Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, October 11, 1806, Image 1
JT T -m--r * \ AUGUSTA CHR&NICLE. V - L ; XI j FREEDOM of the PRESS anb TRIAL bt JURY' shall remain intiolate. [No. 104^ AUGUSTA . (Georgia) Printed by D, DRISCOL, near the market. SATURDAY, OSober n, 180 b. [3 Dolls, per Ann*. A Lift of Letters, Remaining in the Pojl-Office . Augurb (G lit iSo6, A. Samuel Allen, B. John Butler, Thompson Bird, AyLtt Buckner, Wm. Baffft Birney. Daniel Bowen, Dr. Wm Banthwaite jofiaH Brunfon, James Bibcock, Scri- Hogh Bail an tine, ven county. Ned Buftick, John Beckfoid, Hiram Baldwin, C. Jonathan Cor, James Corbett, Tolliver C’i'x, Matthew Channel* jZicbcriah Corbett, Judge Catlett, Cspt. Howell Cobb, Moses Collins, JadiA CJaikfm, John Curray, S, C, Rev. Adam Cloud, D. Thomas Duly, Dibnev Dickir.fon ot O-fb 7 Dickinfan, Cap!:. Bentley Srown, E. John Ell's Hardy Everitti Seri ven county, f. Dr. J-hrt S-. Fall, ITaac fairs, John Foley, Col. John f after, G. John I, Gray, Joel H, Grubbs, James Grubb*', Henry Greenwood, H. Thomas Hogan, John Hicks, at Dr, Mrs, E Houghton,. FeirdilP*. Capt. John Hatcher, Charles Wammond, Sc Rev. ja’i Holcomb, Stephen Garrett, F.'iflia Hambm, James Holton, Seri. Or. ChTa E. Haynes, ven county, X. Andrew Inglet, John Jameson, Henry Izard, Simud M. Kiilen. F. Jarvis* t. James Lamar, Duke Lafiater, John Linder, LehifF, William Low, John P> Lovett* Seri* Manhour Lartique* ven county, M. James Morris, S. C. Rees Morris, John M‘Manas, D.nicl M‘Murphy» Dr. James Mulkey, Geo, V. M‘Murpby, Dmiel Mabery, Shad rick Mims, care Cap% Wm. M‘Ticr, of F. Ballard. {-three Moore, Joseph Maddock, John M‘Q wun, at Hugh Balic-rtinc’s S. C, P. Thomas Parham, James Panton* Major John Pray, Edward Primroff, Mr*. Sarah Pope, Mr. Pamrofc* R. Moses Rogers, '.Dr. John Rnfr t Abraham Richardson, S. Samuel Scott, Hendrick Stcunnart, John Sturgej, MFs S. B. Sneed, Geo, Skurioefc* Chiiftopher Shaw, S, Michael Silbert, Carolina. T. Luke Tarn age, William Thomas, Jeremiah Terry, James Todd. V# Divid Vina. W. Geo. Wheeler, Levi D- Wigfsll, Mr*. Mary Wilson, Joseph 'Mnn, Richard Wayne jun. Geo. Weatherby. Striven county, James Ward, Y. ! James Younger. z. Jacob Zsnn, JOHN B. WILKINSON. l \M. A Lift of Defaulters In Richmond county for the year iBo6, ] Captain Collins's Company. District Mo. 3. John Watson, John Zackkey* Ja’s Davis, Cullers CedingSeld, Charles James, brands ti. Bollard, Nath*L Bell. Captain Fee's Company. District No. 4. Charles Price, Jolhua De Butts, Wdcom Bjcklin, Harris Sc- Low, George Fee, Wl - M‘Farland, Wm. Bowie, Jefle Stca. phons, John P. > v i llfon ; .l oh ?. T L Mar<in Wifeman, Edward Botlthatvao, . H. Craven, John H. Edwarf, Wm. But. ler, Joel Lyon, Charles Randolph, R ° l ' er Harper, Lycan Parks. Captain M'Coombs's Company, District No. 5. . Reuben Elkins Mason tiuiftt, . 3;>> ” Blaire, Thomas Settle, Seth Hines, Edvard Higgins, Joseph Varden, John Murpl e>, IfaacTant, Tho’s Dalton, Clecpho* Lara kin Michael Burk, Emaruel. Ha - rifon Bell, Abraham Harmond, Henry «ar mond. Widow Kean, Widow Bugg, No return from Captain Smyth a comp ny, Diftrifl No. x. nail's No return the late Captain Bedl s company, Diftrift No. 2. No return from Capt. M‘Tyres P“ P D ftrift No. 6. A. RHOADES, a. t. R. c * CiStier 4, SHERIFF’S SALE, On (he Jttft Tuefday in November next , t '<i Greer (borough, alike usual hours,' WILL BE SOLD. Three Negroes, to wit; Ben, Aggy and Nancy. ALSO, Two black Horses and two feather Bed* and furniture, levied on a* the property of Richard Hudson, to fatiify an Execution m favor of Edmund Alexander. ALSO, Two horses, a Bay and a Grey, levied on ai the property of Jamc* Ret-i, by virtue q£. art Execution, the Ext'* Lind fey vs Samuel 