Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, February 14, 1807, Image 1

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AUGUSTA CHRONICLE. VoL# XXL] FR E E D O M ok the P R E S S ano TRIAL »r JURY shall remain inviolate. [No. 1064 . .. . . -• ‘ ' . '•" ‘1 '-■* * - ' 0 - - ■ - • ■ ■ - /• • - - - - ■■■■" 11 ■ - —1 1 ■■■■ ” 1 111 1 " » . . - I - . ‘ v■ A ‘ l\4 • : ■ . • •• *' f : wV 'if AU£U S T A: (Georgia) Printed by D. DRISCOL, mbar the market. February 14, 1807. C 3 F>§lls. per Ansi • • ’ -• • ■' > 1 y <•-.* .'V; v. ' . i , ».‘ v .. ' •- s a- * t ~ i t f - ■ ' 1 "7 Jonathan Vafler. ! MOST rcfpeftfully informs his fricn‘h and die public, that he has received « general aflbrtment of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES; Which he will difpufe of on moderate terms, by wholefalcor retail—for cask or Produce. » January 3, (ts) Levy &> Block, INFORM their friends and the public, that they have, at tbcic NEW STORE, J Vixt doer to Mr. Waterman's in Auptjia, by * ukolcjale and retail, Sugars, Coffee, Cogniac Brandy, Jamaica and Northward Rum, Gin, Bed Hyfon Tea, With every other article in the Grocery Line, Together with a large and elegant affott meht of DRYGOODS, All of which, being laid in on cheap terms, they arc determined to fell t*ry low, for CASH, or PRODUCE, January 31 • ff) N. B. The highest plice will be given tor - COTTON. -V——■—-^‘V 1 ' ‘"T ‘ “ Lewis Bforie & Co. HAVING fuffered confidcrably by the late Fire in Augusta, carncftly request that those indebted to them, will itnmedi atcly come forward and fettle their ac counts, that they may be enabled to do iuftice to their creditors. At the fame time they inform their friends & the public, that they carry or their DRY GOODS & r , . • - ~ - Grocery business, In the New House on the fame spot, where they lived heretofore. December 27. ff] Will be Rented. THE Plantation on which the fubferiber now lives, (not having been rented on the day formerly advertiled,) will be ren ted to the firft of January next, on reasonable terms. It is only two miles from Augusta, the situation is healthy and the water good ; the houfe’, fences &;c. arc in good repair-—Apply to J. B. WILKINSON. January ?,1. Iff] _ NOTICE. Qn the frf Tuefdey in April next, cl the Court, tiev/e in Columbia county, at the usual hours, by ptrm-jjhv of the honorable the Inferior Court effaid County. Will be Sold, 250 acres of land, adjoining B. Harden, George Johnson ard Jr hn Ray. ALSO, 250 acres of land, adjoining Jo. el Cloud, Thomas Haynes and Jacob Bull, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Samuel Hart dcceafcd.—Terms of sale made known on the day. EASTHER GREEN* ftdmt'x. JOEL CLOUD, adminiftralcr. January 31. ff) ' tarenTjp By tbeSubfcriberanegro man, i «,ho calls hirafelf DICK, be » about 5 feet L fix inches high, well made, from twenty- P five to thirty years of age— Speaks enghlh I well, ha* thick lips-and fay. he belongs to I Chides Read of Cbarleftoa. The Subffcn- I her wife*, that hi. owner will prove Ins ■L moocYtVf pay fai thii idvcitiicawotf and into poffcfion—There being at » present no jail in this county to fccure the K said negro. ROBERT M'NATT, j§ Tgayw&oro, Dec. 20. ff) [ Mary Wilde, INFORMS her friends and the public* that she has removed from her former ttand, to the store lately occupied by Mefirs Campbell and NeiHbn, oppofitc Mcffrs. T. Gardner k Co’s brick building, where her business will be carried oo as heretofore. Having visited Ea rope herfelf last fummer* and purchafcd a number of FANCY AR TICLES there forcafh, ihe will be able to ftipply be Ladies of Augusta and the coun try, with every thing fafhicnablc Sc Ele gant, on the most inviting term among which are The Follcwing , Piufli Sat ten, Etnboffed Velvet, Straw & Willow halt & Bonnet feathers, Black k white, gold & filvcr foil lowers, Artificial flowers and wreaths. Gold and Silver trimmings, Set Combi and pins. Slide* and buttons for drefi'ci, Black and white lace, Sattin figured fliks, ■Luftringt and ribbons, Spidernct and Lena Mtflins, Worked robes, And many other fancy articles too numb rotis for insertion. Likewise, Dry