Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, January 21, 1809, Image 1

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AUGUSTA CHRONICLE. K r XXIIL] FREEDOM 01 thi PRK S S and T Rlfl A L by JURY shall remain inviolate [No. 1166 I' . a i -i.-. ... 1 rn . • . ■ '•»' —— —7“ —— ’/V- —s ' •■' ■' ." TT 1 I ■' H H ■ • ' ' -—---■ - - I- - , , ■ ‘ .- ■ • HI - • . ■ * t lUGU S T A: (Georgia) Printed by D. DRISCOL, near the market. SATURDAY, January 2r, 1809. [3 Dolls, per Atm. 1 t..r. i ; ■' .. - •- - '.... V- v -• ■ ~ A Lift of Letters Remaining in the Pofi-Ojfce t Colombia, c. h. Gco- Dec. 3iSoB* A. Hues Amoft. B. Ames Barret, Rrffe! Brannan. C. Bct|» Colctnao 3, Mife IflTbclla Clark, ihn Csfcy. • D. ifaac Dubofe, Mark Davis. K. ' David Edwardt, ftfte Edwards. F. \ Mrs. Mary Filher, Francis Fsrrar. ' Q. I ■Robert George *, Wm. G:ady, James 1 ; a ?raid, Mi ft $ lift (Utah Gibiou, H Thom?« lUyne* 2, Mist Nbncy Harden, [ ( nry T. M«. Henry Mains- Lewis Just, Wm. Hunt fen. J. Swr'csm Jcofs rfq. Wm. Jones efq. iwon Tones, Thornes S. Jo&ei, Leveller cnf3, Wm. Jay. L. John Linn 2, Wm. Laurence, John .rnjdcwn., M. Ge rge Moore, tfq. Geo. W. Moore, ►sq. Df. Thomas M Goitib*, Dr. M‘- C- mb*, Daniel Mercer, Jofsph Miller, >jh>» Mai hr, P. CharTe* Porter 3, Adam Phillips, Thu's Parker, Drosdftil Pace, efq, Thomas Pae ;ti>, Samvel P? ficelle. R. John Richardson 2, James Rof* 2. Ed watd Rest, Wm. Rowe, Thom? 3 Reed, Wm. koflaw, Howard Robexdr, S. Markc Suliven 3, Starling Stokes, . W * Bcrjamtn William 3, Gideon Wi lis *, Qro, Writing, John Wregley, Rirherci P, White, Moles Wcldir.g, Mr*. Elizabeth Walker, Mis Mary Wiicot, Owin# Wil iams, Barreii Whittington, John Cole, p. m. j Jan. 14. ( 3 t) Stopped * h the bands of a Negro , A Pair °f COLD BD C llO NS forfbirt flceves , the owner may have them on applica tion to the Suhfcriher in Aiigufta, if claimed in three months freon this date. David Do' Janu, ary 7 (ts) For Sale. 20 Likely Young Country Bom NEGROES, Con lifting <-jf MePj Boys, Girls, Women and Children —Which will Lc fold law for Cafli or Ci>ttoo, apply to Brux, Stokes & Co. A«?n(\a. January 14, (rs) Miniature Likenesses . Cornelius Schroeder, Begs leave to return his grateful acknowledgements for the okc, xovgciniiit lie Us received in hisprofr (lion, in this place and intimate* his iatemicn u, in town but two wc< kHorger, Thrfc per fan* wh;»re not yet provided, may he r:co rn modared with rnoff <*ooo»ate Li-kenessei. He lodges at Mrs, Loncltresi.’s Bear ding Hrufe. jinaary 14. . (at) Sheriffs Sale. On I lif frjl Tuefd&y in February next, at tie C apt- l‘J: use in Warren county, between the ujual h urs, ■ , Will be Sold, 3 50 acres of land more or left, in Warren ccu;i y on the waters of Cation’s creek,.ad joining William Culpepper and others it being th'&and whereon Henry Ccx former ly lived, yrrid levied on et the property of fiid O *, |ofatiify an execution in favor of Zcphiniah Ffcnklin and pointed otrt by frid Franklin. Conditions Caty, ' THOMAS BATTL& d. a. January 7. (y) Vi/ itiiam Fleming, Rcfpetafully informs the citzens of Columbia county, that he is a Candidate for the office of Sheriff, atth- i.tfuing election. January i 4. (am) Congrejs Intelligence. The following is the War-Office cftimatc accompanying Mr. Nelson's report: A Propojtitonfor raijirig $O,OOO Folunteers, Will it,not he advifabie to propofs rais ing -I hi my of 50,000' volunteers, to be eogigfil for two yearn, and to serve, if requb ed for aCfcai fetvice, ary proportion of Ihe term, not exceeding twelve m -nths within the term for which they (hall be en gaged ; each notvcooimiffioncd officer, tnufi- { cian, and private to receive ren dollars bounty, and each commissioned officer to re tceive one month's pay when appointed, and the whole to receive pay and rations when , attending mullets, as well as when In a«fUial ’ fervicc. The aon-cotnmiffioned officers, j molicians, and privates ‘j be armed and equipped by the public, and to receive an uniform coat, veil, one pair of pantaloons, hat, two Hurts, one pair of Ihoc.s, and a blanket, and if called iiftb a6hial service for any term over three months, to receive oth. er articles of clothing