6? Jamcj-RciA. % ALSO, Two Road Waggons, two Sor rel Horfer, one bay Hcrfe and one roan Stud Hotfc, levied on at the property of Samuel Reid, to. fa’isfy an Execution in favour of Jeffrey Earley and sundry other*. ALSO, 250 Acres of land in Greene county on the ApoalacF»«» gmntort iu Hi/}, < ami adjoining Philip/ land, btb’g the land whereon William Jenkins now lives, levied on to fatiify an Execution in favour of Harmon Perryman sundry others, for cods. ALSO, ~ Two Acres of land with a Rort hoofs thereon, containing three room*, ad> joinfttg, Peyton Smith and William Hasrht, taken st the-gjoperty of Robert Fclhcr to fatiify two executions, cne in favour of Noyal Nelms, and the other in favor of Stephen Gatlin, levied on and returned to me by Thomas Stewart ccnftable. x ALSO, iro Acres of land, more ot lef*, granted to Napier, adjoining Htjird, with a good dwelling house and ether ncceffary houses, with a Valuable Saw and Giift Mi’l theieon, it being the place whereon Hcnty H. Horn now lives. ALSO, Dne other trad of land con taining SCO acres, more or left, with a valuable improvement thereon, adjoining Robert Wright, John Lave and others at the preftnt, all lying in the Conn*y of Greene, levied on as the property of Hen ry H. Horni to fatiify an execution in fa vour of Seth Thomson; the property pointed out by the plaintiff. s Condition* of fa!e cash, J. STANDI PER, o. s. c. c. Oftoh'T 4. [jtj SHERIFF’S SALE, j On the fr(l Tuefday in November next , at Oglethorpe Court house . between the usual hours, (he following property, WILL BE , ido Acres of Land, more or left, in Oglethorpe county, with to!cr*b:c improvements thereon, joins Lewis Pierce and Rum*. ALSO, 12 Acres, more or lei's, joins ( the above. ALSO, ,| 16 Acres, joins the above; no I improvement* on either of the two last ! trails—all taken as the property of William : Will?, to fatiify a judsmcr.t in favour of I Isaac Moore vs said Wills, and pointed ! out by the Plaintiff—Conoitions-- I CASH. T. W. SCOTT, s. o. c. OEoltr 4. [3O | SHERIFF’S SALE. j On thefir(l Tuefday in November next, at Columbia Court-Hcufe between the usual • ho’-rs ' j K Will be Sold. Eicrht notes of hand—four of the no?cs given by Benjamin Wa»fon, pay able to Martin Hays, on the 2sih December 18061 to the amount of ninety dol.ars, ALSO, One on Thomas Watfcn pay able to Martin Hays on the 25th December ,806, for thirty dollars—Three on Antho ny Garrett, payable to James Cart edge junr. on the 25 h December iBc6> venty dollar*—The above notes e*ccut.d a c the property of Joseph Ed men Lon, to fatUfy an execution in favor cf the sdrrunt ftratdx of Willim fennig*, vs. Joseph fcn-- SL. JAMES LUKE, d. s-c. c. Sept. 2T» torentT The BRICK HOUSE at pre sent occupied by C’o£l. Har ris PoflelTion of which may be v. a nn the firftday ofO&ober. | had on KENN£DY . Svpfl «• SHERIFF’S SALE, C fjkt jirfi Tuefday in November next, at s '.l+i*mhia Court- House, between the u/ual hours* . r fPILL BE SOLD. - •> ,« * V t J* • * ** * 306 acres'of land in Columbia county 1 joining Jesse Winfrey and Cuming, Sated as the property of William fcaiv " to fatisfy two executions viz. adm’r iarn Pcc and James Blackstone wr. said Barnett. ALSO, , 6o'acrcs of land on the waters t>f the Kiokee cink joining Pearry and «k I theta, executed as the props ny of Benjamin Fuller, to faiisij an execution in favor of Thomas Baftctt. ALSO, ‘ 100 acres of land in Columbia joining Anderson Crawford and John Ti Allen, executed to fatisfy an execution founded upon the foreclofute of a mortgage in favor of Thomas Jonea against Elijah B; dwell. ALSO, 800 acres of pine land in tht county of Columbia, on the water* of the Uchcc creek, adjoining George Msgtudcr §j\A others, executed as the pro* erty