Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, April 09, 1808, Image 3

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AUGUSTA, April 9. §XXXXXS NEWS. This day’s paper throws some light on our foreign relations. Ths adrertifing friends of the Chronicle, will not allow us to give important news in detail (though we throw off Extras and fupp’.emencs in abundance) however; under this head, we (hill con. tinue to corjotimioatc to the readers, (ketches of the mall carrcCt and important intelli gence that comes in oar way—at a speci men take ths following. An American vcflcl arrived at G iernfey, from St. Mdoes, a thort paffigc, re peats a former account, which hated, that 1 the Embargo in the ports of Fanccis ftriclly enforced, with refpeft to veflils of all na | tions, thoje of America excepted. London paper. At Lloyd’s, in London, a policy was open ed on the 131!) februarv, 20 guineas to 100 if the Embargo will be rc noved by ths aid March. La vengeance, 18 guns and on* hong ■pounder from G udaioupc 180 men fell in with a briti(h f-igntc in the W. Indies, received a broad tide and went so the hot tom, men and all—this was the vengeance In york and 1 mcalltiro, on the 14 h . all manufactures were completely at a (land f «• till the return oN better trade. f Capt. GrTnnalds, arrived this morning >• from Alexandria, failed in company with the (loop Mount Vernon, capt. Palmer, having on board Mr. ROSS, whom he was to put on board of one of the Britilh blips in the Chesapeake. —Capt. G. on palling Harnp. ton, saw taro British frigates Handing in, Charleston paper April 1. The Army pf North America, under the command of Gen, P.tvoll-lutl been embar ked, at Portsmouth England by the lad a#counts, and waited only for a fair wind to carry them to Halifax, Nova-Scotia— Viz.—-a largs detachment of Engineers and artillery.... Regiments 38th 40th and others from Ireland... 51, 89, 7th foot 3ch do. King’s, 13th do. zjd do. <soth—this force amounting to near 6000 men V/iH be joined I by the 69th from Bermuda, 99Tb and 101 ft lo'h royal Veteran Battalion at Halifax jiaff.— Cols, Waugh ton and Colville as brigadiers. IMPORTANT. The fell owing is a copy of a letter from on of ear Repre/entativis in Covgrefs, to his correspondent at Athens,-—We received a letter from Col, Troup also to the fame rffCt, WASHINGTON, March 13. Dear Sir, Ths Negotiation that has been carried on for the last three Months, between Oieat-Britatn, and this Country, has at length terminated.—Mr. R«fa, took leave on Monday lad, and proceeded to Norfolk, from whence, he is to return ro Eng land, In the Statira.—'Knowing your wilh for in formation on thisfubj.-ft, I haltcn to inform you, that' like the Mountain in labour— ‘ it has brought frrth a Mi nfe’. — Mr. Rose contended, that as a preliminary to the opening ot the Negoctation, the Proclamation, intefd.fling Britilh armed (h ps, from the bentfitofour Ports and Harbours, Ih.uld berefetnded; which aft, be viewed, holtilc to the King his Mailer.—After,a very lengthy »;d lu mlnocs difeufhon, Mi. M. (la ed to Mt. k. that if he would announce to iiim, the nature of the reparation ptopofed to be made to our Govern ment, for the violent aggreflion of the Leopard, upon the Chesapeake, in the event of its being en tirely fatisfaftory to us, then the Proclamation I aid be withdrawn, and which (hoald besreo poraneons date, with the redreis claimed by -to this just and equitable propofitloo, Mr. fe poli'ively refufed to accede. —Thus, the No tation has br< ken off, without any thing being fled thereby.—.lt is evident from what wc have 1, that the M (lion war proj;flcd on the part of biij, more from motives ot policy, than a fin -1 defirc, to heal the wound they had in sanly ir.fliftcd. The Prcfident laid before us erday, voUiininsns documents on the (ix re of ign Relations. A part of the papers are con ctial, which cannot now be pubiKhed ; the ahder are not, and will be printed as soon as ible, which (hall be sent to you very soon, for use of the People. he 14th. (twill take four days to read the pa . The correfpondcnce between Mr. Muirroe, Mr. Canning, on the affair of the Chel&psakc, been conduced on the part of the firmer, 1 true Patriotism, candor, and great ability ; ill be pie?fins to onr Country to hear, that edrels afltrd for, which has been mod ibuae r refufed, has been couched in terms that do >r to the head, and Heart, that framed them • fangnioary demands were made—in fl»>.r. whole correspondence both in Europe and erica, will convince every unprejudiced mind, la not tainted with falfe federaiifm, that ling on our part has been wanting, to bring tnhappy differences between the two Nations, Just, and honorab’e condufioij.