Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, June 21, 1806, Image 2

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* v v LATE FOREIGN NEIFS. j Ptrlhf Ship IItDEPENDENCR, Cgft, WAL' ker, 36 Jayt from GreenoCß. * LONDON, A*ril 5. On Thurfdar, Mr. Windham submitted to the Houff of Commons his plan for the improvement of our Military Syftcrti. The principal objeft ot this plan is, the perma nent increalc of the Regular Army ; and the means by which it is proposed to attain this object is as follow *.—■ ihe foldicr, in ftcad of engaging for life, as at present, is only to enlist for fevert years ; at the end of that period, if he be disposed to enter again for a similar term, he is to have a small increase of pay ; and also% further increase of pay, if he (It 00 id choofc to enlist fora third term of /even years. At the con. ciufion of the 21 years service, he is then to be entitled to all the full allowances of Cheifca, and the advantages of that retreat axe jo be augmented. In the Cavalry and Artillery, mftead of dividing the whole term of service into three enual portions of . seven years, it i# to be divided into periods of ter, fix, and five years. In the militia, no alteration whatsoever is to take place for the present with refpeft to their number, but in future they are to be recruited, not by the prefent 4 fyftem of ballot, but by a small bounty ; and the Militia ot Ireland are to be encouraged as much «s po/Hble to enter into the line. —* With refpeft to the volunteers, they are-,, not after the present year, to enjoy their present advantage } they are only to be ex empted from the general training of the male population of the country, which forms as efllntial part of the new system. With refpeft to the levy en majfe % the imle population is to be divided into three clafles; the firft including all from the age «f 16 jo 24, the second from 24 to 31, and the third from 3 a 10 40. Ot these three daffes, 200,000 are to be trained for 2 6 days every ytfar, ai.j a*- tt% trr>m ivm j fhiliing a day every day they are out. The regulations of the volunteer system are not to extend to Ireland. This is the general outline of the plan, which Mr. Windham opened with his usual ability. lit conclu ded a speech, the delivery cf which occu pied nearly four houis, with moving for leave to bring in a bill to repeal the Aft of 1803, commonly called “ the Levy tn Maffe Aft."—Mr. Fox, v»e arc happy to Hate, was well enough to attend the House, and to take a share in the debate, .April <5. AGottenburgh mail «nived on Sunday. Private letters by this convcyantc, report, that the emperor of Russia, determined to support the king of Sweden, had marched an armv into Prulfian Poland, which had taken poffclfi of Warsaw. Without pretending to vouch for the accuracy of this ftatetnent, we think it highly probable. April 12. We have received a private letter from Hanover, which states, that the territories lately given to Murat arc to he very con. fiderably augmented, and that he will firm be advanced to the dignity of an Elec tor. In the event of the death of the Em peror of Germany, his Elcftoral Highness Joachim Murat will tnoft probably be a candidate for the Imperial Diadem, and with the support of Bonaparte there can be no doubt ot his fuccefs,—Such arc the ru mours circulated on the Continent, relative to the future projefts of Bonaparte. — Sun. A let ter from Berlin states, that the King of Pruflia has set at liberty all the natives of Ireland, who were transported from country a few years ago, and has given thempermifiion to return to Ireland. These men were dittribured among the Silcfian re giments, and the King of Pruflh has intima ted the above refoluucn to Mr. Jackson, the Eoglifh Miniftcr, in order that he may provide trani'por.s. April 16. A gentleman who has arrived direst from Berlin, and whose authority can be depended upon, states, that the profpeft of war with Sweden, has not only caused great diflatis. faftion through out Brandenburgh, but pro