Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, November 19, 1808, Image 4

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y"v 1 ■■ ■n il myww Mount Enon, November 5, 1808. This is to give all my friends and the Community at General Noth *. That I (hall give up the Public Boarding Jioufe »t this place, to Mr. Samuel Allen, in the courfa of tiifs vaca tion, and Ihall remove to my own large two story building on fad Mount, where I intend to prepare for boarding and ac commodating all Gentlemen and ladys that ' mav v'«fit said place, ar.d as many Scholars at I can.completely accommodate, and am determined to pty. the fmAeft attention to their moral# &c, b»f (hall m*ke some dif refpeftipg-t'he irtm for their board } the money to be paid in advance Quar terly. .« before j bat intend es twenty dollar# per -Qoarter, 1 tr-oS hive twenty* . five. I '.«• ill fake in payment. Corn,,Pork, Floor and Stplkd Beef, and if any of my 1 cuflomcr* (bniild ba tHfatiified at ihe board of their Children, they, are at liberty to re move them at any time, by paying up for the time they have Paid. Ycur Humble Servant, JOEL HILL, N. B. I will receive Cwtum delivered k Augusta at the Market price, Nov. ix. (»*) Notice. The <uhfcrthe f offersforfait* htspre fent place of reftdence i OAK-HILL, Formerly occupied by Little berry Ada m*, in Edgefield diteift, South- Carolina, flatten miles distant from Augute, Containing four hundred ahcl sixty acres, it "it eligibly fi anted for a ft ore or other public vocation, having several cross roads con joining at the (put, in addition to the fertil ity of the foil, Rnd uncommonly good neigh * boiliood.—There is befliles an excellent Spring, a well of water in the yard equal it not fujictior, to any in this nr any other country, and the place ..otherwise comiom bly improved.-u-For terms apply to the sub , feriber on the prcnnlcs, or 10 Mr. Wilton VVoodroof. JOHN C. ALLEN. November 12. (6^) GEORGIA, ' • • r 9 # Sy his Excellency 'Jared lrwm t Governor and Ccnsnaiider in Chief of the Army 1$ Wavy of this State and of the Militia thereof. A Proclamation. Having arranged and caff np the voles of loch counties as.have made returns of the Elections, held on Monday the third day oF Oftobcr, inst. for four members to represent tbU (late, in, the houfc rtf Rcprefentaiivca of the Congress of the U. States, from and af ter the third dey of March next—and it ap pearing that Wm. W. Bibb, Geo. M, Troup, Howell Cobb & Dennis Smelt, Efq*. have the highest numbers ; 1 have thought fit to notify, the fame, in order that each of the find pctLns mav Hgnify his acceptance or refbfal of the find appointment, and adduce . such proofs of.his being eligible therefor at arp by law required. Given under spy hand and the Great Sml of the State , at the State. Hanfe in Milled Se ville, this twenty.Jixth day if Gtteber, it* the year of our. Lord one thousand, eight hundred and eight, and of the Indefen dence of the U. «S, of America the thirty third. JARED IRWIN. By the Governor , Hor. Marbury, Secretary of the State. 15 Dollars Reward. ■ ' gp Runaway from th* #;v egT# fubferiber living in Butko Igßpißti county, on the fifteenth of toSw jfejf July lass, « Negro hoy na med MOSES, about ftva SMMMnmHre feet two or three incline high, country bora feventsea yoew of age, dirk complexion* *>»»*«»*•«> ** lure to fliow hi# teeth whsa fyke* te ; wore • a white homcfpue Ibirt, and Nankeen knee breaches j and caitied 00 other clothe* with I - him, be wore an old f«r hat with fcvaral patches, it is thoeght he will make for the >1 creek nation as kc (dido an attempt about 1 a year ago, and got a* far as the Oconee I river.