Newspaper Page Text
FREE D O M of the PRE S S and : T RI A L »r JU R Y shall remain inviolate. [No. 1041
£UC U S TA; (Georgia) Pmkted by D. DRISCOL, ns AR tiie MARK et. 13, (806. [3 Am.]
tr~~T t>r innmmimiinin B , — 1 ~ _ . * ~. -
V J "" '' ' —"r ' ——tammtmm ■ mmmmmmi m ■
, v „ r - «•
John Hiil &Co.
Have JuJi Received from New-
T-jrky part of their Summer and Fad
QUPEPFINE CJcrhr. & G*ffimer»,
O Flaia ar.d K'ridal Cottons,
Ladiu and Gcmietnff-irVfiue & ocjjfc Hats,
0 ic c» atid Chintz.
jactv felt, -C . 'i
m&,' (Muslins.
1 Cl in brick & I
Ch’imbjy J
F r amhu;\iß and Dimities,
Vslvcti a? d Farcy Goto*,
Colton arc! Si k Stfpcsdera,
S.T«wa Hollands,
Scin ami *hop Tsrir.e,
Ladies Kki ai d Morocco Slipped,
Mena and coasts ohot.s,
Writing Paper bji the ream,
Ctaltf;* and Hardware., of a!te«A«rsrjr ».*e
—O F HA N D-~
20 Hhde, Print Sugsto,
20 R»)l«, dc. ditto,
3:00 Wt, bsft Gffco C( iFx,
Kyfnti and Imperial leas.
Crockery bj the Crate-,
Empty Bor:!?3 by the Hhd.
Sherry and MaJaga'Wii-ts,
Jamaica Rum,
Holland Cln,
Copniaft Brandy, fire, fire.
With a great variety of articles,
t<r» tedious to cim.ncritc, making i>» the
whole a- templets an.l n-.itiai assortment,
*U of which will be dtfpcfatl of at their 0-
iaa! prior s, for ca; hor cotton. Coon.
try M*vch-»nr«,wiii do V'ii to avail thetn
fnlvfsbfthe epporeorby ofcalli'-g, ss they
will have an opportunity offurnifhirg them*
feivc? upon the saf fcdofcod teuas.
Jus 30. f (4~)
Ju[t rcceiv/d a Frcfh affor merit of
Medicines & Medicinal Drugs.
Ti-l O’s I. WRAY,
|J A /ING just, arrived with a general
I 1. /ffbrttr.ent, laid in under his own in
{ cr'/cr., at (he hell American Marke'sj
nvkch he will dfpfc of on really moderate
He has -addyd to h : s former amc!«*»a fine
afibftmem pfnice Conft-dionams, Plenty’s
parent M;<ydefia, offence cf Spruce, indelible
jnk for paiking clothes, two Eitducal
lately appointed agent tor
1> Aicr ' opuoN, having breughr. w hh him
a l '-pe u!j;jv of genuine Balm of Gilead
ai d Akti -Impeticinbs,
«. A j/.iiHous « riter .remarks, that, “ to
<< lie /tth latisfadHon to one’s fell and oth
< 4 K sft procure as many comforts of life as
<{ vtraconiiitcnt with cur menial and bodily
c« cyuh'liitiun, and to avett impending dar.
a jr, or, in other words, to preftrve our.
u fives Horn the injurious attacks of rxttr
uial agents, are nearly the w hole, cl v, hat
. relates to the practical psit of human
J life.” If 1 hen to live with faiisladtion
** to ourfeives and others is To dcfirahle,
“ how can we acfotnplifa it when deprived
ft of that which is more to he c!i<em.ed than
“ gold and treefure ?— that, w hich cnlaigts
“ she foul —that which, when ptflVfld,
li leaves little mors to he whited ror —that
cs - hich when wanted is the greaveft. of
ivan j—even that which is the gfcateft cl
* c all billings, namely. Health! The
* l principal lource of misery, then, being
the inf, of this g eat jewel, it behoves us
ti *0 find a remedy.foe thofc diseases which
,f nave hitherio baiHesl thclkdi of ihc- Fccul
“ tv, namely nervous, cot.fumptive, and
C; hv poch indriac. If any one man lu-s ever
41 * ' - en mere foccefffnl than another, it ».s
<f D -filor Solomon, who h*.s brought his
“ Cciidial Balm of Gilead toluch per-
II lec'ion that it never fails removing tnc
i( vvorft p.pff most crabbed d'.forders o> this
<f nature. I'always txhibrates and cheers
,fS lhe spirits, braces and invigorates the
“ whole frame. Such a medicine, for its
es healing, bnlfamtc, friendly, and fanative
“ upon the debilitated confiiiution,
if d--serves the wondrous encouragement it
*■ with from all ranks, who have been
“-<»r vmate enough to have recourft to it.
