Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, September 06, 1806, Image 4

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JuJl received a Vrejh off or intent of Medicines & Medicinal Drugs m THO’s I. WRAYj | I AVING just arrived wrh a general iT afl'or men\ t laid in under his own in ficr;io'>* at she lrlf American Markets; • which he will dJp Je of on really moderate t* first, . Me hns added to h's former articles a fine afTort r ent of nice CcnfUliunaries, Henry’s paten. Magriifla, eft.ncc of Spruce, indelible In!; 1 »r m.iking clothes, two Eieidrical , Ivi .cVii. <•—and Imply appom«.»d for i) *Of >SoIoMOU, having brought virh him » 1.-Tge furplp of j?emit»;c Balm ofG*>LEAO and A Nit-Imp 2rto i ts. “ A j'idicio'u wider ixmarkr, tbit, “ to “ live with fit's} .ctirn to one's felfand oth. *‘ cry;, to procure as many co nlorts of life aa (( rc co' iiftent tvi ii cur mental ancVbodily “ coidlitutinn, and to avert impending dan* “ ;;er, or, in o'hnr words, to preserve our “ it) v( 8-feom the injurious attacks of exter “ nai agents, are nearly the whole of what ‘♦ rchites to the practical part, of human “ !!•>." If then to live with fatisf, filon *5 to corf Ives and ethers is To desirable, “ Ii )’v ( tin we accompUlh ir wh?n dertived •' yf that which is in-»rr to he rltccmccl than “ gohj and treafiate r —that, which enlarges *’ he (nil— which, when pofllf.d, “ leaves little mere to he wijhed “ which when wanted is the greatelf of “ w;,n:f—even that which is the greatest of “all hkffings, \ namely Health! The **. principal fnnrce of misery, then, being “ the Jafa of this gfearjewel, it behoves ns 11 to find a remedy sort-hose difcifes which. “ have hi tlierto bri'i •<] thefdill of the Facnl *' ty» r nervous, coriftituptive, and “ hypochondriac. If any crc man has ever “ been rr.ore ftKceiVfiil ih«n another, it is . “ D )dh r Sole mrp, who hot I reught his ** Cohdi \l Balm or Gilead f n («t;h per- v t: fe lion that it never fails removing the tc word and m ft crabbed diferders of this “ ur'ure, M alwaystxhilirares and chons “ the fpi.its, braces and invigorates the ** v.h Ic frame. Such medicine, for its ** healing, balf.imir,, and farattvc “ qualities up n the debilitated constitution, “ deserves die wondrous encouragement it , r * tn ets with fio nall ranks, % who have been fortunate enough to have rrcnurfe to it, “ Pamphlets cn its efficacy d'livered “ gratis by the ag-nt, “ And fold in bottles, price Three Del f* I,i i s each, Jf/r'jhi, AugnJ* 30. ['/] John Hill & Co. Have f uft Received f rom Ntiv-' lirkj part of their Summit and Fall GOODS, VIZ:- QUPuRFINE Cloths & Cafllmcrr, O Pin and Xindal Cottons, and Gent cm?ids line & coarse Hats, r.aoc- ca and Chintzes, JI•)i t t, ' Mu, Mu?, Muflms. vl Cambriclc & Ch ambry lia nhumi snd Don’t r?» Velvets and Farcy Cords, Cost u and di k Sufpcndcrs, JOtfWA MoU»rut«, .Scio ««d ‘ h '|» T vine, L» lie? K J ■. d Morocco BHppcrs, M