Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, January 26, 1816, Image 1

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[ AUGUSTA 111 CHRONICLE ,: ft, ii i• - . ■■■ ' " ~ ~, ' 1 ~ ~ V f VOL. XXX.] Freedom of the Press and Trial by i*solaUL [No. 1439* L—-- ——. • Jmm .. -**-•- •■> K PRINTED BT 6EQIU3M MJMS. HpAJP-iWMM. . . .Jt & FRIDAY, JANUARY *6, me. pr* ■ 1 fames S. Walker, 1 Ig JUST RECEIVING The balance of his Importations of , pry Good, Cutlery, J&fdware & Ironmongery, Which render his assortment complete for the Country Trade. \ Merchants and others buying by the / quantity* will be induced to purchase v ( from the very low advance ai which the Goods will be offered—Cost and ; Charges in Cotton, Tobacco, or good Paper, will be accepted lor the whole, I or any part sold at the most reduced 3 prices. it addition to his former advertise s ment, he is now opening , I BALES London Duffil Blankets f Ditto /r - $ Ditto Kerseys lor nsg*o dotlung $ ’Ditto tow, flax and Strelitt Osnaburgs Cates Irish Linen | Trunks Leno Muslin ’ l Case Shawls and Handkerchiefs ; I Ditto Cotton Kerseymeres & Worsted j Stockings, "■$ Do, Wprsted & Lamb’s Wool Hosiery • I Bale Superfine Cloth# & Kerseymeres M Cases Locks, comprehending a great :# * variety, v *fi Cask Sad IrqnS Smiths’ Tools assorted, Sheet Iron, Jfatpnt Shot, White Lead ! And a number of small articles. r -*AL3O Pair Mill Stones In front of his Store. iH January 19. fit f NOTICE. |pH£ subscriber having determined , 3HL do removing to New. Yot Yearly in the Spring, wishes to bring his business |n this place toa v close as speedily as .possible, he will thereiore sell his pre> V" ,Wnt stock of DRY GOODS, (compris fihg a most ekcelleul assortment) upon Ivery accommodating terms, either by . Wholesale or Retail, and any person to purchase the whole, shall ifjbave a great bargain, and for a part of amount a liberal credit will be given desired. —He also Offers— ' v||A Small parcel of Waggon Tire Iron, . #3O Casks Copperass, ' J Sugar and Coffee in Bands, *1 Powder and Sliot, - A Good Horse & Dray# I ALSO —The Substantial built Boat, |b Comet. y7§ All persons having claims against him, ■(M will present them lor settlement; and those indebted to him are requested to %jf make payment immediately. A. Camfield. January 19. 2t : I Fresh Garden Seeds M Just Received per the Lucy rom Liverpool —And For Sale by A. Spencer, & Co. J:nua.y 19. 8t ■ ;| REMOVAL. ■M * | 'HE Subscriber ha*T«tnoved bis Store to A Air Leigh’s Urge building on Centre ? •tree,., near.tlie Bridge, where he w ill continue iqi th GROCERY & DRY GOOD BUSINESS.— ... J We will also attend to any COMMISSION v * BUSINESS entrusted to his care, and will a* \VK have on hand such Goods as will best suit ,|| his country customers. He hat at pretent in Store, a quantity yf %. PRIME *UGAB & COFFEE, M? IJUIN, BALT, &C. » . Which he will sell on his usual low terms, ■M wr cash or produce. ‘ If Richard Bolan. 