Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, January 28, 1809, Image 2

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~ .—!■■■■■»■ >1 -■ ■ ■---•- . r „ „, —-■■■ . ,KI l. 8f I. HI ■■! —l. | WliailiiNli i.*ON i.-i i Y. Jap,. 6. V> hive received Colonel Mif ledgr, of ■ the Senate if the U. States, a fUpci'frfr nfSugsr Carte, now cultivated on the Tfl >nd of Supelr, in Georgia. The cane is » v e Anne with that which grows at Ota hebe, and is Urge and luxuriant. Three ceres have Nen afre; dy cultivated hv Mr. I ,Spa!ding, from whom Colorc' Milledgc has received this 'l his experi ment promises to be of tbeuttroft importance, an it if belie’ cd that all the land that pro. duces Sea Island chiton will grow cane. Our fellow.citizens will not fail to dißin. goifh with their .that ks the individual, who ha* thi.s rreritorjci fly added to the fol;d ri ches t country. , January 9. V> crr'eratnl.'te t* e rsftdn on the paflage ( rfthe hill more rffflial'y to enforce the Kmbrrgo. It has pir&d the Senate by a nt j. tiry of 20 to 7 ; and the Hciife cf Re picftniaiives by a majority ct 71 to 32. Congrcfs Intelligence • December 7. FJH RA SESSION OF CONGRESS. The Honfe were engaged till near five o’clock to-day in din fling the following re Alutirn proposed by Mr. Stnilte, which wss finally agreed to, 6j to 21 : Rcfol vrd, that a cemrai'tee be appointed rq cn. quire into the propriety of providing by law lor the. rrcrttrg rs Crngnfs at an carlic'r period than the firft Monday in December 1 Ku xf, with leave to report by bill or other, wife.” The debate on this refofuuon tr.toJvctl the qntflion, whether it would nr t be pro j er, before the fit(t day cf December, viz, in the rt icldie t tf May or hegurir gct Jur e, rffrntitdh to chr.rgc the attitude of the na. tier, 51 no change to k place in ;he mraftire* rs foreign powers ? Tim ref duticn was lu por'td bv M firs.’ Smilie, Eppes, G. W, C rrpbell, Story., Bibb, 'bn up, Johnson, Rhe% Bmon, ’T aylor, las, Southard, pod Nelson M.-flrs, P, R. Williams, M ec< n, Hollar d, Alexander, Tallmadge, and Star ford cither oppeAdihe reflmirn direc Jy or advocated its p ftrr.ftncnf. M-'fi of those w ho fopported it df elated it kr their opinion that uvhfs foreign powets tcvtked. their orde rs ard decrees at an early day, it would be proper to raise the embargo and fiihffiinte war, and that it Kboecd Couj>re!i to be at their pods to take this impomnt fiep. Tiirnary 4. DISTRESSED SEAMEN. Mr. Newton t ff ted a reloluticn, ebredb- Jrg the C( n-mtttec d Commerce ard Maru fac ores to er quire into the propriety of pr> vid'rg for the relief cf did rifled ard dilabltd fcjun-r. • 3i»n-NT-TO.( fl&rcTrrtnnrtmrntd been in dated to ) r -po.fe the refnlution from the rol l wing lei ter from thefccrctary tithe Trea sury. 7 rea/ury Dffcr.mcnt, Dec, 29, ISOB. Sir, Wht lb the fund for fv; porting fu k and dibbled featrei' has fining this t ear been a n fid-rablv ditritvfhed, the expenses are aftu jt)ly irc'crfmg. For the fund con lifting of thr deduction of 20 certs per month from the v;■ yes oi fcatven, muff necrffuily dccreale • in the fame ration as th- rumh-r rffeatren at 4, ually cn plot cd ; and t n the other hand, the r umber itfelf of those who arc confined at h< me and deprived cf cmplo\ tnent, pro duces Tin rrc;eafe of applications tor relief. All 'h 1 had, by bugality and expendit ure, been f;md during forme' year* will be 3r -d;quate to supply the deficicnev of the en uing year, nr Tess o r ders be itrtre dit'tfiy given to r'duoc oy f f, mc ge cial h;.’