Newspaper Page Text
Vol. AA.j FREEDOM of the pRk *1 c ml tat .„ _
ul k ( Printed b\ D. DRISCOL, near the market. ' SATURDAY, July \i, 1806. [3 Dolls, per Ann.']
-1 a — ll' '■ ’ ——w3—— niwuu. --| a,, -tmi—m , . _ ..
" ormm " m ' 1 mnu■k«i.ym v *■^•waMTiigij«M«».rii<iiwi M nwviii *— ll *m*mmm »i—lji • *»■*»««■***-»• ri . . | irt |,„ , -, —.
For Sale
By the Subscriber .
12,00 lbs. Green Coffee,
i u.) bfcli. & k hhdt.eprime retailing Sugar,
r 5: ounehenn* oM 4th proof Jamacia Rum,
6 Qt Calk; L. ?. Tenerife Wine,
6 Hhdsl. MoJrtiTei,
Pieces S:R Inverness Cotrpn Boeing,
_/ w'O O*
Double Staled and Caoifter Gan Powder.
Do. F. . ditto.
| Ton Patent Shot,
4 Do. Bar Lead.
6 xioxi? Cotton Carr’#,
, • ~ -also,—
All of which will be fold low for cash .
or produce, By
7«h o (#.)_
Has For Sale ,
4000 Bushels of ground Salt,
36 Puncheons of Spirits,
8 I Bids. Brown Sugar,
70 Bags Green Coffee, j
-—Boxes No. 10 Cotton Cards,
With rainy other article# in the
, Grocery Line,
Also, a new and wHi ehofnn fu, ply of
All cf which v/131 be fold on moderate
June ?,8- rSn5,
Offers For Sale,
His STOCK in Trade,
Confining of a final! though
choice aflortment of
Lately imported, with a supply of
luiquors and Groceries,
which lie will of on *ow tern. 5
and on .1 liberal errdit.
Jwe 7,j_SoG WL
“for SALE' —Or Lease.
The LOT and Improvements
fituaied on thccow«r of Broad
streets, ss now occupied by Meffra. H. «
A. Ndbitt—For tcrrai apply £J»
Jur.t 7 . _J3>l°»L
Some time in the month cf May,
cot; ,0 ny houfc ra Ciioubb Mill,, a
Negro Boy about 16 years of age, by tame,
T ACK, who wa« formerly the property o<
tames Saaden of Montgomery countv, N.
C«»Uiw~fry* ** ™ h ' h l T fH,u
with Hrnry or John Wißseras near the Fife
Dim ford, upo;. Broad Rr/«r oojjth- Caroli
na. Ihibe V efcajwd from P-!<*mond }a»l
™viA <0 tl co«‘.n* lo nolle . Not
knowing whether the boy wss accuid/
fold by laid fames Sanders or not, I have
thoupinproper to keep the ftsd boj « *'7
~ Dol&ffinn until I can heat from ta»d J a ‘ n ‘»
&««*, boy i> foW.
an have bis ptopMtjr ' '
Ja«e 23, 1806.
Tfe Creditors of Nicholas J air . el L 3r ®
JL hereby notified that the cxatnxea
, into the iofolvency of kid Unclt iD“ f j
ported until Saturday the toime k day ot
September next, at which timo bis credi
tor* in per Ton or by attorney are leq
to attend at the Court Hoofc in the county
cf Wiilce*, to Ihew cauls, it -ny A |
•why Did Jarrett ftould not be
under the a£b of tt»i* Rate it »•
laigeraeiit of Infoivent debtor <• _
By or dir of the JuJUcss cj tne Injcrior
Co-urt of Wilkes wunly. *
■ y*fy C£l
To Be Flircd.
A good field 01*
Enquire at the Chronicle Of
July c. BL
Five Dollars Reward}
Q I OLE NT f/ntn ray yard,
ncar Augusta, on Sunday !
**&*• *oth Tune, a red
l ih&Afi SORREL HORSE, fevcn
if I( S' or eight year# old, 4 feet
10 or ir inches high, a
fvt’i'ch ail, and 3 white I'pot on his right
h«ttcck, trots, paces and rack*, rough fnod
all round.—The above reward will he prid
on the delivery of faidhorfe to the fubfctl
ber, or THIRTY DOLLARS, for horfefc
July 5. (3t)
Two Dollars Reward.