—Any perlbn that will apprehend and I - confiae him ia any jail in this flato so that \ I g*t him agaia, or bringing him to me on M'Bean Baikc county. at above, (hall re- the above reward and all teafonable expence* paid by ELIJAH WALKER. OOober 8. («0 I WANTED, ~ . _ ! An Over fecr to .take charge of a Plantation a few miles from * town, one well qualified, will ■ meet with liberal encouragement. I —Anply at this Office. H v October 29. (ts) B All kind of Blanks Ik For Sale at this Olllco. •* fc ’ '*■■'*& '*■ ' ' £V '•• ■ . .. F’.’mVlTv* • 'rfi—' wrtr s- .''■2jKf r >• * ; .rc : ' . ' Copartnership. John and George M. Grcfham have this day entered into Copartnerlhip an- firm of J. £?G.M. Gresham. And refpeftfully inform their friend* and the public in genera!, that they intend to keep a goodaflbrtmcnt of GROCERIES. Which they are determined to difpnfe of I on the most rccfonabls term* for CASH or PRODUCE.—Thofc indebted to John Gre sham jKur.are rcqiiefted tocome forward and fettle their accounts. • , “Lexington, Oftobrr i 6. (jt) John M. Jameson & Co. i Respectfully inform their friend* , and the public in general, that they have this day opened in the hoafe frrtaeriy occupied by Mr, Patrick Keily, next door above Meffr*. Thomas Gardner & co. in BROAD STREET, A NEAT ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, AND A LARGE Supply of Groceries, Which they arc determined to difpefe of on the mod rcafoaablo termr fjr Calk *r Pro duce. July q. (tl) >— «,.m. ..m. i—■ ■ . . ,» ... —■ ■ Boston Establishment. The SuWcribers have formed an cltabiilk . reent in Boston, in the > FACTORAGE AND Commission Business, (To commence the aoth November next,} ] with a view to the fa!c of the Staple Pro duce of thi? flat#, to be condaAed by Tko masStoir endcr the ftrm of Johnston & Storr. Affidaity, paecteality, a rigid adhereec* to order* may be relied on 4 JAMES IOJtNSTONWr. i THOMAS 'STOAR. Snvaaaak, *oth Oflober 1808. (It) Notice. THE COPARTNERSHIP OF j Harrison & Hamilton , Will this day diflblve by mutu al content, all perfens who at? indebted to the said firnfeither by note or open account; arc requeued to come forward and difdi.arge their rcfpeAive debts, as no longer indulgence can he given, Tbrfc having demands agair-ft the said firm are delWd to render in tbeir accounts for fettUment. The book# are pla. cod in the hands of Mr. John T. who is duly aiuhorifed to receive payment and fettle the bufinefrof flic said firm at our ftqrc. Tho goods oh hand will be offered low for prompt pay, until the 20th Dccem bw, and if not disposed t,f before that day they will then be fold at auftion, Andrew Harrison. James Hamilton. November pth, 1808. (ts) Dodlor Lee’s New-London Bilious. Pills. Just received and for fal« at the of Ncwc! W. Hubert, epper end of Broad Strott, Auguta, a frelh fapply of D )&or H • P, Lee's New London Bilious Hlb. ISAAC HERBERT. Agent for thi Patentee. Oftober 15. (6r) Forty Dollars Reward. RAN AWAY from the fobferibsr living in Wilkoi county, two month* ago, four negroes vi*: WINNRY, SALE, ES | TER end PHILIS, the above negroes for- I merly belonged to the estate of Robert Walton late of Richmond county dec. where it is foppofed they have got to they ) being so well known in the neighborhood s os Augusta, further difeription is deemed ennccciTsiy,—Whoever will deliver them | to General T, Glaffcock, (hall receive the above rewatd, or ten dollars for each of them Augustus G. Walton. September 3. . (ts) Notice. On Monday the 2d day of Jan -1 uary text, at the house of Jeremiah Darby > in Columbia county, will be hired for the term of one year, to the bigheft bidder ail the neg r oes belonging to the estate of Allen Wartca late of said county deccafed, con lifting of fellow*, boys, and one woman, further particulars will be made known on | the day. JANE WARREN, Adm'rx. JERh. DARBY, Adm’ot. November 5. (s*) J Proposals FOR POLISH’!!