Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, March 01, 1816, Image 1

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S.> ■ b> r' 3 AUGCSTA m CHRONICLE rm * -- nr ijaai rt — l r r-*Vr- —. -- r VOL. XXX.] „ jrnedMt-.tfjfr. Pff*> ana iriA .> *nry shall rtmjin i&iohOe. iml * PRINTED BY GgOHQF, AVJJttl* d-m h*et. FRIDAY, MARCH 1,1816. I 'll ~ --"Ys ,a "ffir '* r* it--t i '1 —t‘ iV I'lirr'i —‘HT i i I I j *r~ .« inmi iii m 1 11 * Tfc« Subscribers Having formed a connexion in Business under the firmof A. Bugg,££Co. Art Now Opening 'at the Bride Store first door above the Chronicle Office, Jin Extensive Assortment of DRY GOODS Hardware & Groceries* which they will dispose of on the most reasonable teims, for Cash, pro-, duce or approved Town Paper , Consisting of the following Articles ; BLUE, Black and Mix'd Superfine Broad Cloths, # Blue Ditto ditto 2d quality ditto. , Cassiravie, Blue, Dis k, Grey, Diftb and mixed btockint ts, JBombf Z tift and Bomhi.zelts assorted# ..nJ Red flannels ditto, j oiincts cl th< latest fashion, i Bale London Duffu Blankets, Irish Linens and Cotton Shirtings, Calicoes and Cambrics, Pink, LylaC, Buff and Dark stripe Ging hams* Stripe Cambric Ginghafrts ditto, While and Colored Maisailles quilting, Princes Cord and York Stripes, Book Muslins, Lappet-Leno Muslins, Purl Sprig Ditto, Drop Nett Spots ditto, • Tamboured Whip Nell ditto, , Check Gauze ditto, Plain Lend Muslins, Tape Stripe ditto, ,Hair Cord ditto, fancy Stripe ditto# Ladies’ White Kid Glovesj Ladies' colored ditto, ■ Lace Veils, Tortoise Shell Combs, Cambric Dimity, common ditto, Maddapollams, Cravats, Fancy Cambrics bordered, 3-4 St 7 4 Elegant Merino Shawls and F nry ditto, d-4 Rich sk ditto, 7-4 do. >aum ditto, 5 4 du. Fancy colored ditto, Fancy Check imitation ditto, Ditto. Sprig uitto, Cotton Umbrellas, Diaper a nil D .mask Towels, 6.4, 8- 4 and 10 4 Damask Table Cloths, M.idrass, Pubic t and Romal Handkf’s. Wapcy cotton dit , 4 4 and 6 4 cott n Check, Cotton and W orslcd Hoaiery, Cotton Suspenders, One box Hats, Mill, Whip, Cut and Hand saw Files House and Wood Rasps, Polishing files, and Screw plates, Carpenters and Coopers Adze, 'Compasses, Iron Squares, Joint Rules \ an ! Hammers, Hooks and Hinges, 6 Casks assorted Locke, consisting of Knob, iron rim, double bolt pad, closet, chest and draw Locks, Tutania Spoons and 24 setts complete Desk Furniture, is Anvils—Shot assorted sizes, Hammered German Steel, Patent Weeding Hoes, *4 Kegs White Lead, zo Hhds. Prime Sugar, zo Bags Prime Green Coffhc, 19,000 Waggon Tire Iron. John Tanner, Anselm Bugg. February 16. it SOHhds. M SS£Li 10,000 Cwt, Best Green Coffee, For Sale by lackenzie & Ponce. January i 2. „ t s I BILLS ON New-1 erk Philadelphia, fQR SALE Y A. Slaughter & C. Labuzan. December i. If * f ;G. &D. HUDSON, Offers For Sale, nearly opposite Mr. John Millers, south side Broad-Street , Ah Assortment of DRY GOODS, Groceries, &c. On Reasonable Terms. They particularly invite their Upcotin try friends and acquaintances to give them a caP. February 9 fit Gentlemens Clothing An Additional Supply Just Received, with a quantity of Great Coats AND SPANISH WRAPPERS. Also a full Assortment of Childrens’ and Youths’ Suits, of all sizes, For Sale by the subscriber . C. S. Buckle. February i6> 3t William Sims, & Co. HAVE JUST RECEIVED, In addition to their former Stock, ▲ variety or French and English Goods; •—Among which are the foUmving— LEVANTINES * French Lustrings, assorted colors, 5, 6 5c 7-4 black and white Lace Veils, 5, 6 & 7-4 ditto ditto Shawls, Black and white Lace Handkerchiefs 6 & 7-4 Satin Utmask Shawls, assorted figures, 5,$ Sc 7 Black Levantine Shawls, A variety of fancy shawls 8c handkerchiefs Black Silk Handkerchiefs,. . Best Flag Bandannoes, Black and White Wide Crapes, Black and White Silk Lace, Ridicules, with Gilt and Plated Clasps, Do. Plain Sc Florentine Silks, painted, Ladies’ complete Pocket Books & thread Cases, Long and Short, and white and assorted Kid Gloves, .Black and white Silk Habir Gloves, Mens’ and Womens* black and white Si k Hose, I't ench Cambric Handkerchiefs, Black Florentine Vesting, Whitt and Rose Sarsnctt, Taffeta Ribbons, assorted. Side and Cotton Umbrellas and Parasols, Mens’ and Womens* best Beaver Gloves, Cologn Water and Shaving powder, Gilt and Colored Visiting Cards, Beeds, Ear Rings and Bobs, and Watch Trinkets, Memorandum Pocket Bocks, Best Superfine Black* Blue and Olive Broad Cloths, Double Milled Mixed Cassimere, Ditto do, ' Extraßlack*Blue do. White Marseilles Quilting. On the River & Daily Expected, 15000 Shear