J-|- .. f\N -Thursday last two
VJ' negro fellows, MON
f DAY a*d CHARLES, ran
av»ay from the Subscribe*'i
plantation ncar Aogufta
— i» fufpeded that they arc
fcarbonred * belonging to
Mr. Course, o rb7 Cherry who bttoes to
George P eifon—™y pcifon who will ap
prebend said Runaways, and deliver
them t> the owner, shad rcceivethe a ov-a
reward. M V»- VERDaRY.
Ten Dollars Reward.
RAN-AWAY fr<>s» t!l ®‘
SubfcAhcr on the Eighth
MWL' of June, a Negro fe\'ow
named ARP, abtut thirty
thirty tv/o years old, or
a Dark conjdeft ion, about
1 fSjSfhfeiw* a Wcniifh £ *° hi * ri ? ht . eyc ?
the fellow is we? known on the counties ol
Walking ton, Montgomery and
the fellow was railed by /apt. James
Thomas of Tatnull c nnty, dec ~~it is sup
posed that he is kept concealed by a white
prrfon in Tatnajl county ; if so, I will pay
Fiftv Dollars on c'mvifliun ol the Offender,
or the above Reward and all feaionab.e ,
expencee for the fellow alone, or by lodging j
hi in in forne Jsil in this ftat*~ the renvaro |
will be paid by the fubfeviber c* Richmond, 1
cr Morris Kelly of Tarn all cennty.
ju• t - ■' " _ L ... J
‘fen Dollarsßeward.
T 3 AN-AWAY from the fufcfciiber a mu
iX Jaro girl of the name es SALLY, I
J, fu -p' f-d 'flit i» in the vicinity of AuguM, -
* r L B=ich Hlantl-whoever br»
to me in Augusta, foiil rescive the aooy
;■ M
Administrators Sale.
WILL BE SOLD , on the fourth Monday in
JupuJl next, ai the Court hors in Colum
bia county, io the bidder, cn a
a edit till the firfi day of January 1808,
and pojf jton given */ ie I l 'ft o }J a f uar y
next* Said lands bring a part of hie reuo of the late tVm. FyUr deceajea,
to wit,
260 acres (be the fame more or
leL) on Little Kiokcs creek, adjoinieg
William Walton and others, to# late re
f,deuce cf the deceased, well improved,
upward# of one bundled acres open, a
young thriving Peach and Apple urchard,
well watered.
207 acres (be the fame more or
Icfsl at joining lands of Beverly Low, and
Savannah river, in two « three mi.e.
diffanco of the former, in good planting re
pair, with an equal quantity of open land,
raft of which n- lew grbeadi; the sci
zud fertility of thoffc land* ok thieaght equal
to any lathe county— to continue
from day to day till fohi--The fa.cs _ made
at the cuofent, and ftqasft cf the fccirs.
Wm. BERRY, }
■ Benj. LEIGH.- \ Admrs.
July C- toO
On the hfi Turf dan in Augufi next, at Co
ijmbia Court Houft, between the ujucl
Will be Sold,
20" 1 — acres of land 111 Wilkin
fan county, ad- diftrift No. 257 the pro
pertyof Jeremiah Lam.t;a, to fattsfy an
execution in favor of the executor of An
thonv Haynes vs said Lamkin.
Two horses executed as the
property of Joha Peek junr. as security for
said La-'kin, to fatlify the above execution.
—Conditions— C ash>
July <3‘)
\ GEORGIA, ~[ To the HonoraMc S«pe-
Creem r county, j Jfittl CeUtt.
' T TPON the petition of William Melton,
I i-J Rating, that he had in his poffefiion,
a deed of conveyance to a traft of land, ly
ing in the county and ftste aforefaid, in the
fork of the Oconee and Aaplatchee rivers,
containing two hundred and thirty aoit;* ts
land; which said deed of conveyance afiign
ed by Sam’l Flenikin to David Flenikin—
a copy of which said deed of conveyance,
a* near the original at your petitioner can
recollect, i* lodged in the dork 5 * effice,
together vcuh an affidavit, Sating, that the
said eiigina! deed of cenveyance is loft, so
that he cannot come at the fame.
