Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, October 29, 1808, Image 4

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Francis Bouycr, & Co. Rcfpcft fully inform the public, thar they Lave tt+mh to sh- houfr late ly occupied fcf P. * t o vpt, deceafed* riear’v to Mr. L Board j'pH' utV, where th-v have on hand, and irtcod poofHbtly to keep, for sale, on mod-rate t-smi, _ A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Dry Goods & Groceries. THEY OFFER F®R SALS, 1 Hhds. Jamaica Rum, * 5 Ditto Sugar, Which they will oifopfe of low hr CASH They h'ivt pdf'* commenc'd the Baking Business, In i » various branches and will be con ftjiifiv fipobcd with si! krird% or brkad. biscuit, CRACKERS, &c. &c. They tmft that th? excellent quality of their bu*d will hr such, a* to give univpr fil fz'wf. ftion to their customer, £3- Cn(h, and the. hlgh'/l pnee will at iwavr be given by ih:m } for the btjl Superfine Fhnr. ODoher (3‘) Uo&or Lee’s New-London Bilious Pills. Just received and for falc at the dorr ut Nawfcl W. Hubert,, upper end of Broad Strfcit, Aupulh, a fr-ifh of D .stir Samuel H P lee’s Nr v London Bilious rfifc f HA AC HERBERT. Agent for the Patentee. O Sober xj. (6t) Copartnerjhip DifTolved , The public is informed that tiie CoMVtoc«lhit> of ROBERT MOORK and Co. wn fiaitllv nitfoJvcd on the 13 th irift. Thufe iftdabfd to the said firm an requeu ed to nuke immediate paymeat, and those to whom the firm miy br indebted will plenfcto furnifh their account* for liquida tion to WILLIAM FITZGERALD, and JAMES ViQtEAU. Odoberx?. (3*) Thomas I. Wray, & Co. Ha ve Jufl Received and now open ing at their foop> • A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Medicines, Paints, Oils &c. Vvaiaix thry warrant to be of the firft qual ity. i'VLi 'h clamour h iving been made 0- Vflrtht United State* relative to the high E rices of articles hi the Drug Line, ihcy gittincation of informing their caHomcn Hut with the exception of a very few article*, they enabled to difpofr of their present Aipply oa ai reafonabic terms as they have ever fold. Augutia, September 3. (ts) John M, Jameson & Co. RESPECTFULLY inform their friends anvl the public in general, that they have this day opened in the honfc formerly I by Mr. Patrick, Kelly, next door abnve Thomas Gardner fir co. in BROAD STREET, A NEAT ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, AND A LARGE Supply of Groceries, Which thay ara determined to dispose of wta the in aft reafo’iable ternai for Cash or Pro duce. JAy q. , {tf) « S. M. Smyth, Has fur sale next door below Jobnfon and Kimze's Store, 30 Barrels of Brown Sggar, 1 •aj Btgs Green Ccffcc, Ormnd SALT. RUM ami GIN, IRON and S TEEL, 6000 wt. Ca(l«nys, POTTS and OVENS, 1000 wt. LEAD, ao Kegs POWDER, JManaf-ift jred Tobacco, Ac, fire. All of which will be fold low for [ Cadi or Produce. October 8. [4.!] Digests. On the ftrft Tuefday in Novem ber, next will be fold at the Market Houfc in this city, agreeably to law, all the co pies of MAR BURY and CRAWFORD’S ; Digests remaining at the Court-House in Richmond County. MATTHEW FOX. C/trk of the Inferior Court. Oftobci i. (ts) The Noted Imported Hoi*fe. \ XI tfß \ JS £T Mr f % ' SIR WALTER, Will (land the ensuing season at my (table in Clarke and will come recommended as a foal getter by gentleman of the firft veracity, Terms will be made known in due time—the belt ac commodations will be kept for marcs that may be left with the herfe. CHARLES A. REDD. Oftober 8. ( 4 t) For Sale. The Land and Plantation whereon I now live , CONTAINING three hundred s*«'t adjoining the lands of Germany ard Bald. win, wilh a gor d dwellinghaufc and other out ho«fe». and a young thriving PSACF ORCHARD ; as it ia presumed no perfow woo’d wish to porchafe without viewing the premises, a further defeription would he un- , nerffTarv.-vFor terms which will he ac coinmodatirg apply to HENRY PEEK. Colombia county, Sept, i*. (♦») Proposals ?cr rujjLismxo by subscription, ’I HE LIFE OF Maj, Gen. James Jackson by Thomas ». p. ch/vrlton, A citizen of Savannah. With con/idcrablc labor and difficulty I have colleAed materials which will enable me to comp'nte, in a few weeks, the life of major-gfenersl James Jackson. The character of this date distinguished I citizen, was always held in high eftin a.' 1 tion by the republican intereff of the U. States ; and even his enemies (if ail enmity is not now buried in the grave) mufj ac knowledge* that he was a brave soldier, an incorruptible (htcfman and an heneft man. W The memoirs I am preparing for publica tion will be