“ Pamphlets ert its efficacy delivered
** gratis by the agent,
“ Ant fid in bottle 5, price Three Dot
la>s each.
Attfrnjia, 3O. \ { f J_
Ot the very bed kin J, to be had
cn low terms (by wholesale and ffe
, **il) at the Chronicle Oiiicc.
! FULLY inform* tfr Public*
i! at he nas just ii» Auguda, and
Hjs opened S-ore in Mr. Miir-r.'s Ne*v
Hcufe, latcH - by Mtffw John
Howard £? Co.
fi'ith a choice SsUffian cj tin
Following Goods,
Which he will sell on very moder*
BEST Flax and TowCznabergi,
brew* and White P;z.tilfarj
Lilli Linen and Biitanii.»,
Cotton Shirting,
Ssllc and Cotton Umbrella*, 1
Lorg Lawns and Carobtici,
L*ccd Cambri k and L> po Veils,
4 4 E-d 6 4 Loao Mcilin,
Black Jove Shawlsand Veils,
L?:ft«r'g and Pelongs,
Ladi\Si;k Peiicei,
. B!=At*uul White ujrr p,h>
Black and cclVi, £ifk do.
White and col’d. Cotton do.
Ladies long wash Leather dr.
Gingham* and Chambta Muflii*,
Cambuck Mi flint,
A verv elegant assortment cf tick Fi;ncy
Mnfliuj from 50 cents to j dols. pet
A few pieces of richiey ornamented
Circrfli n Rcb-ts —erry elegant,
Pullicat and M drafs Hanrfkerthiefe,
New Red Bandannas do.
X.incn and Czsnbricic Pocket do.
Cotton do. do.
Ribbons *nd Silk do.
Velvet Ribben and Ferretr,
Silver Phis? tor Bonnets,
Lsccs and Edgrirga, v
Black, white aiid coIM Sccr’ng Silk and
On nee ‘ Thread,
Gi’Td Thread*, common and patent,
Adelpha Cotton 'J bread in papeis sod
varnished boxes,
Achoice AiTortmeut of Printed Calicoes
from f/gd. to 4/6 L per yard,
White Calicoes ar 1 FolUso*,
| and 6 4 Cotton Check,
£ and - Bed Tick.
Calimsncocs and Durants,
Bombazines and Bombazettr,
Florentine#,,, Crapes and pafiaos,
Silk and Ccttoa Suspenders,
Black and coßd be ft London made Hats,
Superfine Cloth and Caffimcrcs,
Corderoyt, Velveteens and Thicksets,
TkfF Nankeens,
FI mods and coarfc Woolens,
100 Ready made Vests,
A haudfome aflortmtnt of Boots and
Ladies embroidered and plain Cotton
Mens dci. do, do.
Bo f and Mil? 8 Stockings,
D uirics, Janes and jcnelSj
Diaper Tah’e Cloths and TowtUrgi
Diaper Holland Ta es and Bobbins,
Blue nti-J white Pavilion Gauze, I
A large affortinrr.t of Leghorn and Split
Straw B rnct",
Artificial Wreaths, Feather* & Flowers,
Cotton and’Siii; Trimmings,
Steel Bagks lor Bonnets, I
Table knives and Forks,
Pen and Pocket Knivcr,
Rrznrs and R ..zor straps,
Tinned Iron and Fustian Spoons and Di
Gimblcts, &£, iBCt
ply 19* I*o
The fait of the nal Epte 0/ William Tyler
dec, lo wit;
TWO hundred and sixty acres
the late refrdencr c f the dcceafcd, 297 a
cre* on Savannah rim, be the la ne moic or
lef-, which has been adverted to be fold
tht# day at Colombia Court Houle, pubhlh
rd in the Chronicle is poftpor.ed, till the
firft Toefday in next,
Wm. BERRY, }
Benj- LEIGH, > Admr’s.
Aufv/l 30.
Ten Dollars Reward.