duced very indignant sensations in the minds of thePruffian army. Yesterday a llrong rumour prevailed in the city, that a rapture with the United States was on the point of breaking out. The report was so generally accredited, as to cause a trifling depreflion cf the funds. We have however traced the rummir, and find that it originated in the dc-cntion of three American veflTels by our cruizcrs. Sim ilar circumftancea may be expefted to occur daily, in confcquenoe of the Americans at tempting to enter pom blockaded by Britiih (hips of war. This was the canfe of the vessels in question Having been detained. Authentic advice has been received, that the Spanifb Court, has blued an order for all Portognefe and other vrftels to quit the ports of Vigo, Corunna and Fer red, and to prohibit for the present the entrance of all veflels of the fame deferiptton, into any of these ports. order is said to be for ■ the purpose of dwicealing the objeft of a for- 1 midablc expedition now fitting out in the ports of Spain; but to which, no doubt, due attention will be paid by our goverraent, April 17, The Hamburg mail due on WednefJay, arrived this morning, and the intelligence is of confidcrable importance. The occupation otCattjiro, by the Ruffians, has led to a ve ry serious difeuffion between France and An ftria. The former evidently fufpefts the latter of having afted in collusion with Raf fia upon this occasion, and has begun to adopt mcafures rather of an boftile , •" ,r * If pwttncc; TKs return of Maltha! fierthler, now Duke ot Neufchatel, to France, ‘ has been postponed, and the French have refuted to evacuate the. fortrefs of Braunau, according to the treaty of Prc(burgh. Braunau is situated on the eastern bank of the Inn, and, while in the hands of the French, will enable them to enter at pleafiue the hereditary states of Austria. A letter from Rome states, that the Pa pal See is to be removed, and that Bona parte intend* to be crowned King of Italy .in the capital of the ancient world. April 18. The Stallholder departed this life on the 3:h instant, at Bronfwick, in the 58th year of his age. Hi* focceftbr in the gov ernment of the principlity of Naflau-Orange, is the hereditary and reigning Prince of Fulda. A rumour was very prevalent last night at the Weft end of the town that a serious schism had taken place in the Cabinet, originating in a very diftinguiftied charafler having pro posed to meet some overtures of Peace from Bonaparte, inwhichhcwas eat-voted, and, in oonfequence, had declared his intention of refining. We do not pledge ourselves for the truth or the report, but its general prevalence renders it our duty to date it.— Packet, April 19. The firft flag of troccfrom France brought a dispatch from Bonaparte, containing gen. era! expreflions of a desire to put an end to the calamities of war. An answer was re turned by our Cabinet, expressing a similar wi(h, but adding, no negociation for peace could be entered into, unlcfs Ruftia was a party to it. This last stipulation, it is re ported, was indited upon by Lord Green ville, contrary to the wiihes of Mr. Fox. April xi, \ Government this morning received the following important information : Copy from' the log hook of the American Jhijp u At x o'clock a. m. difeovered a Seer to the north weft, which gave chace to us in studding-sails, and hove to. At 3 the headmoft snip, the Patriot, came up with us and proved French. After examining us fhc carried us up to the Admiral ; and after afleing us many questions relative to English convoys, they allowed us to proceed. We counted fix fail of the line and one frigate —lat, 15. 2 x— long. 11. 