thus divided P'rlcJ —Will dctai! the revolutiona ry services of geneial Jackson, and, col limrallv, the services of many patriotic Georgians, from i jyC, to the evacuation of Savannah, in 1781. id Period— Will detail his political and civil purfnlis, from 1782 to 1806. This division of the memoirs will contain a hifto rr ;.f the Yazoo Speculation in the (late of from rhe commencement of the fraud to its fuhverfion, in 17yd; and will also embrace the proceeding* of the house of 'eprefenratives and the f--natc ot the state of Georgia, and of *he honfe cf reprefenta. lives of the of the U. States, in the rear 1791, on the celebrated cantefted cle«nion of general Anthony Wayne, This work will be printed on an o&ava nape, and will probably contain 35© or 4*o pages. . The price to fubferihers, (as the expenses of ptMiranAn arc at mef-ift eflimated) will be two delists f. ffy—oNr; dollar of which tnuft be jtsid as tne 1 imeuffubferihi ng. .As fnon as 1000 fubfcribcrs skill hare made this advance, the money and the man. ufeript will he delivered to the pnhlilher. THOMAS U. P. CHARLTON. Suffer: btitnt taken at this office. September 17, . " ((f) PROPOSALS For puHWiirg in Walhington, (Georgia.) At the Monitor Office. A PERIODICAL PAPER, 1 To be entitled the Congressional Intelligencer. The objeft of this paper is to give a full statement of the proceedings of Cong refs, in. eluding the debates on all important quetti. ons, official documents &c, exclufivc of any other matter. Tenm of Subscription—three dollars, paid annually in advance. September 10. Caution, All persons are hereby for watned from trading for a note of hand signed by Azarith Daily, dated i.i Sep tember 1807, ?nd payable to me the 25th of December, 18®8, the amount of the said note it, 263 dollar*, I put said note ia the hand* of Thomas S. Daily for to be collected for me, and he refufea to give it to me again; I am therefore determined to bring fait for recovery of the said note. Wo, RATCHFORD, OwUrbrr 2*. [-:] V t";‘* <'■' J . '. v „ r * 77v jfit/fJy Celebrated Intp)rted RUNNING HORSE, * * A.- ' WHIP. WILL commence a fall season, which will expire the last Octo ber next—The belt ot pasturage is procured for marcs. N. B. It has been reported that Whip will be moved for a ; fall fcafon, but he is to remain untill the fall season is out. EDWARD JORDAN. W, fliington, Jure u. (ts) * * 15 Dollars Reward* Jfe Puna way from the jRk (aMcribft living i« Burke county, on th? fifteenth of JulyTah, a Negro na. MOSES, about five WMX' fli»i diiX fe?t tv*o or three inches high, country fe v «fttcni year* of age, dirk complexion, pieafisg c .nSUtitsnce, it fare to (how Vi* teeth whea fpkeu to; wore a white horaefpun H.irt, and Nankeen knee breach**; and carried no other clothe* with him, he wore an o'M far hat with fifr'eral p.ttchci, it it thought lie will n.»kc for the creek nation a* he made an attempt about \ s year ago, and got as (at as the Oconee river.—Any person that will apprehend and confine him in any jai! in this Hate so that I get him again, or'bringing him to me on M’Bcsc Batke couuty, as above, (hall re ceive the above reward and all reafonablc exprnce* paid by ELIJAH WALKER. Oft’her 8. (ts) Forty Dollars Reward. RANAW4Y Crops the fuhfcrlber Jiving in Wilke* county, *honf two months 3f»o, fctu negroes viz: WINNfiY.SALL, ES TER and PHILIS, the above negroes for merly belonged to the cPate of Robert Walton late of Richmond county dec. where i* sa foppofed they have got to they being so well known iu the neighborhood of Auga&a, further difciJp'Lu is deemed imneceffsiry,—Whoever will deliver them to General T, Glifloork* (lull receive flic above reward, or ton d oiiart for each of them Augustus Q. Walton. September 3. (if) Ten Dollars Reward, * / Will be paid to any person for apprehending JOHN WYNN, whndefer led from my com pany of ArtiMetifN, on the 14th infh he U a usfive of Georgia, five feet fix inches high, thirty?four years of age ha* gray, eyes, fair hair, fitircc nip'exion— by occupation a Taylor,— Whoever will fccurc the said. WYNN in jail, or deliver him to any cammiflioued officer in the ar mies of the U. State*, flisll receive the a bove reward, and their travelling expen. c»» borne to the place of delivery nr confine meat. ADDF-ON E. ARMSTEAD. Capt . U, S, Ariilkrijisy C . The diff-rent pnn f c:s*«' «t this ftstc will be good enough to infeit the above a few time* »n their rcfprftiye paper*, for which they Ihsll be paid by forwarding their account* to Savannah. A. B. ARMSTEAD. Oftober 22, 1808. A Black Smith Wanting. One