(h ru'elP dm number of petfors heretofore admit ted! 1 cannot febeve that tl is would be corfif'ert with 'be intention of the leg fl •- tore, and think it mv duty f'oftatc the la£t*, in »rcer that a proper remedy may be appli ed . Upon due c< nfideraficn of the Ad jedb, it appears to n c hat ti e n <-ft fimpie and c quit abb j-|«n would be to appr* piiatefor 'he year iPoq, in aid of :ho surd, an additional fu> • f about two lu rdred rhoufard dollars; finb Ant to be applied ?,s the fur d i fclf, on. dc r the general doetbions of the Prtfidenr, but to Be expended in the fevrrai ports in ptoportion ft) the amomr aftoally c< Hefted in <• oh' or that account during the year ISO7, fnd to K e aupliral Ic to the relitf, not ct It of fiek and difalicd, but alfool ditfref. fed ft amen. 1 am, very refpcflfully, bur, Your obedient servant, ALBERT GALLATIN, T. Niwton, E.'q. ch iirman . t ofjhe Cprcmittj'e of Com. nerce and Msrufafbures, The rtf lution was agreed to w itkeut op. pofilion. PUBLIC LANDS. Mr. Bey it offirtd the following resolution cbferving tbar the fubjeft had twi n before lhct.oufe fevctal times, but aA knrtn dccif. i n h.d never been h * on the fuhjvPf, and th- f*c who had witnessed the rr.odf of difpo ling of lord cn credit, had seen the ill effect \ of The present fyfttm. Resolved, Th :t the committee on public lands, be inftrnded to enquire into the ex perittrict of icrhictrg the puce of public lands Afidjsbolilhing the Ctedit on files thereof; ai dhij\at tEejVbave leave to report by bill or Alfred ro NAV.-.J ES'l a-li hment. Mr. Bicry fa id that il the huutc did not ;• ■ ri'-$ w»fh so be'confi It red as (lumbering at their i p '(ls It was proper that they (h mid after dc. terminine that they woo'd notfuhmit to the orders and decree* of the belligerents, adopt fame efficient fvflem of war fare, if war mud he the rcfalt.—6l fh ; s point he was deci dedly of opinion that we could carry on ope rations to great 'advantage oh the ocean. He held in his hand a refolntion for enqui ring into the propriety of augmenting our naval force which he fubulitted to the confi. deration of th House. i Resolved, That the committee to whom was referred so much of tije mtfTtge of the Prcfidentof the United .Stites, as relates to ' our military and naval eftaMifhments, be In. ftrufled to enquire into the expediency of increating nur navale(labli/lm*nt t end that thev have leave to report by bill or other \ wife. Mr. D, R. Williams alkcd of the gen. tleman, againfl whom was this force to he applied ? From whatfourre could any con. fiderable ir crcafc be nude ? He pr fumed as the gentleman appeared to have his tried so fully made up on the fubjeX, that he had made the necrffVry calculations, and would favor the House with them. For his part Mr. Williams said, it we were to go to war to-morrow, !v would not vote a fiegie addi tional floating gun. What had been the con. frqoso eof a igm nnt’ous of naval force i t other countries? Were they not perpetua'- Iv augmenting the Britifli navy ? Ihe mm iftry vvoold give but a small premium to en. fare the gentleman's augmentation (should if 1 he madt) a fafe birth in the’r ports. Did thegfPtl wifli to follow the example of D-ntn,.ik, and have our towns Copenhagen rd ? Mr. obfervrd, that a bill for putting nnr prrfcnf navy into fervicc was al rp'dy before the House. Hr should prefer , fi’ft afltrg on tint, and therefore fnovrd that this rrfqlntion lie on the table. Mr. Story hoped this course would net 1 e given to his motion ; for it might heperfeft. ly ptoper not to order the whole naval foire ■o he pu f into aflual frrvice, and yet it might be very proper to prepare an additional na val so c<*. We were nor, he said, at prrfent at war, hut we fcor? ;rtg!u be. Mr. D. R. Williams said that the gen. tinman rruil exrttfc him for faying that he h;,d pnrfued the Eaflern mode of propound ing other queflien* inflead of answering those which had been pus to him. He said he had meinf no reflexions on the hardy fens of Neptune ; lie believed them to be'ss ccura- i geo us as the gcmlem r rcpvefcntcd them, sh? gentleman talks of fifty faft failing fri gates (said Mr, W.) Is it poftble that any i man in the nation can fjippofc that its fafety I depend'! upon ;o ft ft failing frigates ? They mull, ii sent out, either carry orders not to fight, or become what the Chcfsprakc has been-—a di/Wace to ns. 1 foci regret that f«w*» ii«rfiftrai ion i and I have no other .'