 *461 3651 4535' *4?4 9*37 33009145 6 0 6065 14349096 3816 1408 5788 5004 47297548876. THIRTY SETETH DAY*S DRAWING. Prize of 500 dollars—No. 3043. Prize of 200 dollars—Mo. 438. Prizes of 40 dollars—Nas. 1892 1436 162. tyßizEsof 20 dollars --Nos. 68j j 5938 3900. Prizes of 12 dollars-—Nos. 2663 1141 45*6 6; ;o 5841 9781 589 3451 8676 77645313 9807 90575919 8358 986 n 29147767 8950 27: 2665 6509 8396 3425 8211 8317 5998 349225x6 3413 9045 4.3035 9373 3639 2146 2758 1607 40 1'6 8190 5/> 6664 543 S 5539 4038 3681 4835 2109 6438 3So 5120 9638 400 1675 9J29 9225 5604. THIRTY-EIGHTH DAY’S DRAWING. Prizc of 200 dollars—No. 8920. Prize of 50 dollars- N«*. 102?. Prizes es 40 dollars—Ncs. 9232 8088 4608 k Prizes of 20 dallars— Nf»s. 932 5 7442. Prizes of 12 dollars— Nqs. 9752 3671 917 2729 6536 1H32 9284 4067 7457 6848347384754075 11409.337 2557 9845 4452 1789 5493 2667 4289 1306 2003 1806 5149 2230 9871 4603 1738 1012 771 3923 5102 2826 5829 388 4829 219a 503 f 7310 830 s 8397 6a»B 17:9 3728 866 1697 5t 35 6634 8096 4072 8534 5396 95388849 71106540 7062 3073 2959 3525,5543 1406 5356 5601 3313 4935 6937 5627 9837 2087 3811 1781 6719*747 1 350085987897733 2846436 113 1 53+6337 310 5397 4746 \ £273 Si 49 1361 4731 7307 2371 2951 9371 1027 8578 1690 4112. LATEST FROM ENGLAND. The {hip Two Friends, Liviugllon, arrived this morning, left Gravcfend on the i Brh April, A gentleman who came paflenger in the (hip has politely favored us with London papers to the 11»h ot April inclu iive, three davs later than our previous advices ; but their contents are not very important. The following are the only articles we notice es any intcreft. A great number of Prussian veffeis have been font into the U itiih ports in cor.fequence of the recent orders. We ai!o oUferve, that fcveral Hamburgh, Danish and Bre men vcllhls, have been detained. Letters from Sng. (late, that it is ex pec ted the British government will ihortly, not only declare all the ports on the continent in a fh'c ot blockade, but will detain eve ry velfel beuud for France, Spain or Hol land. Earl Macartney, died in England, on the 7JI April. BRITISH PARLIAMENT The following remarks conclude a Sprccnby Mr. Fox, in the Britih H <ufc of G».n nions, in defence ot the military plans of Mr. Windham. After noticing gen erally the arguments of ©ppofitton. “ Mr. Fox proceeded to the profptfl be fore us; ami looking to our Situation, as •urn pa red with that ot the formidable enemy with whom wc had to contend, without aa ally in Europe to strike a (ingle blow for us, he owned that he thou Id be Jifpokd to re •otnmend an incrccfc of our public (orce, e ven beyond what could be herne with facil ity. He feared ther« were no hopes to be entertained of speedily attaining Inch a peace as might relieve us from the r.cceP.ity of keeping up that force. Bat it neither peace could be obtained upon honorable terms, nor means fohnd by force to circamfcribc the en emy within rcafanable limits, the country mull come to this dreadful option either we mal lock oaifelvcs up within our inlui ar situation, abandoning all interference yvith the Continent, P'l’vijoi or he Brtlannts t cr wc mnft continue the druggie Sgnting up hill, with the belt profpefh our means and exertions could aiF;rd of ultimately Tin* mg the conteil to an honorable Blue. ur 1 u ation was such, that whatever tm. expen e might bs, have a Sritilh aimv °^ e where ; in case of invasion, which he cue of those who did not thin., very P ra * y ble ; we fliould be likewise defended by a powerful amin;. However, vafnnto take place, be reprobated the idea of being panieftrade by ™Y apprehenuons on that head. It was not by fats of this kind, or keeping him fell upon th.s e.e.x within his own territory, that the prc.en Ruler of France had effcHed his triumphs. 