Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, January 28, 1809, Image 3

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' . , ■' -Jr* p-v)I? could jiHgc, to he rsffrt ved to fcjre;n ahem i what do yotf think mat the French people . would have done in that case ? « Held their tongues,” fay you. So they would, and lb lliall we.* Yesterday four fhlo*. chartered by gov ernment 10 convey troops to New-Orlc,.iiS, popped do"'!* the hay for Annapt.l'B, to a- Voui being detained hy the ice, All the i (rrmivi (vi'f* ' r r yet arrived, bur *rv mo r»ifi•»iy I’xP'X'i, They will einoaik at Annapolis f r tl dr port of destination, Balt'unve Ane.ravt, Jnn, g. j The price of Hemp has risen in London to r 201. ftcrling, in conic- j puent cos the iVtcntion at Riga ot I two IFips laden therewith and the | removal of the government thereof j vho was in the Englilh intcreft. j Ibid. j f ''he "pnr p whic h follows js frr m v the Hant'c'd iV) reury printed inConnec rictif. It *s a vend comment on the Re f.dvrs of the Connecticut LegifFlure— v fiich w e have all fern. ] —If big. The federalitls claims light to navigate the ocean, ■»« “mi inheritance front their f .refaihers !” This is Ibmeihing new un ♦ dcr tl>e fnn. Other- people claim it as a natural- righr, guaranteed by the laws of nature, Ivor, like othtr rights, fubjeift to be VMfned from them by bailsmans. '! he fedcra ill s' mt-A fancy that the Englifli have lb? file right to tb; iceau, and shat, rs j their d.-fi erdarts, t! cy are thcmfelv's e r 'i. j tied to 'he inheritance. Rut even upon tin* principle thev fjl ; till the anteitbrs are dead thee ran be no heir, and no inheti. tanrr. Writ na tier tl)’ children, and when Ece’a"d is prostrated, take out lettets admtr.iftrati m, and lav claim to the oce-i ) Miscellaneous Articles. A certain cure for the Dyfntery in the wdrjl fuges cf the difsafe. This remedy is very simple; and it communicated by one who has experienced its good effects, and known it pradlilcd on many others with like success, when given over, by Ikilful phyiiciam ; rnd as this is the season of the year when its prevalency is grea ter than at any other, it is hoped that printers of news-papers will give it publicity. The receipt is < —one gill of ftveet oil, one gill | of W. I. Rum, and one gill of W. I. Molalfcs. Simmer these together, and flir them till well mixed. The quantity to be taken is, for a grown person one table fpponful every hour, and children a cue preportion till relieved. A Cure for the Dropsy. Put into 3 (lore or estthtn jug;, a gallon r»f t oed, found cyder, together with a dou ble hacdfwl of profley nets and to; s cur fine, an hrrdful of (craped hoife-radifh, t«o taHe-fpoonfol of bruited mufiatd feed, half an ounce ofox'ytn/l of fquills, and one ounce of juniper ben ies—the liquor to be kept warm by the fire twenty.tour hi nrs, to be often agitated, and then drained for life. Dofs for an adult, half a wire glass full three t : mcs r. day, on an empty fb ro ach.—Tie drfe may be rncreafed, if rc .cifla/ y . Alter the water is difeharhed, the p.'.f.ent fiiould ufc moderate cxercife ; sub sist op dry. nphrifhing diet, and abstain from all liquids a* much as pofJibTe. A core was accompiilhed with one gallon cf this li quor. COVFUtSfONS, In the last number of that valuable woik, the Medical Repository, wc find an account of two cases of cnnvulfions relieved by vio lent prt flute om the flomach. Dodlor- -,rif — ~was called to two patients in convulsions. To the. lb ft he gave the usual remedies without rfFeft, hm recol leffjiig that hyflerb ks had been relieved by 1 a bandage tied tightly round the body, he proceeded to apply it, and while attempt, ing to tighten it, his hand wairprefied with foa.e force into the pit of the the flcraach. A change in the countenance of the patient was immediately perceived, and on the augmentation of the prefiure his countenance brightened-into cheerfulness. He frrilrd & bcggtd the pn fibre to be increaffd. When the preflurc was removed the ccnvulfions re turned. This experiment was repeated feverai times to establish the rertaint)’ of the relief afforded by the prefiure. The pa tient ultimately went to sleep wbh .’he whole weight of the doftor’s body resting on his knee, in the pit of the patient's fiornach. The pressure was withdrawn and the patient continued free from fpsfm. The feccnd case was relieved in the fame way, but the preflurc made by the knuckles in the pit of the was found fufficient. Mie had been in convulsions for an hot-.'