.onfolation than the flare of the natter. V-s, fir, it is a mortification to me that the P. iriib minifterhrre has said, and perhaps to members of this Muife, that if fifty fail 0 f the lire were built they would f >on be ta. ken f.- m u>, We cannot command tc fourcesfor furh cftabliflmicnts. Will g»n. tlemcn confidcr that our greareft annual re. venue never amounted to feventeets mil. lions 1 f dollars ? I :tflc then where are we to get money for the supp >rt of futh immense eftabliflitrenrs. Mr. Williams said that ’{was on the (here that lw would tilk the filvarionol his country j and cf an invading (oe there would net, he .trusted, a fingfc man escape to tel! the fate of his comrades. Indeed h- flu uld tremble for his country if he thought its faivation depended on fl ..ittng bafteiics. Ihe qteftion on ordering Mr. Story’s I oroonfition to lie on the table wes Cirried. at to 58. EMBARGO. Mr. Van C trtiandt observed that ‘t was impofiible for the house to get along with business rill th; q-ieftion cf repeal or con tinuance of the embargo was decided. He therefore called for the order of the da*/ on Nlr. Oh*.ttenden’s refoluiion K.r the immedi ate repeal of the embargo. Mr. Bacon made .1 motion which super. ftdcii this motion, viz, to difeharge the committee of the whole from the further cr.nfideration < f it, and to refer it to the committee of the wh >le to whr>m re. ferred the bill on the fubjeX of non-inter course. Al r er a deha'e of near three h~urs this motion was negatived—Ye;.s 1 3 —Nays pi. The hnnfe then resolved itfe’finto a com. mittec of the whole on morion of Mr. Van Cortland--Yeas 62 Nays 49—Mr. Raflet in the chair on the resolution of Mr. Chit, tenden in the following words : “ Resolved, that the aft pitted at the last ft (lion of Congress, entitled “ An aft laying an embargo on all Ihipsand vcffcls in the ports & harbors of the U. States, & the several aXs fuppJcmcntary ar<| addition al thereto,” ought to be immediately re pealed, Mr. VanCortlandt moved ta strike out the word it immediately ” and liffcrt “from and after the 4th day of March rjext.” Mr. Ghollon a Iked if the g*nr!eman would not prefer being heard tomorrow. Mr. Livermore arfwcrcd that he fhnuld. The Committee rose, but coJd not re. port; a quorum nor being prefrta A motion was then made to sojourn ard carried —Yeas 40 —Nays 38 —aiuotum be. ing present at the vote, fcwebJl mem! ers having, whilst the Y.eas tc Na;s were cal. bog, come into th; house from ie lobby acd elk Where. % » it: t, 4 *, *.’ iL _ >• ' EMBARGO. The house tool? tip the bill sot enforcing the embargo, early dn the day. The bill was gone tmvugh and reported to the hour’. About 5 o’clock an amendment was offered by Mr. Snuges, limiting the duration of the bill to the firft of June next; and negnirv. ed, by Ycas& Nays, feventy-five to twenty feven. IMr. Sturgrs then fffsred a new ftftion, for REPEALING THE EMBARGO, on the 4th of March rex'. Mr. Plount moved to amend thi*. fedion, bv giving authority to ISSUE LETTERS OF MARQUE AND REPRISAL after that day, in order to express his fen ft of what mnll be done, under ptefent ciraun ftarces, if the embargo were repealed. He withdrew the motion, however, to accom modate feme of his friends, who