Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, June 21, 1806, Image 4
GEORGIA, \ At an Inferior Court Wilkes County . J held in and for the county of Wilkes, on Friday March 14 Ih 1806. Prcfent their Honor*. Willism Sanfom 1 Holman Freeman > JvJlices, Aaron Liphara, j Tc their Honors, the oj the Inferior Court of the County of Wilkes* TNIF, Petition of Nicholas Jarrctt, hum bly fiicwcth ; that he is nuw confined by virtue of a Hail Warrant at theinftance of jofeph Pollard, for a fun cf money which he u unable to pay, and that he is willing to give up all his estate, both real anti per fcnalfor the benefit of his creditor*. He therefore prays your honot.*, that he may have the benefit of the infoh'snt act extended towards him. It is Ordered that the said Nicholas Jarret? give* notice to his creditor as the la w dirt&s, to appear by thcmfelve or at'ornics at the Court Houfr in the coun ty of Wilkes, on rite saft Saturday in Jure next, to fheweaufs, if anv they have, why the ftiid Nicholas Jarrtftt ihtuld not be dis. charged in term, of the aft* of the AfTembly in such cases trade and provided. I hereby certify ike foregoing to be a true copy from the record of said court natan l. Willis, Clerk. April 26 . (9 1) Executor’s Sale. Qn MONI) 4T ihe %$i June next, will be Sold at PUBLIC SA LE in South- Caro lina, at the Plantation of the late George Miller, At etc fed* v To the Highcfl Bidder, 14107 Acres of Land, lying in Edge field diftridf, being the real c3atc of the afore said, deceased. For the accom modation of purchafiis, it is partitioned into ft mat trails; part of it is cleared, fenced and improved. It h,u a number of pleasant, hcalty, and convenient situations for build fag; is *njyshout five mile* fr’tn the river, and fever* cr eight firm Augusta, and is capable oTproducing excellent Corn and Cotton. (par Terms made known on the day of Sale, JOHN JVHLLEP, \ » , AUGUSTUS MOORE, 5 r ' May 31. (4-t*) ■■ -,A * - Executor’s Sale. On Friday the z sth day of July next* at Public Sale, at the Store of the late Lau rence Somers, the ukefe cf his ptrfonal property, WILL BE SOLD . CONSISTING of a general aflbrtWnl of Wet and Dry goods, which will be put up in Lots, to fust the purchafcts. Terms of falc, CaCi, for all fmns under iqo dollars .-a credit of three months on alt from too to 500; jnd of four months, on all over 500 --the purchafer* giving notes with approved en.-Wfcr*. JOHN CORMICK, Executor. N. B. Thole indebted to the said efiatc, are requested to make immediate payment as above, and thole having demands agasnft the fame, to exhibit them duly attcfkd. funs 14. [6] Adminiflrator’s Sale, WILL BE SOLD To the Highest Bidder, On the third Saturday in July next, on the Plantation lately occupied by Samuel B. Harris deceased, oil ihe perjon at property bdengivz to the efete of the said dec, ConfuTing of Negroes,, Cattle, Hogs, HoufehoU’and Kiteben furniture.-- The Terms of Stic will be made knewn on that day. PATIENCE HARRIS, Adminijlratrix , Clarke County, sane 14. (41.) PART IT 10 N. Ex parte, Jn, La- ) Os the firjl Monday mar 'and others, J in July next, at Edg field Court house, the foil swing trails cf land, formerly the property of Basil Lamar dec, WILL BE SOLD , One trail 6r parcel of land, containing one hundred and fifty acres, situate in Edg fiddditlrill, on Savannah river, known by the name of point lookout--. Also, one other trait of land* contairir.g one hundred and fevenfy seres, fituare cn Savannah river, called Benefield's trail--- Also, one other trail, containing two hundred acres, situate at Lama:'3 ferry ; whic!