Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, June 28, 1806, Image 4
PROPOSALS, j I OR CARRYING MAILS OF THE LIMITED STATES , I ON THE FOLLOWING POST ROADS* Will be received at the General Poji-OJfic* until the Iy? day of Augtijl next, inclujive, IN GEORGI A. Fcm Wrtfnington to Pete riburg, once a • week. 1. rave every Tuefdr/ at 6 a m. and arrive at Pitsrib'irg by noon. Leave Pctc.fl)) g every Monday at noon, and arrive at W<-(hingt>n by C p. m. From Athens by Te'Ucn, to Ku.ixville (Ten.) once in two weeks. • Leave Athens every other Monday at r p. M. and arrive at Knoxville the next Monday by to a m. I>avc Knoxville every ether Monday at 2 r. m and arrive at Athena the next Monday by ic a. m NOTES. i • The P.ift m after General may ex pedite the mails and alter the times of ar rival and departure at any time during the continuance of the contracts, he previeully ftipul-tiig an adequate compeniation for any ex ra experfc that may b: occafnaed thereby. 2. Fifteen minute* dial] be allowed for opening and doling the mail at all 4 Rices wh:re no particular time is fpedfijd. 3. For every thirty minutes delay (unavoidable accident* excepted) in arri , ving after the times prefenbrd in any esn tnil, the contrail >1 (hall forfeit one dol lar ; and if the dr-ay continue until the departure of any depending mail, whereby the rmils defined for fucb defending uml lofc a trip, an a Miticnal forfeiture of five delists shall be incurred. 4. Newspapers cs well as letters arc to , be frat in the mail; »nd if any person, making proposals, defircs- to carry newf papen, other thsm those conveyed in the mail, for his own emolument, be must ft ate in his proposals, for what sum he will carry it with that emolument, and for what sum without that emolument. j 7. Should an r petfon, making propofils, desire an alteration of the times of arrival acd departure above fpecified, he mull Rats in his propofa’s, the alterations deli red, and the d iff. rence they will make in the terms of his contrail. 6. Pcrfons making propofah, are d«fired to (U‘e their prices by the year, Those who contrail will receive their pay quar terly, in the months of February, May, August, *nJ Novemhe*, one month after the expiration of each oiirmev. 7. .No other -tlisn 3 free white petfon ftnll be employed to convey the mail, 8. Where the prjpufci intends to convey the mail ir, the body of a Ilage carnage, he is dt fired to Rate it in his proposals, g. The Post• under General reserves to hUifslf/thc right of declaring any contrail at an end whenever three failures happen, which amount to the bfs of a trip each. *o. The contrails for the routes rum bered 1 to 14, are to be in operation on tjic firft day of Oibbir next, and to con tinue in force for two yean, from that time ; far the routes No, 1 j are to commence at the fame time, and continue in force one year; ar,d 'or the routes No. 58. to 77, are to commence at tic fame timr, and contitvie in force until the 31st day of March, 1809. GIDEON GRANGER, Jdofi.naffer General, General Pnji~ Office, Wajhington city , April 26. ISO 6. {St) Executor’s Sale. On Friday the 27 th day of July next, at Public Sale, at the Store of the late Lau rence Somers, the whole cj his p'rfonal property, WILL BE SOLD. CONSISTING of a general aTortrrfnt of Wet and Dry goods, which will be put up in Lots, to suit the juirchaffrs, Fermi of sale, Cadi for all Turns under roo dollars--a credit of three months on all from too to 700; and of four months, •n all over poo the purchafcrs giving notes with approved fnd r r r < , ri. JOHN COR MICK, Executor. N. B, Those indebted to the said eftatc, arc requested to mike immediate payment as above, and thole having demands agalnft the fame, to exhibit them duly atteftr’d. June 14. * j- 6 j partitiolv. Ex parte, Je ►. la- ) On the f>Jl Monday mar ar.d others. 5 in July next, at Eds. fold Court house, the following trails of land, formerly the property of BetjU Lamar dec. WILL BE SOLD, One or parcel of land, containing l andacre ’> fituateio- Edg? field diftnil, on Savannah rb-rr, known by the name of point lookcut- Alfa, one other trail of und, containing one hundred and seventy acre*, fitqat* on Savannah river, calW trail--. Also, one other tnft, containing two hundred acres, fituatc y Lamar s ferry ; which said land, will be fold on a credit of twelve months, the pur ebaiet. giving bond and a mortgage on the alfo paying oa the day of sale, the tax cost, 10 the absve cale. J* C, ALLEN, a, i. -?