13tended at feaby our navy, and &>■ to which he certainly looked a* the fiefi 0 - jest, by a numerous and brave army, J“ c ' c V a toil Jt. I >Tal jojaMon. !.t fa* r>o- * ( Jun s 5 0r W “’ ch to fca * 5n th e iff JO of a final C'litdt, even upon English ground. Anti u 10 voiced to Ireland, he fhw there a P°P* •ulatton of a brave and loyal people as on |arth, who, if measures were but adapted to conciliate their feelings and attachment, would give to his ma jelly a fourcc fur re cruiting his armies, unequalled on the fame number of acres, in the dominions of any prince in Europe.” Ex trail of a letter fro™ a gentlem an rest-, lit Kg at the Miffifjippi territory , IV,if/j-e ittyion -county, to hit friend m Savannah. Cincinnati April 14.. —A letter from the town of Waffiington, Mississippi territory, dated 18th February, fays- 1 —“ that a party 01 five hundred Spanith horic, had arrived to reinforce the post on this fide the Sabine ; that a leverc engagement had taken place between them and captain Porter, and that the Spaniards had been routed.” ExtraS of a letter from a gentleman rejt diny at Vincennes , Indiana Territory ‘ to the Editor , dated, April 151806. “ The governor has just been officially in formed that the Delaware Indians hav* burnt several individuals of their nation and condemned several others to undergo the fame fate. A prophet it fee ms, appear ed them, who told them that he had fecn the Great Spirit, who commanded him to uli the Indians that it was his will they should clellroy all thofs who drink, fpiriluous liquors, or kept had medicines about them. In confpquencc of these orders from above, they began by burning the great chief of the nation himfclf, and arc cominuii g the pious work with as much devotion as the council of Guidance felt when 1 hey con- . v demned to the flames John Hubs and Jerome of Prague.— The governor is about fending a special meffige to try and pacify them.” Kentucky paper, \ The following article, front a late London print, indicates the origin of the Miranda expedition. “ Infurancc has been eff fted at Lloyd’s cn the batTgaw of an American officer of O 0 O t t B rack, employed on an expedi*i«n firring nut at Ncvv-Ycrk. The i*Tur,mce for the Tea rilk between New. York and the coast of Car accas, in south-America, and leave was gi ven to touch at St. Domingo, It is fuid . the expedition consisted of 7000 men. This curious circuioftance explains many of the rumour? about the declaration of war against Spain.” Nat, Intel!, An officer of the frigate Carflitutlon, • Commodore Redgcrs, who left Malta, *o 25th January, and arrived here lift evening on his way to Wafhirgtnn, allures us that no alternation whatever had taken p' twe-n the commodore and captain Gale at the time of his departure, anil that he be lieves the report malicious and destitute of truth. , Baltimore Paper, Mungo Park, the celebrated African tra veller, with his retinue, confiding of 100 armed men, has arrived at Faya], where preparations were making for his departure to explore, according to his original plan, the interior of the African coast. French celebration^— The Fete of Saint Napoleon, and the rc eftablilh merit of reli gion,- is to be celebrated on the sth of A.u gnft '] he anniversary or Napoleon’s cor onation and the battle of Aufterlitz is to be ciebratcd the firft Sunday in December. Monileur. CRUEL SPORT. A march was made by two gentlemen between the celebrated horfc Dutchman, of 801 l on, and the fmali black Virginia Cp.or, of this town, who had keen celebra ted tor his bottom, and active movements over tbs ground as a traveller. Dutch man was like wife celebrated tor his speed on the turf. These Series were to travel from Providence to Boston, and bac«c again. The bet between the parties was 200 dol lars. They darted from Craftitutbp-Hill prccifely at 9 o’clock on Tuefday morning, and arrived in Baftcn, 20 minutes pad 12. Crop returned immediately for Providence, was lively and in goed fpiritsfor 76 miles, which he performed in 6 hours and 54 min utes ! He travelled the firft 50 miles in 3 hours and 47 minutes. Ihe latt J or 6 miles ha failed very faft, and became totally blind.- -Fie however, arrived in town pre cifcly at 6 o’clock, P. M. Thus poor Crop performed a journey of Sz mlies in 9 hours ! he was immediately stabled, but expired in 4J minutes after h;s arrival. Dutchman, when he palled me tolbhoufe in Dedham, was 24 minuses behind Caop, ner was he able to overtake him, but failed 1 3 miles from Providence, where he also died in a few hours. Nearly 2000 dollars were pending on this match. 