Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, October 22, 1808, Image 4

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Augusta Academy. INTENDING to decline the Refloifllip ' of the Richmond Academy, after the expi ration of the nrefem year —the Rev. JOHN R. 1 HOMPsON, a m. will open, A Private Academy, in Augusta, upon Monday 2*l January, iSog, for the rece'.itl'r.n, of students of every defeription. Li this itiflifution, the various branches of education will be taught by instructors cf competent sbUities, who will have the improvement of their pupils much at heart —& as one of its objects will be to afford the mean* of education those young gen tlemen, who dccime entering a College, or who wciild defer this until prrparrd for the jr, or fr. daft—an annvalcemnencetnt will Ik! held upon the firft Wednelday in Au gust, when a certificate, granted to the meritorious of the senior daft, willaufwer either pnrpofc, which the student may have in view. # Thi» academy, however, w?,l no; he limited to those, who ate in pnrfnit of a liberal education —Evglijh Un dents whose proficiency is even the final left, wid he received, and inftzu&ed under the eye of theredorby pihen competent, and lefpeflable, There will be two pub lick examinations every year, ani a beard of vifiiors , competed of gentlemen of Au gusta, will attend at the academy, and infpeft the progrsft of the Undents at the • clofs of every quarter. The advantages, which private jeminar riei of learning have over those of a dif ferent defeription may be clealy seen in a neighboring as well as in more distant ft«e». Havicg bat one principal who yreferibes rhe plan of education, which when entered upon is not liable to change, cither by change of teachers. or other riicomftanccs—tha progreft of the student is rendered rapid and delightful, and the damping talk of retracing his ftepj to learn fomc uniaterefting particular from a new, and ignorant teacher—is entirely obvia tad. The meed of acadesuick honors held out to view, Si the f parks of commendable emulation among youths of similar talents, fa-- sd into a dime by teacher*, who feel themselves the fathers of their pupils— caute every impediment to dwindle into nothing. Students, whote families do not refi in in town, will be accomodated with hoard ft lodging upon moderate terms, by Mil. Handley—a lady whofc worth is known with her name j and thus placed under the eye of their inftrufton, every attention can be paid to their morals. _ The rates of tuition, board, and other circunvtmcfs will be publilhed two weeks previous to the opening of the academy, Oftober 8* (at) dU - Proposals FeR PUBLISHING BY SUBSCRIPTION, THE LIFE OF Maj. Gen. James Jackson BV THOMAS *. P. CHARLTON. ■d citizen of Savannah, With confidcrable labor and difficulty I have collefted materials which wijl enable me to complete, in a few weeks, the life of major-general James Jackson. , The character of this late difiinguifticd citizen, was always hc.'d in high estima tion by the republican intcrelt of the U. States ; and even his enemies (if all enmity , * s buried in the grave) must ac knowledge* that he was a brave foldicr, an incorruptible Ibtefman and an hm-ieft man. 7 he memoirs I am preparing for puhlica. lion will be thus divided— iff Period —Will detail the revohuiona. ry tervices of general Jackson, and, col laterally, the tervices of many patriotic Georgians* from 1776, to the evacuation of Savannah, in 1782. . Period—\\ i[\ detail his political and civil pursuits, from 1782 to 1806. This division of the memoirs will contain a hifto ry cf the Yazoo b'prcui.ATioN in the Hate ofsjeorgia, trom the commencement of the fraud to its subversion, in 1796; and will also embra«se the proceedings of the house cf reprsfentatives and the senate ol the ftatc of Georgia, and of the house of rspretenta. lives of the congress of the U. States, in the year 1791, on the celebrated contested election of general Anthony Wayne. \ This work will be printed on an oflavo JWS®* and will probably contain 350 or 4*o '.The price to fuhforibers, (as the expenses cfj publication are at pretent estimated) will be ,;*wo dollirs fifty— onb dbllar of which be paid as the rimeoffubferibing. A A Toon as 1000 (übteribers Hull have made this advance, the money and the Rian uteripfel will be delivered to the publisher, | thom as u. p. charlton. St thferiptions taken at tins ofice, Septc nber 17, ( t s) || Digests. W , \ c Tucfday in Novcm her nrxt wi Übe fold at the Market House in this citY, x Agreeably to law, all the co- P’.;sof MAh ABURY and CRAWFORD’S D)gefts reim tning at the Court-Houfc in Richmond Co onty. * MATTHEW FOX. Cle: \of the Inferior Court. ©Sober!, (ts) ■ W 1*? ' ' "f L . Thomas I. Wray, & Co. Have Just Received and now open ing at their Jhop t i A GENERAL ASSORTMENT 1 Medicines, Paints, Oils &c. Which they warrant to be of the flrft qual ity. Much clamour having been made o verthc United Slatea relative