Newspaper Page Text
At Columbia Court- house, on Tuff day the
id day of September, between the ujual
hours ,
135 Acres of land, 2d quality,
ji)iri'.jg Ellil and Jones, on the water* of
the big Kiokec creek, the property oflfaiah
Wright dcccafcd, lax due, $ 42 1.
100 Acres of land, 2d quality,
in Columbia county, joiiuog Crawford and
others, on the water* of the Kiokec creek,
iheprorcrty of Sa r ah Collins, tax due, 311,
250 Acres 6fland, in Columbia'
county, joining Walker and Ware, on the
water* of Uchce creek, the property of
Wm. Bugg, tax due, 4 30.
200 Acres of pine land, in
Colombia county, joining Magaughy *rd
others, the property of Mark Jones senior,
tax due, 58.
100 Acres of pine land, join
ing Wright and other*, on the waters of
Hcadfrall creek, in Columbia county, the
prnt tity of Duncan M‘Niiir, tax due, 48-L
500 Acres of land, in Columbia
county, on the water* of Germany's creek,
j-,ii»ing Few and Ruf», the property of
Thomas Few, tax due, 12 00b
400 Aclres of land, in Columbia
county, id quality, joining Harrison and
Bioion, on the water* of Germany'* creek,
the property of Charlc* Dcvctcaux dccca
fcd, tax due, 5 1 5 4-.
350 Acres ofland, in Columbia
county, 2d quality, joining M‘Mnn and
Watson, on the water* of Upton** creek,
the property of Aquilla Howard, tax due,
4 61.
310 Acres ofland, 2d quality,
joining Howard and Jones, on tlic water*
of Upton** creek, in Columbia county, the
proxxty of Darathy Short, tsxdur, 4
175 Acres of land, in Lincoln
county, joining J. Kt:uithrew and others,
cn the water*) of Loyd** creek, the proper
ty of Wm. Khnebrcvf, tax due, 93
750 Acres of land, 2d and 3d
quant/, in Columbia county, joining Joun*
and B/own, on the water* of Upton's creek,
the property of fame* Moore .c’eceafed,
given in by Alfe Moore, Executrix, rax
due, 3 to,
64 Acres ofland, in Columbia
county, bn the water* of Upton’* creek,
joining Parkland Miles, the property of
Stephen Kennedy, tax due, 51,
100 Acres of land, 2d quality,
in co nmbia county, on the water* of
Greenbrier creek, j -ining Blair and Bugg,
the property of Widow Scrugg*, tax due,
150 Acres ofland, in Columbia
county, 3d quality, j ,ining B.ifcoe and
Gartrill, the property of Charles Denham
junior, tax due, 1 40.
100 Acres of pine land, in Co
lumbia comity, on the water* of Hcadftall
creek, joining Newfom and Ware, the pro
perly of Daniel Smith, tax due, 1 ir.
100 Acres of pine land, on Bri
er creek, joining Johnson and Smith, the
property of Jofcph Matthew*, tax due, 115.
400 Acres of land, in Columbia
county, joining Feu’ and Ross, the proper
ty of Wm, Few junior, tax due, g 30.
100 Acres of land, in Columbia
county, 2d quality, joining Day and Cul
breth, Uchce creek, the property of Ed
ward Harm, tax due, 11 j;,
JAMES LUKE, t. c c. c,
On thefirfi Tucjday in September next , at the
Market Hou/c in the City if Avgujla, at
the ujual hours}
One Negro fellow by the name
of PIPER, one negro boy by the name of
Heufon, Levied on a* the property belong
ing to the eftateof Smith Milner deceased,
to Caisfy an cxtcu’.ion in favour of John
One Cotton Machine and tun
ing Gear with 46 faw*, one Bed, Bcdftead
and furniture, one trunk, one chcft, two
writing dcflc.*, five fitting chain, fix plates,
two pitchets, occ candle flick, one cannaf.
ter, one dutch oven, one hammer, one
pair of harness, one chcfi, one cradle, one
fiber, one glue pot, one saw, one Tub,
three trace chain*, one foot- addzi, Levied
on a* the property of George Fee, to fati*-
fy an execution in favour of John Catlett
H, M‘TYRE, s, a. c.
u [ S O
On the firfi Tuifday in September vextj at
the Market. Hou/e in the City of Augujia,
at the vfual hows .
