Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, November 29, 1806, Image 2

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    er you was a little boy, you hate I am
flic, often viftted them.
The talk ( it this time) is not straight be
tween the United Spates and Spain ; but I
hope no mifehirf will cr.fue. A Council
File is now burning, ar.d the beloved men
of the lwq nations arc rndcivoeh g to fettle
the difputc; Init, Brother, it it ihould so
happen, that the Americans must bid their
fwurds to leap from the scabbard, we wifti
not your to life. When while
people enter into difpons, let the red men
keep quiet, and join neither fide.
Thelc arc my words —I speak in tlie face
of day, and tell what you have heard to
the traveller ar.d the limiter, so that the
good ta.k may pals from mouth to mouth,
and bom nation to nation, to the very place
w here the sunsets.
*• I am highly gratified at meeting to day
with your excellency and so refpcttablc a
number of American cfficets, and ftiali fore
ver remember the woids you have spoken.
1 have heard belore, the words of the Prd
fi-lcnr, though not from his own mouth ;
his words arc always ihe fame ; but what
1 have this day heard will cause me to llccp
more in pt .t.e.
Your words rcfcxnMc the words my fore
fathers have told me they ufrd to receive
from ihe French in ancient times. My an.
cc'iorr, from chief to thief, were always
well pleased with the French ; they were
well received and well treated by them
when they met to hold talks together, and
we can new fay the fame of you out new
If your nation h?s pwrchhfcd what the
French formerly potidied, you have purcha
sed the country that we occupy, and we be
ing on the land of course go withil, so that
we regard you in the fame light as we did
them. You tequeft that our wars in future
may he again!) the deer only, that is what
- we ourfdves desire, and happen what will,
onr hands shall never lie flamed with white
men’s blood. Your words which 1 have
this day heard, (hall be imprinted on my
heart ; th y lhall imer he forgotten, but
(bill be communicated from one to another,
til! they shall reach the felting fun. It shall
lie known and remembered that the Amcri-.
cans are the friends to red people.
My father was a diet; 1 did not fuccecd
him till 1 was a man in years ; 1 am now
in tiis place, and will endeavor to do my
duly, and fee that not only my own nation,
but other rations over whom 1 have influ
ence, (hall properly conduft themfdves,
I think I have now but one enemy (the
Ozages) but 1 believe that will be an eter
nal one, for it is my Iwlicf that it has pleaftd
God to give me that enemy, as it may be
between you and Spain.
• * 4 A . ' * ' I **■'
ononcflJcoJ me, and your people on the
other, I was embarrafled—l did not know
on which foot to tread ; bnt lam now fa
tisfied, your words have removed my fcf
pence—lonic other nations felt the fame ;
but tJ*y Ihall hear of your words, they shall
go from nation to nation.
I (ball now return home wiih my people,
and putfuc our hunting with much more f;i
tix fa diion, from whac 1 have heard from
you. Although the color of my flein is red,
my heart is white, and whenever any of your
poplc come into our towns, they shall be
ticned by «s with all the friendfhip and
k ridncfs in our power to bellow, for though
lam poor, 1 arn alway s well treated by
them, whenever 1 come among ft them. I
have nothing farther to add, only to allure
you, that your speech to me is as well re
tonhai in my heart, as what I hare find to
you is by your per.
The detatchmcnt of militli from this Ter
ritory, (mentioned in cur latt to be on their
rettm.) arrived hereon Wedndday latt, pro
ceeded to Wafhir.gton, and were difeharged
file fame day. ’1 bey hrd marched as far as
Rapides, when the infantry met orders from
General tvilkinfon to return—and Captain
F.rrat’s Company olDragoom, at the rcqueft
of the General proceeded to Nachitochcs.
Ext Tafl of a letter from Xauhitocha, elated
October 6, I S«t».
“ Immediately after General Wikirfon’s
arrival here. Colonel Cutting visited Gover
nor Coidera, the commander in chief on the
frontier of Texhas, at Nacogdoches. The
Colonel returned on the id inst, & the great
er part of the miiitia which had arrived, are
discharged—yet every kind of perparatiou
is making for a movement, and it isfaid the
regular troop will march towards the Sabine
in tour or y days. Herrara, with the Span
ifu forces, has rarefied the Sabine, and ta.
ken post at the lowest Ford on the road to
Nacogdoches, It is aliened rnd believed
that the Spanish commander has noli live or
ders ro defend tie ground t« the Anopfurda,
leven miles trom this place ; and from all
htsmcafurcsaad movements, it would appear
that General \\ nkinfon is as determined to
aflert our jurifdieti-m ro the left bank of the
Sabine. We may therefore look for a con
ni£l, in which our General is allured ofTri.
umph, with his regular troops and Farrar’s
dragoons, or he would not have sent home
the militia. And thus he spares the Public
i feature, and fights the battles of his coun
try—leaving,he back-biting whifpercr, the
unprincipled flandcrcr, and a pack of politi
cal mu (brooms, who envy what theyeVnnot
to exult in the fenced s uccess of
theu imperious devices to blall his charaft
From the Monangalia Gazette.
