Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, December 06, 1806, Image 2

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. Late Foreign News. BOSTON, Novemdik 6* T By the arrival of the brig By field, capt. Fpftcf, in the very Ihort paflagc of 37 day* from Copenhagen, we have been favored by the politenefk and attention of capt. Fuller, with Hamburg and Copenhagen papers to the 2 7 »h September. The following translations obligingly fur . r.ilhcd by Mr. Hauff, Swedilh consul in this place, (hew that their contents are highly .intcrefting. “ CoriNHAceti, September 27.. They write from IConifhgerg, that troops • arc embarking in several Ruffian ports, to be ttanfpurted to Pomtrania. , “ The combined Dutch—French army, .in Holland,' is said to amount to 70,000 tnen. “Several tamps are formed on the fron. tiers of Ruffin. ' “ The Prussian troof s are moving rowaids the grand army, now forming in Saxony. “ It is laid the French minifler at Berlin hat demaned his palfport. 4 The Prussian troops in every direflion are in motion. • Nothing is said in the German papers, relative to Auflria. “ FROM THE GERMAN PAPERS. The late Pruffim minifler at London, Mr. Jacoli, who had proceeded on his journey home has arrfvtd at Hamburg ; and it is . believed, intends returning immediately to Enghnd. *• ThcFrench troops on the Rhine aud Maine, are in motion ; and a part of them actually palled over the right bank of the latter fiver, at Frankfort.’ “ The French emperor's body guards have • quitted the palace ol Sr. Cloud, and been replaced by other frqcps., “ The treafurcs of the Cathedral at Muni ftcr have been removed to Magdeburg .for fafety.. \ *. PROM LONDON PAPERS, Sept. Ig. “ Although it fee ms the English arc not willing to exclude neutrals from trading to Buencs Ayres, yet it is supposed the dirties will be such as not to encourage the imports ,*lion of any other than Biitilh * “ Mr. Sheridan has declines the honour of tie Wcftminftcr cleft irn. Earl Percy will probably he defied, having the support of Lord Grenville A other diflinguilhed friends. The Britilh government has issued an or d*f for opening the trade of Buenos Ayres, to the Biitilhrrerdmits ; and reinforcements . had been lent out t© hold the conqncfls. Earl Spencer tranfatf ed the foreign .bufmefs alter Mr. Fox’s death. m >■» * . LONDON, September 13. The fee Ample of Spanilh America would be to this country equal to the amount of the national debt. What has enabled us to carry on the war (o long, at the cxpence which thirty, nay ten years ago, no man believed it possible for this country to bear, but nut increase of colonies and cpnfrquent increafc of commerce? It would aflonilh ! the public tb know the great riches wc have duivul from,the Dutch colonies alone of D> maiaia, Iftqueibo and Surinam, which wi'l probably be thrown away in a treaty of peace by our rmnifleis .as if they were cm umbranccs. Out of filch fertile colonies, , ftvit ft) induftry..and, capital have extraflcd pud'g’ous wealth. What might wc, ; not , draw from Sp.apilh America, having as we Hill have, though lord Howie is Bill firll Lord cf the admiralty, the fovcrdgfity ot the leas ?■ With the fourcesof thC*pTcious ntetals in cur hands, we could control com. mcrce in peace nearly as much as we do by out navy in’time of war. With the mono poly of the trade of the richcft, mod exten- , five, and naturally ftrcngcfl colonies in tha world, our commerce and manufactures would rile with a new life, would expand with a new vigor which would make our national debt be felt as but a feather, while its redemption would be rapidly going on l*V meant of the finking fund. Our increafc of commerce would also neceflfarUy augment cur maritime t ftrength, andcircumfcribc i tha* of the enemy. France/ it .is feared, nv.v one day teach cur E.a|Llndian domin. it if.- vve kind with htr armiw; but Spanilh t AiTjer»c.:« is not so vulnerable ; so detached f n u Europe, it would. alw*“» belong to 1 that nail' d which held, ,ths tiident of Nep tune, Vioin it wc fiiould derive nsw four ct,i U v. e hh to counterbalance our new bur lhir», and the cunqueil of it w f ouKl more firmly t-s as a colonial and maritime power than any other ftcp wc could take, or any olhtr event tha: could happen. Thde are not ordinary time?. The revolu. 