Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, November 22, 1806, Image 3

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f Ex/rMSrof a letter dated Alexandra, {Ra. fids,) September 7, to a.gentleman 'mbit city* “ There is no manner of danger from the Spaniards. There are between hx and feycn hundred regulars at Natchitoches— 200 vo. lunteers from this contry, and I hope an e q ial number from the neighboring countries, so that the Dona willforciy be captured un. less they retreat beyond the Sabine, on the approach of cur troops. The French, with a few exceptions, turned out surprisingly, Chevalier Poirrct, & Cyprian La Cour, are among the volunteer companies. We are well aCeftfd here, and unanimous. Valen tine is miking exertions among the Indians on the fide of ihc United States, they are all perfectly friendly, and the Caddoe's highly tefcoced the cuning down the American flag, by thcSpawirrds in their towns. We ftei ojritlvesas fc.ure here as if at Lancaster. Lcuijiana Gazette, At Stair ird aflizes, a cause came or, Rock, cr, 'cr. Newton, which is of chnfiderable import "nee to tba'des-people, In January 18041 the defendant inferred an advertise ment in the public papers, that he would r.ot pay debts ut his wile’s comratling ; hut Mrs. Newton frill redded in the house with her hnftaod, and as feme part of the goods (iN -tott y) were uLd in the defendant’s huulc, the plaintiff conceived the defendant was " liable, and brought an affion to recover the amount of his bill, 14/. 4'. id. A pari of this bill the defendant had hetore admitted to be clue, for w hich previous to the action, he had tendered (even guineas, and had fub feqaently paid that fun into court. ’1 he learned j'.dge find that alter Inch notice, a tndcfman Was highly hlaroabie to give cri dit to the wife (which was the case here) and that the wife being in the dwelling house with her husband, made it highly so, as it could not be supposed that fne was not pro vided with the nc-ceffarics there. The plain tiff was non-failed. Lott. faf. DIED, at the Hotwells, Ibiftol, on flic Sch of September, Patrick O’Brien, the Irifb giant. This extraordinary man, whose height exceeded eight feet, was born at JClnfale, in Ireland, and had long been the wonder of the age. A gentleman who had the curiofuy to attend, with many others, to fee the stupendous coffin, prepared for this remarkable personage, by Mr. Panting, undertaker, of Bristol, informs that its length was nine feet five inches; and that five men got into it with case, and had thehd placed upon it. The brass-plate contained the following Tinfctiption ;—“ Patrick Cotter O’Brian, ofKinfale, Ireland, whose stature was eight feet one inch—died September 8, 1806, aged 46 years. Ibid. The following lingular occurrence lately took place. Three drovers, a father and Jiis two Tons, Called at the bottle pi a fanner, not far from the village of Fificld, in Berk -01 ire, for the purpofc of taking fomcofhis cattle to London. Here they partook of some refrcihmcnr, which chiefly confided of duck c»gs ; very soon after they were seized with illnefs, were put to bed and died before the wtxt morning. The apothe cary of the adjoining village made inquiry as to the food they had eaten, and on finding that they had eat duck eggs, he immediately gave directions that the pond to which the farmer's ducks refofted should be searched ; this was done, and a’toad of the enormous weight of seven pounds was found at the bottom of the pond-. Sortie more of tne ducks eggs that had not been used were ex amined, and black spots were observed in fide the yolk ; and one of the eggs was given to a dog which caused its death in a very Ihort time. The eggs must have been im pregnated by the spawn of the toad. Ih 'tdi • D jring one of the late thunder (forms, there fell upon some raedows, near Manaf tere van, in the county of Kildare, a shower of (hells, which covered the fields and even the public rqad 6 ‘to a great extent. We h ive seen some of these ihrlls col leafed im mediately after they had fallen, by a ge'dc mat> ms unqudiionable veracity, in whoso poffcflion they (fill are—they are all of the fame (hape and appearance, in form spiral, about half an inch long, and at the mouth