Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, September 06, 1806, Image 3
ssrrs AUGUSTA, Sept. 6. By 'he lass paper?, we Re that a great buzz had prevailed in England, in expedi tion of peace—not a word about our negotia tions with Great-Britain or Spain {— lona* parte, as will be seen by this paper, was bnfily employed i n-reforming the Jews and G ntilei do the continent—little republics he fwaliows at a mouthful! At an Ehufiioh held on Monday lass, fr.r a Reprefenrative in Cong refs, to fi(l ih e vac-mcy occafionr-d bv the refignationof Mr. £'• 9') —‘he votes in this county were ;—- D-idlor Smelt 187 George M. Trtup 4; Buckner Harris 1. Columbia Countv. -Smelt 109 Troup 19. VVilkbs County. Smelt 294 Troup 5 1 Ham* 5 Simons I. Jefferson County. Troup ijr Smeit 7 Harris 2. Warmen County. Smelt 200 ... \ J tionp 5,1. We are authorifed to state, tb#t Ei.ijah Clark, efq. is a ccnrhdate for conprt ff, at Ihe next general elediion. StjrftmheV 6. [j/J We nnderftand that Thomas Johnson cnl leilor ot the port of Savannah, has been re ■moved, and Edwin Mounger appointed to • his place.. Mr. G. R. Clayton fuccerds Mr. Mounjor, as T tea fur:; of ibis State, and Mr. Suzman Secretary to the Governor, in ro' m of Mr. Clayton. On the t id and 23d of Lft month a dread -01 \ 'ornado prevailed at Norfolk and Ch;;r ]c/lon, which did great damage to planta tions and (hipping —< melancholy Ldeuce o£ which the reader will fir.d in this day’s paper. The French fleet Is luppofcd to have pi/lh ed for home, along the banks ol Ncwtound. land, where it is prthable, they have done great damage to the fitbermtn on the coasts d thatifland. We are glad to find that a paper mill is going to be eroded at Columbia, South-Cato- Jjrn j go, Georgia, and do the like ; such an eltablilhment in this (late deserves icgifia ttvc patronage, and would be toe fouice of independence to the Manufacturer. The sale of the fraai«nel surveys in the firffdiftrift of Wilkinson has commenced, and the highest traOff fold at twelve dollars per acre. A number of interfiling articles cfforcign & doracftic news, it postponed till car next, to make room for our advertising friends. JeveraL advertiferoents are alio omitted fur this time. Cotton, (he fame this week as in our last —from 18 to 19 Cents. Solon is received, and (ball appear in our nexr. 1 MARRIED, on Tucfday evening lad, by the Revd. }. Garvin, Mr. Amos Newton, to Miss Harriot Uon», both of this, place. COMMUNICATED. DIED, on the 27th ult, at Henley, South-Carolina, Miss Sarah Hull.-- How illy does the pen of friencKhip, of (rend (hip deeply fytnpathizing with the «fpr.£kd and afflicted parent, (Hers and brothers of this amiable acccmpl’(hed and interefling femu’e, thus cut off in the bloom of ycuth and beauty, feel qualified to pourtray her many excellences! Poffcfling every grace that could adorn the female charafter, virtue glowed in all her smiles, her convention, by gaiety and sense infpiicd, was always pleating, and frequently displayed a Mind, highly.cultivated and well infoimed ; Sue pclLffed, of wit ; thaU<ind, “ which deals through the foal, and lit hour pain Coreas, which, although always at her command, was always with diferetton used. Ot fenft bility ; too exquisite a share, tor her own happiness! Ho v often has the tear Hood in her eye tor othei’s woe ! Dear, amiable,- departed (hade! More of thy virtues, would thy friend recount, (for he has an inexhauliible theme,) bin 1 w far (hort, would any thing be could (ay. fall either of thy meritsor oflm feelings. . . f(j 'fdE CITZExS OF Richmond County . Gentlemen. I ACKNOWLEDGE the Honor ycu have done me, and confidence you have here tofore reposed in me, as your Senator, and now beg leave to inform you, that 1 oecli: e being a candidate at the next genera c tC tlon* JOHN TWIGGS. Stfterr.i ,r 6) I RO6. _____ ~ NOTICE. THE partnership of John fc Joseph G. Cormick, being dissolved by the deathol the latter, the business will be continued as ufiiahby JOHN CORMICK. September 6. bv J Jones & Semmes, ARF now opening an cxtcn •five afTorcment of Dry Goods & Groceries, Selected by thcmfclves at the bdl arrihrm markets, coi-fitting of the molt effentia! articles in request for the Country tnoc.