Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, July 19, 1806, Image 3

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    feefAhw\hg .ire the TOASTS alluded to !»
eurlaji, and which have been squinted a:,
-—for what reason, is beji known to the
Sham Republican t He will have it that
they have been invented by the Editor,
hut dies not pretend to a re.of on ; it
wouldfeem that he only wipes to indulge
hit contentious and malignant humor— But
as he infi(h that the Editor must be an in
mentor or manufaEL'urer of tocijls , weJhcll
venture to bake a few royal and arifto.
crane ones for him, without the leaf spice
of democratic pepper or republican fait,
which we erpeß, will prove palatable to
him , though very difguftjng, we are fare,
to our readers m general.
Ycftcrdy being the Annivcrfary of Ameri
can independence, some honed and jolly
fellows met at a living fountain, in Richmond
•county, to celebrate the day ; Their Civic
leaf was a Barbecue well drafted from head
to tail, and highly fea&ned with Democrat,
ic pepper and lie publican Salt ; The follow
ing are fptctmetn of the feelings, and proof
of the f pint's, which flawed on the four of
the moment; these do not appear to' he ft
cafs, and of qourfc, mast; be received in
the order in which they sprung from the vn.
i 'lnis purees ; but if they do not exhibit
originality, it rnuft be allowed, at lead,
that they breathe the love of country , and
fie cf I.ißEßty.
Wilb That all the nations on the Globe
had to celebrate fuch a day as this , and
on the fame principles.
The fair of America-—never fairer than
when they appear in their home spun.
Mxfiachufetts—we rejoice that (he is come
to herfelf, at lift.
The royal Gladiators of Europe, like those
of ancient Rome--may their exits soon
receive (he plaudits of their gazing but
opprrfTed people;
The Ocean as free to all nations, as when
Columbus lie ft came over.
May all futh pirates as Whitby meet their
deserts—-promotion-— to the gibbet.
The memory cf Citizen Fierce, the last
American viftim of Britilh cruelty, on
cur records.
Thomas JcfFerfcn, the man of the pcope—-
loved and admired, with the exception of
a few here and there,
M.adifon and Gallatia, who never betrayed
the c -nfidencc reposed in them—-they do
ferve well cf their country.
Gun Boat No. I.—-may (he he soon followed
up by the Britifli Leander.
The United States of America—may they
forever hang together in concord Sc accord.
Our partnf Georgia—-not to be trodden on
--may fits prosper as flic grows big... but
n*f with Snakes,
AH those at home and abroad, who celebrate
the day—this to the friends of Liberty,
is a grand Jubilee.
Walhington, the father of his country.—he
lived with honor, and died covered with
laurels and glory.
The founders of the American republic
what need we fay more.
The Governor of Georgia—his next pf is
in the Senate of the Union,
The militia c: Georgia.. -ready at a call.
The memory of General James Jackson—he
deserved nobly of liberty and his country*
The 4th of June instead of the 4th of July
—that’s our day. . ~
The King our old Matter—one is better than
May the deluded Democrats soon open their
eyes cothc blffiings of monarchy and the
privilsdges of aristocracy—ruie Britannia
Britannia rule the waves.
Liberty as now rationally established in
England, Russia, France and the Brititti
poffefiions in the Eatt-Indies.
The memory of Cornwallis and all those
Britifti heroes, who fought and bled topie
ferve the colonies under the mild yoke of
mother country.
The memory of Walhington—his name has
hitherto been ofinfinite fcrvicc to us; though
we rnuft hare the Rebel, yet policy requires
that we (luuld pretend to venerate his
*■ We are all Federalitts—we are all Repub
licans”—wc deny every tvord of it; it
is a grefs libel on our loyalty.
Whitby, the hero of Sandy. Hook—may hs
soon have a 74 under his foot.
Frofpcrity to Nova Scotia, our only fafe
asylum in the days et trouble.
Bermuda, cr Lie Summer Ifauds, a pleasant
ard fate retreat during the revolutionary
Jio\cm~ Ifc. &c.
Had lie, who handed in the former taafts,
written them ir. the fame spirit and with the
fame truth , as we have these, he would have
avoided the charge of impofmg falfehoods on
the public.
Mr. Printer.
I would beg leave tqobfervc, for the in
formation ofModeration, that his statements,
refpc£ting ihc contemplated ordinance, are,
in every particular, fallacious and incorrcft.
