Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, August 08, 1807, Image 4

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SHERIFF* SALE. •» the yfl Tuefday in September next, at the mat Act houft, in the aty of Augujta, be tween the uCual hours, : - Will Be Sold, One fifty a£rc lot, in the town sip of Augusta, known by No. 41— also, fifty acres, lying on the head of laid lot, and bounded caftwardiy by lands belonging to the estate of M‘Carteo Gamble, ami by others; the above land levied on as the property of James Gray dec. to fatiify a judgment in favor of Lawfun Price & Co. ALSO, a part of J-oc No. 2i, containing in front on Broad Street, $4 feet, and in depth 207, bounded on the eatt by Mcffn. Scott £3 RadcJiffe and on the Weft by Mefits. Bsggs & Barns, and on the South by Broad Street; the above Lot levied on as the property of Nathaniel Bufli, to fatiify the Executors of Minor, to the use 'tf W, Minor, fsn, ALSO, Two horses & one dray. Levied on as the property of Shadrach Bj gan, to fatiify sundry executions, ALSO, 5 Stick Chairs, eleven Walnut Chain, one Mahogany dining ta ' hie, two Walnut tea tablet, one feather bed, and furniture, levied on at the property of Zachariah Williams, to fatiify sundry ex ecution!.-—Conditions Cash. H. M'TYRE, s. r. c. Anguft 1. (p) SHERIFFS SALE. On the frfi Tuefday in September next, at Columbia Court houft between the ufuat hours . Will be Sold, acres of land in Washing ton county, being a part of two hundred ei.hty seven and a half acres, originally granted onto Jesse Jones and On the waters of Buffilo creek, joining lands of Benjamin Few, at the timeoffnnrey, executed as the property of William Few, to fatiify aa ex ecution for eoft, in favor of William Pace, and pointed out bv the defendant, Wm. FLEMING, *. c c. Jugufl 1. (3 0 SHERIFF’S SALE. On the firft Tuefday in September next, o* Columbia Court-hou/e, between the ' t vfuar hours, Will be Sold, One Brown Bay Horse, execu ted as the property 01 George Dowm jun. to fatiafy an execution in favor of the Ex teuton of Drury Pace. Conditions off ale calh, JAMES LUKE, d* a. Auguji t. [sl] SHERIFF’S SALE. On the frft Ttitfday in September next , at the Court-house in Greenjhorough , between the vjual houu. Will be Sold, Three Negroes (to wit,) Bob, Joe and Harry, levied on as the prooerty of Wm. Boftick dec. to fatisfy an execti tion Thomas Galphin for the use of John Heard, vs. Floyd Boftick Ex’r, of Wm. Boftick dec. ALSO, xoo acres of land more or left lying in Greene county on the head of North Ogeedhce, joining Redmon Thornton and others, it being the land whereon Isaac Moore now lives and levied on as his property, to fatiafy several execu tions in favor of Thomaa W. Grimes, for the use of Henry Carleton and others. ALSO, One other traft of land containing Two Hundred acres more or left lying on the head waters of Richland Creek, joining Crutchfield, Matthew Brag and others, it being the land where John Con* late of thii county removed from and levied on ai fatd Conn's property to fatiify several executions in favor of Thomaa W. Grimes, for the use of Henry Carleton vs. Isaac Moore and John Cone, levied on and returned to me by a Constable. ALSO, 200 acres of land more or left on the Ogcechee, joining Bnrk and others, it being the land whereon James Cone now lives levied on as said Cone's property, to fatiify an execution, R. Bof tick by his Gnardean Theophilus Burk vs Jamei Cone and John Fluker.