Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, February 04, 1809, Image 1

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I AUGUSTA CHRONICLE. 1 ,mu ' 1 i * ~ “ rir ~ n - -- , w. i —,s j • i . A, , Jfu _ * *, . P^ OL> XXIII.] FREEDOM or thi PRESS and TRIAL *r JURY inall kimain inviolati. [No. ij63 Bka V • . - - - . . . - . . 1 ~ . ki . - - -■■* - - -»-• Hh —rr r-r= *■'•■ ■ *y«*V. a... .... . |' \ , ,‘r , > \ ' .." : 1 ; " Mi l/ G U S T A: (Georgia) Printed by D. DRISCOL, near the market. SATURDAY, lBO9, [3 Dolls, per Ann, - j ' l- r . ■■ - •■■! I T ■'■ ■ M ■■■■■ 16m til x■■ ■ * 'T'* 11 .**". 1 ' ' '"""’J 1 *■)"- •'■■■——■■* f .■■■■■• ■' “a, J,,,., ~ , , m _ -j\ - , in - ■ ■ ‘ ■■ ■■— 1 ■ ' ■■.!■■ ■ ■ .V7- '- r ■- - vV • S.:- r ' ”V Dancing School . H Mr. Colmefnil, Bfißefpedfully inform 1 ! the * in- Rjibitants of Augusta, and its vicinity, that |.j juji intends to teach DANCING one qu*r. more, which will cb'fe his School for |i%ris fcafon He begs those parents who ii Wlh ro give that genteel accomplishment to ir Children, to fend them to his School Sh all the confidence he fltrters himfelf to ;rve, by the at tendon and pains he takes, gjgfaf the progress ol his Pupils. i HfiCJ* Subscription will be open (ffirom this until the 25th ol February—.o Scholar w;ll b: admitted for }cfs than a ®QtTARTER. «> Jan, aB. (ts) R - THE BOLINGREEN ■Jockey Club Races, flft Will commenceon the last Wednesday in | nehruary next, free for any Hmfe M.ue or |#elding, from any part o* the world. The Pur/es and Distances as fl/evjs : —VIZ:— Ht First day’s running, three mile heats, for a |JBkir(e of 300 dollars, HR Second day’s running, two mile heats, Kwr a pnrfe of 200 dollars, jpg Third day’s running, a fweerft.'k'.s one Rdjpile heats, for the entrance money and ■Mftvrrplus. yß| The weights and regulations agrcthle to SRhe eftablilhed Rules. 11l order of the PRESIDENT. ci| Oglethorpe county, January 28. (51) 1 ■ Notice. f THE fubferibers arc under the Hjairful ncaflity of calling cm their old cuf. 'ißomers who are still in arcars to come For. T»ard for an immediate fettlrmcnt, as they r * -iß** deteimintd not to credit them any longer ■mi] they liquidate their accoun s and make payment, 'W It mud be obvious to all our enftomers that it would be unncf( flbry to aflign any rrafons ■or ailing thus ; those who have bren punr- Jjßual mav expeft to have a credit extended ro r’Hhrm as ofoa), hut no longer indulgence will ft|»e granted to those in arrears under any pre- Rwcxf whatever. |Kf The fubferibers return their warmed thanks their fpen«is f r she very liberal ercour. they have hi;h^rtoreceived, and as. IRhire them that no pains and attention shall R?e wanting on their part to fnpgly them with ar irte in their line of buftnefs on mo. | Rderate terms. I, H. DOYAL & Co. I January 28. ( 2t ) ■ To Sheriffs* jP Executions will be forward |«cd from this office, byextry mail |Bbetwcen the date of this and the Mfirfi of April next, tofomeoneor Hmofe of the ffien/fs of this Hate. jliThey will consult their own infr- Bcft therefore, by applying in per- Rpon, at the Port Offi'es in their counties, and receiving Jltheir letters as early as pollible Hafterthe arrival of each moil. X GEO: R. CLAYTON | Treafurcr. H 7 reafury Office, Georgia, WmMilledgeville, 2 d Jan , I*o9. I Attention! mm Monday the 30th of January instant, Pf I shall attend at she (tore houle of Doctor |HHarris for dittrift No 1, for the pufpofe of Mcollefting the tax dtf* for the year 1808. II On Tuefday the 31st at the house of Win. ■MLongftreet tfq, for diftrift No 4. I Ou Wednesday the firft dav of February, KJ at house of WilHam M‘Tyre cfq. for diftridl RNO6. K On Fhurfday the jnd at the house of Jo- Hendcrfon in Harrilburg, for diftrift 5. R ° n Friday the 3rd at the house of James M Fulcher cfq. fnr ciiftrifl number 2. H An(} or » Saturday the at the house of || James Collins cfq. for diftrift No. 3. « H. M'Tyre, t. c. I • January 14. * /^,j |4, All kind of Blanks [;i For Sale at this Office. I ' ■■ llll ■■■ " 11 1— (By Authority.) AN ACT To enforce and make more efle final an afi, entitled, (t An afi. laying an ernbarge on all flip* and veffrls, in the ports and bar lors of the United Sta'es,” -and thefeve ral alls Jupplementary thereto, HE it matted by the Senate and House of Rrpref ntatives of the United States of Arne rica la Cnngrefs Aflimhled , That if any pr fin or perf'inB (hall put, p’arc, or load-on board any (hip, vessel, boat or watercraft, or into anv cart, waggon, fled, nr other carriage or vehicle, with or without wheel*, any specie, goods, wares or merchandize, with intent to export, transport or convey the fame without the United States or the territories thereof, to any foreign place, kingdom or country, or with intent to con vey the fame on board any (hip or vessel within or without the limits of the United Sfa'cs, of with the intent in any other