Newspaper Page Text
Teems to me that every rneafurc within th *
peffible reach of the Legiflaiure ought to be
fjwedily taken to alleviate their distresses.
I should not again have intruded this fubjeft
on the Legifhture had the meafurcs adopted
at the iaft annual Scffion relative to this hu
finsfs., produced their deflred effecl. lean,
not but feel pcrfuadeJ that oar fiftcr ftite
North-Carolina, will readily agree to fab!
mit the controversy between the two&ates
refpedting boundary to the arbitriment of
commissioners appointed by each state, who,
if they cannot agree (hall be empnvered to
appoint persons not citizens of eitiior Hate,
coriclufivcly *o decide the dispute.
Agreeably to a concurred and approved
resolution of the General Aflcmbly, of the
17 th of December, 1804, 1 transmitted to
our Senators and Reprefeuta lives in Congress,
a paper which was then in the trcaiury, csl
led, Peitces' final fetrlement, for the pur
pose of endeavoring to have it paifed to the
credit of the date with the United States.
Packet Kj. 3, contains a copy of a letter
from tftf hon. Abraham Baldwin, which will
fully make known the Situation in which that
paper is received by the general government.
Immediately alter the extra Selfion in June
last, I wrote to the Superintendent of Indian
Affairs in the Creek Nation, pointing out
the propriety of having the boundary line
between this ft ate and that nation as agreed
upon by the treaty concluded at the City es
Washington, on the »4' h of November last,
immediately run, and on the 30th of Augult
last, that bufmefs was completed, I gave
directions to 1 lie Surveyor-Geiieral, to ex.
tend the county line of Baldwin and Wilkin,
son, as directed by the ad fojdifpofing of
and diftribudng the land obtained by the
treaty aoovt mentioned,, which has been
done. The several difttids are nearly laid
off, and forne of the fuxvcyors arc now en
gaged in the performing the duties required
of them. Every mcafure in its courfc is
now in train for carrying into cffe£l with as
little delay as pcftible the wiihes and isten
tions of the Legilliture in this regard.
A statement of warrants drawn on the trea
surer dining my administration in the polit
ical year 1806, will be found marked No.
4, by'whicu you will percieve that the Ann
of twenty dollars hive been drawn for on
special appropriation for* the year 1803;
9292 doll*, 50.cen.rf, on fpccial appropria
tion of 1804; 1841 doll*, on fpccial appro
priation of 1805—2?, <$26 dolls. 27 cents,
on fpccial appropriation of 1806, and 5841
dolls. 6i \ cents, on the contingent fund
of 1806, making in the aggregate 39,621
dollars 391 cents.
Edwin Mounger, Ffq. having on the firft
day of this month resigned hie office as trea
furerof the state, and the comptroller general
being at that time abftnt from the feat of
government, I iffacd an executive order, re
questing Daniel Sturges, Horatio Marbury
and James Meriwether; Efqrs-. to count the
money in the treasury, calico the Yazoo
Depoftt, to seal up the bills belonging there
to in as many different bundles as there arc
bills of different amounts, and after having
written their names over the seals of each
bundle, to make a statement in writing to
tntf fhewiiig the number of bills their fcvc
ral amounts, and the total amount of money
in the treasury belonging to that deposit.
Packet No. 5, contains a copy of tljc exe
cutive order and the ftatemeat above allu
ded to, by which it will be feeu that the
amount of that money now in the trcaiury
is the fame as when I came into office.
I gave the appointment of treasurer to
my fecietary, George Roots Clayton L(q.
his long course of public duty, which he
difeharged while in the executive office un
der a ftender salary with talents & great in
tegrity, feemed'to me to claim from the gov-
a reward due his public merit, a
higher appointment than the one he held.
Indeed I should be wanting in judice to ray
own feelings and to the several officers whole
duties have been performed immediately un
der my own eye, were Ito retire from the
government without expressing ray lulled
approbation of their public conduct.
State-Hou/e, Loujgville, Sept. 23, 1806.
Fellow Citizens of the Senate , and of
the House of Representatives.
THE legiflatutc on the 19th of June last,
nvi'h full confidence in the patriotffn and
abilities oApur late governor John MUlcdge,
defied Kim a senator to the coogtefs of the
United States', and on the 2jd ot September
last, li£ declared his acceptance ot that ap
pointment and resigned the government of
the state, whereby the executive duties un
der the 4'h'fcttion of the 2d article of the
constitution devolved on me, which is noti
fied by proclamation marked No. 1.