— fjerr Rock being large and as they u-;:l be corftantly it, Store keepers and Merchants, who may net have supplied thcmfelvrs, sviji bi d it to their in terra to give theta 3 cal*. Their, tums WILL BE LIBERAL. 1 hey have likcwiic in view, a crrfidcrableci largtment of their Wars house, for the reception and flotage of Produce and Goods, aud will, by their attention to the Commifßon Business, EndcnvDur *o merit a (hare of the public patronage in that line ; their charges will be as low as usual, and regular attendance will be giv-ru September 6• [//] For Sale, A Slout Likely, honest and sober FELLOW, country born, «V«t 52 o. 34. year* of age—a complete firld hind, and capable of talcing care of a plantation, and a very good ham« foi a b. at.—Enquire at the Chronicle CiB:e. September fs, [ /] NOTICE^ ILL commence felling, on Monday tae 20;h Oct jbt 1 nc* , auc con tinue from day to clay nntil the whole is fdd. The personal property of the late Jscob Weft deceased, ccrTifling of Horfcs, Cattle, Hogs, Houfrhold and Kitchen furniture, &c,—Conditions will fee trade known cu the day of sale, SARAH WEST, Aimr'x JOHN M. WEST. Adm’r StpUinher 6 (3') THE SUBSCRIBER, \ T 7'I'iHING to fettle all just drmr.nds V V against him, wi’l dispose of his pefleffion* on L’tfle Spirit creek cmfifti g of a Si w. mill in complete repsir (wi h one (W) a g»od two dory during h use, k tchen and fnnke h 'ufe, will al ether necdTary out building* far fswrers Sic. and 400 seres a* good pine 'and as an' in the cuanty of R chmond ; 50 sens of which are cleared, and under good fence —his outftaadirg papers will he taken in pay ment, and the term* mad" ra f v Vvm M‘TY«E. September 6. [ ] TO RENT\ TN the town of Washington, two JL Houses and Lots ; any peifon requiring it, rh-*y bs accommoJatmt wilh, either h private or public store heufe, by applying to WILLIAM SANSOM. September 6. (3 { * A Paper Manufa&ory IS Now eftahlifhing in Columbia, by the subferiber, and is ex will begin r he unking of PAPER a bout the 10 hos N.»vcm’>cr next. I< is ho ped that every perfnn who has it in his pbw.., er to promote so ufeful a branch if btuinefs to the public, will give his ail in the procu ring of Rags of every defeription, for which the following prices will be given, deliver ed in Columbia, viz. Clean woollen rags, oM foprs and can vas, at the rare of one Dollar per cwt. Clean coloured linen and cotton rag'., at four Ddiars per cwf. Clean white linen rag", at D Lars nerewt. GEORGE WARING. Columbia, {s c ) Aagn>» *9 lBo<s ‘ Nowin Richmond JuiL /V NEGRO FELLOW by the ra ne of BILLY SORRELS ; he i* *8 or 30 year* of age, 5 feet 8 or .0 inches huh, ha* on a brown cou oored big coat »nd Ugh couloured carded Pantaloons, and Writ hat, he favs he belong* to M *• Rtce n Sa vannah ; the awacr i* r q nfte J to co ne forward prove her property, pay cha.gcs andtalce him away. T» HARRISS. o. s r c. September 6. , F/3 1 Now in Columbia Jail . Brought to Coh*ab ; > J a * J on d ay the firft day of September, Three Runaway Negro Fellows, / , 1 rU KL lOGAN an j 808, all three ‘ fin, arc N--. N-g:o«, and C, .hay b ‘l ng to Jcffe Thompson, but cannot tell where their tnaftrr lives. It» fappaW Lt their matter lives near Pcteilb itg - The owner is reqoefted to come forward pr oTe hi* property, pay charge* and take the '* away ’ Wm. FLEMING, s. c c. September 6 . J ♦ John W. Mackee, Taylor and Habit Maker, Respectfully acquaints the Ladies and Gentlemen 01 Augofta, and the country, that ha ha* commerced