man. net to evade the afts in which this aft is a funplcment, all such fpccie, goods, ware* and merchandiz*. and a If.) the (hip, vessel boat, water craft, cart waggon, fl-d or o ther carnape or vehicle, on board, or in which the f.tmc may he so pur, placed, or loaded as afon laid, shall be forfeited, and the person or persons so putting, placing or loading in (he fame as rtorefaid, and also the aiders and abettors therein, (hall upon cct viftion, be adjudged guilty of a high mifdemeamr, and fined a fnm, by the court before w hich the ronviftion is had, equal (o f wr times the value of forh fpecic, goods, wares and merchandize. Provided howev er, That this feftion (hall nor he conftrurd toextend toany person orpetfons, notbeing the ower or own ers of such fpecic, geds, ’ waies or merchandize, who (hall firth inform l and make complaint to the colleftor of the diftrift of anv such offence committed with in the fame diftrift; and any informer or informers not being the owner or owners as aforefaid, upon conviftion of the offenders, Jball be entitled to one haff of the fine afore faid, when the fame (hall be received by the United States, and (kali he entitled to cer. ■ tifkate for that pnrpofe from ihe court be fore whom the con vision, (hall b shad. •Sec, 2. And be it further enafied, That it (hall not be lawful to pur on hoard any (hip, vessel, or boat ofany defeription w has , ever, any species of goods, M'ares or mer \ chandize, cithcrof domeSicor foreign growth produce or manufacture, and the fame is here- . by prohibited unless a permit particularly (fa ting the articles thus to he laden (hall have been previously obtained from the collector the diftrift in which such (flip, vessel, or boat may then be, or from a revenue officer fpecidly avihorifed by the colleftor to grant fuvdi permits ; nor unless the lading (hall be made under the inlpeftion of the proper rev enue officers, nor unless the owner or owners ccnfignec or (after of such (kip, vessel, or boat (hall, with thereafter, have given bond wiihone or rfiore furetit* to the U. States in a sum fix times the value of the vessel and cargo, that the veff-l (hall not leave the port without a clearance, nor (hall, when leav iig the port, proceed to a foreign port or place, nor Avail put any article on board of ?n ’ other vessel; and that the whole cargo (hall be relanded, either in the port where the vessel may then be, or in such ocher port of the United States as (hall he designated ia the clearance. And it (hall •he lawful for the colleftors of the ratoms to refute permif ficn to pat any cargo on board any C* h (hip, r ffel, or beat, whenever in their opinion tierc is an intention to violate the embargo, or whenever they (bail have received inlfruc tions to shat (ffeft by dmftion of the prefi drnt o( the United States. Provided , that nothing contained In this feftion (hall be cenftrued toextend to any (hip, vcfltl, or boat, unifoimly employed in the navigation only of bai ', founds., rivers and lakes, with in the ju ifdiftion of the U. States, which (hail have obtained a general permission, a grrcjhly so the provisions in the fourth fac tion of this aft. Sec. 3. And he it further mailed , That t! c owner or owners, consignee or faftor, of any (hip, vessel, or boat, as deferihed in the preceding feftion, which may, .at the time when notice of this aft (h ill be received at the feverai cuftem fv uses refpeftively, be la den in whole or in part, (hall, on notice gi ven by the colleftor, either difeharge such cargo or givebond for the fame, in the man. rer and on the conditions mentioned in the preceding feftion ; and if the cargo (hall not lie difeharged w itbin ten days or the bond given within three days after such notice, the fliip, vessel, or boat and cargo (hall be wholly forfeited : But the colleftors are ‘hereby authoris'd to order or to cause the cargoes, of such vcffcls to be difeharged fer the fame causes as they may refofc permission to put any cargo on hoard of vessels not yet laden in whole or in part. And they are likewise authorifed in the meanwhile, and until the cargoes (hall have been difeharged or bonds gilcor as the case may be, to take \\ ■ -• ; 'I,. v; Cv* :% ■ - • ;v I coflcflion of (och vcffels, and to tike such * other measures as may be neccffary to prc. vent their departure. Sec. 4- And he it further enaffed, That the collators of the cuflbmi be, and they are hereby amhorifcd to grant, .under such pen. cral inflruftions as the prefidcnt of the Uni. ted States may give to that effect, a general permiflion to (hips, vcffels, or boats, whose employment has uniformly been confined to the navigation of hays, founds, rivers, or lakes, within the jnrifdiftion of the United States, when it can be done without danger of the embargo ceing violated, to take oh board at any time (uch articles of domestic or foreign growth as may be designated in such general