Whereas, it it ordered, That ths said co
py uedaldiOifd in lieu of the origin*!, un
kfi good catifc can be (hewn to the conm
ry, and that the Lid rule be puhlifiitd io
one of the th; ftatc, fu month*.
A true copy taka from the Minutes , this
2td March 1806.
THI3 la'Jfntnse medc, this jflrh day of
September 1797, on of fecftnc, between
Samuel Flc&ikb of the Rate cf G«M{»ia
. and ceunty of Greene, ui the oiic part, and
David Flenikin of the flat* and county
ai’oiefaid, of the other part, Witneffsth,
that the said Sarunel Flenikin, for, and in
consideration of the fom or two hundred
dollar*, the receipts whereof ate hereby ac
knowledged, hath giver, "ranted, bargein
cd raj fold, and by these prefenti do give,
grant, bargain, fell and convey, all that
traft or parcel of land, fruited, lying and
being in the covnty ar.d Sate aforc&id, in
he fork of 1115 Occncc and Apaiatchce
rivers, containing two hundred and thirty
J E'-rca, note or let*, having such tnftikt and
lh.ip;» a* appear by the plat of the fame,
annexed to a grant bearing date Dcccn.hox
31st 1767, to Tame* Flenikin, together
with all end lingular the rights, member*
(and appurtjwnota thereunto belonging, or
in any wife appertaining—-and I, the afore-
LiJ San-itcl I'.vCiksc, tor heir*, <kc.
do, by i.*vefe yrAinu, warrant and forever
defend, the lavr/a! light and. title at the
above rr.emiuned land arid pretriife#, uato
• Ficnikin, kin, hsjrtsnd
perfoa or perfon*, « hatfuever, t* a clear
and indaftafible estate, in fee fiajpla, fore
ver—la cvitn&fd whereof, I have hereunto
fit lay hand, and the dsy and year Tuft
, above written.
Signed, healed and deii- )
vetea in the presence of j
RICHARD BRADY malceth #rth, that
h? was a witnef* to a deed, to the fains
tenor and eft# of the above, to the left *f
ihb depenent’s belief.
Sworn to before n«e 7 R. BRADLE I .
this 4th t 8-6. j
Wm. BROWNING, j. p.
THIS day, came before me, one of the
jufticcs afiigued to keep the peace, ia said
cmjoty, Wtu. Daonell, who maketh oath
ut tdow:, refpefting the within deed (to
wit;—At or sometime preceding the date
within named, be believes he saw a deed
0; conveyance to the within e3F:ft, in the
nolfilfi on of Col. William Melton, ai>d bs
licvt* it to be coofidcrably earlier than »h«
lima within named—he doc* not recoiled
Ihe exact confideratien money named in (be
deed, not coc? he recoiled the witrrfft* to
the said deed ; tut from the bast of his re
colltdltm, and belief, believe* the within
to convey the substance of the deed (laid to
be loft or destroyed.) _ T
Sworn tr» before me "1 Wm. DANNELL.
this 4th March 180 6. J
Wm. LROvVNING, j. r.
STATE OF GF.OH GIA, Grave County.
PERSONALLY appeared before me,
Wm. Melton, and snaketh oath, that on or
before the date of the within deed, he rc
) ccivad a deed cf conveyance from Samuel
Flenikin, to the ten<*r and eff ft of the
within, to tbs best of his belief, and that he
j |jB* loft the fame, so that It cannot be had.
Sworn to before me ) w< MRL TON
I t bis 4th 0 i March 13otf• )
79in. BROWNING, j. r. ✓ -
June ti. O 6m]
gd“ 4 good Wag
gons-'and teams wanting for 8
or io days— for particulars ap
ply at this Office.
'July 7. ( { f)
Os the very bell kind, to be had
{ on low terms (by wholesale and re
tail) at the Chronicle Office.
(By Authority.)
Ta regulate andfix the compensation of clerks
ami to authorife the laying out certain
public roads ; and for other purpnfes
BE it evaded by the Senate and House of
RepreSenta/ives of the United States of
America, iu Cttigre/s Assembled, That tie
fecret.;ries of flare, treasury, war, and navy
departments, fha)l be, and-they are hereby
authorifed to apportion the c»mi’erfi,tirns
for clerks in their rtfptftivc depart ram *,
in such manner, as the lirvices to he i rr,
formed shall, in their judgment, rrqu» i ;
Provided, That the whole amount of oidi
nary cornpcnfarions for clerks in the fajd de
partments rtlpef lively, shall not exceed the
f I lowing sums anruallv, that is to fay :
For the department of date, seven theu
fat d one hundred and fifty dollars.