about eighth of an inch in diameter; the (hells are thin and brittle, and, what appears more extraordinary, contain living animals of the (bail kind. Dublin AGRICULTURAL* GARDENS. Ploughing wardens late in the fall, during ♦be winter, or early in the tyring, has a be. nfcftt-ial tendency in dcflroymg worms, and £e*iir. 31 ™ ious the ewund, to freeze ; many farmers belies • they have experienced great benefit from this management. i a L or3 >* Woah Webfler, efq. whole ulctul latton art equal to his indefatigable pursuit of htc *l’ recommend, .hat the loot b.rk on fmiUtte. be carefully (cpjxi off I «*' fjl ’ this destroys the egg. of«««r fV pofif £- te fruit nee* than to keep the bark smooth, clean and healthy." to commiflion Frederick )rowert f * for the county of Philadelph.., and to ap pointed (even peifons M™** 0 k quire into the Irgahty lor Sheriff. * AUGUSTA, Nov. 22. . kill has pa (Ted the houfc of reprefenta tivrs, to amend the 10th and nth feftions of tae third"article of the constitution of this fiate so that all county officers, including clerics of the foperior courts, (hall beejeded biennially. Nothing further, of importance, has passed either branch ot the legillature, &3~ Wc are authorifed to ftatc, that Colonel Day i • Creswell, is a candi date to fill a vacancy that exifis in the pfe. fern ccngrcfi, occasioned hy the resignation of the Honorable Thomas Spalding rtfigned. Dtdlor William W. Bibb is alio announ ced as a candidate to fill the fame vacancy. Extrdfl of a letter from ourfritili at St. Louts , dated Stfl. 26. On the 24th inst. the citizens of St. Louis gave a public dinner to captains Lewis and Clarke, lately arrived from their voyage of difeo' ery to the weft. Every heart fiftcere ly rejoiced to fee them fafely over the toils ev perils («f foch a hazardous enterprize, and were highly gratified by the fucccfs which had attended them with regard to theobjefts contemplated. An elegant and fvmptuous was jftovided upon the creation, at major Christie's Hotel..-the company was numerous and refpc<si«hle, and the day pa (led in the mod perfeft harmony and good hu mour ; after dinner was ever, the following toad# were drank ; r. The Prcfident of the United States- the friend of fciencc, the Polar star of dilco very, the philofopltcr and patriot. 2. The heads of Departments—the pillars that support the <r vofld's btft hope, 3. The Missouri expedidion—-may the knowledge of the aetvly explored regions of the weft, be the lead recompencc that we may derive from this painful and perilous enterprize. 4. The hardy followers of captains Lewis and Clarke—-tray they he rewarded by the edeem of their fellow citizens. 5. The United States—-whilst they role rate a spirit of inquiry, may they never for get, that united thy Jland , but divided they fall, 6. 'Hie tsrritofy of Louifiana— .freedom ivithsut blood-Jhedy may her citizens duly appreciate the blefling. 7. The memory of Columbus—may those who emulate his hardyhood, perseverance and merits, never have (like him) to encoun ter public ingratitude. 8. The federal CbniHtution—may the eagle of America convey it to the renr.ned nations of the globe. whiHf they read, they cannot but admire. 9. The memory of the iiluftrious Wafh ifigton-—the father of America, may his guardian spirit dill watch over us, aud prove a terror to the engines of defpotifnr. 10. The ! capitol of the United States— may the godefs of liberty never cease to preside there. 11. Peace to all the world— submission to none. 12. The commerce of the United States, the lever for the political elevation of Ame rica . 13. Agriculture and industry—the far mer and the planter arc the belt support of I the government. 14. Our fathers who (lied their blood and layed down their lives to purchase our inde pendence, may we emulate thek anions and inherit their virtues. 15. The Missouri.—under the auspices of the United States, may it prdve a vehicle to all the nations of the world. 