The City Council, so far from attempting to
lay an import duty, have only in view an
ordinance for fixing the rates of wharfage
thereby requiring those who make use of
them, and for whefe pttrpofe the harbour is
fololy applied to contribute to their repair ;
this instead of being new, is the case in eve
ry comtiercial place in the United States,
ar *d can have no reference to a tax: With
rsfpeit to the operation or the city tax upon
merchants, when at leafurc, I beheve I can
«afdy (hew they never have paid their just
proportion of the public burthens.
IN fae last Herald, I have s een a crog jL ( j
htue formed thus, Z.—he w-aWs
war with the Legillaturc, and the Exccu.
t ve, becaiifc the? have not cl»ne juflice to
cX_T h ‘ he run,
.. ~} 3rn h W>' tonnd that thisdeaun
ciatton falls ffiort, as the Legillature, a?rec .
L, t 9 I l ' w idies and communication ®f
' J °vi:aK«R, have made an ample pro.,
, * ’ as 1 hope, for the debts of
tuc ftatc, la the last fellion they have tie.
creed that, “ the fractional parts of furveya,
‘ which may he ocoafioned in each diftrift,
natural or artificial boundaries of
“ fam territory, are to He set apart icr the
“ r ‘ de, /f>=* o- f the public debt, under the
uireition of a future Legillafure.” The
crooked little fellow has overlooked this
paChge—and all I wi(h,Ns to pin him to
the LAW.
On the 4 th instant, a negro villain of the
nimc of Sen. belonging to a gentleman in
L-oiumbia county, but who had been cut
° r r nve months, met a young white girl
of relpeffable connexions in fasd county,
aoout fourteen years of ag», who had been
on.a vifu to her friends—on her return home
tnc ruffian dragged her from her horfc and
fitered outrageous violence to her person.
He has been fortunately tak-n, tried, and
justly condemned to be hanged ibis dav, at
a crcfs road, near Abraham Marshall’s/
To Correspondents,
* Juvsnis is received—we give h|m cre
dit toe his zeal and abilities; but on reike
tion, he rauft perceive that lie offers nothing
new in politics— all his ideas arc alrcady
afloat. It was the Roman motto, to hum
ble the proud, and /pure the weak,
D. C.
Cotton - _ - - . . iy to 16
Tobacco - - - - . j 25 to 350
Corn - - 50
New Flour ...... 9 to 10 dolls.
DIED, on the zSthofMay lad at G-ild
ford, the feat ®fCapt. Gildart in Berkeley
county (Virginia,) Col. Robert Stark
formerly of South-Carolina.
, on Monday last in Beach. Island
Capt. William Tosler.
’The Rev. Thomas Dar
ley tsexpecled to preach in the
Methodifl Chapel To ’■morrow, at
the usual hour,
ON the night of the 91b iaft. between
Augusta and Wallicon’s Sand-bar, a
the Subfcriber'i name written on the back
of it, containing a FIFTY DOLLAR
Branch Bank Bill cf the U. State* Dank,
No. not rccolleftcd, but very little foiled,
together with several Newark Bill*, and
other paper*, confining of notes of hand,
&c. Should any person find said POCKET
BOOK, and preserving the content*, (hill
be liberally rewarded, by leaving the fame
at the Chronicle Office, with Mr, D. Drif
col, or Edmund Lamar, of S. Carolina.
7"h [ ,j 3
If Mr. Baley Bor
ret, late of Bungay or the
neighborhood of Bungay, Suf
folk county, England, is living, by
an application to the printer, he will
hear of something to his advantage.
Mr. Borret is reported to have resi
ded in Hancock County in 1801.
July 19. _1 3 ' 7/ )
INFORMS his frienfls and the Public,
that he has just received frem New-
York a quantity of
And a Supply of
Groceries from Savannah ,
Which he will dispose ofon the
bweft terms, for cash 0 produce;
j. V-iSt-ER.
July 19. ( 3 r )
ALL persons to whe m the f state of the
late Jacob Weft, ftar.ds indebted, arc
requested to render their accsuat* properly
attested, within the time prsferibed by
law, and those indebted to said estate, are
requested to make immediate payment to
J. M. WEST, Admit,
July 19. C 3 t l
On Saturday the 26th ofthzs infi*
ALL the perfond property
of John M‘Nealy dec. in Marrifburgh, for
the benefit of his heirs ami creditors.-
Term* will be made Known oa the day of
file by
July if. tVI
Respectfully infom* the Public,
that he has just armed in Angufta, and
has opened Store in Mr, Murreu’s New
House, Ja|el) r occupied by MclTrs John
Howard £$ Co.
