Newspaper Page Text
On thefrjl Tvejuay in CQober next, at the
Market- ifouje ir. the City of AUgnJta at
tkiufual h>urt.
Will be Sold,
2co acres of land lying and be
ing in tint county of Richmond, colluded by
lands of jaruci Beall and Savannah river,
known and difiinpui(h<?d by Beall’* Mount.
ioo acres ot land lying on the
wraterj of Spirit Creek and bounded by
lands of N-i hantri Ecsll, tbn above proper
ty levied on as toe property o' Nathan
Bcail, to fatisfy sundry fit real ions.
/.I .SO,
Fifty acres of land with the im
p*oveo)Ci>(a thereon, within four mile, of
Augusta on thibzvam ah mad, bounded by
Lmjili of John M'Tyrc, Ananias Cooper zod
land bcSorgjrg to the c/l?.tc of V/m. M‘-
J)fdc and others, the lr.nd ard itn
pruvrmenta levied cn tt the properly of
Ji hn M'Mamu and poUf-d «;u{ by frid
M'Mucnis to fatiify a judgtncr.t in favor
of Starling Jordan,
One lot in the town of Augclta,
kr.oivn by Nq. 4, well improved with a
Ij-rjp- Bride S:o e Hotifc and a wcod (lire
Ivoufo ci hou'es for Cozgf, bounded cn (be
eeft by thr river ft reef, on the north by «■
lot bcicning to the aSsts ct D. 3. Puller,
the fuith by » lot to la’« Toils,
and on the weft \y M‘int..dh ftrtet • • Tne
above levied on aa th; property rs Major
Wm, M. Cowle*, and pointed rut by laid
fowler, to fatis’y r judgment in favor oi
Thoms* Young]
Two Negro fellows, one namecf
Sim ami the outer named Lick, the above
nsgioe* levied on as thv property of Charles
Mtnns to fniify a judgment ia favor of
Philip h\ Pjnlon.
Two Negroes named Dem and
Sandy, a Hort.: and Chair, the above levied
on at the property belonging to the diate
oriSatnuel Biigg, to fatisfy an execution in
favor of’ the adojiariftiators of John Pearce.
202 i*- 2 acres of land in Bald
win couutv, if! dlftii&,kaovrß by No, 48.
One negro woman named Aggy.
The northermoft part of lot No.
3S in >ha tc .n of I’de fnarg, will impro
ved, bounding on ccrt.e ftteet in the trout
Sc lots ; a lu’Jer daferiptian v. ill be gi
ven on the dayxd fee- the- above levied on
a* the pr.-perty cf Nathaniel P, Beach, ami
pointed ojtby ILzch, to faui'y fendry
cKecuaons,—C,nlitior.s of ia’.c, C ash,
By Postponement.
One Negro fellow by the nani(e
of PIPER, one negro bey by the vane of
Hens.-n, Levied 01 e« the property iiclong
jng to the estate 0! Smith Milner deceased,
to fuuly an cxccu ion in favour of John
H. M*TYRE, s. r, c. ’
Avgujfl 30. [dr]
“SHERIFF’S sale7~
Ok the fiji Tut;day in Otiober next , ct the
Market-House in the City of Augu/la, at
the ufial hours.
Will be Sold,
Ouse Negro Fellow by the name
of Poly do c, if vied on a* the property of
Ch flsy Bollick junr. P.inted out by the
defendant to fa:hiy orte execution in favor •
of the adminiftva!ors r>f William Poe,
Jur. HARPASS, d. s. r. c
Avfpft 30. (6 )
On the fir ft T utjdcy in Odobir next, at the
Market Hot;ft in the City of Augujta, at
the n<ual hsurs,
OnE fifty acre lot in the town-
Ihipof AugutU, known by number thirty
feven, and bounded fouthwrftwardfy by the
townlhtp line and Andrew M Lean’s Jot, be
ing number twenty-fi*; northwcfiwardlv by
Andrew M‘Lean’» .'fed and the towrfhip;
norfheaftwardly by land Purveyed for Moo
dy Bent, Bndkncwo by rhr number, thirty
eight • fouuihcafhvardly ty land of Benja
min Webftct and known by the number 2S,
originally granted to Robert Walton j the
above described fifty sicre lor, levied cn ?»
ehe property of Mfjlliam Ri-'e, to fatisfy s
Henrietta Naylor adroiniftra
irix of George Naylor, for the use cf E
irarnucl Warobcaec.