—Conditions —Calh. J. STANDIFER, d. s. Jugufi «, [ 3 t] 20 Dollars Reward. RANAWAY from the Subfcriher on Sunday night last a Negro Fellow named BILLY, twenty-four years of age, five feet four inches and a half high, (font made, and of a yellowilh complexion; has a down look when spoken to, and has a fear ob his head, a little above his left ear, by which he may eaftly be known. Retook with him several article* of cloa thing. A ny person who will feeure the (aid fellow in any Jail, so that 1 can get him again, (hall receive the above reward. EPHRAIM WELCH. t - It is probable he may have obtained a free pass, and he will make for Norfolk, as he was raised there. Augusta, Mail ManufaSery, | *• (if) f > Permit me through the vehicle of your paper, id coned the miflitemeat of faft*, by Major Houghton, in your paper of the xoth of June last, he there charge* my vote, ai a member of the Legiftature, with venality i which Ido utterly deny and al« way* did to any person, that ever convcr fed with me on (hat fubjeft. But that of fpeakine to candidates, who were offering lot difind furveyora, to take ray son and some other friend* to assist them, —i* not denyed nor sever wa« by me—nor do I conceive, that any kind of imputation could be attached to the trust confided to meforfo doing. O. PORTER. GEORGIA, 1 Baldwin County * / 1 do certify that I gave Major Hough* ton a certificate relative to a difference that txifted between the said Houghton and Major Porter wherein the laid Houghton charged the hud Porter with attempting to fell hi* vote add the base principle* of ve nality a* a member of the Legiflsture; It it to be understood by the certificate 1 gave Houghton that Major Porter did utterly deny the above charge, to all in tent* and putpufe* and 1 apprehend that thi* charge, was altogether bottomed oa Major Porter** having (poke to some of the candidate* for did rift iurveyors, to take hi* fan a* an afliftant; this 1 have alway* underflood by Major Potter wa* the case; and I hope the public will draw no improper confhuftion* on the certificate given to Major Houghton, a* I conceive, this will fufficiently explain it, to the dif piffionate reader. SAMUEL CUNNINGHAM. August i. ( 3 t) FOR SALE, On the Plantation whereon Amos Spurns late of Columbia county deceaftdt Jormcrly re jtded, part of the personal ejiate of/aid decea/ed , J Will be Sold, Consisting of Cows and Calves, Beef Cattle, &c, Some Plantation tool* and a valuable set of Cooper* tool*. ALSO* One Man’s Saddle, and a variety of other article* too tedious to mention..-The sale will take place on the fix ceenth day of September next...* A credit of fix mouth* will be given, the purchafen giving note* with approved so curity. WALTER MADDOX, ) P . ARCHER AVARY. j £x rs ' August i, [ 3 t] NOTICE. Is hereby given to all creditors of the Ertate of Amo* Sefifum* dec. to man ifeft their claim* duly attefigd within the lime prefenbed by law, and all perfon* in debted to the Eftatc aforefaid are hereby requested to make immediate payment. WALTER MADDOX, 1 r . ARCHER AVARY. J £xrj > August i. [3l] Ten Dollars Reward. gu D UNAWAY from the IV fubferiber near Raj f. vule, Columbia county, oa If* Sunday the i zth «lt. a nc gro man named ABRA. HAM, 20 yean of age, a bout five feet ni nC . or ten inches high, dark complexion, hi* r f° rc finger crooked in the second join** * ** e lh cut on his left fore knuckle, and a fore on hi* neck Any perfon.fecuring the said negro so that I can get him, fliall receive the above re ward. ISHAM FULLER, ColvmHa County , Auguji i, (u) Ten Dollars Reward. ~ Ts ANAWAY from Mr. a. gr. IV Longstreet’s in Au gusta, on the aift of June iaft, a Mullato fellow by JPLM| the name of HENRY— gySZjgggg® (Hear)' Clark*) nearly fixfijniigh; purchased in April last by the fubferiber in Norfolk. He is a fluewd fellow, and may attempt to paf* for a free man, he is about 3jy««» of age.—Who ever will lodge the said fellow in any Jail or deliver him to roe on Shoulder-Bone, Green county Georgia, shall receive the above reward. JOSEPHUS LOVE, Auguji a. (at) Taken Up BY Meffn. Bacon and Malone’a negroes, a Runaway, a native of the coast of Guinea, fpeakt the englifh language badly, calla himfelf MARK, and fay* he belong* to a man by the name of Hog, but cannot tell where hi* raaftcr lives. Mark i* about t $ year* old, ive feet eight or nine inches high slender made, hi* upper foreteeth ftaud wide apart, as if he had loft fame of them, when apprehended had on an old cotton homespun (hirt, dirty looking wollen ihort coat, and the crown of an old felt hat.