Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, January 24, 1807, Image 1

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AUGUSTA CHRONICLE. mt • .. ** • : ■ 1 * v‘. • - rr . . •s'•**? ; '•* •* v '- 1 *V C v v ‘ * • „‘«;Tv< '* ' r ' ; '£ • . \ .yiJ' v > ■'•'■' * T •• •• . ' / .#?. ” .1 V * V*. -• '> . .. * y* • . /•■ •' ■-. . ■ ...... r- ' ■/. .■• K‘ V *' .■ ' . v'ofc XXL] FR E B D O M or the PRESS and TRIAL by JURY shall remain inviolate. [No. ic6i » JL 4 - J U G u S TA: (Georgia) Printed by D. DRISCOL, near thb market. - SATURDAY\ January 24, 1807. • [3 W&* KT ■ 1 1 ~ Phinizy & Barnett, Have tliken a leafefor of Waynes Wharf And Stores, in Savannah, AND mean devoting their attention to the t ran faction of bufmefn* for their mercantile friends in Auyutta, and the back country, whose jntereft they will at ail times endeavor to promote. Having, lor the prcfsnt, a fa’p'us of Sore room, they will take produce on flotage. SavUhnafti January 17. [(f) FOR saxs, Earty of the prime /I kind of J African Negroes. BOYV fromfixteen totwenty veers old, or the#t!xrbo,tjt*—psrtof them will he a t •■i Daniel Robert’* rear capt. Wales, Gre cn ; c;unty, where the Ribficrib"* ha? a store, LEWIS PRUDHOMMF,. i January 17. (if) n one M I SHALL attend at the fim;-# and place# hejfeip after mentioned, for the purpose of the taxes due f r the year igc6. For ditt rift number 3 at the houfc of Mr, James Collins, on Monday the freond day V. of February-. On TucfJay the third day of February, at Mr. James ralchei'f. for diftridl No. 2. On Wednesday the 4th day of February, at Captain William M‘Tyrc’B, for diftiift number 6. On Thursday th* s'h day of February, at the hoafe of WiUsam Longftrcet, for diflrifl number 4. On Friday the 6th day*of February, at the City. Hots], fordifltift number r. On Saturday Che 7th day of February, at the honft of William Clarke, for diftrift number 5 H. M‘TYRE, r. c. jfi r >uaiy 17. (31) N O T 1 C E. On Saturday the z>Uh day of February next , at the late residence of Captain Samud d'ceaf d. Will be rented for one year, ’’T’HE SAW MILLS on Rocky Creek, X with 40 or 30 acre# of cleared Isnd, and a good dwelling house, also, will.b.* hi red on »h;fa necay, all the negroes belong ing to the eftato, and Will be Sotd, all the Hicfrhold and kitchen furniture, Cat tle, Horfe# and plantation tods, together with a good carrylog, and two yoke es ox en} on twelve months credit, the purcha sers giving thair bond# with appiovcd feen fity for all fum* exceeding twenty dollar#, H. M TYKE, ddm’r. N. B. All perfon# indebted to the eflate are fequsftcd to come forward and pay at no longer credit will be given j and all these .who may have demand.*,, are requeued to present their accounts properly attefled and within the: time prtferibed by Jaw. . d*W ay y *7- (60 tfV' NOTICE. On J fjrfi Thursday in February, at the Wlantaliov nt Jfyevtiak L imar dec • WM\ Will be Sold, f JHfLL the properly of laid deceafcd, c»n -■ fm. fifing of Ncgroet, Horses, Hogt, i-jfflptle, Houle hold and kitchen furniture, , gwotation utensils, and a number of other article# too trdions to mention, I . ALSO, The Trad of Land , .Formerly Hatcher and John son’s adjoining whereon *£he Lid dcccafcd lived; cor fitting of about f:s* hundred a crei, which will a.'l be fj!d on a credit of twelve months, by the purchafert* giving bond and approved fecuixty before the pro perty is takon away, MARY LAMAR, Executrix, * January 17. (jO ■f ; NOTICE. ALL Pcrfon# Indebted to Jeremiah La mar late of South-Carolini dec. arc requeued to eonac forward and make immo diatc payment; aifo, ihofe that fail deceased i« indebted to, arc requested #0 come for ward with their accounts properly attefled »i the time preferibed by-l*w. MARY LAMAR, Executrix. January 17, (t<) 'j NOTICE. ALL Persons are hereby cautioned not to hire any ofth- negroes belonging to Eli«iJßuike, (Piy infant ward,) from any * 'wne except snyfclf, or othtr perfan# duly •utbonfed by me. SARAH HANDLEY, Guardian. January i©. (jf) S. M. Smyth, In addition to his former fuppfy HAS JUST RECEIVED, ' Voo Jars of the bcft boiled Oil, i j Tihds. Sugar, 1 2 Puncheons of Rum, zo Barrels of apple Brandy, 2 34e* Humhnms, 36 Kegs white lead, 1 5 Boxes window glass, 2 Tens Iron, 8 Faggots German Steel, 1 Too (hear moulds, 100 !b. Seine twine, 5:0 lb. Turkey cetton, 36 bolts Gznaburgs, I Case Lifh and 1 Dutch linens. With many other articles, tco tedious to mention, which will be fold on mode, rate terms for cash or produce. Dictmhtr 27. [tf] Jonathan VaJTer, MOST refpeftiuliy informs his fficn^ s and the public, that he has received a general aflbrtmcnt of DRY GOODS A N GROCERIES; Which he will, dispose of on moderate terms, by wholesale or retail—for cash or pRODUCK., January 3. ( f Wilde, INFORMS htr friends and the public, fhc has removed from htr for mer stand, to th:. store lately occupied by M-.lTr* Campbell and Ncjlfcm, oppefic Mr fit. T. Gardner & C,/» brick building, where hor hufmefs wil. b; carried on a* heretofore. Having vifitad Europe herfclf ’ah f uiprner, and purchased a number of FANUY AR TICLES there forcaOi, lire will be sbfc to fopply the Ladies cf Augufiu and th« coub* try, with every thing fafliionab’c k Ele gant, en the mofi inviting term among which are The Following Articles, Pluik Sat ten, Embossed Velvet, Straw & Willow bats k Bonnet feathers, Black & while, gold &filverfei! flowers. Artificial flowers and wreaths. Gold and Silver trimmings, Set Combi and pins, Slide* and buttons for drefler, Black and white lace,' 1 ' Sattin figured fi-ks, Luftrings and ribbons, Spidenvt and Leuo Moflins. Worked robes, And many other fancy articles too nume rous far infer Hon Likewise, Pry Goods. Also, Suga r , Coff e, KUai, Irou. &e, Diccmhr 27. {if) MONT-VI LEE, FOR SALE, T HAT Valuable Plantation . CONSISTING of 2627 acres on Savan nah River in Burke County, and 767 on the opposite fide in South Carolina— The value of the Pine Lands, on this fide, and the rich law Grounds on the other fide of the river, renders the whole a Valuable Ift ate. The advantages of an elevated (ituation, the eftabiifhmert of a Ferry con. ftantly, and with the command of Lands ol every quality, upon a navigable river, are To well known as to need no - other defetip tion.—Terms of payment and the price, will be cafy; for particulars, apply in An gufta to Thomas Flourncyefq ; of Seaborn Jones efq. at hi* feat In Semen county, and in Savannah to Wm. STEPHENS. July it. (ts) To Be Rented, ONE h’.if of the Store where the Chron icle is publilhed ; it is well calcula ted for Vending Dry Goods, OK FOR A Shoe Store. —Enquire at said ftorc. Deccmucr 27. sixteenth bulletin of the GRAND ARMY. The duke of Brunswick has sent his mar. ftial of the palace to the emperor; this of ficer was charged with a letter, in which he recommended his Gates to his majtfty. The emperor {aid to him, If I fbould cause the city of Brunswick to bedemolifud, and if 1 was not to leave ore ficne upon another, what could your prince fay ? Does not the law of retaliation permit me to do at Bronfwick what he wilhed to do in rry capital? To announce the project of de molilhing cities may be a folly, but to wish to dtftf©) the honor ol a brave army, and to propose to it to leave Germany by fixed stages, (jotunics d’etapes) on the Tingle fummon* ot the Prussian at my, is what pof ferity Will scarcely believe. The duke of Brunswick ought never to have fuffered him felf to commit such an outiagc; grown grey under turns he ought to have rdpefted military hoi.or; besides, in the plains of Champaigne, this general was not able to acquire the right of treating the French ftaudards with such contempt; such a Turn. moos can only difttonor the foldicr who was capable of making it; it is noton the king ot Pralfia that this dishonor will rest, it is on the chief of his military council j tt is on the general who, in thefa