Newspaper Page Text
For S ,
ON the firft day of November
next, will be offered to the
highest bidder, either to fell or tent for three
yean, a valuable trafl of land on the Lichee,
Columbia county, adjoining the land of
Thomas.Cumming Esq.- there is about 160
acres cleared thereof*, under a good fence,
and nearly all frelh land of the firft quality,
a confiderahle quantity of corn and fodder
will be fold on the ptenr-ft* on the fame day.
OSober 4, , [4/]
» " . - —1 ■■ - - - - --
Valuable Plantation.
CONSISTING of *6*7 aeres on Savan
nah River in Burke County, and 767
On the opposite fide in South Carolina—
The valae of the Pine Linds, on this fide,
and the rich low Grounds on the other fide
•f the river, renders the whole a
Valuable Ffate ,
The advantages of an elevated
ft tuition, the eftabliflimcnt of a Petty con
stantly, and with the command of Landa of
•very quality, upon a navigable river, at*
so well known as to need no ether dtfeiip*
tion.—-Terras of payment, and the price,
will be easy; for particulars, apply in An*
gufta to T homrs Flcurnoyefq ; of Seaborn
Jones efq. at hit feat in Sciiven ccaoty,
and in Savann:'. to
it. (ts)
Call’s Ware-House.
r TPHESR very extensive buildings (part of
X which have for fcure time been occu
pied by Mr. Joshua De Butts.) The
fubfcribeis have lately purchased, and put in
excellent order for the reception of such Mer
chandize and Produce as may be addref
fud to their care. THE WARE-HOUSE
measuring in length, nine hundred and thir.
four, and in width fifty feet, together with
that already in theirocenpancy, will aftbrd, at
Icaft, twice as much room as any in this City
or State j and the undersigned trust the con
stant attention w hich wid be paid to the re
ception h delivery of articles deposited, will
infbrefrom the merchants ot Augusta and the
counny, a liberal part of their business—they
will at all times have a foffioiency of hards
to unload waggon* and give the earliest dis
patch in weighing cotton and forwarding a
ny other business they may have to do—To
Planters they beg leave to give information,
that a fufficient part of this WARE HOUSE
is reserved for a TOBACCO INSPECTION
as heretofore, where, by the attention of men
of nefpeftability as infpeftors, it is hoped fat
isfaiiion will he given.—From this date the
WARE HOUSE will bein poflcfllon of the
fuhfcribcrs, who will give prompt dispatch
to any orders addreflt-d to Mr. De Butts,
M‘KINNE ts Co.
Ofltier 4. (8f)
WHEREAS the bonds of George W.
Evans, George Pierson, Conrad Lt
veetnan, David and ]. : n Taylor, and John
Catlett —k likewise the notes of Nathaniel
Du'rkee, Colby .Dickinson, Mrs. Mary An
drews, Sc Jeremiah Miller—have been de
posited in my hands by the late Major John
Brown, and now become my property ; the
said persons are hereby requested to come for
ward & make immediate payment, clfe their
bonds and notes will be put into the hands
of an Attorney for colleftion, on the last
day of this month, without fail,
03oher 4. [4/]
That on the jirfi Turfday »« November next ,
immediately after the Shtriff*s Jale,
The Lot on which the «ld Jail
now Hands in the town of Wsynt (borough
Burke county, to the Wgheft bidder without
reserve—Conditions made known on the
day of sale. By order of the Board of Com
niffiouera of the town of Wayne fib jrongh.
For the CommiJfionerj,
Oetoby \t. (4<)
WISHING ;o fettle ill just dentin'!*
against him, will dispose of hi>
pcffeflion* on Little Spirit creek, confiding
of a Saw-mill in complete repair (with cnc
saw) a good two ilory dwelling houfe*
kitchen and finok* house, with all other
necefiaty cut buildings for lawyer* &c, and
400 acres as good pine land as any in the
county of Richmond j 50 actes of which
are cleared, and under good fence—his
outftandiog papers will be taken in pay
ment* and the terma made easy.
September £• [if]
Shbrivfs Blank Titx. as*
In Sait Mi thit Office,
Ihe Subscriber has For Sale 16
' Likely.
African Negroes,
They have been one year in the
country, and worked to advantage—ihe a
bove Negroes are a well chofcn set, and will
be fold low for cam or produce.
Sepim'oir zo« Os)
ALL persons indebted to
he late firm of William H. Jack (3
Co. or to the estate of Andrew inter* d«- .
ceased, by bond or note, are once more
called on for immediate fcttlcracnt j no
further indulgence can be given.-r-Thofc
indebted to either of the above mentioned
firms on open account, are requested to
liquidate the fame previous to the fiift day
of September next.—After t' at date,
fairs will be commenced against della*
quents without diferimination.
July ij. Os)
Mujic Sc Dancing School.
