Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, March 12, 1808, Image 1

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AUGUSTA CHRONICLE. i - - - - ■ mi m\nr,, m. , i ■ I * 1 " ' " i , ~ .. t .'"U V©L. XXII.] FREEDOM or thi PRESS ;*ak» TRIAL JURY utAtL kkmaik ihvioLati., jju - - - -- T i - - - - - -i- -- - . . , . AUGUSTA: (Georgia)? rinted by D. DRISCOL, near the market. SATURDAY, March 12,180*. [3 Dolls, per Amt m mam i m - ' ' William Pool & Co. JtefpeDfully inform their friend* and the pubm ic t that they have opened in the houft late • ly occupied by Mejfrs, M'kinne & Co, AN EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDIZE , CONSISTING OK Dry Goods 8c Groceries, Such as arc generally inserted in lcng;hy advertisements, all of which they are .ctermined to fell on the lowefb terms for pASH or PRODUCE. January s, tf] THE SUBSCRIBERS, HAVE JUST RECEIVED, And offer for Jale on favorable terms. 2® pipes, half pipes, and quarter Caik-s Corllca and Tenetiffc Wines, 10 bail quarter Calks Malaga Wine of fu. perior quality, 2 Hhds Coffee, 3 do.’ Sugar, 5 do. Brown ditto, 2® Bbls. ditto, ditto. 8 Puncheons Jamaica Rum, 2 Pipes New. York Gin, i® Bags Corks, ga pieces Cotton Bagging, ya narrow do. and Twilled Jacking, 15 Chews and q uarter chc(V» ol Hyfon, Young liyfon, Hyfon Ikm and im penal-Teas of the late* isipfifetation 4 Tons Ruflb and Sweedes 3®o Plough Moulds, 2 Calks of Lead, 1- do. Prwdcr, Shot and Nails, 2 Übls. Linfecd Oil, 4 finds. Mohffes, 4 grates Bottles, and Crockery V/arc, x Boxes Tumblers Sc English Glalswarc. 2 Cases Looking Glafles, a Calks Hoes, 1 do. Trace Chains, t Trunks'Shoes, db« White and colored kid and roccO Slippers," v , z Boxes Saddles, 1 do. - ? Hats, 2 Tierces Hats, I Box Play ing cards, 1 Bale Letter Paper, 2 Bales Humhums, 1 Trunk Callicocs, 2 Cases Linen, % - j Trunk Hosiery, 5 Bales Plains, Blankets and Strouds, j Bale of Twice, 26 Calks Chcefe, 1000 Balhels Salt, ice. Sec. H. far R. THOMAS, January 2. ( l 0 NOTICE. , Will be Sold, On the firlt Monday in May \ next, st fackfonfaurgh, in the County ui Randolph, Lotsot different dimeutioni; terms and quantity to be made known by the Comnsifiioncrs on the day of fair. JOHN MARTIN, 1 JOSEPH CARTER, | £ CHA’S CRAWFORD, )>3. JOHN CARGILL, | 2 SOLOMON STRICKLIN J Feb. 20. [9'] Philadelphia Stills . The Subscribers, have received a Confignmentof STILLS, Which they will dispose of, low f&r Cafli or Cotton. WIG FALL k M'KINNEY. Feb. *O. [tf] Notice. Ok Friday the 6th day of May next , at the late refidtnee of Amos 8e Jams dectafed, in the county of Columbia , Will be Sold, On a credit of twelve months, all the remaining property belonging to tfte I estate of said deccafed, both real and person- I ah—Such persons as may become purchafcrs I will be required to give their notes with ap» I proved security. his WALTER X MADDOX. mark j ARCHIBALD AVARY. I Executors, * K March i. (A) ATTENTION!! Tie Sub/criber offers for fate the following Trafts of Land, VIZ: Nos. 52 11 dist. Wilkinson, 34 11 do. 2i it do. do. 157 15 do. 207 20 do. 269 24 do. 10S 7 Baldwin, 25 17 do. The above lands will be fold u£6n easy and advantageous terms to the purchaser. The lot No. 2 tip 24 Wiikinfon, from its eligible fitualior for business, being on the Ocmulgec river and in or near the center of the bell body of land in the late purchufe, will be laid off into lots tor a town, which it is fuppefed will soon rival most of the villages in the up country. The lots will be fold on a credit, and a plan ct the town may be fcca on application to Wm. LYON. Augujla, Feb. 13,. [tf] NOTICE. r TPHAT on the fourteenth of April oeit, X Will be Sold in Eatonten, in the coon, ty of Putnam, a number of loti adjacent to the. site