Os a number of the inhabitants of
Wood county.
Firmly attached t* the Constitution of the
United States and the conlHtuted authorities,
and viewing with a jealous eye, the appa
rently boftile motions and nefarious designs
of certain charaflets, it was resolved at a
meeting of sundry citizens of Wood county,
Virginia, held on the 6th day of Otfobcr
1806, for the purpofc of taking into confed
eration the measures neceflary to be adopted,
in this alarming crisis, to counteract it pos
sible, what is luppofed to be the atrbitioi s
and diforganihng views of AARON BURR
and his partizans in this Wcftcrncountry.
That it is expedient that the citizens of
Wood county should without delay fprm
thcmfelvcs into a volunteer corps, or body
ot men, train themselves to arms and milita
ry (hfciplinc for the purpofc of defending
themfclves and their property from any theat
ened attack, and by repelling any aggression
that may be attempted by insurgents inimi
cal to the intertff of the United States until
fume more effective steps (hall be adopted by
the Prcfident of the United Slates. To ef
fcCt this laudable purpose it is ordered, that
fix fubfeription papers be immediately draft
ed and handed round the country in order to
procure fubfcriberstothefameenroliing them
selves in said body. That it is proper that
a meeting should be held of the persons en
listing thcmfelves asaforefaid, at the court
house of Wood county on the nth day of
this present month for the purpose ofehufing
by ballot proper officers tocommand said corps
and adopt proper roles and regulations for
jheir future conduO,
2. Resolved that a permanent committee
j of five persons be appointed to regulate pro
) cfeding.s neceflary to be perfued, and the
meafuers neceflary to be adopted during the
exiflcncc of danger.
3. Resolved that an address he drawn up
expreflive of the sentiments of the citizens
ot Wood county upon thisoccafiun, and for
warded to the President of the United States,
CHARLESTON, November 18.
London accounts to the igth September
are received, via Boston—These mention,
that Lord Greenville is spoken of as the
fuccrflforofMr. Fox; and that a meflenger
had been difpatchcd for the express purpose
of recalling Lord Lauderdale form Paris.
Capt. Cook, who arrived at New. York
on the 30th ult. in nine days from St. Tho
mas, informs that two days before he fail
ed, a Packet arrived there from Barbadocs,
with information; thita British fleet, con.
- filling of two 74’s, four frigates and two
brigs, had gone down to take Curracoa, in
• 1 r « a * t O—-
The Boa 1 Twain and eleven seamen, belong
ing to the Ferret Hoop of war, was hung
at Kingflon on the r 5 th ult. for being en
gaged in a mutiny on board that veffcl on
jbe night of the zyth September, with the
intention of taking her into Porto Bello.
The Prcfident of the U. States has re
voked and annulled the Exequatur lately held
by Anthony Morales, as Consul of the
Batavian republic, to reside at Charleston.
DIED, on Saturday the 15th infl. Capt.
James Payne, Commander of the Revenue
Cutter of South. Carol ina,
Christians and, Auovst 8.
We have received information here that a
French squadron w hich suddenly appeared in
the Greenland Teas, has dettroyed on those
fhoi es a great number of whales. This in.
tcliigcncc is certain, as it comes from Ber
gen, where two vellcls arrived which had
been taken by the French and frcleafed, with
part of the crews of the captured ships, A
mong the number of prizes taken by the
French squadron, off Greenland, are tg of
the bed laden whalers. 1 hey were furpri
zed to the cast of Greenland, by the very
unfortunate arrival of the French, who ha
ving taken all they wiflud to foize, funk
thole they did not with takeaway to the
wtftward, and entered Davis* straights at
the moment when several whaler* complete
ly laden, were commencing their homeward
voyage. There is, therefore, no doubt that
they again made rich and numerous captures,
and caufod confiderahle damage to the Eng!
Jiih. The bf* occasioned by this uuforfeen
blow' to the Englith commerce at Greenland
alone, is valued here at from 1,500,000 to
2,000,000 rix dollars, that is to fay, 8 or
r 0,000,060 French, The expedition to
D.ivis’s Straights muff have caufcd the loss
to the Englilh of all the produce of the New
foundland fishery for this year.