** BY SUBSCRIPTION, THE LIFE OF Maj. Gen. James Jackson BY THOMAS W. P. CHARLTON. A citizen, of Strvan/iah. With confidcrablc labor and difficulty I have collected materials which will enable me to complete, in a few wcekrf, the life of major-genera! James Jackson. The character of this late dtftinguilhsd ! citizen, was always held in high estima tion by the republican intcreft of the U. States; and even his enemies (if all enmity 1 is nai row buried in the grave) mull ac knowledge 4 that he was a Brave soldier, an incorruptible Uattfmarn and an hone it man. I Th« memoirs 1 am preparing\for publics -1 tion will be thus divided — id Period —Will detail the revolutiona ry ferrrees of general Jackson, and, col la f erally, the services of many patriotic Georgians, from 1776, tp the evacuation of j Savmnah, in 1782. i %A Period —Will detail his political and civil pursuits, from 1782 to if’o6. This di vifioo of the memoirs will contain a bilia ry of ihe Yazoo Speculation in the llate of Georgia, from the commencemerit of the fraud to its fubvertbn, in 1796; and Brill «Ifo embrace ifie proceedings of the houft of repre Tentative# and the finale pi the state of Georgia, and of the hoefe rs rcprefipjt*- - lives df the congrcfs of the \j; States, in the year 1791, on the celebrated cwntelied cJeflton of general Anthony Wajarfc. This work trill be printed on an odlav* page, and will probably contain 350 or 4.®* • pages. The price to fubferibers, («s the expenfea of publication are at present elHmated) will be rwo dtllars fifty—»ne dollaro? which •uHbc yai \ a; the timeeffubferibing. As soon is 1000 fubferibers (hall hava made this advance, the money and the Bian •feript will he delivered to tho pwblilher. THOMAS U. P. CHARLTON. Suhfcript'itm taken at this office, September 17. (ts) For Sale. The Land and Plantation wherein I nezv live , CONTAINING three hundred acr*i, •djonuMg the lands of Germany a*»d liald srin, arifh • go#d dvrcllmgh'iHfe a ad. other oat houfet, imd a yaong thriving EEACF ORCHARD ; aa it is.prefamed Bo perfov would sriih tb p»r;ha|fc without viewing tha pfiioifea, u further defmiprion «umld be un- Rccefibry.—fortataus which will be ac coiwnodatisg apply to HESiIY FEW. Columbia county, Seat. rm. (tt) To be Rented For Four Tears , The Academy Lots occupied at prefect ay the fobt.rib*r, as he intends to remove his b«»ds to apiece h« has lately pet ! chafsd ia Oglethorpe county,—for a*m. cuiiM atqairs of F. PHINIZY. Septifobar 3, ftf j TO RENT, for One or More Tears. The Tavern at Columbia Court Houle, the House, Stables, and Garden, in complete order; it is one of the belt Stands in the up country; If it is not Rented be fore the firft of January next, it will then be set up to the highclt bidder For the terms apply to PETER CRAWFORD. Odlober 29. (4c) » 1 11 ■ t Wanted. A person (killed in th£Langua ges, and otherways qualiited to take charge of the Columbia A cademy, 20 miles above Augusta. | JOHN BRISCOE. i - o<stober22. 4 . fat) Notice. The Subscriber having difeontin ucd business in this place, and fold off His Stock in Trade, With an intention to make a per mtnent Tcfidence in the Northern (laics, mf rvefldy folicies all perfon# indebted to hi n r to make as caHy a fettlfcment of iheir accounts as possible, pirticti’arlv thofc who have open • accounts, are reqqeftcd to d:£c:mge or li quidate the fame, as (uan as p -Hi >le. ASAPH WATERMAN.