-, and in live minutes was relieved hv the pief lurc. >. ..'1 h J *” • * X/’jjfm* f ’ • > . AUGUSTA, ’ NEWS By the fhror of Doftor Smslt ore of our Representatives in Congress, we have 1 lately received fcveral Documents and manu- ' feripts that are highly valuable—’among tbs rdt the Embargo law, signed ftaied at:d delivered. The movement of troops in different di rections to .New Orleans, indicates fame, thing like war. The tone of Congress evi dent iy j? r 0 this purpose. Th; news from Oporto at B< Ron I vs ill he found on this oage—it wants con firmation * ho' proha It enough ; however, the B-iiilli game is played, aid John Bull has gut his revenge of Ftt ncc and Spain at (he txp: ne of the latter. After a mod: dire and fangainarv ftra?gle, tlie defeated Snar.iard takes refuge on hoard the British shipping and fieks new abodes in Mexico and South A n tic , cpsatirg with the Ro,-,; n Poet “ il'imos, ioimus quequenque me.ior fonuna VOCtt Hus." Sporting Jut elligence. Oa Wedocfday last the AnguHa Races commenced —rhe weather proved favorable and ill; turf we are told was in good order. The firft day Mr. TJvingftonb Serto- Rious difianced the field the fit ft hear, and evidently took the purse. The Second day, Mr. Garrett’s ran or walked b> hitafclf and every one of. t-rd to be: he would take it hollow and To he did. The third day Mr. LlvidHlon’s Dnngan rca. . This is certainly a moll laudable end pat- / tint c i itituAcu for crC( uraging and rai- I sing a gotd breed of horses in Georgia, and it is to be hoped the Club will continue the fpatt for five years longer ; by that time ) we lhail have a chance of man y full blieded Col::, By a laic lave of S. Carolina, the Court of Ej.nty nilJit at ■'b!>«v;llc,for Abbeville Edgefield and Pendleton d'ijir 'tcii , on the f>. etui M vtidays in tchruu>j and June in t ve~ ry year. On Sunday evening lad, a man of the nrrne of Jonathan IvPCree ry, got into an affray at a place called Gorctown, about four miles from this place, and the blows which he had received on his head, put a period to his life between nine and ten o’clock next morn ing. A coroner’s inquest was summoned, who, after a ex amination of witnesses, returned a verdict, that his death Was occa lioned by blows received from the hands of iJiiha Gore—Gore is committed to Sanderfville jail. & will hint, his trial at rhe lupe rior court for this county. Miiledgeville Intelligencer. Boston, Jan, 5. “ 1 tie Scnoonet Jan*, Hall, arrived her*; this morning in 35 days franrOporro. He fays that aqcut ten days befrj- he failed it was reported a great.hatilc had been fought between toe h rench and Spaniards ; and that the la'ter were defeated with the loti of 30,000 mein. Bona pa re w?s fa id to be on the frontiers of Spain with a large army, the Spaniard*, and Porroguife kept up their {pints nutwitfcftanding. the report.” Supply of the U. States with Salt. A late enquiry on this very important j fiihjmfi, m the House c f Reprcftntauves of the U. Slates, has fuggefied the publica tion ci the following fads. r I he Silt Works on the Onondaga Lake in the date of New Y A rk, could, if properly aian.iged, furni(l> a much greater quantity ci o.;ii than they do at present; it is known that they have nude more than 14.0,000 t bushels in one year. The /pangs arc so a. hundint that probably twenty times as much coaid he made there; ) There arc aifo aiher very valuable springs throughout the Geanrflbe country ; & near the uut-iec of the Cayug 1 hike. Bonaparte his had the following return made ro him of the number of jew.; in all the different pans of the globe, viz—ln the Turkish Empire, 1,000.000; in Per ft a, China. India, on the e-it and weft of the Ganges, 300,000; in th-* weft of Europe, Africa, ini America, 1,700,003, nuking a pt puiatiou of three miUu.t. c . London paper, Negro Intelligence. 