of piatrift Pp l "-. «n an etecatioD is fa. j|||||#lohn BerrteQ. ‘ ALSO, '"ltSfcfracres of land in the court., tv of Columbia bounded by lands of Philip Pearrey and others on the South-East and South Weft by lands of William Ramsey and others at the time of survey, executed to fafiafy an execution upon the foreclofute of a mortgage, Ex'r. J. Mcffmcn vs. Julh ua Gtlnage. WM. FLEMING, s. c. c. Sefriem’-er 17. (30 COLLECTOR'S sales. Saturday the tBf A of OQvber next , at the vfual fours, at the Market hou/e in the Citv of tivgufta, WILL BE SOLD, •V# Ond negro woman Sa*. rnh, ieviad on as the property d$ Samuel Bugg (now deceased) for taxes for the years 1803, iSoj & 1805, Bjdol. 2 set, AtSQu One cotton Gin, levied oh aS the property of George Fee, to fatisfy taxet due by him, for the year 1805, i*dol. 51 i cents. J. HUTCHINSON, Co/leffor, S(p'» »7« UP NOTICE. The Subscriber has lor Sale i 6 Likely African Negroes, They have been one year in the country, and worked to advantage—-the a hove Negroes arc a well chosen set, and will be fold low for cash or frnoouct. ASA GARRETT. September 20. (*/) THE SUBSCRIBER* WISHING to fettle »I1 just demand* against him, will difpofc of hi* pofieffions on Little Spirit creek, confiding rs a Saw. mill in complete repair (with one fate) a good two story dwelling houfc, kitchen and fmofct heufe, with ail other n-ceffary oat buildings for lawyers &c. and 4CO acres as gcod f ine land as any in the ccuuty of Richmond 5 50 acre* of which are cleared, and under good fence —his outftaoding pipers will be taken in pay ment, f.nd the terms made eafv- Wm. M'TYRE. September 6. [if] If Mr. Baleyßor ret, late of Bungay or the neighborhood of Bungay, Suf folk county, England, isliving, by an application to the printer, he will hear of forfiething to his advantage. Mr. Borret is reported to have relL ded in Hancock County in i2oi. July 19. i3 m ) ALLpcnons indebted to he late firm of William H* Jack (3 Co. or to the eftateof Andrew Innes , dc ceafed, by bond or note, ate once more called on for immediate fettlcmcnti no further indaljencc can be given. —l bofc indebted to either of the above mentioned firms on open account, arc reqatfted to liquidate the fame previous to the fitft day of September next.—After that date, fait* will be commenced against delin quents wit&oat diferimination. JAMES BSGGS, Adm’r, July nr iff) (By Authority.) AN ACT To authorife the /late of TenneJ/ee to iffke grants and ferftfl titles to certain lands therein defer tied ; and to fettle the t latent to the Vacant and una/frifriated lands •within the fame, ,[CoNttNXtBD,] StCr 4-. -And he it farther enaffed, That upon the senators and representatives from the Hate of Tenneflce, by an inftruraent sign ed and Sealed by them rcfpcftively, making known, that in pursuance of the power in them veiled, by art aft of the general afliem bly of the state of Tenneflce, entitled “ An aft to appoint agents to fettle the dispute be* tween this state and <he United States, re. lative to the vacant and unappropriated lands within this state, and to procure the rclin quilhmcnt of the claim of the United State* to the fame,'* and by arefolution of the Se nate and Houle of repteprefematives of the faiil state of Tenneflce, pa fled in the year one thousand eight hundred and two, as instruc tions thereinj they do, for, and in behalf of the state of Tenneflce and in confederation of the provisions made in this aft, agree and declare that all right, title, and claim, which tfyc state of JVnnefiee hath to the lir*)* 1, in a wett and niutli of the line* herein before es . rablifhed within the limits of the state of Tenneiec* Shall thereafter forever cease; Sc that the lands aforcfaidfhall be and remain at the foie