—We may, I in the event of war, inv< ke the aid of the y, as heretofore, whole bemga interposition, pe, will be found on the fide of justice, m> on can long cxift, “ that feels power, and ets right.’' he a6-h. This day, will terminate the reading he important documenti. laid before us on (he Inst. by the President. The Senate have or d Joo copies to be printed, and thehoufe of relentatives 5.000, for diftributior. It will up two weeks to print, which when done, form a Urge Volume—Upon will oend, that no demand by our Government been made, that is not founded in drift juificc humanity.—lit want of (ucCefs cannot be al (dfoos ; I wifti as much conid be said on the of the Belligerent s. Difparchcs from Eng t have just arrived for Mr. Role ; it is said Erlkine, has sent them after him by Express. Ihat change this may produce in the nature Indtng affaris, I cannot at this moment deter » —lt is to be nnderftood, his inftrufttons a date, fnbfequent to the news of the £m o law. From the public prints that I have ’ . r * a pcofpeft of its producing a great notion in Great-Eritato.—Accept my refpefts* • DENNIS SMELT. number of the navy officers at New. k, have received orders from the Secret* ff the Navy, to repair immediately to ftiingtoi). Tmes , strove five thoafand (hares in the Union rcti.acturing Company of Maryland, were fubfctibcd for at Baltimore on Monday, the 7th inst. in confeqaencc of Which the Com pany is about to be organised. We con gratulate the nation on (he fuccels of this important step towards the encouragement of Domed ic Ma'nuiaftures. ibid, MARRIED, cn Thursday the 7th inst, at Mr. t)avid Walker's in Columbia coun ty, bytheßev’dA. Marlhal, Mr. Isham Pounds, to Mils Sarah Hendlby. tessssssssasm DIED, on Wcdnefday last, Elizabeth Virginia Carter, agedn weeks, yoan geft daughter of Mr. John Carter of this ci ty, and late of Richmond, Virginia, , cn Tbufday morning last a young man of the name of Peyton Martin, clerk to Mr. Weiftingcr, and one of Capt. Evan's corps of Blues, died after a few hours illncfa .—an inquest was held, and verdift—>by the violation of Gcd. B9BSSB9SBSIIB Lawyers Office. The Subfcribcrs having enter ed into Parrnciftiip in the Practice ol Law, under the firm of Hutchinson & Walker , Inform thofc who may require their prufetfional ferviecs, that their Office is kept on the South tide of Broad Street, in the,City cf Augutt», in the weft-end of the house next above Mr. John Fox-.-where the one or the other of them will regularly attend tor the difpatrh pf bufinef?,-—7’hey intend pnCtifing in all the counties in the Middle Circuit, and in the counties of Hancock, Wilkes and Lincoln, in tlie Weftern Circuit. FREEMAN WALKER, JOSEPH HUTCHINSON. April 9. (ts) A Letter Found.- ON Ihe 7th instant, on the river rosd, two miles above Bedford, was found by Mr. Nol,»n, a IcMer signed, Joseph W, Fox, and addieftcd to Mrs. Catherine E. Young, at Mount Pleafaat—inoiofinga note ol hand signed U. Jeter junr. The owner may have the (hid papers by appling to the printer, and paying tor this advertisement. April 9. + . To be R , Until the firft of Oflobcr next. The Store on Broad-Street, Occupied by the Subfcribcrs, BARRETT SIMS. April 9. - (ts) Notice. All those indebted to the Sub fcrifcer by Note or Book account, are carncftly requeued to come forward and difeharge the fame, as no longer indulgence can be given. JONATHAN YASSER. April 9, ( 2 q fur Tale ~ A Negro Girl, Tiled to the field, about twenty years old—fold for no fault, Calh or Cotton will be taken in pay ment.—Enquire at this Office. April 9. (30 JUST RECEIVED On Conjignment , BY THE SUBSCRIBER, FROM NEW-TORK, Three Ca r es of fccond quality Hats, Two C. fes of Saddles, Two Trunks of Shoes afforred, Oe Calk of Negro flio’es. All of which will be fold at a small advance for Calh or Cotton. GEO. S. HOUSTON. A P’ n 9* (3 r ) CAUTION lb I'HJfi Parent of Security . In order to prevent fraud and deception, 1 conceive it a duty incumbent on me, to aporizc the public at large, of a clan of damn'd importers, who have made their elopement from Lincoln county (Geo.) justly indebted to me, tor the Anns annex'd 10 their names refpeftively, viz ; ' D. C. Daniel Dwyer, - - - . 