It will not be expelled when you take
into view the snort period which I have
)been in the executive chair, that many
events of importance have occurred un
der my administration, but fuck as 'have,
it has become my duty to lay before j on.
I have received a letter frpm Col. Return
T. Meigs, fuperintendant ot Indian affairs
in the Cherokee nation, Hating that a num
her of our citizens from the frontier counties
are making fcttlements on the lands belong,
ing to that nation, foulhwcftw»rdlf o» «
purchase made in 1804. to cover Wa&mb
fettlcment, a copy of his letter to the cxe
cutive, as well as a copy of Ins letter to the
secretary ofwaron this fubjeft, you will
find marked No.». . f
The returns from the different counties ot
the names of persons entitled to draws in u
contemplated land lottery, arc generally
made to this office, but 1 2nd .n force of
them that the persons appointed to UK toe
natnes have made a diflinftion between thofc
who pofleffed all the requifitc*,... those who
had but jult arrived at the age of twenty
one years and had not had an opportunity
of paying tax prior to entering their name*
and thnfe who have become citizens of the
United States, finer the paflage of the ad
authorifirg the said lottery.
It will I conceive be r.ecefiaiy for the
legislature to express their opinion with ref
peCl to peifans of those twoiaft deferiptions
lieing entitled to draws in the aforefaid lot
ter}’ I* w iH also be necessary tor you to
fay whether or not the inhabitants of Wal
ton county are entitled to thaws in the said
lottery, as they have made return of their
names to the executive department, and par
ticularly as information has been received,
that a great part of them are not dtizens of
this date, nor never did refidc within her
limits; the documents on this fubjeft you
will find marked No. 3.
1 am informed by the Surveyor General
that the diftrift lines of the lands obtained
from the Creek Indians by the treaty con
cluded at rhe City of Washington, on the
14th of November, 1805, are nearly fini-
Ihed, and it affords me peafurc to have it in
my power to date to you that the surveyors
appointed by the Lcgiflature in June lad,
have all except one, depolited their bonds,
and that mod of them arc now engaged in
and Tom? of them have nearly completed the
duties required of them.
A datement of warrants drawn on the
treasurer between the 23d of September lad
and this day you will find marked No. 4.
That harmony may prevail in, and much
refoif from your present feflion, and that you -
may individually enjoy health while atten
ding to your public duties, is the fincerc
prayer of your feliow-citizcn.
State. Lou'j'vi!lf t Nov. 3, 1806.
AUGUSTA, Nov. 15.
An aggregate amount of the votes, giv-n
on Monday the 6 h of Oftobcr 1806, for
members ofcongreli, in the counties of Han
cock, Burke, JefFerfou, Wilkes, Warren,
Richmond, Effingham, Elbert, Scrivcn,
Clarke, Oglethorpe, Bulloch, Baldwin,
Jackson, Greene, Tattnall, Lincoln, Wil
kinson, Franklin, M’lntolh,, Liberty,
Washington, Columbia and Montgomery—
being these legally returned to the executive
department. The votes from - Chatham,
Camden, Glynn and Bryan, though not
legally returned are given in (he total.
Smelt 9758, Troup 9112. Bihh 827
Cobbs 6985, Clarke 6491, Barnett 3721,
Carr 3187, Simms 3158, Spalding 1669,
Jones 534* Harris 336.
ExlraQ of a letter from, a gentleman at St.
Louis , dated September 28,
<l It is with pleafurc that I have it in my
power to inform you of the arrival of corn’s
Lewis and Clark, on the 23th ind. with
the men all in good health—they set out
from hence with 32 men and returned with
one iefs, who died cf a cholic. In afeend
iug, they travelled 4132 miles ; on tkeir
return they feperated at times, 600 miles
afonder, a:;d capt. Lewis haring struck the
neared course, made it on returning, 355;
milts. They navigated the Miflouri
miles, and to within 28 miles of itsfource—
the ditfance is counted from this town, from
whence ihe falls of the Miffuuri are uidant,
2575; miles.
Jt was somewhat novel and pleasing to
hive seen their landing, all in the antique
dress; short shirts, pantaloons and mocka
fons of bucklkin, and their regimental hats,
which once were biack, are grown grey
with time and weather.
