Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, August 08, 1807, Image 2

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' • ••> : ’ pi® • LONDON, May *7. Copy afi Utter from the Prefideni of the U niied States of America to the King of Hoi. land, intercepted by one of the Jhips of the North Sea J\fuadron , under the command of Admiral Rujfell, ' Great and Good Friend, Having received yout letter of September last, which notifies your accdOon to the Throne of Holland, I tender you, in behalf, of (he United States, my congratulations on this event. Con netted with that nation by the eaflicft (i< s of friendship, and maintain. Ing with them uninterrupted relations of peace ami commerce, no event which intcrefts their welfare can be indiffcr/nt to us. It is, tfaerc ferej with the grejtdl pleasure I receive the ufluranecs of your Majdly that you will con tinue to pherilh those ancient relations, and we (hall, on our part, endeavor to firemh eft ycur good will by a faithful observance cf jufticr, & by all the good offices which oc calion fti dl permit. , < Distant as we arc from the powers of Europe, and devoted to purfuit.i w hich fcpc. rate us from their affairs, we thill look with brothirly Concern on what thofe na. sions, and offer eouftart prayers for their welfare. With a fUeddly fuliciiadefor your Mnjclij' ’« person, I pray God rhat he may always have you, great and good friend, in bis holy keeping. Written at the City of Washington, the zBih February, 1807. Your good Friend, THOMAS JEFFERSON. order of the P rest dent, [ J. Madison, Secretary of State. MayjB. Ycfterdey, as the Dukes of Ymk Pc Gam btidge were coming out of the Queen's pal. *pe, a woman, drened, picfentcd a letter to the Duke of York, which his roy al highness was about to take, when Sayers, who was in attendance, knowing her, 2nd fofyefting (he was deranged ; pm her aficle. She went a few yards from the houfc, hut soon returned, and remained there during the Whole afternoon. About five o’clock, when the king’s carriage entered to wait for his fliajefty, (he ru(hed in after it, unperceivcd by the fentincls. She was, however, ob. fervtd by Sayers and Mr. Baker, the geo llertar, porter, who ftopt her before (he got to tb<? door of the palace, and took the let. 1 tet from her. It was direfted to the king ars'd r,.'<?en. There were five other letters inclosed in it. From their contents, there was no doubt ot her being deranged. Her name appears to o« Margaret Flett, and, (he rtfidta in Star-court, Eaft-Smithfield. Those who reooileft the appearance of Margaret Nicholson, when (he attempted to stab the king, (ay, (he is a limilar woman, anddreC fed exactly like her. FROM AN ENGLISH PAPER. WEEKLY ANALYSIS OF INTELLIGENCE. The prografs made in the arrangement of the new administration, enables us to judge wish tolerable accuracy, of the talents of which it will bt composed. The tumour of the pa(V week has also thrown a confideiablc degree of light on the canfes of the expulsion of the late iiiiniftry. We lament that it has fallen to our lot to record thefc causes, for We had hopes that whatever venal and dilho notatoie practices had disgraced foreign prin ccs—we had hopes that the royal blocd of Britain had efcapcd the pollution, and that Integrity and honor were not unknown a morgtt our princes. We have been deceiv ed—we have now rcafon to join in the gen eral malcdidion, «* curled is he that putteth bis trust in princes.” The blood of every Englilhman luuft boR within him, when he reflefts on this nefa rious line of conduft. If the embezzlement of his master’s property, by a fervanr, be puni(hed with a marked severity, how much greater ignominy oaght he to be loaded with who, while in a public situation, and receiv ing the most munificient remuneration for his fcrvicct, squanders the money emrulled to his honor, in private gratification and il. licit pieafiues. Such is the fad, te if means are not adopted tb check the progicfs of in. veftigation, and prevent open detection and public punilhment, it becomes the imperious duty of every public journalist to hold up the delinquent, however exalted, to public in dignation ; to designate the crimes which are atte nped to be iniquitously ihiclded from in. quiring jofticc ; and to deprecate that sor did meatjnefs, not to fay vice, which would hayc held up an individual of meaner birth to public and private execration and con. tempt. PARIS, May ry. r The prefeft of Herault has addrelTed to the editor of the Journal of his department, the following letter : ‘‘■Sir, bis majesty the emperor has an nounced to his excellency-the minifler of the interior that every kind of English goods ha ving been prohibited in the Ottoman empire the grand feignor has teftified to him his wilh of getting French cloths, and cfpcciaU ly those kinds of woollens t ailed Chalons j and his excellency the minifl :s has charged me with giving this informatk n to the man. ufa&urers of this department, I hare ta ken proper steps to inform them therewith, I . never thelcfs wilh von