to the high price* of articles in the Drug Line, they have the gratification of informing their j customers that with the exception of a very 1 few, articlea, they are enabled to dispose of their present fup,ply on at rcafonablc term* as they have ever fold. Augusta, September 3. (ts) John M. Jameson & Co. RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and the public in general, that they have thU day opened in the houfc formerly occupied by Mr. Patrick Kelly, next door above Mcffr*. Thoma* Gardner & co. in BROAD STREET, A NEAT ASSORTMENT OF DRV GOODS, AND A URGE Supply of Groceries, Which they ate determined to dispose of «n the m oft reasonable term* for Cash or Pro duce. July 9. (ts) \ y ty the Governor of the Commonwealth ts Virginia, A Proclamation. WHEREAS it appears to the Executive 'by an inquisition taken before Wm, White and James M, Williams, gentlemen jufii ce» of the Peace for the county ofPittfyl ▼auia, that an atrocious murder was com mitted on the 14th day of the present month by a certain Gardiner Mays, iateof the county aforrfaid, on the body bf Ro bsit Wynn, wh» it appears was late a dep uty Iherift for the said count; and in the execution of the duties of hia office as Rich, when the said murder was committed, and that the said Gardidcr Maya haslfled from jiiilicc; I have therefore though* fit, with the advice of the concil of (fate,, to issue this my proclamation, hereby eff-fing a re ward cf TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS, to any peifon or perfoni who fliail appre hend nd carry before some jullice* of the peace Tor the county «F Pittfylfai ia a ferefaid, the said Gamincr M.:ys, lhat he may be dealt with a* direfted by law. And I do moreover hereby enjoin all officers ci vil and military, and exhort the good peo ple of this commonwealth to ufo their ficft endeavors to apprehend the said Gardner May*, that such proceedings may bo had dgainft him as is prescribed by law. Given under my hand, with the f|al (L. S.) of the commonwealth annexed, at Richmond,,thi* 27th day of Ju ly, 1808. Signed, William H. Cabell. N, B, Gardiner Mays is from 40 to yearj of age, $ feet, from 3 to fi"e inchtb tigh, clofc, stout and llrong madc ; parts cuiarSy in the body,- in which he is longei than ufuai for aoen of his height, his arms are stout, his thighs short and fatal! compa. red with his bodj'» his lrg« (hurt and well proportioned, hia face a little pronanent, with flrong full beard, his nose large, and a little fwci’ng from the forehead to the end, where it appear* quite full: on nice obser vation his eye* may appear rather crater together than usual, and it is believed there is a fma'l blemish in one of them, perhaps the left j hi* ha.r is dark colored and fiiort; he has been bred to labor, and is of a com plexion common to men of that dsfeription. Among h;s wearing apparel, is a b’ue common chub fur tout, lined wit|i red fUn ncl, a Virginia cloth coat with Mack but tons, button boles and black silk cape, and a pair of white csffimerc panta/oocs and waiftcoaft, He occasionally carries a large batcher knife under the breast of his coat, ground on the back to an edge, jfoas tore prefent the blade of a dirk. ! Oftobcr 1. (^t) PROPOSALS For publifliing in Walhington, peorgia.) At the Monitor Office \ A PERIODICAL PAPER, To be entitled the ! Congressional Intelligencer. 1 he objefl of this paper is r<j give a full statement of the proceedings ofCpngrefs, in. eluding the debates on all important quefti. on«, uncial documents &c. excljifive of any c y i cr matter. Terms of Subscription—three dollars, paid annually in advance. September 10. To be Rented For Four Tears, The Academy Lots occupied at pccfcDt by the fubferiber, as he intends to remove his hand* to a place he has lately pur chafed in OgHfthorpc county.—For parti culars enquire of F. PHINIZY. September j- [tfj - ' i v ’, / ’ "sr, r't’ ■■ The Juflly Celebrated Imported I RUNNING HORSE. WHIP. WILL commence a fall season, which will expire the last Octo ber aext—The belt ol pasturage is procured for mares. N. B. It has been reported that Whip will be moved for a fall season, but he is to remain wntill the fall season is out. EDWARD JORDAN. Wafliington, June ir. (ts) For Sale. The Land and Plantation whereon I now live, CONTAINING three hundred acres, adjoining the land* of Germany and Bald win, wish a good dwelling house and other out houses, and a young thriving PEACH ORCHARD ; as it is presumed no perfoi. would wifli to purchase without viewing the premises, a further dclciiption would be unJ neceflary.