1 tioos in Europe arc but the prelude to dill greater events in other parts of ihe wot Id. In » general view of society, a change of a' vftcib in Spanilh America would he of far greater importance to the world than the changes which have already happened in •Europe. Our udnllkrs mull be * drunken drivers’ : r.d -cd, if they believe that R.na_ parte-deiigni, to let the Bourbon family pos sess Spanilh Amt.-icn, the richelt colonies in the world, and the mod important in a military point of view, cfpecially with the views he entertains of uniyerfal .empire. To France or to England, Spanilh America Seedily nul l fall. Unddr other ministers ! wvh ..i>d i »ok to it as the means of oar re- ' i -i pnon ; but we arc under the Foxities, v i , tfyhc Pamphlet on the State of the Naticn be, as it is said, their manifcfto, • think ihis country holds ufeU\iip 100 highly, ; ru rhe only remedy for our difficulties to lower the public spirit. Wc' must give up our right of featch, wc mull restore the freedom of the leas, set limits to oar. colonial aggrandizement,* and (hare > out commercial greatoefs with Bonaparte, as the only way of appealing him, * If this •fyftcm of policy be porfeed, England is undone* On Sunday the transports with the' following regiments, (ailed from Ports mouth. .» 40th Regiment, Ift battalion; 40th do. ai battalion4.4oth db. battalion ; sth German ' Legion, detachment ; dth do. detachment ; 7thßo. whole regiment; and Bch do. whote rdgiihent. .. Part of the marched throu* Dbvcr ycftetday flora Deal, on their way to Portfmooth, where they are to be em barked for foreign fervicc. Major General Sir Arthur Welleflej and Sir George Prevoft, will it is said get the commands of separate expeditions. Sift ember 25. We understand that the following are , the new arrangements which are agreed upon ir. consequence of the lamented death of Mr. Fox. Earl Fizwilliam, from indisposition, withes to retire from the situation (which • require* regular attention) of Lord Prefidcnt, but to retain his feat in the cabinet. Lord Sid mouth, eo be Lord Prefidcnt, Lord Holland, to he Lord Privy Seal. Lo'd Howick, to be Secretary of the State for the Foreign Department. Mr. Thomas Grenville, to be firft Lord of the Admiralty. Mr. Tierney, to bc Prefidcnt of the Board of controul. Mr. Braggs Bathurft to be Matter of the Mint, vice Lord Charles Spencer*. Mr. Whitbread will a!fo be fpecdily called into office,' but the arrange mem for that pntjfofcMs not yet matured. Wi can now add, vmb the utmost con fidence, tfiat Lrfrd Grt&viHe proceeded on Monday rttdrningf to Windsor, to take the King’s pica hire upon above nominations, ail of which it is presumed will bc con firmed <it fhS privy council held this day. THE EXPEDITIONS, One of the expeditions now fitting out is for the Spanifli Main. We understand that the tdth, the B;ih, and Jyth regi ments, are to go on this service. Plymouth, September 22. “ Orders have been received this day to prepare three transports tor the reception of the 87th regiment of foot, which we un derstand, are to be joined by the 89th re giment, from Portsmouth, and then both to proceed direst for Buenos Ayres. Hahovek, Seri*;. Picquets arc drawn from the fcveral corps of cavalry, in order to watch the borders of the Wcfer, and the country between that liver and the Ems, in order to prevent the desertion of the Prufflan infantry, which has become so general that fomc companies have loft a thins, a fid others a half of their men. It is alTcrted that general Ruche 1 will not obtain the command of the army. . Count Schulleimbourg ia univerfaliy regret, ted. The mandates of the royal treasury, have experienced a confiderabie depreciation fine* the reports of war have been in circula. lion. NEW-YORK, November 13. < The fall failing (hip Richard, espt. Ro gers, arrived at this port ytftcrday from .; iNantz-H[he left there the ift October. - One of the paffergers in the Richard, is the bearer of a. prize.medal awarded to the Prefidcnt of the United Slates by the Agri cultural Society of the /Soine. A letter by this arrival mentions that Bonaparte bad set out for the army.