permiflion or permiflions, bond with one or more furerics being ,prcvioully given to the United States by the owner, owners, confignce, or faftora of such (hip T'ffsl, or boat, and by the tnafter thereof, in an amout equal to three hundred dollars for each ton of the find vessel, that such vef. fel (ball not, during the time limited in the condition of the bond, depart from any dif frift of the United States without having previously obtained a clearance, nor until the raafter or commander (hall have deliver ed to the colleftor or farveyor of the port of departure a manifeff of the whole cargo on bond, that the said veffft (hall riot during i thcatirae above mentioned, proceed to any o. th* port than that mentioned in her clear, ance, or put any article on board of any o. ther vessel, or be employed in any foreign trade; and that on every voyage or trip the whole of the cargo (hall be landed in a port of the United States within the bay, found rivers, or lakes to which the navigation of such veflVl is confined. Sec. f. And he if further enaStd , That if any (hip, yeffel or boat, not having re ceived a general permiflion, and a general bond not having been firft given in the man ner provided for in the next preceding feftinn (hall take on board any specie, or any goods, water, or merchandize, either of foreign or domestic growth pr dnee, or manufafture, .contrary to the provisions of the second fic tion jnf this aft, such (kip, vessel, or boat, together with the specie and goods, ware* or Merchandize, (hall be wholly foifcited ; and the owner or owners, agent, freighter, or hrftors, m after or commander of such (hip, vessel, nr boat, (hall moreover severally for. feit and pay a sum equal to the value of the (hip, vessel, boat, and of the cargo put on board the fame. Sec. 6. And he it further enabled, That the person or persons whefe names do or may appear as owner or owners of any (hip or vessel either on the certificate of registry, enrollment, or lioenfe of any such (hip or veflVl, orifnetther registered or liernfed, on the last clearance or coflom.houfe document issued before the pafling of this aft for such fliip or vessel, (hall he reputed as the true owner or owners of such (hip or vessel, and be liable to the payment of all penalties which may be incurred by the owners of such (hip o r vrflel, bv reason of any violation oi any of the provisions of this aft, or of the aft laying an embargo on all (hips and vcffels in the ports and harbors of the United States or of any of the afts supplementary thereto, by such (hip or vessel: Provided always, That noting in this feftion con tained (hall be con. ft rued to release any other person or persons from the payment of any penalty incitrred by virtue of any of the afts aforefaid. And in case of any new register or licence being gran, ted daring the continuance of the said afts, or in case of the sale of any (hip or Vrfle! nci ther registered or liccnfed, a bond with one or morefurcties to the United States (hall, previous to the granting any such new reg ister or license, or to recognizing the sale of such vessel not registered or liccnfcd, be re quired by the colleftor, in an amount equal to three hundred dollars for each ton o( such (hip or vessel that such fliip or vessel (hall not during the continuance of the afts laying an embargo on all (hips and veff*s in the oorts and harbors of the United S ates, contravene or infringe any of the provisions of the said afts ; Provided, That nothing herein con tained, (hall he conftrocd to extend to the owner or owners of any (hip or vessel who (hall have nude a bona fide sale of such ship or vessel, in any port or harbor of the Uni. ted States, before notice of this aft at such port or harbor, refpeftivcl) ; nor to the ow. ner or owners of any (hip or vessel, in any foreign port or place, who (hall have made a bona fide sale thereof, before notice of this act: And provided also. That such bond (hall not release the owners and maftcr of such (hip or vessel or any other perfoh from the obligation of giving every other bond required by this act or by any of the acts a forefiid. Sec, 7. And be it further enabled, That in all cases where cither under this aft or un der the aft laying an embargo on all (hips or vcffels in the ports and harbors of the U. S.' or under any of the afts fupplemenrary there to, a bond hasbeeuor (hall be given to the U. States with condition that certain goods, wares and mcrclit ndizc or the cargo of a vessel (hall bt rclandcd in font yon of the U. S. the party df parties to (itch bond* (hall within two months after the date of the fame (unlcfs in the case of a voyage from New-Orleans to an Atlantic port, or from an Atlantic port to New-Orleans, in either of which ccafcs four months (hall as hereto, fore be allowed) produce to the collcftor of the port from which the veflel had beep cleared with such