who can come well recom mended, will meet with liberal encourage ment, —For further particular* apply at thi* f fiicc. Oftobcr S, (4 *l To be Rented For Four Tears , The Academy Lots occupied at ptsfeut by '.he fabferiber, as he intend* to remove hi* hand* toaplace hc hai'ately pur chafed in Oglethorpe county, —For parti culars enquire of' F. PHINIZY. \ September 3. [tfj Administrator’s Sale. ; On Friday the fourth doy of Novrnlcr next, at the plantation of the lateThovtcu Critch or dec. Will be Sold, The balance of the personal property, (except negroe*) b?Lhging to the estate of the said dec. cipfifting ot hor de*, cattle, hog*, corn, fodder and planta tion Tool* f term* of (ale to be made known 1 on (heday.' \ E. B. JENKINS, Adm’r. Oftobcr 15, ( 3 t) Strayed or Stolen. JP *•* r ™ m •!'« iwrfbS? If ßt&is Commons, a bright f Qr . s , Dfw horse, ,u„ t $, 8 oid, 14* hand* hi<;J, a }/ d!c mar!: on the rjjht jjj., a!1 roa^d—paces and t r ot<, nofutji,,/ 1 :sar,;s recoLecied. Any pcrfon <?eliVerir»£» 'aid horfeto me iXAogufta, orgivin* \* f where he may be found. ft all u handfcrncly regarded. bo S. M- SMYTH. October 22. (~-j , ~WiU be'^Sdd; On Tuefday the 6‘h of December next, a’l the ptrfonal proprty tysnjre to the elate of 1 haddeus Beall Jen, of Warren ' cot« ty dec. Confifling of Negroes, Hor, fc*, Ho»», Catile, Houfehuld *nj KiccC cn furniture, one set ofiJliok- Smith# tool* 12 or 15 hundred weight of ginned Cotl ton, a quantity of feed Cotton, Corn and Fodder, one Riding chsir. with a wnabr of other valuable articles, the fa’: ta > 5 continued from to day until ail jj foi/ JRRFMIAM UK ALL, 1 * SAMUEL BEALL, \hU’ n OvTobcrzz. (v) Executors Sale. On tiet Bth day of Decent" | next, at {pub. lie fale t WILL BE SOLD. I One hundred and fifty acres of I land lying on the Waters of or Harts I crcik, it being part of the veal estate of F- I faac Low deceased, slfo fume other artidts I belonging to said cflr.te, all" of which wi!J S be fold for the bend)': of the burs and end. I itoi’s—terms m-de known on the'dsy offa’e I Wav.-SLATON for wife. 7 „ “ I CURTIS LO W, 5 Ex ’ rs I October zt, (tt) I Administratrix's Sale. I O i Friday the tSih of November next at th I lute refiiemcK of Eli Gamut dec. in Ce. I lambia Conn tv, I Will be Sold, I 411 the perfbnal part of the es- I tats of fold deceased, Confifling of Cotton, I Corn, Fodder, Horfc*, Cattle and H< p», I on; Cotton Gin, and a number of other I thing* too tsdiou* to" mention j S*le to con. I tinae from day to dry until all if fold, the I terms will be made kaowa on tuc Tuft day I of Talc. I Sarah Garnett, Adinr’x, I Oilober 8. (tftj I Now in Richmond Jail, I A NEGRO men by the name of I HECTOR, aboof 5# year* of age, I 5 feet 3 or 4. inches high, who fsvs he I belongs to Judge Mitchel of Savannah, the I owner are requeued tocoraply with the law I and take them n way. s , I P. DONALDSON, Jailor. I Aogufl: 13. (rfj I Notice. I On Tuefday the twentieth of December next, I a till be fold to the hi(hes bidder at the lilt I dwelling kerfe of Shcdirach Mint ■ late of I Lincoln county diced/:tt, I ALL the perform! property be- I longing to the laid e*f!te, confining of a I surahrr of Ncjjpoei of Afferent aget and fi- I z;t, Horftr, Cattle, Per Is j Hogs, Wag- I gen, Riding Chair, of Oxen, asJ I Ox cart, ; few ?h;*n, Corn and F rider, I Beds and ftfyniture, Honfshold and Kitch- ■ cn furniture and plantation took; twelve I months credit will be given for all funis a- I hove five dollars, fcaall note* with appro- I vcdiecaEty will be required of the purcha* B fan before th; proptny be removed by the I adinihidrati:*, any pcrfon not complying I with the above terra* the property to be I fold again at their rifque.—The fate to I corttijttc from day to day until the wrote I be fold. I ELIZABETH MIMS; Adra’rs. I SEABORN MIMS, adrainiftrator, I Oftober 22. (41) I A Runaway, I Absented himfeiffrom my plan- I tationjin Savannah river, about the lit of I a new negro fellow called fl ab*at five feet high, & appears to H be about twenty years of age, had on when ■ he went away, a white K-rfey Jacket and B oxeraiH, fptak* vary little Engiifh and pw* I bably cannot tell his name. —Any perfen ■ I who may harbor or detain said fellow te B their poffcffioa after th’u publication, wi*l I fabjeft tbemfelves to lilt Vigors of the I Law tor such onduft.—Any p?ifon who I ml! deliver him to me, orcouinc him t* I auy jail ia the ftacc, will be liberally re- ■ warded. , ■ JAM 33 BARTON. I June 4. -Jeowtf] 1 m" ' * m A FRESH SUPPLY Ol? I Ink Powder, I For fob fit this Office, I