to insert thi' notice in your Journal: the citizens will learn with pleafura that even the enemies of France have by-rheir violence restored for its fabrics a ray important market, of which they had, been deprived for 15 yean. Thi» circum- J ‘ 1 m K f' : \ 4 : i fiance Is-preciuua to fejze upon, & the aum ufa&crera will not fail of availing thcmfelves of »t. ; ' , ’ v V»«S • . v. I Ml I. BOSTON, July 10. Letters from Admiral Berkeley, for the British Minister and Consul General, paffcd through oor poft-cffice yesterday, July 13. SPIRIT OF 3 j6 RE-KINDLED ' When the Hon. Elbrtdgc Gerry, Efq’r. (the fame Elbridgc Gerry who signed the de claration of independence in 1776) took the chair at the meeting of the citizens assembled at the New State.Hoofe, on Friday last, he addrrffed them in a drain of elopuence and patiiotifm, which did honor to his head and heart, and concluded with the following fenience : “ I had hoped, it my period of life, to have been able to have retired from politics; but at a ertfis so momenreus and inrerefting to our beloved country, 1 bold it to be 'he duty of every citizen, though he may have but one Jay to live, to devote that day to the public good.’' PHILADELPHIA, July Ij. The Helvetius, left Canton the 711 March* ten day s previous to her departure from thence an affray between feme Chinese and feme of thecrew of the English East India Company's Oiii-s, had taken place, during which the lat ter unluckily killed a Chinese ; for whom the Mandarine demanded a man, which being re fund, the loading of the company's ihipwas flopped ; the chief of the English factory had the mandarines made acquainted, that unless they were permitted, to proceed with the load, ing of their ships, he would, on account of the approach of the fouth weft monsoon, dis. patch them as they were, and render the Chi. nefe rcfponftble for the loss that would occur thereon, , Captain Rolls, of his majefty’sfhiy Lyon, of 64. guns, demanded at the fame time, that an officer and fix men, who had been taken by thcLadrones about one month fmee, w hen attempting to land at Macoa to procure pro visions, Should be restored ; that if they were not, he would proceed to obtain redress. The Chinese mandarines gave three days notice to the English faftory, that, should they ohftinately persist in nor giving them a man, their supply of prervifnrs fliould be flopped; the English had prepared themfelvcs in case of any further difturbanccs, as the ship Lyon of 64. guns, a brig, and a difeo very ship then at Macto were held in readi ness to proceed at a moment’s notice up the river ; the Chinese had sealed the guns in their forts ; and forae very feverc corfequen ces were apprehended by the gentlemen of the Bast India Company; BALTIMORE, July 15. We have been informed by a gentleman of credibility, that the enquiry into the conduft of Capt. Barron, has been superseded for the present, on account of the indisposition of Commodore Preble. Capt. Chauncey, who was to have been a member of the court for thepurpofe, arrived yesterday in this city, on his way to New-York, whither he has been ordered, in conjunction with Commo. dore Rodgers, for the purpose of taking effi. cient mealbres for protecting the port of that place. Eight or nine, we un derstand, will be employed for the defence of that harbor. July 14. A Portland packer, capt; Adams, from hence tor Portland, was loft on Richmond Island, on Sunday night; and of 22 pas. fengers; 16 were drowned—among them Mr. Eilazer A. Jenks, Mrs. Hayden, a Mr Sargent, ahd the captain's wife, WASHINGTON CITY, July 8. To the Mnjiers and other Officers failing to and from the ports of Norfolk, and Forts. mouth. The tender of your services for the erec tion or reparation rs Fort Norfolk and works on Craney-Ifland, and for manning the gun boats and other vessels for the wa. ters of Elizabeth and James rivers, arc re ceived with great fatisfaCiion. They are the more important in proportion, as we have much to do in the Jeaft time pofliblc. Knowing their peculiar value for manning and managing the Ghn-boats and other vessels, it is in that direCHon 1 am inhopes they will have been applied, and that the ncceffary aid for erecting or repairing works on the land will have found in the zeal of other citizens, less qualified to be ufeful in the employments on the water. I return for yonr country, the thanks you so justly deserve, TH: JEFFERSON. SONS OF ERIN, ASSEMBLE! Honor, duty and your adopted country calls you ! The blood of your fires, your brothers, your countrymen, is not yet wi- I ped away from the hands of the assassins, the tyrants of the ocean I—But like the falilites of Nero, they look for fitfh objects to glut their voratious but bloody appetites with! Froced from your native (hore by the rapacity of your tyrants, you looked for an afylutn here; but received a home, adopted and identified with the proprietors of the foil, enjoying in common with them every blessing that an upright and virtuous government can confer—Blit above all, put into the full poffcffion of that inexpteffible felicity the complete enjoyment of liberty. Ungrateful and diihonorable would your conduct be, if you were to be the last to the ■ v f , .battle..