Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, December 06, 1806, Image 1
AUGUSTA CHRONICLE. ' - -A . A ~ , T * » ———^*^**^ , * , ***^"* M —« - - - . i • V ’ ' ’ r --'y'l T, ■ iV _ Vol. XXL] FREEDOM of the PRESS amb J R I A L it JURY, «HAtt remain invioiate. [No. - - , - ■ - ■ ■ ■» • * .... ■■ 1— * ■ ■ ' * *> ' '' * V ' --wy ■ -v; ■ ”■ -■ v '7 s to AUGUSTA: (Georgia) Printed »t D. DHISCOL, near, the market. December 6» 1836. [3 Dills, per Amu Jones & Semmes’s, Commission Ware Houfc i AND STORES, XRfc KUW IN COMI*LETE ORDER, For the reception of all kinds of Goods and Produce. "They can allure their friends and the public that their Cotton Ware Houfe* Is equal to any in this city, and that thfir attention t:» the business, of thofc who may commit. it to tlrir care, will be unremitted. q heit rates of Storage and Commifiions will be as bw as any in this place. They are also just reedving at their Store on Broad- Itxcct, a limply ot Fresh Goods, • i hop fifing of the following articles : 1 Bates Humhmns, i bale Lionlkin coatings, i box 4-4 Irish linen, i box Suspenders, 4th tntoo* Jamaica 1 RUM jft : Northward 3 barrels Sc hhds. Molaffcs in hhds. Lilbon, Malaga \ WINES in , Tenncriffe & Sherry J qr. calks Holland Gi« and best Cognkc Brandy JSrown and lo if Sugars Coffee, Pepper, Spice and Nutmegs Hyfon, Young Hyfon and Sulhong Tea s 6 Tons of Country and Swedes Iron for Waggon and Carnage tire Sherc Moulds—London Porter Crates of assorted Crockery And on Conjtgnmeni) 1000 Bulhcls Ground Salt. All od which will be fold on the lowcft terms for calh or Produce. November 29. Patent New London Bilious Pills, A Fresh Supply, y u Jl received from the Patentee f ‘ AND FOR SALE by the Gross, Dozen or Retail, by the fubferiber, ISAAC HERBERT. November 29. (ts) NOTICE, The Negroes belonging to the ( Estate of Anthony Haynes Drceafed, Will be Hired, At Columbia Court-house, on Friday the second day of January next. N. B. Nevertheless I expeft to receive them and the Hire on the day before. * THOMAS HAYNEi*, Ex’r. November 29. [ 3‘l NOTICE. Will h e Rented For 1 0, months from thefirjl of January next. The Plantation belonging to theeftate of George Lowe dcccafcd, in Richmond county. ALSO, The Negroes belbnging to laid «t*te will be hired for the fame term. The ■persona renting or hiring, to give Bond Hritlr approved tecurity, Wm, HART, Admtr . ELIZABETH HART, Adm’x. November 19. ( 3 f ) .■' : • - ’ " > For Sale, THrfday the t tth day of next month , to the hightji bidder , at the fubjcriber*s plan tation on the Kiokee , Columbia county , afeto Valuable Negroes, . A large stock of Hogs and Cat- j tie, the crop of corn and fodder, a Gcod Stage Waggrn, a handsome Deftillery with •Very apparatus coikpletr, fomc household sod kitchen furniture, and a few barrel* of Good Rye Whilkey. N- B. Sale to commence at tea o'clock, November 29. ! John Hill & co. HAVE RECEIVED THE BALANCE OP THEIR Fall Goods; Among "which are —— BLUE. Extra Superfine C Cloths and GREY, r „ ~ BLACK, ) Caflimers, D >. Second Quality, Coating* and Fearnought!, Plains and Kendal Cottons, Calicoes and Linens, Fashionable Patent Cord, Wor3«d Max foils and Swanfdown vest Shapes, and Laces, Men's and Women’s Saddles, io Trunks Cosrfe and Fine Shoes, z do. Ladies Morocco and Kid do. 20 Boxes China, —ON HAND,— Best Jamaica Rum, four years old, Cogniac Brandy, Holland Gin, New England Rum, 1 Bjj } WINE, Salt, * November 29. [3O Jockey Club Races. At a meeting of the augusta jog key club on the 20 th inji, ’ RESOLVED, that the Races for the ensuing year commence on the last Wednefdiiy In January, 1 #O7, free for any Horse, Mare or 'Gelding, from any part of the world. f-The Purfe s and Dijlatoces as Follow —V I Z First day’s running, four mile beats, for ‘a purse of 500 dollars. . Second day’s running, three mile heats, for a purse of 390 dollar*. Third days running, two mile heats, for a purse of 200 dollars. . Fourth days running, a fwecpftake, two mile heats, forthc entrance money and over plus, supposed to be worth from 250 to 350 dollars. The weights and regulations agreeably to the cllahlifhed rules. By order of the Club, GEO; S. HOUSTON, Sec'ry. November 29. Officers for the ensuing year. John Catlett, President. Cheslev Bostick, Vue President, Geo : S. Houston, Secretary , Geo : F. Randolph, Treasurer, EDGEFIELD Jockey Club Races, RESOLVED, that the Races for the fenfaing year commence at the Chero kee Ponds, on Ifctf fcocrui Wednesday (in January next, flee for any Horse, Mare or Gelding, from any part of the world. The purfis and diftanca as follms : First day’s running, three-mile heats, for a purse of about two hundred and fifty dol lars. Second day's running, two mile hears, for a purse of about one hundred and fevtn ty dollar. Third day, a Swcep&ake, one mile heat, for the entrance money. ‘ Weights tJlaUiJhtd agreeable to Au gujia Rules, STEPHEN GARRETT, Sec’ry, November it, [4*] N. B. AH fubfexibers are requested to - pay thair fubfcripiions to the fubferiber 1 on or before the firft day’s running. JOSEPH HIGHTOWER, Treafun r Will be Rented, To the highest bidder on thefirjl day of January next , fart of The Plantation n Whereon the dec. Joseph Ray formerly lived, with a good dwelling house and about one hundred and twenty acrea of cleared land, the greater part frelh * it good order ; utiy person withing to rent can call and view thepremifes. . NANCYRAY Etcctitrlx of the estate of Jos. Ray dec. •Nwtmhtr 29, (*0 — • A PRIME PARCEL OP Boots & Shoes, To be had wholcfalc & retailor! mod erate terms at Mr. Jcfie Stewart’s Leather & Grocery Store , Nearly oppolitc the latc Col. Wat - kin'* Buildingi, and two doors above Mr* Burd ell’s (lore. November is. (*0 _ - - - " - SHERIFF’S SALE, On the firjl Tutjday in January next, at the Market house in the City of 4ugujta, between the usual hours, Will be Sold, One House and Lot lying on the North fide of Broad street, below the Market house; containing about 2 acres, more or left, and it in front about 70 yards, more or left. V' ALSO, One Negro Tfflrow, by the name of PHlLL—pointed out by the de fendants, John D’Autignad and Chcfley Boftick jun. and Levied on to fatisfy an execution in favor of Robert CrclTvell efq* —Conditions of flt’c, cash. JUR: HARRKSS, 0. 1. November 29* (61) SHERIFFS SALE. Oil the firft Tutfday in January next , at Columbia Court House, between the usual hours, WILL BE SOLD, 640 Acres of Ihnd in Colombia count •, be the iamb more or left, where, Hcn y Hampton now lives, joining Napier and Cair, to frtisfy two executions outlined agaioti faW Hamptbn, in favor 6f Win* Lee for John Howard, A&O. One house and lot in Wrightf borp, wbeteem Peter Overbey now lives, executed, a*, the probity of fa Id Overbey, to fitlsfy an execution in favor of John Wade. ALSO, 700 acres of land in Columbia county, bounded by lamls of one thousand five handled and fcventy three acres, lying on the waters Cane creek, executed as the property of Robert Randolph and Thomas Napier, tofatisfy an execution npon the forcclofare of a mortgage, in favor of the executors J. Moffmcn. ALSO, 200 acres of land whereon eh*® Porter Esq. now Jives, adjoining Johns and Findall, executed as the property of laid Porter, to fatisfy two executions, via. ad mirtiftrators George Walker and Benjamin Williams, assignees. ALSO, 80 acres of land in Columbia county, joining Goldwire and Binion—alfo 200 acres of land in Columbia county, join ing Watson and Tabou?, executed as the property of Yahcy Sanders, to fetisfy an execution in favorof Collin Reid, and poin ted out by the defendant. ALSO, One negro boy by the name of Bcdnigo, executed as the property, of An thony Garnett, to fatisfy Jehu Evans. ALSO, One negro man named Toney and toij acre* of find in Witkinfon coun ty, No. 215, iitnate in the third dtftrift j executed as the property of James wood, to fatisfy an execution in favor of Benjamin Boroughs senior again(l said Wood, and pointed out by the defend ant. Condition", Calh, V. m FLEMING, Sheriff. Novemhbr 29. [3»] SHERIFF’S SALE, On the firjl Juefday in January next, at Columbia Court house, between the usual hours, WILL BE SOLD, One grey Mare, two cows and calvesaud three.heifsrs, executed as the property of Jofcph Edpondfon, to fatisfy an execution in favor of Samuel Scott, and pointed out by the defendant. JAMEj LUK&, d. s, c. c. November 29* £jO ;InK POWDER ~ Os the vary best kind, to be had on low terms (by whole&le and re ad) at the Chronicle Offtc®. - -""V 1 . 