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About Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1806)
Colhoun & Wiifon, Have Jt/ft Received from New- York and Philadelphia, and now opining at their fieri next door to Mtfrt, John Fox and co, achoife JeUQion of the Following Goods,. Which will be fold very low for cash or Pro duck. yJZ: SUPERFINE Cloths and Caffimcrt, Fine and Coarse Cloths, Mixed Plains, Kendal Cottons, Rose and Striped Blankets, * Calimancnes and Durants, Bombazines and Bombazetts, Florentine, Crapes and Pealongs, Silk and Cotton Sufpendcrt, Corduroy, Velveteens and Thickfelts, Mens and Womens Cotton Hose, Mens woifted do. Dimities and Janes, i' Irilh and Brown Linens, Si’k and Cotton Umbrellas, Long Lawns and Cambric Laced Cambric “] Jaconet j * Book [ MUSUNS > Lcno I , Black Caiftbric J Leno Veils and SbAwlet, Black Love do. and Veils, Silk Chambrsy Muslin, Cotton do, do. Synchcws, Pic Nic Gloves, White and colored Gloves, Bandanna Handkerchiefs, Linen and Cambric do. Ribbons and Silk, Laces and Edges, ~ Printed Callicces, Chintz Shawls, Marfeillcs Waiftcosiing, Morocco and Kid Slippers, Miffcs Morocco do. Mens fine and coarse Shoes, Boots and Bootees, Boot Legs and Calf Skins, Saddles and Bridltfs, Saddle, bsggs, Mens Flitted Hats, Tabic Knives and Forks, Pen and Pocket Knives, Shoe Knives, Tea Trays and Bread Baskets, Shovels and Tongs. Trace Chains and Weeding Hoes, <5, 8> io, r 2 and 20 penny Nails, Cotton Bagging, And fomc nfefull BOOKS, With a great variety of articles too tedious to enumerate, making in the whole, a complete aftbrt ment. ALSO* An aflbrtmcnt of GROCERIES, — viz-. BROWN Sc LOAF SUGARS, SHERRY WINE, / : COGNIAC BRANDY, COFFEE, PEPER, ALLSPICE, Sic. Sic . September 20, iBc6- [*/] Jones & Semmes, ARE now opening an exten fivc allortmcnt of Dry Goods & Groceries , Sclented by thcmfelves at the best northern markets, confiding of the mod eflential articles in requtft fur the Country trade,—Their stock being large, and as they will be ccnftantly repltnilhing it, Store keepers and Merchants, who may not have supplied thcmfelves, will find it to their in terest to give them a call. Their terms WILL I}E LIBERAL* They have like wife in view, a eonfiderablcenlargement of their Ware house, for the reception and (forage of Produce and Goods, and will, by their attention to the Commission Business, Endeavour ro merit a (hare of the public patronage in that line j their charges will be as low as ofual, and regular attendance will be September 5. ft/] . THE SUBSCRIBER Offers For Sale, His STOCK in , Consisting of a small though choice aftortment of DRY GOODS, Lately imported, with a supply of Liquors and Groceries , which he will dispose of cm low terms, and on a liberal credit. ISAAC HERBERT, June 7, 1806. (ts) INK POWDER. Os the very best kind, to be had on low terms (by wholesale and re tail) at the Chronicle Office, i W' THOMAS , Respectfully informs the Public, that he has just arrived in Augofta, and • haa opened Store in Mr, Morten's New Houfc, lately occupied by Meffis John Howard (3 Co, fVith a choice SeleSion of the Following Goods, WHICH HE WILL SELL ON VERY MODER ATE termsj WHOLESALE or RE TAIL, VIZ: BEST Flax and Tow Oznabnrgi, Brown and White Piatillaf, Xrilh Linen and firitanias, - ' Cotton Shirting, Silk and Cotton Umbrellas, Long Lawns and Cambrics, Laced Cambrick and Leno Veils, 4 4 and 6 4 Leno Meflin, Black love Shawls and Veils, Luftring and Belongs, Ladies Silk Felices, Black and White picnic Gloves, Black and col’d. Silk do. White and colM, Cotton