AN-AWAY from the fabferiber a mu
i. Jatto girl of the name of SALLY, It
is fmtmfcd Am r» in the vicinity of Aogofta,
or in Butch 111 and—whoever brings her
to me in Augufca, (hall receive the above
-J hlys
' Jones & Seinmes,
’ A now °P en * n S an cxcen
-Zjl five assortment of
Dry Goods & Groceries ?
Selected by thcmfclvcs at the belt
northern cnaikeU, confifijng ot the troft
essential article* in »rqucB for the Country
trade.-**Tfceir flock being large, and 23 they
will be corllaiuly irpicnUburg it, Store*
keepers and Merchants, who tray cot have
; fupplicd thtrnfclves, will find it to their in
trrea to give them 4 call. Their terms
They have hkewife in view, a
c^rfrclnraDiec .largccßent of their Warr
homsß) lot the reception and ftorsgc of
lacouce and Goojm, and will* by their
attention to the
Commifiiort Bufincfs,
Endeavour o merit a (hare of the public
patronage in that Ui.f ; their charge* will
' ten* iiu? a» ufijJ.. aad regular Uticcdanca
" Vet'tfm vr 6 • * J
•m ■ 1 —.imi m— cm*. ■»'■■■■ 1 * ** l 1 " 1 11 ‘
John W. Mackee,
Y'uyivr ctrtd lladu. Maker 5
Respectfully acquaints.
the Ladies and Gentlemen
ol Aagofta, and the country, that U has
commenced bufinef* in VValhifigton Street,
, third hoefe irora iba coiner if Broad
He hopes from the elegant stile
, in which hi* vr ork will b. executed, tcg; thcr
irith th« Idivneh of hit prices to me lit a
fijarc cf that fapport which he has no denbt »
a w.-M,err«a: public wi 1 afford.
Me is net at p'refent fur nidged
'vlth zn nftbrtmcut of CI.OA'I Ho, but
v.f J hcs. Card;, and £**:?» party
'eck^« rojllores where they ten be
f/pplicri with 'uch arichs as ;hcy c:sy
wSnt. upon t!v< h S imim
[•Two boys cf gcod edn
nefi on* '•iii be taken a* apprentice*.
Stbumber 6. [</3
yFor Sale,
On very low Terms.
6 Hhds. bell gri*fn c ff e,
75 a.'rel. Mufcaeado
i H’ido. do. do.
3 C * ft* frefh Hyfcn Tea, f
2 B xc« No. 8 Cotton Cardr, (
1 do. No. 10 do. do.
2 B*gg< Pepper, *
zopo Wt. ciftn Coprafs,
10 B *rre!s Northward Rom,
2 do* do.
2 Hh.l». Jamaica do.
• 2 do. W. I, do,
2 Hh ’s. Metafiles,
1 i Trr B. Steel,
1 do, GcrcUdU do.
20 piece* Cotton Bapgirg,
2 Crate* Crockery Ware, '
piece* low price brown Holland*,
1 Case low pti c kaaped Haw,
22 pieces long Lawns, f
1 Trunk low price CaiUcccs,
10 do. Cotton Stripes.
All of which wi i be fold at wlio’efale or
retail, for Calh or Prod ucc, by
On CommlfS -n, 1500 bulbil* ground
Angofta, Augull rp, B )
Offers For Sale ,
Confiding of a small though
choice aflortment of
Lately imported, with a supply of
Liquors and Groceries ,
which he will difnnfe of on low term*#
a r ;d on a liberal credit.
Jit 1 *? 7* >ftc-6. 'jf)
Dodfor Burke,
HAVING at length
to make AugUfh his future
residence, inform* the community, that he
will refomc the Prafticc, He live, in the
targe Brick House, at the upper erd cf
Broad-Strcct, belonging to the estate of
Col. Watkioi.
July 26. Os)
j Sherijefs Blank’l'itl es,
For Salt at this Ojjtce ,
For the CHRONICLE. i
IN a free government where iht Icgiflsu
tivc authority is confided to reprefentafives,
annually fcleded by she general fuSVagc of
the great body of the people, to whom they
arc rt'fponliblc for their odkiiti cordud, it
might naturally be expected, that complaints
of oistl.condud, ciHier as to ads of bmilfion,
or more criminal violation cf public duty,
would feidotn exit!.
