Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, August 01, 1807, Image 1

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IVcl. XSI.] FREEDOM or xu* PRESS and TRIAL by JURY shali. bimain ittviotAxt. [No. i«ss J.— --' ;1 5 ■— 1 ->■ ; — v 1 A U GUS c /’ A: (Georgia) Printed BY D. DRISCOL, Hear the market. SATURDAY, Augufi I, ISO7. [3 Dttls. ■&&=== ;r ±===zt=== "■ ■■ > ■' . ■■- ' 1 ■ ''■'.'V'-.-'r-a I An Aft, I ■ tufpttmtnWy to the act intituled “ An aft 3 M making provtjion for the redemption of the j K whole of the public debt of the U, States," | || WHEREAS it is desirable to adapt the ’ H nature of the provision for the redemption of ■ the public debt to the present circurailances ■ ofthe United States, which,can only be dine Bbv a voluntary fabfeription on the part of 9 the creditors. BE it enabled by the Senate and House of ReprtfeniahviS of the United Statet H o j' America, in Ccngrefs assembled, That 9 a fnbfcription to the full amount of the old 9 per cent, deferred & three per cent. Hocks ■ be, and the feme is hereby proposed j for 9 purpofe books lhall be opened at the 9 treasury of the United States, and by the fe « veral commiflioncrs of loans, on the firft day I of July next, to continue open until the I7 s h J day of March nett following, inclufivciy, U the fourteen last days of each quarter cxcept 'l c d, for such parts of rhe aboveaentionedilc feriptibns of stork, as lhall, on the day of 1 fabfeription, Hand on the books of the trea. I fury, and of the fcveral commiflionets of loans, I jefpeftively, which uihfcriotion (hall beef | fecled by a transfer to the United States, in I the manner provided by law for such trans -8 few, of the credit or credits, Handing on a the said books, and by a furrcncler of the cer. i tificates of the Hock fubferibed, feec. I. And be it further enabled, That I for the whole or any part of any sum which I lhall thus he fubferibed, in old fix per cent, I or deferred stock, credits lhall be eafcied to '[ the refpeftive fabferibers, and the fubferiber ; or fubferibers lhall be entitled to a certifi cate, ot certificates, purporting that the U , nited States owe to the holding or holders ■f thereof, his, her, or their afligns, a sum to II be expressed therein, equal to the amount of | principal of the stock thus fubferibed, which 1 lhall remain unredeemed on the day of such fabfeription, beating an inteieft of fix per centum, per annum, payable quarter-year!}'’, , from the firft day of the quarter, during which ;[ such (übfcription lhall have been made trans* ferable in the fame manner as- is provided by law for the transfers of the stock fubferibed, and fuhjcft to redemption at the pleasure of the United States : Provided, That no fin. gle certificate lhall be iffatd for an amount greater than ten thoufend dollars ; And poo, vided further. That no reimbursement lhall be made except for the whole amount of any such new cettificate, nor till after at least fix months previous public notice of such ituen. ded reimbursement. Sec. 3. And be it further enabled, That for the whole or any part of any sum which lhall thus be fubferibed in three per cent. Hock, credits (hall likewise be entered to the refpeftive fubferibers ; and the fubferiber, hr fubferibers, (hall be entitled to a ccrtifi. cate, purporting that the States owe to «hc holder or holders thereof, his, her, or their alfigns, a sum to be cxprrffcd therein, equal to sixty live per centum of the amount of principal of the stock thus fubferibrd, bearing an intcrcft of fix per centum, per an num, payable quarter-yearly, from the firft day of the during which such fub feription (ball have been made and transfera ble and fnbjeft to redemption in the fame manner*, and under the fame regulations and reftriftions, as the flock created by the pre ceding feftion of this aft s Provided, That no part of the stock thus created lhall be re imburfeble, without the a (Tent of the holder Or holders of such stock, until after the whole of the eight per cent, and four and a half per cent, docks, as well as all the fix per cent, stock which may be created by virtue 1 of the preceding feftion, lhall ha vc been re deemed. i Sec. 4. And be it further enabled. Tha t the coininifiioners of the finking fund (had be, and they are hereby authorized to ap point Ua agent in London, and another in Amfteidam, whose duty it lhall be to receive fubferiptions and transfers. and to ilfue new certificates in the manner, and at the times abovementioned, and as the officers 01 the treasury department, or the comm wieners or loans might do } that is to fey, die