fixed for the purpose of building the Court-Houjtand Jail, in said county, on a credit of twelve months the purchasers giving notes with approved pcafonal feenrity with a mortgage on the ptcmifci. BRICE GAITHER, R9EEP.T IVERSON. Barnes hollaway, EDMOND LANE. SIMON HOLT, junr. February 6 < rot) NOTICE. WHEREAS I to W.ftiogtoi Germany sundry notes of band, payable to him or bearer, all of which said notes were given on the 10th Feb, inftanf, although they bear different date*, and are made payable at different periods—Now this is to forwarrt all persona not to tr*dc fox,, or pa?chafe fa id notes, as jtbev were given without any confidetarEn whatfeever, undl am determined not to pay the said notes— the ameunt of said notes are not remembered. M WINN. Lincoln county, Feb. 20. [4l] ~ ~ notice: ALL oerfons having demands against t lie effaces of Thomas Smith and Thomas and William Smith, late of the city of Sa vannah merchants, arc refuelled to render the fame duly attested, to Atton Pember ton j and thofc indebted to said effates, arc reqncfted to fettle with him; he being au thor ifed to receive payments, and give ac« enhances therefor. SUSAN M, ? MITH, adniPx. ATTON PEMBERTON, adm’r Savannah, Oftober 10. (ts) NOTICE. I ihall attend at the City-Hotel in Diilriwt No. 1, on Saturday the nine teen; h of March inst. and Saturday the Lcond of April, for the purpose of collecting the tax due t>r the year 1807. And (hall attend at the house of William Longftrcct's eiq. onThurfday the 3iff inst, and Satur day the r6:hot April, forDiftrift No. 4. H. M‘TYRE, t.c. r.c. March 5, (3O SHERIFF’S SALE, On the firjl Tuefay in!April next, at War ren Court-hcufe , between the usual hours . Will be Sold, 200 acres of land more or left in Warren county, adjoining Benj. Crcii fnaw and others, levied on ai the proper*.w of Mullens, to fatisfy Willis* Berry ard others, and returned to me I 4 a conftabte. THO’S BATTLE, 0.«. w c. March 5. / [3l] WILL BE SOLD, On Saturday the second day of Apr,l next, in Columbia county, at the late re/itleitce ej John TankerJl:y dec . Thirty bales of good merchant able cotton, weighing generally upwards of three hundred weight neat each bail; aTo one hoglbead of tobacco, being part of the persona 1 property of the said dec,— Terms made known an the day of falc. W M B. TANKERSLEY.7 DKEADZIL PACE, 5 Adm January 23. 1807- | • STEUBENS Miliary DiimpUns \ at this Oifics# 4 # * « THE EMBARGO. A Corni-Tragic Farce . • CENE IN AUGUSTA. Independent —The times require it, amt we (hall hit them—they are afraid of us, and if they be not, they (hall be—indepen dent of us, they cannot live— true, they gave ui birth ; but wc nurftd and racked nurfelves into manhoad /—now that we arc firmly an our legs , wc (ball fee whether the powers of Europe can do better without us than we can do without them. Home/fun —I'ii vote for what you fay j right or wrong—but wrong it cannot be. 1 Tpcnt the prime of my life in fighting for Independence, the middle in railing co ton, and during the latter part, I (hall weave it out to the end, foontr than they (hould ira. pose on us. Slyboots —And pray, gentlemen, if you goon at this rate, what will become of the rising generation ? No muslins for the girls! No uppity tips for the young men 1 Foreign customers will be starved out, and ws our. fclves go naked I I feel indignant at this change, which is likely to take place in our manners and fadiions. Hamefpnn —Tarnation take your manners and falhions—you do not speak like a trus born American—we can covet oar girls witlvhomcfpun; End if they do not like that, they may go without—Our uppity. whips t as you cali them, may ride about in' Shame, me , and when they wear that out, they may go and fight far fun or any