* $3- Two hundred two and a half Acics «f GOOD LAND, Number 37 1 erh dill. Baldwin Oduoty, tot fa’.e. A. W. November tz. ts*) Administrators Sale, I Ok 1 hurfday the tnhenty-ficond day ,f q, I cemher neJtt, at the late rejidenct of jl' I Carter of /hit evat/fj dec. J * I Will be Sold, I Horses, Cattle, Houiehold fur. I • niture, on a credit of fix months, purcha" B giving their notes with approved f ec J I rity, if not punftually paid, imerdt ttom B theda*e. ALSO, I On Monday the tnd day of‘January , ,g 0 I t at the Market. Houfr in the city of aJ' B heiruieei the usual hjurs. B WILL BE HIRED, I For the term of Four Years I The NEGROES and LANDS bdonH,» B to the eftatc of the said deceased. ® I MARTHA CARTER, Ad,n*r, I ROBr. M. COOMBS, a I ANGUS MARTIN. . / Adm ’ s * , I November i*. ( t fj I Adminklrators Sale. I On the znd day of January next at Colutn* I Via Court* House, ■ Will be. Sold, I The balance of the perlonal es, I taw of Isaiah Wright d.ecesfed, confiding 0 f fl thirteen negroes, in order to make adivj. I fi »n among the legatees.—Conditions nude I known on the day of fate. I A. WRIGHT, 1 ~ | R. WRIGHT./ Adn »’* I November iz, [jtj B Adminifirator’sSale. I Gh Monday the id day of January, 1805, I at the of Capt. Samvel Sugg I within th’ hours deferihed hy law, ' I Will be Sold, I Thirteen negroes belonging tn I the of the laid clcceafed, fel l for tiie I benefit of the heirs and creditors.—Condi, I tions m*de known on the day of sale. I HOLLAND M‘TYRE, adm't, I November r*. (8t) I ; ———~ r— I Administrator’s Sa:lc. I On Wcdntfiay the axjl i if December next, I at the plantation of the late Thomas Cruel* I ' er of Ctfluthhi/t county ieceafed.* I Will be Sold, Thc| balance ®f the pcrfonal property, (except negroes) belonging to the cisztc of the lai?! dec. confiding of hot. fiss, cattle, hog*, corn, fodder and plant*. t:o» Tools. And at the fame time will be rented and hired for ono year tire plantati on and neyif nea stoteJaid; term* mil be made known on that dajv E; I*. JENKINS, Arfm'r. November [jt] Sheriff’s Sale. On the firfl Tutjdcy in December neat . at the Court-Houft in if arren county between the nfuedfumrsy Will be Sold, 50 acre* of land more or less in Warren adjoining Dav.ii CL’dicg and ethers, it being the Japti whereon Ra chael Pate now lives, and levied ou as th* property of ftaac Pare’ to fa taff y an s*eco» tjon ia favor of George Hargrave#, aod re turned to me by Wiatt Brown, coaflable, ;*■ THOMAS BATTLE, *> November y, [,3l] Sheriff’s Sale. On the firfl Tutfday in December next, at the Market, hovf* in tie city of Augujia, at the nfu A. hours. Will be Sold, Sundry articles, levied on as the' property of Edward Pffmrofc, to fatisfy a t execution, Edward Burch again# said Primrofc, executor of John Smith, pointed rot by (he plaintiff, cpnnftißg of Manu factured tobacco, wearing apparel, empty cnflcs, a few gallons vinegar, crockeryware, knives and.forks, fcaks Snd weights, mes furca, parcel of wcoi, ticc, coffee, pot* and over**, tubs and pailt, chairs, spinning wheel, some homefpua, one hat, blanket*, fhect* and cot, parcel of fodder. A. RHODES, Sheriff* Oflober 29; (4*) Sheriffs Sale. On the firji Turf day in December tie-*/! 4 Co lumbia Court-House, Will be Sold, A negro boy named Sam levied on as the property of Dtxdo Perryman tax • colleflor, to fatisfy an exec ttion in favor o. the Inferior*cd»rt, anti pointed out by bis.- executor. R. Y. LANGSTON, (h’ff. November y. ( 3 f ) *• * - ■ ‘ ■— Attention! G 'c« more I eomr in Inhabit County. To cortinoc and cktcud'uay iUtle Moutty; If t!ae Cirtiem h*ve arj-jr thirg with IcttW, Cortis to Lcaifv.lle *ud iective or ptey do^' a ,J A s she bnbnefs may b« brought rp a-clofc, As flwrtacsompUiijiiijefflends, and lone J. G. POSNER*” November 5. fc r } I '