1 f Weft. The Patriot informed the captain of the Dorothi as that they had failed from Brcft on the 74th of December, 18 fail in number, but had fe perated in divisions; they had taken three En glish Ihips with troops oh boad. They deni ed that they had any troops on beard, al though the admiral’s ship appeared full cf troops—The (hips were : Eole, 74; Ma jcftic, 74; Impateux, 74 Foudroyont 74 ; Veteran, 74 ; Le Castor, 74 ; Valen ciennes, 44 ; all French—adm’ls Guillame, and Jerome Bonaparte. Sf. Helena east, 133 leagues. The Cape of Good Hope is to he the grand military depot for the supply of our Asiatic poflVflions, the chief administration of which it is said, is to be placed in the hands of fir J. C, Hmpefler, and that general Simcre is to be commander in chief. On Saturday a vcflel rcachrd the River under Papenburgh colours. She failed from Eml«kn on the nth. The captain states, that when he came away, an order was poll ed at the exchange of Exnbden, to the fol lowing efreft Thar no British vessel ar riving at that port with a cargo should be permitted to stay more than 24 hours, and then to fail without landing any of her mer chandize.” ; , - We nnderftand the Emperor of Germany ha* acceded to ell the demands made by .Bon aparte cf a passage for the French troops through Bohemia and Iftria. Lords Elgin and Yarmouth, and Colonel A’vrrornhie, who have been detained", in France, fincc the commencement of the war, arc permitted to return home on their pa role, A serious mifunJerftanding is said to have arisen between the Prince of Wales and Mr. Fox. The nature and cause of this rupture will he made public in a few days’ A French privateer, the Intrepid, has fallen in with the homeward bound fleet from L'fbou, off Scilly, and has captured fereral of them. The Omnium has experienced a farther depreftion to-day ; it has been done at a pre mium of 2 per cent, and at the close of the market at 2f. Vuious caufcs .vs assigned, viz, afubfily to Sweden; an immediate rupture with America, Set. Sec. A fubfijy to Sweden is not improbable; but letters and’papers from America wete received in town this day, as late as the 9th of March, which contain nothing to induce a belief that any thing frefh has tranfbired. Counfcllor Sampson, whose name occurs so often in the Hiftory of the Irish Rebellion, in 1798, arrived a few days ago from the Continent, and was taken immediately iutocuftodv. H’scafe has been inveftiga, ted by the Secretary of State for the Home and Foreign Departments, and he is at pre fect in the care of Mr. Sparrow, the Kino's raeflenger. A letter from Duflcldorff, received in Glasgow, on Mondav, dated March ?jft, fays, “ The fcftivals on our new Duke's installation, arc now over; they went on, as the French usually do in those cases, every thing with the utmost pomp. Murat is said to be a man of good sense ; he has accumulated an immense fortune, and is probably one of the tichcft men in the uoi vcxfc.” « . ’ ■** i : • ‘ '•, *. HOUSE OP COMMONS, April tu WAR WlTft PRUSSIA. Mtffage from hit Majejij. Mr. Secretary Fox brought down a Message from his Majesty complaining of the conduit of Prussia, in having forcibly seized his Majesty’s Hereditary Dominions, and (hut the ports of the Continent against the Btitifh Trade. His Majesty had, on . these grounds, recalled his Minister from Berlin, and all intercourse between Prussia and Great Britain was now at an end. His Majesty relied on support from his faithful Commons, for the prosecution of the war with Prussia, and for vindicating the honor ot the Brmfti flag. On the motion ol Mr. Fox, the Mcflage Was ordered to be taken into further cortftderation t’o-raorrow. Mr. Fox then preferred copies of certain dispatches from Mr. Jackson and Baron Hardenburg, refered the . Message, which were ordered to lie on the table *’ April 26. It is no longer a secret, that the late intercourses with France by flags of truce, refpefted proppfals for peace on her part--- Dut these have been fouiid iiiadmiflabll, the papers which have pa fled between the two countries, wilt (hortly be laid before Par liament. We already dated that an expedition is now fitting our for the continent, which is to he commanded by Lord Cathcart. We understand it will confitt of not less than 12,000 men, cavalry and infantry. Lord Cathcart is to have the appointment of his own Staff. The dragoon guards and foot guards will