«« *4* ' ( 4 tJ * GEORGIA, \ To the Honorable Supe« Greene county, J rioi Court. , UPON the petition of William Melton, dating, that he had in hi* pofleffion, a deed cf conveyance to a trail ot land, ly ing in the county and date aforefald, in the foik of the Oconcc and Aaplatchee rivers, containing two handled and thirty acres at land; which said deed of conveyance assign ed by Sam'l Flen'kin to David Flenikin a copy of which said deed of conveyance, as near the original ai year petitioner can recoiled, i» lodged in the desk's efficc, together with an affidavit, flatirg, that the said original dred of conveyance is loft, so tltat he cannot conic at the fame. Whereas, ii is ordered , That the said co py it cftabiifhed in lieu of the original, un-. left good cause can be (hewn to the contra ry, and that the laid rale be publifhcd in one of the Gazrttcs of tho state, lix war.rhs. A true c«py taken from the Minutes , this 22 d March iBc6. HENRY CARLETON jnn’r, for THOMAS CARLETON, Clh, THIS Indenture made, this 28th day of September 1797, on or before, between Samuel Flenikin of the state of Georgia and evunty of Greer,c, of the one part, and David Ficr.ikin of the ftatt and county aforefaid, of the other part, WitmfTsth, that the Lid Sar.ue! F-Vniki'’, for, and in confederation of the sum ol iw . hundred dollar*, the receipts whereat are hereby ac knowledged, hath given, granted, bargain ed and fold, and by these presents do give, bargain, fell and convey, all that •trad or parcel of land, situated, lying and being in the county and Sate aforefai 1, in tbc foik of the Oconee and Apalatchce vivers, containing two hundred arid thirty acres, mote or left, having such mark* and dupes as appear by the plat of the fame, annexed to a grant bearing date December 31st 1767, to James Flenikin, together with all ind lingular the rights, members and appurtenances thereunto belonging, o r in any wile appertaining—and I, the afore* said Samac! Flenikin, for myfelf, heir!*, 3c c* do, by these prefenti, warrant and forever defend, the lawful right and tide of the abr.ire mentioned-land and premises, unto the aforefaid David Flenikin, si* heirs snd assigns forever, and from all and every other person or persons, whatsoever, as a clear and indcfcafiblc estate, in foe firrple, fore ver— In witness whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand, and the day and year fifft above written. f-igr.e*) SAMUEL FLENIKIN. Signed, sealed and deli ) veted in thepicfencc cf y DAVI? GRESHAM, j p. RICHARD BRADLEY. f . I , RICHARD BRADY maketh eath, that he was a wituefs to a deed, to the fa me tenrtfrand died of the absve, to the best of this deponent's belief. Sworn to before me > R. BRADLEY, thi* 4th March 1806. J Wm. BROWNING, j. p. STATE OF GEORGIA, Greene County. THIS day, came before me, one of the justices assigned to keep the peace, in said county, Wm, Dannell, who maketh oath as foilews, refpeding the within deed (to wit)—At or sometime preceding the date within named, he believes he saw a deed of conveyance to the within effsd, in the pciTefTnn of Col. Wiiliam Mdton, and be. Hrvcs it to be considerably earlier than the time within named—hc dees not recoiled the exad coivlidemion money named in the deed, r er decs he recoiled the witneffirs to the said deed ; but from the bell of his re oollcdion, and bclie r , believes the wiihin to convey the fubSance of the deed (said to be loft nr dettroyed.) Sworn Jo before ire d Wm, DANNELL, this 4th March 1 8o<5. J Wm. BROWNING, j. P . S'! ATE OF GEORGIA, Greene County, P PERSONALLY appeared before me, Wm. Melton, and maketh ©ath, rhat an cr befo.c the date of the within deed, he re ceived a deed of conveyance from Samuel Flenikin, to the tenor and eff d. of the within, to the best cf his belief, and that he has Ift the fame, f« that it cannot be had. Sworn to before ire > TT7 . this 4rhof March igotf 3 Wm. BROWNING, j. p. 7™' »»• {><*.