agent in London, in favor of (uch stock-holders rea ding in the dominions of Great-Britam in Europe, and the agent in Amsterdam *n la vor of such stock-holders residing in auy o therpaitof Europe, as may refpeftiveiy be come fubferibers: Provided, That the cer tificates issued by the said agents, (had bear intcreft only from the firft day of the quarter next fuccecding that in wh»cn the fufa&rip tion lhall have taken place, and that in re lation to fubferiptions mode rn o.d fix per cent, or defected stocks, thefums erprcir-J in such new certificates lhall be equax to the amount of the principal °f the old fix p cent, ot deferred stocks thus fubferibed. which lhall remain unredeemed after payment of the dividend payable on such stock, on that day from which the intcrcft on the new certificates (hall commence. The foreign stock-holders thus fubfcnbmg with cither ot the said agents, (hall be entitled to receive ‘ho dividend in the old fix pet cent, de.efred AVGUSTA CHRONICLE. or three per cent, (lock fobfcribed by them refpcftively, which (hall be payable on that day, from which the imereti on the new cer tificates lhall commence. And it (hall be the duty of the laid agents, refpcftively, to tranfroit Ltfore the end of each quarter, to the register of the tteafury, and u> the feve ralconnniffioners of loans, rtfpeftiveiy, trip licate abftrafts of the certificates of fleck fob feribed, and of the new certificates ifiaed by them, daring such quarter, in order that the proper credits may be entered on the books of the treasury, and of the commissioners of loans, as the case may be, to the holders of such new certificates. And the said agents* before they enter upon the execution ot their several offices, shall, refpcftively, take an oath or affirmation for the diligent ami faith ful execution of their trust, and shall alio be come bound with one or more furcties to the fotisfaftion of the commissioners of the fink ing fund, or of the fecrctary of the treasury, in the penal futn of twenty thousand dollars, wih condition for their good behaviour in their said rfficcs. Sec, And be it further enacted. That the holders of old fix per cent, deterred, or three per cent, flock, who may become fub feribers as aforefaid, cither in the United States, or in Europe, ard who, on the firfl day of July next, and also on the day of the fobfcripiion, (hall be resident in Europe, may, at their opinion, v. hich must We made at the time of fubferibing, receive the infe reft accruing on the flock created by virtue of the preceding feftions of this aft, either in the United States, as other creditors, or at London or Amflerd.ur ; that is to fay, the flock-holders redding, at the times a bovementioned, in the dominions of Great- Britain in Europe, at Loudon, and ai the rate of four {hillings rnd fix pence sterling, .for each dollar j and the fbek-holders refi* ding, at the times abovementioned, in any other part of Europe, at Amsterdam, and at the rate of two guilders and a half guilder, current money of Holland, tor £»ch dollar ; in which last mentioned option, the condi tion (hall be exprefted in the new certificates tobeiffued, and the credit or credits, to be given to the proprietors thereof, (hail be en tered, and shall hereafter be transferable on ly on the books of the tteafury ; Provided however, Thar the interest thus payable so London and Anaftcrdam, (hall not be payable until the expiration of fix calendar months from the day on which the fame would be payable in the United States, and (hall be fobjfcft to a deduction of one half of one per cent, on the amount payable, for commissi on to the bankets paying the fame: And provided also. That every proprietor of such (load may, on surrendering his certificate, receive another to the fame amount, the fil tered whereof (hall be payable quarter-year ly in the United Stares, in the fame manner as that accruing on the dock held by persons redding in the United States. Sec. 6* And be it further enaStd, That the fame funds which heretofore have been, and now arc, pledged, by law, for the pay ment of the interest, and (or the redemption or rcitnburfcir.eut of the tfock which may be fobfcribed by virtue of the provisions of this aft, (hall remain pledged for the payment of interest accruing on the dock created by rca fon of foch fabfeription, and for the ledemp* tion or reimbursement of the principal of the fame. It (hall be tie duty ot the commissi oners of the finking fond to cause to be ap plied, and paid out of the said fond, yearly, and every year, foch fort, andfoms, as may be annually wanted