Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, January 17, 1807, Image 1

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AUGUSTA CHRONICLE. , • • • Vol XXI.] FR E E D 0 M of the P RE S S and TRIAL by JURY shall remain inviolate. [N«; io<s# . \ At __ , ... . ' . ■ x ' ' - - 1 - 7' ■' - ■ ...P. ... ■-* ■«* ■ ■_W. . I i ■- ■r. ' , V' " 11 !,*!', v . ' V J[ UG U S TA: (Georgia) Printed by D. DRISCOL, near the market. SATURDAY, Janinry 17, 1807. £3 Dolls, per Am, * f -■ ■ ■ ■ - " , Mary Wilde, INFORMS hrr friends and the public, that Ihs hss removed from her former - stand, to the store lately occupied by Mcflrt Caropbe'l and NeiXm, opposite Miflfrs. T, Girdner fc Go’i brick building, where her buHne/s will b; carried on a* heretofore. Having visited Europe herfelf lal summer, B'id purphafed a number of FANCY ARr TICLSS there forcafh, (he will be able to fapply the Lidics of Angafta and the conn try, with every thing falhionable Sc Ele gant, on the mot invitl ig term among which are - The Following Articles, Pluih Satter*, Emboffcd Velvet, Straw & Willow hat* & Bonnet f-athers. Black & white, gold & (liver foil flower*. Artificial fl *wcrs and wreaths. Gold and Silver trimmings, Set Combs and pins. Slides and buttons for drtflei, Black and white lace, Sattin figured fiiks, Luflrings and ribbons, Spidernet and Leno Muslins. Worked robes, And many other fancy articles too nume rous far inierrinn. * Likcwife, Dry Goods. A Mo, huger, Ccffle, Karo, Iron, &c. Dtctmbzr 27. Os) S. M. Smyth, In addition to his former supply HAS JUST RECEIVED, 100 Jars of the bed boiled Oil, 1 > Hhds. Sugar, 1 j Puncheons of Rum, to Barrels of -apple Brandy, 2 Bales Hamhnms, • 36 Keg* white lead, 17 Boxes window glass, 3 Tons Iron, S Faggots German Steel, 1 Ton (hear moulds, 100 'b. Seine twine, 50 ib. Turkey cetton, 36 bolts Oznaburgs, 1 Case Itilh and 1 Dutch linens. With many other articles, too tediou* to mention, which will be fold on mode rate term* for CASH Or PRODUCE, Dtcfmbtr 27. [tf] Jonathan Vall'er, MOST refpedffully informs his friends and the public, that he has received a general aflbrtment of DRY GOODS A ND GROCERIES; Which he will dispose of cn moderate teams, by wholcfaleor retail (or cash or produce* I^NT-VILLE, * FOR SALE, THAT Valuable Plantation. CONSISTING of 2627 acres on Savan nah River in Burke County, and 767 on the opposite fide in South-Cardins — The value of the Pine Lands, cn this fide, and the rich lew Grounds on the other fide of the river, renders the whole a Valuable FJlate. The advantages of an elevated fitnation, the ettablifhmcnt of a Ferry con stantly, and with the command of Lands of every quality, upon a navigable river, arc so well known as to need no other deferip tion.—Terms of payment, and the price, will beeafy; for particulars, apply in Aa gufta to Thomas Flournoyefq ; of Seaborn Jones efq. at his f«at in Sciiven county, mod in Savannah to Wm, STEPHENS. July la. (ts) To Be Rented, ONE half of the Store where the Chron icle is published ; it is well calcula ted for Vending Dry Goods, OR FOR A Shoe Store. 5 at said ftorc. Deccafcct 27* Lewis Baric & Co. HAVING fuffered conftderably by the late Fire in Augusta, carncftly rcqueft that those indebted to them, will immedi ately come forward and fettle their ac counts, that they may be enabled to de jufticc to their creditors. At the fame time they inform their friendi Sc the public, that they carry on their DRY GOODS & Grocery bufmefs, In the New Houle on the fame fpor, where they lived heretofore. December 27. [bf] NOTICE, Will be Sold At Public Auftien at thehoufe of Captain Darky, on the last Saturday in this month, Eight Negroes, a man, woman, bovs and girls, fold to complete a division amoogft the heirs of William Crittenden, deceased, the terms of Bile made known on (he day of sale , & the negroes fold feperate. b- JOHN FOSTER, NOTIFY WHITCOMBE, JACOB DOWNS, CHARLES C. COUSINS, ANN M. CRITTENDEN.