goods, wares, merchan dize or cargo, a certificate of the relarding of the fame from the collector of the proper ( port; on failure whereof, the bond (hall be put in suit, and in every such suit, as well as in every suit inftintcd on a Iwnd givers for a voyage from of to New-Orleans judg ment (hall be given againfl rhe defendant or defendants, unlcfs proof (hall be given of such relanding, or of loss of the veflel at feat But neither capture, dittrefs, nor any other : accident whatever, (hall be pleaded or givert in evidence in any such suit; Unlef* such capture dia l be expressly proved to "have been hostile, and such dittrefs or accident occasioned hv no intelligence or deviation, nor onlefs such veflel (hall have been from the commencement of the voyage wholly navigated by a matter, mate pr mates, ma riners and crew, all of whom (hall be citi zens of (he U. States, not unlcfs such mate or mates, marmers and crew, (hall al) if li ving, (and the proof their death (hall licoir the defendant) be produced on the trial, and fwnrn as competent witnefles, nor onlefs ftfch matter, mate or mates, mariners and crew, (hall have signed a (hipping paper, in due form of law, and a copy thereof,4icfignating fpcctfically the matter* mate or mates, ma riners and crew, and their permanent place* of refidcnce, (hall have been lodged with the collector of the port, to whom the bond a forefaid (hall have been given before tht commencement of the voyage and fubferibed and sworn to by the matter before such col ' lectoa, and any matter who (hall falfely* wilfully and corruptly swear as to the fact* contained in such copy, (hall, on convicti on, fuffer the pains and penalties of perjury. And in every.foit instituted on a bond given as aforefaid, the defendant (hall pay all cofls, if they (hall not within the limitted time ' have produced the certificate of relandirg to . the collector of the proper port. Sec. 8, And he If further entitled, That no registered or sea letter veflel, although in ballafl, (hall receive a clearance, or Ire per mitted to depart from any port of the Uni ted States, unlcfs the fame bond (hall have been previouttp given which is required from velfels licensed for the coatting trade, before they arc allowed to depart.. And if any such (hip or veflel (hall dc.-iart without bond ha ving been given as aforefaid ; and the own er, or owners, agent, consignee, factor, and matter or commander of such (hip or veflel, as well as any other person concerned in such prohibited departure, (hall be liable to the fame penalties imposed by law in the case of veflela licensed for rhe coaftirg trade, de ( parting without bond having been given, or without clearance, as aforefaid. Sec. f). And be lt further entitled, That the collector* of all the diflricts of the Uni ted States, (hall, and they are hereby autho rized to take into their cuttody fperie or a. , ny articles of domettic growthi produce, or 1 manufacture, found on hoard any Ihipor vef fcl, boat or other water craft, when there is reason to believe, that (hey are intended for exportation, or when in vcflels, cans, waggons, fleigbs, or any other carriage, or in any manner apparentlj on their way to wards the territories of a foreign nation, or the vicinity thereof, or towards a place whence such articles ar* intended to be ex ported ; and nor to permit such articles to he aemoved until bond w ith fvfiicient fore tics ihall have been given for the landing or delivery of the fame in some place of the U. States, whence, in the opinion of the col- Icflor there (hall rot he any danger of such article* being exported. Sec. 10. And be It further entitled, That the powers given to the cullertors, either bv this or any other aft refperting the embargo, to refufe permiflion to pnt any cargo on board any veflel, boat, or other water craft, to detain any veflel, or to take into their cus tody any articles for the purpose of prevent ing violations of the embargo, (hall be exer* cifed in conformity with furb inftrurtions as the prefideut may give, and fu< h general ru'es as he may piefcrlbe for that purpose, m ule in pursuance of the powers aforefaid ; which infkxnrtions and general rules the col- Jcrtorsfnall he bound to cbev : And if any artion or suit be brought against any col leger or othei person acting under the di rections of and in pursuance of this art, he mav plead the general iflue, and give this art and the intt'urtlons and regulations of 'he president in evidence of his jnfl’ficalion and defence. And any person aggrieved by the arts o' any collector in either of the cases a forefaid, may file his petition before the diftrirt court o( the difttirt wherein the cnl i lertor rtfides, flaring the farts of his c?fe, ! and thereupon, after due nodcc given to the J diftrirt attorney and the colle.rtor, the court may (ummardy hear and adjudge there upon as law and jidliCe may a require, and the