Indiftmcnts have been preferred aganft the
editor Sc publilher of the We»tern World
fen libels on several individuals who are char
ged with having formed a confpirtcy for dc"
live ring up the Weflem Territory of the ul
nited States to Spain and England. The de!
fondant* accnfe Mr. Butr, the late Vice*
Prcfident, with being at the head of these
profeentions; and assert, with confidence
that since his arrival in Kentucky he has
drawn from houses in Lexington, Bardford
& Lcmitv tile, upwards of tiua hundred thou -
Jand dollars for purpose t coxneSed nvith the
a Hedged conspiracy,
N, I, Mer, Adv.
~ /
From the Norfolk Herald.
We very much doubt the veracity of a re
port which has been circulated in this place
a day or two ago, and which is the topic of
general convention, The particulars, as
we can learn, are, that crying to some ac
counts from the Weftern country, which im
plicate Burr and Wilkinson of being at
the head of a party whole plans were fatt ri
pening for tha purpose of separating the states
a council was held at Waftilngton, at which
it was agreed to have them immediately at
reded ; lor which purpose an order was dis
patched to the Marihal of the diftriCi, with
full powers to callout the militia, if anyop
pofition was made.
[A letter from Alexandria, of the 29th
ult. received in this city, mentions the a.
bove report; and adds that Colonel Burr
had openly declared his intention of separa
ting the Weftern Country from the Union.]
From the Western World.
The people of Kentucky have seen pub
lilhed from the Ohio Gazette, which has its
origin and stand at Marietta, and which is
fuppufed to be under the influence of Colonel
Burr, a paper in which the idea of disunion
by the Alleghany Mountains, is openly a
vowed, and publicly advocated. The man
who is held up in the front, and, at the head
of this new plan of difmcmbcrlng the union
of the states, is now among us. While his
secret and myftcrous movements Indicate the
management, and combination of some plan
of operations, which will not bear the public
view and examination, it is announced as a
fori and doubtless is true, that a number of
gun. boats, and a fehooner of a lingular con-
Itruriion, are preparing for this man, cn the
Ohio river. These can Lut be confideied as
pieparations for some military expedition.
Bat w hether it is intended for the Spanilh
mines of Santafee, for the city of New. O
rleans, or the Spa nidi Territory on the Gulph
of Mexico, or elfcwhere, is all untertainty
and conjecture. Yet that a blow is to be
ftmri some where, I have nodaubt.
Ex trail from a late Paris Review ts Pelt
tics, by M. Barrett.
** The United States, by a policy foreign
to the old world, purchase countries which
they might conquer, preserve a sentiment of
gratitude for the French nation, and feebly
revenge the frdhoutrages of England. Yet
their territory increases, their population ad
vances, their revenues are more prosperous,
and their growing navy dictates laws upon
the coast of Batbary. England alone, dreads
the prosperity of America, and feeros to feel
that greater glory awaits the Americans up
on the i a ks of the Missouri.
England, isolated from Europe, by her
tntcreils no less than her geographical poll.
exhaust s die foifnee- us hgr cabinet in
making conquests which ihe will not keep,
and to contracting debts whichlhe will never
pay. Her vessels navigate peaceably the molt
distant seas, yet are full of fears in txaverling
the channel; her commerce enslaves three
quarters of the globe, and cannot maintain
itfelf in the fourth. Her policy arras kings
to subdue France, and their defeat strength
ens Fiance. Yerit is not to want of /kill
on the part of the cabinet of St. James, that
this bad success is to be attributed. Nc—
but it is to the force of events, which uni.
ted together, command each other, and lead
to rcfuits different from those which seem to
be experiod. The present conduri of the
cabinet of London proves that it is convin
ced of the fecblencfs of Etigland to contend
with France. It proves alio, that the true
interests of the nation are better appreciated
by the new ministers, and that if peace be
negotiated llowly, it will still be figncd.
The other states of Europe, all united to
France by gratitude, interest and blood, ccrr
p*fe what in modern policy is called the fede
rative empire, but which might be more ap.
propriately called the empire of the weft.
Her population exceeds that of the rest of
Europe: her arras arc already covered with
immortal glory, and the name of the founder
is placed by thefide of those of the heroes
of antiquity. The peace of the world seems
to he the foie objeri of this political inftitu
tbn—Time had diminilhed the number of
patty dates, and futurity prepared theiren.
tire deftruriion ; the moment was approach
ing in which empires were to have fron
tires in common ; in which w hole people,
and not armies, were to decide the fats of
battle. A Angle exception of genius pre
serves future generations from ihe evils which
fate was preparing for them. Weak princes
become strong by the support they receive ;
people unite, instead of deftroj ing each oth’
other; humanity is consoled, and peace re
e (labilities her empire in climates which Ihe
thought never to have dwelt in more.