These travellers have undergone extraor
dinary fatigue and trouble, living on roots
and berries, eating the flefh of 10 horses and
200 dogs. On J'hurfday last the citizens
of this place gave the worthy travellers a
superb dinner, and dosed the evening with
a splendid ball. Capt. Lewis has brought
with him an Indian Chief, from onfc of the
mod remote tribes, he dined with us, and
was invited to the ball; this to him was a
strange fight ; he requeued the favor of one
of the gentlemen to let him have the fqutrw
he was dancing with, faying it ever he
came to his country, he would give him one
of his squaws in return —he would frequent
ly exclaim that on his return home it would
take him five months to relate to his coun
trymen what he had seen that day I and
what time mud it take him to relate all
that he will fle, if he makes the grand
to«r of the United States ! He is float, ve
ry white, behaves himfelf with decorum,
and drinks no spirits. They have brought
with (hem a great many skins, such as the
mountain fhcep, black, grey and red bcar
fkins, with a variety of others, among which
is the Sea-otter, it is large and the mod
beautiful I ever saw.— They bring whale
bone, and difeovered by signs that ships had
been on (he coafl. On rhe dividing ridge
which they crofted lad June, the.(now lay
10 feet deep.” *
Col. John Milledge is elefted Senator to
Conffrefs, to serve fix years from the 4th
oi March nexf.
. The Philadelphia Gazette of the 2 ift ulf.
(fates that « General Moreau, is expected
at New-York in a few days. He has taken
a houfc in Broadway, and intends to make
that city his future residence.
Gabriel Christie, Esq. of Ham-de-
Grace, is appointed Collector of the Port of
Baltimore, vice Robert Pur vivace, efq. dc
ccalcd — Tints, ,
A letter from Philadelphia states, that
Dr. Michael Lcib, and Thomas M'Kcan,
jun. werearrcftcd on the atft alt, informa
tion having been lodged with a magistrate,
that they had agreed to exchange shots.
MARRIED, On the jth inst. by the
Rev. Mr. Cunningham, Da. Ntctiitf as
Childers of Powelton, to the Amu 4 e
Miss Sally Evans Lucas; daughter of
Col. James Lucas of Hancock county.
DIED, on Monday morning last, Mas.
Mary M'lntosh, wife of Mr. JohnM‘-
Intolh, of this place, in the 26th year of
her age.
Cotton this week from iB| to 19 cents.
Just Publiilied,
And for fale t at the Chronicle Office ,
The Georgia and South-Carolina
CONTAINING theCAndtr—Sun’s ri
ling and letting —the Moon’s riling arid kt
tint>— Eclipses, Lunatibns &c.-. A ueW chro
nological Table of remarkable cVems and in
ventions, beginning fronHbe crVatitm, and
brought down to the year 308, after Christ
Crowned heads pf Euiof)e r r-M»ti.htmnti« al
queftioni, besides the Gatdpcr's Calendar,
and a variety of other ufclul and entertain
ing matter.
November I 1806,
Benjamin Hall & Co.
RESPECTFULLY inform their friends
and the public that they have just re
ceived at their store one door below Mr.
George Randolph’s Printing Office, the
following Articlcr, which they will fell low
for cash or country Produce, by wholc
fale and retail.
Back Strap and Common Fair
Top Boot*. ,
Suwarrow and three qmrter do,
NLnt Codflb and fine ftroci aflbrted,
Bv,s do, du. do.
h ; l ! e« it id, Morocco & leather Slippcrc,
Miffcs iVi roccu and leather tin,
Clviidien’s Leather S: Morocco Bulkins,
VV. x’d Calfßkiqs, Fair Top do.
Seal Ikins, Calf Ikini, & Cordevan Boot
Mens and Women* Saddles.
Plated dr common Bridle* & Marring* l»,
Horfe-whip* and Whip Thongs,
Saddle Baggs,
Men* Caftcr and Rorum Harts,
Ladies and Boy* do.
Shoe Blacking & Shoe fireflies,
Together with a few rheam* of writing
November 15. (ts)
By hie Excellency JARED 1R IVIN, Qov
ertior and Commander in Chief of the Ar
my and Navy of this State, and of the
Militia thereof.
A Proclamation.
WHEREAS in and by an aft passed the
nth of February, 1799, entitled
“an aft to regulate the general elections in
this ftatc, Sc to appoint the time of the meet
ing of the General Aftcrnbly,” it is among
other thing * declared, “ that all writs of e
lections to fill vacancies that ~rnay happen,
for members of the Genual Aftcmbly of this
ftatc, or Houfc of Representatives of the U
nited States, (hall be direfted to the Jufticcs
of the Inferior Courts of the rdpcdlive coun
ties, who arc required to give pubic t orice
thereof, and cause the fame to be held in
manner and form as herein before pointed
out, agreeably to foch writ.”
