Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, November 22, 1806, Image 1

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V&l. XXL] FREEDOM of the PRESS and TRIAL by JURY shall remain inviolate. [No. 105?
A U G US TA: (Georgia) Printed by D. DRISCOL, near the market. SATURDAY , November 22 1806. [3 Dolls, per Ann,
- ■■—in’ l .1.. ■ ■ ~ - . ... — —— ~' - - ' --- --- - - -
■ - -
J. & R. Blackburn,
iiifbi&fuUy inform their friends and the pub.
lie, that th ey have taken a Store four doors
below Judge Will fords Broad Street:
The Following Goods,
—viz '
BACK.STRAP, Suwarrow,
Fair and Falfetop and > BOOTS.
Plain j
Fine Shoe* fiift and fscond quality,
Co?rfo ditto.
black Morocco and leather spring
A large and general gflbrtmcnt of Children’s
Morocco and leather Shoctcca and Slip
A large sfibrtment of LEATHER, con
fiding ot Bootlegs, Calf, Kid, Seal and
Morocco Skins,
With a general and very elegant assortment
of Litlie# plain and embroidered Englilh
«rni American Kid, and Taraborcd fox
Plain end printed Calicoes,
Fancy Marfcillea,
Plain cambrick Mi<flint.
Cotton Girdles for the waist,
Black and white fllk do.
Silk Corel* and Taficis for caps,
Ditto for gown flseves,
Silk Frogs for gown backs,
White and black open Lace,
Belting, while flik Brads,
Cotton do.
Large Ball Trimming,
Black Cotton Cord,
Brown and bine fllk do.
Pafi*Trimming, Silver Thread.
White ani black rich lace Vrils,
Black Jacc Cloaks, white Cotton neck
Bali cotton for fswing,
Cambny Muslin,
6 4 Figured do.
6 4 Lencau do.
Gtraw Sarfenet,
Leaeau Vales, Shoe Bows,
Shincal do.
Large Camels hair Shawls,^
Straw Bonnets, Leghorn ditto,
Patent Sufpcnden,
Plaip and figured rich loft Crapes,
Mens & Womens plain laced Cotton Hofc,
Mens coarse and fine vrorftid do.
Coat and Vest Buttons,
Ladies and Miff?* beaver habit Gloves,
Mens blue, brown and mixed Cloath, and
Prize Wrappers,
Ditto Lion Skin,
London Bottled Porter, Sc Bottled Cider.
A small Consignment of Cordials,
Confiding of Shrub, Cinnamon, and
All of which they are determined to fell
cn the lowcft terms for cash ox coun
OSober a;.
For Sale,
On very low Terms.
6 Hhds. best green coffee,
7j Barrels Mufcavado Sugar,
2 Hhdt. do. do.
3 Che ft 3 frefti Hyfon Tea,
2 B. xcs No. 8 Cotton Cards,
1 do. No. 10 do. do.
2 Bagg: Pepper,
2000 Wt. green Coprals,
10 Barrels Northward Rum,
2 Hhds. do. do.
» BW*. Jamaica do.
2 do. w: I. do.
2 Hhds. Mclaffc:,
1 i Tcn,B. Steel,
J. German do.
20 pieces Cotton Bagging,
2 Crates Crockery Ware,
36 pieces low price brown Ho.iancts,
1 Case low price knaped Hats,
2 4 pieces leng Lawns,
I Trank low price Calhcocs,
JSlS.uSrtnSftM ..whole Wo or
,c “ i! ’ fot Harrisons'Hamilton
P„ Ccmmiffion, 1500 »u(hel. g'™” d
®’Aoi?o«f, Aogni) .»■ < tr|
-j^TSLUpenons indebted'
ho K hr. X* *
Co. oi totheeftateot 'f n oQCC more
ceafcd, by bond or a- » j em e n t; no
called on for immediate
further indulgence b - 8 mCntione d
indebted to either of the abo ftcd t 0
firm* oa open account, • fay
liquidate the fame P h that date,
.of September next.-A* 1 dclifl
fuita will b* commenced,.^
qu;nts without difcntntnation.
July 13.
Samuel Hill,
Is now opening , and has FOR SALE ', in
Broad-Street, next door below Captain
Kennedy , mbit Brick Buildings,
Q 15 Hhd*. Brown and 3cf loaf and lamp
- u^r,
6 Hhd*. Jamaica & 6 Ncw-Yorh Rum,
5 Pipei Cogniac Brandy, and t Holland
; Gineva.
£ Quarter cslks Sherry and 5 Teftneriffc
4 Chcfts b:ft Hyfon Tea, and 12 Bag*
of Coffee.
