Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, January 28, 1809, Image 4

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Brux, Stokes & co. Inform their friends and the public gsenera'ly, that they have taken the C iiom >wi<)us Stores & Ware~Houfes fronting the Rivqr, and fcnonwn by she n.»**»e of M'Kfnoe’* Jow-r Warc- Hcufc. - From the fixation and fafety of the buildings; and their intention of being entirely attentive to the interests of thofc who may favor f!i?m with th ii confmandt. They anticipate a (hare of Patronage in »hia Km of bo(s'ic»V Their charges will be foch a* h>ve been established by their pre dccclfors. Jjn. 7.- [tf] VAUXHALL * Boarding House. Peter Donaldson , Having takenthelargeandcon vfn mi eftabufhmcnt lately occupied by JO SEPH CARRIE, tab* the liberty of in form! s; the public, that he has opened a BOARDlM(» HOUSE, where regular boar ders, or occafi-ioal visitors will be comfort, ably and pleafanfly accommodated, and on reaf.wabie terms. He will at any lime pro vide public dinners, or entertainment, for private parties on the fiiortcll notice, and in conformity to bills of dire&ion. £ Gentlemen can bt furnKhcc wt;h private rojms, and (applied with rcfreftiments at a ny time; federate and detached rooms will be furniflted to piivate lodgers, and the calls ofpeeafiona! vifilorc wilj be attended to, at <trn- lv»ur of the day. He will continue the Reading Room, for merly kept by Mr. Carrie, He has Imge and convenient STARLES, wh me HORSE i will he received and wc'l attended co, and kept on reafonablc term by the vear, month or single day. December 10. (ts) Take Notice. On the 26th day of November la I *, I gave to John Gray of Putnam coon ty, my note* to the amount of lirve hun dted and ten dollars,—Twenty of which it for twenty (be dollar* each, and one for ten do'lar*. Eight of said notei are paya ble thn fi-ft day of January ix**t, and the bs'bnce thirteen, t ay able the fid day of January 18to. I do hereby forwarn all perfom ftom trading for said note*, as tny intention it not to pay them, they beivg ©‘•tain d from me for theparchafe of a trsft of land !yi tg in Morgan county, rbe titlci of which I rxp'fled waa good, hut find laid Gray's claim info'ficient to indemnify a title. DAVID HENDERSON. Jan. 7. (3») Notice, Agreeable to an order of the ho norable Oaurt of Ordinary for the county of Richmond—WlLL BE SOLD, oa St lurday the ig;h day of March uext at the Market Houle In the city of Augafia, be tween the hours of ten and three o’clock. All the Negroes belonging to the cllateol Clcmfcy Morse Utc of laid county deccafcd, to be fold for the benefi of the heirs & creditors. Terms made kuown on the day of file, Ann Morse, admr’x. Rob’t Johnson, adm’or. January 7. (ts) Jm ■ - - - L Notice. ALL persons indebted to the el ute of Wi-ioughby Barton late of the ccun ty of Richmond deccafcd, are requeued to come forward and fettle their tefpeflive ac counts bv the 15th of February next, or th y wik find them in the hands of an offi cer for caileftwtn. James Barton, admT. January 14. (3O GEORGI A, Libert Count/. Superior Court, April Term, 1808. RULE NISI. tO. ,y *AH WOOD* Mid William Wood* exeew- J ton of the last will and leflament of Middleton Wood* dec. having netioned the court praying the forcclofii''. of Ihe ;qo'ty of redemptionof 111 and to a retain mft of land ennui aing two hundred a- Crt.oa the water* of Doves Cicek, joining J Ford Johii Staples, and Jawes Brown, in the county a forelnid, mortgaged hy Il.nry Gatewood to your petitioners, tdlate for th ; payment of the sum of four hundred Sc fisty one dollars together with ln lereft.—O i motion of cou.-.fel it is ordered, that, the principal interell aiuicoft due on said mortgage be paid uuto this court within t welve months from this date, or the equity or' redemption of in Sod to the said mortgaged premises will be thereafter for ever forecffiled and barred 5n terms of the aft in f nch cale mad* and ptovided and that a copy of this iul« be publilhed in onr of the public Oazctts of this (iite once a month for twelve months or serv ed on the mortgager or his Ipeclal agent at lea ft fix mouth* previous to the expiration of the said twelve months. Extrafffrom the minutes^ William Woods, Clerk. 