Newspaper Page Text
Valuable Plantation.
CONSISTING of 2617 acrei on Savan
nah River in Buika County, and 767
o„ ippolhe fi lc in South Carolina—
The valas of the Pine Linds, on thin fide,
anJ 'he rhh low Grounds on the other fid#
of the liver, t-nrters the who’e a
Valuable FJtate,
The advantages of an elevated
fituatiuu, ilv: etlabiiih x.cit 'fa F my cun
lUiitiy, an 1 with the inrnand of Land# of
every quality, upon a navigable river, are
fj ./ill known a# to need no other dtfc.'ip
tio»i.—Tcrtns of payment and the price,
will be easy; for particular*, apply in Am
gu'ts to Th>ma* Fhurmycfq ; of Seaborn
Jon. a cfq. .it hi# fiat in Sc.wen c unity,
and in Savannah to
July it. (if)
On (h: 10th of I) cetnber next, in Columbia
Will be Sold. '
The real and Per/onal eth'.e of the late Rev.
David Tir.Jl y ; viz:
A Trad of Land,
With a comfortable Dwelling
Ir ousej and convenient oat h'jufc*, with a
fc.ud Fv-ach Orchard,
The flock, confiding bfHorfes,
(h-e.p and Cj't e-—A set oi
Blacklini.hU —Terutt of fa!c mads
kuo./u on rhs day.
S. M SMYTH. / " •
Nrvtmbir If, (4'J
O i the ftrjl 1 v.f lay tn December next f be
isietn th' fual hours , at the Mvktt house
in the town of Low faille.
mil be Sold ,
1150 acres ol land in Jackson
county, on the w<.tJi« of Dove creek ad
joining Hi.ratio Maibury and James
Jones. ALSO
1250 acres of land in Jcficrfon
county, on ti\c waters of Ogechet, granted
to Robe t F nfytn, and John Meal*, ad
joiairgf ’.id Forfytf, and on all other fidcs
vacant at the time of survey.
! ALSO,.
One half moiety of 265 acres of
land i.i ja.idon ounty, on the waters of
fuv-r creek, af3 fining Martin’s and Ha
gen’s *and.
One half moiety of 230 acres of
land in Fraak‘in county, on the waters of
the Ocoucc River, bounded on all Tides by
vseant hid*, at »h:tine of fumy.
acres of land in Franklin, on the Oconee River, bound on
N. F. by hid River, and on all other tides
vacant laud** ttiicd cn as the property of
J ohn Cobb* to fatisfy Th jtnas P. Johnfcn
and Stephen pointed out
by the defendant.
230 acres of land in Franklin
county, on the Oconee. River, bounded N,
K. by the Paid River, and on all other
fide* vacant land, levied on as the property
or Juno Cobb: to f*ti*fy Thomat P, Jchn
fun and Srephca Hollingfworth, pointed
on. by the defendant.
One half moiety of 1000 acres
of land in Clake county, on lh ial creek,
three miles from, granted to Charles
Finch, v*cunt on al Tides at the time cf
furvsy, and now adjoining Spirks & Hails.
250 acres, granted to John'Go
ram mClaikc county ru Seder ctetk, sd
oiuing Walker, Riche Ton and fan! (loram,-
ab at two mites heiow Athens j the above
levied oa a* the property of John Raimcy,
to iiiisfy l. r aac Teaidale, and pointed cut
by J. Raimey.
202 1-2 acres land in the 2d
cliffnCt Wilkinson, known in the plan, by
lot No. ax*, and granted to Daniel M‘*
Duvall, cn the waters o* Dry creek.
202 1-2 acres land in the 2d
diftrift W-ik.nfm, known in the plan by
lot No, 2 16, and gr.uitod to Hugh M‘Doa
287 1-2 acres of land in Frank
lin county, on Tuorfa creek, including the
town, g-anted to Thomas Payne; vacant
■k on all sides at Fie time of furVey.
* 250 acres of land including an
Illmd on Savannah river in E bert county,
adjoining J ims* Freeman’s land, and on all
other Tides by vicant land at the time of
furvev, anl gianrcd to James Little.