to difoharge the annual interest and charges occtuing on the flock, which may be created by virtue of this aft. The said commissioners are hereby authorifed to apply from time to time, such fora and ■ fotns, out of the said fund, as they may think proper, towards redeeming by purchafc or by reimbursement, in conformity with the provisions of this aft, the principal of the said ftotk. And the annual fom of eight mill inns cf dollars, veiled by law in the said ccmmiffioners, (hall be, and continue appro- j priated to the payment of interest and re demption of the public debt, until the w hole of the flock which tray be created by the preceding feftions of this aft, ihall have been redeemed or reimbarfed. Sec. 7. And be it further enaSed, That there shall be allowed to each of the agents to be appointed by virtue of this aft, in ad dition to the necessary expenses incurred by them, for printing, ftatioriafy and postage, a fom of three thousand dollars, as full com pensation for their ferviccs. The said agents and the commissioners of loans, (hall also be allowed such additional form as may be actu ally and reccffarily expended for the clerk- Lire requifirc for carrying this aft into cf feft. And for defraying the said compensa tion and allowances, and foch contingent charges as may be incurred for tarrying this aft into rffeft, a fom rrtt exceeding sixteen thousand dollars, to be paid out of any mo nies in the treasury, not orherwife approprt. ated, is hereby appropriated. Sec. 8. And be it further enaAed, That whensoever notice of reimbursement (hall be given* as preferibed by the second and thud fcftions of this aft, the certificates intended to be reimbursed, (hall be deftgnated therein* In every rcimburfement the preference (hall be given to such holdess of certificates, as previoully to the said notice, (hall have no tified in writing to the trealury department their wi(h to be reimborfed. If there (hould net be applications to the treasury fuffiftent to require the payment of the whole fnm to be applied to that purpose, the secretary of the treasury after paying off all lums for the payment of which applications (hall have been made, (hall determine by lot what other cer tificates (hall be reimbursed to as to make up the whole amount to be difeharged; and in case the applications (hall exceed the amount robe difeharged, the secretary of the trea sury lhall proceed to determine by let what applications fliall be entitled to priority of P Sec. 9. And he it further enabled, That the agents appointed by virtue of this aft, and the fcvcral commissioners of loans, (hall observe and perform such directions and reg illations, as (hall be preferibed to them by by the secretary of the treasury, touching the execution of this aft. >, _ Sec. I®, And he it further enaSed, That nothing in this aft contained, (hall be cpn. ftrued, in illy wife, to alter, abridge, or im pair, the rights of thofc creditors of the U nited States, who (hall not fubferibe to the loan created by virtue of this aft. NATHI. MACON, Sieakerofthe houje 9/Hefte/entativei, * GEO; CLINTON, Vlce.Prf/idevt of the United States , and piejident of the Senate . Approved, fvb. Loan Office, Georgia. June 23, 1807* NOTICE is hereby given, that in con. formity with (he ptovifionsof the aft supple mentary to the aft, intituled “ An aft ma king provision for the redemption of the whole nf the public debt of the United States, b< oks will U opened at the office of the cohi millioricr ol loans for Georgia, cn firft day of July next, to continue open until the feVenteemh day of March, 18084 inclusive. ly, the fourteen lad days of each quarter ex. ccpted, for the purpose of receiving fubferip tions for such parts of old fix per cent, defer red fix per cent, and three per cent, (locks, as, may, on the day of fubfertption, (land on the bocks of the said comntiffioncr of loans. Those proprietors of the old fix per cent, and deferred docks, who may fubferibe, will receive in lieu thereof a new fix per cent, stock, equal to the unredeemed amount of the (lock surrendered, redeemable at the pl<a fare of the United States, under* however, that' no rcimburfement ftiall be made except for the whole amount of any such new certificate of stock, nor till alter fix months previous notice 3 and the propri etors of the three per f-cnr, ftcck who may fubferibe, will receive in lieu thereof, a fix per cent, stock, equal to sixty five per cent, of the amount of three per cetiti surrendered, redeemable in the fame manner at the new fix per cent, abovementioned but not reim bursable, however, without