Newspaper Page Text
Jsy hit ExceLlincy JOHN MII/LEDGE,
Govern, r and Commander in Chief of the
Army and Navy of this State, and of the
Mi/itia thereof.
WHEREAS In and by an aft, pafifcd
ihc z 5 h day of June inst. entitled
t( An aft r;> difp:»fe of and diltribete the Intc
<■ ccffioo of lands obtained from tbs Crttfk
Nation, by the United Sistfs, in 2 treaty
*f concluded at the city of Washington, on
f‘ the f.iarteenth day of November, one
(i thouftnd eight hundred and five,” the
Governor Is required ** forthwith to idee his
« proclamation and cause the farre to be
« (jubliihed in one of the Gazettes of the
t( Cities of Savannah and Aagufta, and in
*< thofc of I/wifvillr, Spart?, Wafliington
*r and P’terlb itgh, Acting forth the oat
il lines of this a«5l; and requiring all persons
“interc'kd thenin, to exhibit their claims
« in the counties of their refptftive rdidence.”
I have therefore thought proper to ififue
this my proclamation, in order to mnke
kn iytr\ the outlines of the afore-recited aft,
which after mentioned, to wit ;
The tmitory to which the Indian title
h?t been extinguisher!, by the treaty conclu
ded «t the city of Washington as aforefaid,
and for the disposing of and diftributiag
which, the afore-recited aft, was palled, is
to belaid oft in the following manner •
The line dividing the counties of Baldwin
and VVtlkinfon is to be extended feuth fer
,li ry. five degrees weft, to the Ocrnalgce ri
<fvsr;” and all that part of fasd territory
which lies above said line, is to be attached
to, and con Sieved as a part of the county
of Baldwin ; and tint part below faiilinc,
except the reserve made in the aforefaid trea
ty* is to be attached to, and ccnfiJcred as a
p irt of the county of WilUinfon. The
whole territory afarefaid is to be divided in
to thirty.eight dill lifts, as nearly equal in
size as they can be conveniently made, by
ri nning psrahel lines fouth forty-five degrees
Weft,v and others intcrafting them at right
angles ; tire lard contained in the several
diU rifts, except the re for ve aforefaid, is to
he divided by lines running parallel with
the lines dividing Ibid diftrifts, and others
crowing them at right ,tng!v«, so as to form
treft , (forty-ri vc chains fquart) to contain
two hundred two and an half acres each.
The fraft’ona! parts of surveys which may
be in each diftrift, by the natural
or artificial boundaries of (aid territory, are
to be fee apart for the redemption of the
public debt, under the direftion of a future
The Surveyors appointed to mftte the fur
▼cys in the several diftrifts as afarefaid, are
to give bond for the faithful difeharge of the
duties required of them by the aft afore-re
cited, in the penalty of ten ihoufand dollars
each, parable to the Governor for the time
being, or his fuccftlbrs in effi e, with filch
Tenuity as may be approved of by him, or
a majority of the Justices of the Inferior
Courts of the refpeftive counties where the
said Surveyors may reside , which bonds arc
to be taken by the Governor, or the aforc-
T.iid Justices, and dtpofited in the Executive
The surveyors aforefaid are to make the
surveys of their refpeftive diftrifts in their
c< own proper peffon”—-(hey are immedi
ately after the boundary and diftrift lines
sh tll have been run by phe proper authority,
to mark or cause to he matked, plainly and
dift'nftly upon tree-, if prafticabie, other
wise (takes iniv fulfire, all lines which they
my be require#! to run in nuking the sur
veys afortfaid; which lines they shall caufc
to be tneafured, with all potfible exaftnefs,
with an half chain centaining two perches
of fix teen feat and one half <-ach, con fitting
of fifty equal links, which (hall be adjusted
by a (landard to be. kppt for that purpufe in
the Surveyor-General’s effic?, end take as
accurately as pofiiMe, the meanders pf all
water coUrfes which (hail form boundaries to
any of the surveys—they are to note in field
books ro be kept by thsin rcfpedtively, the
names of the corner & station, tree:- ( \ hich
a;& to lie numbered in fuchmamrras the Sur.
veyor General may direst) and all rivers,
creek':, and other water coarfes which may
bo touched upon cr crofted in running or
mes Turing any of the lines aforefaid ; trar.