difficult cir cumstances, he gave the care of his t ffairs ; it is, in (hort, the duke ot Brunswick that France and Pruflia will accuse as the cairfc of the war. The frenzy of which this old general gave the example, has inflamed a turbulent set of young men, and canfed the king to aft contrary to his own opinion and his intimate conviction." “ Always fir, fay to the inhabitants of the country of Brunswick, that they will find in the French generous enemies ; that I with, as regards them to foften the rigors of war, and that ineevils occasioned by the passage ©f troops is contrary to my will; fay to the deice ot Brunswick, that he will be t rea'ed wi h all the tegard due to a Prus sian officer, hut that I cannot acknowledge a fovtreign in a Pruftian general. “It it ihould happen that the houfc of Brunfwich looses the foverdgnty of its an ccftors, the caufc mnft be looked for in the au hor of two was; irt one of which he wished so fnp even to its foundarion, the great capital and by the other, preten ded to didionor 200,000 brave men which might be conquered, hut which will never be found out of the road of honor and glory. Much blood has been (lied within a few diys, great difaflers weigh heavily on the Prullian rnonaithy ; how worthy of blame is this man who in a word could have pre vented them, if like Ncftor, railing his voice in the midst of the council, he had said.-— “ Ir.conftderate youth be filenty women, return to your work-bags and to the interi or of your families ; fire, believe the com. panion of the roost illuftrioos of your pre decessors, since the emperor Napoleon does not wi(h for war, Jo not place him between war and dilhenor; do not engage in a dan. gerous ft niggle with an army that has he n io:ed itfelf with fifteen years of glorious JUbors, and which victory has accullomcd every thing to A.bmit to." In plate of holding t.hit; language which agreed' so well with the prudence of his age and the experience of his long career, he was the firft to cry..-to arms! He con tended even the ties of blood, by arming a son against his father; he threatened to plant his (tandards on the palace of Stut. gard, and accompanied thefc steps with im precations against France, he has declared hiaifelf ihe author of the foolifh manifcfto which he had di (avowed for fourteen years, though he did not dare to deny that he had fanftioned it with his signature." u It was rematked that, during this converfaticn, the emperor, with that w'armth with which he is sometimes •nima ted, repeated often— ** to ovenbrow and destroy the habitations of peaceable citizens, is a crime which ran be repaired with time ard money ; but t« dishonor an army by desiring it to fly out of Germany before the Prussian eagle, is a baseness, that he only who could counsel it, could commit." “ Mr. Da Luehefini Is always at head, quarters; the emperor has refufed to fee him ; but it is observed, that he has fre quent conferences with the grand rnarfhal of the palace, Duroc. The emperor has ordered, that a prfifent ffiall be made out of the great quantity of English cloth found at Lcipfick, of a com plete suit for each officer, and a coat and cap for each foldicr. The imperial quarters are at Kloplladt, SEVENTEENTH BULLETIN or THE GRAND ARMY. Potsdam, 25th Oilcbcr, 1806. The corps of marshal Lamvcs arrived at Potsdam, on the 24 r h. The corps of marshal Davouft made its entry at to o’clock in the morning into Berlin. The corps of the marshal prince of Ponte- Corvo is at Brandenburgh. The corps of marshal Aigcrcau will j make its entrance into Berlin to-morrow, -jI the 26th. The emperor arrived yederday at Pots. dam, and alighted at the palace; in thi ■ * evening, he-went to vifitthe new palace of M Sans-Souci, and all the pcflticns which en- -,/W viron Potsdam; he found the situation of . the cafllc of Sans-Souci very agreeable; he./* remained feme time in the chamber of thel great Frederick, which he found furlifhea/ in the fame way it was at the tine of hi/ death, Princ Ferdinand, brother of the Great has remained at Berlin, Vl have found in the arfcnal of Berlin' joe* pieces of cannon, many millions of pound* of powder and an iramenfe quantity of small arms. General Hallin is aamed commanl dant Os Berlin. General Bertrand, aid-dW camp of the emperor, has repaired to Spsni dad; that fortreft defends it felt; he made the investment with the dragoon* ofifk the dtviflon of Dupont. ' ■ The grand Duke of Berg has tepaired to Spandau to put hirnfelf in pirfuit of a col- m uran which defiles from Spandau on Stettin, and which they hope to cut off, * Marflial Ds Febvrc, commanding thi imperial foot guards, and Marshal Bellieres V commandant of the imperial horse guards, arrived at Potsdam on the 24th ; the so. t guards mad* 14 leagues in a day.*—Thi emperor remained the whole of the day ot the at Potsdam. The corps of Marshal Ncy blockade* Magdeburgh. i, j| The corps of Marshal Soilt has puffed the Elbe, a day’s journey from Magdeburgh, and purfucs the enemy on Stettin. The weather continues to be superb ; it is the fined autumn that has,been known. On his road, the emperor being on htrfe back to repair from Wittcmberg to Potsdam, he was forprifed by a gust and alighted t c \ the house of the grand huntftnan of Saxony ; his majesty was much aftqnifhcd to he. r hirnfelf called by his name by a hand fun e woman ; she was an Egyptian woman, the widow of a French cfficcr of the army f I Egypt, who had been in Saxony for thr e I months, fbe resided with the grand hum . I man who had received and treated h r I honorably ; the emperor fettled on her a I penfton of 1200 francs and has taken oharpi I of her son. “It is the firft time" fn d I the emperor, ** that I ever alighted cnar- I count of a guff, I had a presentiment that a I good action attended me there." I It is remarked as a Angularity, that tie I emperor Napoleon arrived at Potsdam m d I alighted on the fame day and nearly at .he I fame hour, that the emperor of Raffia did I last year, when he made that journey wfci' h 3 has been so fatal to Pruflia. It was fcm I that moment that the Queen left the c; rc I of her domcftic affairs and the great occupa- I tiona of the toilet to meddle in the affairs ■ of slate, to influence the king and to spread ■ every where the.flame with which she was H poflefled. I The confidente party of the Prufljan na. | non confider this journey as one of tic greatcC misfortunes which has happened o m Pruflia ; there can be no idea formed of tl e 9 activity of the faftion to make th* kb g 3 declare for war in spite of hirnfelf. 8 'Fhe result of the celebrated oath made rn I the tomb of Frederick tb* Great on tb« 41b I of November, 18*5 was the battle of At's- m terlintz and the evacuation of Germany l.y H the Ruffian army by fixedJlagts...\hty made 9 48 hours after on this fubjedt an engraving ■ which is found in all the (hops and which H excites even the countrymen to laugh. C| You there fee the handfomc emperor <f H Russia, near to him the queen, on the other 19 fide the king raises his hand on the tomb of H the great Frederick; the queen is dreffd H in a (bawl something like the Engravings of -H London represent lady Hamilton ; (he sup- |9 {xirts her band cn her bread and with a ten. H tier ;iir looks at the emperor of Russia, we H cannot conceive how the police of Berlin H fuffrred the spreading of so pitiful a satire. H —The (hade of the gjrcat Frederick could H rot hut be indignant at this scandalous fccne, H his mind, his genius and his wishes were H with the nation he so much edeetned, and of w hich be said, that if he was king there 13 ' should nut he a cannon Bred in Eurcpc with. »nt his peimiffion. 3 INK POWDER, Os the very bed kind, to be had jSTmm I on .low terms (by wholesale aid rc tailjat the Chronicle Office. EfeJ ...... ■ - 11 M|||| Sheriff’s titles. Bills if fill t Mortgages, &c. may betyui at tins Offiae. 11