} fsid lands will be fold on a credit of twelve month*, the pur. chasers giving bond and a martgsge on the premlfes, also paying on the day of fa’e, 1 the tax ccft, in the above case. J. C, ALLEN, s e. d* >”< *4* (41) nPHE Snbfcr.bcri hsg leave to inform JL the Public, that in future no open accounts will be kept, with cny petfon whatever, and they trust this notice will be fuftlcient to prevent applications. They are fenf.ble that by this step they lofc a number of valuable Cuflomcr*, but the arrangement of their fcufinefs is such, as to make it unavoidable. Those in debted by open account, will be called on this summer, for the porpofe of bavin? them liquidated.- * SCOTT & RADCLIFFE. funt 14. . (ts) nSHi i NOTICE. THESobfcriber intending to leave the (late for a few months has appointed John Rascliffe of Augusta and Edmund Maher of Savannah, his legal attornics, du ring his absence ; he bps also the said Radcliffe into Partnerfliip, and the bufineft will be carried on in future under the firm of SCOTT & RADCLIFFE, Who are, and will continue to be well sup. . plied, with Dry Goods 8c Groceries. Those indebted to the late firm of Scott & Kelly’s, who have neither liquidated their accounts nor paid any parr, will find theminalawyer’s hands for rccovc. ty , WILLIAM SCOTT. May 17. ftf.) NOTICE. A IX Perform indebted to the late firm of ( Cormicx y Luke, are once more re- | quelled to come forward and difeharge their accounts. Otherwise they will be placed in the hands of an Attorney for collection. JOSEPH G. CORMIGK. J*zy x (*f) NOTICE. ALL those that have any demands e gainft the eftatc of Charles Blanton dcceafed, are requested to render them in by J.he time prefetibed by law, and tbo r e indebted to tic estate are requefled to mcke payment. NANCY BLANTON, Adm'x. June 14 th. 1806, (otl NOT I C E. NINE months from (he date hereof application will he made to the hon orable the inferior couit of Lincoln county, for leave to fell the fallowing trafti of land, to wit: One trafl containing three hundred and twenty acre?, adjoining Pace and Winn. Also, one other frr-dl cr parcel cf land, con taining ten acres, joining the ferry, new called Lamar's ferry and Thomas Jeter--- Also, one llhr.d in Savannah river, below Lamar’s ferry, containing es sixty acre* • it being part of the real ctlate of Basil Lamar fen. deceased- —Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec. JEREMIAH LAMAR, 7 RICHARD F. WINN 5 Adm "* 7 une »4- (3*) NOTICE. the proprietors, their agents cr trus tee«, of the following traft* of land, funated in Butke county, that unlei they or either of their agents, do come forward and fettle the taxes due on said land, with in fix months from this d;-tc will be fold by the Colleflor of said county, for all taxes due thereon, agreeably to law, viz : W M ; BOWLING, r. t. r. Burke county, Jan. n. (fm) NOTICE. the subscriber Intending to be absent for fomc time from Augusta, inform* hi* friends and the public that, in the m?an time, Wir. Brux h aiuhorifed by him to tranfad all hit buihtcfs. A. BRUX. [yt] NOTICF. THE Co-Pirtneifliip of Lafitte & Barie, is this day diifolvcd by mu tual ctmfeut—all perfon* haring ary de mands, will plcafe to prefect them far ad jnftmCDt, and these indebted, are solicited to make immediate payment to James B. Lafitte. who is to adjutt the’payments of the firm, JAMES B. LAFITTE, LEWIS BARIEi N. B- T he Sabfcribcr having bought the STOCK, will continue business as hereto fore, and foiicits a continuance of public favon. JAMES B. LAFITTsV June zd, i Bc6. Poll: pone meat. On the firjl Tue/day in July next , agreeably tQ an order of the honorable Inferior court of Burke county. Will be Sold, AT PUBLIC at the court hovfe , all the real cjlate of James Reid, dececfd— Conffling of three trncls oj land , Situate in Burke ccunty, cn <he north flic o! Brier creek, contiguous to, and ad joining each other, land