Goods. Also, Sugar, Coifie, Kum, Iron, &c, December 2 7, (</) 83* J. Cormick *will dispose ol his Stock, which con sists of an extenlive and general assortment of Merchandize, at a liberal credit on approved fecu-. rity. He will continue, until a pur chaser offers for the whole, to fell off at very reduced prices. Augu/la, February 3. [//] !Tobacco ManufaEhiry. Ths Subscriber informs his friends and the public in general, that he has removed from Hanifborg to Camp bellton, where, in conjunction with a per son, who owns the belt flock of Tobacco for Manufacturing «n Savannah river, he has commenced manufacturing on a much > larger scale than herctolorc, and flatters ( kimfclf from the knowledge and experience he lus had of the bufinei*, together with the primeft Tobacco he has on hand tb work up, that he will be able to supply any moderate demand, whole sale or retail, of the very befl chewing Tobacco, and on easy and accommodating terms. —It may be ufeful to obfsrve thac a Poft*Office it kept in this place, where orders (post paid) will be thankfully attended to by JOSEPH HENDERSON. January 28, 1807- [SO N. B. Purchafcr* may be fupplred by } wholefalc and retail, at Samuel M. Smyth’s j Stare, in Augnfla. j Wants A S , IN A STORE. A Young Man, . Who writes a good hand, and has been fame time in a rcfpcftable Store in a country town, would wifli to obtain a situation in a mercantile house in Augusta ; his ofcjeft being to acquire a good knowl edge ot bufincis, his terms will be very I moderate. Apply at this Office. January 31. [£] FOR SALE, 4 Likely Negroes; Count?y~born t Viz. A sober aflivc man aged 23, he it well acquainted with farming, and now works at the Carpenter’* trade; his wife aged 2j, is capable of houfc work and farming ; their two children, viz. a boy aged z\ years, and a girl aged one year. They are not to be separated : it ia want of Cash that induces the owner to dispose of them. The price is 250 dollars a piece. Enquire at this Office. February 7, PO NOTICE. This U to certify that my wife Jane Read, wtithout any provocation, has left my bed and board—This it therefore to ferwarn all persons not to credit her on ray account, as I will not difeharge any of her contrasts from this date. A. JONADABREAD. January 31. (3*) NOTICE. 1 I WILL attend at the followieg timet and placet, for the purpose of receiving the Tax retutni for the County of Rich mond* for the year 1807. VIZ. At Jamci Fulcher’* Esq. on Saturday the 14th day of February iuft. On Friday the 15th of March and Fri day the 10th of April, for Diftrift No. a. At the City-Hotel on Monday the 16th instant. Oh Monday the pth March and Monday the 6th of April, for Diftrift No. 1. On Tucfday 17th infl, on Tuefday the i®th of March and Tuefday the 7th of April at Mr*. Longftrect's, for Diftrift No, 4* On Wcdncfday 18th instant, Wedncfday nth of March and Wednesday Bth of April, at Wm. W, Clark’s, lor Diftrift No. 5. Oh Thursday the 19th instant, Thurs day 12th of March and ThurfJay the 9th of April at Capt, Win. M‘Tyrts, for Diftrift No. 6. On Saturday the 21st instant, Saturday ; the 14th of March and Saturday nth of April at Jamts Collin*’, for Diftrift No. 3. A. RHODE?, Receiver of Tax Returns', February 7. [jt] A Lift of Defaulters In Burke County. FOR THE YEAR 1806. Capt. Byne's Dijirifi. Strawder Crawford. Captain Blount's Dijirifi. William Gardner. Captain Montgomery's Diftrift. Wm, Pei*k, Edward Hutchins, Jcffc Skinner, Wm. M'Donald. Captain Fields' Dijirifi. Wm P.icc juu’r, Saiah Howard, Jacob Coleman, Wm- Sandiford jun’r. Captain FJilliard's Dijirifi. Henry Bullard, Benjamin C»ordy, Jams* Gordy, Motes Spepcc jun’r, Lewis Spence, Aaron Spence, Jonathan Wearer, Drewfil la Hall, Philip Sneed. Captain Spain's Dijirifi. Dennis Lark, David How, Forney Ho liday, Wm. Love, Alexander Stringer, Reuben Roundtree, Wm, Hart, Hugh Laa gino. Redding Stringer, William Carter, Ja«, Knight, Thomas Glass, Thos. Floyd, I Wm. Jarvis. Captain Martin's Dijirifi. Thomas Lindsey, Evan* Jones, Jonathan Biker, Motes Spight, Bias Brookins, Thos. Pierce, Eli Clarke, Salomon Turner, James Cravey, Stajamin