bufnefs in Walhirgton Street, third houfx from the corner of Broad Street. He hopes from the elegant stile in which hi* wort: will be executed, tog ther with the lowoel* of his price* to merit a fhars of that fuppert which he ha* no doubt x genet' u« public wiT ff.rrd. He is not at prefenc furniihed with an aflbrtmcnt cf CLOATHS, hot wi.l kceo Pattern Card;, and accompany his coftomen to ftore* where they can be (applied with fach trticks a* they may wa nt, upon the b -ft term*. . Two boys of good con ncfttooawill be taken a* apprentice*. StbtemUr 6. AuguftTerm, 1806. GEORGIA, T» . o . Ctli:«Uu CMnlf. ) ln tbc Superßi Court. Richard Bic.wn, 1 vs. > Petition far p.recb/u re, Martin Hay** j UPON the petition of Richard Brown, pray if g tharerecloiarc cf the equity of in all that craft of land, fuaate cn Sweet water, in the county of Columbia, containing two hundred acres, and known by the name of Embries nM mill, which laid traft of land war more* gaged by Mattin Hay* ts (aid Ricluid Erowr. And on motion of Mr. Carr, attorney fer (aid Richard Brown, IT A’ ORDfih'MD, That the principal, intexek and cl ft due on tL: Lid mortgage, be paid bto court wirhin twelve ranntha Srom thi* date, and urlefi the lame he so ia : d, the equity of redemption will from thenceforth be forever foiec’ufed.—and it is further Ordered, Theta copy ts the foregoing rule, be publ flied in one of ifcc public Gazettes of thi* state, once a month for twelve men hr, or be frrtcd on the mortgag er or hi* attorney, fix month* pre vioefly to the time in which the money is directed to be paid into court. Taken from the minutes PETER CLAWFORD. Ctk. Clerk's Sept. iBc6. [’ninu'l h Y 0 K 0E R OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UMIED STASES. Gereretl Peft.Office, Ajt£uJi I sth, IVO6* 1 ROPOSAI S will be received at this Of ttec umil ihc tythday of December next incluftvc, for making and repairing the fe. veral parts of the Post Road from Nafhviiie to Natchez, heteinafier mentioned—that is to fay : No. i. From Nafliville to Buffalo: Creek. The diftancc is estimated at 154 miles—All this diftancc, or .he principal part of it, the road has been cut out Oy the military and prepared conveniently for ufc, fomc few years lincc. No. 2. From Snake Creek to Grindstone. ford, Diltancc «ftimated at 40 mile*. 'This I part of the route, was likcwifc, fomt years fmee, cut out by the military and the rood prepared for public ule. The rout marked out feme years since by Edmund ?. Gaines, cfq. will be purfned the wh do diftancc excepting the space be tween the Chickasaw towns and the full fording place ot the waters of the Big Black which will be relurveycd, with a view of materially Idler,ing thciiftanco. The road is to be made art ! completed by the full day cf October in the year ISO7, and the work is, in ail refpefts, to be done to the approbation of Return Jonashan Meigs, cfq. or Thomas Wright cfq, agent for the U iitedStates, rcGding in the Indian coun tries. ].i making the fame, the following rules are ftrjftiy to be observed. 1 If, The road mud be made at leal tvren. ty feet wide, and all the timber and ander brush taken off for that diftancc. 2nd. All mardif places are to bccaafway. ed, and all canfeways are to be at leal ten feet wide, 3J. Ail ft reams under forty feet in width, not fordable at their common winter fide, are to be bridged, by good freure bridges, well built and mads fafe and f-cure for paf fjge, the bridges robe at least twelve feet wide. 4th. A tree (hall be hid across all larger streams where the breadth of the ft ream does not exceed the length of any tree, to be found within half a mile of the pi.tee. i, GIDEON GRANGER. Puftmafter General. SepJevther 6. (6t) %3T The otlnfen cmplovcu by the Gen eral Poll OSce are requeued to infett this weekly the next Sx weeks. 