M's ft »r and coyO’c Sbor.s, W,:iig Pip r by the team, Cutlery and Hird vn:, of aJtacft every de* faiption. O N II J A’ D— -20‘Tihc'». PiincSugi's, ea Hhl*. do. ditto, jnoo Wt. beO Grfh C* IF c, Hy lon snd Imperi|ii Teas,’ Crockery Wa- e b)> the Crate, - , Empty P. ttles hy th- Khd. bheny ami Malaga Wines, J 'm, ic a R h Hobarid Gin, Gogniac Brandy, Sec. &c, iih a great variety ofarticlcs, too tcvilous t . enu e,,ite, poking in the who r . complete snd gcncnl sflortment, nil'., which -r i: ; a difyofei of at their u sual ptici't, for ca*h cr cotton, . Conn, try Msrchi-sou wail do well to avail them {f i vesof (’;* opp ,r ui ity of csl irg, they will havd ?n opportunity offaroifliing thenr fe ves upon the Rtoft reduced terms. A'.'r.uh ,0. fg./) "notice. Thefu!c oj the seal ti/1 ite n f William Tyler dec. to wit ; r X'WO hundred and sixty acres the late rcfulente of'the deceafcd, 297 a. crci on Savannah river, be the fame more or Jes , width hai been ad vended to be fojd thia day a. Columbia Court. Hcufe, publish ed «n the Chronicle is postponed, till the filll Tutfdav in next, Wm. BERRY, 7 Bbnj LKIGHf, > Admr’s* A. CRAWFORD, J Jugufi 30. (6f) A complete Saddle or Chair HORSE for sale, —Enquire at this Office, For Sale, On very low Terms. 6 Hhds best gr* cn coffee, 75 barrels Mufeavado Sugar, ■t Khds. do, do, 3 Hyfon Tea, a B ;«» No. 8 Cotton Card?, i, do. No. io do, do, 2 Bigg: Pcnpfr, 2000 V7t, Corn Is, io Barela Northward Rum, 2 Hhd?. do. do. 2 H* ». Jamaica do. i 2 do. W. I. tie. 2 Hhds. Molsffes, i -} Tofvß. SreeJ, do. German do, zo pj'.ccs Cotton Bagging, z Oates Crockery Ware, . 36 piece: low price brown Holland.!, 1 Case low price knaped Hats, 21 piece* long Lawns, 1 Trunk low price Callkoes, 10 do. Cotton Stripes. , X 1 All of which will bo fold at wbo’cfalc or retail, fcrCafii cr Produce, by HARRISON & HAMILTON. On Ccmnjiifi.n, 1 coo bulhela grouvd Salt. , Arzn'G, A 19, (t r ) THOMAS BUTT, R F/-PHCTFULT.Y inform. t!-t PnMio, that he ha* ju t abived in Augu' a, and hat opeved Store in M r. Mtrf.t ’i N-w Honfr, lardy occupied by Mtff.s John Howard & Co. With a chnee Sekfiion of the Following Goods, WHICH HE WILL SELL ON VERY MODER ATE ; W.HO LTii b. Lfc or RJbl- MAIL, VIZ: BEST Flax and Tow Oznaburgs, Brown at.(l White P.atilla?, Jrifh Linen and Briunias, CVtion Shitting, Silk and Cotton Umbrellas, Long Lawn* and Cambric*, /Laced Cambri k and Tc no Veil?, 4-4 and 6 4 Muflin, B a’ k love Sh Rv!s and Veils, Lnfl ring and P.'Jongs, Ladi ■» Si k Pe fees, 'Black and White 4 :c ric Gloves, Black and c i'd. Sbk do, Wh<fe and coi’d.' Ccttnn do. Ladies long wash leather do. . Girghams and (!h*in !