form a large portion of this army, which is destined to co-operate with the gallant king ot Sweden. April 18. We learn from Constantinople, that the Turkifti troops upon the Ruffian frontiers are confiierably increasing, which, with other circumstances, has induced M. Ita linftu, the Ruffian minister, to demand ex planation relative to these preparations, and that he was informed by the Reis Effcndi, that such preparations were necessary for restoring and preserving peace in the interior of the Turkilh empire. A considerable Tutkifh fleet is fitting out. The promises and threats of France and Prussia to induce Denmark to exclude our flag from the Baltic, have been hitherto un avaiiing.—the Daniih ministry inflft on a rigid neutrality ; and it is probable that (he will fuccecd in maintaining it. There was a report on Saturday that Gen. Mnck had been convidledof high treason, and condemned to fuffer the pain of death. Tlx report that Holland is destined to be given to Louis Bonaparte, Teems to be on the point of receiving the fulled confirmation. A deputation is even believed to have alrea dyfetout for Farit, to prevail upen the prince tu honor them by the acceptance of the Sovereign power, state"paper, Prussian Patent.-— “ Wc, Frederic Wil liam, King of Prussia, &c. &c, make known and declare as follows “ The wi(h to secure our faithful fub and the neighboring dates of the North of Germany during the war, and to preserve and confirm the duration of the blessings of peace, was at all times the inten. tion of our indefatigable endeavours. These wholcforae mcafurcs were made known, upon some recent occafrons, as the objeit of our late Patent, dared January 37,1 806 ; according to which the. Electoral Stares of Brunswick Lunenburg in Germany were taken possession of by our troops, when the administration of the fame passed into our hands. But in consequence of the exchange of the Electorate of Hanover, in conlldera tion of the cession of three of the provinces of our monarchy, and for the permanent tranquility of cur fubjeifts and the neighbor ing date, wc have found it indifpcnfibly necessary to enter into and conclude a con. vention with his rntjeftv the emperor of the French and king of Italy; and as the Electoral Stares of the houfc of Brunswick, situated in Germany, were obtained by the emperor Napoleon by right if emejutf, we hereby declare, that the right of poffefjion of the territory of that house has patted' over to us, in confederation of the cession of three of our provinces, and is now fubjefl to our power only j consequently, from the pre. feat.time, the government and the adminif t rat ion of these countries, will be adminif. tered Amply in our name alone, and under our supreme authority. “ We therefore, call upon all persons, what<ver may have been the functions as. signed them, to execute those fmftions only-in our name, and under our authority. ** Count Schulenberg Kehnert, and the commissioners who are attached to him cx peft no less than-that all the Prelates, the ■Burgers, and the inhabitants in general, will obediently conform themfrlves to the order of the things which a new acra has rendered necessary for their tranquillity and well-being ; and in so doing, theyv will afford his majesty a proof of their devotion to their country. ** So on our part, nothing (hall be neglec ted to.’confirra them in the perfnafion of our paternal affeflion, and our (metre wifli to ren der them happy. ,f Frederick William. ** SCKULENBERO, “ Haucwit*. “April 1, 18©$/* l CHARLESTON, Juki 4 , A late London paper fays ;—“ It is not yet known what measures wiH be resorted to by the Britilh ministry, against the Dey of Algiers, but it is supposed that they will not have recourfc to a bombardment. Upon that fubjeft, a plea fa nt story is told of a former Dey, who, upon 3 naval force being sent to bombard Algiers, a iked how much the expedition cod ? Upon being informed he burst into a violent fit of laugh, ter, and exclaimed, “ Oh ! you ridiculous chriiHans, if you