And whereas, a vacancy hath happen
ed in the House of R.-prefentativcs of the U
nited States, by reafoa of the resignation of
Thomas Spalding, who was elefted to
serve as a member therein, for jlhis date,
until the fourth day of March nexfj I have
thcrsforc thought proper to iffhe this my
proclamation, hereby notifying, tlireftirg.
Sc ordering the Justices of the Inferior courts
of the refpeftivc Counties in this state, to
confider the fame as a general writ of election,
for filling the afbrcfaid vacancy ; And Ido
hereby charge and require the Julrices to give
due notice, that an election will be held in
thi refpeftivc counties, on Monday the fitft
day of Drcembcr next. And 1 do hereby
further require, that such returns of said e
leftion as the aforefaid aft point# out, be
made to the Executive Department within
the lime therein preferihed.
GIVEN under my hand and the Great
Seal of the State, al the Safe.Houfe
in Louifvllr , this day oj A ''tv,
in the year of our Lo'd, eighteen
hundred and fix, and of the Indefen
dence of the Untied States oj Ameri
ca the thirty firji.
By the Governor.
Hor .* Marbury,
Secretary of the State ,
4 *
The Subscribers,
Havi ngtntered into Copartnerjhip
under the Firm of
Lafitte 8c Wm. Brux,
Offer for SaU at their Store near the Market,
A Frdh and general adornment of
Dry Goods and Groceries,
Ground Salt,
Jamaica and Northward Rum,
Cogniac and Peach Brand/,
Rcai Holland Gin,
Mobile! in Tietyies and Hhds.
Mufcovado and second Quality Sugar in
HhJi. and Barrel*,
White Havana!) and Loaf do.
Muscatel Raiiim, Almonds,
Piunes and Current!,
Chccfe, Sweet Oranges, &c. drc.
Just opened a chest offtefh Hyfon Tea,
Invernrfa Cotton Bagging, Sec, See .
November [•']
Boots & Shoes,
To be had wholcfale & retail on mod
erate terms at Mr. Jcdc Stewart’s
Leather & Grocery Store,
Nearly oppolite the late Col. Wal
kin'* Building), and two doors above Mr*
1 Eordell’i Core.
November i (ts)
For Sale,
A Nt-GRO BOY suitable
for the Field—-Enquire at this
November if, {jt]
The members of the Auguda
Jockey Club are rcqneftcd to meet at Al
ton's Tavern this evening at 7 o’clock
N B. The officers for the ensuing yeat
are to be chosen, \
G. S. HOUSTON, Sec’iy,
November 1 f
The public are Cautioned a
gainfi trading for a Due Bill (amount 109
dollar* 68 cent!,) as the Tame hat been paid
oiFbyrhe fnbfcribcr, the sud Due bill has
been given to Thomas Mackey, living on
Stephsn’s Creek, Edgefield Difldft South-
November 1 +
On the tot A of December next, in Columbia
Will be Sold.
J The real and Perfonnl ejlate of the late Rev,
David Tirfly ; viz :
A Trafl of Land,
With a comfortable Dwelling
House; and convenient out houfei, with a
good Peach Orchard.
The dock, confiding of Horfcs,
Hog*, (keep and Cattle—Also, A set of
Blacksmith’s tools.—Terms of sale made
known on the day.
S. M. SMYTH. j a *
November if, _ (3 1)
Factorage and Com
mifllon Bufmefs.
THE Subfcribcrs having entered into
Partneiftyp, under the firm of
In the above line of bufinefc in
his city, inform their fronds and the pub
tic in general, that they (hall continue to
occupy the fame Stores, at heretofore occu
lted by Thomas Barrett, where they are
crefling, in addition, ala'rge
Cotton Ware-tHoufe.
Which will afford them room to Core
fooo Bairs of Cotton at one time, secure
from the Weather.
Aup.vft 30.
The Subscribers,
HAVING entered into cc-pattncr(hip
under the firm of, ,
Lafitte & Brux,
Off-r for faV. at their Core near the mar
ket, a frc(h and general at
Dry Goods & ,
Which they will dispose of by
wh lefale and retail, very low lot Cash or
Nivenher g. ,' (jt)