One Brown Bay Horse, levied
on as the property of Floyd Jarvis, to fat
isfy one execution in favor of Patrick M‘-
Dowall, Jr, HARRJS, d. s. r. c.
Augujit' [jt]
Os the Fra&ional Surveys 7
At Milledgeville;
WE the Commiflioners appointed by
the Legiflatore to fell and dispose
of the Fraftional Surveys, of the counties,
of Wilkinson, Baldwin and Wayne, do
hereby give notice that the Tales will com
mence, on Wednesday the 27 th of Aug, next,
and continue from day to day, in the follow
ing manner, until the whole are fold.
Those of the firft diftrift, on the 27th of
August next, and continue from day to day,
I Sundays excepted, until .the 2d of Septem
ber incldfive.
Those of the 2d. diftrift on the 3d of
September, until the 6th incluftve.
Those of the 3d. diftrift, on the Bth of
September, until the loth incluftve,
Those of the 4th diftrift, on the jithof
September, until the 13th incluftve.
Those of the jth diftrift on the 15th of
September, until the 17 th incluftve.
Those of the ift diftrift, on the 18th of
September, until the 22d incluftve. ’
Those of the 2d diftrift, on the 23d.0f
September, until the 30th incluftve.
Those of the 3d diftrift, on the id of
Oftober, until the 4th incluftve,
Thcfe of the 4th diftrift, on the 6th of
Oftober, until t}ie 9th incluftve.
Thofs of the sth diftrift on the 10 th of
Oftober, until the i6 r h incluftve.
Thole of the Ift diftrift, on the 17th of
October, until the 24th incluftve.
Those of the 2d did rift, on the 25 th of
Oftober, until the 27th incluftve.
Those of the 3d diftrift, on the 28th of
Oftober, until the 3i'.t incluftve.
Terms of Sale.
Os the parchalers bond, with approved
personal fecuiity, for the amount ofpurchafe
money, will be required, in four equal, t.nnu
al inftalments, to be paid in gold or lilver ;
the firft payment to be made, twelve months
after date, in addition to which a mortgage
on the premises ivillbe requited,
Louifvi/Je, June 2 6, 1806.
Valuable Plantation .
CONSISTING of 2627 acres on Sava n
nah River in Burke County, and 767
on the opposite file in South Carolina—
The value of the Pine Linds, on this fide,
and the rich low Grounds on the other fide
of the river, render* the whole a
Valuable FJlate.
The advantages of an elevated
fituatioy, the cftablilhment of a Ferry con.
ftantly, and with the command of Lands ot
every quality, upon a navigable river, a'e
fa wcli known as to need no other deferip
tion, —Terms of payment, and the price,
will be easy; for particulars, apply in Au
gusta to Thomas Flournoycfq ; of Seaborn
Jones cfq. at his feat in Sctiven county,
and in Savannah to
July it. (ts)
N 0 TIC E.
To all and Singular tkoje <u ho may be con
. cerned in the Ejiaie of Benjamin Horn
late ts Columbia county dtceofed ..that on
the fifth day of September next , at the
hou/e of Eh Garnett, one of the adminif
trufors, on laid Estate ,
ALL the Personal Lltate of
the said Benjamin Horn
dec. Tne terms of Saie will be made
known on the day of fair---and those who 1
may be indebted to said Estate, will plcafc
come forward* and make fettlcment with
said Estate; and th f; who may have de
mand* against said Estate, will aTo attend
with thru accounts properly attested.
July 26. [6-']
sent occupied by Lodi. Har
ris—f*ofle(Tion of which may be
had on the firft day ofOdlober.
Augu/l ». - (t s)
Administrators Sale.