thing elfc they please. Major Cotton —l (hall back you there fir—lt is true bagging is become too high f*r our cotton, which is too low ; but no matter, we can (land it, and give cur ene mies boots —We can make our own bagging, if put to it, and ram the entire wool ot Georgia into our ewn pockets. Mfs Jenny— To be sure weean ; cotton, wool, pluck, horns, and all. I never knew any man, foreign or native born, 1 am afraid of, or would turn my back to, at the loom, spindle, (buttle, or any thing clfe that a girl can do, Mrs. Pullet— Why I guess, Mlfs Jenny, you are too rapid—l have railed close upon one hundred pullet* and chicken cocks, this year, with my own hands, and I could never think of being so loud as you arc ; but as. ter all my trouble, no par/an will give sn« wore than one quarter of a dollar for my pippl iy hens—and as to my chicken cocks, they rejeft them as being old rootters—curfc this general Bargo and all other generals, who will nor go straight. Jenny— So fays I, but you will want fomc of my (tuff, and now you may buy a piece cheap by the yard; Mrs. Pullet —l dont buy pieces by the yard, I buys them by wholJale—But I have to dispose of my rGoiters sirs good bye. Silgger—Why then what a (Itange goose of a rootter that fame Pullet mull be ; (he •v'tl not buy by the yard or any other wavs or measures, but by the oldfales ! It is one truth however, that (Ire gave me a great bargain last fall in cnc dozen es eggs, and that was that they were right quite frclh, having every mother foul of the dozen., a chicken in it! and the other, that is the dirteenlh , to make up the dozen, had noth ing at all in it but what you call odd or ad dled', I dont know how you pronounce it on your tongue. Rond lam— G—d d—n your tongue, you outlandifti Brogancer 1 whoever knew any body but your own felf to befuch a bother, um ! So cut of 13 you make a dozen of eggs, aye ! and put frcfii chickens into them fcefides— that is i,6 to the dozen ! Go to school. If you were born where I was, you might have half a scare to the dozen, without any thing in them but the (halls, and axe them no adze. Pigntck— Sacre blew—thefc peoples he fame one fools, v hr. do not know one egg from another, and cannot dillinguilh ore (hell from his brother I Now I ttke it that they are all is no bo dy, Rsudlant is no body— they hare no one idea of the grand projects that have been fimfh’.d, and are now to begin, Sur le grand I hen (re du monoe, Draper —Confound these blundering fal lows j they are enough to make me run cra zy. It would appear that they ha vc no idea how splendid wc Irvc at their expeoce—true, we co.idefc.end to work and manufacture their raw nw.icriols for them, and fend 'um back neatly put up, they paying 3or 400 per cent only for our attention and trouble— hut such is the ingratitude of mankind ! and thef tyankees aie a (Iriking inflance of it—now let um go to work, it they dare, and I'll bet you a mug of brownfiout, that they will not do it in so (hort a time—no; nut by one hundred years. Raudlam —You fay so! Now lookee, 1 what a gout ot 2 fool of a John Ball you 1 mdit bd Dmt you know uiat we have I every thing here ia our own hands, and that \ j do not get it, you will not have it; .mrnnmmu —■ , ■«,— ■1 , jjj , ~ s and that if you cannot have it you cannot work it} and if you do not work if, w« (hall not have it again j and if you havent it, we cannot wear it; and if we cannot wear it, we must go without; and if we [ ean go without it, you may go be d-n-d— -there is found logic for you, Tobacco-~Yim\ the flent to top t thele folki fecoi to be all out of the way-* f the yflalk as if no tobacco had been on j h an^s —there now is 6or 7 dollars given in Savannah for this precious weed, while in the city