1 ■' ■ ■■ 'MI ' From the Aurora. The Regal Efabhjhmeut of England, Nero* Caligua Sc Dotnitian were humane, till they had by the aftiitance of their mini* fters, overturned the few privilege!! which had remained to the patricians of Rome. Tygers, Wolves and Hyenas, whilst re*. . drained by muzzles and chains, cannot glut their savage third of blood and daughter. •We hear frequent talk of the mercy hu manity and chriflian qualities of the British monarch ; as if the feencs of lUaffacre ex hibited during the American revolution were wholly obliterated from memory and from hiflory. What fort of a go Vermnent, and what fort of raetcy, would have been (hown to the “ sons of liberty,*’ i n this country, had they been conquered ? We-have exhibited, from a (launch Engljh rtyahji t a handfomd piflure of the exjience of the reg ality. What fort of government George 111. is anxious to e&abllCh in 11/itain. let the benevolent and humane M. Howard (hew* Certainly our manumiflton philanthropist will not difputc the words of the good Mr. Howard. Let our British agents and anglo-federal. Ms, recollect that these true It ret werq com mitted w hefe the power of this holy monarch is unlimited, where His nod could hare e fhtblifhcd merry —and before the French re volution was so much as thought poffiblc— attached to the deflorate of Hanover is the bishopric of Ofnaburgh, (i. c. it was when what we are about to quote was written. “ Greatly to my astonishment, (f«ys) Mr, Howard in his biftory of foreign prisons —I found that the lack, torture , and dun \ grout, are employed in other countries be sides Spain and Portugal. At Ofnaburgh , a mode of torturing it used, which is so highly excruciating , that it it didinguifhed by the title of the Ofnaburgh torture ! and the executioners are so expert at their bellifh buftnefs, that whenever an excess of veh geanee is intended! any delinquent In another fate, they are confiantiy fe»t for, At Hano ver also, the execrable practice of torturing pfifdneh is uled in a cellar, where the en gine is kept. In the year 1779, a criminal (that it\a ferfon charged with a crime) Coffered the Ofnaburgh 4or litre, twice in this city of Hanover. The lad time, at putting the third quefHon to him, alter the executioner bad tom item his head, bread. «kc. he conffffed , and was executed.'* Thus far Howard. Another traveller fays*=—having heard ranch of the mode of torture praffifed at Hanover, Called the Ofnaburgh torture, and which is applied by executioners purpofdy sent for from that bfhopric, (the duke of York was then bfhop of Ofnaburgh) I ap plied to be admitted to the cellar in which the engines of torture are kept.—as my in trodufliOn was by a high officer of the court. I had the honor of a feat near die judges. The person who was put to the torture that day, happened to be a female, of family and rcfpeflahle connexions, whose hufbandftood charged with Come Crime,, but had escaped from his exccotioners-.-they feixed his wife —to compel her by the torture of Ofnaburgh to criminate him and his Connexions. “ She was of the mod exquifue beauty, and the judges fcaded their eyes with a view of her person, already disfigured by repeated qut front, as flic lay extended ert the rack, imh only a loose garment thrown over part of her body.—The Ofnaburgh torture was applied in the manner that is related in Mr. Howard's narrative in all its exquiftte refnementt—Skc perfided in her innocence... Her judges, the representa tives of the elector of HaWover, celebrated tor his domtdic and social virtues, fat un moved, either by her beauty, differing*, or proteftacions. They ordered the excco. tioners to vary her tortures-..the cords were drawn to the fhorfed. She wat a mother I ...From her beauteous and lovely but ag onizing breads, forced by the extreme of her torments, blood spouted, and covered the faces and cloths of her judges. She dill asserted her innocence—executioner, in crease the queftiom, was again the exclama tion of thole fiends of Hell—with theut mo ft. pitious lamentations (he begged for mercy. —lt was in Vain...the executioners obeyed (he mandates of their superiors, they have her cnee more at the rack-—(he fhriked, the name of her beloved babe and husband mur mured bn her trembling lips—nature was totally exdanftcd by Jhame and -torture, (be expired. Goul God, never (hall I forget tiie dreadful moment ( And is this, ex claimed I to myfelf, daggering from this court of jtiftke, is this my king, who governs with an absolute sway in this city !** Read this you enemies of free govern infatuated anglo-federalifts ! Read thl?, of every ft& and party, who are for ever bellowing out on the mercies of Jcingt ' —and contralting rhe benevolence and social virtues of George 111. with others—.read this. Here is a portraiture to *dom your par. lours, fit companion with thole of Wiljtrf arbre, i > «e/i—and the Jersey prfou.fhip.