WILL BE SOLD, on the fourth Monday in
August next, at the Court-koufe in Colum
bia county, to the higkejl bidder, on a
credit till the Jirjl day of January 18o8»
and pojf'j/ion given the Jirji of January
next , Said lands being a part of the real
EJlate of the late Wm, Tyler deceaftd,
to tf)iu
260 acres (be the fame more or
less) on Little Kiokee creek, adjoining
William Walton and othen, the late re
sidence of the dcccafed, well iirproved,
upwards of one hundred acres open, a
young thriving Peach and Apple orchard,
well watered.
ALSO, - ; .
297 acres (be the fame more or
left) adjoining lands of Beverly Low, and
Savannah rivsr, in two or three miles
distance of the former, in good planting re
pair, with an equal quantity of open land,
part of which are low-grounds j the foil
and fertility of those lands arc throught equal
to any in the county.—-Sale to continue
frona day today till fold--The sales made
at the consent, and request of the heirs,
Wm. BERRY, 7
Efenj. LEIGH; > Adm'rs «
July*- (9*)
GEORGIA, Richmond county.
At a meeting of the honorable the Inferior
Court, on Monday the 'jth July , 1806.
Prcfcns their Honors,
John Willson, 1
John Course, Jufiices,
John Catlett, 3 *
ON the application of William Butlefj
dating that he is confined in the custo
dy of the Sheriff, under a bail writ, iffaed
at the fait of Michael and John Conrad and
co. and that he is unable to pay the debt
or give bail for the fame, and praying the
benefit of the aft palled for the relief ol in
folvcnt debtots.
Ordered, That the said William But
ler notify his creditors either in person or
by giving sixty days notice in the Chron
icle and Columbian Ccntinel, previous to
the firft Monday in Oftobcr next, at which
time an examination will be had and a dlf
charge granted if no cause is (hewn to the
contrary; and the Sheriff is hereby com
manded to have the body of the said Wil
liam Butler before us, at 10 o’clock,
at the Court-Hcufe, on the said firft Mon
day in Oftobcr next.
Taken from the minutes.
Now in Richmond Jail 7
Two Runaway Negroes,
ONE negro fellow by the name
of NED ; about 16 or 17 years of age, five
feet seven or eight inches high, and has cn
a homespun round Jacket and Pantaloons;
he fays he belongs to Mr Bofsvell Turner
of Greene County, neai rough,
A negro Woman by the name
of PATI, *bout ao or 25years ofage ; has
on a homespun Wrapper and Petticoat; (he
fays she belongs to Godfrey D.syer, who
livea on the Oconee rive», at Buckeye,
JI r. HARRIS, Jailor.
Augufl q [tj]
- -- .
Now in Richmond JaiU
Three Runaway Negroes.
OnE by the name of Balti
more about 25 or 30 years ofa;e, 5 fetl 8
or 9 inches high, hat on a grey BroaJdoalh
coat and ttiipcd homespun Pant.,loOfu; he
fays he belongs to Solomon Lockett in
Warren county.
ONE fellow by the name of
Trimmer, about 10 or 25 years of age,
5 feet 702 8 inches high; has on a Negro
cotton round jacket and Snuff coloured
Pantaloons, be fays he belonged to Mr,
Hill in Savannah and was fold by him to
Jamt* Taylor, who has lincc removed to
or near Greet, feoro.
A boy by , the name of Abra
ham, about 16 or 18 years of age, 5 feet
spr 6 inches high; has on a grey cioath
round jacket and striped homespun Panta
loons —he fay* he belongs to John Weeks of
Hancock county. The owners arc requef
«rd to come forward, prove their property,
pay charges and take them away,
JUr. HARRISS, Jailor.
Augufl 16. (ts)
Now in Columbia Jail.
BROUGHT to the Jail of Columbia
county on the seventh of this instant, *
a n’gro man who fays hit name is JESS,
and that he belongs to Benjamin Avarett
of Baldwin county, branded on bis left
check with a round O. The owner it re
quested to come forward prove his property,
pay charges and take him array.
Wm. FLEMING, s, c c.
9* [3*l
Os the very best kind, to be had
on low terms (by wholesale and re
tail) at the Chronicle Office.