200 acres of land in Wilkes
county at the time of survey, granted to
Wm. Wilmowh, lying on Seder creek, and
vacant on all tides at the time of survey.
100 acres of land in Elbert
county, granted ta JHTc Rowell, adjoining
Jane Carfons and Jcfiah Dobbs, the above
tr*as levied on as the property of James
B’.slr ■«* Hugh M‘Donald, to fatisfy
Thomson and P he.
Geo. W-MOORE, d. m. d g.
j - 6j
i %jf . p i y
Lewis M‘Coy,
MOST refpcftfully informs the public
that he has leafed fora term of year,
(hit long eftablilhed Tavern, north fide o
Broad ScreetAugufta, Georgia.—
Where Ms Bar i» wellfupplied with wines,
His Larder with the bed provifion* the mar
ket rffirds. His Stable, which la large,
ai r y a r d commodious, is well stored with
Corn Fodder and evciy neceflary for those
hotfes, which may be p. t under hi* care,
at eeded by a sober, careful and attentivt
From his unremitting attention
tohunnefs, with the comforts & ft tiifaftion of
hit gueQs, & aided by his family, he hopes
to obtain (hare c-v the public patronage;
which it (hall ever be hit delire to merit.
A number of gentlemen can be
accommodated with board by the week,
xr.o'uh, or year, on the usual terms.
November 8. (if)
'sheriff’s sale:
On the fir{i Tuefday in December nextf at
the Market kovfe in the city of Augu/ia, at
the usual hon' «,
One negro fellow by the name
of Potydoic, levied on at the piopetty of
Chefiey Boflick jun'r, and pointed out by
the defendant, to fatlsfy one execution ia
favor of theadm’xs of Wm Poe.
Jur. HARRIS, n s. r. c.
November i. ft.
~ Willie Let,
yft Lexington Oglethorpe county,
THE bnildidgol the county Academy*
30 feet by 45, two Sory high, the
fonnda ion to be ot rock, three feet high
and thick, and the iemaiodcr of the walls
to be of brick, a plan of wh'-ch may be
Teen at Dr. George Phillip*’in said Town—
feparate pr< ;i>faU, in writing, will be re
ceived for the (tone wotk, on or before the
Ift Monday in December next, and (Sepa
rate or colleflive propofalt for the brick,
and wooden wotk, will he received on or
before the ift Monday in January next.—
G’afs, Nails, Hinges, Lock* and Lime
will be furr.ilhcd by the Commiflioners. —
The whole to te completed on or before the
Ift day of December 1807, for the faithful
performance of whkh, bond and approved
feenrity will be required.
Will be rented at the fame time and place
for one year, the htufe and lot formerly
occupied by Francis Mcfon dcccafcd, to
gether with an excellent Garden, and seve
ral town lots, and a conftdcrable quantity
of cleared land, all in a good date of repair.
Conditions—twelve months credit, with
bond and approved security.
O3ober if. [6f]
"no tic e!
At Liytivgton on the I JI Monday in December
vext, to the highest bidder
Will be Sold,
THE heufe iholdand kitchen furniture
of the late Francis Meson deceased,
together w i*h a number of ether articles too
tedious to mention.
Conditions'-twelve months credit upon
all Turns above five dollars, with bond and
approved fecutity, and on all Turns under
that, —calh.
OAober 14. [6t]
20 Dollars Reward,
RAN AWAY from the owner iu Savan
nah, feme months ago a French
neg o girl, named HIACINTHE, but
who now gt ci by tlie name of (he
went off in one of the boats for Augufta—
(he is ©f a middle stature, (lender made
high check bones, (mall breads, and speak
teleraHe good englifh - whoever delivers
said giil, to D. ftor Poisson in Augufti, (hall
receive the above reward.
Novembe r S. «/)
The Suhfcriber has For Sale 16
African Negroes,
They have beea one year in the
country, and worked to advantage—the a
hove Negroes are a well chosen fct, and wil
be fold low for cash or produce.
