Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, November 15, 1806, Image 4

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Lewis M‘Coy,
MOST rcfpcafnlly informs the public,
that hr has leafed fora term of yean
hat long eftablilhed Tavern, north fide of
Broad StreetAuguttt. Georgia.—
Where H* Bar i* wellfupplied with wines*
HANDY) |UM| C.JN, PO»Tia, &C, &C-
His Larder wit’r the bed proVifions the roar
k?i ; Birds. His Stable, which is large,
ai y and commodious, it weU Bored with
Com Fodder and every reccflary forthofc
h.-ifs, which may b ■ pul under his care,
attended by a Tuber, careful and attentive
OB ler.
From, his unremitting attention
tobufmefi, with thecnnjiorii&fatirladfion ot
Vi* guests, A aided by Ms family, he hopes
to obtain Ihsre of the public patronage;
which it (had rvrr hr hj« defirc to merit.
A number of gentlemen can be
> accommodated with board by the week,
mon'h, or year, on the ufua ? tern s.
November 8. (If)
Will be sold ,
On the 18 th day of December vext, the Per-
J anal property of the estate of Jo/eph Sail/-
bury dec.
CONSISTING of Hforfes, Catt’e, hogs,
Honfchold and Kitchen furniture, —
Conditions of fa!e; nine months credit with
final I notes and approved freehold 0 entity.
All persons having demands a
g.iinft the said clfa'c »re to ramltr
thrm in, dmy attfcftod within the lime pre
ferred by 1»w.
Thofc indebted to the estate are
rcqnetted to make immediate payment, or
f«it will c m n* nee.— No probity will be
delivered until the terms of sale aia com
idyed with.
November g. (*t)
On the iB«A dny of December next, the whole
of the ejlate of Wm. Su'Jbury dec.
C CONDITIONS of sale j three months
j credit will ftnall notci and approved
freehold fecqrity.
All persons having just & law
ful demands againfl laid oitatt* not bar’d b/
the ftatntc of limitation, arc requetted to
render ihcm in duly aiteftcd within the time
prefetibed by Jaw.
Those indebted to the estate are
requested to make immediate payment or
snit will be immediately commenced against
hlnvtniber 8. (at) (
Will Be Let,
At Lexington Oglethorpe county ,
THE buildidgol the county AcademD
30 feet by 45, two story high, the
foundation to be ot rock, three feet high
and thick, and the remainder of the walls
to be of brick, a plan of which may fcc
fccri at Dr. George Phillips’ in said Town
fr pa rate proposals, in writing, will be re
ceived for the Bone work, on or before the
xft Monday in December next, and fepa
ratc or cullcftl'se propcf.ih for the brick,
and wooden work, will be received on or
before the ift Monday in January next. —
GJafs, Nails, Hinges, Locks and Lime
will be furfiifhcd by the Comroifli rners,—
The whole to be completed on or before the
id day of December 1807, for the faithful
performance of which, bond and approved
fecurify will be requited.
Will be rented at the fame time and place
for on? year, the heufe and lot formerly
occupied by Francis Mcfon deccafcd, to
gether with an excellent Garden, and seve
ral town lots, and a confiderabJc quantity
of cleared land, all in a good Bate of repair.
Conditions—twelve mouths cicdit, with
bond and approved fcciuity,
Onober 7;. [6* ]
At Lexington on the \fl Monday in Decemvir
nex l , to the highefl bidder
Will be Sold,
THE houfchold and kitchen furuitu-c
of th; late F.ancis Mcfon deceased,
together with a number of other asticles too
tedious to mention.
Conditi ms twelve month* credit upon
all fumi above five dollar*, with bond and
approved fecuri y, and on all fnms under
that, —caih. *
Oftober 2 4. [6»]
20 Dollars Reward,
RAN- AW A Y from the owner in Savan
nah, fume months ago a French
negro girl, named HIACINTHE, but
who now goes by the name of Suckey, (he
want off in one of the boats for Auguda—
fheisof a middle stature, Hinder made,
high check honea, ftnall breads, and fpcaks
tolerable good englilh—whoever delivers
said girl, to Doftor Poisson in Aogufta, (hall
leceive the above reward.