1 I't Saifbury j ail N. C. a n.-gro fellow who fays he btion? s to George Thompson, Mor gan county, G; irgia, on the waters of big Sugar Creek —his left hip has been put out of place. In Brunswick Jail (V. A.) JESSE, who fays he was fold f*y W re. Alexander of war. ten County N. C. to Dudley Hargrove of Hancock in Georgia—his right arm (tiff in confcqmnce of being (hot some time eg ». — In Colleton Jail FRANK, alias Match, about 5 feci Bor 10 Inches high—from his contradictory reports there is no learning who his tnalier is. TIED, a (rw da’-j reo fn S, Card Hr-i, Mr. I s ich las Buco ; thpfc who knew him eftecned tun foe his patriotic qualities and the gojdnelM of his hfa.l— be has left a difccnfolate Widow and a. great circle ol friends to mourn. | Just Published. And for Sale at this Office, the Georgia and South-Carolina. j ALMANAC, j ) For the Year 1809. \ Containing, hefidcs the usual muter, the Declaration of Independence, an elegant 'I reaiifc on Astronomy, with a variety of | Anecdotes &c.-»—Thofc w!io ptirchafe by j wholesale (hall be scccmvnodatcd on liberal f terms for ready money. November 5. Dancing School . Mr. Colmefnil, j Refpedfully informs the in- i habitants of Auguita, *nd its vicinity, that he intends to teach DANCING one qiar ter more, which will ciofe *.;is School for this season : Me begs thole patents who widt to give that genird actr» ijlidiinent to 1 their Children, to feed them to his School j wbh all the c. nfi.i nee hrflatt- s h'mfeif to dtfrrvc, by th» aner rion and gi-i's he utket, tor the pr .(io r s ol hb pin; i■. §3” Subscription will be open j fmm this until the 25 b of February—no i Scholar will be admitted for less than a Quauthk, J*»r., 28. (if) TO RENT. That Fifty Acre Lot, In the neighborhood of Town, whereon Mr. A. Rhodes former ly redded.—Apply to THOMAS GARDNER Sc Co. Jar.nary 28. (if) THE BOLINGREEN Jockey Club Races, Will comirenreen ths lafl Weducdlay in February next, free for any Hotfs Mare, or Gelding, fretn atty part 01 the world. ¥he Pu fes arid Diflaucts as flit ivs —VIZ: First day's limning, three mile heats, for a puife cf 300 d;;!i j rs. Secantl day's running, .wo mile heats, for a nurfo pf too dollar*. Third day’s running, a fwccplhkes one mile heats* tor the entrance money and overplus. The weights and regulations agreeable to the edabhfhed Rules. By order cf the Ptt EVIDENT. Oglethorpe county, January 28. !jt) Notice, THE fubferibers arc under the paintul neccliity 6! ending on their old cuf. terners who ate ftdi in »r cars ro come for ward for an immediate fettlcment, as they arc determined n )t to credit them any longer uti ii they liquidate their accoun - sand make i partial pivm*n‘. It rmtll be all our enftomers that ! it would be unneerfl ry to ; (lign any reasons for a/’lir,g thus ; thrfe who have Ivsn y.ur.o tcal may exp.e£t to have a credit extended to them as ufo.-d, hnr nn lender indulgence will be granted to those in arrears under any pre text w! a 1 ever. The fubfcrlbers return their warmest thanks 1 to their friends f;r the vstv liberal J agement they have hitherto rect ived, and ;.f -j fine th;»n that no pairs and attention (hall I>e wanting on their psr» tofipply them with j every article in their Fnc of bdlnefs on mo dern.e terms. ; H. DOYAL&Co. January 28. ( 2 t) j ■■ ■■■■■■ . . . - To Sheriffs. Executions will be forward ed from this office, by excry mail ■ j between the date of this and the j 1 ftrllof April next, to forneone.or 1 more of the (heri/ls of this liatc. They will confulc their own int-T -dt therefore, by applying in per son, at the Polt Offices in 1 heir refpedive counties, and receiving t their letters as early as poliibie after the arrival of each moil. GEO; K. CLAYTON : T reafurer. 