September to. ( ts )
The shop that has been
lately occupied by Dost. Smelt,
till the firft of January next.
N. B. Apply to Mrs, Smelt.
November 22 _
By hit Excellency JARED IRWIN, Gov.
trnor and Commander in Chief of the Ar
my and Navy of this State, and of the
Militia thereof,
A Proclamation.
WHEREAS in and by an aft pa fled the
nth of February, I7pp, entitled
"an aft to regulate the general deft,ions in
Sc to appoint the time of the meet
ing of the General Aficmbly,” it is among
other things declared, " that all writs of c
leftions to All vacancies that may happen,
for members of the General Affcmbly of this
dale, or House of Reprefcntativcs of the U
nited States, (hall be direfted to the Justices
of the Inferior Courts of the refpeftivc coun
ties, who are required to give pubic notice
thereof, and cause the fame to be held in
manner and form as herein before pointed
out, agreeably to futh writ.”
And whereas, a vacancy hath happen
ed in the House of Reprefcntativcs of the U
nited States, by reason of the resignation of
Thomas Spalding, who was elefted to
serve as a member therein, for this (fate,
until the fourth day of March next, I have
therefore thought proper to iflue this my
prod, mat ton, hereby notifying, direfting,
Sc erdtrirg the Justices of the Inferior courts
of the rtfpeftiwc Counties in this ftatc, to
confidvr the fame as a general w rit of tlcftion,
for filling the afortfaid vacancy : And Ido
hereby charge and require the Justices to give
due notice, that an eleftion will be held in
the refj eftive counties, on Monday the firft
day of December next. And I do hereby
further require, that such returns of said e
leftion as the aforefaid aft points out, be
made to the Executive Department within
the lime therein preferibed.
GIVEN under my hand and the Great
Seal of the State, at the Sate.Houfe
in Louisville , this 'Jth day of Nov,
in the year of our Lord, eighteen
hundred andfix, and of the In depen.
denct of the United Slates oj Ameri
ca the thirty firft.
By the Governor,
Secretary of the State.
J. & Blackburn,
Ref peG.fully inform their friends and the pub
lic, that they have taken a Store four doorr
below fudge WiUfon*s Broad Street :
The Following Goods ,
—v i z.—.
, Fair and Faifctop and > BOOTS,
Prain j ~ •
Fine Shoe* firft and second quality,
Coarse ditto.
Ladies black Morocco and leather spring.
A huge and general assortment of Children's
Morocco and leather Shoetecs and Slip
A large assortment of LEATHER, con
fiding ot Bootlegs, Calf, Kid, Seal and
Morocco Skins,
With a general and very elegant assortment
* of Ladies plain and embroidered EngHfh
and American Kid, and Tambored Fox
Plain and printed Calicoes,
Fancy Marfeillei,
Plain cambiick Muslins,
Cotton Girdles for the waist,
Black and white fi’k do.
Siik Cords and Tassels sot caps,
Ditto for gown sleeves, **
Silk Frogs backs,
Whit* and black op«n Lace,
Bolting, white silk Blade,
Cotton do.
Large Ball Trimming,
Black Cotton Cord,
Brown and blue silk do.
Faff Trimming, Silver Thread,
White and black rich lace Veils,
Black lace Cloaks, white Cotton neck
Ball cotton forfswing,
Cambray Mud in,
6 4 Figured do,
6 4 Lencan do.
Straw Sa'fecet,
Leneau Vales, Shoe Bows,
Shiueai do.
Large Camels hair Shawls,
Straw Bonnets, Leghorn ditto,
Patent Suspenders,
Plain and tigared rich loft Craves,
Mens Sc Womens plain laced Cotton Hose,
Mens coarse and fine wotfted do.
Coat and Vest Buttons,
Ladies and Misses beaver habit Gloves,
Mens blue, brown and mixed Cloatb, and
Fiiza Wrappers,
Ditto Lion Stein,
London Bottled Porter, Sc Bottled Cider.
A small Coafignment of Cordials,
Confiding of bhrnb. Cinnamon, and
•All of which they are determined to fell
on the lowest terms for cash or coun
try produce,
t)£hber aj.