■] SHERIFF’! SALE.” Ok 't'lt frjt Tue/day in Auaufr next, at frwinton Court Houf, Wilkinson C 01». ty, 6c twe n the tt/uaL hours, WILL BE SOLD , A Ncgr# woman named Rachel, taken as the property of William Mims, to fatisfy an execution in favor of John Fee. EDMUND HOGAN, s* w. c. June it, (j<] THE Sabfcribcn beg leave to inform the Public, that in future no open accounts will be kept, with Pny peifon whatever, and they trust this notice will be fufficient tc prevent applications. They arc fcnfible that by this step they lofc a number of valuable Coftomers, but the arrangement of their business is such, as to make it unavoidable. Those in. debted by open account, will be called on this imniner, for the purpose of having them liquidated. SCOTT 9 RADCLIFFE. ASHTON’S. THE Co partncrlhi? of Ashton Clark being diflolvcd by theabknee of Capt. Clark from the fiate, any debt* due from them will .be paid by Joseph Ashton, who on this as on farmer uccafion*, begs leave to return his fincert thanks to the public in general, and his friends in particular, for the liberal, and generous support he received during 'he short peri od of his late connexion, ard he informs them that in order to regulate hi* bnfinefs, for general CDnvcnience, and individual benefit, he is now joined by Mr, JOSEPH CARRIE, whole acquaintarce with a Tavorn, abilities, and general wi(h tcpleafc, are well known. And the fubferibets fia ccrely hope that they (hall meet the fame encouragement which has heretofore attach ed itfclt to the house, and they allure their friends and the public, that ncthing (ball Jhc wanting on their part, to secure a con tinuance of that decided partiality which hs» borne up their bufmefa agsinft all cp pofuion j and they farther affine them that as far as good Beds, clean Rooms, a well fpr*ad 'Fable, and a plentiful Stable with a good Oftler, and attentive house servants can go, they will be second to ncnc in tlrir I nfinefs—thefe with obliging dif pofiJior* and a general wish to pleafi, v/ill always, they trust, nifcke the (i.a'tion of their town friends agreeable, and ciifure the Traveller a comfortable ard hearty welcome. Wine, and other liqu >rs of all kinds, the heft that can be procured, ave, a!way* at the fervlce of their friends and the public, ASHTON y CARFIE. *** The pries of every article (hall as usual, be regular, & as low “ as the nature of ike case will admit of • A. C. June x r, [pt] THE SUBSCRIBER Offers For Safe, His STOCK in Trade , Confiding of a (mall though choice aflortmcnt of DRY GOODS, Lately imported, with a supply Liquors and Groceries , which he will dispose of on low terms, and on a !Ihe:al ertdit, ISAAC HERBERT, June 7, i Bg6. (ts) WANTED TO HIRE. FOR A FEW MONTHS, Or until the frU of January next. Some Negro Fellows, To work on a plantation in Carolina, j 8 miles from Argufta. Good wages will be given, and the Negroes well fed. Enquire at the Post Office, May 31, (ts) NOTICE. THE Subscriber intending to leave the state (or a few months has appointed John Ramcliffk of Augusta and Fdmwnd M amfr «f Savannah, his legal at'omles, du ring his ahfence ; he has also taken the said RadclifFe into Partneifliin, and the bnllncfs will he carried on in future under the linn el SCOTT & RADCLIFFE, 't Who are, and wdl continue to be well sup plied, with Dry Goods Sc Groceries. Those indebted to the late firm of Scott & Kelly's, who have neither liquidated their accounts nor paid any parr, will find them in a lawyer's hands for rccove. ry WILLIAM SCOTT. ) My *7- (if.) Valuable Lands, fOit SALE. THE Subscriber offers for Sale the Pkn tadon whereon Mr. Pjcc, at present resides, adjoining the Village of Campbellton, South Caioiina, and contain, ing fix hundred acres. The Plantation known by the name of Mount Airy, also adjoining Catnpbsilton, containing abcut three hun dred acres, These Plantations join, are both on the Savannah river, and from their fitu atioo (the moR difisu.t point being within three miles of this city) pofftfi peculiar ad vantages. Also, three LOTS in Camp helicon, with the improvement* thereon, now in the occupation ofMr. J«. M Q-esn. The above property will be ibid low, and the payments made