'treafury Office> Georgia, Mil/edgevilkt 2 U Jan. ib o <>. * For Sa Ir 1 ' A Plough and Waggon Horfc, AND At! O— * A Riding and Chair pJorfc, Apply to T. BARRETT. J:m. 28. # ' . Sheriff's Sale. On the jiff Tuefday in March next, at the Court-honje in the town of IVaynejhorobetween the usual hours Will be Sold, 1 000 aci es of land in G \y nn coun ty, * Ijoinno; lands of Robert Marn'orl and otheis, also, two hundred two am a half 0- cres of land in the full difbtef ir Wifkfnfotr county, number 267, the abCvy tracls of land levied on, and pointed out by Colonel John Milton ns fccuiity for Col. Robcit Watkina decealed. ALSO, 333 acres of land in Burke coun ty on Boggy.giur adjoiningJamla of Travis Fcnn, and Henry Hughes, also, nioety.cight acres of land adjoining (he fame in Lid coun- Boggy gutt adjoining lards of Jcfeph Daniel and Snrah Matthews, ihea bove tracts levied 00 as the property cf A lexander G. Gordon to fatisf y an execution in favor of Taylor and Morre. ALSO, 1 hree qinrters of ah acre lot in in the town ot vVaynclburougn, with a boole thereon now in the occupation of William Stone, taken as the property of Edmond Lowe, at the inllance of Geo. Powell guar dian oi S. and P. Wyles min *B, Jofcph Perry, Sheriff. January 28. ) Sheriff's Sale. On the firft Tuefday in March next, at the Market. lltuft in the city of AugvJla, at iht v/ual hours, Will be Sold, One undivided seventh part of 1 eight hundred acres of land on Savannah Ri*er in the county of Richmond, at pre frnt occupied by Ml*. Tabitha Harris, bounded originally by Savannah River on the esftr by hn Ja of William Dabney Cawthorn, on the Sooth Sec. levied on a* the portion or lb ire of Michael Harris in fai l entire traff, to latiify Executions in favour of Jacob Danforth and Campbell fc Nti fo* sgainft (aid Harifr, & pointed out by the plaintiffs. ALSO, 202 \ acres of land in the Bth district ia Wilkinson county, No. 354, levied on as the property of James Knight, te fatisfy a judgment in favor of Oranber ry Floyd, again# fait! Knight and J ,hn , Daniel, levied on snd returned to me by Joha Fj!ch:rcoofl:ab!c.—Conditions Caflu A. RHODES, s. r. c. January 28. ,{ S t) Notice. T liofe persons who are Rill in debted, cither to the fobimhtr or to the late fi-mef TAYLOR if MOORE, are hereby ii formed that every account and note rot paid by the firft of March next, will after that period be put in fair indifcriraihately. T hide therefore who wish to prevent extra exp-nfes, will apply jo Whffts. John HiH anil Co. irt v/hcifc hands the becks and pa pers of thcnfoicfaid fi,tn aod cf the fubferi ber, arc lodged, and who are cuthorifcd to receive payment and give acquittances, Augustus Moore. January 14, (eowy.) GEORGIA, Effort county. By Richardson Hunt es quire, on: of the Juf. m>j of- ile Court of Ordinary for fad county, and elt.\andtr tope clerk cf /aid Court , VI J HERE AS Robert C I hempfon end Ro. *■ bm ft'aitins hove applied to vs for Utters of udmimjiTuiiun in the (fate and es. Ji!h of Drur , rhmpfon Jur.. late of fad eoumy tu eaf. d. 7 HERR ore therefore to cite and admcrrjk all and fngulrr the kindred and creditors of Jaid deceojed, to be. and appear at my of. fre within the ‘itr.c preUribtd by Into then and there to fhen cavje (if any they omn) why feid letters Jhouid rc: be granted. Given under cur hands the zoth day of "January, rgog. R. HUNT, j, c. o b, c. A PC PE c. c. c. e. c. GEOR GI a , Effort County. By RiJiatdfon Horn Efaiivc o'-eef the fuf* liees of the Court of Oioinary for fend count)’, and -Hex vele r Pope clerk of j id Court. \ ▼THERE O Their.a< IV'lk-ns h«t n&s V plied to ns for filers rs /Idmini/tra. lion or the efiat* of ‘)ohn Wilkins of 'Jaid county dec. . 7H t b.E are then fore to cite and < d 10011- ijh ell and jiikulpr :‘te kindred ond cr tot tort of fail dec ajed, to <« r.d ~ppe . *■-before He honor ah ier.jurtoi Ordinary within the time prescribed by h w 10 Ji.c: us any they car.) why fad Inters 'fault not’be granted. Givn ilkC'r our hards the ,©<A day of January, \ 809. R. RUNT, j, c. o. b c. A, POFEt c. c o b c.