50 621 Charles Kennon, - - . 64. 43 Benjamin Carter, - _ - 3 15 Wibiam Dinkins, - - - to David Boyd, - - - . y gyl Benjamin Brown, - . - 64 <s{?i Joseph Parilh, - - . . 13 qg Solomon Whyte, - - . 20 4<s John Campbell, - - - - 16 7 j Jeff; Spencer, ... - 19 60 Joseph Lankford, - - - 6 81J Joseph .Sharp, .... 3 Alexander Oden jan, - 9 <ss>" Drury Pace, 33 <SS» GEO: SCURLOJK. Lincoln Canary, \ f ApsiU, 1808. / (3.) I 25 Dollars Reward. STOLEN or Strayed from my liable in Augusta, on Thursday evening the 31st March last, a Sorrel Horse about 141 hands high, eight or nine years old, his fcretop cut cIF, afwiichtail with the under part of the hair cur oif also, cbnfidetabiy flabfided, with fo:nc white foots on the rop and left tide of his back, in tolerable order, no bcands recollected. If stolen, the above reward will be paid for the horse and thief, and a fatisfaftory reward for the horse alone. DANIEL STARNES. Angnfta, April 4. + FOR SALE. ~~ Out Lot of , IN the town of Athens, Clarke County, ■ the buildings thereon, are all new and convenient, upon a commanding eminence, no place in the upper country, has proven more healthy, the water is good and flows from rite fide of the hill near the improve, menu, which would make a picafam re treat from Savannah or Angufla in the Sum mer fcaf jn, it is prefomabk any pcifoo will ing to make a purchase of such a place would fint take a view of the precities, the titles will be iodlfputable,—The terms of fate and mode of pay ment will be made cafy to the purclufer, may also be known by applying to Obediah Jnnes efqr, of the county of O glethorpe or the fublc.iber living on the premises. JOHN CARE/. A util g. § i he Editors of the Savannah Repub. Heart, and Public lutelligenter, are refne/. ted to tnfert the abu ve, once in their refpec* five papers. Now in Richmond Jail. SAM about twelve years of age, has on an old coat of Ekftic Surge, blue over alls, fays he belongs to a Mr. Norton, of Savannah.—Tne owner is reqneflcd to comply with the law and take him away. A. RHODES, Sheriff. Arril y. (ts) Now in Columbia Jafl. T ACK, fay* he belongs to HezcKuh El- J| liogton of Wilkes county, and was hired t > James Olivers of the fame county near Vvr.lhiiigtt'ji, about twenty five yean old about four feet 3 or four inches high flout mad*. jack brought v/jrh him an old bay horse, wirh »< roar.ifh main and tail, and a t de.ahle good faddlc and brtdie, The own. e. is requeued to comply wi.h the law and take him away. R. Y. LANGSTON ». c. c. Apti 1 9* _ _ __ j__l3 ) One Dollar Reward. For a Bunch of Keys , DROPPED onSaurdsy evening lait, in Ellis-Streef, near Captain RiflVll% Whoever delivers the Lid Keys to t!i? fub fcnOer (hall receive the above reward, if de livered infix days from the date hereof. ' JAMES EDWARDS. April ). # Notice. ALL persons having demand* against the eflaie of Edward Hatcher late of this county are rcqnrftcd to come forward within the time prcicribed by law and have them liquidated, and those indebted 10 the fame are requeued to make immediate pay. men Ito il. F. HARRIS, J Adm's HENRY HATCHER ] April 9. jtf) Notice. ALL pci Tons indebted to'the firm of THOMAS I. WRAY Sc co. arc ear nestly, requested to come forward and dis charge their accounts as the engigemems ts the said firm will not admit cl any further indulgence, those who have hitherto been punctual ate informed that the usual credit will be extended 10 them. %* They have on hand an exten- . five aflbrtment compufirgalinoft every arti cle in the DRUG LINE. Augusta, Apnlg. {y) C) REM EN f ” The falc of the following property ad verti fed for the fi ft Tucfday in this month ispoftpoued until the full Tucfday in May next, viz : 200 acres of land in Burke coun ty, on Savannah river, adjoining lands of Joseph She emukc 3rd Grincr, taken as the property of James Gray dec. to fatisfy an executn n in favor of Lawson, Prior, & co, Also, 300 acres of land in Burke county, t; ns the property of Jeremiah Miller, by virtue cf an execution in lavor of Charlej M tthews. JOSEPH PERRY, «. 