The reprefeutative, fubjeft to the fame
wants, having the fame intcrefl, aniT ailing
under the influence of the fame ptifikn,
which pervade his conlHtucnts, will be si
mulated to an upright difebarge of his dufv,
by the reflection, that he hiirfrlf mini be
fubjeft to the laws and rules of civil conduCl
which he may chad. In such a govern
mcnt| ti the intcreft of the date is neglected,
or grossly factificcd I>> their representatives,
dpoif examination, it will be found,
the mifehid has proceeded from an ignorai t
and policy, rather than from has ,
wicked, and corrupt motives. If has fcldou!
happened that a legtflat!, t\Rl -
nod but the anfials of legifl ttion
ift ch s Rate, for a fetics ol years pall, iticor*
teftahly proves, that, the most imports t
inttreds of 'he community have ken (h a rue
fully neglciflcj, or wantonly and nakedly
'I he fuffarings of the state of Georgia 'n
the lure itvolutionary contdt, were greatir
than any other irate, and the public debt in,
currcd during thole perilous tisacs, was n
chad proportion io tnole fufirings, Th s
Jcbt was of the moll meritorious kind ; it
was the price of our liberty, ai d ough to
have b en ptsvided far, in the owtfpiomp ,
and df.dual manner. The ftatu had ampie
funds in her hands to difeharge every hcr.eft
(demand her, and her fHf cif r( s for
that pmpofe, appeared tube dictated by
Lund policy, as well as ft'iff juftjee. The
clfatts of ihufa perfuns, who bad wickedly
end tteafofttfcly adhered to the caufc of oi r
opprtflbr, were confiscated, and appropria
ted for the redemption of the public‘debt,
and the public and vacant lends were to be
difpofetl of fit/cfflrjkc-ift-lmtidzui-»<■«***-. —*
r*n tor tfce'id and for the 3d, and
in the fame proportion, as far a* 1600 acres,
by act of 1783, and by aft of 1784, at £l5
per hundred acres, asdar as 1000 acres.—
The rcfourccs were amply fuflscient, not
only to difeharge the public debt, defray
the ordinary and current expences of the go
vernment, but also to have eftahlifhcd a per
manent revenue, the intcreft of which wquld
hive relieved her citizens from taxation in
timeoFpJKce, &kttcncd their cxccffivc weight
in time of w ar.
Tbs faeafurcs were adopted, whcna,fenfe
of gratitude as well as jufticc w-as predomi
nant in our councils—but mark the result.
In the year 1783 a law patted rcksfing pur
chasers of confiscated cllates from their con
trails, and from that time, until the year
1801, the legillaturc his been engaged upon
that fobjclt, but the mifehirf produced by the
improvident aft of 1783 and those which
immediately followed h-ts never been reme
died, In the year 85 a law pattd declaring
that no purchase money Chould he required
for the unlocated buds of the Rate. Thus
were the bright of public 1 tofperty
clouded by a narrow & fclfifh pclicy, which
preferred individual to ptrhlic good-, thus was
public pfofpeiSty & engrafted by
individuals, while 1 lie public debt, amount
ing to almost 1,000,0(50 of dollars unearn
ed unpaid, and was fufFered tnincreafe from
ywtr to year, by the accumulation of an in
terest, of 7 per cent, per annum open that
part of it, which had been funded. Tha
legislature of Georgia, after having adopted
these measures, so fatal to public credit, and
Co ruinoo# to the public creditors, appear to
have funk into a state cf political lethargy
from which nothing has yet been able to
rouse them. No serious intention to dis
charge the pu'oli* debt, or manly effort to
eftlit that dcfirable objefl, can be difeovered
in clu hiftory of their proceedings. Taxa
tion for that purpose has never been ref ined
to —the current expences of the year* have
kept our treasury poor.
Such was our Tuuaiton in the year 1803,
when the legiftatuic was called up» nfo dif
pofc cf Ihe land contained in that extent of
count rv, afterwards formed into the counties
cf Baldwin, Wilkinson mod Wayne. Bui lie
attention was excited, and the public credi
tors cherithed the fond hope, that, the juft*
tice of their claim would iropewoiiuy Fred
i'.ft-if upon the iegiflatur:, who th-’o had it
in their power, to do them ample justice
without adding to the Limbecs of the peo
ple. Bur the rest St of their deliberations,
and that of the ftxcccdtng Irgiflature, was a
continuation oft he fame wi etched policy
which fo long degraded the state in thp
eyes cf all enlightened politicians. was
then difeovertd for the firft time, that it w at
nnjull and impolitic to pay the public debt
out of the publicpropCTty —that taxation was
the only way in which the iiatc could with
juftke be dikhargd. The public land cur