extremely ac- . commodating to pnrehafer*. Appf" r© JOHN fi. BARNES. . Aagufta, April 26. { t f) inkTowderT Os the very heft kind, to be had on low tenns (by wholesale and re tail) at the Chronicle Office *Ten Dollars Reward, ££ RAN-AWAY ftora the Subfciiber on the Eighth J anc * 9 Negin f c l! 0 * naa> ARP, about thirtv or thirt )’ two years old, c 'f * Dark conapkft ion, abate fix feet high, has a blemilh on his right cyr • the fellow it well known on the counties of Washington, Montgomery and Tatasllj the fellow was railed by Capt. Ja® { | Thomas of Tatnall county, dec—it j t f u? , posed that he is kept concealed by a «hi*tt p*rfun in Tatnall county ; if so, I will pey Fifty Dollars on convifiion of the c Sender, or the above Reward and all rcafcntfb’e expence* for the fellow alone, or by lodges him in some Jail in this flats—the reward o>i!l be paid by the fubferiber of Richmond, or Morris Kelly of Tatnall county. BASIL LAMAR. June 21. [tf] Brought to Warren Jail on Sunday the Bth ini.’ a Negro man by the name of GODFREY, about five feel' ten inches high, fay* lie belongs to jjhn Whitehead on big firier Creek, Buike County; the owner h re, queftfd to come forward, pay charges and take said »pgro away, GEORGE CALTON, Jailer, June 21. [j] NOTICE. ALL Perfurs indebted to the Isfc firm of Cor mick U lute, are once nioiere. quelled to come forward and difchr.rgc their accounts. Othcrwiie they wiii be placed ia the hands of an Attorney for colletiicn. JOSEPH G. COR MICK, May 3. (rs) NOTICE. NINE months from the date hereof application will be.made to the Son. orable the inferior court of Lkcola cciwy, tor leave to fell the following trc£b o( iar/d, to wit: One tradl containing three hundred and twenty acres, adjoining Pace ami Winn, Also, one other traflt or parcel of land, con taining ten acres, joining the ferry, now called Lamar’s ferry and Them.■’a jeter... Also, one Hlmd ia Savannah river, below Lamar's ferry, containing of sixty ac»cj; it being part of the real ettatc of Basil Lamst fen. d 'ceafed—Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec. JEREMIAH LAMAR, ? ~ , RICHARD F. WINN 5 -** ;h June 14.. [y.) NOTICE. TO the proprietors, their agents or tiuf* tees, of the following tra&s of land, fttuated in Burke county, that unlcfs they ot either of their agents, do come forward and fettle the taxes due on said land, «rkh ia fix months from this date will he fold by the Coile&ar of said county, s ot all taxes due thereon, agreeably to law, viz: Wm: BOWLING, k., t r. Burke county , Jan, xr, (6a) £3“ ALL persons indebted tP the laic firm of William H. Jack £9 Co, or to the estate of Andrew Junes . tk ceafsd, by bond or note, are once no'e called en for immediate fettlcraentj n further indulgence can be given.—Thcfe indebted to either of the above mentioned films on open account, are rr.qutficd to liquidate the fame previous to the fitft eby of September next,*—After that date, suits will be commenced again# dc’io quents without diferin ination. JAMES BEGGS, Adu'r. 7 ul y tj* MO Postponement. ' On the JirJl Tuefday in July next, e*recni!y to an.order of the hsi arable Inferior court of Bwke county. i Will be Sold, AT PUBLIC AUCTPj at the court haufei all the /tol ejiaieef James Reid, Cvn f of three trails of land, 1 5 J Situate ia Bailee cruuty, on ihe /faith . . Bficr creek, corit:guou» Co, ami ad joining each other, land cofitaSniog in the whole acres, mere or l«f«, bounded wcftwaidly by Powell's, a,,d northwardly JX !ct J * ca^wa rdly acd fouthwptd’y hf 1 abb i aad Beall’,*, ALvO, One trafl, containing xjo ac;es, tupre orJcfs, formerly Lid »o tic Samuel a Joining the af.refaid t rafts, for the bcae* fit cf the heirs and creditors. Conditions made k f, (#wsi rr?i 'he div ci sale. ISAIAH CARTER, JH'r. June 14, Administrator’s Sale, V/ILL BE SO LD To the Highest Bjeth.", O.v the third Saturday ia July nes s, tn if* Phntcii'.n lately 'occupied by Samuil 9- Harris deceased, oil the ftrfonal preterfy hehmpin- io the efaie of the said dec! Con filling of Ncgroc *> Cattle, , Hog*, Houfsh dd 2nd JCifohft. ioniMre-*** *l*ll6 Terms of Sate will be tr.ade krewu on that day. PATIENCE HARRIS* Admir-idvaifiv, C.arit County, June 14. so! ;