With a choice SeleSlion oj the
Following Goods,
BEST Flax and Tow Oznaburgs,
Brown and White Platillai,
Irilh Linen and Britanias,
Cotton Shirting,
Silk and Cotton Umbrella*,!
Long Lawns and Cambrics,
Laced Cambrick and Leno Veils;
4 4 and 64 Leno Mull in,
. Black love Shawls and Veils,
Luftring and Pelongs,
Ladies Silk Felices, .
B’ack shd White picnic Gloves,
Black and ced’d. Silk do.
White and ccl'd. Cctron do.
Ladies long walh Leather do.
Ginghams and Chainbra Muslin,
Cambrick Mt Urns,
A very elegant eflbrtment cf rich Fancy
Muslins from 50 cents to 5 dais, per
A few p>Ce« of richley ornamented
Circadian Robes —wry elegaiir,
PolJicat and Msdrafa Handkerchiefs, Red Bandannas do.
Liner, nnd Cambrick Packet do.
Cotton do. do.
Ribbons and Silk do.
Velvet Ribbon and Ferrcti,
Silver PJuM'or Bonnets,
Laces and Edgeings,
Black,* white and col’d Sewing Siik and
Ounce Thread,
C»IM Thread*, common and patent,
Adclpha Cotton Thread in papers and
varuilhed boxes,
A choice Alfortmeut of Printed Calicoes
from to 4/6'L per yard, I
White Calicoes and Fnftians,
and 6 4 Cotton Check,
i and £ Bed Tick,
Cali'nancocs and Durants,
Bornbizines and Bombazetts,
Florentine*, Crapes and Pcrfnnr,
Silk anti Cotton Snfpvmlers,
h ack and col’d belt London made Hats,
Superfine Cloth and Calfimeres,
C idcroys, Velveteens and Thickfcts,
B ,T Nankeens,
Flannels and coarse Woolens,
i*o Ready made Veils,
A handfomc afforhnent of Boots and
Ladies embroidered and plain Cotton
Mens do. do. den
Bo> s and Misses Stockings,
D antics, Janes and Janets,
Diaper Table Cloths and Toweling, (
Diaper Holland Tape* and Bobbins,
Bine and white Pavilion Gauze,
A krge assortment of Leghorn and Split
Straw Bonnet*,
Artificial Wreaths, Feathers & Flowers,
Cotton and Silk Trimimngs,
Steel Bugle* for Bonnets,
s Table knives and Forks,
Pin and Packet Knives,
Razors and Razor Strops,
Tinned Ironani Fustian Spoons and Di
Gimblets, ££c. &c,
July 1 9- [rf]
Executive Department (Geo.)
LOUISVILLE, 15th July 1806.
THAT the second MONDAY in AU
GUST next, be assigned for the hear
ing and determining controverfics relative
to lots of land, drawn is the late Land Lot
tery, for which grants have been withheld
on account of thde being tWo or more per
form of the fume name in the fame county,
a tut) not difignated, on the books appertain
ing to ,hc drawing of the said Lottery, so
that it can be thereby ascertained to which
of them the land of right belongs—All prr
fom concerned, arc therefore required to
attend at <bi* department, »n that day,
prepared to substantiate their refpeftive
claims. m
At rest, G. R. CLAYTON.
July 79. (jt.)
r whereas I have parkafed a ccr-
J. tain trail of land, containing One
Hundred and twelve acres, originally gran
ted to William Simms, lying and bch g in
the County cf Columbia, batting and boun
ding North- eaftwardly by Savannah River,
Sou'h-eaftwardly by Thomas Jor.e»'s End,
South-weftwardly by Samuel Gitfonb land,
and North wcihvarclly l>y Chftrlee C.'arkc's
land, and is more particularly known by
the Bull Sluice trail, Thefc art; therefore
to forwara all per/ons whi-tfoever from trcl
p.ffing 00 faidtraft ofland, richer by cut
ting Timber, ereding Filh-Traps en the
{hoalj opposite, or in any oihtr shape man
ner or form whatsoever, as all trcfpaiLrs
as aforefaid will incur ehc 2rift rigour of
the law in that case made atsd provided.