wiftied a Hired! decision on the naked question pro. posed. On motion of Mr. Sfurges for repealing the mhargri, a debate took place, which ft ?! I continued whin this paper was ;it to prrfs, (twelve o’clock) without a decision “hiving been had, pRTtMY M.OtINIXG. Z o’clock. We flop the prefi, to Hate that at 0«c o’clock—The question was taken on Mr. Stojge’j amendment to r-ueal the embargo, ard left, Yens 35, Nay* 81 ; a<d h* h'-uft nrc now d: bating the bill for enforcing the embargo, having just icfufed to edjourn, 79 to 3p. Nat. Jnt. 7 o’clock A. M. —We ag.rn step the press to fay, that st -hit hour the house ad journed, after the final pitting of (he bill. Ibid. The amendments of the H'rf; of Repre fentnives, to the bill for enforcing the et baroo were taken into confiderutidh, in which after much debate, were fiftsjiy sgieed to about three o'clock. The decilicn on most of sh m 'in Ayes 23- Noes 7. The hill coni’ quentlv only requires the fignarurc of the I’relident to he a law. lanuary 6. Rcrnm J. Mcigt, jur.r. appeared and took hit Text. The following Mefftge was tccelvcd from rbe Preftdent of ■ho U, States, 7 0 the Senate and flou/e of Rcfirefn/alivet of the United States. I row lay before Corgi e's a ftatrmrnt of (he work* of defence which it has hern thought nee'effary to.'pravidc in the firft tn -1 fiance for the fertility of cur fen.port towns and harbor?, and of the progtefs towards their cnmpleficn. Their extent has hern adapted to the scale of spiiroprUticn, ?nd L to thecircutrftance* of the fcveral places. The woiks undertaken at New-York are calculated to annoy and endanger any n;>- val force which (hall enter the harbor, and (fill more one which (heuid attempt to lie before the city. To prevent altogether the entrance Os large veffcls, a line of blocks a. crof* the harbor has beep contemplated; if is believed, wiih the anxilifry mean? al ready provided, render that city Calc again ft naval enterprise. The exu re* as. well as the importance cf the work, render it a fubjeft proper for the fpccial confidcration of Congrcfs- At New.O ’car?, two fe pa rate systems of defence are ncctffan ; the one for the \ ?(ver, the O’hvr for ihe lake, whu hat pae fcni can give no aid to me another. The cam! now leading from rhe lake it continu ed into the river, would enable the armed vrfleis in loth Rations r« unhe, and to , meet, in corjunftion, ?n attack from ei»hrr fide. Htdf (he aggregate force would iLu hajie the fame rffeft as the whole; or the fame force double die eflcft of what either c<in now have. It wo dd sifa enable the veflels ftatioced itr the lake, when attacked by fupenor force, to retire to a faf. r | ofi. fion in the river. The fame cmfidcratii rs of ex pm re ard importance tenders this alf> a question for thefpccial dtcificn cf Con. grefs. TH : JEFFERSCN. Accompanying the message is ~ detailed report of the Secretary of War, which Ihevi s that much has been d'ne during the part year towards the defence of our ports and harbors. The following are the Turns expended in the fevrral (fates: New Orleans, 80,373 Georgia, South and North Carolina . . 204,289 , Virginia snd Maryland it 1.432 Delaware, Pennf) Ivania and New jersey y,cOO New-York 3 79.133 Connecticut and Rhode I(land 'r ( o co 1 Mafiachufetrs and New Ham j (hire 223 473 •3014,702 -=<*>> CHARLESTON, January 19. A fetious mifurdntT.ftncfinjt has f. 3. [ ken pl'cc between the Governor and Assem bly of Jamaica, owing to the cxceffcs com mitted by the military, (not the militia of the iflai.d) in which a Planter i* said to have loft his life--they demanded the aff.f. (ins to he giv-n up to the civil authority it was refufed by the commander in chief, and the Governor joining him in refitting the AiT-mbly—they on their part, immedi atelv (lopped the fuppbes for the current year. A small detachment of rhe United States troops, under command of Lieut. Swan, of the 3d Regiment of Infantry, arrived in town yesterday, Columbia, and im. mediately embarked for Fort Jcht.ftcn, m \ fk Bv tl'ff *rriv:it'hf ih: Sr:g PhilndcUhia, n Jain lira, a Ca-firmjiJjJ of there jpture of St. D is Kctivojl Muff of t<ie luench i fiicc.