do. Ladies long wa(h Leather do. Ginghams and Chambia Meflin, Cambrick Moflins, A very elegant assortment of rich Fancy Muslins from 50 cents to £ dels, pet yard, A few piecea of richlcy ornamented Circaffian Rcbes—very elegant, and Madrafs Handkerchiefs, New Red Bandannas do. Linen and Cambrick Pocket do. Cotton do. do. Ribbons and Silk N do. Velvet Ribbon and Ferrets, Silver Plufs for Bonnets, Laces and Edgelngs, Black, white and col'd Sewing Silk and Twill, Ounce Thread, Col’d Threads, common and patent, Adclpha Cotton Thread in papers and vajniflied boxes, A choice Affortmcut of Printed Calicoes from i/gd. to 4/6d. per yard, White Calicoes and Fustians, | and 6 4 Cotton Check, i and $ Bed Tick, Calimancoes and Durants, Bombazines and Bombazetts, Florentines, Crapes and Perfuns, Silk and Cotton Sufptnders, Black and col’d best London made Hats, Superfine Cloth and Cafiimeres, Corderoys, Velveteens and Thickset«» Buff Nankeens, Humhuros, Flannels and coarse Woolens? 100 Ready made Veils, A haudfomo assortment of Boots and Shoes, , Ladies embroidered and plain Cotton Stockings, Mens do. do. do. Boys and Miflfes Stockings, Dimities, Janet and Jeoets, Diaper Table Cloths and Toweling, Diaper Holland Tapes and Bobbins, Blue and white Pavilion Gauze, A large assortment of Leghorn and Split Straw Bonnet*, Artificial Wreaths, Feathers & Flowers, Cotton and Silk Trimmings, Steel Bugles for Bonners, Tabic knives and Forks, Pen and Pocket Knives, Razors and Razor Strops, Tinned Iron and Fustian Spoons and Di viders, Gimblets, (3 c, (3c , jf’Ay iq [tf] For Sale , - On very low Terms. 6 Hhds, best green ccffre, 7j Barrels Mufcavado Sugar, t Hhds. do. do. 3 Chefti freflr Hyfon Tea, t Boxes No. 8 Cotton Cards, 1 do. No. 10 do. do. 1 Baggs Pepper, 2000 Wt. green Coprafs, 10 Barrels Northward Rum, 2 Hid*. do, do. 2 Hhdt. Jamaica do. 2 do. W. I, do. 2 Hhds. Molsfftt, 1 | Ton B. Steel, | do. German do, 20 pieces Cotton Bagging, . 2 Crates Crockery Ware, ' 36 pieces lew price brown Hollands, 1 Case lew price knaped Hats, 22 pieces long Lawns, 1 Trunk lo;v price Callicoes, 10 do. Cotton Stripes. AU of which will be fold atwholefale or retail, for Calh or Produce, by HARRISON (3 HAMILTON. On Commifiton, i£oo fcufhcls ground Salt. Angnfta, August rp.. (ts) Now in Richmond Jail\ A Negro nun by the name cf BILLY» who fays he belongs to Peter Randolph of Clarke county, living near Athens. This fellow is about £ feet 6 or 8 inches high, about 27 or 28 years old, and of a bright black complexion ; has on a blew cloth coat and overalls, a striped honefpun waift cott—the owner is requeued to come for ward, prove his property, pay charges and tike him away. OSober 4, * Jtl] BY ORDER OP THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. General Pof.Office, Auguji 15 tb, 1806* ROPOSALS will be received at this Of fice until the 15th day of December next inclusive, for making and repairing the fc veral parts of the Poll Road from Nashville to Natchez, hereinafter mentioned —that is to fay : No. 1. From Naihville to Buffaloc Creek The distance is estimated-at 154 miles—All j this distance, or the principal part of it, the j road has been cut out by the military and 1 prepared conveniently for ufc, foroe few , years finec. No. 2. From Snake Creek to Grindftore ford. Distance efti mated at 4 0 miles. This part of the route, was Ukewile, fume years since, cut out by the military and the road prepared for public u(c. The rout marked out some ytars fiuc? by Edmund P. Gaines, *fq. will be pursued the whole distance excepting the fpacc be