300 Bar* Waggon Tyre, and axe bar iron
30 f;tt* Wagglt.n Bose*.
120 Plough’jnould*, German and Bliflcr
30 Jugg* Oil, and 20 Keg* Lead.
Shoes and Halt* of Ladies, Gentlemen
and Youth’* jflbrtcd.
Irilli and German Linen* aflforted.
Straw, Leghorn, Chip and Willow Bon
net, and Gipfcy Hatts,
Patent worited Cord», Cloth*, and Toil
Coloured Csnpbrick Cord, and I ace do.
Pocket Sc MajSrafs hhkt. Fancy Mi'flin,
Lace Bottomed DrclTe* Sc Bordered hhk.
Writing, Wrapping and Printing Paper.
20 Saddle* an 4 Bridles,
10 Piece* Table Oil cloath,
10 Liquor cain*,
3 Barrel* coprafs,
2 Bore* cotton card?, No. 8 and 10,
20 Piece* cotton bagging,
100 Piece* calic e*,
j Cilki Hibard’i Brown Stout,
8 Liquor cafe*.
With an aflbrtment of School
BOOKS, Sc playing cards, Blank Books
& Ledgers with Double & Single entries.
O&ober 25 (ts)
Augullus Moore,
Winter Goods;
Confiding of fnch articles nsare generally ad
vertifedby Merchants in the
Dry Goods and Grocery
And are moll wanted by Town & Country :
Which are offered at a very mo
delate Profit, and the molt liberal prices al
lowed for Produce.
November 8. (3 f )
The Subscribers,
Have Just Received
From Liverpool,
By the Mississippi to Savannah, and
Rolla, Via Chirlcfton, a neat and gene
ral aflbrtment of
which, with a confiant fupp’y of
they will fell at the molt redufed prices
forCASH ®r Produce.
Wm. BONES, Sc co,
AuF,uft a t November 8. [3 f ]
Benjamin Hall & Co.
RESPECTFULLY Inform their friends
and the public that they have just re
ceived at their store one door below Mr.
George Randolph’s Printing Office, the
following Article*, which they will fell low
for cash or country Produce, by whole
fa lc and retail.
Back Strap and Common Fair
Top Boot*.
Sawarrow and three quarter do.
Mcn*Coarfe and fine (hoc* aflbrtcd,
Bov* <*o. do. do.
Ladic* Kid, Morocco Sc leather Suppers,
Misses Morocco and leather do.
Children’* Leather Sc Morocco Bulkins,
Wax’d CalfSkinf, Fair Top do.
Seal {kins, Calf Ikins, & Cordcvan Boot
Men* and Women* Saddle*.
Plated Sc common Bridle* Sc Martinga t,
Hcrfe-whip* and Whip Thong*,
Saddle Baggs,
Men* Caller and Rorum Halt*,
Ladic* and Boy* do.
i Shoe Blacking & Shoe Brnfh**.
Together with a fevr rhcani* of writing
Paper. , fJ
Novimbcr 15. ‘
Just Published,
And for fate\ at the Chronicle Office,
The Georgia and boutb-Cufolina
CONTAINING the Calendar—Sun’s ri
ft g ami letting——the Muon's riling and fet
ing- Eclipfts, Lunations A’C.— Ancw cliro.
> 1 g'cal Table of rcmaikablc events mid in
’ ,U!>ns, beginning from the creation, and
r night down to the year 308, after Chriil—
, beads of Euiope—Mathematical
4,i ‘Hons, betides the Gardner's Calendar,
1 a variety «f other ofelul and entertain,
n • matter.
November jJ, 1 So 6»
The Subscribers,
j Having entered into Copart nerjhip
under the Firm of
Lafittc 8c Wm. Brux,
Offer for Sale at their Store near the Market ,
AFrcihand general aflbrtmentor
j Dry Goods and Groceries ,
Ground Salt,
Jamaica and Northward Rum,
Cogniac :nd Peach Brandy,
Real Holland Gin,
Molasses in Tierces and Hhdh,
Mafcovadd end fecor.d Quality Sugar la
Hhds, and Barrels,
’Vhit* Havanub and Loaf do.
M Tea tel Ratlins, Almonds,
Prunes and Currents,
Cbcefc, .Sweet Oranges, Sl2- &c.
Just opened a chcff offrefh Hyfon Tea,
Inverness Cotton Bagging, &c,
November 15 [tf]
Boots & Shoes,
To be had wholesale &: retail on mod
erate terms at Mr. JcfTc Stewart’s
Leather & Grocery Store ,
Nearly oppolitc the late Col . Wal
kin'* Buildings, and two doors above Mr.