Do&or Burke* 1
HAVING at length refolvea
to make Augusta his h Uur^
leftdcncc, inform* the community, that
will resume the Praftice. He Uvea in .i*
large Brick House, at the upper cod 5 I
Broad-Street, belonging to the efiaic
Col, Watkiaa, ’ *
Twenty Dollars Reward
Stop that Swindling Runaway
I & |
va rssssser m
- ABSCONDED, on or about the
aoth instant, a Man by the name or Kich,
ard Pcningtcn; who is about $ feet 90
10 inches high, about 28 or 50 years old,
a very small beard, walks with his leg*
somewhat wider apart than is commot;,
and totters at he walks ; can do tolerable
gopd work at the Carpenter’s, ShoemaktVi
& Taylor’s bufineft; and fcir.etiroes woikr,
on particular occafiont, at the Cocner’i
trade ; his hair is qfa datkifh color, which
he wears (hort, has a fo‘l mouth, and talks
fomswhat mumbling and through his nefe*
is fond of playing at cards, and is wiiJir.p
at alt times to play at ary game with any
person, and for any thing; is attached to
drink, and fwear* profanely when intoxi
in cated, and playing* Pe.nirgton is nctorj,
ous for lying and calumniating the fib f C x •
is a fellow in whom no dependence can I s
placed, will get in debt if pcffible, ard will
use every exertion when dunned to avoid
paying; he ia very apt, where he is net
known, to boast of his abilities in working
&c. he has no learning, and always nukt»
a kind of an U for his figrature.
Whoever will deliver the fxid Pcningtcn
to the Bubfcribsr, living in Burke county,
Brulhy creek, four mile* from the Chicks,
saw bridge on Brier creek, or give inter,
vtnation, so that I get him, (hall rrrrive
the above reward. JOHN WELCH,
July rg, tBc6.
N. B. All Printers throughout the Vo
ted States will confer a favor on a fellow
citizen, bv irfciting the above in their
refpeftivo Parer* ■' J. V/,
Twenty Dollars Reward.
D AN-AWATfrotn the
k\ Subfcribcr, on Mm.
fig dav the aSth ju’y, a ME.
1 '* groman, rsmed Sot,.
_ r t OMSK, about $ (erf y ia
ches high, averysrtfd and
plaufinlc icih.w ; 1 e is so well known about
this place, that a further defeription of him
is unneccffary. —Ail owners, and fatmoss
cf Boats, a* well a* others, arc for waned,
not to employ him, a* in futh carer, ;hs
Law will be ftriffly enforced,
Av.gvft q. , \<f]
Ten Dollars Rezvnrd.
RAN- AWAY from the fuhfcribera mu
latto girl of the name cf SALLY, It
is supposed (he is in the vicinity of Augu 3 ?*
cr in Be ich Iflard—whoever brings her
to ire in Augufla, (hall receive the above
3‘dy 5. [//]_•
Ten Dollars Rezo ard.
C? (rom Auguila cn the
pgm * uthinft. a fmail Sorrell
Mare, blazed face, two
Vim white hind legs, and one
i je^ore > no brands recollect
ed— marks of the gear, ten or
twelve years old, about 13 or 14 hands hrgn
—Whoever deliver* her to the Subfcribcr
in Augusta (hall receive the above reward }
if fiulen and fecund with the thief, one
hundred dollars will be given.
Augitft 16. ' id)
~~ notice:
That an Eledlion Will be
held on Monday the ill ot Sep
tember next, at the Court-house
in the City of Augusta, fo/a Mem
ber to Congress, in room of the
honorable Joseph Bryan resigned.
Augitft 2. [s*l
ALL pencils indebted to
the late firm of William H. Jack &
Co. or to the estate of Andrew InncSi de
ceased, by bond or note, are once u'.aie
called cn for immediate fettlcraent* n*
further indulgence can be given.—Thofr
indebted so cither of the above menliont-i
firms oa epea account, are rcqacSti
liquidate tic fame previous to the d/ /
of September next.—After that datf-j
fuitt will be commenced sgainft delink
dbent* withowt dlfcriminatien.
July 13* b/>
• ,