Lindsey, Samuel Hathr cock, James Johnson, James Wheeler, Wm, Connell, James Butler, Jacob Dtcffer, Captain Sharp's Dijirifi. No defaulters. Captain Forth's Dijirifi . Thomas Steptoc, Captain Sandiford's Dijirifi, No return. Captain Burke's Dijirifi. Richard Evans (person of colour) John Adams. Captain Thomp/on's Dijirifi. Elias Bailey, Nicholas Thomas, Benja min Boyt, Henry Smith, Benjamin Cravey. Captain Mulky's Dijirifi. John Hover, Thomas Scarbrough, Mat thew Rogers, James Henderson, George Hcndeifon, John I, Gray, Job Grifiin, Right Griffin- Captain Gordon's Dijirifi. Wm. Ji Jones, James O iver, Anthony Prefect, Thomas Sorfbee, Reuben Boyd, Joteph Reid, Wm. Beldtng, Levin Ballard, John Douglass jua’r, James Stevens, James Kitten, -Matlh, John Cook, Eliza beth Dcugiafi.. Captain Ballard's Dijirifi. John Vaughn, James Vaughn, John Mi con, John Allen, Daniel Howell, Burdig Howell, John Miller, Wm. Gough, Jcab Crutchfield, Elijah Dyre, Needham Tyler, Edward Tuttle, David Ward, Campbell Sharp, Burch Wall, Samuel Lowry, John Neyland, James Sheariy. Captain Carfwell's Dijirifi. John C. Lewis, Samuel Parkins, Peter Lyon, Michael Collins, Dickson Atkin son, Thomas Wall, Frizzle M‘Tyrc, Geo. Folds. Wm. BOWLING, r. t. r. b. c. February 7. (it) Now in Richmond Jail , ONE by the name CAiSAR, about 20 or 25 years of age, 5 feet high ; has on a bomefpun round emit and pantaloons, fays he b<d»ngs to Captain Robert Elifon of Burke CeCiuy. JUR. HARRISS, Jsitor. February 7. (ts) I- - -- ' ■ J . 1 Fa&orage and Com million Bulinefs. THE Subfcriben having entered int Partnerlhip, under the firm of Barrett&Sims, In the above line of business m thin city, inform their friends and the pub lie in general, that they fiiall continue t. occupy the fame Stores, as heretofore oca pied by Thomas Barrett, where they erecting, in addition, a large Cotton Warg-Houfe. Which will afford them room to ft 5000 Bales of Cotton at one time, fee from the Weather. THOMAS BARRETT. BENJAMIN SIMS. Augujl 30. [eoeur/3 Marlhall’s Sales, Poftponcd. On thefi/l Tuefday in March next, be tween the usual hvitfs, at the Market houft in the town of Loufville, Will be Sold, Fourteen lots in the village #f Harriffinrg near Angufta, (with atl the buildings and improvements thereon) viz. Numbers 120, 121, I*2, 123* 124, 123, 129, 130.131,13a, 133,134,* 139. and 141, containing one acre each, part of lot 157, fay rco feet, lot No. 4 adjoining Millcdgc, containing 33 1.19 acres, and 32 9-29 acres on Savannah river adjoining the Ware-house—levied on as the property of Ezekiel Harris, tofatiafy an ex. coition in favour of Guthrie and Cooke, pointed out by the plaintiff’s attorney, Gi*. W. MOORE, 0, M. p. a. g£j- Public Notice is hereby ' given, that lam in prffffien of the prem* lies mentioned in the above advrttiferaent, and that I have a lawful and bona fide title to the whole *f the fame, of which the mar fliall, his deputy, and all intended purcha sers will take due notice, PETER CRAWFORD. December !j. ----- -» -1 1- > - * , - - • / Will be Sold, On Monday the 23d of March vert, tit the Market* heufe in Augu/la t at the usual hour,s 4000 weight of clean Cotton (more or Icfs) del'd in Awgufla, and i ico bulhclt of coir (moteor Iff*) del’d at the plantation rn Savannah fiver. The fame being part of the pcrfonal eftatc of Edmund Bugg dec. Conditions, cash. Wm. BUGG, Exeootor. February 7, (7O N. B. All perf m* having demands against said eftatc are requested to render the fame immediately to W, BUGG. Ex’r. BRYAN O’LYN, LATELY imported by Go ernor Tur ner of North Carolina, will stand the enfning Icafon at Robert W. Alston's plan tation, near Greer. & trough ; Bryan O’Lyn is a most cxcellaat Foal-Getter—his pedi gree is at iaid stand, and will be soon pub lifhttd in the papers. January 31 [if] An Apprentice. A youth well grown, who can read, write and cypher well, will meett with liberal encouragement, by applying at this Office. December. aO.J INK POWDER. Os the very best kind, to be had on low terms (by whelcfalc and re tail )at the Chronicle Office. Blanks of all kinds. Executed at the fliorteft notice at this Office,