—For terms which will be ac commodating apply to HENRY PEEK. Columbia county. Sept. i«. in) Notice. In future the public are cau tioned agamtt trading or cootra&ing any debt in the firm of Norwood , Hughes , & Co, OF. VIENNA, S. C. With the expectation that I will make them good as iam refolvcd for the future to pay none of them, by rerfon of apprehending great clanuge therefrom, I have been induced to make this publica tion, ROBERT HUGHES, oa. i ( 4 t) Now in Richmond Jail, i\ NEGRO, msn by the name of i V HECTOR, about £© years of age, 5 feet 3 or 4 inebns high, who fays he belongs to Judge Mitchc! of Savannah, the owner are reqnefted tocomply with ihc law and take them away, P. DONALDSON, Jailor. August 13. ( t s) Forty Dollars Reward. P AN AWAY from the fubferiber living in Wilkes county, *abou* two months ago, four negroes viz: WINNEY, SALL, ES TER and PHILIS, the above negroes for merly belonged to the estate of Robert ■ Walton late of Richmond county dec. where it is fopoofed they have got to they being so well known in the neighborhood cf Augusta, further difeription is deemed unneccffary,—Whoever will deliver them to General T, Glaffcock, (hall receive the above reward, or ten dollars for each of them Augustus G. Walron. September 3. ( t fj Administratrix’s Sale. Or. Friday the iS’hof Nivinber next at the tats residence of Eli Garnett dec. in Co lumbia county. Will be Sold, All the personal part of the cf tate of said deccafed, Conning of Colton, Coro, Fodder, H wfes, Cattle and Hogs, one Cotton Gin, and a number of other things too odious to mention ; Sale to con tiauc frera day to day until all is fold, the terms will be made known on the firft day of falc. 1 v Sarah Garnett, Admr’x, Oftobcr 8. (<s t ) w—— , - 5 Dollars Reward For Apprehending Betty. ‘ Runaway from the Subscriber about the 25 ult. a negro woman nanfed BE rrY, about 30 years of age, has very float limbs, pitted with the Small Pox, complexion very bl»ck, remarkable thick lips, Ihews her undcrtceth fpeakr, is very talkative and plaufibhfaboat the common fixe, a native of Maryland. She may attempt to get to Aagufta, as (he has a husband .employed on board of one cf the Augusta Boats.—-Ihc above reward will be paid for apprehending Betty and delivering her to me oy John Moore of Augusta, or fccuring her ia fail. THOMAS FLINT. Savannah, Sept. 17. / All kind of Blanks For Sale at this Office, S. M. Smyth, - Hasfvr [ale next door iclozv John fa and Knnze's Store. .30 Barrels of Brown 25 Bags Green Coffee, Ground SALT, RUM and GIN. IRON and STEEt, 6000 vvt. Calling*, POTTS and OVENS, ioco wt. LEAD, 20 Keg» POWDER, Tobarco, &c. All of which will ht fold low for Cash or Produce. Oftober 8. j-^ t j THE SUBSCRIBERS, Intending to leave this place i a a few day*, n®w offer for laic, low for C»(h or Produce, next door to Mr. fohn Cor miclf, th'ir prefrut flock nf GOODS; Confining of a variety of arti cle* too tedious to enumerate. Those who are indebted to the firm are requeued to make immediate payment, and those who have demand* a, gamft the lame are requeued to render ia their accounts for payment. _ . J. & R. BLACKBURN. October 8. (ts) the subscribers, Have removed their Stock of Good*, to the Store formerly ccc-snicd hv Miffrs. Watson and Herbert, where they are just opening, An Extenjivc Assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE CUTLERY, * STATIONARY. & SADDLERY. They have an assortment of SHFOfiL W’lvcb they wiil dispose of on the rnoft re»- they have also on hand a QUANTITY OF SALT, ,fl G s which the/ are determined to fell as low as they can poftibly be fold in this place or Savan nah, for cash or produce. La Roche & VanSindcrcn. Oftober 8, POSTPONEMENT Sheriff’s Sale. j On the fir ft fnefiday in November next, at the C house in the tonun of fVayhcjlora* between the usual hours , Will be Sold, One Bay hade taken as the pro perty of Peter Wynn to fatisfy Execution* in favor of John Boykin, Noyel Nellotm, and others, Ihe above fale' postponed till the firft Tucfday in November next. JOS. PERRY, s. b, c. Oft. 8. Notice, The election of the Officers of the Richmond Academy, willtakcplace on Saturday the 3 1 st December next, for the ensuing year, when a Redor will beappointed witha Salary dollars and half the Tuition Money, and anEnglilh Teacher, with a Sail ary of 400 dollars and the other half of the Tuition Money Applica [ lions will be addrefled to Doc. John 1 Murray, Prelidcntofthc Board of ir 11 frees. # \ THOS; BARRET d’k. Odooer 8. 15 Dollars Reward* JJy Runaway from the S& fubteriber living in Butkc county, on the fifteenth of J u y l*ft» a Negro bey ni mcd MOSES, about fire feet two or three ir.chts high, country bom fevmtccn years of age, dark complexion, pleafmg countenance, is furc to (how hi* tecih when fpken to; wcAe a white homespun fh'Tt, and Nankeen knee breaches; and carried no other clothe* with him, he wore an old fur hat with fevers! patches, it is thought he will make for the cretk nation as he made an attempt about a year ago, and get as far as the Oconee river.—Any person that will apprehend and confine him in any jail in this ftatc so thats I get him again, or bringing him to me ora M'Bcttn Buike county, as above, shall re ceive the above reward and all rcafonable expenccs paid by ELIJAH WALKER. OAobcr 8. (t<) ESII SUPPLY OF • Ink Powder, For file at this Office,