in proportion *to the tii*m of fcrvice, not exceeding in the whole, including thofc urft received, what are al lowed to the foidiers in the regular array for . one year* The whole to be muftcred and excrciied in companies four day's within th; two months after being engaged, anl i fix days in each fucceedir.g year, and to meet and encamp in their refpectitfc Oates Sc territories thirty days in each year. No man to beeniifted into any company whole place of residence dial I not t-e within a rca fonable dillance from the company parade to which he (hall belong, Alfuitable number ofinfpeftor? to he appointed b> the pse&dent ,of the U. S. to diredl (and inlpcft) the ex. ercife ot ths troops encamped, and to give directions for the drilling and exercise of* Ihe companies, and to d»re£t mid receive ail returns, tnutffir and pay roll*to be trans mitted, to an adjutant and infpeftor general (to be appointed by the president of the U. Stares) who (hall give general inftruflions to all fub-infpedtors for drilling, cxcrcifc, dilcipline, and police ot the volunteers, when not in a&oal service. The officers to be appointed and commif fiuned hythe Prclident of the U, S. The | pi opr fed corps to include as many of the volunteers who have.offered their fetvices under the act of the 24th February, r Soy, as mail engage in the volunteer army now propofsd. 'flic whole to con fill of 4.4,000 rrfa;rry, 3000 artiilct 7 ~ 'J 5000 riflemen, to be organized into companies of 106 each, including officers; regiments of -31000, bri gades of 5000, and «livinous of xoooo each ; to have the usual RaiF, including fur goons and mates ; the Imn't-uns and mates to J c> j attend the annual encampment and aciual I service, and to receive pay only for their I ado. 1 fcrvices at the fame rare as allowed to | regimental forgeons ano mates in their corps of the army, v 5 M'tjor-gcncrah pay per month, 166 830 10 Brig. Generals, 104 1040 30 Colonels, 75 3750 50 Lr. Colonels, 60 3000 50 Majors, 50 2500 sop Captain?, 40 20000 L.ct*. tenants,., 1 000 500 Knfigns, ’ so rccoo 50 Surgeons, 43 *250 50 ■■Surgeons Mates, 30 140055870 200D Sergeants, 8 i^coo 2000 Corpora!*, i 14000 1000 Muficisns, 6 6oco 43500 Frivstcss 5 217500 j 3535C0 Pay per merith, 313370110**5. 1 1 and 14 menths pay for the j cummiiiin.ieJ officers, 1 34.707 50 / 1 and j- 4. ditto, nun. coirmif | fionr.d y fficers, mof:r.i;.ns &c | private*, 3x6,8 ;£ 1 and 1-4 month’s fit!) file nee of the commiffioneci office!3 at 20 cents per rail on. 35,$ 87 50 x and 14 month's ditto, for non-commiffiod officers, &C. at 1J ccnrs per raihn. 272,313 50 Cloathing f.r non.cmvmiffi edofheers, &c. at.l4 dolls, each, 679,000 Bounty for ditto at ten dul* latsercli 485-000 Tctits and ccr.tingcrit expen ds per year, roc.OQo Dollars, 2,083,5/82 50 Theifl year’s cxppr-fc willbe a.roo pco The zed year’s will be Bco oco Dolls, a 900,900 The following uuffage In,nr the Prtfulent of theU, S. was udiveitd by Mr, Coles, referred to the cntamiucc on putriic lands, and ordered to be printed ; Tj ihe Senate and Ihnfe of Repre~ feniattves of ihe (J, S. 1 lay fce.orc the IcgifLtiuc a letter from X ’ * V- •-' governor Claiborne, on the fubjrft of a fmail t.ibe of Alibama Indians, on the Ueftern fide of the Mifliflippi, of about a dozen families. Like other* etiattc tribes in that country, it ia undctAuod that they have hitherto moved from place to place, according to their convenience, with out appropriating to thcmfclves exclusively any particular territory ; but having now become habituated to fume of the occupa- Hons of civilized life, they with for a Axed reftdcnce. I (uouofe it v/iii be the interest ts the U. States 10 encourage the wander ing tribes cf that country to reduce thcm fclves to Axed habitation!