16. Our national Councils—-may the baneful influence of private ambition and po litical intrigue , be ever expelled thence, by the genial spirit of virtuous pattiotifm, 17. The fair sex—-may they ever bestow their {"miles upon hardyhood and virtuous valour. After captains Lewis and Clarke retired : Captains Lewis and Clark--.may they be rewarded by the jre'fpaft and eftcem of their fellow citizens, for the ofeful difeove rics they have made upon their heroic and enterprizing tour to the weft. In the evening of the fame day, a fplcn did ball was given to those gentlemen, which was attended by all the rcfpeflable ladies ot the place. By a Letter dared 22d inst. at Pinckney, ville, it appears that capt. Hook of the firft - United States Regiment of infantry had ar rived from Natchitoches, a Few days before the date of the letter, who Rates that the Spaniards had evacuated the difputcd ground, and (hat it is supposed that every thing will be quiet in that quarter. In England lately, a field Preacher, who liad been a printer, observed in his natal ha ranguc, « that youth might be compared to a comma, manhood to a semi colon j old age to a colon :—to which dcaih puts a j* E B t OD« *— Mr. Waldo, arrived at Charleston from Calcutta, informs, that a colony of Chincfc were embarked at Calcutta in May last, for Trinidad, with a view to the cultivation of the Tea Plant. ~ DEAN SWIFT'S LOVE SONG. MOLLIS abuti, Hafan acati, Nalaffo finis, Molli divinis, Omi de armiftres, laiina did res; Cant udife over Mca fadl over t Cotton this wc<k, from iS to 18J. DIED, on Saturday the 15th inst. Au gustus Fauchi Wtnn, aged three yea s, five months and fifteen days, only son of Hamilton Wynn, of WaynelWdugh. , on Tuefday last, in Columbia coun ty in an advanced age, justly lamented by all his acquaintances, Mr. JamfsSimms, fomc years back, from Maryland. SanmiMa^ Begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has removed from Broad. Street to the house lately occupied by Mrs. Bozeman. ( Sign of the Boy & Horse . j In the flreec leading from the market to the feny, where h a opened A HOUSE OF ENTERTAINMENT AND Waggon Yard. Thole who'favor him with their custom may depend on the bed usage, N. B. ThcrT is a good liable well provi ded with Corn and Fodder. November zt, [tfj For Sale, 30 Hhds. prime retailing Mo* laffei, xo Crates well aflforted Crockcryware, lron waggon Tyrt. a Iguan bar & ploughmouid Iron, 3 F.geo» G«m.n IsXEEU, I do. Crawley’s Hammered J A few dozen bottles erceHern Lime juice. L. CANTKLOU. November rt. Will be Rented, On the 1 ft day of January next, The Plantation Whereon John Sargent late of Crlunibia County dcceafed, did formerly tor one year, and on which it a Isrge Pcich orchard together with two large Bails and one negro man.-—'Hie conditions made known on that day. SARAH SARGENT JcW*. November te. * . TO LET, The (hop that has been lately occupied by Dod:. Smelt, till the firft of January next. N. B. Apply to Mrs. Smelt. November zz , (it) NOTICE. an Election will be held X on Monday the fft of Decem ber next, at the Court-House in the City of Augusta, fora. Mem ber to Congrcfs, irt room of the Jton. Thomas Spalding tefigned. JOHN WILLSON, "I JOHN COURSE, I JOHN CATLETT. J §’ November zz, (zt) NOTICE. The members of the Augusta Jockey Club are earneflly requeued to meet at A(hton’s tavern this evening at 7 o'clock prscifely. N. B. The officers for the ensuing year are to be chosen. G. S. HOUSTON, Sec’ry. November % z 1 00 Dollars Reward. STOLEN flora Captain Wm. M'Tytt’i Stable about four miles from Auguftt, ' on the night of the 4th inst j A SMALL BROWN BAY MARE mixed with grey hairs, three years old last tyring, about 13 hands one inch high, a white Break in her forehead, the left hind foot white, two or thsee white mixed rings round the tail.— And a YELLOW BAY HORSE about 14 band* and a half high, four years old, with h small fiat in his forehead, Ihod allround, with a little scale tff the hind hoof. The above rewaid will be given for the above dcfcribcdhorfes& the thief or thieves, or Forty Dollars for the horses alone. WILLIAM M«T YRE. jfrHN GEORGE. November zt, ((/) EDGEFIELD Jocky Club Races. RESOLVED, that the Race* for the ensuing year commence at the Chero kee P.mds, on the second Wednelday in January next, free for any Hotfs, Marc or Gelding, from any part of the world. The pur/et and diflance s as fellows ; First day’* runring, three mile heats, for a purse of about two hundred and fifty dol lars. Second day's running, two mile