—The ower i* requested to come fonfard, prove hi* prop erty, pay charge* and take him away, or he will be sent to Jail. WALTER LEIGH. Augzfta, August u [//] 1 A Tift of Defaulters j UN WARREN COUNTY. FOR THE YEAR 1807. Capt, Jones', diJlriSl, no Defaulters, Captain Hill's DiJlrUf* Barrel M‘Cailen. Captain Wilson's Diftrift. Samuel Ruarkc, Peter Davit, John Stan* ford, fnfel Fart, Jofcph Harvil, William Kitchens, Thomas Hendly, Stephen John son, John Cox, Benjamin Craned, John Barbcree, Daniel, Isaac Davifon. Captain Vowel's Dijlrift, Mary Dye, Daniel Thomas, James Year ned, Captain Baker's Difirift . William Slattcr, fenr, James Pool, Jcffe Pool John Hcnncfey. Captain Carter's DijirUl, • Jofliua Childers, Cordy Weaver, Chap man Hobfon, John Wiune, Jofcph Pervcy, Abraham Peevy, Captain Heath's Diflrifi, Hubberd Mitchcl. *' Captain Flournoy's Diftrift. Simon Jones, Isaac Ledbetter, Hcnty Morfc, Menoah Hubberd, Edward Bird, John Wallis, John Ledbetter, Philip Brooks, Francis Beck, William Beck, Jo. feph Edtnonfon. Captain Devareaux’s Difiritt, Thomas Miles, Robert M Dole, John Allen, Culley, William Giiffin, John Harvil, Richard M'Danicl, Ivy, William Curtis, William Baty, Da vid Morfas. Captain New/om's Difirift. Mecum Edicldrcd Warren, William Jinking, fofeph White, Alexander Avrry, Sally Coalter, Peter Bailey, Wil liam Powcl, Benjamin Nipper, John Muf groves, Latkin Mufgroves, John Waggon er, Silas Baiey, Irvin Whitington, William Jones fenr. Briton Carrol, Gam on Tapley, Elizabeth Wood, F'ancis Chandler. RADFORD BUTT, r t. r W c. duguft 1. (at) [Five Dollars Reward. RAN A WAY from the Subscriber bn the 26th uit. a NEGRO GIRL named MARY, of a very dark complexion, pit ted with the small-pox, but hardly perceiv able, about 14 or 15 years of age, very Him made, large feet and bands, had on when (he departed, a copperafs grounded habit, and white pettiedat, but probable (hehasgot elotthes foe*, for her difpafttion will lead her to any kind of villainy.— A ny perfoo delivering fad Girl to me, or coniine her in any jail in the Rate of Souih- Carolina or Georgia, so that I get her, (hall receive the above reward. JAMES MOSLEY. Edgefield Diftrift, South- Carolina. W. B. Mary was purchafcdin Charleston from Duncan Martin— Patroons of boat are cautioned against giving her any protection. J. M. Augufti. (at) —— - 1 ro Dollars Reward. RANAWA Yon the rgtb ult. a Negro Boir, belonging to Mr. Patrick Kel ly, of this place, named SAM, about 18 years of age, of a dark complexion, and y feet fix or seven inches high—he was seen in Augusta on Sunday evening last, and it is likely he is (till in the neighborhood; but as he was lately at Savannah, it is probable ho may attempt returning there in some of the Boats now loading for that place.—The above reward will be paid on securing him in any jail in this Rate or South* Carolina; or on delivering him to the Subscribers in Augusta. WILLIAM BONES, 7 Attorney's for JAMES FRASER. I Patrick Kelly, Augvfi 1. [tf] FOR SALE. A Negro Woman, She is ft r idly honed, and a ve ry good COOK-—For further particulars enquire at this Office. Augujl r. (ts) NOTICE. ALL those indebted to the estate of Thomas Jones dec. are requested to come forward and make payment, or It. Soidate their accounts on or before the 3d ay of September—Also, those having any demands against said estate, are requested to render in their accounts properly alter ed, within the time prescribed by law. MARTHA JONES, Adm’rx, JOHN LAMAR, Adm’r. Jolyz*. [ 3 t] To Rent or For Sale. ONE large two story house in the town of Jcffcrfon, Jackson county, togeth er with two lots.—For terms apply to the fubferiber, ortoCol. Walton Harris, near laid towo. . f WILUAMH, CRAWFORD. 