14. 1808. [wiaarj ’ THE SUBSCRIBER Has a secure Lot at the Mar ket Square, for the reception of Horfcs, Hogs and Waggons. William Lyon. Dssemtorty. (ts) i Notice. That after the expiration of nine month* fretn the date hereof* application trill be made to the honorable the Jufticsi of the Inferior court, for the county of Lincoln for leavc-to fell the following traft* of land, viz: Five hundred and forty, fix acre* on the water* of Little river, joining Uod* of Jofhaa Grinage and Solomon Col lin*, likewise two hundred acre*on ftid li ver, joining landa of Wtn. Hunter, like wise one hundred and fixtv-four and a half acre* joiung landa of said Grinage, on said rivrr, likewise ninety fix acre* on the water* of Savannah and Little river joining the above one hundred and sixty-sour and a ha{f acre*, the above four tnfla of land being and fitcate in the aforefaid connty, being part of the real eftete of Shadirach Mina* dece»fcd. ELIZABETH MIMS, Ad«’rx. SEABORN MIMS, adetinifitator 05f> >flr2», 1808. n J Notice. Application will be made after the oK;>irmun of nine months, to the bon orablc 'H» Inferior court of Columbia coun ty, for leave to fril one hundred and thirty thr«e and a third acre* of lard, on the little Kiokee adjoining land* cf Therein Cobb, John Culbrcath and other*, fold at ♦b*»- quell, and for the benefit of the heir at 18- iia San v u.*n being their real tfiate, JOHN FOSTER, Gnwitan, Q&tfcer w, 1808. j 1119m.] 'Notice. Nine months after datcapplica tion wiii be ai*de Co the hsnorabc the In* ferior Court of Columbia county, for leave to fell one bundled and fifty two acre* of / land in said esauty adjoining land* of Mj chad Daugherty and lands bfloning to the eftateof Mcrryman Thorne, the fame being the redeftate of John A. D’Antigna. to he fold for the benefit of the bci;* and creditors of said deceafsd. JUKI AH Harris, Adoutriftra tor in -eight of hi* wife late adror’tx on said efiate. November f, 1808. (mqm) noTiceT NINE months from the date hereof application mill be made to >he hororable the Inferior court of Richmond county for leave to fell feverai small adjoining tracts of land, in and near Bed ford, bcintf the real eflate of John Rhodes, deca fed ; fold for th>’ benefit of the heirs and creditor*. Mary Rhodes, Adm,x. Mayrg. 1808. [mQtnJ Notice. Th»t after sine months, appli - «Mti«n will he made to the hexorabk infe rior court of filbert connty, for leave to fell the whole of the real estate of Thomas Carter lat* of ftid county dcccafctl, for the benefit of his hrir*. THO’S. S. CARTIR. d . . . CHARLES CARTER. j A * mr « •flaber 22, 18*8. f mg-xa] Notice is Hereby Given. That nine months alter date ap plication will to made to the honoiable In ferior cowft of Warren county, foi leave to faM two hundred two and a half sere* of land in the 13th tHßrifl of Baldwin ounty, number IJ3, adjoining Abraham Daphc!! aisdotbcr*, i* being the rral eflatc ol Dru rv M‘Coller» late oi "his county dectafed, for th<? benefit of the ktir». and creditors said dec. LAMES GRAY, t MICHAEL CODY. ( r Ofl-.Vrti 1 Soil mom '" ~ '■ ■ ■ -s Notice. AFTER the expiration ot nine month* application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Warren county, for leave to fell the following tradU of land, viz : zoal- acre* of land ia the roth didrift, Baldwin county, lot number 144, Also. 8o acres moro or less in Wirrsn coun ty, on the waters of Brier creek, granted to Story. Also, 50 acr-.s more or !ef* in Warren granted to Ths Chtldree, joining Stanford and Jonci. Also, 40 acre* in Co lumbia county, on the wafrs of sweet wa ter granted to Nathan Dtvis, joining Ro beson and Durden. Also, acre* in Co. lumbia county, granted to Gaxway Davit, * Joining Mullen and A"fley*» land, fold for the benefit of the hein and creditor* of Nathan Dtvjsdec. Reuben Magee, 7 t Ephraim Magee. 