&ripc» of which fiftd bork% after being ex
amined with the originalay ny the surveyor
general, and certified and ligned on -every
page by th« rifpeftive surveyors returning
the fame, are to be Jcpofitrd in the Survey
or. General's office—they arc ta furoifh the
Surveyor■ General, wit bin ninety days sf.-
ter the running of the boundary and diftrift
lines as aforefaid, with maps of their refpcc
tivc diftrifts, in which (ball be correftly
delineated; represented and numbered, in
f«ch o;dcr ss the Surveycr-General may
preferibe, all the surveys within the said fe
vcr;ii diftrifts, and, at the fame time, with
detached phots of such surveys, certified and
ttgr.fd by them refpeftively—and they are
to conform tofuch instructions, not milita
ting with the aft Ktore.recited, as they may
receive from the Surveyor-General, from time
'to time, during rhdr continuance in office,
aud while executing the duties thereof.
The surveys containing two hur.drtdTVo
and an half acres, as aforefaid, are to uc
diftdbuted a lottery, in which persons
are robe entitled to draws as afret mention
ed, to wit :—Every free m ile white petfon,
twenty,one years oi age and upwards> who
is a citizen ot the United States, and has
resided in this state three years immediately
preceding the paifjge of the aft afore.recited,
and paid a tax towards the fuppoit of go.
(■ * „ \
' v • •'•C: y , ‘ '' / H
i ■>■;; v 1
■ I
verncnent, {lncluding such as may fee
on lawful business) onedraw—every frcqnale
pcrfon of like description, having a Use,
or legitimate child or children undcj the
age of twenty-one years, two draws-, all
widows with like refldence, one draw—all “
free female white persons, who have a ived
to the age of twenty-Snc years or upifuds,
and have resided in this Rate,' as is a*ove,
and are unmarried, one draw—ail families
of orphans rdidcnctj as aforefaid, undfr the
age of twenty-one years, whole fatler is
dead, one draw—and all families of othans
confining of more than one, who haienei.
ther father net mother living, twodtjlws--
but it o«!y one, then such orphan is to
have one draw ; the draws of orphar/s to be
entered in the county and diftrifl where the
cldeft of each family of them resides.
No person who drew a prize or prizes in
the late land lottery, is to be entitled tl any
draw or draws in thconenow contonpbted.
Alphabetical lifts of petfons emit! d to
draw* in th« lottery aforefaid, arc n> le
made out within thiee months from the paf
ling cf the afore-ucitid aft,, by such per.
sons, not exceeding two to each batolicn
diftrifl, as the Justices cf the Infernr Quart
in each county may appoint; and it i; de
clared to be the duty of the said Jpfties to
make such appointment. The pet.ojis so
appointed are ta attend in each Captkin's
diftiift, on as many fever?! da , s as thifaid
fvdi'cs may deem ncccff ry and
(having fiift given ten days notice in leach
diftrifl of such attendance) for die pu|p;fu
of taking down the names of persons entitled
to draws as aforefaid, and are to receive,
as a compenfatiwn for their services, from
the applicants for draws, twelve anti an
half cents for each draw by them entered ;
and previous to entering on the duties of
‘their appointments, they are to take the
following oath, which is ro be adminif
teted by any of the said Jofticis ;—“ I,
, do solemnly swear or affirm, (as
the case may bf) that 1 will net receive or
regilicr any name except the pet fin giving
in fhtill firft fake the oath pref ribed by this
ad.” The lifts aforefaid, wfe n completed,
and copies el them depoft rd in the eftice of
the refpeftivc clerks cf ?h Superior Court,
arc to be transmitted to the Ex cutive Ofli< e,
by,thc persons appointed to make them ou r .