1: 19. ts ft BILLS ON NEW-YORK ’•if For Sale by the Subscriber . Francis Link. •■§[ i'fattiiy.i9. ts FOR SALE, ~ A HOUSE and LOT upper end of it *** Bt «d-streer, an exceiknt situation &>r bunnta?, Enquire at this afficc. January 19, $ Wm. Sims, & Co. Bate just received. And are Now Opening, a very Gene ral and Extensive Supply of Woolen, Cotton & Silk GOODS: —ALSO— Hardware and Cutlery, Real Jamaica Rum, Muscovado Sugar, &c. &». AH of which they will sell at a very moderate advance* November 10. NEW STORET * 1 . : i*i ‘ 1 HuglvTaylor Stfßobt. S.Sayre Raving entered into Copartnership, are now opening,four doors above the Post-Office in Augusta, A Handsome Assortment of Staple & Fancy GOODS, of the following description4:* \ GENERAL assortment of super. jLjl fine, common & coarse broad cl ,th* Fine and coarse Cassimercs, Royal Ribb and Sattinett, Bui Itng cord and Stockinett, Blue am! Green Poieice cloths, Lyon Skins and Flushings, Coatings and Baizes, Fine and coarse Domitts and Flauhels* Rose and Point Blankets, London Duffil and Bristol Blankets, Black and colored twilled Bombametts, Black and colored plain BojnbaZeus, Black, Whiu and colored Florence and Levantine SilkS, Black and White Italian crape. Black Chinese and Canton Orange Figured Rattinett, Cotton and worsted Hosiery, Irish Linens and Long Lawns, 0 French and Dutch Linen Cambric, Cc.ttun shirtings and cambric dimity, Dimity and while Jeans, hewing Silks and cotton threads, 4-4 and 6.4 Cambric Muslins, 4.4 and 6.4 Figured Jackonet Muslins, 4.4 and 6 4 Figured Mul Muslins, 4 4 and 6 4 Figured and plain Leno Muslins, 4.4 and 6.4 Figured and plain Whip nett Muslins, 4 4 and 6-4 Plain Book Muslins, 4.4, 6 4 and 7*4 Whipnctt Shawls, 4 4 and 6.4 Leno Shawls, 4-4 and 6 4 Fancy Silk Shawls, 4 4 and 6- 4 Black Barcelona Handkfs. 4.4, 5-4 and 6.4 Fancy cotton shawls, Madras and Pullicat Handkerchiefs, Fancy cotton ditto Cotton, Flag and Bandanna ditto White, black and pink Sarcenett, Black Floientine and Black Muslin, Russia Diaper and Crash, White and colored Marseilles, Ribbons and Galooas, Long and habit Silk and Kid Gloves, Silk and Cotton Suspenders, Brown Linens and Platillas, Collicoes and Ginghams, Fine Straw Bonnets and Artificial Flowers Pack and Pound Pins and Needles, Tortoise Shell and Mock Combs, Ivory fine tooth and Pocket Combs, Carriage and Saddle Mowing, Moccoboy and Scotch Spuff, Castor and Raram Hats, Leather and Morocco Shoes and Pumps, Kid and Morocco Slippers, Jackson Ties and Perry Laces, Writing and Wrapping paper. Blank books and Spelling boobs, Saddles and Bridles, Seven small Copper Stills, Cut Nails and Coppeas, —An Assortment of— Hardware, Cutlery & Groceries. Iron and Steel* Powder and Shot. Best English Mill and Cross Cat Saws* November S ts Lafitte & W. Brux, , HAVE JUST RECEIVED, —Amy QFFERFOK SALE— At their usual Reduced Trices, An Exteusive Assortment of , GRpCERIES, Fall & Winter Goods AMONG WHICH ARE — 10 Hhds. ) R , c 34 Bhls \ Muscovado Sugar 6 Ditto Double Refined Loaf do. 3 Ditto best white Hmtanah ditto, 6 Tierces Green Coffee, A Bags Pepper and AUpice, Almonds and Raising, Fresh Hyson Tea, latest importation, LUBlwine 4 Casks best White Wine Vinegar, Old Cognise Brandy, Holland Gin, Fourth Proof Jamaica Rum, Molasses* 15 Tons Bair Iron, assorted, 3 Ditto Sheet and Hoop Iron, An Extensive Assortment of Nails* Ditto do., do, of Cutleiy, Guo and Hiflj Locks,. Raaora, 2000 ibs. Bar Lead, “ Shot, assorted, « by lb Window Glass, i 500 Bushels Liverpool Ground Salt, Assorted Crates Crockery, Cloths and Casaimeiresi Fearnoughts* Rose and Duffil