November 8. (|f(
WISHING to fettle all just demands
again ft him, will dispose of bia
poiTcfliona on Little Spirit creek, consisting
of a Saw-mill in complete repair (with one
s aw) a good two ftorjr dwelling luofc,
kitchen and smoke house, with all other
necessary otit buildings for fawycrs Sic, and
400 acres as good pine land as any in the
c junty of Richmond; acres of which
arc cleared, and under good fence —his
outstanding papers will be taken in pay
ment, and the terms made cafy-
Septembet 6. [tl]
Valuable Plantation.
CONSISTING of *627 acres on Savan
nah River in Burke County, and 767
on the opposite fide in South-Carolina —
The value of the Pine Lsnds, on this fide,
and ihe rich low Grounds on the other fide
of the river, renders the whole a
Valuable TJlafe.
The advantages, of an elevated
fitaatbn, the of a Perry con
stantly, and with the command of Lands of
every, quality, upon a navigable river, are
so well known as to need no other descrip
tion.--Terms of payment, and the price,
will be eafyj for particulars, apply in Au
gnfta to Thoms* Flcurnoycfq ; of Seaborn
Jones efq. atlys-fsat ia Sctiven county,
and in Savannah to
July it. (ts)
On (he Jivfl Tuefday in December next , a L
Columbia, court house , between the ufua
250 Acres of land in Columbia
county, on the waters of Little river, join
ing Gr ay and Paine, taken by virtue of four
executions, vii, one in favor of the ex'or
S, Paine, and one in favor of the adm'r S.
Paine, and one in favor of MTntofh, and
one in favor of John Gibson, vs. Thomas
Hogan—Also, one negro fellow by the
name of TOM, executed as the property of
said Hogan, to fatiifv the above executions.
too acres of land in Columbia
county, taken as the property of Floyd
Jarvis, adjoining Warren and Darby, and
wherton Floyd Jarvis now lives, to fatisfy
two executions, vix. Thomas Ghfscock
and Andetfon Watkins, judgmert obtained
against said Jarvis,
56 acres of land in Columbia
county, be the fame more or less, joining
Jam* and Fofler, executed as the property
of Abel Griffrn, to fatiify an execution in
favor of the cx’is of Henry Evans deceased,
against said Griffen, and pointed cut by
John Foflcr.
500 acres of land in Liberty
county, lying, parr in St. John’s and St.
Andrew's Parishes at the time of survey, to
fatisfy two execution*, Glafscock for Bar.
nett and adm’rs C, Dyfcrt judgment ob
tained against Henry Hampton—this land
w*s fold the firft Tuefday in Oftober, but
the file has not been complied with.
' Coalitions, Ofh.
Wm. FLEMING, Sh’ffc. c-
November 1. [jt]
On the fit ft Wttefdav in December next , at
the Market h&ufe in the city of Augufla, at
the usual hour*,
mil BE SOLD ,
One negro fellow by the name
of P.dydnrc, levied on as the propeity of
Cheflcy Bofiick jun’r* and pointed out by
the defendant, to fatisfy one execution in
favor cf the a'lm’is of Wm Pee.
lux, HARRIS, n. s. x. c.
November r. st.
On the frit 'Tuefday in December next , at
Columbia court house, the following pro
Will be Sold,
Threo negroes, viz. Prifs Sook
and her H,:ld D-alry, levied on as the pro
perty cf John I*eek jun. to fatisfy an exe
cution in favor of F. J. (3 B. M‘Kinnee*
and pointed oat by the defendant.--Con
ditions, Ca(h-
JAMES LUKE, d. s. c. c.
November 1. [3/J
Collector’s Sale.
On Saturday tip ttd of November, at Colum
a hi* Court House.
One Negro girl by the name of
Nelley, levied on as the property of Mary
Stone, for tax doe for 180 c, id. or cents.
JAMES LUKE, t. c. c. c.
November 1/ )jtj
Call’s Ware-House.