- For fclf, and as Guardian for the Minors. January 3. [3 ] For Sale. A Great Bargain Will be given of a Good COACHEE And plated harness. Apply to JOHN CARMICHAEL. January 3. [if] SHERIFF’S SALE. Ojt the fieji Turfday in Februmrj, nrxtj at the Market.houjt in the city ts Augufla , between the u/ual hours. Will be Sold, One Houle and Lot in the city of Augusta, known by number 28, bounded on the fouth by Broad Street, on the weft bX Lincoln ftreer, on the north by Reynold street, and on the east by lot 29 ; the above deferibed lot and improvements, levied on as the property of John D’Antignac, as fe enrity for John Cobbs, to fatisfy an execu tion in favor of Robert Crcfwell, Sc pointed out by said Crefwell. ALSO, Ore Negro Fellow, named PHILL ; levied on as the property of John Cobbs and others, to fatisfy sundry execu tions. H. M‘TYRE. s. r. c. January 3. [sl] SHERIFF’S SALES, P« the JirJl Tuefday in February ne*t t at Oglethorpe Court-hou/e, the following property , Will be Sold, One negro woman named Sally, about twenty-lix years old, ore boy named Rich mond about fix jta<s old, one negro man named Smith, thirty eight years old, all likely, and taken as the property of Haw kins Bulloch, to fatisfy Nathaniel Moss and the Administrators of Pitman Lnmpkin and pointed out by the defendant. ALSO, 108 f acres of land more or less in Oglethorpe county joining James M*- Gehee and Thomas Lefter, taken as the property of Pitman Lumpkin deccafed, to fatisfy Thomas Gardner Sc co. for the ufc of John Lefter against Joseph Lumpkin (Administrator of Pitman Lumpkin,} Haw kins Bulloch, and Thomas Gardner Sc co. against Joseph Lumpkin surviving copart ner of Pitman Lumpkin, and pointed out by Joseph Lumpkin Administrator. ALSO. 550 acres of land more or less in Oglethorpe county on the waters of the Grove Creek joining lands of Benj. Tribble and Seymore Lee, with tolerable improvements, taken as the property of William Kidd, to fatisfy Nathaniel Moss, and pointed out by Kidd. ALSO, 100 acres of land more or less in Oglethorpe county on the waters of Clouds creek, taken as the property of Thomas O’Kclly to fatisfy a judgment obtained by George Croft, vs said O’KeUy/' in a jufttces Court levied on and to me by the Conftable.—Conditip«w—calh, T; W. SCO JTi Sherif, January 3. [3*] t • SHERIFF’S SALES, On the jirfi Tuefdaj in February next, at Franklin Court hov/t, between the hourt of jo and 3 o’clock, Will be Sold, 500 acres of land in Franklin esunty, on the waters of the North fork of Broad river, being part of a survey cf 99V acre* granted to Peter Wiiliamfon, adjoioing Jrhn Allen, James Hooper, John and Andy Williitnfon, being the place and including the plantation whereon Samuel Phillips now lives, taken as hit property to fytisfy Martin P- Sparkcs-pointed out by the defendant.— Conditon*— cash• H. TERRELL, Sheriff. January 3. [3 ] Poftponcmcnt. SHERIFF’S SALE. On the Jirfi Tvejday in February 1807, at Oglethorpe Court honje , between the usual hrurs, the following property . Will be Sold, Two lots in the town of Lcx ingtan, numbers unk town, one of them with tolerable improvement*, and now *c* copied by Benjamin Wiliiamfwn, the other adj doing the above, and being neat to the Spring, with fume improvements; both taken as the propetfy of James H. Kidd, to fatisfy tw® Judgments, one in favor of Phinizy i 3 Shields, inderfees again# said Kidd, and Wm. Smith—the other judg ment in favor of Reuben Lindsey vs. said Kidd, and pointed out by Kidd. Also, 300 acres of land, more or less, lying in Oglethorpe county, 00 the waters cf Broad river, joins W«, Matthews, Jacob Arcrheart and ethers, taken as the proper ty of Wyatt Hewsl, to fatlify Samuel Shan non again# said Hewcl, and pointed out by Hewel. Aifo, 100 acres of fund, more or less, lying in Oglethorpe, on fuuth Broad river, j ins Alcn Sims and Robert Caruthers, ta ken as ilia property of Samuel Ncifon, to fatisfy, James Stephen Gains and Sarah Thompson v*. said Nolfon. Also, 148 f acres of land, more or less in Oglethorpe cotirly, on the waters of Little Sandy creek, Improve ment;, joins John Warnoch and Thraftir*»» lands, taken as the property of Leonard Stringer to fatisfy sundry executions again# said Stringer, obtained in justices courts; evisd on and returned to me by the con ftablc. Also, a? acres ofland, wore or less, in Oglethorpe county, with tolerable im-, provemcnis, joins Elijah Dawjbn and Smith Humify, taken as the property of Stephan Hopkins to fatisfy sundry executions from jutlices courts, levied on and returned to me by the constable. Condi ions— cafb. T. W, SCOTT, Sh’rff November ie. (jt) Poftponcmcnt. SHERIFF’S SALE. On the Jirfi Tuefday in February 1807, at Oglethorpe Court- houft, between the usu al hours, the following property, WILL BE SOLD, Eighty barrels of Corn, Seven thou Find weight es ford cotton, & one pair of work Seers, levied on as the property of JofiasShaw to fatisfy sundry detections, & pointed cut by Shaw. Also, Two head of horses levied on as the property of Thomas Hartley, at the instance of Hanifou Cooper, and pointed out by Hartley.