All applicants f>r draws in ihe said
lottery, except widows, arc to t?ke ihe
following oath, which is to he admtniftcrcd
by the persons appointed so take down their
names as aforefaid, to wit ; “ [ ,
do folcmnly swear or affi < rn, (.'3 the case
may be) that I am a citizen i f the United
States, and have resided in this tta e three
years immediate!}' preceding ihe palling of
this aft, and'am now an ii habitant of tins
diftrifl; that lam twenty.ore years of
age; that I have a wife, child or children
(as the case may be) that 1 have not given
in my name for any draw or draw's In the
preterit contemplate.! lo 'ery, in any ether
part of this Rate ; that I have not drawn
a trsft of land in the former lottery ; and
that the orphan or family of orphans whom
I return, is or arc entitled to a draw
or draw * under this act, to the best cf try
knowledge—So help me God.” And wid.
o v?, applicants as aioruaid, the {showing
oath ;—“ J, , do fdcmly swear or
affirm, (as the cife may lx) *hat I am a
widow ; that I have resided the three bit
years is this Hate, and «m now resident in
this didrift; that I have not put in my
name for a draw in the p, tfent lottery in any
other part of this state ; and'that 1 have not
drawn land in the former locicry, to ihe
be ft of any knowledge and belief-—So help
me God.”
The Governor is to eanfe tickets to'be
prepared and the lottery drawn in the fal
lowing manner —The names of persons
entitled to draw's, are to be written on fe
paratc pieces of paper, gs nearly equal in flze
as they can be made, and dtp'fired in a box
or wheel, conit ruffed for tha purpose ; Mid
the blanks and prizes are to be d spoil ted ir.
another box or wheel; and from each wheel
one ticket at a time is to be taken and de
livered to the commitfioners appointed to
foperiotend the drawing cfrhe lo.icry, who
arc to declare the result, and caufeeach name
against which a prize may be drawn, end a
dtlorlptiop cf the p. ize, to be entered in a I
bunk to be provided for that purpose.
One months notice of the day the draw
ing ul the lottery v/j'l coir.ncnre is to be
given in the lev oral Gazettes before men
I! any Diihift Surveyor (hall resign or
j die, the Governor is authorized to fill ihe
1 vacancy thereby occasioned, And if any
j Surveyor shall fail to-execata the trull repo,
fed in him, either from inattention or oihe
wife, infuch manner, as in the npmicn of the
Governor, may render doubtful the fiolihing
ius surveys within the time limited, he is em
powered to declare his appointment vacant,
ar.d fi;l the fame.
The Diftrifl Surveyors are to take an
oath faithfully to difeharge the duties requi.
red of them, which is to be administered by
the Survey or. Genera l; and the chain-cst.
rters are to take an ca:h accurately to mca.
sure all lines on which they nitty be employ,
cd, with as little deviation from thecourfes
pointed out to them by the Surveyors as
pjfible, and to give a true account of (be
| fame which oath is to be adm'iniftcrcd by
! the Diftrifl Surveyors,
No lurvcys or grants for land .in the a.
forefaid toritory are to be admitted to a
jury as evidence of title to the lands thereir,
except thofc obtained by virtue and i/hdcr * j
the authority cf the afore-reccited aft,
Persons against whofc names lots of laed {
may be drawn, are to receive grants for the I
fame, on paying into the Treasury of this ’
ftafe, fix dollars per hundred acres j hut If
any person entitled to any lot ofland as a.
forefaid, Ih -11 fail to pay that sum and take
out a grant for the fame, within twelve
months from the day thedrawingcf theiot
tery is completed, then such lot inail revert
to, and be veiled in the Hate, and appro,
priated for the redemption of the public debt.
Returns of persons entitled to draws as a.
forefaid,- made contrary to the true intent
and meaning of the afore-recited adl, ara
declared to be fraudulent; and all grants
which, may be issued in confcqaence ot
draws made in the "con tern pi a ted lotteiy, on
any fraudulent return, are declared to be
null and void, and the land so granted Is to
revert to, and become the property of the
Now therefore, the Justices cf the Inferi
or Courts of the refpeftive counties—the
persons to be appointed to make out the al
phabetical liftd afortfaid—and all persons
entitled to draws in the contemplated lottery
under the afore-recited ait, ate called upon
and required to comply with the regula
tions thereof.
Given under my hard,and the Great
Seal of the State, at the State-House,
in Louisvillb, this twenty-eighth
day of June, in the year of cur Lotd,
one thousand eight hundred and fix,
and ufjthe Independence of the United
x States of America, the thirtieth.
By the Governor,
*• Hor : MarBURV, Secretary of the
wiECUTIVE Derartmen r, (Oso )
Lou. faille lit.b t 1 806.