heats, for a purse of about one hundred and (even*, ty dollar*. Third day, a Swcepftakc, one mile h:af, (or the entrance money. (£y Wrights eftablijktd agreeable to Au~ gunu Rules , STEPHEN GARRETT, Src'/>. November at. [4*3 N. B. All fabferibet* ate requeued to pay their fubferiptiuoa to the (übfetiber, on or before the firft day’* running. JOSEPH HIGHTOWER, S reafurer. GEORGIA, 1 To the Honorable Supe- Greene county . j rior Court. UPON the petition of William Melton dating, that he had in his pofftflion, a deed cf conveyance to a trail ul land, ly ing in the county and date afordaid, in the fork of the Oconcc and Aaplatchcc riveta, containing two hundred and thirty acre* of land; which said deed of conveyance alGgn-» ed by Satn’J Flenikin to David Flcnikliv a ccpy cf which said deed of conveyance* as n»ar the original as you* petitioner can rccolledl, is lodged in the clerk’s cffice, , together with an tffijavit, dating, that the (aid oiiginal deed of conveyance is loft, ft> / that he cannot come at the fame. Whereas , it is ordered, r l fiat the said co j py is cftablidied in irce of the original, im i irfi good cause can be (hewn to the contra ry, and that the said ride be published in one of the Gazettes of theftate, fix months, A hue copy taken from the Minutes, this 2t.d March 1806, HENRY CARLETON jun’r, for THOMAS CARLKTON, Clk, THIS Indenture made, this a Bth day of September 1797, on or before, between Samuel Flenikin of the ftatc of Georgia and county of Grectc, of the one part, and David Flenikin of the ftatc and county eforefaid, of the other part, Witocfirth, that the said Samuel Flenikin, for, and in confide ration- of the futn of two hundred dollars, the receipts whereof ate hereby ac knoM'ledged, huh given, granted, bargain ed and fold, and by these presents do give* grant, bargain, i«ll and convey, all that ua£l or parcel of land, situated, lying and being in the qouoty and ftatc aforefajd, in Ire fork of ihj Oconee and Apslatchee rivers, cootsiniog two hundred and thirty acres, more ot left, having such marks and (hapes as appear by the plat of tj;c fame* annexed to a grant bearing date December jtft 1767, to James Flenikin, together with ail and lingular the rights, members and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wile appertaining—and L tncafore faid Samuel Flenikin, lor rnyfelf, heirs, &c». do, by these prefenti; warrant and forever defend, the lawful light and title of the above mentioned laud and premises, unto the afotefaid David Fboikin, hit heirs and afligns forever, and from all and every other person or persons, whatsoever, as a clear and indefeafiblc estate, in fee Ample, fore ver—ln witness whereof, I have hereunto set my baud, and the day and year firft above written. (Signed) SAMUEL FLENIKIN. Signed, feajed and deli > veted in the pre fence of J DAVIS GRESHAM, j r. RICHARD BRADLEY. RICHARD BRADY roaketh oath, that he was a witness to a deed, to the fame tenor and cffell of the above, to the heft of this deponent's belief. Sworn to before me ) R. BRADLEY, this 4th March 1806, > Wo. BROWNING, j, ?. , STATE OF GEORGIA, Greene County . 1 HIS day, came before me, one of the juftie«| assigned to keep the peace, in said county, Wu. Danndl, who maketh oath aa follows, refpe&tng the within deed (to wit)—At or (ometime preceding the date wiihin named, Est believes he law a deed of conveyance to the within e(F«H, in the pofofiinn of Col. William Melton, and be | lievea it to be considerably earlier than the ■ time within named—-be does not recollcft the exaft cocfidcrstion money named in the deed, nor does he recolieft the witnefles td the said deed ; but from the bed of his re coilcftion, and belief, believe* the within to convey the fubtiance of the deed (said to be loft or destroyed.) Sworn to before me T Wo, DANNELL, this 41b March 1806. J Wm. BROWNING, j. r. STATE OF GEORGIA, Greer.e County . PERSONALLY appeared before me, Wm. Melton, and maketh oath, that on or before the date of the wiihin daed, he re ceived a deed of conveyance from Samuel Flenikin, to the tenor and rfT ft of the within, to the best of his be.ief, and that he bat loft the fame, so that it cannot be had. ,hu7.h Zi | w - melton. Wm. BROWNING, j: f, June ix. [eu6m]