tween the Chickasaw towns and the firft fording place of the waters of the Big Black , which will be resurveyed, with a view of materially lefiening thcdiftancc. The road is td be made and completed by thefirft day of OftoberTn the jear 1807, •and the work is, in all refpefis, to be done to the approbation of Return Jonathan Meigs, j efq. or Thomas Wright efq. agent for the United States, residing in the Indian conn- i tries. In m iking the fame, the following rules arc ftricUy to be observed. iftti The road must be made at least twen ty feet wide, and all the timber and under bruih tiken ofFfor that distance. 2nd. All marihy places are to be caufway ed, and all causeways arc to be at least ten feet wide. 3d. All streams under forty feet in width, not fordable at their common winter tide, | are to be bridged, by good feenre bridges, well "built and made fafe and feenre for paf fijge, the bridges to be at let;ft twelve feet wide. ' 4th. A tree (hall be laid acrofa all larger ft reams where the breadth of the stream does not exceed the length of any nee, to be found within half a mile of the place. GIDEON GRANGER. Poftranfter General. September 6, . {6') (JJ* The printers employed by the Gen eral Post Office are requested to insert this weekly the next fix weeks. GEORGIA, Bj his Honor JARED IRWIN, FnJlJn! of the Senate, and Commander tn Chief of the Army and Nervy ts this State , and of the Militia thereof, A Proclamation. WHERE AS his Excellency John Mil ledge late Governor of this State, hath this day accepted the appointment of Senator from this State in the Congress of the U. States, agreeably to his ele&ion thereto, on the 19th day of June last, by the Legis lature, and hath llgnificd to me his refigna tbn of the Government.—*Akd whereas, the fourth section of the second article of the Confutation, declares, that in case of the u death or resignation, or disability of the " Governor, the President of the Senate (hall “ cxercife the Executive powers of Govern. ** menr, until such disability be removed, or ts until the next meeting of the General As “ fcmbly,” by virtue of which, the duties of the Executive have devolved on me. I HAVE THEREFORE thought fit to iflllC this my proclamation, hereby notifying all officers civil and military, that 1 have a flu. rhed the Chief Magistracy of this State, and am now in the actual excrcifc of the duties thereof, of which all persons are required to— take due notice, as they will answer the contrary at their peril. Given under my hand and the Great - Seal of the State, at the State.Hotfe | in Louisville, tsd day of Sep. temher, in the year of our Lord, eigh teen hundred and fix, and of the In. dependence sf the United States of A. tnerica , the thirty.fif. JARED IRWIN. President . By the President and Commander in Chief. Ben. Chalres, Deputy Secretary of the State, MONT-VILLE, FOR SALE, THAT Valuable Plantation . CONSISTING of 2627 acres on Savan nah River in Burke County, and 767 on the opposite fide in South-Carolina— The value of the Pine Lands, on this fide, and the rich low Ground* on the other lid* of the river, readers the whole a Valuable TJlate. The advantages of an elevated situation, the eftablifliment of a Ferry ccn ftantly, and with the command of Land* cf every quality, npon a navigable river, are so well known as to need no other defen'p tioß.—Term* of payment, and the price, will be eafyj for particular*, apply in An gufta to Thomas Flournoyefq ; of Seaborn Joaca efq. at hi* feat ia Sciivca county, nod ia Savannah to „ , Ww. STEPHENS. 