containing in die whole acres, more or Ufa, bounded weft ward ty by Powell’s, and noftliwardly by Prick’s, caftwardly and fouthvrardly by Tabb’s and Beall’s, ALSO, One trafl, containing jp acres, more or left, formerly said to be Samuel Reid's, adjoining the afore said trafis, for the bene fit of the helii and creditors. Conditions made kaewn on the day of falc. ISAIAH CARTER, Adm'r. 7*™ [jtl Sheriffs titles. Bills of sale, ! Mortgages, &c. may be had at this Office, ’ » ' THE SUBSCRIBER Offers For Sale , His STOCK in Trade , Consisting of a (mail though choice aflortment of DRY GOODS, Lately imported, with a supply of Liquors and Groceries , which he will difpofc of on low term*, and on a libeial credit. ISAAC HERBERT, June 7, iBc6. [tf) Valuable Lands, FOR S ALE. T'HE Subscriber offers for Sale the Plan r tatibn wherecn Mr, Dreadzil Pace, j at present refidei, adjoining the Village of ; Campfcellton, South Carolina, and contain ing fix hundred acre*. The Plantation known by the name of Mount Airy, also adjoining Campbcllton, containing about tkxee hun dred acre*. These Plantations join,_are both or. the Sa/ar.nsh river, and from their foli ation (she raoft difbnt point being within three miles of this city) pcffcfj peculiar ad vantages, Also, three LOTS in Camp bclltcn, with the improvements thereon, now in the occupation of Mr. Jas. M Qnecn. The above property will be fold low, and the payment* made extremely ac commodating to purchafcr*. Apply to JQHN B. BARNES. Au S 3 lift a, April 7.6. (ts) Ten Dollars Reward . QTOLSN or STRAYED jGytiro E? from Canoe gut, near i Augulla, a black mare, blind || of an eye, and has the of 3 Fifiula on her r TrV* ncc^J ~ a^cut four feet seven OJ eijjht inches high. Any person deliver ing fatd Mate to Win. Bacon in Augmli, or to the Suhfcriber at Canoe gut, or giv .ng information when flic maybe found, ‘(hall receive the above reward. ABRAHAM WILSON. June 7 th, {3O ALL persons indebted to tha late firm of William H. Jags £? Co. or to the estate of Andrew Inner, dc ccafed, by bond or note, are once more called ert for immediate settlement j no further icdalgcncc can be given.—Thcfc indebted to either the above mentioned firms on open account, are requeued to liquidate the sane previous to the lirlt diy of September next,—After that date, . fasts will be commenced against dclin quests without diferimination. JAMES BEGGS, Adm'r- July 13. ('/) FOR SALE—Or Lease. The LOT and Improvements fitua'.ed on the corner of Broad Se M'liitefh streets, as now occupied by Me lira. H. & A, Neftitt—For terms apply to JOHN MURRAY. Jure 7. < (jterw) LANDS FOR SALE THE SUBSCRIBER Under a power of Attorney , OFFERS FOR SALE, THE FOLLOWING TRACTS OF LAND, 1000 acres situated at the time offurvey, in Prince William's Paiiih, Gran ville County, Scu^h-Carclir,a. 500 acres situated at the time of lurvcy on a branch of the Sdtcatchcs, called rrofs in C*llcton county Softh-Carolina. 500 acres situated at the rinse of lurvcy, it? Colkt»a. county, South Car- Gina. 503 acres being an Bland situa ted on SavannslbKivcr, 0.. polite Roore Ro bin’s Bluff Georgia. 500 acres, situated at the time v cf survey in Colleton coun»y, South-Caro -111 £•• 1 00 acres on Swallow Savan nah, in the then Granville county, Socth- Carolina. 