0- OAKUM For Sale, at the Jail in Augusta. Sejttimber 6, SHEiirrs Blank t itles, For Salt at this O/ict, ; I SHERIFFS 'SALE. On the JtrJl % ue/aay in OSLtbn next, at lju Market-h.vjc in the city oj Augnfa, at tut usual h . «r/, Will be Sold, One tuo llory house, and lor, with i e improvement!, in she vii «g< u s Harr-fturg, on frre feiry street, n*-at!jr op p»fi c the Hsrr fbufg Waie hc-ufe—a tuiler deforlption will t* given this plops tv, on the day of fnle; the above home and lot levied on as the property of Fried M‘- Tyrr, 16 fatisfy furrlry exrcuiiocs. Abo, One cotton machine of 52 Taws. AKVO, 3 7 unimproved lots in Ilarrif h«r£, ijifig on the louth oi Wad ft rcct. AISO. Five acres of ground, more or left, with a private VV**c house, soil »j»o<>d framed heufe, with two fireplaces, called and known at the Planters house, oppofitn the Ware house door, bounded on the raft *by Savannah river, on the nerth by free ftrry ftrect, on the South by n Jot of F rz t M‘Tyre%, and on the weft by land be I. ng, ing to the eftare of Peter Ci rri ; the ah va levied on as the property of hr. kid Har ris te tiofy a judgment in Uvw oi hania k Pearson, AL r O, One Grey Horfe* levied on as the property of Wna. Fee, to tatts y c ira of a 'bit, Ckndrning 4: othera, tu, John and Wro. Fee, claimant*. n. o, ' One negro fellow by the name of Sam, Itvicti on as the property ol George Pearson, to fc:Lfy a judgment in favor of the adm’nof Jnfrph Cox H. M‘TYRE, 8, r. c. September 6 [ J SHERIFF’S SALE, On the fir ft Tujday in ClloLr next, at the Market I/ou/tinihe City oj Au&ufta, at the usual hours , WILL BE SOLD , One fifty acre lot in the town fhipof Atgufta, known by number thirty, seven, and hounded f- uthw» ftwnr Uy by the tow; (hip line and Andrew M Lean's Jot. be ing number twenty, fix; noitijwcfiwardly by Andrew M‘l wm's land and the towr ftrp | notflieaftwardiy by land furve)«d for Moo dy Bent, and known by the number, thiiry ctgbt; fvjatheaftwardiy by lard of 8.-.rja min Wel>B«r and known by the number 38, originally granted to R b»n Walton ; iho above described fitrv acia lot, lev tad on as the property of William Ri‘e, to fatisfy 4 judgment; Henrietta Naylor si'mink <a trix of Georg; Naylor, for the ufc of E issnuel Wamb. z-«. H. M'TVRE, s. a, c. September 6, (5 ) SHERIFF’S SALK, On the fhfl Tuefiay in ODoh> r ruxt, at the Market heufe in the City of Bvg jia, at t/l Ilf ■ I hottr-S, WILL BE , One BOAT, riming from Au fu' 1 * to Savannah, known by the name of NDUSTRV, Jc ivd on as the croperty of Jofcpb Tbumae, to fatisfy an execution in favor of Seshorn J jresefc. JU*. HARRIS, o- b r. c. September 6. [tft] SHERIFF’S SALE, On the firjl Tuefday in Oftober next, at Franklin Court Hu/', kit am* the hours oj f and $ »’dork. WILL BE SOLD. 140 acres offend, m ore or left, in Franklin county, on rh; w ten at K ftcrnol?., adjoining W*Jk f, Walton and John Hooper. Whereon Jfliam Hancock now lives, as his property to fatisfy Wm. Barton.——Conditions Cash. O. C, CLEVELAND, d. «. September 6. [l*'l Adminlftrators Sale. On the \-]th day oj O&cbsr next , will be fold , on the plantation in Columbia county, part of the perfcnal ejlate cj John CarreM dec ret fed, CONSISTING of flock of various kinds, fach as Ho'fea, Cattle, Sheep, and Hogs, Household furniture, plantation utenfil*. kc. &c. Terms will be made known on the day of fa!e. Wm CARRELI, Adrn*' t ANN CARRELL, September 6. f 3 3 ALL pcrfons indebted H the late firm or Wa.Lt am H Jack rs Co. or to the cfbte of Andrew lines, dc ccsfedi by bond of note, are once merer called on for immediate fettle men 11 on further indulgence c*» be given,—Thofir indebted to cither of the above menrionft. firms oh open account, arc rcqueftjd t» liquidate the fame previous to the fuft dsy of* September next.—After that date., fait* will be commenced againlk delin quents without diferimination. JAMES BEGGS, dfa’r. July'll* >,Vj)