and entire disposition of the United States, and Shall be exempted from every disposition or tax made by order, or under the authority of the state of Tenneflce, while the fame (hall remain the proproperty of the United States, and for the term of fi vc years after the fame (hall be fold ; which said in ftrumcnt (hall be approved by the Senate of the United States, and entered st large on their journal, and deposited in the office of the secretary of (late* The United Stares do thereupon cede k convey to the date of Tcn neflee, all right, title, k claim* which the U. States have to the territory of the lands lying east and horth of the line herein before eftublifhed, within the limit* of the state of Tenneflce, fubjeft to the fame condition* aa are contained in the aft of the general aflem- Hly of the state of North. Carolina, entitled “ An aft for the purpofc of cecding to the United States of America, weftetn •* lands therein deferibed." And thefaid state t of Tenneflce (hall thereupon have as full pow. er and authority to iflue grants and perfeft titles of all lands lying east and north of the before defenbed line, within the limits of the said state, as Coiigrcfs now have, or the state of Tenneflce might have, by virtue •f an aft of the date of North. Carolina, en titled <f An aft to authorife the state of Ten nessee to perfeft titles to lands reserved to this state by the ceflion aft," to which said aft the aflent of Congress is hereby given so far as is necelTary to carry into effeft the ob jefts of this compaft ; fubjeft nevsrthelefs to the following express conditions; that fay. First. That all entries of lands, right* of location, and warrants of surveys, and all interfering locations, which might be re* moved by the aforcfaid.aft of ceflion of the state ol North Carolina, and which arc good and valid in law, and which were not aftu. ally located weft and fouth of the herein be. fore deferibed line, before the twenty.fifth day of February, one thoiifand seven hun dred and ninety, and all interfering grants which arc good and valid in law and which have been located east and north of »hc said line, See. (hall be located, and the title* thereto perfefted, within the territory here by ceded to the state cf Tenncflec. Secokdlv* That the state of Tenneflce (hall appropriate one hundred thoufahd acres, which (hall be located in one entire traft, within the limits of the lands reserved to the Cherokee Indians, by an aft of the state of North. Carolina, entitled " An aft for open ing the land office for the redemption of fpe cic and other certificates, and difeharging the arrears due to the army," passed in the year one thousand (even hundred and eighty three; and (hall be for the u(c of two col leges, one in east, and one in weft Tenneflce, ti he eftahlifhcd by the legislature thereof. And one hundred thousand acres irt one traft within the limits last afqrefaid, for'the ufs of academies ; one in each cohnty in said state to He eftahliflied by the legidature thereof 3 faid fevcral trafts fnall be located on lands to which the Indian title h-4s been «- tinguifhed, and fubjeft to the disposition of the legidature of the state, but (hall not be granted or fold for less than two dollors per acre, and the proceeds of the Tales of the lands aforefaid, (hall be veiled in funds for the rclpeftivc ufe* aforefaid for ewer. And the state of Tenneflce (hall moreover in ifliu ing grants and perfefting titles, locate fix hundred and forty acrea, to every fix miles square in the territory hereby ceded, where existing claims will allow the fame, which fiull be appropriated for the use of schools for the inftruftion of children forever* P rovidedp That nothing contained in this aft fttall be