—[fPi do not find this annmmtd in the papers] Jerome Bonaparte Is created a prince, and it is said is to many the pdnoefs of Wer tumherg. Letters from Madrid of the Bth of August mention (hat the king had given orders for an army of 40,000 men to hold themfeivcs in rcaitnefs to march; It Is thought this 'order is in confequencethe entry of the l£ng)hVitito the Tagus. ■.•-.* .. * - A., gentleman wrho* cahae paftcngef in the . Richard is the beater ofrdifpatches from the American minuter at Paris, to the Secretary f of state, ' ' L-’ Lord Lauderdale was at Paris on the 25 th September. A friend having favoured us with a Tri nidad paper of the itflh October, we are enabled to state, That the Britilh (hip Fortitude, from the Straits of Malacca via Bengal, had arrived there wirh 191 native*, (mechanics and ar tilh) agreeably to a plan-of the Britilh gov ernment, " November 19. Yelterday afternoon the (hip New. Guide, Cupt. Hail, from Liverpool, came up to the city, after being detained below by head winds. Our London papers by the New Guide are to the 15th of September, fix days later than before received. They state, on the authority of a letter from Plymouth, that Lord Sr. Vincent has ta- ' ken out all the Portuguese (hip of war at Li (bon, and is rigging them with all pofli ble difpatcb, and no dbobtwill bring them away with him. and, jtlj Royal Family. From a London paper.—-The (hip Tippoo Salb, from Savannah to, Liverpool, was totally Idft on light, Sept, x 4 th; near, Froroby point, England ; the captain, pilot, and all the crew, were saved by the boats with the utmolWif<Mty* She ft nick at 1 r o’clock at night, and in the morning : no part of the veflel was visible. The King George packet', of and from Parkgat* to Dublin, was loft on the fame night near the» 1 1 • * ‘ Hoyle Bank. It is fan! (be bad on board upwards of 100 paffcngers; all ot whom (together with her crew} are supposed to have perifhcd, exsept three or four. WASHINGTON CITY, November ra. * ' We have the fatisf&llion of informing our readers that in consequence of indmllion* from the court of Madrid, Col. Howard, ailing ad-interm as Governor of Pcnfacola, in the absence of Governor Folk, has order ed the Spanifi officers on the Mobille to permit American vessels to navigate that dream* without being charged with other duties than such as ate .chargeable on Span-, i(h vcflsla navigating the Miffifluppi. ANNAPOLIS, November ra. Gentlemen, - YOUR joint letter of the loth inst. notifying roe of wy appointment as the gov ernor of the date of Maryland, I received by express at my rdidence in Cbeftertown, at half pall twelve o'clock on the night of that day. 1 accept the appointment wi:h peculiar gratification, as Iconfiderit the fell of ycur approbation of my conduit in the office of Ann lor of the United States, which by your appointment 1 have held for the last five years, and in the difeharge of the du ties whereof I have most cordially co-opera ted v.uh a virtuous adminillration ip pro moting the best interests sf cur common country, in repealing such laws as imposed odious and unnecessary taxes on our fellcw ciiizcns ; in refiorirg the national judicial ry to iht fiate it had obtained in the time of our Wafliingson ; in the purchase of Lluifia na, and thereby extending to our wefiern brethern the great advantages of the impor tant port of Orleans, and .the navigation of the Miliburi w}th_all its tributary ftrearos; in the measures adopted to.ccquire the Flori das, that the American empire might be consolidated, and a rilk of a collision with a colony of Spain avoided ; in the cultiva tion of the arts of peace with all our foreign relations, with temper and goed faith, in an honed neutrality with all the belligerent powers, andin an cxall dilchar e cf every