1. c. AnriJ q. (4 ) Will be Sold. On Friday the third day cf June next at the late reftdence cf David Emanuel itcea/td, part of the perfunal properly ofjaid dec. CONSISTING of Hsrfes, Cattle, Goats and other articles too tedious to men tion —Cauditions made known on the day of fa’: by f J D EMANUEL, JV. , E EMANUEL. J on. April; . (6t) Noto in Richmond Jail. * A negro man by the name of FETaR, fays he bdongi to a Mr, Edward B«f« of Hancock county, Pcltr is about 30 years of age, about five fee t 7 inches high, a fear in his foicheaj, he fays occafmned by the kick of a horse, the owner is reqoefteti to comply with rhe law and take him away. A. RHODES, Jailor. March 19. / (if) GEORGIA, Lincoln County, WHEREAS Wm, Fafchail has appli ed to the Hoi)"»5ibl« the Ccnrt of Ordii n.y of said county to dileft the Ex ecutor* of John Saddoth dec. to make ti tles to the Heirs and Rcptcfcnssuvr* of Wm, Pafchali fen, dec. to a certain traft or parcel of land in the County afurefaid, bounded on the one file by Ri't’d Graver, 00 the other file by JaaJa o» C*U 'I tiplctt, one other fide by fat 1 Saddoth dec. and the other fide by Little River, containing feveuty acres agreeable to an obligation given by Lid Suddoih dec. to said Wm, Pafchali fen. dec. NOTICE, After publication, and aftep the expiration of three Months, if no ob jeftiau made by tire Executors of said Sud doth dec. the Court will pass an order for the Executors to m.'.ke titles agreeable to law, in Rich cases made and provided. By order of the Court. Wm. HARPER, e. c* •. April 9. (3m) GEORGIA, Lincoln County . \K7 HE RE AS Ovtrtou IV&Uom and Willi * * am Covington have applied for letters of Adminiflrathn, on the estate and effects iff Sharp Reynolds late of this county dee. Theft are therefore to cite and admastijh , all andJingular the kindred and creditors of said deteafed , to he and appear at my office, I within the time allowed by law, toJhtw atufe (if any they have) why said letters Jtjottld not be granted, Given under my band the tGth of March, xBgB. Wm. HARPER, c. c. o. , , GEORGIA, Lincoln County, TXT-HERE AS John Orr and Viliam * * Moncriefhat t appliedfor letters of Ad minifi ration on the tjiate of John Rently dec • Theft art therefore to cite and admoui/h, all and Jtugnlar the kindred and creditors of said dec, to he and appear at my office nut th en the time allowed by law to Jbew cause if any they ha ve, why said letters Jhould not be granted Given under my hand the xGth of March 1808. Wm. HaRPER, c. c. o. GEORGIA, Lincoln County. HERE AS Sarah Hardey , Edward * * Hardey and Jrffe Hardey have appli ed for letters of Ad/ntnijiratiott on the ejiate of John Hardey, late of this county dec, Tht/e are therefore to cite and admoni/h, all andJingular the kindred and creditors of said decajed to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law , to Jhew cert/e (if any they havej why Jaid letters Jhould not be granted. Given under out hand the l6t/s of March, 1 TSoS. WsR HARPER, c. c. o. GEORGIA, Warren County. WHERE AS Jeremiah and Sm*l Beat have applied to me for Utters of dd minift ration on me tjlait oj Tkadstts Stall late of this county dec, ’ Theft art therefore to cite and ndmonijh all and ftngular the kindred and creditors of said dectaf d, to be and appear before the ho norable court of Ordinary, to be held in and for the county of IVarren aforefaid on the ift Monday in May next, to jheu cauft {if any they have) tohy said letters Jhould not It granted. Given under my hand and seal at office, this gth day of April, 1 808. SEP HMDS WEATHRRBY clerk. GEORGIA, IVarren County , WHEREAS Mary Wrggontr has appli ti for letters of Adminijlration on the estate of John Waggoner, late of this county deceased. THESE are thcrefrre to cite and admovijh all andfingular the kindred and creditors of fsid deceased to be and appear at my Offer, on or before the firfl Monday in May next, then and there to Jhew e-iuft (if any they can ) why f aid letters Jhould not be granted- Given under my hand at office, this gth day■ of April. 1808. SEPTIMUS WEATHER BY, Clerk . -■■■ 1 GEORGIA, Warren county, WHEREAS Mary Parker and Solomon Thump fan have uppliedto me for let ters Difnijf iry on tho estate of James Par* ker la/e oj Hits county use, THESE are therefore to cite nr.d admowjh all and ftngular the kindred and creditors of Jaid. deceased to be ana appear at my Office on or before the jtrfi Monday in May next t then and there 10 ffiew caujt (if any they hum) why /aid letter* Jhouid not be grot ted. Givt'n under my hand at office the gth day of April, ticS. ' SEPTIMUS WEATHER BY, clerk. BLANKS OF all kinds executed at this Office with ncatneis and di (patch on the ihgrt dt notice. March 19. i -