Mr. Michel,
GRATEFUL for the patronage he has
already received, and anxious for a
continuance of their fa von, refpfftfully
acquaints the Laiies and Gentlemen of
Augofta and its vicinity, th*t he continues
to tcach^M^rumental, vota! music, cc dan
cing on the following term*, VIZ.:
For dancing j tan dollars per quarter, or
36 It sis ms*
For bftrumental and vocal music, eigh
teen dollars per quarter, or 50 cents per
He will open his Dsncing School the firft
of November next. Tbufe who wilh to
fubferibe are requested to enter their names
at the Chronicle Office, or AfhtO' ‘ T «vtrn*
where there are fobfeription faj .. v
Mr. Michel intends opening "ening
School for the accommodation c,;. ■? who
cannot attend in the day time.
OdLobtr it. [j»J
On the firfl Tuefday in November meet at Ce*
lumbia Court lloufe *
All the real ejtate of the late IVm* Tyler dec •
ro wit:
260 acres, be the fame more or
less, in i olumbia county, the late rtfiJence
of the dcccafed,
297 acres, be the fame more or
left, on Savannah river in said county, the
titles from the grantees to the said deceafsd,
may be seen at the Tale or before in the hands
of the administrators of fsid estate, no fur
ther puftponement is expelled,
Wm. BERRY, }
Benj. LEIGH, v AJm'ft.
O Sober 11, f+o
Ten Dollars Reward.
RAN-AWAY on the 20th
laft, from a planta
t‘on near Augusts, a negro
fellow named J ACK, about
lUtwenty.five years of age,
'■MiAWkw i ll 1 ■ live feet iix or seven inches
high, (lout made, rather of a yellow com--
plexion, fpcaks tolerable plahr Engliih, as
well as is recollefted; he has his country
marks, one on each temple, in the (hape of
a half Moan, he had on a gray broadcloath
coat, when he went away 5 no other particu
lars recollected—the above reward will be
paid on his being delivered to mc--nr secured •
in Jail, so that I mav obtain poss ffion of
OQsber 4. [ff]
20 Dollars Reward.
IJ ANaWAY from the
1\ Subscriber on Friday
JMHU the of last month, a
likely Negro fellow named
JESSE, about 5 feet 3 or
9 inches high—well fet—
taifed in St. Maty’s county Maryland, and
parchafed of Wyeth Simms of Virginia.
Had on a tow linen Ihirt, bomcfpun over
all*, and a wool has, it is probable he hac
made for his native country ; whoever de*
livers said negro to the iubferiber, or
lodges him fafely in any jail so that thq
Subscriber may get him, ihall receive the
above reward. SHAd. BIVINS,
Town Creek near Milledgeville .
„ Odober 4. (3O
ALLthofe indebted to the estate of libel
Findley dec. are requested to come
forward and make payments, and all per-
Tons having demands on the said estate are
also requested to prefect their accounts du
ly attested to
Surke county, OStober iS« (j»)
STUBKN’S MiLiraar Exercise
far fate at this Office*
Univcrfity of Georgia.
THE Members ot the SeiwluS
Academical, and board of Trustees of the
Are informed that each of the Board* Sard*
adjourned to meet at Louifvillc on ihc N
second Monday in November next, of
which the member* are refpc&foUy desired
to take notice.
By order of the Board of f ruftets,
Secretary of the Univcrfity ,
OUober 14, 1 £O6. [3*]
On the second day of December, at the Court
house in Columbia county,
Will be Sold,
THE plantation on which Sol
omon Ellis formerly lived,
lying in Columbia county, one mile from
the Court-honfe, containing 400 acre*, un
der excellent improvements, with a good
dwelling house and all other houfe* suita
ble for a plantation.
A good Cotton Gin^houfc.—
Terms of payment will be; one third paid poffcfßoa, the remainder in two
annual payment*, with a mortgage on she
land for fccurity. *
0 Bober 18. [jt]
HAVING fold my house and lot in this
city, I have removed to the second
house helowLewi* Cantelou, feuth fide of
Broad- ftrcct, with my
Stock in Trade,
V/hcr<»l intend to continue bufinef* for
the ptefent season only; &as my objeA is
finally to close and fell the residue of my
flock, Good Bargain* may be expeAed. 1
hope this notice will serve to remind all
these indebted to me by either note* or ac
count*, of the ncccßity of immediate pay
ment ; if4io t, 1 (hall place them in the hands'
I of an attorney for colleAion.
0 Bober 18, (ts)
On'ihe firji Tutfday in December next, at
Oglethorpe Court • House, between the usual
202 1-2 Acres of land, lying in
Wilkiufon county, ad dift»ia, No, 245,
taken as tbe property of Robert Stewart,
to fatisfy an execution in favor of Chipman
and Wifton, <vs, said Stewart, and printed
cut by the defendant 1 * bail.—Conditions
Ctlh. T. W. SCOTT, Sh'JF.
O&obet 18. [3*]
For Sale,
On very low Terms.
6 Hhd*. best green coffee,
7$ Barrel* Mufcavado Sugar,
2 Hhds. do. do.
3 Chefti frefh Hyfon Tea,
a Boxes No. 8 Cotton Card*,
1 do. No. 10 do. do.
2 Baggs Pepper,
2000 Wt, green Coprafs,
to Barrels Northward Rum,
2 Hhds. do. do.
2 Hhds. Jamaica do.
2 do. W. X. do.