the assent of the holders, until after the whole of the new fix per cent, (given in exchange for old fix or deterred as abovementioned) as well as the whole of the eight percent, stock of the, U rrited States, lhall have been reimbursed. It is also provided, that in every reimbursement which may take place, a preference will be given to those creditors who may notify their wi(h to be reimbursed ; and that it the ap plications of that effeft (hall at any time ei ther exceed or fall (hort of the furn then ap plicable to that pmpofe, the priority of payment (hall, so fst as be necessary, be determined by lot. The present (lock-holders who reside in a- J tiy part of Europe, and may assent to that modification, may* at their option, receive the interest accruing cn the new (lock, ei ther in the United States as heretofore, or in London or Amftcrdam, at par; in which last case, the interest will be paid there by the bankers of the United States, fix months fuhfequcat to the day on which the fame would be payable in the United States and fubjefttono variation; nor to any other deduftion than a commission to the bankets, of,one half per cent, cn the interest thus ?3,d * JAMES ALGER. Cot/imiffiontr of Loans* NOTE. Proprietors cl iono dol lars nominal fix per cent, stock, fuhfcribed before the iftOft'br. 1807, will be entitled ro receive, 645 Si of new fit. lf fubferibed be tween the ift Oftober and . 31st December, i?cy, 64432 ** — —between th* % firft oiJanuary, and 17th March, 1808. 61903 —* —' Proprietor* of 1000 dol lars nominal deterred, sub scribed before the lit Oc tober, 1807, will be enti tled to receive See7B - —s lt fubferihed be tween the nt October, and 31st December, 1807, 85362 <**- —» ——* —— between the Ift January, and the 17th March 1808, 831 42 Being ihe unredeemed amount of the old (lock on the ift of July and October) 1807* and Ift January, 1808, rcfptdively. Proprietors of 1000 doilais three per cent. Hock wi|l be end.led to receive 650 dollars of new fix. (3m) Samuel Wigfally INFORMS hi* friend* 8c (he public, that he has taken Mi. David M'Kinniy into Copartnership, anu rha. their bufifida will hereafter be earned cn under the firm OF Wigfall & M l Kinney. BY this arrangement they will be enabled to keep on band, a constant flip, ply of the bed feiefied materials, VIZ* , Saddles, Bridles, Harness, &c. &c. At their Manufactory Near the CITY-HOTEL, Augufla, Where orders (hall be particu-* larly attended to j aad thf y hope ttem tl rid attention to bufinefi, and from the faithful execution of thter wotkmanfhip to merit a continuance of these favors that have beta so liberally conferred. May 30, (am) ALL perlons having unfet lied accounts with the faofcii’Kr are far neftly requeued to Cali on IVir. Dcvid M*- Kianey and make payment or liquidate the fame immediately. SAMUEL WIGfr,\LL. Doctor Fend all, HAVING fettled inAugufta, takes the liberty of tendering his Cervices to tho public in the various branches of his pro fit (Tnn. He hopes from his attention to merit the encouragement of a liberal com munity.-—He has taken the hot fit in Rey nold ftrcetj a few dcon below Dr. Smelts, lately occupied by Mr. Thomas Butt’*, and either at this place or the corner house just below (where he keeps bis (bop) he may at any tine be found* May 9. [tf] ■ - A ... .. . ii-i-.. ■ . ■ The fubferibers intending to bd absent from th< fiate a few months have appcintcc f. James S. Walkeh, their attorney duripj, their absence. COLHCUN (3 WILSON July 11. (6*) ‘ SHERIFF’S SALE, On the Ift Tuejday in Augujl next, a< the Market- h*mfe in the city of Augujla, at the, vfual hours , WILL BE SOLD, All that lot or parcel of land, lying and being in the city of Aogutva, known by No. 2g, bounded on the nonh by Broad.ftreet, on the Couth by Elliot— ftreef, rn the east by lot No. 28, and on the weft by lot No. 30, at present occupied by Lewis Camelcu, Johnson (3 Kiinze, and sundry others j the above lot ahd improve-; ments levied on as the property of John Garrett to Catisfy an execution in favor of John Holzendorf. ALSQ, One Lot and Houses, in ihe City of Aoguff a being part of Lot No 20, bounded on die Wfeft by Wafhingtoiv ftreet* on the (south by partof Lot No. to * and on the East by John Catlett ‘a Lot, ams an the North,veil by Reynold" ft teat, the above levied on as the property of CHatfield and Crawford, tofatisfya judgment in fa vour of Eddins and Griffin ; the two above deferibed Lots are pointed oat by the plain tiff's Attorneys. Hf, M‘tYRE, 9. a. c, July 4* <S l ) U *1- ... Blanks of all kinds executed as she shortest notice as sh m Office*