>takcn had arrive,) at Kfngftfti, A let(er receded Kv the F r 'erds, dsif,] the jth December, fayttr—**-Wc h ive join “ time by this to inform m,i. . M rh»t, owing to the fndditi prorogation (J f I “ the Colonial Alie-nblv, no doty his be t J laid on ,A ncrican produce, nor can the at. I “ tempt bdrenewed ,‘or fix months,” Ft met. I 'STSWSSS a , IVIL LLiMCO J] IETT, I This mife remit re fide;J amoagftusl in the molt critical period of our I political affairs. He was then- con. I fidcred as a Britilh adherent,. in I Britilh pay ; hue the perlbn /whol confidcred him as fueh, was tic.l nounced by the federal;Pis as J French partisan. This man’s prcfil ifllied forth the molt offendve anil tory-toned dodrines, bat he was ncJ verthelels, the Magnus Apollo oil federal!fm. We invite the attcnJ tion of these deluded people pircicJ ularly to the following cxtndj which is taken from a paper print.l ed by Cobbetc in London. I EXTRACT. J /‘lf lor any one mod dear t J * r me, # wcre destined to lose m/ orl "his life in a just war, I know ol “ no case in which that life woulll “ be loft with fa little regret, on mjl “ part, as in demolithing the towinl “ of America, and in burying theiil " unprincipled inhabitantsuud.crthcl “ ruins.” I Wc presume that they will admil they were deceived, and wc hopfl that they will pay more rcfpecl our administration, when we tell them, that there are more Willi® Cobbetts in the federal phalanx- M Britilh partisans, under the narnl of Fedcralifts. It is time for ol countr) to look to this source I danger. IS Virginia Argus, I EXTRACTS I AUDI EUNDFM || Or Peter Pcrcr/pifte vir tie Britfo and Engljb people. Ea “ Well, but what arc we doi® What pa rt are we aCling? W c ill people of this fine “ free country! who live under aconilituiion till is, as Pitt used to fay, at the el of hisfpeechcs. “ the greared hl.l sing that a benign Providence! ver bellowed upon man, Up® himfelf, I fuppctc he meant, ill what are wc, free fellows as well what arc we doing ? We havß been talking for a long while /I have been fretting and furningaol Holding and crying like wo;n® or rather like Italian men, li® Jews and Genoefe, who, when ih! are kicked and cuffed, Hold ail run, run and Hold. Here i* wil end, and that our mailers w® know. I Who is there, who is not hi® fclf, or who his not a foal brother, or some relation or ol cr, employed and paid by, depe® dent for bread upon, the mini® of the day ? Those means I which men formerly maintaini their Tons and relations, and I which a country gentry were 1® ported in a (late of independent® j arc now drawn away in taxi and, in order to find a nrunl nance, those Tons and relatul rriufl now go and serve the mini 1 try, in some capacity or oth9-‘i mull go and crouch to them, ® receive from them in the Ih a pel ■ pension or of hue, a share of tl income, which has been drawn I taxes, from their parents, or ot® natural flip posters': W We are exceedingly bold B reproaching the French with thl abjeed fubmillion; but, let I put this question to you, re.'.d| What do you think the Frci® government would have d® v had its generals such a c® yention as ouishave made ? r® a little, and then artfwer ® qucllion. Well, now for an® er. Suppofc that the French® vernmeur hid not difeovered ® anger at such con due/ in its gc® rals, but seemed, os far as 9