Blankets, ts cgfo Plants, Calicoes, Muslins, Cambrics and. Shirtings, Irish Linens} Linen Phaißaa and Bjitannias, Flannels, Bhmhaaetia aid BombaZecm Stockinett, ’ 3 Cases i Diuo Shawif : 3'Ditto Cotton Hose, v , Atism tment of— Bladk Barcelona HandkctchicL, Shawls, ' ' D&ily Expected, One Trunklw SILK RIBBONS, &c. shipped per schooner Ann, from Phila delphia, 31st last August, marked L & W* B, or L, §£ii. No. 12. Exch^ge 1 on New-Y-xk. Decembor r 2. if THE «lDsclUhp:rß “ Have connected themselves in Busi ness, under the firm of Collier & Marye* They have on .hand a pretty Gene i ral Asbortmeut of Jf ry Goods MfyMWERIESi Which they will dispose of on reason able terms for Cash Or any kind of country produce* T heir store is id the upper and of Broad-street. ’ Negro Shoes By the Quantity. • Edw’d. W. Collier, Hob’t. V. Marye. Dtcember fyf', A ' ’ ts FOR —On Consignment, Prime- Sugars and Qq/Fe. Liverpool Ground & Turk’s Island Salt. ' •* Isaac La Roche* January ... .-ts I TUfir! SUBSCRIBERS Hare Just Received, in addition to their former Stock, A Variety of Fancy Articles* A COMPLETE askor unent of school Books, Copy Slips, Drawing Paper, Paint Boxes and Brushes, kc. Holland Gin, Cogniac Brandy, Teoeriffe Wine, &c* Ac. William Suns, fit Co# Novcmbar 10* ts 1 ■ ' far-gi-Miii-TTTapiWt New Store. Samuel Settle , & Co, Have Just Opened, fit the JV*e w house, two doors below Messrs, Davenport & Penn, at the upper end of Broad^street, A Large and General Assort ment of Seasonable Goods, ALL of which, having been selected with greal care from the marietta of New-Yotk and Philadelphia* can be sold by the piece or othcrvmr, on the most reasonable terms for Cash, country produce, or good town paper* Tire Cititens of August* and ita vi* oiatty are respectfully invited to site htm .a call* N. B. —They have an Elegant 4*- sortment of Goods in the MILLINARY LINE. January 112. if ♦ ' *. •, - —*— ■ . m, Brux & Scurry, HAVE JUST RECEIVED, At their Ware-Hotlae near the bridge, 40Packages Choicest Seasonable Good§, Which they offer for sale very low for Cash, Cotton or approved paper* January iS. ts '* cot. Bert Greeo Crtfe*. For Sale by , Mackenzie St Ponce. January i 3. if From Liverpool, Per Ship Georgia, lately arrivedi EXTRA superfine mill'd Cloths and Cassimcrcs, fashionable colors. Real Merino and other Flannel*, various colors, Bombaieits of all colors,' Dress, Cambric.fc Furniture.iO)mities, And two trucks superior light and dark Prints, , : , J ist Received and For Sale by Ware, Stuart, & Co. Who have now on Hand, A Compile Assortment of DRY GOODS, Hardware, &c, ■* •—-TOGETHER WITH— Superior French Brandy, Warranted Genuine. ' Sugar, Coffee. P<lpper, Alspice and Gingr,e Iron, Steel, Share Moulds, Waggon Boxes, Trace Chains, Nails, Ve.&c.We. All of which will be disposed of on the most accommodating tefms* January 5* ts J. & B. Howard, Offer for sale at a moderate advance, A very General Assortment of Dry Goods , Hardware, Cutlery & Groceries, in ii ■ VIZ— ■ «* 10 Hhds. Muscovado Sugar, 2 Da. Double Retiacd Loaf ditto, 40 Baggs Prime Greene Coffee, SO Tons Axe and Tire Iron, 95 Pieces best Inverness Bagging, 14 Do. do. do. do. 13 Boxes Whittemore's Superfine No. - , 10 Cotton Cards, Hyson Tea, Wool Hats, tee, be. &K January 5. tlf