THESE very extensive buildings (part of
which h'.ve for some time been occu
pied by Mr, Joshua De Butts.) The j
fuhfcribers have lately purchased, and put in
excellent order for the reception of such M e a
chandize and Produce as may be addref.
fed to their care. THE WARE-HOUSE
measuring in length, nine hundred and thir
foor, and in width fifty feet, together with
that already in the iroccupancy, will afford, at
least, twice as much room as any in this City
or State ; and the undersigned trust the con
stant attention which will be paid to the re
ception Sc delivery of articles depofitcd, will
nfurefrom the merchants of Angufta and the
country, a liberal part of their business—they
will at all times have a fufficiency of hands
to unload waggons and give the earliest dis
patch in weighing cotton and forwarding a
ny other business they may have to do—To
Planters they beg leave to give information,
that a fujficient part of this WARE-HOUSE
is refervedfor a TOBACCO INSPECTION
as heretofore, where, by the attention of men
of refpeftability as infpcftors, it is hoped fat
isfatf ion will he given.—From this date the
WARE-HOUSE will he in pcflcflion of the
fubfcrihers, who will give nrompt dtfpatch
to any orders addressed to Mr. De Butts.
M'KINNE fcf Co.
OSioher 4,. (Btj
On theJirJl Tutfday in December next, be
tween the usual hours , at ih: Market house
in the town of Louisville.
Will be Sold,
1150 acres of land in Jackson
I county, on the waters of Duvd creek ad
joining Horatio Marbury and James
Jones. ALSO
1250 acres of land in Jcfterfon
county, on the waters of Ogechee, granted
to Robert Forfyth, and John Meals, ad.
joinii.g said Forfyth, and on all other sides
vacant at the time of survey.
One half moiety of 265 acres of
land in Jackson county, on the waters of
silver creek, adjoining Martin’s and Ha
gen's land.
One half moiety of 230 acres of
land in Franklin county, on the waters of
the Oconee River, bounded on all sides by
vacant lands, at the time of survey,
287-- acres of land in Franklin
county, on the Oconee River, bound on
! N. E. by said River, and on all other sides
vacant lands, levied on as the property of
John Cobbs to fatisfy Thomas P. Johnson
and Stephen Hollingfwortb, pointed out
by the defendant.
230 acres of land in Franklin
county, on the Oconee River, bounded N.
E, by the said River, and on all other
sides vacant land, levied on as the property
of John Cobbs to fatisfy Thomas P, John
son and Stephen Hollicgfworth, pointed
out by the defendant.
ALSO, '■>
One half moiety of 1000 acres
of land in Clake ccunty, on dual creek,
three miles from Athens, gjanted to Charles
Finch, vacaht on all sides at the time of
survey, and now adjoining Spatk* & Hail*.
250 acres, granted to John Go
ram in Clarke county on Seder cicrk, ad
joining Walker, Richeifon and fard Gotam,
about two miles below Athens; the above
levied on as the property of John Raimey,
to iatiity Isaac Teasdale, and pointed out
by J. Raimey.
202 1-2 acres land in the 2d
diftrift Wilkinson, known in the plan, by
lot No. 21», and granted to Daniel M‘-
Dupall, on the waters of Dry creek.
202 1-2 acres land in the 2d
diftriil Wilkinson, known in the plan by
lot No. 216, and granted to Hugh McDon
ald, *
287 1-2 acres of land in Frank
lin county, onTouefa creek, including the
town, granted to Then as Payne j vacant
on all sides at the time of fuivcy.
250 acres of land including an
Iflano on Savannah river in Elbeit county,
adjoining James Freeman's land, and on all
other Tides by vacant land st the time of
survey, and granted to James Little.
200 acres of land in Wilkes
county at the time of survey, granted to
Wm. Wilmouth, lying on Seder creek, and |
vacant on all sides at the time of survey.
ICO acres of land in Elbert
county, granted to Jefle Rowell, adjoining
Jane Carfora and Jcfuh Dobbs, the above
trails levied on as the property of James
Blair and Hugh M Donald, to fatisfy
Thorofon and Pi ice. '>■
Geo. W* MCORE, d, m. d g.
Oflobcr 25, [6]
Lhe Suhfcriber has For Sale 16
African Negroes,
They have been one year in the
country, and worked to advantage —the a
bove Negroes are a well chosen set, and will
be fold low for cask or produce.
September z«. [if)
By bis Honor JARED IRWIN, Present
es the Senate, and Commander in Chief
of the Army and Navy of this State,
and of the Militia thereof*
A Proclamation.