Sheriff's titles. Biffs of falc
Mortgages, &c. may be had at
this Office.
Respectfully iafotni. the
that he has just arrived in Augusta, » n d
has opened Store in Mr, Murren's New
House, lately occupied by Mcffra John-
Howard & Co,
With a choice Sdeflion of Ike
Following Goods,
VIZ: v
BEST Flax and Tow Oznaburgs,
Brown and */hite Piatillai,
Irilh Linen and Britanias,
Cotton Shirting,
Silk and Cotton Umbrellar,
Long Lawns and Cambrics,
Laced Cambrick and Lcno Veils,
4 4 and 6 4 Lcno Mcilin,
Black love Shawls and Veils,
Lullring and Belongs,
Ladies Silk Felices,
Black and White picnic Gloves,
Black and cdl'd. Silk do.
White and col'd, Cotton do.
Ladies long wash Leather do.
Ginghams and Char .bia Muflia,
Catnbrick Mullins,
A very elc *int aflbrtroent of rich Fancy
Mullins from 50 cents to e dels, per
A few pieces of richley ornamented
Circadian Robes—very elegant,
Pullisat and Madrafa Handkerchiefs,
New Red Bandannas do.
Linen and Carabrick Pocket d*..
Cotton do, dp.
Ribbons and Silk do.
Velvet Ribbon and Ferrets,
Silver Piufs for Bonnets,
Laces and Edgelngs,
Black, white and col'd Sewing Silk and
Ounce 1 bread,
Col'd Threads, common and patent,
Adelpha Cotton Thread in papers and
varnished boxes,
A choice Aflbrtmeut of Printed Calicoes
from 1/94. to 4/bd. per yatd.
White Calicoes and Fustians,
| and 6-4 Cottm Check,
i and j Bed Tick,
Calimancoes and Durants, ’
Bombazines and Bombazettt,
Florentines, Crapes and Persians,
Silk and Cotton Sufpsndcrs,
Black and col'd bcftJLondon made Hats,
Superfine Cloth and Cafli meres,
Cordcroyr, Velveteens and Thickfeti,
Buff Nankeens,
Flannels and coarse Woolens,
100 Ready made Veils,
A handforae assortment of Boots and
Ladies embroidered and plain Cotton
Mens do. do. do.
Boys and Misses Stockings,
Dimities, Janes and Jenets,
Diaper Table Cloths and Toweling,
Diaper Holland Tapes and Bobbins,
Blue and white Pavilion Gauze,
A large assortment of Leghorn and Split
Straw Bonnets,
Artificial Wreaths, Festhcn & Flowers,
Cotton and Silk Trimmings,
Steel Bugles for Bonnets,
Table knives and Forks,
Pen and Pocket Knives,
Razors and Razor Strops,
Tinned Iron and Fullian Spoons and Di
Gimblett, Sc. (3e»
July »<?• [ tf 3
ALL persons indebted to
he late firm of William H. Jack &
Cc. or to the estate of Andrew Jnnes, de
ccafcd, by bond or note, are once more
called on for immediate fettlcment) no
further indulgence can be given.—Thofc
indebted to either of the above mentioned
firms on open account, are requefied to
liquidate the fame previous to the firft day
of September next,—After that date,
blits will be commenced agaiefi delin
quents without diferimination.
l3. • (ts)
1 00 Dollars Reward.
STOLEN from Captain VVm.
Stable about four miles from Aogufia,
on the night of the 4th inst; A SMALL
BROWN BAY MrtRE mixed with grey
hairs, three year* old isft f-ring, about 14
hands one inch high, a whitettreak in h: i
forehead, the left bind foot white, two ot
three white mixed rings round the tail.—
And a YELLOW BAY HORSE about 14
hands and high, four years old, with
4 small star in his forehead, food allround,
with a little scale t ff the hind hoof.
The above reward will be the
above deferibed horfi »Sc the thief dfthieves,
ot Forty Dollars for tbe’hotles alone.
November zz,