3 ' * November 12. (mqm) notice] NINE months after date application wMI be made to the honorable the Inferior court of *tf ichmond county for leave to fell 1 traft of land n Wllklr»r>n Ccu-ity, conialnlnp 20*4 acret, be ing No. 34, in ihe Bth clillrlft of said county— drawn by, and being of theeflateof Edward Hat rher deccalcd. HENRY HATCHER, 1 Adm’rs, B. F. HARRIS, J May 7, [mfm] | Cut Nail Mamfa&ory. E. WELCH, On the IVeJI-End of Broad-Street. With due respect informs the citizens of Augusta, ami the public that he is determined to persevere in his line of bull nefs, and to accommodate his cuftomcrs with a full fapply of Nails, He has extended the Faffory on a larger scale adequate to com. pletc 50olb per day, and has on hand 700010 of the heft quality of NAILS and BRADp, aflorted, which lie offers for sale at the fol lowing reduced prices torCafh only, viz— -Bd, lod, 12.1, 2cd, and 24;!, Nails at 7d per pound. 81, iod, 12J, aod, and 24;!, Brads at yd per pound. 2.1, 3d, and 4I Nails and Sprigs at fifty cents per thousand. Sadler's tacks 50 cents per thousand. ALSO, Sheet Iron for Gin Saws, Hoop and Bar Iron Affortcd. Four and a half & fix inch Spikes wrought for Mill and B’at building. Tacks fuirable to make Negro Shoes with at cents per thousand. November 26. ( ! 0 - - , , r r— - - - Notice. Nine months from thcdatchcrc *f application will be made to the honora abic the inferior court of Green* county, for leave to make till** to eight and a half acre* of land more or l*fs on the water* of Richland creek, in tka a fort Lid county, to AlexaniUr Carry, agtoeably to a contract made between him and Jams* Csopor d»«. Betty Cooper, ex’rx. Oftobsrzj, iBcB. • ■ 1 1 "■ rl 11 ' ’ " ' " ' ■* Notice. Ts! AT after the expiration of nine month* ap plication will be made to the honorable the nferlor Court of Greene county, for have to (ell one Lot with the improvement* thereon, in the To» n of Oreenrftv;nmjrh, known by number fit; »’«n. It beinr the real eftaJe of Janet Howe dec. to be fold fir the benefit of the heirs and credi tors of laid dec. Robert it owe, adm’r. May 21, [r. Qm] ’ notice:. NIKE months after date explication will be made to ihe honorable tht Inferior court 0/ R khmond county, for leave to fell one an e 1. 1 »i ' land with the improvements thereon, fi nate of the fou;h corner <.f Wafhinpton and Elliott (t'-eets, 1—Alfo, one lot of land in the 10th dilh ift of Baldwin county, ar.d known by No. 139 ; being the real estate of George Morle late of tin* count) dec —Sold for the l>encfit of the heir* & creditors. ANN MORSE, Adm'x, ROBERT JOHNSON, Adm'r. May f. [ nr, 9 r 'J ri 1— —" - * ~~ Notice. NINE month* altci date app’icatian will fc* made to the bocorahie (he inferior court of Columbia county, for leave to fell a tsaft of land in Lid county, on the water* of Little river, confining 167 acres.—Also, zoaf acre* in Baldwin, 5 No. 52, in the yrh difttift, being the real efrate of Charle* Dean deccafcd, for the benefit of the heiro. ANN DEAN, Adm’x. Wrighr(b<ro* Jane it, 1808. mgm. GEORGIA, IVciifen County. February Term, 1808. In c lhe Superior Court. John M'Cormick, ) Petition 9/ M dly Parker Ex'rx. I e/Ssmuel Parker dee. J Furtclo/ure. UPON the petition of John MCurtnick, praying ih# foreciofu.e of the Equity of redemption in all that traft ofland, fitna led lying and being in the county cf War ren and Stat* ol Georgia, containing one | hundred and fifty acres, being half of a trad granted to j’mes Raylcy, March sth one thousand seven hundred and eight, even. Begining, at a Poplar, Little Cretky unning North 70 Weft, sixty fix chains to at Red Oak, thenca South 20 *¥cft, forty fire chains fifty links to a Pine, thence South 70 Eafl to a Branch, thence with (he Branch to the beginning corner, whi<-h said traft of land was Mortgaged bv S amuel Parker in his life time to John M'Cormick, by Deed of Mortgage, bearing dare the tenth day of March in the yc«r of our lord, ►ue thousand eight hundred and fix, (he better to fecare the payment of five hun. dred dollats, and it appearing that Samuel Parker departed this life leaving p will, and thereby appointed Molly Parker his Ex ecutrix. On morion of Grefiiam Smyth the attor ney for the petitioner. It ts Ordered. That the principal, ir.fereft and costs due •n the said Mortgage, he paid into Court within twelve months from this day, or that the Equity of Redemption in the above defedbed Mortgaged premises be thenceforth forever barred and fareclofcd. And it ig further Ordered, that a copy of the fore going rule, he pub’ifhcd in one of the pub lic Gazed* of Angufta, once a month, for twelve months or served on the Executrix «f the Mortgager or her attorney fix months previou* to the time, in which the money is direfted to be paid into Court as afcrc taid. RxlraS from the Mimtes. J. TUCKER. CM, March 12. (mxzm) ♦ Notice. ; Propo'a's in writing wit! tic received until flup the firft of* Match next, fur H Building a Jail K IN GREENS BOROUGH, Bv UPON THE FOLLOWING PLAN, (viz.) To be built of stone, laid in lime forty four feet in length, and twenty.two in l| breadth—two rooms below for the jailor Sc |H - guard when nec';fl'*ry, one fixtecri feet square, rh; other fourteen feet in length, and Gxteeii I I in breadth, with a paiTige between, four I feet wide—Alfotwo rooms above of the faint 1% « Gze with thrl’e below, the large one for alf debtors apartment, the final! one for,a crim. «- inas apartment, with a flight of fttrpj an ,j I landing place in the between—Tht I * walls furrooruling the criminals apartment ta | be three feet thick, those furr.landing tbs Ks debtor’s apartment to be three feet thick at the ftdea, and two feet thick at the ends... Ba the checks of the doors and windows above Hit to be feeured by iron bars on each Ac the M, wail, rivirted together through the wa11... B. the tipper floors to have their Beepers laid HL i dofc together., and in th« criminals room the fieepers to hive iron bars let into them croif. Hf wife, fix inches apart, well feoored hy boll* B and then covered with two. inch plank... H. both the debtors and criminals room to be B< secured over head by (Long Beepers, laid en. M ' tirely close, and well fattened down--,the grates to be of iron bars of an inch fquarp, Im and as many sets in a wind >w as will en. 1% tirely break the lights-..the doors above to I | be lecnred hy iron bars (trapped inside a”4 IT I ou f fide, and secured by rivifs going through. The materials to be all furniihei by the I undertaker. Pcrer Early, / 1 p James Cunningham, > | i Thomas W. Grimes. J P. S. The propofils mull be directed to Mr. 'Thomas W. Grimes, Greenftnrougb, w' Greene county, Georgia. f November 19. (ijt) Notice. I Nine months after the date hereof, application will b* made to th* [? Honorable the Inferior Co«rt of Burks | county, for leave to fell two cert»tu trails ■ of land belonging t<v the E date of John Daniel dec, ouu Granted in the county of * ' Burke, on die watt r» of B ggy Gut Crcrk, adjoining land* of J -bn Bell and ©then, I containing one hundred and fi ty acre* nor* * •r left, f r Also, one other, fituatc in fa id V County, oa f.iid creek, adjoning land of John Sell and others, containing eighty t '■ five acres, more or left, fur the benefit of ■ the hein and creditors of fti 1 dec. I I Stephen Royal, Adm'r . " Dec. 14. fraqmj Notice. ■ That after the expiration of nine H mouths application will be made to the ha- B nora ! Jc Inferior Court of Greene county, (or leave to fell two hundred and twenty m five seres of land lying in Grcere county, M on Red land crock, joining fondsof Collier, ». Hemphill and Finley j it be Jug the teal es- M ta?e cf Ariftarchas Woods deceaM, and p to be fold for the benefit of the heiis and n crcditoro of (aid deccafed, James Woods , } , W Hannibal Woods. \ m rSm || December 3, (mgiuj Ip Will be Rented. I On F'iday the 17th, February next. jg The Plantation of Thomas B Monrc dec. and alto, two negroes hired, || some corn, cotton and fodder, fold. The terms of fa'e, will be made known on that .4 Also, all persons indebted to *’ the estate of laid dec. are requeued to come \ forward and make amediatc payment, all thufc having any demand* agauift the ftid ellatc are reqneftcd to lay in their accounts, agreeable to the time pteferbed by law, || LUCRETIA MOORE, Adm’rv. Wm. WILLINGHAM, Adm’r. I J an * 7- (jt) ' Will be Sold, I On the left Saturday in February nexf, on a credit of twelve months, and the pur. chafer giving note with approved fccurity, to the highest bid. der at the boufe ofSte. £ phen Royal in Burke ' County, I A Negro Girl Slave , I Named Ass, the property of John Daniel, I deceased, said nego being fold by order of I court (or the benefit of the heirs and cred° I iters of said dreeafed. I Stephen Royals, adm’r. I January 14. ( 3 t) J | Bills on New-York, At a (hort fight, for sale by Phelps & Howards. November a*. ftfj