For the trc.dury department, forty.four
thousand two hundred and twenty.feven dol
lars and twenty.eight cents, that is to fay ;
in the office.of the secretary of the treasury,
ten thousand two hundred and eighty .nine
doilais and eightv-onc cents : in the i {fire
of comptroller of the treasury, nin* thousand
sixty-seven dollars; in the c ffi.e of the an,
ditor, eight thoufimd eight hundred and ele
ven dsllars j in the cffice of the treafurrr of
the United States two thousand eight hun
dred and seventeen dollars, forty-five cents j
and in the office of the regifier of the rreafu
ry thirteen thoofrnd two hundred and fort/
two dollars and two cents.
For the department of war, sixteen thou
sand five hundred and forty dollars, that is
to fay ; in the office of the fccrctsry, fix
thousand three hundred and forty dollars ;
in the office of the accountant of the war de
partment, eight thousand and five hundred
dollars ; and in the office of the purveyor of
public /applies, one thousand seven hundred
For the department of the navy, twelve
thousand nine hundred dollars, that is to
fay 5 in the office of the secretary, frur
thousand nine hundred dollars; and in the
office of the accountant of the navy depart,
mrnt eight thousand dollars.
Sec. *. And It it further evaded, That
thFon/baivfUtrrnrreLflf the UiiLLtd States-,
such number of clerks in his office, as he
shall judge proper, and to apportion their
compcr.fations in such manner as the fervice#
to he rendered by each, shall in his judg
ment require; Provided, That the whole
amount of ordinary corapcnfaliens for clerks
in the said offise, shall not exceed the sum of
nine thousand three hundred and forty, five
dollars annually.
Sec. 3. Andie it further emitted, That
the director of the mint be, and he is hereby
authorifed to allow to one of the clciks em
ployed in his office, seven hundred dollar#
per annum ; and the said dircflbr is hereby
authorifed to expend the further sum of one
thousand dollars annually, in clerk hire, in
such manner as his diferetion shall dictate.
And the surveyor general is hereby allowed
to expend twelve hundred dollars annually*
for clerk hire.
Sec. 4. And be it further entiled, That
there (hall be allowed to the comroiffioners of
Joans, in the dates of Maflachufeits and
Ncw-York rcfpeffivejy, not exceeding five
clerks, at the rate of five kndred dollars each,
per annum : to the coromiffioncr es loans in
Connecticut, not exceeding two clerks, at
the rate of four hundred dollars each,
per annum : to the commissioner of loans in
Pennsylvania, not exceeding fix clerks, at
the rate of five hundred dollars each, annu
ally ; to the comroiffioners of loans in Vir
ginia and Somh.Carolina, refpefVively, not
exceeding two cleiks, at the rate of five
hundred dollars each, annually : the aggre
gate of compensation* for ckiks employed
by either of said comroiffioners, to be appor
tioned among them at his diferetion. And
there shall be annually allowed in lieu of
detk hire, to the commissioner of loan* in
the flatcof New-Hatnpfhire, three hundred
and fifty dollars: to the commissioner of
loans in the slate of Rhode-Ifland, four hun
dred dollar,: to the commissioner of loan#
in the flare of Kew-jcrfcy, three bandied
dollars ; and to the comroiffioners of loans in
the itatc of Maryland, two hundred and fif
ty dollars.
Sec. 5. And he it further enaßed, That
the compensations allowed by this ail to
clerk:, shall commence with the year one
thousand eight hundred and seven ; and it
(hall '<at me duty of the fecretaxies for the
departments of fiate, treasury, war and na
vy, aud of the poil-mafter general, ani sur
veyor genera), and of the coromiffioners of
loans in the several slates to report to Con
gress, at the beginning of each year, the
names of the clerks they have employed rc
fpvftively, in the preceding yeir, and,the
sum given to each ; and whether the bufmef#
for clerks iocrcafes or dirninifhes in their re
fpeft've departments, that cor.grefs maybe
enacted to make further arrangements by
law, reflecting clerk hire. And it (hall be