2 Hhds. Mclaffci,
> 1- Ton B. Steel,
| do. German do,
•o pieces Cotton Bagging,
t Crate* Crockery Ware,
|6 piece* low price brown Hollands,
1 Case low price knaped Hat*, ,
22 pieces long Lawns,
1 Trunk low price Callicoes, 1
10 do. Cotton Stripes:
All of which will be fold at wholesale or
retail, for Cafti or Produce, by _
On ConuniUkm, 1500 bulhels ground
Augusta, August 19. (ts)
Offers For Sale,
His STOCK in Trade ,
Consisting of a small though
choice aflortment of
Lately imported, with a supply ©f
Liquors and Groceries ,
w hich he will dispose of on low terms,
*nd on a liberal credit.
Junei, 1806. (ts)
Sheriff’s titles. Bills of falte
Mortgages, &c. may be had at
this Office,
ESPECTFULLY infoims the PabHe
that he has jaft arrived in Augusta, £ „ r j
has opened Store in Mr. Morten's
House, lately occupied by Mtffrs loan
Howard & Co.
With a choice Sekfiion oj the
Following Goods,
ate terms; WHOLESALE or R£,
BEST Flax and TowOznaburgs,
Brown and White Platillat,
Irish Linen and Britanias,
Cotton Shirting,
Silk and Cotton Umbrellar,
Long Lawns and Cambiics,
LuCed Cambrick and Lcno Veil?,
4 4 and 6 4 Leno Mu din,
Black love Shawls and Veils,
Luftring and Pelongs,
Ladies Silk Felices,
Black and White picnic Gloves,
Black and col'd. Silk do.
White and col'd. Cotton do.
Ladies long waft Leather do. p
Ginghams and Chauibra Muslin,
Cambtick Mullins,
A very elegant aftbrtnoent of rich Fancy
Mullins from 50 cents to 5 dols, pet
A few pieces of tichley ornamented
Rcb;s —very elegant,
Pullkat and Madrafs Handkcichiefs,
New Red Bandannas do.
Linen and Cambiick Pocket do.
Cotton do. do.
Ribbons and Silk do.
Velvet Ril bon and Ferrets,
Silvci Plufs for Bonnets,
Laces and Edgeings,
Bbck, white and col’d Sewing Silk and
Ounce Thread,
Col'd Threads, common and patent,
Adclpha Cotton Thread in paper* and
varnilhed boxes,
A choice Aflbrtmeut of Printed Calicoes
from ify d. to 4/iSd. per yard,
Wh'te Calicoes and Fustians,
| and 6 4 Cotton Check,
d and 1 Bed Tick,
Calimancoes and Durants,
Bombazines and Bombazetts,
Florentines, Crapes and Perlianr,
Silk and Cotton Sofp«nders,
Black and col'd belt London made Hats,
Superfine Cloth and Caffimeres,
Cordcroys, Velveteens and Tbickfctr,
BofF Nankeens,
Flannels and coarse Wool****.
100 Ready made Vests,
A handsome affortraent of Boots and
Ladies embroidered and plain Cotton
Mens do. do. do.
Boys and Mitfes Stockings,
Dimities, Janes and Jcnets,
• Diaper Table Cloths and Toweling,
Diaper Holland Ta?es and Bobbin*,
Blue and white Pavilion Gauze,
A large afibrtmeot of Lcghoin and Split
Straw Bonnets,
Artificial Wreaths, Feathers & Flowers,
Cotton and Silk Trimmings,
Steel Buglet for Bonnets,
Table knives and Forks,
Pen and Pocket Knives,
Razors and Razor Strops,
Tinned Ironaod Fustian Spoons and Di
Gimblets, &c, &c,
July rq. [tf]__
A few Journeymen TATLORS,
WHO can work well at their
trade.—Liberal wages will
be given by
Offober 18. ( l 0
August Term, 1806.
I 1 - "■* s»p“ k >'s o " ,u
Richard Brown, 1
vs, > Petit ien/or Fcreclefurtt
Martin Hays* j
UPON the petition of Richard Brown,
praying the/oreclofure of the equity
of redemption, in all that traft of land,
situate on Sweet- water, in the county of
Columbia, containing two hundred acres,
and known by the name of Embiksold
mill, which said traft of land was mort
gaged by Martin Hays to said Richard
And on*motion of Mr. Carr, attorney
for said Richard Brown,
IT IS ORDERED , Thtttlie principal,
interest and ccft due on the said mortgage,
be paid into court within twelve month*
from this date, and ur.lcfs the fame be to
paid, the equity of redemption will frem
thenceforth be forever toreclufed, —ar.d it
is farther Ordered , That a copy c *
foregoing rule, he publifned iu one ct th®
public Gazettes of this fiate, once a
for twelve or be fetved on the
mortgagor or hit attorney, fix month* pre*
vioefly to the time in which the money t»
duelled to be paid into court.
Taken fiomlhe nnnv.tih
Clerk's CJne. S.ft, i£c6 [*«•-»]