of Augusta, no ope merchant, tho* he may •wind up the next day, will offer me more than three, and hardly that I these are hard tiroes, to be sure. Major Cetton~~ And do yon think the* Mtfofter with me, though 1 have so many bags oh hand, that were snugly packed with i Jione in tht middle and a fail of water thrown ever every layer to aid the f aching machine . * Roudlam— Pon my fowl you feera to trade very nicely between you, with your Jlcmt and flerns— Your planet and fails of •wafer, to make every thing go light , no doubt. Now, funpofe, rs one would fay, that 1 fluffed my Irijh petaloet with floats, or put bian in my meal, wt u;d not yon think very hard of it—ard so you would— then it is the fame Ida dual thing in Chiton Ol Tohacct—Exiunr Omnes, (By Authority.) AN ACT. Making appropriations f, r the/npfort of tht ' navy of the Unhid States, daring the year 1808. BE it enabled by the Senate end Ihufe of Reprefentaf ives of the United States of America, in Congrtfs assembled , That fee defraying the txpenccs of the navy of the United States, during the year one thou, find eight hundred and eight, the follow. Jng ftims be, and the fame hereby are rc fpeftively appropriated ; that is to fay ; For the pay and fobfiftencc ofthe officers, and pay of the fcamcn, three hundred and sixty-eight thousand and lorty.eight dol lars: For provilions, one hundred and sixty tw» thousand seven hundred and fixty-firo dollar*, and ten cents : I‘or medicines, instruments and hospital stores, five thousand dollars; r For repairs of veffcls, one hundred and ninety.five thousand dollars; For freight, store rent, commissions t<f agents and other contingent cxpenccs, fevetu ty.fivc thoufmd dollars; tor pay and fubfiVnCe of the marine corps, including provisions for thofc on fhnje, and forage for the tlafF, one hundred and flxty thcmfmcl, one hundred and thirty ene dollars and ninety cunts : For clothing for the fame, twetty-nine thousand, nine hundred and thirly-thrcO dollars and eighty cents : I'or military fiores for the fame, nine thonfanj, fix hundred and fifty.four dol lars ! tor medicine, medical ferviecs, hospital (lores and ail other expenecs on account of the ficlc belonging to the marine corps, two thousand dollars : bor quancr-maftcr’a and barrack-mafter'a stores, effictrr, travelling expcnces, ar mourer’s and carpenters hills, fuel, prc. miuins for cnihling, musical instruments, bounty to music, and other contingent ex pences, fourteen thousand, and thirty.five dollars : For the expenfs of navy-yards comprising docks atfd other is, pay of fu ptrintendanrs, flore. keepers, clerks and la bor rs, sixty thousand dollars ; For ordnance, fifty thousand dollars : See. 2. And he it further enadid, That the leveral Turns herein fpccifically appro priated, foall be paid out of any monies in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. J. C. VARNUM. Speaker of tie Ihufe of Reprefentet/lves . . ' GEORGE CLINTON. l r tce r reftdent of the United States , • and Rnfideut of the Senate. Approved, February ro, 1808. TH t JEFFERSON. AN ACT % t re vive aid continue certain cattfes and proceedings in the aijtrid court cf the djirici cf Columbia, BE it enacted hy the Senate and Nnnfe of Representative! of the U. States of America in Congrtfs cffcmbled , That all cades, foies, aftians, writs, prccefs, and proceedings, which were pending in rite dilfricl court of the di it rift of Columbia, at the time appointed by law for holding a feffioa thereof, on tire firft Tucfilay of Oc tober lail pair, or which *cre returnable to the (irffion of vbc said court which ought to have been holdtn on the firft Tn-.fday of Oc tober, (hall I*, ami ii,« fame are hereby rc -1 vived, iei.ili.ueJ and coiKimsed over to tljpr'