*, whenever they arc so difpoled. The ett.ibidinnert of towns and growing attachment to them, will fur nifh in Tome degree pledges of their peacea ble and friendly conduct. The case of this particular tribe is now submitted to the coofidcration of congrefe. TH : JEFFERSON. Dsc, 30, 1808. On motion of Mr, Nelson the house went into a committee of the whole, Mr. Mari, on in'the chair, on the report of the com. I n w ce cf military a:.u naval'affairs, tor I riikling fifty thousand volunteers, agreeably to the propofiticn of ihefecrttaiy at war. Mr. Nell on advocated the object of the report, on the grounds, that although the American people were as patriotic, and e yen mote 10, than ihofe ot any oi’ber nation, and would willingly re fort to the field in de fence of their country upon a 4 udden emer gency, jet if it (bould be ncceiissy to hive in the field a dilpofabfe military force for any length of time, it vvouid be proper to make a mote fpecsfij organization of the phyfiqal strength of the nation. As the committee had endeavoured to make th« re foiution as unexceptionable as p.-fihic, Mr, I Neifon hoped there would be no objection to the palfage of it. J Mr. Qjinccy did not rife to opoofe the -mealurt ; bat merely to 'enquire of the chair man of the committee who made the report, what ,nan cf the prefidem’s meifige did re late to military and naval etUuiiflvments, for he cou'4 not fi..J any (Wh psllftgc in it. 1 He thought the reibluiions in rei.iion to the * references of the ievetai parts of the presi dential a.efoige had been copied from thole cf a former itfiion, pnd calkd he attention of the houA* toihe Angular fact of a' reference of a fuhjecl which did not exile in the tnef fage, and fa id that thofs who undertake the management of tb- fc things ill., aid .veil con, \ fuler the futjett matter before they made di- 1 vifiorrof it and eaufed it to be referred. Mr. Dawson fad, ahhough he did not conceive it material, yet toe prefiiciu's Kieffiige did contain paffigcs relative i<j mili tary alraits, See. £Mr. tl> then read cer tain parts of rhe mefltfge touching detach menis of miiitii:, and 'recommending the adoption of for the feuuitymf the country.) The report was agreed u» by the commit tee of the whole, which then r.'fe and re ported tile fame to (he bnufe • when the house taking the report into cor {‘uieratior’, Mr. Oardeoier rose and inveighed again ft the efnbargo policy geper.-dly ; inquired I what the intent ton was by railing these jo,ooo men ? was it to be war ? War, (fsid h-J in addition to the all efficient em. largo! If indeed, we were to have war, it would he nec- fl’-ir/ to raise forces. He did not like this mode of !*gi{latiug. See. Mr. G, dwelt for a coniine: aide time in h:s ufa&l (train #f act inmnious inventive upon the present policy of the admir.ittrati.on. Mr. Ep ea made a very impfeflive fpecch df fomc uuciidon, l it; ably vindicated the 1 raei-furcs of the government, reviewed the ! pofiare of 01 r public affair*, and depicted '. the menacing .rutude of foreign nations to wards us, thence (hewing the propriety of adopting the mentis of fupp.nting our rights by military prcim twins. He quoted a p»f. sage from a public and official .iec’fyiatit/i of the EiTrx junto, wber<*in they dsplarc that Great IJ itT* sr. juftitfeii in imr orders of council by rhe French decrees, Ac. Mr. Kppes A*ill whql-lever made Arch r.deitvons was 3 tary, ir is. time, laid Mr. S. sor v f/Icraliils to forget »hat they have in A the helm of power 5 it is time for ihe tones to forget that we have acquired bufepcnd-nce •_ and a 1 ought tq> unite in fuppert of the uo aiienabie eights of the njifon. Mr. Quincy role in reply. Ho declared; that th.«'houfe had put vhe power of if-gufe.' ting comnufee cut ot thyii own fomtk, *«kl given it to i lie po A, Amo and 1 weave men. t h’.", fa id hey is pricif !■> the k ind of o nhuh the cr./i.legged lurk and crock- kneed Brett chman v»o«..d mjy to their emperon. Among oilier things, Mr. n ey f/iid he hacj heard it clfcrud by a gcji. jc man of rhe majority, that it was ufcwfs to V'j?e A*r a of the emtjafgo, as the preitdent wonH not agree to it. Mr. -J. G,/ jack (on. »fee pp’fun. [Here fcveral persons called on Mr. Q. 10 name the (tfribn he nMnded to, f Mr. 