Moulds, 30 Tons assorted Iron, 6 Bags Pepper, 30 Barrels and 3 Hogsheads Rum, 20 Hogsheads Muscovado Sugar, 4 Ditto Double Refined Loaf do. 100 Bags Prime Green Coffee 24 Boxes No. 10, Cotton Cards, 8 Cases well assorted Saddlery, 6 Casks assorted Shot. v All of the above articles will be sold at thf: most reduced prices, cither Whole sale or Retail, as my uit Customers. February 2. g t FOR SALE, A NEGRO Woman, an excellent Look j also a Negro Mao, accus tomed to the river~tolow fop Cash* Ap ply at this office. Feb. 16. Us'tw Store. Samuel Settle , & Co. Hat# |ust Opened, In the New httnse, two doors below Messrs. Jfyvi'npot & Penn, at ike Vfper Broid-street, A Large afcd Cenexal Assort • of Seasonable Goods, ALL of which, having been selected with |jk&| dare from the markets of New. York aitj) Philadelphia, can be sold by the otherwise, on the most tcrms fi»r Cash, country produce, or good town paper* The Citizens of Augusta and in its Vi cinity ate; respectfully invited to give , them a call N. have an Elegant As -, sortmeru of Goods m the •. v MUJuINABY LINE. January E« t s I*OR SALE —On Consignment , Prime Sugars and Cojfee. - LSO— Liverpool Ground & Turk’s Island Salt. Isaac La Roche. .1 ami try 5. t s ~ FOR SALE, : 20 Hhds. M “‘ c ;™ do 4 Hhds. iUiaegar. 8 ’ At our Ware. House. Barrett & Sims. Taylor & Say re, Offer For Sale at Reduced Prices , A Handsome Assortment of Stapled Fancy Goods —And have on Consignment— -30 Casks Cut Nails, 10 Barrels Cordials, 30 Ditto Copperas, 20 Ditto Coffee, 20 Sags Ditto. February x, ts- M‘Keiiziefef Bennoch Have Received, per the Ships Geor gia and Lucy, direct from England , 300 Packages British Goods, -Consisting of-——. RY GOODS, generally assorted Hardware and Cutlery; also x 5 Tons Casting a, viz: Pots, Ovens, Spi ders, Waggon Boxes & Kettles; also 200 Pieces Cotton Ragging, best quality, Which, together with their assortment of French Fancy Coeds, they offer for sale by the Piece, Package or Retail, for Cash, Produce or Town Acceptances only. January 26. g t Alexander Bryan, Has Just Received from New-Forh, A Large Supply of Fashionable Goods, Which, with his present Stock, forms a General Assortment of Hry Goods, Hard Ware, Cudery, Saddlery Iff Stationary. All of which will be sold oq reasonable terms, either at Wholesale or Retail. February 9* # i Brux & Scurry, ■ have just received, At their Ware-Rouse near the bridge, 40 Packages Choicest Seasonable Goods, Which they offtr L> sale y «y low for Cash, Cottun or approved paper. , January i 2. (f THE SI?teCHtBERS Have connected themselves fn Easi ness, under the firm of Collier & Marye. They have on hand a pretty Cette ral Assortment of DRY GOODS, AND GROCERI , Which they will dispose of on reaipfly . terms for Cash *r any kind of country produce. Their store is al the upper end of Broad-street. Negro Shoes By the Quantity. Edw’d. W. Collier, Rob*t. V. Marye. Dttember 99. ts Augusta Bank Shares FIFTY shares in this Bank, being papt of the estate of Wm. Ross, dec. will • oe sold to the highest bidder before the Post Office on Wednesday 4th April next, on a credit of 90 days, purchaser: giving bond with approved town security. Thomas Gardner, r , Adam Hutcheson, 5 X * Fehrmry r 6. ts Lahtle & W. Brux, HAVE JDST RECEIVED, —AND OFFER FOR SALE— At tfyeir usual Reduced Prices, An Extensive Assortment of GROCERIES, Fall& Winter Goods —AMONG WHICH ARE — 34 Bbls S ® est Muscovado Sugar 6 Ditto Oouole Refined Loaf Ho, 2 Ditto best white Havannah ditto, 4 Tierces Green Coffee, 8 Bags Pepper and Alspice, Almonds and Raisins, Fresh Hyson Tea, latest importation, Malmscf, Madeira, T -w-r -r «-V -*■ L, P. Tenreiffe; \ \\/ IN K, Sherry & Claret j ’ v XX Y X-J 4‘ Casks best While Wine Vinegar, Old Cognise Brandy, Holland Gin, Fourth Proof Jamaica Rum, Molasses, 19 Tons Bar Iron, assorted, 3 Ditto Sheet and Hoop Iron, An Extensive Assortment of Nails, Ditto do. do. ofCutleijf, Gun and Rifle Locks, Razors, 2000 lbs. Bar Lead, Shot, assorted, 8 by 10 Window XBass, 1500 Bushels Liverpool Ground Saltj Assorted Crates Crockery, Cloths and Cassimeres, Fearnoughts, Rose and Duffil filanki ts, Negro Planes, Calicoes, Muslins, Cambrics and Shirtings, Irish Lipensj Linen Platillas and firitannias, Flannels, Bombazetts and Bombazbeu. Stockinets, 3 Cases Handkerchiefs, 1 Ditto Shawls, 2 Ditto Cotton Hose, —An Assortment of —r Black Barcelona Hanukercfeieiv Shawls, &c Bcc. Daily Expected, One Trunk of SILK RIbBONS, shipped per schooner Ann, from Phila delphia, 31st last August, marked L. & W. B.orL. B No. i*. Exchange on New-York. December 22.