4. (8t) notice. to dealers in gun-powder. A S there arc now different Powder-Mill, IX ertablilhed on Brandywine Creek it. fablcribers find it necessary to inform Public and their Cultomers, that to prevent mistakes they have declined ufine then of BRANDYWINK. b, which Li, ,« der has been heretofore known. I n f ur , U[ ' it will be designated only as DUPONT an t Co-s POWDER. The Keg, and Ba,S will be marked D. P. & Co. This Powder is eafiiy known from any c . ther by the (hape and hardntfsof its g ra j n * It is warranted equal to any imported, and is far fupttior to the highest |cnnfylvania proof. Orders for powder cf any defeription, as Cannon, Musket, F. FF- glazed or rough Rifle and Eagle powder, font either to Mr. Delaire & Lannut, in Charleston, S. C. or to the Suhjcr tiers in Wilmington, ihall be duly attended to. The late extention given to their Manu. faftory will enable the fublcribers to execute all orders at the (hdrtell notice at reduced prices. E. I DUPONT PE NEMOURS & Co. ■Wilmington, Juneri, 1807. (jr) ■notice. On the 3d day of September next, at the House of T homas Jones dec . Will be Sold , ALL the pcrfonal property of said dc. ceafcd, confiftirg of horfci, cattle, hogs, houfchold and kitchen furniture-* one cotton Gin and apparatus, and plants, tion utensils,, also a quantity of DRY GOODS. Twelve months credit will be given, the purdufcrs giving note with approved security. MARTHA JONES, Adu/rx, JOHN LAMAR, Adm'r. Warrenton, July 2s, [6t[ N B. The falc to continue from day to uay until the whole is fold. NOTICE. A LL perfun* having any demands against xJL the cflats cf R:cbea Brunfon, late of the county of Columbia, dcceafed, are re> quested to render them in abetted in due form, within the time pointed out by law, and thole indebted are hereby notified to make payment without further delay to THOMAS CARR, adm’r. J°iy 'B. . r«<l SHERIFF’S SALE. On ifSt Jirji Tutfday in September next, at Co lumbia Court, house, between the usual hours, Will be Sold, 100 acres of land in Columbia county, joining Robert Randolph and Thos. Few, on the waters of Germany's creek, ALSO* one BayHorfe, one 30 Saw-Gin, and four negroes, viz; Harry, Jacob, Mourning and Lewis, executed as the property of Dixon Perryman, to fatisfy an execution in favor of the state, agsiaft said Pc Ky nun. ALSO, 700 acres of land in Co lumbia county, be the fame more or less, whereon James Moore dec. formerly refi* ded, joining Charles Porter and others, ex ecuted as the property of the Lid James Moore, to fatisfy an execution in favor of Alexander Moore. ALSO. one negro woman by the name of Darkit, executed as the pro perty of William Stark, to fatisfy an exe cution in favor of Thomas Carr. ALSO, 300 acres of land in Co lombia county, whereon Thoa, Mopre fen, now lives, joining Rain fey and M‘Ncil, executed as the property of said Moore, to fatisfy two executions infavor of the Gust dians of the orphans of Ephraim Saudcrt dee, against said Moore, ALSO, 502-3 acres of land in Columbia county, joining Crawford and Shackleford, executed to fatisfy an execu tion William Collins against admr. Stephen Collins. ALSO, one house and lot at Co lumbia court-hoofe, executed as the prop erty of Richard Mathias, to fatisfy an ex e cation in favor of the adm’r Wm. Appling •—and returned to me by a constable. ALSO, Agreeable to an order of the Honora ble the Inferior Court, Will be Sold, One anvil, one vice one pair of bellowfes, one buttcrafs, three files and two rasps, two ferew plates, four hammers, > pair tongs, two eye- wedges, three chifels* two punches, two, n?i! tools, one fire {ho vel, one bed, two bed-(leads, one writing delk, one haud-faw, crockery.ware, otc chcft, four chairs, two tablet, one clock reel, one Sugar box, one flunk, one lock ing glass one (life, w d u »ch ovf' (kellct, fiyc one tea S smoothing Imp;, fuUdoxsn knives two pots, one SpL ni * n g w h e d, one cow and . * an - ot ker articles too tedious to mcn tiop, tplathfy suachmeot in favored Jouß Gatrelj vs, Samuel Jones, ALSO, one double barrel Gur 4 Bed and Bid (lead one trunk of cloather, and other articles too tedious to mention, to fatisfy an attachment Nathan Craw/oid, vs- William Francis Ware. Conditions Calh, Wm. FLEMING, e. c- c, tty «|. <3 ! J