H. M‘TYRE, s. r. c.
September 6. (jt)
On the firji Turfiay in OBober next, at the
Marktt'hovje in the City 0/ Augvjia, at
the hours,
One BOAT, riming from Au
fufta to Savannah, known by the name of
INDUSTRY, levied on aa the property of
Joseph Thomas, to fatisfy an execution in
tavec of Seaborn Junes efq,
lUr. HARRIS, p. 1. r c.
September fi.
On the firjl Tuefday in OScber next, at the
Market■ hm/e in the city oj Augufia t at
the u/ual hours ,
Will be Sold,
One two ftoiy house, and lot,
with the improvement*, in the village of
Harrilburg, on free ferry freer, nearly op
pofitr the Harrlburg Ware-house—a fuller
defcriptL-n will be piven of this property,
00 the day of f*le j the above houie and '
1 it levied on as the property of FrizelM‘-
Tyic, to fatiify fundtv execution*.
One cotton mac hinc of 5 2 saws.
1 AIJ O,
J7 unimproved hts in Harris
burg, lying on the fouth fide ot Broad
ft.'cet, r
Five acres of ground, more or
!ef., with a private Ware-houle, and a good
framed linufc, with two fireplace!, called
raid If.iwn as the ijianter* house, oppolltc
the W*)?. house door, bciiiuied on the cast
by Savannah river, on the north by free
ferry t+rroe, on the South by a lot of Prize I
■| M‘TyrtN, end on the weft by land belong.
( hip to the tflata of Peter Caro*; the above
} levied on a< the pro.crty of Ez kiel Har
ris to fatis'y a jurg.aont in favor of Harris
Si Fearfon,
A L c O,
One Grey Horse, levied on as
the axppc?t/ of Win. Fee, to lati«<y cells
of * wit, Clendcring & others, vs. John Fee
and Wa, Fee, claimant*.
One negro fellow by the name
of Sim, levied m a» the property oi George
P’Aifoo, to fatirfy a judgment in favor of
the edin’r* of Jnflrph Cox.
H. M‘TVRE, *, R. c.
ScfiUmUr 6- [ 5O
On the firjl Turfday in O[inter text, at
the Market- Ifoufe in the City of Augufia,
at tin u/ual hours, The former sale not
king complied aith.
One brown Bay Horse, levied
( on at the pro. erty of Fioyd Jarvis, to fat
i isfy one execution in favor of Patrick M*.
J Dnwall, ja, HARRIS, d. s. r. c,
Scp'cm'nr 6. [jt]
j GEORGIA, Richmond county.
At a meeting of the honorable the Inferior
Court, on Monday the n ,!k Jdy } iBc6.
Piefent their Honor*,
John Willson, }
John Course, > jfaficts.
John Catlett, j
C\N t is applic-uiou of William Butler,
y fl ating that he it confined in the custo
dy of the Sheriff, nndcr a bail writ, issued
at the Git of Michael and John Conrad and
co. and that he is unable to pay the debt
\ or r-ivc bail for the fame, and praying the
benefit of the aft palled for the relief of in
foivsnt debtor*.
Ordered, That the fsid'William But.
ter notify his creditor* cither in person or
by giving fisty days n.’ticc in the Chron
id; and Columbian C?nti»el, previ us to
the firfi Monday in Oftob;rn"xt, at which
time an examination will he had and a djf
charge graated if no cau r c is (hewn to the
contrary j and the Sheriff it hereby com
manded to have the body of the laid Wil
liam Butler before a»,at 10 o’clock,
at the Court* EL use, on the said lirft Mon
j day in Oftober ncK f .
Taken from the minutes-
Now in Richmond Jail^
A new negro fellow by the name
of MOODY, about 5 licit 7or B inches high, j
20 or zS years of age ; he fays he belonged
to Micbcl Silvert of Richmond county,
and wasfpid by hitn to Samuel Lockhnrr,—
Toe owner is r’quelled to com; forward,
prove property, pay charges and take him
away. JUr. HARRIS, Jailor.