> /a M- n > Camhiick Mulli ?, A very elegant eff cnt of rich Fancy Mo dins from 50 ce...s to 5 dol-i, p?r yard, * A few pieces of rithlev otnsinentcd Cite IFuu R-. bi? —vfery e'eps'rf, Puilicat and Mr.drafs Handkerchiefs, N t v Red B \ damns do. , Linon and Cambtjck, Pocket do. Cott< n dc. do. Ribbons and silk do. Velvet Ribb n and F-rrets, Silver P-of* for Bonnet?, ! Lace* and Edge»r>‘gs, Black, white and cni*d Sewing Silk and Twist, Om ce Thread, ColM Threads, cnmraonsnd patent, Adcipha Gotten Thread in paper* gr.d \ varnished bcxrs, A choice Afloriniiut of Printed Caliccci j from r/g l. to 4/6 d. per yard, White Calicoes ai\d Fustians, 1 and 6 4 Cotton Check, £ ami £ Bed Tkk, . Ca;i'..uncoCB and Durants* Bomb zincs and Bumb.jzatts, Fii'i; mines, Crapes and Prrfiars, ( Silk and Cotton Suspenders, • B ack and coi’d be ft London made Katr, , Supeifiae Cloth and Caflimeres, Ccrreiuyr, Vrivciccnsand Thickfcts, r B IF N.mkeens, Humhums, Flan tis .nd cosrfe Woolens, too R??dy maot Vcfb, A h.ndloinc allottment of Boots and i Shies, Ladles cc-b'oidered and plain Gotten Stocking-, Mens do. do, do. Boy* and Miff's Stockings, jVumties, Janes and J:n;rs, Diaper Table Cluiht and Toweling, Diaper Holland Ta es ar d B tbins, Blucar.d v. hite Pavilion G*uze, A large ?ffmrrrnt ct Leghorn and Split Straw f» nne.U, A« Wreaihs, Feathers & Flowers, Cotton and NiJk Trimmiegs, S-'eel E igles for Bonnets, T blc knives and Fo.ks* P n and P >ckrt K iver, P.'z r: end Rizor; t*op», Tinned Iron and Fustian Spoons acd Di viders, Gsmhlets, G s c, July 19. [tf] Ten Dollars Reward . RAN- AWAY f*cm thtßrhfcriher a ma latto girl of the name of SALLY, It i» fu >pof=d J in the vicinity ot Augusta, or io Basch Isl nd—whccrer brings her to me iu Augafta, ftull receive the above reward. GEORGE W, EVANS. 5* ‘ * ; ['/} Factorage'-Gem mi (lion -Business. THE Sobferibert having entered into PartnerflYp, under tb'i firm of Barrett&Sims, In the above line of business in this city, inform tbeir friends and the pub lie in general, that they {hall continue to occupy th* fathe Storctras heretofore pDd by Thomas Barrctr, where they sue etching, in addiTm, a large Cotton Ware-Hoiife, • Which will afford them ro- mto ftere 5000 Bate* of Cotton at cne time, fecurc trom the Weather. THOM A" BARRETT. BENJAMIN SIMS. Avtvfi 30. [-?»*/] Doctor Burke, HAVING at length resolved, to make Augusta his future rcfuirnce, iotormrthe ccmmnniry, that he will rcfiime the Praflicc. He fives in the T large B,sick Hccfe, at the upper end of fS, r o?d »mcr, belonging to She cSate of Co 1 W?. tidal** Jdk z&- ( ts) FORSALE,. MY Hbufes and Lot, North fide of Broad- ftrectf near ‘he Viatkt ; the ft in. is an excellent c-nc for fur.O.fiing bviGopC cp'a lar.>e orTioSill f s'e/wF’s time tenement* -Aifd, a Cot ton Machine with 87 * r *wf, a’l in complete repair—The terms of fee, cr.c rnd-two yean credit; shit indulgence, ce»ts»ir«ly is an ohjefi to »•- jftjve prrAn.- Psflcflion to be had 00 the ,ft of OcViberfltxt,— For further pat'icu-rm arplv, to nr?. SAMUEL M. SMYTH. 