Those persons who have drawn lots of
land in the counties of Baldwin, Wilkinson
and Wayne, and have hot obtained grants
for them, are NOTIFIED, that such lets
as the Treasurer (hall not have received full
payment for, on the firit day of September
next, will not, after that day, be granted
in the names cf the persons who drew them ;
but will, agreeably ro an att, (paflkd the
i oth of December, 1803) fupp.letneptary to
the several laws for making difhibuticn of
the Judds in the a forefaid counties, “ revert
“ to, and become the property cf the Hate,
** and be fold in like manner as fractional
“ parts affurveys.'’
GEO : R. CLAYTON, Secretary.
Of the Fractional Surveys,
A K7E the Comraiffioners appointed by
V V the Legillature to fcllj&nd difpofc
of (be Eraflional Surveys, of the counties,
of Wiikinfcn, Baldwin 2nd Wayne, do
hereby give notice that the sales will com
mence on Monday the 25 th of Augdt next,
and continue from day today, in the follow
ing manner, until the whole arc fold,
Thofc of the firll diilridi, on the 27th of
Auguil next, and continue tiona d;y to day,
Sundays excepted, until the 2J of Septem
ber inclusive.
Thofc of the 2d. diftrlifl on the 3d of
September, until the 6th inclusive.
Thofc cf the 3d. ddlriil, on the 8:h of
September, until the 10th inclusive.
Thole cf the 4th diftnft, cn the iithof
September, until,the 13th incluiive.
Thofc of the sth diitrkl on the 15th cf
September, until the 171 b inclusive.
Thofc of the id dillricS, 00 the iSthcf
September, until the iza inclufivq.
Those of the ad dillrift, on the 23d of
September, until the 30th inclusive,
Thofc of the 3d diftrift, on the ill of
Oiflcbcr, until th,e 4th inclusive,
Those of the 4 h diiirid, on the 6th cf
October, until the q’h inclusive.
Those of the stil diftrift on the 10. h cf
October, until the inclusive.
Thofc of the jtl difirifi, cn the 17'h cf
Oftobcr,. until the 24th iticlufivc.
Thofc of the zd dtrtrid, cn the 25 th of
Oftober, until the 27th inclusive,
Thofc of ihe 3d dilhiA, on the 28th of
o£iObtr, until the 31st inclusive.
Terms of Salt.
OF the purchasers bond, with approved
per Tonal security, for the amount of pu.xhafe
money, will be required, in four equal, annu
al inftalments, to be paid in gold or fiver ;
the fiill payment to be made, twelve months
after date, in addition to which a mortgage
on the pramifea will be required.
Lau'tf-Vtlle , June 26, iFq6. ,*
Valuable Work, '
Vhe Married Lady's Companion ,
confuting of four parts.
* I. An iddref* to the Married * Lady,
who ij the mother of Daoghtei«.
11. An addtefa to the nctviy Married
IIL Some iapertanu hints to the Mid
IV. An essay on the. msaagement and
common dHwft, of Children.
I wq B U iT'h 1 K * nnin S a The above .