-- conditions cash. JACK LUMPKIN, d. s. December zo. (it) Factorage and Corn million Bufmefs. THE Subscribers having entered into Partnerlhip, under the firm of Barrett & Sims, In the above line of business in his city, inform their friends and the pub tic in general, that they (hall continue to occupy the fame Stores, as heretofore occu pied by Thomas Barrett, where they ate creating, ia addition, a large Cotton Ware-Botife. Which will afford tW rocm to 5000 Bales of Cot*df at o°* time, fccure trora the Weather. BARRETT. BENJAMIN SIMS. Auguftgo. [utotf] Blanks of all kinds. Executed at the ihorteft notice, at this Office. August Term, 1806. } In ,h ' S “P" ] « C "“«. Richard Brown, vs, > Petit ion for F.redofurH Martin Hay*. j UPON the petition of.Richard Brown, praying the foreclofure of the equity of redemption, in all that traft of land, situate on Swpet* water, in the county ol Columbia, containing two hundred acre*, and known by th« name of «£mbries eld mill, which (aid traft of land wa« mort gaged by Martin Hay* to said Richard Brown. ./ And or motion of Mr. Carr, attorney \ or (aid Richard Brown, If IS ORD HRED, That the principal | intcrcP and cost due on the said mortgage, , be paid nto court within twelve month* I tom thi* date, and unlef* the fame be fw 1 I aid, the equity of redemption will from thenceforth be forever foredufed,—-and it is further Ordered, That a copy vi the foregoing rule, be publ'lhsd in one of the public Gazette* of thu Bate,’ tince a month for twelve month*, dr be Served on the mortgagor or his attorney, fix month* pre viouflv to the time in which the moneyin diaerted to be paid into court. Taknt fromthr ninut,, PETER CRAWFORD CPk \ , Clerk's Ojfice, Sept, 1806. [mtmj On the night of the 31st alt, at the Bail at Aftuon and Carrie*, a Snrtout Coat of Knap|>ed cloth, of a dark olive colour, wa* taken in mistake for one * of nearly the fame colour of coating, any Gentleman baring the ft ft deferibed Coat it i* hoped will have the goodnef* to re tarn it to th r *. Office and receive hi* own. January 10. i/fi Marshall’s Sales. On theJirji Tuefiday in February next, , twten the usual hours, at the Market houft in the town of Louisville. , Will be Sold, ; Fourteen lots in the village ®f Harrisburg near Auguft.i, (with ail th* buiMlne* and improvement* thereon) vi*. Numbers 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 12;, 129, 130. 131, 1321 133, 134, 139, and 141, containing on# acre etch, part of lot 157, fay too feet, lot No. 4, adj. ining Milledge, containing 33 1 -1« acre*, and ja 9-20 aert* on Savannah rive*, adjoining tae Ware houfc—levied on a» the property of Ezekiel Harm, to fatisfy an ex. coition in favour of Guthrie and Cocke, pointed out by fhs plaintiff’* attorney, Ge». W. MOORE, t. c. u. «. Public Notice is hereby given, that I am in pcff.flion of the prem ia* mentioned in the above advertisement, and that I have a lawful aad bona fide title to the whole of the fame, of which th; mar fball, his deputy, and all intended purcha- fer* will take due notice, PETER CRAWFORD. • * December 13. NOTICE. ALL Pctfoni arc hereby cautioned not to hire any of the negroes belonging to Eliza Buike, (my infant w*rd,) from any one except myfelf, or other perfon* duly authored by me. SARAH HANDLEY, Guardian. January 10. (jO An Apprentice. A youth well grown, whoca* r-ad, write and cypher well, will meet will* liberal encouragement, by applying »t thi* Office* December, to. Fifteen Dollars Reward . m AN AWAY form the JkjOSr gV fv.bfcribex on the night of the fccond iflant, an old negro IcMcw named JACK, shout five feet nine inches high, '65 years ofege, I.aif a!rn< it giey j bad on a If iiped cotmn. coat, blue Jacket &c. talks broken englifk, he it fliro and fl*ndcr tnsde - deliver* said fellow to me in Woftiyngton Cpooty, tight mile* from Sanderfville,\cr Indgetbim in any Jail in tbi* Bate, so first I may get him, (hall receive tht regard. JOHN MOBMUSON. January to, '^(*o Sheriff’s titles. Bills ©if falc Mortgages, &c. may befeW at this Office. w