Wc understand that the Secretary of the
Treasury has ilfued a circular letter to all
the collectors of the customs, inftruriing
them to enforce with the most rigid exaftntfs,
the provisions of the non.importation ari,
which was to go into effeCl on the 1 yth of
the present month. Raleigh Regifer.
Joseph Bloomfield, esq. has been re-elericd
governor of New. Jerfcy for the ensuing year,
without opposition.
The strength of parties in the legislature
of Ncw.Jcrfey was tried in the elections of
vtCe-prefidcnt of council, and speaker ofaf.
feraWy—George Andcrfon, the federal can
didate, was cbofcn vice-president by a ma
jority of one vote—James Cox, the repub.
lican candidate waschofen speaker by a ma
jority of four votes,- Aurora .
By authentic information frcm the Havan.
r,a (fays the National Intelligencer) dated
Sept. 24, we arc advilcd of the appoint
ment of a new Intcndant, from which a fa
vorable change in the con dust of that govl
crnment to the United States may bo expefl.
ed, about that time Miranda was said to
have made good his landing, and to hate
made fomc progress in the country towards
Santa Fe, where he had been joined by 2000
of the inhabitants of the country.
At the moment of doling the letter con
taining this information, it was rep orted
that a Spanilh schooner had arrived a»Bata
tano, and brought accounts that Miranda
had had an engagement, had left about i© ca
men, and had retreated about 25 miles •
but the report was said to want confirms*
A peep into futurity... the efeßs ofaflrona.
mical labor. J
Thomas Tolman efq. of Greenlborough,
in this state, has made a calculation of all
the Eclipses of the Sun and Moon which
will happen within one hundred years to
come, ending with 1905 ; and has therein
reduced the mean to the true times, by four
Equations j and also reduced the Sun’s mean
diltance from the Nodes to the true, tfor
each time. In this period there will be
four hundred and four Eclipses of the Sua
and Moon. The notable Eclipse oi June
latt, will return five times within this period,
with lome variations each time, as refpefls
the earth generally, but more as relates ta
any particular place. Rutland Herald.
At a late town meeting, in-Sussex county,
N. J. a person who had formerly been «
jultice of the peace, was eleded and accep
ted of the office of constable. A bye (lan
der observed that he would not give a d a
for a man who would accept ot the office of
constable after he had been a juflice. The
old gentleman ohferved, that he would not
give a d;—n for a man who couM not lean*
to step down as well as up, in a republican
None ark Cent*
When the body of the illufttious hWo of
Trafalgar was put into a calk of fpjPts to
be transported to old England, the bung
accidentally fell out and one of his Lord-
Ihip’s fingers made its appearance at the
opening. A Teaman who had for feme years
served in the admiral’s (hip, leized the hand,
and giving it a cordial gripe, at tire fame
time wiping away a tear that glifiened on
his weather beaten check, exclaimed, * 4 d—n
me old boy, if you are not in better fpiritt
than any of in.” , vV ,
Factorage and Com
miflion Bulinefs.
THE Subscribers having entered iota
Partoeifhip, under the firm of
In the above line of business in
hit city, inform their friends and the pub
tic in general, that they (hall continue to
occupy the fame Stores, as heretofore occu
pied by Thomas Barrett, where they are
erefling, in addition, a large
Cotton Ware-House.
Which will afford them room to ftoie
5000 Bales of Cotton at one time, secure
from the Weather,
Augujl 30. [rswt/J
For Sale,
30 Hhds. prime detailing Me
la ffet,
20 Crates well allotted Crockery ware,
r ton Swecd ? _ _
2 do. country j hon ™ggonT P**
% Iguan bar >Jc ploughtnonid Iron,
3 Faggo ta German Ictpitt
1 do. Crawley's Hammered J '
A few dozen bottles excellent Lime jnice.
November 22. . (4 tj.
Jockey Club Races'.
RESOLVED, that the Races for tho
enfning year commence at the Chero
kee Ponds, on the second Wednesday h*
January next, free for any Horse, Marc ot
Gelding, from any part of the world.
The purses and diflance s as follows :
First day's running, three mile heats, for
a purse of about two hundred and fifty dol
Second day's running, two mile heats,
for a purse of about one hundred and feveo
ty dollars.
Third day, a Swcepftake, one mile heat
for the entrance money.
£3” Weights tfcbliftitd, agreeable ta Au~
gujtu Rules.
Ncpfmber 22. / [4l]
N. B. All ftib r cnbers are rcqneftec to
psy tfcsir fobfcripticne to the fobferi tx%
on or before the firft day's running.
Os the vny bed kind, to be had
on iow terms (by wholesale and rc
ailj at the Chronicle Office.