1 Providence Gazette, j DIED, in Philadelphia, on Tburfday the gth ult. after a tedious and lingering limcts, Robert Morris, Esq. whale signal and important services to his country, during our revolutionary flruggle with Gieat- Britain, are well known throughout the United States. INK POWDER. Os the very heft kind, to be had on low terms (by wholesale and re tail) at the Chronicle Office. ?■»jii<jiLaai!.■H.ai_gjg ( AUGUSTA, June 7. OUR readers will perceive by this day’s paper that the work of Kings, Emperors See, is rapidly piwgroffing in Europe, and tiiough we copy fevcial articles we are obliged to Condense many others. Hainborgh has been requeftedby Bortapafte to lend him fix millions of livres—Kuflia is set only preparing to meet the ‘dorm on the, Poliih frontiers, but on those of Molda. via and Wallachb also- Contrary to lor. met accounts, we learn that the King of Naples and his family arrived fafe in Sicily, with a? imraenfe trcafure—.-The Ouchcfs of Dcvtwiflme died in London on the 30th ot March Jaft—Murat is become Duke of Ckvesand Berg, which lately belonged to the King of PiuCa—The Infurgems in the Turkilh provinces are making rapid con qurfts; when once the French join them, can he'no doubt of their is exposed that Bnnaparte’s real objeft is now to restore Poland, and place her as a har rier against the Ruffians— Prussia and Au. stria will probably confcnt to this, being amply indemnified in other quarters—To the existing public burdens, the present minifler of England has added by new taxss, seven millions one bundled and thirty fix thou land pounds I—--It is Ltd that France*, is in ticaty with Portugal far the cession «f Goa in the East indies,, for which bpain is to cede to her, the prdvince of Gallicca--- The Btitifh minifler has raiftd a loan of 20 millions for England and two millions tor Ireland, and thinks he msy want more within the year. ' Every port on the Continent cf Eurwpc jtlmoll, being now (hut agaihft the English, Dritifh manufafiures mud nccelTafily decline andfuffor, and Confequcntly American cot. ton will fall in price. The Britilh frigate Cleopatra arrived lately In Hampton roads, after having kidnapped if pfifi.ns out of the (hip Eliza from Londonderry, and bound to Baltimore ...The merchants ol Philadelphia Pie about building an Exchange in that city on a tontine fehetne. Outrage upon Outrage. A paragraph, which appeared in eur last, tinder this head, and copied from a northern paper, seems to have worked up the bile of tilt Herald, and provoked him to fitch re flexions and insinuations as he is well known to be in the weekly habits of making. It would appear fretf. the flaicmer.t of'Capt. Shepatd, that the Lieutenant was rot of the Leandcr, but of the Camlman (in part cf our last publication, wefaid, the Cam bridge)— that he did not know the gentle, men, {4 or 5 111 number,) who joined the Lieutenant, nor;their political'or national chr.racers j that he law the fame officer after wards on the fame whaif, and <loi.e, and tkat he knew the petfen of tke officer well from the ahufvve language he gave him ouffide of the Hook-., this is the fu of Shepard's testimony. The Herald tells us that this infctmalien was received here .bout 12 days a**, a °d that Shepard’s affidavit had n*t been given along with “Outrage utok Outrage.” The very bell teafon for not having given * it is, that the Editor of the Chronicle never saw the publication till it appeared in the Herald, on Thursday last; and however anxious the Herald may be to cloak, fereen, disguise and pn&teff Ftntijh pirates and Buffo in faience , it ftiil appears from Shep ard, as the reader may perceive, that it has [ m.