-Press forward* then, to Me. MY ERS* Tavern, Pennsylvania Avenue, this Evening, at j o'clock—Form yonrfelves into a company of Invincibles, whose mot to will be * Liberty or Death ! To die is the lot of all } it cannot be avoided. The coward who (buns the battle may drag out a wretched, a degraded existence for a short time ; but at lenght falls a viflira to some disease, unregretted and despised—Not so f with a Montgomery, a Warren, Woof ter. Their memory is, and ever will be, dear to posterity. When cur government honors us with a place among its defenders, let us not forget that retribution is due for the murders by Whitby and Humphrey s, as well as thole committed on the blood-ftaincd fields of poor Erin. A REPUBLICAN. NORFOLK, July 16. By letters from St. Jago de Cuba, of a late date, we learn that a number of houses belonging to the French inhabitants of that had been recently set on fire and dc ftroyeri ; and that in spite of the utmost vi gilance of the Governor and inhabitants to pm a ’fop to thefc outrages, and to difeover the perpetrators, four houses were burnt on the 3rd June* One of these letters, dated the 23d fays, “ For two days past I have been guarding my property night and day. We arc in a dreadful situation. Three times tr-day have the different quartets of the city occupied by the French been set on fire. We know not what will become of us, if these ravages continue ; the Governor of St. Ja. go uses cxery exertion ho put a flop io them." July rB* SOME RETALIATION , Last evening an express arrived at Head- Quarters to the Commander, General Ma thews, from Capt. Sheppard, of the troop of Cavalry stationed near the Cape,—The intelligence the express brought is of great importance—it announces the firft &B of re taliation for the outrages of the British fquad ton. The fubftanee cf the intelligence, as far as we are informed, and our information may be relied on, is, that a boat with five men, viz, two midshipmen, and three Tailors, was seen to land on Thuifday evening, on the cast fide of the inlet; the people came on fliore, and were fired at by a detachment of Militia under the command of a Lieutenant from Kempf* illc. They retreated and took refuge in the woods—information being giv en toCapt. Sheppard of the place to which they had retired, it was immediately fur. rounded.—ln the morning they wetc dis covered, and surrendered thcmfelvcs prison ers without resistance.—The boat and the arms on board of her have been taken pofef fion of; and the men are now prisoners at Mr. Lemuel Comtek's, waiting the orders of the General. JITLV 20. C~ Saturday morning, another boat was on shore, with fifteen men, but put off at the moment that capt. Taylor's Cavalry appeared in fight. Another boat has been, w« understand, . on fliore, beating a flag of truce ; but as the officer who came, had no written com : mumcation to prove the character he ap i peared in, he was ordered on board, with out enquiring into the objeft of his mifliin, which we believe was to afeertaiu the fate of the persons who are detained. July 22. Yesterday, at u o’clock, the Leopard returned to Lynhaven Bay, (we were mis taken in flaring that (he remained) and an chored, About 4 o’clock all the British (hips went out from our waters, and from a boat which came up last night, we learn, that they were seen fleering to the eastward under a press of fail. We arc not possessed of the knowledge of any circuroftancc which has induced this movement, of course we arc 1 not enabled to form a conjecture, whether their departure is final or tempory. POSTSCRIPT, At the instant that our paper was putting to press, a bay pilot-boat came up from t,he Capes, which (he left this morning at 10 I o’clock, reports that the British flaps were at anchor at their usual anchorage. From /be Bojion Chronicle. IMPRESSMENTS! Bartifiakle , yuljf 7, 1807. Mcflrs. Adams & Rhodes,— “ To add to the villiany of the firitilh frigate Leopard, 1 confidcr it my duty, through your paper, to make known to the public, that a fifhing schooner bound from this pprr, was on the 30th ult. brought to by a tender of his Bri tannic majesty 5n George’s Bank, who forci bly took therefrom two of her crew, belong ing to Yarmouth, one of whom was provided with a protection, which not finding so soon as pleased the press-gang, they hurried him and the other on board the tender, declaring I ** they were determined to take From every ‘ coasting and fifhing veffcl that they came a cross, every seaman who has not a protecti on." W. O. The Common Council of New. York have agreed to cede to the United States such part of the public grounds as the Secre tary of|War may deem needfary for crcfting fortifications.