Atigujl 3?. [it]
' Now in Richmond
A NEGRO FELLOW by the r~me of
BILLY SORRELS-* he Is shout *8 or 30
yean of age, 5 feet 8 or i© inchca high,
ha* on a brown eoulonred big coat snd light
coaloured corded Pantaloons, and black
hat, he fay* he belong* to Mrs. Rice io Sa
vannah ; The owner is requeffc.l to come
forward prove her property, pay charges
andcake him away,
Jr. I-JA.RRISS, d. a. r, g.
September 6. [/*]
is to for warn all perfon* from
taking an alignment on two Cotton
Receipt* given by me to Benjamin Wheeler,
in favor of Eben-zcr Doughty of Hancock
county, year 1804, a* I have difebar.
ged said receipts, and he tefufes to give
them up. JOHN NEVES.
N. B The above 1 mentioned receipt*
were given for catton received in part pay
of 2312 pounds clean Cotton, which Ilent
said D uohty, J. N.
ufarrentcn, September 13* [ 3 {,]
WISHING to fettle all just demand■
against him, will dispose of hit
possessions on Little Spirit creek) confiding
of a Saw-mill in complete repair (wi<h one
saw) a good two Cory dwelling house,
kitchen and fincka honfe, with all ether
neccfldry oat building* for fawjrer* Ac. and
400 acres as good pine land as any in the
county of Richmond; 50 acres of which
are cleared, and under good fence—his
r out Handing paper* will be taken in pT/'*-
ment, and the terra* made cafy-
Wm. M‘TYRE*.
September 6. [tf] *
For Sale,
A Stout Likely, lioneft and sober
FELLOW, country born, about 32 ot 34
year* of ago—a complete field hand, and
capable of taking care cf a plantation, and
a very good hand for i beat,—Enquire at
the Chronicle CfScc.
September 6. [t/]
THE partnership of John &
Joseph G. CorMick, being
dilfolved by the deal hot the latter,
the bulinefj will be continued as
usual by
September 6. \tj J
If Mr. Baley Bor
ret, late of Bungay or the
neighborhood of Bungay, Suf
folk county, England, is living, by
an application to the printer, he will
hear of something to his advantage.
Mr. Borret is reported to have refi
lled in Hancock County in 180 J,
J ul y 19* (3.^)
V aluablePlantation.
CtONSTiiTING of 2627 acres on Savan
/ na ‘i River in Burke County, and 76;
on the opposite fide in South Carolina— *
The vaLve of the Pine Lands, on this fide,
and the fish low Ground* on the ether fide
of the river, tender* the whole a
Valuable I 7 Jiate.
The advantages of an elevated
situation, the eftabliikoicnt ofa Ferry ccn
liantly, and with the command 6f Lands of
every quality, upon a navigable river, arc
so well known as to need no other deferip
tion,—Tertnfi of payment, ard the price, -
will be cafy; for particulars, apply in Au
yufta to Thoms* Flohrncyefq j of Seaborn ■
fonts efq, at Ms feat in Sctiven county,
and in Savannah to
Jnlyir. (ts)
The fah of the real E/late of William Tyler
dec, to zuit :
A WO hundred and sixty acres
the late rcfidence of the deccafed, 297 a.
ere* on Savannah river, be the fame more or
left, which hat been advertised to be fold
this day at Columbia Court Hr ofc, publifh
td in the Chronicle is postponed. till the
firft Tucfday in Oflobcr next,
Wm. BEttRY, o
Bekj. LEIGH, ( Adm's ,
30. (6t)
Ten Dollars Reward.
RAN. AWAY from the fubfciibcr a mu
latto girl of the name of SALLY, It
is fuppoTd (hr is in the vicinity oi Augufia,
or in Btach Iflmd—whoever brings her
to me in Augusta, (hall receive the' above
S- [t /]
Twenty dollars reward.