duty imposed on us by exiding treaties, or by the law of nations, and in the laudible attention that has been paid to our native brethren the savage tribes, in inst rutting them in the culture of the foil and, doroedic manufalhues, and thereby inducing them to convert theft scalping-knives into prunin hcoks, and their tomahawks into implements of hulbandry, and both by precept ard ex ample teaching them, to prefer the pacific olive to the bloody laurel. Permit me to render to yoprfelves and the honorable bodies over which you preside, .the aflurances of my entire personal refpcll, arul cf r.;y devotion to the principles of the American rt: volution, hallowed by the blood of her patriots, immolated on the altar cf ■ liberty. i .„ I now re ,r. my office of senator in the femae ot the United Suites ;'! will attend to qualify at fu'ch time, to-day as will be mod agr.ea:.!.; tv your honors, and am, with t k.u itfpcl!, gentlemen, ycur obedi ent fervaut. , ROBERT WRIGHT# The Honorable -the PrefiduU "i . of the Senirie- snd the Speaker of the House of Delegates. J LEXINGTON, (Ken ) Ol>. j©. SviGißE-i-Oh the evening of ehc. 9 h in dart. Ml Robert Smith, 3 youhg gentleman - of L'. uirv'ii?,, pin an end to his cxiltence The particular oi ihia unhappy event arc un. com:non. Mr. Smith had been for fume time in a low [‘ate of health, and was con fired to his room. The family had from OfnE > iicauifiances, lufkctted he had a riefign on bis o«rn life, and removed every it Ifru rnrnt with which iie*c»/U ! d execute such de j fi-mij'iio;;. the re on. Yet he* found mtans, unknown to tilt family, of getting his pcf- I t il?’ from the Itute below, and ot having it .rn -oth ch.rgtd. On the evening above, young man bho attended in the dore, went it* fupptr, and left a small negro toy ■ (*s bfu: i) locked up in the room with him. Mt S.nitlv then placed himfelf on a trunk, with his back reding againd the wall, and a barrel between his legs; each arm was fupporttd on a chair and pillow. Fixed in this poficion, he compelled the boy, by threats, to hold a locking glass, before his face, having, without effctt, endeavoured so to place it on the head of the barrel as to answer his purpose. He then appliedVa pis tol to each temple, and difeharged both at thtfame indant. CHARLESTON, November 20. On the aid of September, oIF Dover eapt. Perry was boarded by the British gtm, brig Tygrefs, and informed by her comman ■der, chat lord Lauderdale had returned to England without concluding a peace. In the brig Eliza, capt. Wilson, arrived at Philadelphia from New-Orleans, came paffengcr Daniel Clark cfq. member of Con. gtch, who informs, that gen. Wilkinson having taken the command of the United States army at Nachitochcs, had opened a conference with the commander of the Span, ilk troops, in consequence of which matters J! were adjusted, and the Spaniards had crofied, or- at lead agreed tore-croTs the Sabine am. mediately. PriHt i» Ltmds»§* the It Se/temeer, WBRLIKO. Cotton, sea island, is. to as. 6d, Geo, Upland, it 6 J to it i\d. Flour American per bl. 40 to 4ft. AARON BURR. Ui j many Os them of foch a comp&irm th *l U - ,r ; l l ht ** criminal eitl >cr to treat iVm with indifference, or to receive them' askh folutely true. Under fnch drcomftanwT it is our duty to tecord them. They vHI! inculcate vigilance and the propriety of M Hate of preparation lor any events which may occur. Let it not be imagined tliic we ha y e any doubts of the virtue and patri. otifm of tbc.Weffern dates, or apprehenfionj any mschinations to. separate them from fheUniqn. On the' contrary, fa believe their affeaicn to the union and the adminif. nation unbounded. Notwithstanding, ,he r « may be men among them who ate deluded by their ambitious views, and who may form the mod urproroifing jirojcfts. 