i 3ppeau u to ** a niod ufeful and
j one, may be had at *. Chronicle
Onifu Jirji ? uefday in Auguji next, at JP, 3 j I
tin Court- Hovje between the hmrs of ' " I
errs q ° B
One third pan of 2co acres cf B
land mote or Iff. in Fas klin c u:,ty B
Stephen's cretk, whtrrcn tic htr S ;Pl .| B
Wbit ker lived, inclndkg she Mill* B
rlartatirn thereon, adjoining jamuTsiifi B
and William Wilifcn. “ B
One half acre lot of’land part I
ofa fumy oiiginally granted to VV«n in| I
Baley, whereon Mary \\ L;tiker w-oou 0 { I
Samuel Whitiker, row lives, adjnit f i ■
town of CaJnfvi.'le, taken to fatitfy Vii{ | fl{a I
WiUfon agatnft the adiuiriftuto?* of {4 I
Samuel Wfcitlkcr dec. pointed out by ttc I
defendant, levied ,cr bv ? ccrftah'r a >.c {e , I
turned to me.—Condi ticks, C ash I
H. TiiRRfiLL, Ih i.ff. I
July $. ) B
On the Jirfl Tvefday in Augujt v.**.. r j I
Columbia Court' Hovfe between la] k uul I
hours -I
275 acres ofland in tcli:u;bh I
count;, lying on Little river jtwiry i..1
zier, and orlgiiifclty granted to ’fhi I
and where William otaik now Jives, I
Two Negros, viz : a reg-o I
boy by the nr, me of KKTTfill and a. «vn I
gift by the name cf MILLRY, Rxeiu.'d ■
at the property of William bit k, to-fsit. I
fy sn txcruti n in favour of the Adajuif. K
ttatoificf T. fisrthern. I
56 acres of land in Columbia I
county, he the fame more oriel, E
Jarvis, and on the waters cf Sav/gc'sc k, I
executed as the property of Alri f fir, I
tofatiify ao execution in favoir u r,« I
Executors cf Henry Evans I
pointed out by John Frflcr, I
400 acres cf land bs the fame I
more or ief’, known by the namr 0 car. j. I
hill, on the mouth of Car.achcc rv , I
formerly the property of Sir J VAng. , I
to fatisfy an esccuFen in Javor cf. t'j I
Admihiftratrix of G. Lt fHin, u, she rra. I
miffionera es Columbia county r c:d. rej, I
and pointed out by o»eof the Ccnmffi u. I
ei*. ALSO, I
A Sorrel horse about fix or 1>- I
van years oid, executed as the picicuy f I
J feph F"»d, to fatisfy an executi di« fi* I
vour of N. F'x ana wire vs Jof ph L.J
and Wiilia Li Foiid.
' t , ALSO,
202 \ acres of land in Wilkin
foa coumy, N. « zip, fitusted in the th'ul
did'it*, bounded N. E. by lot Mo, jO,
N V7, by lot No. 214. S. W, by lo £ ho.
208. and S. E, by lot No. 216.
One'Negro wench by the name
of Tc nour, to Satisfy an executor i>» ‘a
vour es 'he Executors of William Bibb is
James Wood. ALSO,
145 acres of land in Columbia
county, lying on the main P.nsd It. 1 , i •
to Augaftn, about twe’va mi ! *c ft ve
Aogaßa, and whereon Zrchsii «> I * ~ 3t
ndw lives, joining Be&Uc and M -ft 1
Kenth, executed to fatisfy ?.n rxecu ca
•brained again ft /bid Zaobac iah I annar,, i‘>
favour os Edward Telfair fusviv..r,
2 871 acres of pine land in Co
lumbia comity, j.-iining Can ar,d Is v.t‘
original y granted to Anxfcr* fe li d' »
executed it the p.oputy ofKab r< R<f>
fan, to fvtitfy an execution iu Isvou* -t
John Hardin. At SO,
2co acres of land in Columbia
county, 0«k and Hickory, j 1 ;r£ b n, • and Carr, executed as the ['y > ■
Reuben Brur.fcn, to fatisfy two executi '3
t-.f Joi'sCi, Carter cn(k"xhc Adiririltrs r or» ts
K. Carter, Judgment cbuJned
faxds:unfoii,*—Cenditians offal?, ersa.
The property of Spears that v/ss
advmtifeJ to b» fold the lirk Tu.fdar ’ a
July, is until the fiiU 'Xutf 2/
tn Aaguft.
Wm. FLEMING, s. c.r.
3*b s-
I do hereby fowarn ail prrfons
from trading for func'ry no'cs given by tot
to Reuben Brun-fon (iermerly of Colt mb
rounty) as part of thi property for which
frid net?! were given h now unfor an exc*
cution for fuijrfjy judgncecto tbtzincd ?-
gs.inft said Erunfsn, prior to cur ccnmch
I ana defcrmljicd not to pay any part mciect
until the preyerty is made goed to me * 3 ‘l
frsa ‘rent any iacutnbrsncc
The ftid notes, as well as can be rccof-
Icftsr) were given cc the 24th day of iy
ary J Sc6 — viz ;
One for icood-ils, payable the ill re
18c 6. T
Ouc for 200»do. do. cn the iS J 2-"
ua-y 1807. '
One for acoo do, do. on the ift j 3
uary 1808.
Gnu for 2OCO do. do. on the
uary 1809.
One for 3;S°° on l^c -l ca "
uary 18 to.
July S• - L-)