0 , R f>om the
jdL A\. Sabfciibcr, a Neg o
iaan named FREDERICK
M —he wa* last month con-
fined in Edgfield jail, from
EjfIM&iSUMB be was taken hand
cutter!, and set oat with to this place, but
made fcii cfcapc {with his irons on) about
12 miles from jail- Frederick is a French
neyro, about 30 ye.ri old, five feet 6 cr 9
inches high. Whoever wiil deliver him
to me at Wslhington, Georgia, (bail re
or ive the above reward, or for frehring him
in any jail so I get h : m, eif ht dollar* will
he paid, on application to M‘Kj*n»&co.
Augusta, or to
Wajhiiigton (Geo.) Sept 20. [ v j
STUBRN*S Muitaxt *XEScr»E
Ter fate at this oJhce 9
Undo a fewer of ,
1000 acres situated at the time
offarvey, in Prince William's Parish, Cizr t .
vili? County, Somk-Carolina,
500 acres situated at the time
of lurvey on 2 branch cf the Saltcatchc*
called croft faamp, in Callcton co«njv
South Carolina.
500 acres situated at the time
of larvey, in Colleton county, South Cat.
1 oiina. ,
503 acres being an I Hand litua*
tedun Savcnnzh River, Poore Ro
bin'* B’uir Georgia.
500 acres, situated at the time
of survey in Colleton county, South.Caro
too acres on Swallow Savan
nah, in tbs then Granville county, Socth-
55 b acres situated on faltcatch
fcs Swamp in the then Granville county,
South Carolina.
25 go acres in Ninety-fix Di
ttrift, in (lie so-k of Eporic and Tiger ri
ver ?, and on two creeks? called Cedar (heal
creek and Sammy* creek South-Carolina*
One third Cash and the bnlnnce in ore
and two years, with fecorily and mnrgzgc
on the lands—lndifputabJc titles v/j|| |> c
Warn>nton y Georgia, April 5 jtnitfai.
At an Extra Meeting of
September oth, 1806.
The following Reflations were
entered into.
Resolved by the city
Council cjf Augufia, that ia
all cases where doubts may arise with tc*
fpeft to (lives following any ufeful occupa
tion for the folc nfc of his matter, he (hall
be brongt before the Council where he
(hall prove by hi* feid matter, nr the prrfon
hiring him from bis owner, that hr is in
his immediate employ, and that he receives
tie emoluments arifirg for his (the laid •
fewer) work, and in order to prevear the
Council from being called together in like
cases, he may be rakrti before any twa
members of the Cotincil who shall have the
power of determining.
Resolved, that no person with
in the limits of the City of Augusta, (ball the privliedgc ofbiring a (lave to any
person of colour, under any confidcistion
whatever—under a penalty not exceeding
twenty-fife dollars for every such tllSncc.
Extraft from the Minutes .
N. W, HERBRT, Cl’k. c. c.
September 13, (3O
The Suhfcriber has For Sale 1 6
African Negroes,
' They have been one year inthc'
country, and worked to advantage —the a
bove N-grocs arc a well rhofen set, and will
be fold low for cash or produce.
asa Garrett.
September 2®. [if]
N INE months from the date hereof, ap
plication will be made to the honorable in
ferior court of Darke Count}', for leave W
fell 392 acres of land, lying and being fa
said county, on the north fi”e of Brh*
creek adjoining cf John Pierce and o
thers f the feme being part cf the teal effete
of John Jordon dec. for the b:Rcfitofth2
heirs ar.d erw'diters.
September 13. jjt]
N OTK e.
NINE months from the ca'e hereof, a?*
plication will b; made to the hou£i v
ble, the Inferior Court of Columbia cour,'v*»
for an order to fell the following two trrffe
of land in said county, belonging to th
efts te of Samuel Hart dcceafcd.
250 acres of Oak and Hickory
fend on Hart/ creek, adjciuirg Benj:>m*<’ l
Hardin and ethers.
2*50 acres of Oak and Hickory
land adjoining Joel Cloud and nther-ft.
JOEL CLOUD, ? dm , rSm
£prU 5. iscqni.
r—- . *- ' .
SherifPs titles. Bills of
- &c. may be had »•
this Office,