7«-(y 19- * [t‘] ~ THA SUB CIUBLR Offers lor Sale, His STOCK in Trade, Confining of a small though choice afforrment of ! , DRY GOODS, Lately imported, with a supply of Liquors and Groceries, , w'h'ch ..." wtU d f *ifc of on Gw terau» ]■ and on 3 iihe a! tr dit, ISAAC HERBERT, 7-v 7, ! KcT (ts) If Mr. Baley Bor ret, late of Bungay or the neighborhood of Bungay, Suf folk county, England, is living, by an application to the printer, he will hear of something to his advantage. Mr. -Borret is reported to have refi lled in Hancock County in 1801. 7"( y i9’ (3«) Thirty dollars Reward . gak O A MAW ' y from the ’ Snbfedbrr, living in Hancock county, on Site n!- de ; nine mi'e* from 1 Sparta, and one mile ftufn Major Andrew Baxter’s j Iv.r. s, on the rft of this month, two Ne | groe*; one fellow by the name cf JAMEfy j ab ut 28 years 01-, of a yellow complex ion, about 5 feet 4 inches high, well mads, of a pica Cant countenance, {peaks plain & live, j ly— the other a woman, low end well mane, blade rompicdlcd, hy the name of MARY; when elofely view-d, the rnnk ot the pork i maybe difeovered, < net much inclined to ! f;cafc when fpok j n to ; of-afui en difpefi tion, fp-ak» E-road and br-kcrV--the above reward wi j be paid to any petfon tlmt will feepre them in'arv j? ; l tit the ftam,- so that I get th m; or 15 dollar* for either; and if brought, alfcxpcnce* a>d SAMUEL DENT. A’lgl-ft [it] Ten Dollars Reward. ft TJ AN-AWAY from the **s. i&t f Sahfcriber, on the f:Y ASjzf * 231 of last month, an As , Nf tican ‘Negro Man, by tie nacr? of facob, about 19 4 or 5 inches nigh, has re mat k*b’e small feet and hard?, his coun try masks arccn each fide of hi* breast; had on at the time he Went off, a fcoaiefpun shirt and pantaloons, aid a foal! h’ack hat. I pnrehafed the Did negro left March of Mr, William Wilbcoro, who lives in Fcankii 1 county on Tngalow river, and I have every teafon to believe that hr is gene for that pi .ee ; he ii an siiful fel'cvw, and I will deny hi* right msfier’s narhe —Art person t, at will apprehend the said fellow and being him to me, in Lincoln c unty near Rays Mills on Lilt!-River, cr cenfire ium in Tome jiil, f,, that I get him, (hall re ceive the above reward frp«> tar. , WILLIAM EVANS. **** 23. (3 .) SHERIFF’S SALE. 1 dn tkejirji AvcJ oy in € Bob:r next, at (’i| Market i/t m/t U the Cuj oj AugnJU a the tifual h'-u^s, Will be Fold, 200 acres'of land lying and be ing in t e ecu ty or Richmond, b anded bj land* o' James De.-li aid Sava’nah river, known and difUngtished by Eealßi M unt ALSO, ico acres oi land lying cn tht water* of Spirit w aided bj Lnd* of Nathaniel Beal!, the stove proper ty levied on a» the v propcr 7 ci Nathan liiaii, to iatufy fnruh t xecutbra. ALSO, Fifty acres of land with the im. praveniaßts thereon, within leer trNs o! AagurSa on the Savannah road, b unde i t)i lanes cf John M'Tyre, Ananias Cooper am tend belonging to the tftate of 7'te, M« Dade and others, the roeve lard and im prevtments levied on ts the property o John M‘Mam.ii and poit wd out by fai M'MannL to fadsfy a judgment iu tavo of Stalling Jordan. _ ALSO, One lot in the town of Augo IF ' known,by No, 4, well improved with I Large Brick Store Haile and a v?ecd trm house ct hoa-ei for &•-?