— Nut. hit , The intelligence of the attack on the Chesapeake wus Tent express to Halifax in his majesty's brig Columbine, and from' thence to England, in the Sylvia. BoJltn fafer. CHARLESTON, July 2g . Nominal Prices— The Boston Gazette of the ijck ioltant, fays—« The f er i 0 ® occurrence in the Ghefapeake, has material • affected the commercial trade and bufinth of this place. Our rates of infutance are who!* ly nominal j and the prices of merchandize were fdtind too indefinite and unsteady w quote them with any confidence.'* 1 • jutr-ji. _ We are happy to learn that captain Kal, tiefen, the commanding officer cf Fort Johnl son, has received advice that a large supply of cannon and military (lores have been or dered on to this city for the defence of our harbor, Six cannon, 18 and 24 pounders with travelling can luges, and ten iSpoun! ders, are dirtied by the Secretary of War to be deposited in this city, under the charge of the officer commanding the JVlliitia, A Portuguese frigate from Rio Janeiro, was fpokc June 17, lat. 35, long. 62, who informed, that the Edafh. had re-taken Buenos Ayres. It is (fated {fays the Norfolk Ledger of jOtliinft.) that the Cleopatra, Britiffi fri gate, has joined the Britiih (hips below. The (hips that have remained, are, the Triumph and Leopard, fa that Sir Thomas Hardie now commands on the station. The returu of the RichmomJ and Pcterf, burg Infantry, from Norfolk, has been countermanded. Died, on the 28th inst. Col. Albxan. der Moultrie, in the year of his age. In him another patriot of ’y6 hath closed the fcenc of life, who pofieffed a large (hare cf all the qualifications, that form the ftatefrnan, soldier, and worty citizen ; and his vivacity, civility, and genteel deport ment, evinced he was the well bred gentles men. DIEDon tfce,l9th instant, at the City cf Wafhiogujn, Uriah Tracey, Esq. a Se, nator in the Congrcfs of the United Stater, from the tiatc of Conneftictu, r—i— Ex trad of a Utter from an officer in the Fir, gmia Detachment, dated tor tfmonth, Ju. ij ijth, “ O;. Tuefday morning Mr. R. Lee, ore of Mathews's aids, & Mr. Archer of Nor. folk* visited the Britiih fquadren in Lyn haven Bay, for the purpose of delivering the dispatches from Mr, Erlkine, which Mr. A. had just bro't from Wellington, Thcfe dispatches (imply ad'vi/cdQommodore Doug las to retire fr«m the territorial jurifdiftion of the Uditcd States.—Mr. Erlkine had no other authority; for the Brilifh fqnadfons cn the American station are not at all re. fponfible to the Britiih miniftcr in the Uni ted States, except in certain conditional ca ses ; but are generally undev the controd of the admiral who is Rationed at Halifax, where Mr. Eilkine could only ad'vifc, ad. niiral Berkeley could command. Mr. Lee 1 was received by Commodore Dooglafs in a most cavalier and indecorous style. The Commodore expressed his contemptuous af tonifoment at Mr. L's visit ; He slked him, w hether he was ignorant that the President’s proclamation forbade ail intercourse between American citizens and the Britiih (hips j and how he could think of fl>ing in the face of thcfe laws, by paying him the honor of a vi sit.. As soon as Mr, Lee had delivered the d.fpatches, a fignai was gven to the other , vessels, and their captains immediately re. paired to the Commodore’s (hip. You arc. already incensed enough at the ourageous conduct of the Britiih, and I have no incli nation to make your blood indignantly boil, by a lull defwiption of the conversation which ensued. One or two anecdotes will be Effi cient to (how you the fpiiit of the whole. The infamous Humphries tauntingly glkcd Mnjor Lee, whether he was not afraid cf being inffefled by keeping company with a murderer and an a(L(lin, such as he himfelf had been rtprefented tp be. They enquired about the fare of the Britifn consul and his / lady; and infolcntly demanded, whether tire mob of Norfolk had hung them or thrown them into prison.-They called the correspon ding committee ofNorfolk a mol; they cal led General Mathews the leader of that.mob: they fard that they were at lead entitled to an official copy of the Prefidem’s proclama tion, under the seal of theftcretary of date; and they expressly denied the authority of the Britiih miniftcr to interfere on flic pre sent occasion. Every one of those Captain# was insolent and insulting in the extrore; except Sir Thomas Hardy, captain of the Triumph: the celebrated friend and come panion of Lord Nelson. He is laid to bav in his cabirmhe very fopha on which that { great man breathed his last. Ex trad of a letter from Baltimore, fa ted July 9* t( By the arrival of the Daniil) fchootirr Experiment, From Cape Francois, in eight days, we are informed, that Chiiftophe h" 8 completely defeated the army of Pet ion, » n d is now in full pcfirfiion of aH the northern de* parturient, even to Port au Prince, coffee law, so obuoxio\is to thefs trading there, has been abolished ; maikets good snd perfefi tranquility reigned." We are informed that the Executive h , "'C determined to direst Geu. Mathews to re tain the five Britiih pmbnersin coftodr, un* til the pleasure of the Prefldent of the United States, relative to the dilpofal of them, (t aiJ be known. Virginia Argute