7 It is affirmed as an unequivocal sass, that a com raft has been entered into with Com, fort Ty ler for furriifliing, on the waters of the Ohio, abcut the beginning ofOftobtr, provisions to the amount of forty thenfand dollars, at the b 'jghtfi market prices .'' This is vouched by creditable men, who declare they have the information from those who have seen the conttaft. The faft is likewifc corroborated by ftVeral peilons to whom offers of purchafc were made, but who dc, dined entirely from the tnjftencus appear, ance of the business. It is affirmed as un deniable, that during the Jtft winter Mr, Burr offered gen. Eaton a com million, which the latter rejefted ; in confeqßenctof which, tbe latter gentleman, at an entertainment sc which Mr. Burr was prcfcnt, gate a toast to tfiis efftft~“ May the arm ho Withered, and the head paralizcd, thatKhali attempt or meditate a reparation of the Hates'* , ' , - ' Noli Intel 4 * "*• \f > > 4 ; Extras tja letter from General' Wilkxnfn, dated Rapids of Red River, Seftemiif , *9* iio(s. y V } M My orders, and the ccndcft of the Mexicans, are so much at variance, and the Spanilh commander, at the head of 1500 cr li'eomen, has treated the strong remonstran ces of Governor Claiborne and ccl. Gdhing with foch flight, after having travelled the territory e*ft of the Sabine, where be has taken hit nearest pest, and menaced cut es. tablifliment at Natchitoches; that I forefee an inevitabfo appeal to arms in the couifeof twelve days, if the Spaniards (hould not re. cede, or 1 receive counter orders.—And as govetner Hcrrara is an officer who has risen by his fwotd, and is reputed a roan of great pride and spirit, I think it prof able he will adhere to bis fdlemh pro mile to maintain and defend his master's territorial pretenfiens to a point within seven miles of one pod, ard $0 ciaft of the Sabine. “ Under theft circumfiances, but with a solemn determination to drain the cop of con, dilation before I draw the sword, I have called for about yep militia, which is the fom total I am (feexpeft front this and the Mississippi tertitotitf, to be affcmbled at Nachitochcs the fit ft proximo. “It is not improbable heftilities at this point will he instantly followed by an appeal to arms in Weft. Florida. I will write to ybu again in about ten days, when I fear you will be informed that blood bat heenjhei. I have twto Spanish governors eppofed tome —Hcrrara and Cordera, of whom and their xceomen, I shall withlefs than 1200 give yuu a good account.** ExtraS of a letter from a gentleman at De troit, to his fnend in the city of Now Tork, dated Sept 34, 18c6. * “ You will remember I wrote you of the fracas which occurred here in December lad, viz, two Biitifh cfficcrs, aided by some of, fleers and citizens of the United States, at tempting to rake away a deserter from De troit. 7 heir trial came on this court.— Capt. Muir, one of the British officers, is fined 10/ sterling and 17 daj s imprisonment. Lt. Lundi is fired xcool sterling and 6 months imprisonment; and Lt. Brcvqt, aw American officer, 100/ New York currency and 75 days imprisonment. There ate two otter indiftmtnt* fiill depending against Lundi.and Brevot, fofr aftault and battery commitud at the fame time* on other pet fons,” .V, DEATH of GENERA I. KNOX. kTarren, (Mnff) OS* a6, 1806. ** Dear Sir, ** It is with the deepest regret, I h»ve now to inform you, that the great and good Gcnerol Kkox, departed this life yesterday morning. He was confined about fix days. It is foppofed that thecaufe of his death <*al his swallowing a (harp chicken boo* which perforated his bowels, and produced t mor tification.—The event was very foddeu, Se unexpefted by bis physicians, till a very ftiort time before his death. It has coveted us all with the deepest gloom. The funeral will be to.morrow, when every teftwiony of rsfpcft will be paid, by all dalles of peo ple.** Extras of a letter from L'Jken, dated Sep tember x, iSta6. “There is her* at prcfcnt a fttiiUh fleet of 2>y fail of th« line ondrr the command of the Earl Sr, Vincent, A large reinforce ment of <hipt mod *6 thousand troops arte expeflrd here ppfepteft the Fortugaefc fro* the encroachments of the Spaniards who have entered the frontiers. General Hutch inson, the commander in chief, with h;s Raff, has just arrived in the Santa Mar garitta frigate,*’—— Fbila-