- Outrage upo» Outrage ftiil. It is to he expected, \h.nfnm this out, iha Hersld will practice what he recommends to ethers, and accompany all the federal abuse, lies, calumnies and repeated falfhoods, which.flow through his muddy and pefti. serous columns, Will) Hear explanations and comments from REPUBLICAN SOURCES. THE RATTLE SNAKE. This reptile , it fcems, creeps out cf the gmfs, regularly every Ihurfday morning, and grows more and more nosy and n/ene. as the Sun approaches Cancer 01 ihe Crab ! Those who live at this fide of the Beaver Dam, would do well to beware of him, for be is known to have bitten one or two ai the other Jide , already', and thereby condensed their news and thuir money too into his little fob I Woffington Geo. May 31. By a gentleman who pafled through the Cherokee ration a few dajs ago, we are informed, that a very extraordinary duel was fought thereon the t6th inst. between James Vann and his brother in law, Jthn Falling, (a half breed) in confsquence of a former mifomieiftanding. Vann sent for his brother* in biw to meet him at an appoin ted place, abcuf half way between their own houses, for the porpofe of giving him fiuisfafliifn. They accordingly met, with their feccnds, all armed with mt’ikets and piftola. When tkey approached in fight of each other, they galloped up, To near that their horses hcaca were touching, when they fired nearly at the fomc instant. Ibe contents of Vann’s midkst, which was thirty rife bullets , entered the bread of Falling, and he fell dead from his horse ; and was left on the ground until the next morning. Vann’s coat {leave wa« burnt with the powder of Falling's roufleet. Yeftuday, Polly Barclay was ex eciited, as an sccdffiry in the murder es her hufbard. Prices Ctrrtni at I onion, on iht ijf April* Georgia Cottor, . . is. 4d to is. Sc!- Rice, • • • • • • to jSta fcf* On the 4th Sunday of the present month the Rev. Abraham Marshall, will preach the funeral sermon of Mrs. Mil ly By nils, at the country feat of Mr. Jacob Bugg. FOrIaLE] T A FEW,. African Negroes, On low terms, for cash or Cotton—for particulars enquire of ISAAC HERBERT. 7* THE SUBSCRIBER Offers For Sale, His STOCK in Trade , Confiding of a fmail though choice aflortment of DRY GOODS, Lately imported, with a supply Os Liquors and Groceries , which he will Aif t »c-fc of on low terns, and on a liberal cfedit. ISAAC HERBERT, June 7, 1806. (tj) FOR SALE—O Lease. The LOT and Improvements fit nated on the corner of Broad & M'lnfclh ft rest., at now occupied by Mrffr*. H. & A. Nclhitt— For term* apply to JOHN MURRAY. June 7. (3teow) NOTICE. THE Co-Partneilbip of Lafittk & Kamb, it chit dtv diflolvcd by mu tual c«n(ept-*-tll perfon* having any de mand!, will plcafc to ptefent them for ad juflment, and thafe indebted, are fulicited to make immediate payment to James 6. Lafittk, who ti to adjust the payment* ot the firm. JAMES B. LAFITTE, LEWIS BARIE. N. B. The Sitbfcriber having bought the STOCK, will continue bufmef* a* hereto fore, and folicii* a continuance of public favor*. JAMES B. LAFITTE. y u ne zd, 1806. (jt) Ten Dollars Reward . QTOLEN or STRAYED O from Canoe gut, near P* 2\«g u fta, 1 black msrf, blind n fjfeCl w ®f an eye, and hai the wl mark of a Fistula on het neck —about four Ret seven or eii?ht inchc* high. Any person dclivcr ino skid Mare to Wm, Bacon in Aognfta, or to tha Subfcribir at Canoe g<u, or giv ing informa ion where file may be found, (hill receive the aWe "ward. ABRAHAM WILoON. Jure 'jth, " (30 ~ SHEIUFfTsALE, At Greene Court-House, on the firfi Vue/day in July next, If van the hours of tin and th ee o'clock WILL BE SOLD , 200 Acres of land on the Oco nee river, adjoining Bjrnett and other*, it being the land wbcrcon Henry Cabamt* now Jives; levied on as his property, to fatiify fcvcral execution*, in favor of Joel Langham—Executed by * Conftabte, and returned to me.— Cash, Sale N. G. MACON, d, a. May 29* (3*) TO^i^OLD, On the firjt Tuefday in July next, at the Market-Hou/e, in Avtu/la, between the usual hours»at Sheriff's Sale , A Negro girl, about 16 years old,—a good cock, walber and irener.-p Also, a mulatto bey, about 13 year* old, *( untrv horn, speaks French ft! well a« ErgHfh —would make » go<d house servant, or anfwcr equally well in the field. June 7. JllL NOTIciT THE SUBSCRIBER Intending to be absent for forae time from Augusta, inform* hi* friend* and the public that, in the mean time. n». Brux i* aiiihcrifcd by him to tranlsft all hi. butter.. A 3RUX _ May 31. A Coachee $ Harnc fs For Sale. Enquire of the printer. May 17. I . 1 '