•£*, bounded on til east by the river ferret, on th' tfortH by ■ le t keening to the eilate cf D. B, Fctltfl tlie both by a lot,belonging to la’s Tocll and on the weft by' M‘ln to fit Neat •• Tm above levied on ?.s (N: pro; erty cf M.-jB Wm. M, Cowler, ard p‘j. cut by f B Cowles, to fa is’7 £ jcdgrssnS tevur fl Yesrg lank r fl ALSO, fl Two Negro fellows, one nsn» Skniand thci-thcr n m dIN k, the ekefl nr£rc«s3 levied on as th’ wo erty o' Mann* to fadsfy a i;i faver^B Philip F. Raifen. ALSO, B Two Negroes named Orar aB Sandy, a Horir arc Chai' , l tint abovr I. fl| r.n 9h the property beiurgirg to the t t^fl of San: tie! Bogg,' to btlsfy zt iuv'oi us the adciaiftratovs cf John Pceß[ ALSO, ■ 202 1- 2 acres of land in Baflj win;, ift LillrlCt, knot; n by N-j, fl| ALSO, B One negro woman named ' ALSO, B The northermoft part of lot >fl 38:0 the town oi Pai(!--{bnrg, well iwjfl ved, bfua-’ins r ‘ l ccr.t e Crtst in the 'fl & Sets ; a fid ■ r defetiption w ili i‘«B ven on luc d*y ol h e- the above k-vicifl rn th- prune-tv n* ? R ach. p'-tf.tfd Oct ! Jr.fiid u a eh, tr fatis.'y ,c>.e.udoi:s,~CoU ’? tor? of fa e, ALSO, - B . Fy FcOpcnerornt* flfl One Negro fellow by the nfl. of FIPER, cue regro b y b ti c ra .HH H ’ (bn, I.died on a he nroptrty jpg *0 the tftate of nh.- r Mi-i «t d -> H tr fititfy tit cxecodon in favour c( Milner. y H. M'tYRE, s. r. <■ dvgvjl 3°, [’-] Hj SHERIFF’S SALE.* On the JrJl Tuc/dny in GElder vex!, .AI Lm'na Court llcuff , tctican the hour?, H Will be Sold. ■ 500 Acres of land in Libe^B county, t" :•*. war si.vertifv' t- b A firft Toaldsy in July, to falii/y two c:.^H tiers cbrained against Henry r ’B favor ofadmt*s. C. DyfiVft and fer Barrett, 5; ppftpcncd until* the Tuefday in o<ftcber. ALSO, B 200 acres of land that was B| vr ?i jfed to be ibid the tim Tucfday in gtft, a* the pr.*-per tv of Rcnben t > L.tiriy two rs, viz' Carter and Caller, vs, fft'd 5v poftpuned uati'l the fl ft luticay in ALSO, Onp Still executed as the prcßl erty ol Charles G. EUis, to,Satisfy a:. ccmiun in fjvor of Dtrtcl E'aiaie, Solcmoo and Charles G. EUis. ALSO, B Or ihfjt'ji Tutfday in NcviV'ler rjriH Seven negroes (viz.) JACK,! therwife c'-.iiec grrcisii, Adst», June-. M| miilor, Rachael. Jim and Jeremiah, Cstoro herd ' f Cattle, end two n ate*, • r.ll the henftheW and ki’chcu f.vtVr an t xecrtrrn in favor of Jos, or- Fz-kie! Mar refs, tkn cfa naoirgage Corditiom t f r C*.^H W M . FLEMING, sc. cB jo. [ rWt SHERIFF’S SALE. I Off thrnrjl 7ufoda\ *» o(U'\r : ‘ /L c-ikcUlLnjc i,i ihi City of ,iu± ■>-, ihe >Jua Ci ov r *. E Will be Sold, ■ One Negro Fellow by the cf Pnlydo.c. levied r n as she puptr'-}® CBeflsy Enfticjt junr, p-inted cue h- ■■ defradant to fitjjfy ‘o re nnc;-'-" -BH oi iLe adm>n : itr»ver3 {f Y i.:. V • Hjl Juk. HAI.RISS, d s. a-^B 3O. b flfl