Hating arranged and cast up the vote*
of such counties as have made return of the
elections held on Monday the 6th of O&o.
her instant, for four mefnbcrs to represent
this State, in the House of Rcptefentativei
of the United Statei, agreeably to an afl of
the General Assembly, passed the tfithday
of June, 1802. And it appearing that
Dennis Smelt, George M. Troup, William
W. Bibb and Howell Cobbs, El quirts,
have the highest number of votes :—I have
thought fit to iffuc this my proclamation,
notifying the fame, in order that the said
Dennis Smelt, George M. Troup, William
W. Bibb and Howell Cobbs, may fignify
the acceptance or refufal of their appoint
ments, and adduce such proofs of their being
eligible therefor, as arc by law required.
GIVEN under my hand , and the Great
Seal of the State , at the Sate.houfe
in Louisville, this twenty.ninth
day of October, in the year of , Hr
Lord, one thovfand eight hundred
and fix , and of the Independence of
the United States of America, the
thirty sirs.
ty the V rest dent and Commander in Chits.
HoA : Maibury, Secretary of the State ,
Odober Term 1806.
In the Superior Court of Richmond County»
Prcfcnt the honorable Benj, Shrine Judge.
William Kennedy, Andetfon Watkins,
John Fox, James M<Matnnis, John How
ard, Samuel Fee, Annanias Cooper, John
Muitay, Claudius Msgnan, Samuel Way.
The foregoing persons duly returned to
serve at this term, as grand jurors, failed to
answer, or attend, baing caJcd---wherefore
it is ordered by the comt, that each of the
faich defaulters pay into the clerk’s office,
a fine of twenty ytvE dollars, unlcfs
they file in the clerk's, office, a fufficient
excuse on affidavit within thirty day*, in
terms of the statute--and that this order
certified by the clerk, be printed in one of
the Gasettes. *
Taken from the Minutes .
• MATTHEW FOX, x>. c.
ORober 27* (31)
O&ober Term 1806.
In the Superior Court of Richmond County
P/efent the honorable Benj, Skrine Judge*
ORDERED, That John Fox, Ferdi
nand Phini*y, James M'Manni*, David Ut
quhart, John Howard & Anraniaa Cooper
bs allowed thirty days from this date, to
file in the clerk's office, on affidavit, their
cxcufcs for default of appearance as grand
jurors, at this terra-.-and that thii order be
Reuben Elkins, Thomas Dalton, Hen
ry Evans, Samuel M‘Mannis, Daniel Ulher,
William Shaw, Mofcs Oiotn, Lewis Baric,
James Walker, Lewis Cantelou, Thorns®
Ordered, Thit the aforementioned per
sons fined two dollars each for default as
petit jurors, the firft day of the term—b?
allowed thirty days to file their exenfes h
the clerk’s office—and that thit order bo
Taken from the Minutes-
ORober 27. [3<J
I SHALL attend at the times and places
herein after mentioned, for the purpose
of collcAing (he tax of Richmond county,
for the year 1806.
For diftrift No. 5. at Mr, James Col
lins’s on Monday the fir& day of December.
On Tuefday the 2nd day of IBeccmbcr, it
James Fulchers efq. for diftrift No 2.
On Wednesday the 3d of Dumber, for
diftriA No. 6$ at Captain Wm, M‘Tyrc’i,
On Thursday the of December, at
' the ftoie of Capt. Samuel Fee, for diftriA
No. 4.
On Friday the rth of Djcember, at l!v?
City-Ho/d, for diflrift No. 1.
On Sa'mdiy the 6th of December, at the
houfeot Mrs. M Nealy’s, for diftrift No. 5*
H. M‘TYRK, ,t. c. »■ c.
November 8. . (p)
Ten Dollars Reward.
P RAN-AWAY on rbe 20 ft
jggT/ ot July last, from a pbnn-
Pg tioa near A'nsofrt, a n’g r 0
fellow named J ACK. about
twenty.five yenrs of
five feel lix or seven inche®
high, ftaut made, rather of a ycTo* com
plexion, freaks vtderahle plain Eng : » JS
well] as is ; he has his country
marks, one on each temple, in the ffiape ot
a half Mocn, he h*d on a gray bioadcloa 0
coat, when he went away ; no other
lars rccolhaed—the above reward will •«
paid on his being delivered to me-or fecu«ea
in Jail, so that I m*v
CStober 4, [ ■»