550 acres situated on faJtcatch cs Swamp in the then Granville county, South. Cirolira, 2500 acres in Ninety-fix Di in the folk cf Enoric apd Tiger ri ver', and cn two creek*, called Cedar shoal cretk and Sammys creek South- Carolina. TERMS OF SALE. On* third Csfh and the balance in one »nd two years, with fecutky and morgage on the lands—lndjfpntable titles will be. given. GRESHAM SMYTH. Georgia, April 5 , 2 twsm . PROPOSALS, ' FOR CARRYING MAILS OF TH£ UNITED STATES, ON THE FOLLOWING POST ROADS, Will be received at the General Pffi.Offiy until the iji day offiAugvft next, include. IN GEORGIA. From Washington to once a week. Leave Waftnngtcn every Tuefday at 6 A. M. and arrive at Pcterlburg by noon. Leave Petcrfburg every Monday atnocn, and arrive at Washington by 6 p. m. From Athena by Tellico, to Knixvillc (Ten,) once in two weeks. Leave Athens every other Monday r p. m. and arrive at Knoxville the next Monday by ro a. m. Leave Knoxville every other Monday 2 » 2 f. m. and arrive at Athena the next Monday by i© a. m. NOTES. r. The Post mafler General rrzy ex. peditc the mails and alter the tirres of s v :, rival and departure at any time during to© continuance of the contfafls, he preyioufly stipulating an adequate CDtnpenfition for any extra txpenfc that may bo occafiontd thereby. 2. Fifteen minute l flr-ill be alLwpa fer epedng 2nd elefing tise mail at all cfficta where no paitictftar time i* fpecified, 3. For every thirty minutes delay (unavoidable accidents txceptcd) in arri ving alter the times prescribed in any cen tral, the ccntraftbr lhall forfeit cne doJ lar; and if the delay continue until *; lft departure cf any depending mail, whereby the mails defined for such depending mail Jose a trip, an a’diticnal forfeiture of £vs dollars ihail-ba incurred. 4. Newspaper» as well at letters are to be frnt in the mail; 3rd if ary permit, making proposals, desires to carry news, papers, other than thofc conveyed in the mail, for his own emolument, he mart ftatc in hi* pjropofal*, for what Aim he will carry it with that emolument, and fox what Aim without that cmclatncaf. y. Should any person, making propofols, desire an alteration of the tiroes of artiv*? and departure above fpecified, lie rauft (fate in his propofa<«, the alterations defi ned, and the difference they will make in the terms of his contract, 6. Pei ferns making propofols, aredefired to date their prices by the year. Thofft who contrast will receive their pay quay, terly, in the months of February, May, August, and November, one month after the expiration of each quarter. 7. No other than a free white person lhall be employed to convey the mail, 8. Where the proposer intends to convey the trail in the body of a fiage carnage, he is delired to Sale it in his proposals, g The Poft-mafler Gerera! reserves to his.fdf the right cf declaring auy centrist at an end whenever three failures happen, which amount to the left of a trio each. . •o. The contrails for the routes s um bered r to 14, are to he in operatic n tn the fi;fhd«y of Odober next, and to con tinue in force for two yrars, from that time ; for th^rente# No. 13 to 57 ere to commence at (hi fame time, and confirms in force ere year } and ■’or the routes Ne. SS»5 S» to 77, a.-e to commence at the fa ns tinr, and continue in force until the 3 1 it day cf March, 1809. GIDEON GRANGER, Po/i-mafler General. General Pof}. Office, city, April 26. lSc6. (St) WANTED TO hTreT FOR A FEW MONTHS, Or until the jirjl of January next , Some Negro Fellows, To work on a plantation in Carolina, 18 miles from Auguffa. Good wages will be given, sad the Negroes well fed. Enquire at the Port Office. May 31. (tfe) ‘ NEW BOOKS. That excellent work, Pinkerton’s Geography, & Kitr ( s Elements, with a variety of other ufcful books, arc for faieat this Office. Tn^powderT Os the very be ft kind, to be had, on low terms (by whole file and re tail) at the Chronicle Office. just PubiinTdr And FOR SALE ft this Office, BARON DE STUB EX’S Military Discipline, OR MANUAL EXERCISE. Every one whowiihes to know the ufo of fire arms will find this publication nfefaU every Officer and miiitia man ought to have it. Price^r tl Cents. Sheriffs Blank Titles, For Sale ct this Office,