'Q&nq,' fa id it was in a piiwe cpn. venation uui ti dupiS', * / Mr, Speaker (aid, gentlemen were fre quently in the habit of interducting matters out of the houfc, Aich as publications in the news-papers, &q. He was rather of opto ion, however, that it was not ftriftly in order to refer to points and circaroftancear which were foreign to the proceedings of the house. Mr: G. W. Campbell called upon Mr. Qi, to fay if he had any alluilon to him? Other gentlemen might take it in what hgbc they pkafed. Mr, Quincy said hr would gratify him. He did not ailude to .C. Mr. fa id he nnderlford gentlemen. It was not this id'ufion, but the strength of his argument that matte them wince, Mr. Qiiincy was proceeding to argue the unccnftitutionaiity of the embargo laws, when Mr, Jackson called to order. He faid* on?very qtieftion that came before the hoofe, the embargo was brought up. There had been too much departure ffam order, not only in the house, but in the galleries j* and with refpeft to lire latter, the difordcc came Irom a quarter from whence, above alt others, it ought not to have proceeded : from Ihithh fubjcfts, certain of whom, while the gentleman from Virginia (Mr* Eppes) was had made diilur bance. Mr. Speaker gave the door keeper orders to keep art eye to the galleries, and give no* tice of any improper behavior, that means might be taken to check it, * Mr. Jackson (-ontinalng) laid his ob ject was to know, whcM? in difotiffing a ' q ieftion for raising 50,000 men, it Was in order to enter into an enquiry relative te the conlHtutiopalSty of the embargo ? Mr. Speaker said it was difficult to draw a proctfe line, gentlemen having indulged in such a'wide latitude. Mr. Qamcy, (after fotre cypbnations from Mr. Kppi-s, with refped td (he tenor of his'argument) proceeded, fora fhott thus* w ith regard to theiinconflicotionality of the embargo, &c. Mr, Macon mbved to flrlketmf ofthc re* foluiion the words fifty thutjividfif and the words “ two yntan, to as to leave Hlaf&tt in their places. On the qatdion for (tricing out the firft, it was negatived—. l7 to 47—the Speaker voting in (he negative. On the question to strike out tha fcconcl, it was earned. Ayes 52, Noes 49. ' The resolution was then paffccl. Ayes 76, Nays 34. On motion of Mr. Nclfon the tefolotioa vra. referred to the fame committee who re ported it to draft a bill. * Mr, Jickfon is understood herd to-s»l« hide to a certain indiv-idoal or individuals a Hitched to, or reftdent with the English legation, of whose un mannerly' condoin tbij Jpitcries, we have more than oneo received authentic aflbranccs. Wc have hitherto for borne to notice their conduct, btcaufe tha men themtelycs are really of no (mnfieancc ; but if ever another inftanco occurs, we will point them nut merely to mark the spirit prevailing in that quarter. Mifcelkneous Articles A NEW PROCESS IN M A ICING BUTT SR, C o utmumcated for the Star hy Doctor Qtorof' lluchnnau ifi WaJeJl-3rottgh t Anjon Gjttfi tv, Morlh-l arohua. At a friend's in the country, a few even ings ;»go, I was ei tenained with tha experi ment of making (as it was called) a pound of butter out of a pint of milk." ' 'i ha proccfs is as follows- —A pound (or a ny given quantity} of common butter'is to be beaten quite ibfi, and as much fait added to it as wiljpepfon ;hc additional pennd to he madefrom the milk. An equal quantity ofr.v/.v miiki (lightly watmed, is then ad deto the buller, , tiiie v-hole •» put into v convenient vtffrl for chaining, or r-dthee&r flirting j which '•* performed by abrilkc^. 1 1 nurd rotatory motion wj»h afpoon or cith er intiiinfem, . jot {jot 20 irmiifc*, hy whi. h lithe (nr crep fen minute;) #:c mi k wi l tHrccmie entirely incorporated with the honor. I ba-.-c m ule no dtp-rirntmt *0 dctcrrr'ne wl-ftihcr the pt<- cef ? is facilitated by tit: mtjr rar©ot foca.f [ooinCrch (.At 1 r but appreltrwi that it is no, j fr> :m>b:;.vir>g frupemfy served she f;<ru kindtsl buncr produced, «|ru der certain ciredn flaiici 3, in the cidinifV' way es ebftrn’ng. < JjJqf do I know, {. , 01 experience, what t-flf* H it H.:S in . the isui-idi/v ol <!d 'b« icr ; ' i»t am ft if *-■ drd that it unbt be of a .' oslt-ts, the Left .St’ , chesoictt corifCtivr. 1; }* qb* i (Us, trcni tff ccrt pi ft ion of ch ; » flutter, th.ii it is ’rjf«- ;d,’j ted}<». culinaif porpolrs then that which al o; r.Js rncra wiifc oil; htv" it f» of a plcef m ufie, is better . fuitt d to thy hornedt's < f cwpaidtsuls, and i children may be iirdujgcd »u it more than in the kkd. ifdJ'Ji), rot/gh.