'July 19 i3t)
Q - r Xs/' ■ t y
Miss Harriot Bond,
On: door below Mr, A . Waterman’s,
HAVING lately received si
handfomc addition to her
former ttock oi Millinery, takes his meth
od to inform the La.fie* of Augusta and her
friends in general, that fll.* has on hand,
of the newest falhtons, confiding of a gene*
ral afTotton&tot FANCY ARTICLES,
The neat est and meji Fafii enable
Which will be fold on the most moderate terms*
Also , a variety of
July 19. f+t.)
MY Houles and Lot, North
fide of Broad-street, near
the Market; the ft md is an excellent me
for tranfafting business on a large or frral!
fcaJe, with three tene ir.entr j—Also, a Cot
ton Machine with 87 laws, all in complete
repair*—The terms of sale, one and two
years credit; this indulgence, certainly is
an objeft t« an rflivc person. ffiotj
to be had on the rft of Qftober next,
Fox further particnla's apply to jne.
7tq. r - [»J
$3- D. Smelt returns
thanks to his friends, for the libe
ral fupporthehas received in Fii proftllion,
and feels it bis duty to notify them, cs it
rcfptfts the following particulars—Con
templating a removal to, or near Millcdge
villc, the next fall, hr is compelled to de
cline practice in this City, In cider that
he nay be enabled to m!juft the outlUmU
ing debts that arc yet due. To such as
cannot immediately meet his demand, fuf
ficient time will be given, provided the
account is liquidated j and to such, whose
fitnatien will admit prompt paymert, he
will feel himfcll obliged by their pueflu
When in town, fhnnld any parisnt wj(h
hit aftiftance, he will with pleafuro, co-f.pc
ratr with the fi roily ptaflitioscV,
July 19, iBo6> [*f]
~—"—■ ~f r '. i
Twenty Dollars Reward ,
Stop that Swindling'Runaways
ABSCONEED, on or about the
aoth inftanr, a Man by the name ol Rich
ard Peniogton ; who is about g feet 9 or
10 inches high, about 28 or 3® years old,
a very small bea:d, walks with hi* Irgx
somewhat wider apart than is common,
and totters as he walks ; can do tolerable
good work at the Carpenter’s, Shccinakei’s
& Taylor's business; andfotrelimes wt>tk»,
on particular occasions, at the Coopers
trade ; his hair is of a daikifh color, which
he weats Ihort, has a full mouth, and talks
somewhat rnumb’ing and through his nofc j
is fond of playing at cards, and is will-ng
at all times to p'ay at any parre with any
person, and for anything; ts attached to
drink, and fwcari profanely when intoxi*
cated, and playing. Penington is notori
ous for lying and calumniating thd fail f«x j
is a fellow in whom no dependence can be
placed, will get in debt if pcflible, and will
ufc every exertion when dunned to svrid
paying; he is very apt, where he is not
known, to boast of his abilities in working
Sc c. he has no learning, and s/way* rr&kcs
a kind of an R for his signature.
Whoever will deliver the fzid Perirgton
to the living in Burke county,
Erufhy creek, fodr miles from the Chicka
fnw bridge* on Brier cretk, or give infor
mation, so that I get him, fti=dl receive
the above reward. JOHN WELCH.
July 19, 1806.
N. B, All Printers throughout the Uni
ted States will confer a favor on a fellow'
citizen, by inferring the above in their
refpeflive Paper*. J. W,
Now in Richmond Jail.
A NEGRO WOMAN by the neme of
PA'l T ; Ihe fays she belongs to Mr.-
Drayer-> who live* over the Oconee River;
The ow ner is reqneftvd to come forward and
prove his property, pay charges, and take
her away*
Jnlv to. (yt)
15 ROUGHT to ihe Jail ©fScriven ccun
-A ty, a new negro roan called PRINCE ; *
about 20 yean of aye; he ha* his country
marks, and teeth filed off—has' cn Ozot
burg rrowfers and Cotton fhiit—fay* h«
belongs to James Neely, who lives near
Ltjnifville. The pwncr is requested to
cotnc, psy exptnees and take him away,
Wm. SMITH, Jailor.
July 19. HI