had given me but half the sum, I would have saved you the trou, blc, and battered down my capital for you," Dowaing-freet, April 8. The king ha* been pleated to cause it to be hgnified by the right honorable Charles James Fox, his majeity's principal fecrcta. ry of date for foreign affairs, 16 the mini, ' fters of neutral powers residing at this court, that theneceflary measures have been taken, by his ms jetty's command, for the block ade of the entrance of the rivers Ems, We. fef, Elbe and Drave; and that; from this, time, all the meafuresauthorifedby the law' of nations, and the refpeftiva treaties be, tween his majesty and the different neutral powers, will be adopted and executed with refpsft to all vessels which may attempt to violate the said blockade. Epl6raM, on the late Mu. Pitt, Suggested by his fundamental deficiency both in body and principles, *Tis truth let me tellyou, what once you. deem'd tuit. In Hell, (awful thought) ther’s a lot, tomlefs Pitt. EAST-BAY STREET LOT TERY. YhirtY-nißth day’s drawing. Prizes of 100 dolls.—Nos. 9975; 1644, Prizes of 50 dollars-—Nos.lB7B 3364. Prize of 40 dollars—No. 7604. Pr iZEsof 20 dollars—Nos. 6155 820 J 4382742511335258 7818 7565 739° 4348 9478. Pri zesoF i2 dollars-—Nos* 4960 8576 5683 1684 744 Bii 8859 4506 3519 9283 53 3474 1113 1491 937 394 2469 8251 3319 5504 9 6i 4 55 26 1751 3231 4123 8696 8804 7348 5636 4023 7443 7800 87592917 BdoB 71996592 8033 4307 2270 9422 1792 3528 819 2313 6981 7766 369 726 6869 5834 7263 1956 3620 6807 163 5642 7520 7750 7870 5806 3515 3768 4611 8672 516+ 373 3406 6030 529 3080 4407 8007 6071 81924015 2461 9462 3232 6609 3259 51669 777898119365. poßTiafrt day’s dR a Wing, Prize of4oO dollars—-No. 944. Prize of 100 dollars—-No. 2503* Prize of 50 dollars—No. 9632. Prizes of 40 dollars—Nos, 2683 416 2577 7*5- ' ■ Prizes of 2odollars—Nos. 5899 8646 4853 8288 3324 7172 9034 1957. Prizes of 12 dollars—Nos. 342 215 23*7 337 1873701x667 7472 8963 21 5021 9419 1395 1384 6 87 1601 7630 91995602 5529 8619 1694 1183 6876 859891 1033 7531 9357 9250 1012 5;58 97724111 3014 7083 4485 730 5348 66449364 4142 2349 5150 1776 2026 7451 9007 2 4 r 700.2 3407 4429 8856 98425428 7946 4093 4158 3326 6796 7372 608944386121 6863 4705 2547 9712 986 9615 36x1 4950 690 8332 2>33 982425042031 1526 6916 3982 2366 ,*480.7727 5640 8404 6562 5166 296 2907 3974 4317 605 6359 5624 925 9630. Eoitrdcl of a letter from Liverpool, dated loth of April, 1806. f< The bill brought into Parliament for preventing American Goineameii fitting out for the Coatt from Britilh ports, was to be read a second time on Thursday. It like wise completely. precludes all British (hips from felling their cargoes of fiaves in A, ractica, “ or any neutral country belonging to any foreign sovereign, date or power 5" and from felling in any cf cur own colonies captured during the war : Nor can any Britilh fubjecH employ their capital, ships, or credit, in fitting out neutral or Britilh (hips for foreign account. There isf no doubt but the hill will pass, which will completely knock up this tramc, as regards America.’* Imtort ant— -Letters received in this townyetterday, from New-Vatic, flute that flour has risen in that city to seven and eight dollars per barrel, and wheat to 13s. 61. per buttle!.—This fodder? rife in t!i3 price of produce, is fiippofed to he occasion ed by the p-efent mifunderttanding between England and PfulTia, in consequence ot which the northern ports of Europe arc fact againtt the Englilh, and they of course prohibited from receiving their ufua; fun plies of grain from Dtntzic, and other p’ac-s belonging to PrufC.i. Thcte left'*** al(i> Hate, that there was a probability ct a farther trugm-ntacion in the. nrice nf flour and wheat-- Farmers fliould therefore be 01 the look cat, Peterflurg Paper. In Vermont, the strength of nan'e* mV be gathered from a recent election cf Cen/ors to examine and revile the conßitutior, when the republic:!? ticket obtained an a- ’• rage of s*oji votes, and the fcderail 1,670. Tlit Bee,