7»fy u. {tf) . ■ j, V • I 'f ■ + Call’s Ware-House, THESE very extcnfivc buildings (part of which have for lonic time been occu, pied by Mr. Joshua De Butts.) The fuhfcribcrs have lately purchafcd, and put in excellent order for the reception of such Mu. chandize and Produce as may be addref led to their care. THE WARE-HOUSE mcafaring in length, nine hundred and thir, four, and in width fifty feet, together with that already in theiroccupancy, ' Rjft, twice as much room as any in this Ciry or State ; and the undesigned trust the ccn ttant attention which wi.l be paid to the re* cep tier. & delivery of articles deposited, w ijj infujrefrom the merchants ot Augusta ard die country, a liberal part of their bulinefs —they will at ail times have a fufficiency of har.di to unload waggons and give the carlieft djf. I patch in weighing cotton and forty aiding a. I ny other business they may have to do—'fa ,] Planteis they beg leave to give information /] that a fufficient part of this W ARE-HOUfR / I is reserved for a TOBACCO INSPECTION I I as heretofore, W'here, by the attention of men I of refptfiabiiity as infptftors, it is hoped fat* I isfaflion will be given.—From this date the I WARE-HOIjSE will he in pt flcl&cn of the I fufcfcribers, who will give prompt difpatck I to any orders addkHid to Mr. J3c Batts. ] N'KINNEtf Co. I I Offaber 4. (8:) I For Sale , ON the fir ft cbiy of November 1 ' next, will be offered to the 1 highest bolder, either to fell or rent forthree I years, aviluable trad ofland on theUchce, I Colombia 'county, adjoining the land of I Thomas Ciir.nring Esq.—there is about 166 I acres cleared thereon, under a good fence, I and nearly .ill frdh land of the firft qualify, I a considerable quantity of corn ard f edder I will be Ibid 8: a rh* prCmifes on the fame tUy. I 1 P. C. I QSettr +; [;'] I LIT TLE RIVER ~ I MILLS. I I willfell my Mills. , Diflille fy 3 I 1 LANDS. I ON a Crcdit-of one, two & three years } I or lease for a terra of years about too I acre*; roo citared and in the fecondl —a full defeription wco’d be too lengthy I in an advejrtifemcnt. in ibort, there is not ■ equal in Suuth-Carolina. I " | JOHN CAMPBELL. I ■ T . ‘ —’« ■ . For S , 1 A Negro Wench, I p 7 ■ About Twenty years of age, I a good houfc servant and very I honest and faithful-—Enquire at I this officer I September to. [4'J I AUCTION,' I On the T a« entieih of OSakr t ext, I Will be Sold, I THE Trad of land whereon I the fubferiber now lives, I containing three hundred and «E-ht ■ acres of land, more-or lef*, -well improved# H with the Seek ot Hoxixs, Cat- I tlx and £he*j* j H ALSO. ■ The plantation ut-enlils and a ■ crop of corn, if not fold before; the will he made known on the day of 'lair, the fubfsrihcr. / FRANCES CRAWFORD* ■ Columbia county, OBoler 4 Augujla Jocky Club . I T HE members of the Aiygoft^B jocky Club are requeued to meet at ton Carr-if.’s 0:1 Satrnxiay the iuft. at joo’clok A, hi. to appoint for the infilirig v*mt, apportion the and such other builnefs r.s may uii Bj order of the pefiderrt. GEO. S. HOUSTON, O&ober 4, NOTICE. I \AJ HERE AS thebvuls ci G'orpr ■flßjj tv PI vans, George Pit rf.,n. Conn'd vectran, Duv.d jot;!’ Taylor, aru Catlett—& likewiu- the rotes vi Durkce, Corby Dicjcmfon, Mrs. Ifiery ■HHj drevn, Sc Jeremiah Mil Ut—fca\ c polited in my bands by the Me IV'-V;*' ■HH|| Brown, ana nt>w htcc/r; sv | ::, ; • said perfans arc hereby r< qeefrtr'i me ward & make immediate payrttA.r, < ' bonds and notes will be put into the of an Attorney far coil-fib'' cn day of this month, witlictH f.dL IYJIXIAM’V. r ''i OSober 4> H