Purdcli’s ftorc.
November 15. (if)
HAVING fold my house and lot in this
city, I have removed to the fecor.d
houfc hclowLcv/i* Cantclcu, feuth fide of
Broad-ftrect, with my
Stock in Trade,
Where I intend to continue bulirefj for
he p refer t fafen oily; & as my objeft is
finally to clofc and fell the rciidae of my
ft jck, Good Bargains may f.c exprfled. I
hope this notice will serve to remind all
thofc indebted to me by cither notes or ac
counts, of the recdlity of immediate pay.
ment; if not, I ftiall place them in the hands
of an attorney for collcftion.
OSober 1 J?, [if)
S. M. Smyth.
second house below L.
Has a Complete Ajjortment of
Among which arc
50 ps. prime Cotton Bagging,
6 Boxes Cotton Cards, No. to,
6 do. Hats,
2 Cases S-iddelrv,
24. Puncheons Hum,
Loaf and Brown Sugar,
Freft H Ton Tea.
* 2000. Bn (he Is Ground Ailurn SALT.
All of which will be h*ld, low, for
Cash or Produce,
November 1. [tfj
Os the very belt kind, to be had
I on low terms (by wholesale and re
ad) at the Chronicle Office.
\ August Term, 1806
I c™J,?cL,v. } ln ,he Sa i* ,!o ' Cou "-
Richard Brown, 7
vs* > PetiUenfar F»r(difurt%
.Martin Hay*. j
UPON the petition of Richard Brown*
praying the forcclofure of the equity
of redemption, in alt that trad of land*
situate on Sweet, water, in the county of
Colombia, containing two hundred acre*,
and known by the name of Einbnoi old
mill, which said trad of land «a* mort
gaged by Martin Hay* to said Richard
[ nr.-v.n,
A>;d or. motion of Mr. Carr, attorney
for said Richard Brown,
IT IS OR DE KKD, That the principal
inicreft and ctft due on the said mortgage,
be paid into court within twelve montha
liom th’a date, ar.J unlef* the fame be so
jail, tie equity of redemption will from
thenceforth be forever forectufed.—and it
i* further Ordered) That a copy cf the
foregoing rule, be publilhed inoncoftho
public Cassette* of this date, once a month
for twelve month*, or be served on the
mortgagor or hi* attorney, fix month* pre
viously. to the time in which the money ia
direded tj be paid into court.
Taken fromthe minutes*
Clerk’s Ofi'.e,S(pt. 1806 [wn»J,
NINE month* from the date hercofap.
plication will be made to the honor*
rblc the Inferior Court for the county of
Columbia, for leave to fell two trad* of land
in said comity. The fame being part of
the real ellate of John Sargent dec, for
the benefit of the hears and creditor*.
May 1 4. lamgm.
NINE months from tire date hereof, ap
plication will be made to the honora
ble, the Inferior court of Columbia county*
for an order to fell the following two trails
of land in said county, belonging to the
cfb.te of Samuel Hart dcceafed,
250 acres of Oak and Hickory
land on Hart*’ creek, adjoining Benjamin
Hardin and others.
250 acres of Oak and Hickory
land adjoining Joel Cloud and other*.
ESTER GREEN, 5 * dm rs '
Abril 5. lamgm.
The Subscribers,
HAVING entered into co-par?nerfliip
under the firm of,
Lafitte & Brux,
Offer f< r file at their flore near the mar#
ket, a frcilt ?tnd general rflbrtmcnt »f
Dry Goods & Groceries ,
Which they wiH difpofeofby
wlr lefale and aetail, very low tor Cash or
Frtob wce.
November g. (jt)
Ten Dollars Reward.
M RAN.AWAY rn the 20'h
<r» (m J *>f July luff, front a planta-
f ‘ on near Augusta, a negro
mr'yhf fellow named J ACK, about
®^^ ,we " r >'- fivc y earB °f a % e »
pmdf'A five feet (lx or seven inchse
high, flout ra’ de > rather of a yellow com
plexion, fpeak* P l **" Eogl*ft«.
wd' as is rero’lcCfed ; he has his country
marks, one on each temple, in the (bape of
a half Moon, he had on a gray broadcloath
coat, when he went away ; no particu
lars recollefted —the above reward will be
paid on his I cing delivered to me-.or secured
: n fail, so that I trav obtain roffeflion of
h ‘”a,fc, + . t'f]
Bills on New York
For Safe at Jlxty days fight . .
COTTON will be taken in payment, for
which a generous mice will be given,
Novcnber 1. [3*]
STUBEN’SMilitary Exekcise
For fait at Jku Ojfiet*